R91-030RESOLUTION NO. R91-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO UNDERGROUND INDUSTRIES, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT FOR INSTALLATION OF RAW WATER MAINS 4W llW FOR WESTERN WELLFIELD, BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND UNDERGROUND INDUSTRIES, INC., WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City had advertised for bids on January 23, 1991, for installation of raw water mains; WHEREAS, Underground Industries, Inc., submitted a low bid of $638,697.35; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to select the bid of Underground Industries, Inc., NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT~ CO}4~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boyn~on Beach, Florida hereby approves the award of contract for installation of raw water mains from Wells 4W llW for Western Wellfield Sun Valley P.U.D. to Underground Industries, Inc. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said Contract, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this -~ day/~.March, 1991. ci YNTO SEACH, FLORIDA //Mayo% , ~Vic~ Mayor v ~o~issioner Co~ss~on~r ATTEST: ( ~o~por~te~ Seal JAC/r - C-O mmi s ~i oner ' AGREEMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY~ FLORIDA This agreement dated this day of , 1991, by and between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called the Owner, and UNDERGROUND INDUSTRIES, INC. and hereinafter called the Contractor. WITNESSETH: The Owner and the Contractor, for the consideration stated herein, agree as follows: RAW WATER MAINS 4W - FOR WESTERN WELL FIELD (SUN VALLEY P.U.D.) ARTICLE I: SCOPE OF WORK The con%factor shall furnish all of the materials, tools, equipment, labor, and everything necessary to perform, and shall perform, in accordance with the specifications and the terms of this contract, the work of construction of the RAW WATER MAINS 4W llW, FOR WESTERN WELL FIELD (Sun Valley P.U.D.) Bid No.027-401-91and other appurtenances necessary for efficient and coeffective operation and shall do every- thing required by this Agreement, the General conditions, Special Conditions. Specifications, and the Drawings, which are attached hereto and made a part of this Contract as though bodily incorporated herein. Applicable drawings are entitled RAW WATER MAINS 4W TO FOR WESTERN WELL FIELD (Sun Valley P.U.D.) CC-1 ARTICLE II: TI[4E OF COMPLETION Construction work nnlst begin within-10 calendar days from the date of receipt of official "Notice to Proceed" shall be carried on at a .. rate to insure its full completion within 210 = calendar days from the date of official "; ' rotlce to Proceed", the rate of progress and the time of completion being essential conditions of this agreement. ARTICLE III: GENERA[, The Contractor hereby certifies that he bas read each and every clause of the Contract Documents and that he has made such examination of the location of the proposed work as is necessary to understand fully the nature of the obligation herein made; and will complete the same in .the time limit spo. cified herein, ir] accordance with the plans and specifications. All work under this con~ract shall be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer, who shall, ix] all cases, determine the amount, quality, fitness and acceptability of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for hereunder, and shall decide all questions which may arise .as to the fulfillment of the Contract on the part of the Contract; and his decision thereon shall be final and conclusive; and such determination and decision, in case any questions shall arise, shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Contractor to receive any money hereunder. Any clause or section of this contract or specification which may, for any reason, be declared invalid, may be eliminated therefrom; and the intend of this contract and the remaining portion thereof will remain in full force and effect as completely as though clause or section has not been incorporated therein. such invalid C C: - 2 Ail materials shall be subject to inspection, examination and test by the ~ngineer ak any and all times during manufacturer, and at any and all places where such manufacture is being carried on. The right is reserved to reject defective materials during manufacture or before they have been incorporated into the work. I]~spection Liability Failure of the Engineer to discover defective or non-conforming workmanship materials, equipment or other items shall not relieve the Contractor Of any warranty with respect thereto or any obligation of liability in connection with this Contract. Inspqction Notices The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City, County, State and other .inspection agencies whenever the work shall have advanced to a stage of completion at which inspections are required by various codes,~ ordinances and laws then in effec~ and for having the work available ~for inspection when inspectors of such agencies arrive. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in advance of the arrival of such inspectors. CC-3 --' ' A~{'i*icLE ~¥: ~==~uz,~L.~,~iE Q~UAN'I'ITIES AND PRICES' The Owner shall pay-the Contractor ~or all work included in and completed according to this contract, the unit prices shown immediately hereinafter, it is understood tha~ the quantities shown are approximate only and may not represent the actual amount of work to be performed. (The Bid Proposal of the successful Bidder mhall be conformed and inserted hereln on the next followin9 ps,em to become a part of the completed Contract Documents.) CC-4 FURNISH_ AND INSTALl.: ~? WA-12ER HA. INt I'OLYLINED 20" DIP WATER_ HAIN, rolJnlrlEl~ 16" DIP I~A~R HAIN, POI,yI,TNED 12" DIP WATER t'~IN, POLYLINED 8" DIP WATER }~[N, POLYLINED IRON POLYLINED LINE '-I QDADTITY UNIT 340 LF 2620 4680 3660 LF 220 LF 15.5 TC 12 .35 U~{IT E VALVE AND BOX 9 1~6." G_ATE VALVE AND BOX 2 EA I0 12_.'~ GATE_ VALVE AND BOX I I EA :Al, SAIII'LE P()iN As plan del: I 7 THREADED ROD RESTRAINT AT ( Pig RETRIEVER LOCATION VARIOUS SIZES 9 EA _.~. ~TERIAL FOR PIPE BEDDING ORDERED IN WRITING lO0 CY - ~ H'LACEHENT 120 ~!}~E~L~6-N~OUS CONCRETE IN TRENCH ~ITE TELEVISION SURVEY & RESTO~TION INEHENT PAVEHENT TRENCII' SAFETY, TRENCI~ES EXCEEDING 5' IN DEPTIt, _. {9 __PVC ELECTRIC CONDUIT, t," SCH 80 ' ~soo 20 HtGN VOLTAGE (I1V) HANI1OCE 3 21 RELOCATE EXISTD/~ 24" RA~,I WATER HAIN- '~T~RENU[IEg~XUEEI . 22 SECTION O2222A RE~,,r'~, ,,,, ,,~TNG ~N~E: { LS -- ~EE'r~-u~;6:- '""~"''()'~ 24 RAW WATER HAIN 20 LF -~ ~ TOThL BID BI'-2 ARTICLE V: PROGRESS PAYHEltTS Contractor shall prepare and submit monthly payments two (2) weeks prior to scheduled City Commission meetmng (first and third Tuesday of every month) on a form approved by the Projec% Engineer, a detailed estimate and invoice to tile Project Engineer covering the percentage of tho total amount of tho contract which has been completed from the ~tart of the job up to and including the last day of tile submittal, together with such supporting evidence as may be required by the Owner and/or Architect. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Contractor,s request for Partial payment by the Owner, the Owner shall make partial Payments to the Contractor, on the basis of the estimate of work as approved by the Owner's A ' rchztect, for work performed, less ten percent (10%) of the amount of such estimate which is all work ]las been performed strictly and until such work has b~en accepted to be retaine~ by the Owner until in accordance with the Agreement by the Owner. *SEE GC-17, FOR A3DI'J'IONS CC-5 ARTICLE VI: ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAY[4ENT When the work provided for u~der th~s contrac~ has been fully completed,~ in accordance with the terms thereof, a final estimate showing the amount .~f such work shall be prepared by the Engineer, and filed with the Owner and with the Contractor within thirty (30) days after the date of com~let~. The final estimate shall be accomplished by a certificate of acceptance issued by the Engineer, and stating that the work has been fully completed to his satisfaction, in'substantial compliance with the contract. the Owner', chargeable liquidated damages, and all deductions State Laws, or governing regulations[ the final payment shall be retained all monies expended by according to tile terms of this contract and thereunder to the Contractor, all monies payable to the Owner as provided by__the Contractor, Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Engineer,s final acceptance by the Owner, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor in the full amount of the E.ngineer's final estimate, payment of the final estimate and acceptance of such payment by the Contractor shall release the O~ner from all claims of liabilities to the Contractor in. connection with this contract. The project will be warranted for all items and Workmanship forgone {1) year from date of acceptanoe. CC- 6 ARTICLE VII: TItE CONTRACT DOCUNENTS The General Conditions, Detailed Specifications, supplementary Conditions, Bid Documents, (if applicable), Bond and the Approved Plans, together wi'~h this A~reement, form the Contract. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description SEE TABLE OF CONTENTS ATTACHED Attached Drawings -- Pages (insert page numbers from plans) SEE DRAWING LIST - GC-2, Section 3.1 ATTACHED CC-7 SECTION AFB IFB BP BQ KB PE GC SC CC BIB PEB PAB CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA RAW WATER MAIN - W~LLS 4W TO llW TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE N( CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Advertisement for Bids 1 Information for Bidders 1-5 Bid Froposal 1-3 Statement of Bidders Quall'fication$ Kickback Affidavit Public Entity Crimes Affidavit General Conditions 1-2~ Supplementary Conditions 1-4 Construction Contract Warranty of Title Bid Bond 1-4 Performance Bond 1-3 Payment Bond 1-3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 1-5. 01025 Measurement and Payment 1-6 01220 Prosecution and Progress 1-2 0~440 Required Tests, Shop Drawings, Certificates and Guarantees 015~0 Temporary Facilities and Controls 1-5 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK 02110 Site Clearing 1-4 02210 Site Grading 1-2 02222 Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting 1-9 02222A OS]|A Safety Compliance 02501 Soil Confinement Pavement 1-4 02614 Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) 1-4 02640 Valves and Accessories 1-5 02660 Water Piping General 1-7 02960 Site Television survey and Restoration of Surface Improvements DIVISION 3 CONCRETE 03300 Concrete 1-1t DIVISION 4 ELECTRICAL 16100 Electrical 1-7 CC-7' (A) L 3. DRAWINGS 3.1 Drawing List: The general character drawings listed ~hee c No. l 2 3 below:and scope of the wor~ are illustrated by the ~escription Title Sheet Location Map Ouan[it y Summary tqmter t{air~ Plan & Profile 5 , : Staa. 0+00 to 2G+50 : Water flain Plarl & Profile G Stas, 500+00 to 528+00 Water Maim Plan & Profile Staa. 530+00 to 538+00 & 7 300+DO to 31G+77 Water blain Plan & Profile Stas. 400+00 to 410+0G & 8 lO0+O0 to IlO+O0 Water Main Plan & Profile Sra. llo+O0 to llS+ga.G & 9 200+00 to 213+00 lO Pipe Schematic Well Sites Details CC-7 (B) ARTICLE ~III: INSPECTION AND EXAMINATION The Engineer and his author_ized assistants shall have free access to the work at all times for inspection purposes and shall be furnished by the Contractor with facilities for ascertaining whether the work being performed or which has been completed is in accordance with the requirements of the drawings, ~specifications and Contract, to the extent of uncovering, testing or renovating portions of finished work. Duly authorized inspectors who shall perform their duties under the direction of the Engineer will be assigned to the project of any part thereof. The presence of an inspector shall in no way lessen the responsibility of the Contractor. In case any dispute arises between the Contractor and the inspector as to materials furnished or the manner of performing the work, the inspector shall have authority to reject materials or suspend the work until the question at issue can be referred to and decide by the Engineer. The inspector is no= authorized to revoke, alter, mnlarge, relax, or release any requirements of these specifications, nor to approve or accept any portion of the work, nor to issue instructions contrary to the drawings and specifications. ~ When any material not conforming to the requirements of the specifications and drawings has been delivered Upon the project or incorporated in the work, of any work performed is of inferior quality such material or work shall be considered as defective and shall be removed and renewed or made satisfactory as directed by the Engineer, at the ezpense of the ContracEor. CC-g CONTRACT PRICE The Owner shall pay the Contractdr as juDt compensation for the performance of this agreement, subject to anyadditions' or deductfons as provided in the Specification Documents for the following unit lump sum prices.. Six Hundred Thirty-eight Yhousand, Six Hundred The Contract amount is Nint¥.Seven Dollars and 35/100. ($638,697.35) based upon unit and lump sum prices herein contained. The undersigned Bidder agrees that he has carefully inspected the site of the work and is tborot~Ghly familiar with all conditions therein. The Bidder further agrees to, commence work within ten (10) calendar days after dater of "Notice to Proceed" and shall complete the work within the time limit as follows: 2~. Calendar Days. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above-written, in-three (3) counterparts each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original. ATTE S T: ~- City ,Clerk-~ (City Seal ATTEST: Title Q (Corporate Seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAL~EAC~I'COUNT~; [LORIDA Mayor -' ' ~/Contractor Authorized Officer CC-9