R21-033 1 RESOLUTION R21-033 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 4 FLORIDA,ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE 5 FUND FOR THE BUILDING DIVISION PURSUANT TO 6 FLORIDA STATUTE 553.80 AND 166.222; PROVIDING 7 FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8 9 WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statutes 166.222 (Management of Building Code 10 Inspection Fees) and 553.80 (Building Construction Standards — Enforcement) the Finance 11 Department and Building Division are proposing to improve the financial management 12 process for Building revenues and expenditures; and 13 WHEREAS, Florida Statute 553.80 (Building Construction Standards—Enforcement) 14 states"the governing body of a local government that provides a schedule of fees shall create 15 a Building Permit and Inspection Utilization Report and post the report on its website"for the 16 public to see; and 17 WHEREAS, the creation of a Special Revenue Building Fund will facilitate the 18 segregation and tracking of the information needed for the report and will also ensure that the 19 monies collected are exclusively used to operate the Building division. 20 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 21 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA: 22 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 23 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 24 hereof. 25 Section 2. The City Commission hereby approves establishing a new special 26 revenue fund for the Building Division pursuant to Florida Statute 553.80 and 166.222. 27 Section 3. That there is hereby appropriated revised amounts to the General Fund 28 (see Exhibit A) in that the General Fund Revenues and Expenses shall be reduced by 1 S:\CA RESO\Budget\2020-2021 Budget\Establishing Special Revenue Fund For Building Division -Resolution.Docx 29 $3,069,949 respectively. This reduction will result in the creation of the Special Revenue 30 Building Fund's budget of$3,069,949. 31 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 32 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of April, 2021. 33 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 34 35 YES NO 36 Mayor—Steven Grant ✓ 37 38 Vice Mayor—Ty Penserga 39 40 Commissioner—Justin Katz �L 41 42 Commissioner—Woodrow L. Hay (/ 43 44 Commissioner—Christina Romelus ✓ 45 46 47 VOTE 48 49 ATTEST: 50 / 51 52 - /1A! ``AT / (90-- 53 Tammy Stanzion= 54 Deputy City Cle 55 56 57 58 (Corporate Seal) x 2 S:\CA\RESO\Budget\2020-2021 Budget\Establishing Special Revenue Fund For Building Division -Resolution.Docx CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Exhibit A EXPENDITURE&REVENUE AMENDMENTS BUDGET YEAR 2020-21 2020/21 CITY MANAGER 2020/21 ADOPTED Budget Adjustment AMENDED BUDGET Revenue Expenditures BUDGET General Fund(001) 001-0000-322.01-00 BUILDING PERMITS 2,500,000 (2,500,000) - 001-0000-322.99-00 PENALTIES ON PERMITS 35,000 (35,000) - 001-0000-322.91-00 FUND BALANCE 923,613 75,000 998,613 Adopted Fund Total Revenues 100,145,429 (2,460,000) 97,685,429 001-2411-524.xx-xx BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1,642,987 -1,642,987 0 001-1214-512.44-42 OFFICE RENTAL 4,484,700 -327,283 4,157,417 001-1211-512.43-10 ELECTRIC SERVICE 66,500 -4,855 61,646 001-1211-512.43-20 WATER/SEWER SERVICE 5,500 -402 5,099 001-1211-512.43-21 DISTRICT ENERGY PLANT 25,000 -1,825 23,175 001-1211-512.41-12 POSTAGE 50,000 -5,000 45,000 001-1211-512.91-13 TRANSFER TO DEVELOPMENT FUND - 534,948 534,948 001-1310-512.12-10 SALARY 307,219 -41,944 265,275 001-1310-512.21-10 FICA 23,502 -2,926 20,576 001-1310-512.22-10 PENSION 87,989 -6,316 81,673 001-1310-512.23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 42,059 -5,285 36,774 001-1310-512.23-40 DENTAL INSURANCE 2,182 -331 1,851 001-1310-512.23-50 VISION INSURANCE 256 -31 225 001-2211-524.12-10 SALARY 1,309,439 -95,079 1,214,360 001-2211-524.21-10 FICA 100,697 -6,630 94,067 001-2211-524.22-10 PENSION 349,707 -14,321 335,386 001-2211-512.23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 185,060 -11,980 173,080 001-2211-512.23-40 DENTAL INSURANCE 9,601 -761 8,840 001-2211-512.23-50 VISION INSURANCE 1,127 -71 1,056 001-2410-524.12-10 SALARY 751,507 -609,958 141,549 001-2410-524.21-10 FICA 60,874 -42,518 18,356 001-2410-524.22-10 PENSION 170,271 -91,885 78,386 001-2410-512.23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 121,972 -76,855 45,117 001-2410-512.23-40 DENTAL INSURANCE 6,328 -5,249 1,079 001-2410-512.23-50 VISION INSURANCE 743 -457 286 Adopted Fund Total Expenses 100,145,429 (2,460,000) 97,685,429 Building Fund(130) 130-0000-322.01-00 BUILDING PERMITS 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 130-0000-322.99-00 PENALTIES ON PERMITS 0 35,000 35,000 130-0000-381.01-01 FROM GENERAL FUND 0 534,949 534,949 Adopted Fund Total Revenues 0 3,069,949 3,069,949 130-2411-524.xx-xx NEW BUILDING DEPARTMENT(See attachment) - 3,069,949 3,069,949 Adopted Fund Total Expenses 0 3,069,949 3,069,949 DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET YEAR 2020/2021 DETAIL EXPENDITURES Exhibit B 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2020/2021 ACCOUNT Actual Amended Actual Adopted Ex•ense Bud I et Ex. nditures Bud et DIV 11 BUILDING 130-2411-524 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY Personnel Services 1,789,269 2,032,742 2,043,171 2,278,320 Operating Expenses 536,265 725,143 727,868 443,027 Capital Outlay 2,006 - - - Nonoperating Expenses 338,693 347,892 347,892 348,603 TOTAL S 2,666,233 S 3,105,777 S 3,118,932 S 3,069,949 Estimated as%of Budget 100.4•/. 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES 663,338 708,504 714,911 844,485 12-XX SALARY ALLOC- 2410 DEV 550,000 553,031 553,031 609,958 12-XX SALARY ALLOC- 2211 COMM S 91,000 93,215 93,215 95,079 12-XX SALARY ALLOC.- 1310 C.CLERK 40,000 41,121 41,121 41,944 12-20 HOLIDAY PAY - 500 477 - 14-10 OVERTIME 35,045 80,000 80,214 30,000 14-20 REIMBURSABLE WAGES 2,042 1,110 1,102 1,000 15-12 CELL PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,008 15-13 SHOE ALLOWANCE 885 923 885 1,470 15-20 CAR ALLOWANCE 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 19-99 NEW PERSONNEL/RECLASS - 3 - 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 52,280 58,925 59,297 62,243 21-XX EMPLOYER FICA ALLOCATION 50,000 51,054 51,054 52,075 22-10 GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION 214,149 183,382 183,382 218,763 22-XX GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION ALLOC. 11,000 110,316 110,316 112,522 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 353 350 404 227 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 3,746 4,200 4,256 3,031 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 59,776 30,824 34,034 84,118 23-32 CIGNA HSA 950 - - 23-34 HSA 5,750 6,500 6,437 10,000 23-40 DENTAL INSURANCE 3,077 3,777 3,147 4,364 23-50 VISION INSURANCE 370 460 378 512 23-XX DENTALMSION/MEDICAL INS ALLOC. 99,040 100,000 101,020 SUB-TOTAL,Personnel Services S 1,789,269 S 2,032,742 S 2,043,171 S 2,278,320 34-25 NUISANCE ABATEMENT - 95,000 34-40 TEMPORARY SERVICES (468) - 1,000 40-12 BUSINESS MEETINGS 3 200 20 500 41-12 POSTAGE 4600 4,542 4,542 5,000 41-15 CELLULAR PHONE/BEEPER 10,517 3,840 3,913 5,900 43-10 ELECTRIC SERVICE 3,500 3,464 3,464 4,855 43-20 WATER/SEWER SERVICE 100 78 78 402 43-21 DISTRICT ENERGY PLANT - 2,628 2,628 1,825 44-31 COPY MACHINE RENTAL - - 2,535 46-22 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 360 250 250 46-30 VEHICLE MAINT.-GARAGE 15,158 11,964 16,871 12,596 46-91 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 31,914 60,150 60,032 39,150 47-10 PRINTING&BINDING 841 750 694 750 47-21 MICROFILMING/IMAGING 9,056 9,000 8,920 8,500 48-21 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - - 500 49-09 SELF INSURANCE CHGS(W/C) 31,142 33,974 33,974 36,130 49-10 WAREHOUSE SERVICE CHG. 622 542 542 515 49-14 CREDIT CARD FEES 597 52,500 52,266 - 49-17 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SRVS 417,060 517,975 517,071 200,000 51-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,650 1,800 1,791 1,500 52-01 SUPPLIES 472 500 373 500 52-20 OPR EQUIPMENT<S750. 1,273 1,500 1,347 500 52-22 UNIFORMS 1,888 3,816 3,700 4,500 52-23 SAFETY CLOTHING/EQUIP. - 100 10 1,500 52-27 HARDWARE/TOOLS - 50 90 50 54-10 BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS 1,229 2,200 2,223 2,200 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 1,906 1,870 1,963 1,870 54-30 TRAINING 2,845 11,450 11,356 15,000 59-99 NEW PERSONNEL/SUPPLIES - - SUB-TOTAL Operating Expenses S 536,265 S 725,143 S 727,868 S 443,027 64-15 COMPUTER SOFTWARE - - - - 64-15 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2,006 - - - SUB-TOTAL Capital Outlay S 2,006 S - S - S - 72-XX PRINCIPAL&INTEREST ALLOCATION 329,000 327,383 327,383 327,283 SUB-TOTAL Debt Service S 329,000 S 327,383 S 327,383 S 327,283 SUBTOTAL. S 2,656540 S 3,085,268 S 3,098,423 S 3,048,629 91-30 TRANSFER/VEH.SRV.FUND 9,693 20,509 20,509 21,320 DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGET YEAR 2020/2021 DETAIL EXPENDITURES Exhibit B III 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 2020/2021 ACCOUNT Actual Amended Actual Adopted me Bud et Ex enditures Bud:et DIV 11 BUILDING 130-2411-524 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 2,666,233 $ 3,105,777 $ 3,118,932 $ 3,069,949