R21-128 RESOLUTION R21-128 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 5 FLORIDA, APPROVING TRANSMITTAL OF THE CITY OF 6 BOYNTON BEACH STATE HOUSING INITIATIVE 7 PARTNERSHIP(SHIP) PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT FOR FY 8 2018-2019; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE 9 CERTIFICATION TO ACCOMPANY THE REPORT; 10 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 WHEREAS, Florida Statute 420.9072 regulates State Housing Initiative Partnership 13 (SHIP) Program; and 14 WHEREAS, The State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program is created for the 15 purpose of providing funds to counties and eligible municipalities as an incentive for the 16 creation of local housing partnerships, to expand production of and preserve affordable 17 housing, to further the housing element of the local government comprehensive plan 18 specific to affordable housing, and to increase housing-related employment; and 19 WHEREAS,the Statute requires that each county or eligible municipality shall submit 20 to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation each year a report of its affordable housing 21 programs and accomplishments through June 30th of each year; and 22 WHEREAS, the report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local 23 government's chief elected official or his or her designee; and 24 WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff, the City Commission deems it to be 25 in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to approve 26 transmittal of the City of Boynton Beach State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program 27 Annual Report for FY2018-2019, and authorize the Mayor to sign the corresponding Local S:\CA\RESO\SHIP Annual Report Transmittal(2018-19)-Reso docx 28 Housing Certification. 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 30 OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 31 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are true and correct and are hereby 32 ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. 33 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby 34 approves transmittal of the City of Boynton Beach State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) 35 Program Annual Report for FY 2018-2019, and authorize the Mayor to sign the 36 corresponding Local Housing Certification. 37 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 38 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of September, 2021. 39 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 40 41 YES NO 42 43 Mayor—Steven B. Grant ,✓ 44 45 Vice Mayor—Woodrow L. Hay ✓ 46 47 Commissioner—Justin Katz 48 49 Commissioner— Christina L. Romelus ✓ 50 51 Commissioner—Ty Penserga 52 53 VOTE 54 ATTEST: 55 56 57 C stal Gibson, MMC 58 City Clerk 59 (Corporate Seal) S:\CA\RESO\SHIP Annual Report Transmittal(2018-19)-Reso.docx State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Annual Report and Local Housing Incentives Certification On Behalf of City of Boynton Beach (Local Government),I hereby certify that: 1. The Annual Report information submitted electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation is true and accurate for the closeout year 2018/2019 and interim years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 . 2. The local housing incentives or local housing incentive plan have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. Including,at a minimum: a. Permits as defined in s.163.3164(15)and (16)for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects;and b. There is an ongoing process for review of local policies,ordinances, regulations,and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3. The umulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit,from these actions is estimated to be$ 0 4. The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit,from these actions is estimated to be $ 0 Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report to FHFC: Michael Rumpf,Planning&Zo g Administrator IAA/An/v. _. �_ 'A �. Wi ess Signature Date C ief Elected Official or Designee Signature Date trti 5-FA( aaavv//// (T`jsj h Mayor Steven B.Grant Witnkss Printed Name Chief Elected Official or Designee Printed Name 4A-Att-4 q 3(-1I10Z( ro FOR 4k)%11/4dWitnSignatur Date AP.R7jAIV CITY AITtR i Witness Printed Name or ATTEST(Seal) ti Signature Date :.r, k ; i t C s"`f KQ 420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal of the report.The report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. Transmittal of the annual report by a county's or eligible municipality's chief elected official,or his or her designee,certifies that the local housing incentive strategies,or,if applicable,the local housing incentive plan, have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented pursuant to the adopted schedule for implementation. R21-128 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Title: SHIP Annual Report Report Status: Unsubmitted Boynton Beach FY 2018/2019 Closeout Form 1 Page 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership Expended Encumbered Unencumbered Code Strategy Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units 1 Purchase Assistance with $19,000.00 1 Rehabilitation 3 owner occupied rehab $73,935.00 3 5 Disaster Assistance $4,881.85 1 Homeownership Totals: $97,816.85 5 Rentals Expended Encumbered Unencumbered Code Strategy Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Rental Totals: Subtotals: $97,816.85 5 Additional Use of Funds Use Expended Administrative $9,869.10 Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income $52.85 Admin From Disaster Funds Totals: $107,738.80 5 $.00 $.00 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Source of Funds Amount State Annual Distribution $98,691.00 Program Income (Interest) $9,361.96 Program Income (Payments) $1,057.00 Recaptured Funds $.00 Disaster Funds Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year -$25,077.41 *Carry Forward to Next Year: -$23,706.25 Total: $84,032.55 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form 1 Form 2 Rental Unit Information Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Description Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed ELI 440 471 565 699 864 VLI 732 784 941 1,086 1,212 LOW 1,171 1,255 1,506 1,740 1,941 MOD 1,758 1,882 2,259 2,608 2,910 Up to 140% 2,051 2,196 2,635 3,043 3,395 Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") Source of Funds Produced Amount of Funds Expended to through June 30th for Units Date % of Total Value SHIP Funds Expended $97,816.85 27.85% Public Moneys Expended $36,720.00 10.45% Private Funds Expended $208,587.00 59.38% Owner Contribution $8,146.48 2.32% Total Value of All Units $351,270.33 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab FL Statute Compliance Category SHIP Funds Trust Funds % of Trust Fund Minimum% Homeownership $97,816.85 $73,613.59 132.88% 65% Construction/ Rehabilitation $81,666.85 $73,613.59 110.94% 75% Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides Income Category SHIP Funds Total Available Funds %* Extremely Low $32,150.00 38.26% Very Low $46,666.85 55.53% Low $.00 .00% Moderate $19,000.00 22.61% Over 120%-140% $.00 .00% Totals: $97,816.85 116.40% Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Income Category Total Funds Mortgages, Total Funds SHIP Total SHIP Total # Mortgages, Loans & SHIP Grants Grant Funds Units Loans & DPL's DPL Unit#s Unit#s Expended Extremely Low $32,150.00 2 0 $32,150.00 2 Very Low $46,666.85 2 0 $46,666.85 2 Low 0 0 $.00 0 Moderate $19,000.00 1 0 $19,000.00 1 Over 120%-140% 0 0 $.00 0 Totals: $97,816.85 5 $.00 0 $97,816.85 5 Form 3 Number of Households/Units Produced List Unincorporated and Each Over Strategy Municipality ELI VLI Low Mod 140% Total Purchase Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 with Rehabilitation owner occupied Boynton Beach 2 1 3 rehab Disaster Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 2 2 1 5 Characteristics/Age (Head of Household) List Unincorporated and Each Description Municipality 0 -25 26 -40 41 -61 62+ Total Purchase Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 with Rehabilitation owner occupied Boynton Beach 3 3 rehab Disaster Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 2 3 5 Family Size List Unincorporated and Each 1 2-4 5 + Description Municipality Person People People Total Purchase Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 with Rehabilitation owner occupied Boynton Beach 1 2 3 rehab Disaster Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 2 3 5 Race (Head of Household) Page 4 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 List Unincorporated and Each Hisp- Amer- Description Municipality White Black anic Asian Indian Other Total Purchase Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 with Rehabilitation owner occupied Boynton Beach 3 3 rehab Disaster Assistance Boynton Beach 1 1 Totals: 5 5 Demographics (Any Member of Household) List Unincorporated and Each Farm Home- Description Municipality Worker less Elderly Total Purchase Assistance Boynton Beach 0 with Rehabilitation • owner occupied Boynton Beach 0 rehab Disaster Assistance Boynton Beach 0 Totals: 0 Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Special Target Total #of Description Group Expended Funds Expended Units Purchase Assistance with Government Employee 19,000.00 1 Rehabilitation Form 4 Status of Incentive Strategies Incentive Description (If Other) Category Status Year Adopted (or N/A) Expedited permitting Permits defined in Required Implemented, 1998 s.163.3177 (6) (f) (3)for in LHAP affoardable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects. Via email, our division notifies the Plan Review Division (Building Department)of upcoming affordable housing projects. The Plan Review staff makes an effort to process the permits within 3 to 5 days. Page 5 Form SHIP AR2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Ongoing review process An ongoing process for Required Adopted 1998 review of local policies, ordinances, regulations and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. Impact fee modifications There is currently no Required Adopted 1998 provision for waiving impact fees. However, the City of Boynton Beach has in the past funded the Infill Construction Program from the general fund. These funds subsidized the cost of new construction for affordable units by paying permit and impact fees for new construction for very low and low-income families building new affordable homes within the CDBG target area. Palm Beach County allows existing use credit for residential construction on vacant lots that had prior residential use. This credit applies to residential and road impact fees, and can yield savings for up to two thousand dollars per home. Participating builder of affordable housing will be encouraged to apply for this credit and pass it on to the homebuyer. The City Manager will be petitioned to waive payment of development application, plan check and permit fees for all eligible certified affordable housing projects. Flexible densities The allowance of zero Required Adopted 1998 lotline configurations for affordable housing. The existing minimum lot size requirements in the CDBG area is thought to be sufficient enough to accommodate the desired development of affordable housing. Page 6 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Reservation of infrastructure A reservation mechanism is Required Adopted 1998 not necessary, as adequate capacity exists to serve any infill project initiated within CDBG target area. This assumption regarding roads, utilities and recreation is based on available acreage and density limits of the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. State concurrency laws require us to maintain adequate public facilities for everyone and to build new facilities once we reach 90% capacity. Reduction of parking and Current regulations require Required Adopted 1998 setbacks off street parking for two (2) vehicles. In an effort to maintain the value of property, while at the same time not causing any adverse effect on affordable housing, there shall not be modifications to current regulations governing this issue. Page 7 Form SHIP AR2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Modification of street Due to concerns for safety Required Adopted 1998 requirements and aesthetics, there will be no modifications to current regulations governing streets. In the older platted sections, waives of sidewalk requirements have been granted for developers on a case- bycase basis. These variances are usually granted in areas that are generally consistent within the surrounding localities. Consideration may be made in stances where costs involved will hinder producing affordable units. CDBG dollars will be expended on many streets within the target area to install sidewalks and curbing. Efforts to avoid the variance process with certification of those areas consistent with no sidewalks by the developer will be ongoing. The liaison from the Department of Development will expedite this certification process for affordable housing projects. Printed inventory of public The Community Required Adopted 1998 owned lands Improvement Division maintains maps of the current inventory of all vacant land including those properties owned by the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County within the target area. The City funds land acquisition in an effort to acquire land for potential pre-qualified homebuyers. This effort has resulted in considerable cost saving in the production of affordable units. Page 8 Form SHIP AR2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Other The Department of Required Adopted 1998 Development has been responsible for processing and facilitating affordable housing projects. The Community Improvement Division and Plan Review staff will oversee the projects certified as "affordable"through the review process in an effort to make sure that they are processed with three to five (3-5)days. The Community Improvement Division will be the developer's point of contact for all questions concerning the review process.The Plan Review Administrator will be responsible for expediting the building permitting process for affoardable housing projects. The designated individual(s)will have successfully guided and given these types of projects top priority. Staff will continue to obtain training in affordable housing development. Other The establishment of a Required Adopted 1998 process, in which the City of Boynton Beach will considers, before the adoption of any new legislation cost that may increase production of housing.The Department of Development's various division, will review any and all policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations and plan provision to determine what effects if any, they may have on the cost of producing affordable units prior to passage. The City Manager will disperse all information concerning ordinances in sufficient time needed to evaluate and comment on any impact it may have on affordable housing. Page 9 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Allowance of flexible lot Older residential areas of Required Adopted 1998 sizes the City of Boynton Beach CDBG target area have several nonconforming lots that were unbuildable due to lot size and frontage requirements. In order to allow single-family residences to be built on these lots an ordinance was adopted that modified minimum lot area per unit, lot frontage, and building setbacks (front, interior side, corner side, and rear). Support Services The establishment of a process, in which the City of Boynton Beach will considers, before the adoption of any new legislation cost that may increase production of housing. The Department of Development's various division,will review any and all policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations and plan provision to determine what effects if any, they may have on the cost of producing affordable units prior to passage. The City Manager will disperse all information concerning ordinances in sufficient time needed to evaluate and comment on any impact it may have on affordable housing. Other Accomplishments N/A Availability for Public Inspection and Comments The Annual Report was made available through Public Notice on September 08,2021 on the city's website. Life-to-Date Homeownership Default and Foreclosure Total SHIP Purchase Assistance Loans: 240 Mortgage Foreclosures A. Very low income households in foreclosure: 0 B. Low income households in foreclosure: 1 C. Moderate households in foreclosure: 0 Foreclosed Loans Life-to-date: 1 SHIP Program Foreclosure Percentage Rate Life to Date: 0.42 Mortgage Defaults A. Very low income households in default: 0 B. Low income households in default: 1 C. Moderate households in default: 0 Defaulted Loans Life-to-date: 1 SHIP Program Default Percentage Rate Life to Date: 0.42 Page 10 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Strategies and Production Costs Strategy Average Cost Disaster Assistance $4,881.85 owner occupied rehab $24,645.00 Purchase Assistance with Rehabilitation $19,000.00 Expended Funds Total Unit Count: 5 Total Expended Amount: $97,816.85 Strategy Full Name Address City Zip Expended FY if Unit Code Funds Already Counted Purchase Taralyn Pratt 3201 Orange Street Boynton Beach 33435 $19,000.00 Assistance with Rehabilitation owner occupied Mildred Rich 2031 N Seacrest Boynton Beach 33435 $16,150.00 rehab Blvd owner occupied Lillian Adams 1501 NW 1 St Boynton Beach 33435 $16,000.00 rehab owner occupied Loretha & 513 NW 9th Avenue Boynton Beach 33435 $41,785.00 rehab Leverne Gass Disaster Eric Van 4218 Royal Manor Boynton Beach 33435 $4,881.85 Assistance Gelder Blvd Administration by Entity Name Business Type Strategy Covered Responsibility Amount City of Boynton Beach Government All 100% $9,921.95 Program Income Program Income Funds Loan Repayment: $1,057.00 Refinance: Foreclosure: Sale of Property: Interest Earned: $9,361.96 Total: $10,418.96 Number of Affordable Housing Applications Number of Affordable Housing Applications Submitted Approved Denied Page 11 Form SHIP AR2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Explanation of Recaptured funds Description Amount N/A Total: $.00 Rental Developments Development Owner Address City Zip SHIP Amount SHIP Compliance Name Code Units Monitored By Single Family Area Purchase Price The average area purchase price of single family units: 219,000.00 Or Not Applicable Form 5 Special Needs Breakdown SHIP Expended and Encumbered for Special Needs Applicants Expended Encumbered Code(s) Strategies Amount Units Amount Units • 3 owner occupied rehab $32,150.00 2 Special Needs Category Breakdown by Strategy Expended Encumbered Strategies Special Needs Category Amount Units Amount Units (3)owner occupied rehab Receiving Supplemental $32,150.00 2 Security Income Provide a description of efforts to reduce homelessness: The establishment of a process, in which the City of Boynton Beach will considers, before the adoption of any new legislation cost that may increase production of housing. The Department of Development's various division, will review any and all policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations and plan provision to determine what effects if any, they may have on the cost of producing affordable units prior to passage. The City Manager will disperse all information concerning ordinances in sufficient time needed to evaluate and comment on any impact it may have on affordable housing. Interim Year Data Page 12 Form SHIP AR2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 Interim Year Data Interim Year 1 State Annual Distribution $132,003.00 Program Income $90,552.56 Program Funds Expended Program Funds Encumbered $155,100.00 Total Administration Funds Expended Total Administration Funds Encumbered Homeownership Counseling Disaster Funds 65% Homeownership Requirement $155,100.00 117.50% 75% Construction/ Rehabilitation $155,100.00 117.50% 30%Very& Extremely Low Income Requirement $105,100.00 47.22% 30% Low Income Requirement $50,000.00 22.47% 20% Special Needs Requirement 0.00% Carry Forward to Next Year Interim Year 2 State Annual Distribution Program Funds Expended Program Funds Encumbered Page 13 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-38.008(5),F.A.C. Effective Date:5/23/2017 LG Submitted Comments: Page 14