WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of the City
~ommission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to enter
.nto an Agreement with the Florida Department of Highway
Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Driver Licenses
(Department) and a Commercial Driver License Third Party
Tester (City of Boynton Beach), a copy of said Agreement
being attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to execute a certain Agreement
between the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor
Vehicles, Division of Driver Licenses (Department) and a
Commercial Driver License Third Party Tester (City of
Boynton Beach), authorizing said City of Boynton Beach to
administer commercial driver license skill tests on behalf
of the Department. A copy of said Agreement is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A".
Section 2. This Resolution
immediately upon passage.
shall take effect
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of April, 1991.
C~i ~,
( C-or,ella t e- Seal
of Florida
I%~ I9.~kman Bi~Idin~, Tatlahas~. F!.otida 32~99-0500
December'3, 1990
Prospective Third Party Testers
Commercial D~iver License Program
James A. Gamble, Senior Highway Safety Specialist~
Bureau of Field' Operat%ons
Procedures for Certification and Training of Third
Party Examiners
Enclosed you will find a copy cf the A~reement Between
E!~nw~y Safety and biotor Vehicles and a
the Florida Dep&rtment of '.'
Ccmane£cia! Driver License Third Party Tester. There are also
enclosed applications for a th[rd parzy teszer and a third party
examiner. Please make copies of uhese as is aecessary. Please
read the documents, fill them out as necessary,~
Upon receipt, they will be assigned
monitor your region. The monitor will contact you and make
an appointment for the initial visit to answer questions you may
c~_~l~y that you meet the requirements of Florida
have and to
Statute 322.56, to be a third party tester. The monitor will
then ~ssue a third party tester certificate and a letter
authorizing.your third party examiner to attend examiner
Training will be conducted at one of the seven
vocational centers on the accompanying list. The examiner
training course will consist of approximately 50 hours of
instruction in administering pretrip?~nspection tests, basic
cohtrol skills tests, and road tests for commercial driver
licenses. The cost of training will be $800 per student and will
be paid to the school ~roviding the training.
Thank you for your interest in this program. I look
forward to working with you in the future.
cq: CDL Monitors
Vo. Tech. Centers
Nmm Carel W. Fisher
~tte Assistant Public Works Director
Rmmf~ik~ 16441 Temple Boulevard, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-3007
Hmmthm~N~(407) 790-9329 ~Birth April 15, 1934
Drier ~om~eNm. F260-119-34-135 ~lSec~ri~. 261-42-6716
rT~ ~l'i Fic~tici~ '~ ~ '~ ~ ~ '~. 517
d. ~~~,pl~lmin License Suspended in or
about Februar7 1979
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton BeaCh'Blvd.
Carel W. Fisher
Assistant' Public Works Director
(407) 738-7421
~k~iCr~ bo:
Im/timl ~rl~t
City of Boynton Beach
~ 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.,P.O. Box 310, Boynton Bch, FL 33435-0310
~I~N~ (407) 734-8111
Carel Fisher Ass't. Dir. DPW (407) 738-7421
~ Ti~le R~= No.
e~ st~ farts ~ t~ a"d ~r~--ratm t~ tim
h-,-,t of mf kn~]eri~_, ]nfc~mticn a-d h:lie~.
~a~e]7 W.' FiChe{~
May 9, 1991
bet~en the
~IAL E~Ri~q~R LICENSE 'iiii-~.D PAltrY
THIS AGREEmenT is made effective this 2nd . day of APri! , 19 91 ,
BY AND BEIW~i~N tine
L!CF~NSES (hereinafter the Department)
(he.~zna~er the Third Party Tester)
(third Party Tesuer Address)
Thls agreemenu aunncrizes ~he naraed Third Party Tesner to adT~znister Cc~-mercia!
Driver License skills tests cn behalf of the ~par~menu.
N(~;, q~,i.~RE, ~he Depar~men~ and the Third Pa-~ty Tester, in consideration cf
the duties and responsibilities set forth herein, mutually a~ree as follows:
~_.~mit .the Third Party Tester to administer co, mercia! driver license
skills tests pursuant to the terms of t~his°agraement and applicable
provisions of S~ate and Federal Law.
Administration and Enforcement
Administer and enforce the provisiop~ of
Third Party Testin~ prc~r~m.
t~e Cc~nercial Driver License
On-Site Ins.oectipns
Conduct an on-site inspection of Third Party Tester facilities,
and records at least once annually.
Prepare a written report of the results of each inspection and audit,
and provide a copy of the report to the Third Party Tester.
A. Legal CQ~liance
Comply with 'all-
State of
Federal Highway A~iministration
and witch
ve rules of t~he
regUlatior~ of t~he
all applicable local
B. ' Pl~de of- Bi~fnesig'
Co~inuous!y maintain a pl~C~ of business which inctude~. ~a~t tg~t~ one
(I) ~emanent, regularly occupied structure located within ~th~ State
'of :Florida,1: .- -
C. Mailin9 Address
Have a permanent street mailing address.
Operations ResponsibiLity
Designate an individual ~lo~vee who wi!!be responsible for ~ne Third
Party TeaSer's operations under this agreement, and inform ~ne
~partmmnt in writing of ~nat designation.
Third Party Examiner
5~mpioy az least cne qualified and approved third parmy ex~mzner and
perrait cr~y t_hose persons who have ~een approved by t2ne Depa~z~nt a~
ex~mners to administer cc~v~ercia! driver license skills tests to
payroll ~.~ployees or properly enrciied students of Third Party Tester.
_Third Party Examiner Record Contents
Maintain on forms provided by. tine Depar~v~n~, a~ each approved testing
.loc,aticn, a record of each third par~y e~mir~r in t~he e~!cy of tine
Third Party Tester a~ ~-hat location. Each record shall c~ntazn a
photo copy of the valid "ex~niner identification card:' issued by tJ~e
Departmmnt. Each record shall also include t~he name, re_sidentia!
address, and social secarity number plus a copy of the third party
examiner's current driving record, which must be updated
semi-annually; and eviden~ .that t~he third p .a~_z examiner is a payroll
emp_l~yee of t_he %~nird Party Tester.
Third Party Examiner Record Maintenance-
Retain all tinird par~y ex~miner records for at least t_h~ree (3) years
f ~
after the third par~y explainer leaves the employ o tJ,e Third Party
Safety Rating
If subject to F~dera~ Motor Carrier Safety Regulations prcmulc_ated by
the U.S. Departmmnt of Transportation, maintain a EOT Safety Rating of
If a pri~ate school or other educatior~l institution, utilize
training curriculum which has been certified by the. Depa~U~ent.
Skills Test ~Conduct
test specifications and procedures prescrlDe~
FOR CC~UlERCIAL DR!VE~'$ LICENSE TEST (February 24,~ 1989, Essex
that teSts be conducted in a
Corporation), inclUdinG t. he .regui_re~?nt
'~cle which is r~presentatlve of the class and t-ype of vehicle for
which the commercial driver license applicant seeks licensure and for
w'~ich the third part~ exa~niner _is c3,~l_ified to teSt, and the
approved test content,
forms skills test. administered cn
Driver ~
by t. he Depar~nent, at each approved tinird
party tes~_ng location, for a miniamma of three- (3) ye=rs, ail records
of ~ch driver for -,Rcm tine Third Party Te~ter conduct, a skills test,
whether or<not ~he d~-iver passes or fails the test.
~rcof of ~esulte
.... ~ =~ pr.of cf results to each driver amo!icant ~o t~kes
t>rovl Ge coc~nt
~ p~s ~he re~ir~ skills tes~, ~i~ a f~ prcvid~ by
PrcmJ-nent!_v c~splay third Party
~t~ place cf business.
Tester and Exa~Jner Certificates in
Semele Tests
AllOw the Eepartmenu to tesU a s~mple of drivers w~o were examined-' by
t-he Third Pardi Tesuer In order ~o compare pass/fail results au the
Third Pa-~y. Test site.
Randc~ Exami~tions/Insp. ections/Audits
Allow the Ff~A, its representatives, and/or~ the Pepar~nent to conduct
random exmninations, inspections, and audits of its cperations,
facilities, and records as tiaey relate to its Third Party Testing
Prcgram, without prior rDtice.
On-Site Insoections
5~on notif{cation, allow tine Department to conduct
inspections of its operations, facilities, and reccrf~.
annual on-site
Q. Miscellaneous Notification-=
Notify the Department in writing thirty (30) days prior to any
change in the Third Party Tester's name or address.
Notify the Depa~U~ent in writing within ten (10) days:
a. Of changes in third party ~x~miners who are employed by the
9/~ird Party Tester.
b. Of any change in t~hird party e~am~ner driver license status.
C. Whenever the Third Party Tester ceases business operations in_.~
Suhnit a copy of the records described in Section II K to the~
Depa~ta~nt for the previous months' tes~in~ by the I5th of each
of their
The Third Party Tester aud t/~ Dep~nt~ d~st~te~
receive the written notices and communications
required und~r this agreement:
Title:_ '
Address: P.O. Box 310
City/State: .Boynton ~ach, ~ 33425
Telephone: (407) 734-8111
Fax ~ ~07)738-7459
Addr_ess:, 2900 Apalachee Pkwy. Rm-A227
City/S~te: Tallahassee, FL 32399-0565
Telephone: (904) 487-4705
Fax ~ (904) 488-4091
BFOHEADgUAR]'ERS Mar 29,91 ~:52 No.O02 P.02
Prohibit~d Hiring Prmctice~
The Third Party' T~st~r ~gr~ n~t to enga~ the ser~ic~m
The Third Party Tea~er a~rees ~t no exaT~ner, ~rptcye~, or a~ent of
th~ !bird ~ar~y Te~er will De ~e~itted to ass~ a~y cc~/~ercial
driver license applicant durin~ & akill~ test driv~
The ~-~rd Pa~fy T~st~r agrees that no examiner~ e~loy~, or ~en: of
the Third Party T~ster will ~e Dermttted tu solicit any individual on
oremises r~nt~d, ieas~d, or owned by th~ Ik=part~ent for t~he ~urpose of
enrolling that individual in any Third Party TestinG program.
~ iss~nce of a c~r~lal ~river tice~ or
~arty Tester can in any wa~ influe~ ~e ~r~n% in ~%e issu~ce
o~ a c~e~ial driver license's or i~ly t~t p~sferentia! or
advant~eous trea~ent f~ C~ ~ent can ~
The Third Party Tester agrees to r~frain f~ indicating that its
pro]ram is approved, sanc~ioned~ or in an~ othe~ way e~dorsed b~, tt~
Department, except to say that it is "certified".
~rty Te~t~z agree~ not to u~e any na~ in its
beeide~ t.he name on its application for certification and not ~o
~ T~--~rty ~ester agrees to ~mintain security which m~ts
requ. ire~ents of Section 207.029 (Florida Statutes), as ~vmn~, on
motor v~lGle$ owned or registered by the Third Par~y Tester while
t~ed to ac%~inister skills tests ~n this atate as provided in this
Bcd_il~ iniur~ and Property- Dam~e Covera~.~
~e Thi~ P~ty Tes~r fur~er ~r~ tO ~in~in ~ity inju~ and
p~rty d~e li~ilit~ insurar~e ~ve~ on ~%o~ vehicl~s ~
~ r~iste~d by ~e ~i~ Pa~ Tester ~ile n~d to a~nister
skills teats in ~is m~ ~ p~ovid~ in ~s a~ee~nt~ ~ ~
BF~HERD~URRTER$ ~ac 29,9t S:52 Ne,O02 P.05
business in thi~
required under
Eviderx~e of Co~_.~__~_q~
As evidence o~ i~ur~nce coverage ~ir~ ~r ~is a~men~ ~e
Third P~y Tester ~r~s to file wi~ ~e ~p~nt eider a
ce~ifi~te of ~r~c~ issue'by ~ ~u~ ~l li~e~ ~ do
prc~idi~ ~ c~era~e
to ~e ~pa~m~nt, or a ~rtifi~at~ of
'~ ve~i~le identification u~r of
~e ~ird ~y ~s~r to
f .no motor vehicle will be used to
skills te~ as o~id~ ~n ~his ~recmcnt un!~ss ~e ~e~-
~e~ ~e r~Ire~ o~ SeC~o~ (~ori~ 8~atute), as
General Liabilitv Coverage
This a~reea~nt shall remain in effs¢: ~ntii c~z~!l~ or t~rmlnat~d as m~f
fOr~_h in ~ec~lon Viii of nh/~ agreement.
Eitller ' ' to this a~re~nt may terminate this a~r~nt for ~ny
s~ix~y (60) dais ~Titten notice of re,nation to
t~he other party.
The E~artrr~nt reserves the right to cancel this agreement immediately
upon determining that the Third Parer Tester, or thi_~ 'party. ex~-r~.er
~toyed by the Third Party Tester, Da done one or more of the
f o!lcwing:
1.' to ccmob! with or satis~- any tiuis
~ or t~e - Eeua~nt's to this
2. Has f~]sified any record or ir~o~tion relating to ~ne Third
Party Testing Program.
3. an a~t_ whidu cc~p_£~ses ~he Sntegri~.; of ~ne ~ird
lng Pr~r~.
Has failed to file a c.r~i~icate of ir~ur~mce or self-insurance or
has failed to maintain ins.drance coverage.
F~s ref,u~ed to ails{ public access to ail documents, p_apers,
letters, or other material subject to the provisions of
Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or rec_eived by. the
contractor in ccnjuction with t~he contract.
Cancellation cf t_his agreement shall be effected by furnishin~ tile
Third Party Tester with written .notice cf cancellation, which
shall be effective immediately '_~pcn receipt. The notice shall
include a shc~ and plain stater~ent of t~he fac~ necessitati~ the
If t_he Department detenrmines that Wz-cunds for cancellation exist and
relate to a failure to c~_~ly with or satisfy any provision of this
a~reement, the Depa~'~,~nt. may postpone cancellation and ~]~ow t~he
Third party Tester third! (30) day~ to correct the deficiency.
If a notice of c~nceltation is issued and the Third Par~t Tester
hearir~ to If
u~n re .cfues~.
~h pattie
ag. reem~nt, by_ a
and ~s
NO verbal
er ~f __
any cf rite
%tatives '
ated in a
NON-ASSI~qAB~L ~ ~t-f
~ ' ~ Tests. s ce~ifica~icn
This agreement ~d the Third Par=y~ . -' ·
assignable by t~he Third ~arty TeSter~ either in whol~e or in p~.
are not
unenforceable, that declaration
provisions :of :this a~reement.
shall not affect
t_he re. mair~er of
~ne parties to this agreement hereby agree t.hat the Third Party Testin~
Requirments (Attachment A to this agreement) sba]/ be the requirements for
persor~ other than employees of the Florida Department of ~{ighwa!; Safety
and Motor Vehicles to conduct c~u~rcial driver license skill tests as
provided for under Florida law.
IN W±'tNESS W~:~DF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as
date first written above.
of the
Florida ~parmmenm of Hiqnway Safety and Motor Vehicles
The purpose of this document is to explain t~he requirements for persons
etcher than ~mptoyees of the Florida Depar~ent of F_i~nway Safety and Motor
Vehicles to conduct Cc~nercial Driver License skills tests as provided for
under Florida law. Authority to administer skills tests will be granted
only to third party testers who enter into an agree~?~nt with the
Depar~nent and utilize t~hird par~y excuninerm de=_med qua!iliad by tine
The fol!cwi.~3 words and te~ns, w%en used in t~his document, shall have the
following meanings:
A. Department The Florida Eepar~en= of Highway Safety and Motor
Vehicles, Division of Driver Licenses.
B. CDL -- Commercial Driver's License.
FP2~A -- Federal Highway Administration.
FMCSR -- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
the U.S. Peoa~nt of Transportation.
promulgated by
E. Ap. proved Testing Prcgram -- The skills tests which are required by tl~e
Department· and are administered by Third Par~; Testers.
Certificate -- That document which is issued
veri_~ying that t~he tester is authorized to
testing program on behalf of the Pepa~h~ent.
to a third party tester
administer an approved
~3_rd Party Tester -- A goverr~nt enti~_;, an association, an
educational institution or a business entity en~a~ed in t_he use of
commercial motor vehicles and certified by the Department as
authorized to administer an approved testing program for CDL
applicants in accordance with the _r~j_uiremente described herein.
H. Director -- The Director of the Division of Driver Licenses.
Examiner Identification Card -- A card issued by the Depar~nent to
indicate that an individual has been approved by the Depar~msnt as a
qualified examiner, and evidencing authorization to conduct the skills
tests required for a CDL.
Third Party Examiner -- An individual who is a payroll employee of a
Third Party Tester and for whom an er~uminer identification card has
been issued evidencinq authorizatiQn to conduct ~%e skills tests
required for a CDL to r_hose employees or properly er~olled students of
said Third Party Tester.
III. It~QUtRSF~Si~/~ FOR '1~
A. To be certified, a. Third Party Tester mus<:
1. Make application to and enter into an agreement with the
Department as d~scribed in Section VI. B. of hhis doc~ent.
2. Ensure that its place of business is safe and meets all
requirements of state and federal law and local ordinances.
Ensure that skills -tests are conducte~ in accordance with all
legal re~.~uirements and with test specifications and procedures
prescribed in the ~Mi~R'S M-~AL FOR CC~4ERCLAL DP~I~"ER'S
LIC~SE TEST (Feb~da~-.z 24, i989, Essex Corporation).
Provide decur~ented prcof~ ,using a form provided by ~le Department,
to each driver-applicant who takes and passes ~2e required skills
tests. The driver-applLcant in turn will present the form to ~%e
Deparhment as evidence tkat he/she has successfully passed the
skills tests administered by ~ne Third Party Tester.
B. In addition .to the requirements listed above, a Third Party Tester
must meet the following conditioD~:
t. Be a person "or firm which ?was or leases five (5) or more
cu~rcial motor vehicles; or employs five (5) or more c~t~rcial
motor vehicle operators at any one time, ~r contracts for a period
of more than 6 months wi~h five (5) or more cc~uercial motor
vehicle operators at any one time.
2. Must have adequate facilities to perform the drivir~ skills test.~
3. Conduct tests for payroll employees or properly enrolled students
IV. 1%_~[XIiR~4ENI~ F(Rt T~rRD PARRY
A third party examiner may conduct skills tests on behalf of only one
Third Party Tester. Third Party Testers must apply for "examiner
identification cards" on behalf of persons seeking to become third
party ex~niners in their =~ploy. If a third party examiner leaves the
employ of a Third Party Tester, he/she must be approved for a new
examiner identification card in order to conduct tests on behalf or
another Third Party Tester.
To qualify as a third party examiner, an individual must:
1. Have an apptication-made to and approved by the~Eepartment
provided in Section V B of these requirements;
2. Be a payroll eh!ploys, of the third party tester submitting
3. Hold a valid driver's licehse;
4. ~ave successfully completed a DepaL~nt sanctioned- CDL examiner
traininG course;
5. Agree to attend all Eepar~ent required advanced training courses,
workshops, seminars, etc.;
6. within ~he last three ~(3) years have had 'no' driver license
disqualifications, suspensions, revcca%ions or cou~t or Department
ordered driver i~provement act!ons;
7. Have at least ~re~of experience a~ a
vehicle operator, ~
8. Conduct skills testson behalf of ~he ~%ird par~y testers, in
accordance with all legal re_cuirements and in accordance wi~7 ~e
test specifications and procedures prescribed in the EXARiN~R'S
~xN~AL FOR Cfi~/~EFfZ!AL DRIVER'S LICENSE TEST (February 24, 1989,
Essex Corporation).
General Requirements.
1. A certifica~ will be issued to qualified entities evidencing the
third party tester's entry into an agr~nent to operate an
approved .testing program to give driving tests to applicants for a
The certificate issued by ~he Department to operate a ~nird par~y
testing program must be prominently displayed in the place of
business of the Third P~y Tester.
3. A copy of the examiner's ce~ificate must be prcminently displayed
in the appropriate office of the Third Party Tester.
4. An "examiner identification card" and an examiner certificate will
be issued to qualifiede~ploye~s_of the ThirdPartyTester.
The examiner must surrender the identification card and
certificate to the Department when the examiner becomes inactive
or when the card or certificate has been cancelled or expired.
Agreement 'to administer Third Party Testing Programs, certificates
-to operate Third Party Testing Programs, examiner's identification
cards, and certificates are non-~ssignable.
Each certificate and identification card shall be e~fectlve on the
date of issuance and shall, remain valid until cancelled by the
Department or volunt~rily relinquished by tJ~e Third Party Tester
or examiner.
Application for Agreements/Certification.
Before an agregment or a certificate is issued.,-an application
shall be made in. ~iting to the Department on a form prepared and
furnished by the Department.
App!icaticn for Third Pa~y Examiner Identification Card.
Application for an examiner identification card must be made by
tlne Third Party Tester in ~iting to t=he Depar~=nt on a form
supplied by the Depar~nent, on behalf of the prospective exg~iner.
A.'..The Department will ~evaluate-~he application submitted by the Third
Party Tester and if satisfactory., the Depar.+2neqt will schedule an
on-site inspection and audit of the applicant's Third Party Testin~
P~cgram to complete the evaluation. .~
B. The Department will evaluate the _application submitted cn behalf of
the third party examiner including the individual's drivlng record.
If satisfacto~3, ~ne Department will authorize the prospective
exmniner to apply for third party examiner training. Training m~y be
waived if the examiner is seeking eno~her examiner's certificate only
because he/she has changed employers.
V. ilo
Ao Upon successful appli6ation and evaluation, by the Depa~nent, a Third
Party Tester will be issued a certificate evidencing the tester's
aut~hority to administer a Third Party Testing Prc~3ram for the classes
and types of vehicles listed.
B. Upon successful application, ~evaluation, and trainin~ an examiner
certificate will be issued evidencing a third Pa~Y ex~miner's
authority to conduct skills tests for the classes *and ~_zpes of
vehicles listed.
Certificates, agreemenns, and identification 'cards will remain valid
until cancelled by t_he Pepa~L~nt or voluntarily relinquished by tine
third p~y tester or exam/net. ~'.
Each applicant for a Third Party Tester c~rt~ficate ~hal! pe-~m/t t_he
~*~ and the Depa~L~nt to inspect and audit its operations,
facilities, an~ records as t_h~y relate to its Third Party Testing
Pro,_ram, for the purF?cse of determining whetiner tine applic=--nt
gualified to be certified.
A %bird Party Tester w%o has executed an a~reemenn ~nd has been
certified shall permit t~he Depa~L~ent or Fh%c-~ to in~ect and audit its
Third Party Testing Prc~ram to determine whetiner it remains in
~p_tiance with all legal reqUirements.
C. The Depar~en~ and FFfNA may perform its inspections and audits wi+-h or
without prior notice to the Third Party Tester.
D. Ir~=pections and audits will include, at a minimum, an exmnination cf:
1. Records relating to the Third P~rty Testing Pro,ram;
2. Evidence of comp_!iance witch the
3. Skills testing procedures, practices and operations;
4. Vehicles used for testing;
5. Qualifications of third party e~m~ners;
Effectiveness of the skills tests pro,ram by testin~ a sample of
drivers who have been issued-skills tests certificates by the
third party examiner or hav~n~ Department employees take the
sk~l~ tests frc~ a third party exm~{ner; and
Any other aspect of the Third Party Tester's operation that the
Department determines is necessary to veri~y that. the Third .Party
Tester meets all applicable requirements.
The Department will prepare a ¥~ritten report of the results of each
inspection and audit. A copy of the report will be provided to the
Third Party Tester.
The Department ~ay deny any application for a Third Party Tester
a~reement/cer tificate or examiner's identification card, if the
appliCant or examiner does hot qualify for the certificate or card
under the require.n~nts of the ~nird Party Tester Prcgrem as explained
herein. Miss.tat~ments or misrepresentation may .be grounds for denying
an agre~aent, a certificate or a card.
-322.56 Contr~=t for admznlstra~on of drivinc, skills portion of
(I) The department may by contract, interagency agreement,
interloca! a~reemeat, authorize a per~o~, an e~tity of the state
g~ve~ent, or an entity of a local go~e~eat to.a~inister'the
driving skills portion of an examination for a co~ercia!
driver's license, the r~su!t of which'~F be accepted in lieu of
the r~su!~s of a driving skills ex~ination ~iv~ b? the
(2) Any test given by a third part~ under con~r~cu w~th the
state must be the same as the test whi~ ~e state w~u!d
~tke~ise give.
(3] The contract or agreemenu bet-~een the third 9ar~7 a~.d the
stat~ must at a minimum, contain the prov~sLcns tn=t-
(a) A!!o~ ~'==n~ Federal Highway ._~d~=tratioa,. _- or
r=orssesta~Lve~ to conduct random ex~inaticns, inspections, and
audits without pr~or-actic~; . .
(b) A!!o~ the department, Or ihs r~Dresentative, to.ccacuct
a~dcm examinations, ~ ~ .... ~ and audit~ without
_~ (c) Ee~uire =he ceDa~mena ts c_.~u~t ca-s~= tns~ec~cns
least annually;
t.~==~ ~artv ex~iners meet =ne
Re_u_-~ that all =
examiners, to the exten= necessary %0 ccneuc= tee cr_~ng sk!!!s
portion cf the examination;
(e) Require that the department' t~st, at least annually, a
random s~ule of kke drivers approved by ~e third party for
ticensure; and
(f) Keserve to t~e department the right_ to take prompt and
' approoriate action agaihst a third party that.fa~ts to ccmp!y
~-_ ' - ~ - = ~-' ~iver' s license
w~th state or feceral s~andar~s =or a co~e.~Iai d_
examination cr that fails to comply wi~ any te~ o: the
(4) The department shall monitor ex~inakions ~ ~ ~=
under une authority of tn_s section. Such monitoring shall, at a
minimum, satisfy the requirements of paragTaPhs (b], (c), (d),
and (e) of subsection (3).
(5} An applicant who successfully c~m!etes a driving skills
~ ~examinatio9 administered by aa authorize~third pa{ty shall
~ ~ovide evldence ol such fact to the department prior to
- ' - ~- r' lease 5 or' more ~c0~e'~df~!=~
--u.~- : ~ -'~ '~"'~'~" ' ' ' ..... ' ' -- OrS
~ ~~r.more.~.co~ercla%:~tor ~e~lcle opera: . ~_
_ ~ f,~g,~I~tzes'utoJperfo~...the ~rmvx~=~.~l!s
· ~(~ S~hing in this section exem9~ a person from ~e
..... ~ .... -~ that he successfully comDlete a test of his knowledge
Bradford-Union Area Vocatiom~t ,Technical Center
609 North Orange Street . .
Starke, Florida~ ~3209l
· Tommy ,Mit!~r ,~
Lead Lusgructur.
McFatter VocatioNs] Tech~_i~cat Center
6500 Nova Drive
Davie, Florida ~33317
Lead Instructor: Danny Reisig
Mi,.mi Lakes Technical Center
5780 N.W. 158th Street
Miami Lakes, Florida 33014
305-557-! 100 ext. 186
Lead Instructor~ Al_fred M~r~n
Mid-F~_orida Teclmuical Institute
2900 W. Oak Ridge Read
Orlando?Florida 32809
Lead Instructor: Benny Mo~Tis
St. Petersburg Vocational Technical Institute
901 34thStr~et, South -
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711-2296
Lead Instructor: Charles Woods
P~idge Vocatior~] Technical Center
7700 State Road 5A% North
Winter Haven, Florida ~3881
Lead Lustructor: Ed Campbell
Wasb~ngton-Ho!mes ~_rea Vocational Technical Center
209 Hoyt Street
Chipley, Florida 32428
904-638-~ ~ 80
Lead Instructor: John Salter
TW~m ~ is made effective this
day of , 19 ,
LICE~$ES (hereinafter the Depa?~ment)
the Thl.~ Party Tester)
(hereinafter ' ~
(?nird Par~y Tester Address)
This ag~ee..~emt au~horlzes t_he n~med Third Party Tester to ad~..in'lster Ccrr~ercial
Driver License skills tests cn behalf of tl~e Depar~ment.
N~4, ~FREFOP~, t_he Departw~ent and the Third ParT.; Teste~, in consideration cf
the duties and responsibilities set forth herein, mutually agree as follows:
Pe.~. it .the Third Party Tester to a~inistsr ccmmercial driver license
skills t-=sts pursuant to the terms of this agreement ~ applicable
provisicns of State and Federal Law.
Administration and Enforcement
Adminis~r and enforce the provisio~ of the C~rcial Driver License
Third Party Testing pro, ram.
C. On-Site Inspectip~
Conduct an c~-site inspection of Third Party Tester facilities, books,
and records at least once ann,,~ly.
Prepare a written report of the results of each inspection and audit,
and provide a copy of the report to the Third Party Tester.
~ a~li¢*_hte statutes and ~inistrati~e rules o~ the
Federal ~ighwaY Administration (riS~A), ar~ w~th all applicable local
B. ' Place ell, Business
ContinuOUSly maintain a place- cf business whida i~Cludes at least e~e
(1) permanent, regularly occupied structure lccated within the State
of Florida.
C. Mailing Address · ~- .
Have a pe_-r~anent street m~iling add?.ss.
D. ~tions
Party Tes~r's
~par~-~nt in writing of t.hat designation.
for time Thi~d~
~-~ inf o~ t_he
Third P=-r'.y Exami~ner
~pio.v a: least one qualified and ex,turner and
~it c~y ~hose ~rsorm ~c have .
- --~ ' driver license skills t~s-~
e~ners to administer
~f~ ~u~s o~ ~r~v enrci ied s~uden~ of ~i~ Party Tester ....
~%i_--d Par~! Examiner Record Content~
.Maintain on ~orms provlded by. the Depart~T~nt, at each approved testing
~ca%icn, a record of each thir~ par%y examiner in t, he e..~!?lcy cf tine
photo ccPY of the valid ."e~X~miher ~dentir~catlon ca_,x:- lssue~ ~y ~.e
Depar~d~ent. Each record shall also include ~-he name, residential
address, and sccial securi{y number plus a ccpy of the thir~- .party
examiner's current driving record, whi6h mus~ be us~ated
s~m~-annually; ar~ eviden~ that t~he third pa.r~y examiner is a .cayrol!
em~.l~y.e~ of t_he Third Party Tester o~
Tn{~d Party Examir~r Record Maintenance.'
~tain all ~_hird par~y examiner reCo~Js
after the third pa~y examiner leaves
for at least t_~ee (3> yea~
the employ of t.he Third
Safety Rati~
If subject to F~deral Motor Carrie? Safety l~egulations p ~rqmulGat. ed by
the U.S. ~epartment of Trans.~rtat~X~, maintain a DOT Safet~ Ratl~z3 of
If a private school or other ~uca.tional institution,i utilize a
training curriculum which has been ~ertified by the Depa~U~t.
Driver Records Maintenance
Maintain on forms provided, by t. he Pepa=~,-~nt, aL :each ~.op_roved third
party, testir~ location, for a minimum of three_ (3) yeara, ail rec_ords
of each driver for ~w~c~ the Third Part~ Te~ter ~duot-~ a skills test,
whether or not the .driver passes or fails the test.
Proof of Results
Provide documented proof cf results to each driver a.cp!icant ~o t~kes
and passes, the recuired skills tests, using a fc~-m provided by. tlne
Prcminemt!y display ~hird
its place- of business.
P~.ruy Tes{er
and Ex&.niner =~=· =~== in
N. Sample Tests
All~w the Depar=~nt to t.=st a sample
~he ~rd Pa~y Tester in order
~ ~ Test site.
O. ~ ~ti~~ti~di~
~!~ ~ ~, i~ ~resen~ti~,
r~ e~{~tio~, ~o~, ~ ~di~ of i~ ~ratio~,
facilities, ~ 'r~o~ ~ ~ey ~late ~ i~ ~ P~Y Testi~
~, ~ut prior ~ti~.
On-Site Inspec?.ions
Upon notification, allow the Department to conduct
inspections of its operations, facilities, and
annual on-site
Misce!lanecus Notifications.
1. Notify the Depa~.~nt in writing thirty (30) days prior to any
charge in the Third Party Tester's name or address.
2. No~{~y the Depa~b,~nt in writin~ within ten (10) da2s:
~ Party Tester.
b. Of any change in t~hird party e~ner driver license status.
The Third Party Tester and the Department designate fr.,he follcWin~ to
~eceive t. he written notices amd cc~,unicaticns which are desired or
required under this a~reement:
City/S ~ate:
Fax $__
Address: .. 2900 A~.alachee Pkwy. 1%r~A227
City/State: Tallahassee, FL 32399-0565
Te ne:
Fax $
,(904 ) _487-4705
(904) 488-4091
~ ~: employee.
drlve~' 1
, mu~{oyee,- or agent of
solicit ar~ individual ~n
the 13~l;a~'t~ent for the pu~ of
Testin~ I~ram.
Guarantees ·
~ Party Tester ~urther a~r~es that no sdve~isi~ sh~ll
~rty TeS~ can ~ any w~
~ a c~al ~lver ~ic~e s or l~ly ~t p~efer~tZal or
B. Endorsement.~
~he Third Party Tester agrees to r~frain f~u~, indicating that its
~ram is ~pproved, sanctioned, or ill ar~ other way eadorsed by t2le
rtme~t, ~cept to say that it is 'certified".
Third Par%~ l~stsr &f;rees to l~aintain securi~l~ which r~eets the
requiremen:s o~ $~ction 207.029 (Florida Statutes), as i~nded, on
ms,or vehicles, owned or registered bi{ the Third Part~ Tester while
to adminzster skills tests i~ th~s state as provide~ i/~ this
Bodily Infur~ and Proper~y Dama~ Co~era~e
The Thi~ P~ty T~er fur~er ~r~ to ~in~in ~iiy inj~ a~
~ ~istered ~ ~e ~i~ ~y Tester ~il~ u~d to ~niste~
~nt of i~ur~ ~er~e all ~t ~ les~ ~n ~n~ ~e~e
p~rt~d ~ ste~e or f~ral
result Of ~ster, or any
E. Tester
by t. he :Third ~Pa:~cf Tester
as ~rovided in
for '~, vehicle ~
Tester agre~ , mo~o~ ~hicle will: .~ u~ to
~e r~~::<,:O~ s~ (~lorida ~u~e), as
G. General Liability Covera~3~
This agree~m~nt shall r~main in ef~ec= until c. an~ll~ or term/hated as s~t
for~ in sec:ion W'I~I of ~ls a~reement.
6 of 9
The De~nt reserves the ri~hl: to cancel this a~re~t immediately
upon determinir~ that t.he Third par~ Tester third par~! examiner
employed by t.he Third P~rty Tester, or more of the
1. Fins failed to cd~_~!y with or satis~y any- of the pr~Tisio~s of this
agreement or t_he Depa~ ~ent's i~structicr~ relating to t_his
2. ~as falsified any reccrd or ir~fo~uation relating to t_he Third
Party Testing Prcgr~.~.
3. ~as c~,~tted an ac~.whi~h cc~p_~ses t~he intsgr~_~; of t_he 7~.ird
Par~y Testing Prcgrm~.
Fa.~.!cys a tl~ird party ex,miner who does ncr have a valid driver
license, whcse dr±vet !ice.~me is under sus.censi.~n, revccatfcn,
cance!!a~icn or disq~-a!~/ficaticn, whcse e~_miner card b~-- been
canc~_!ed, or %~.cse a~?plication fer a driver's tice.~se
. 5. ~-~ failed to file a certificate of insuranc~ or se~-ins.urance or
has failed to maintain insurance cover-~Ge.
~as refused to all~{ public access to all documents, p.apers,
letters, or other material subject 'to the provisions of
Chapter 119, ' Florida Statutes, and made or rec_eived by_ t. he
contractor in conjuction with the contract.
Cancellation cf t_his agreement shall be effected by furnishing
_Third Party Tester with written .notice of cance!laticn, which
shall be effective iamediate!y .u~on receipt. The notice shall
i.-~:!ude a shc~ and plain statement of ~he facts n~ssitati.-g.
If the D~par~nent dete.nnines that 9~ounds for cancellation exist and
relat~ to a failure to c~.~iy with or satisfy any provision of this
agreement, t_he Departmsnt. may postpone cancellation and ~11~w the
Ihird Party Tester thirty (30) days to correct the deficiency.
mo~m than thirty (30) ~ from th~ r~ceipt
shall re~der its decision within
~alendar follcwi~ t_he conclusio~ of the hea~--ing.
Department's decisio~ is final.
' Te~ker a~rees to accept any amendment to any provision
of this ac2reem~nt, if the a~_=nd~ent ts set forLh in wri~lr~_, is
in state or federal law, ~nd is requested ~v
~ird P=-rty Tester shall execute such e~~.
~mendment u.ucn request.
Except a~ ~tz.e~.;~_~e provided, ~%is ~r~nt ~y
slcn~ ~ a duly au~cr!z~ ~Oresentatlve cf ea~
representation, inte~reuatlcn, cr c~,,,d=Tmnt
rep~sentative~ or cf etLher par:y, ei[~er kefore
~ne ex~uticn of skil aff~t cr ~_.y ~y cl
provisions in the agreement, unless the representatives '
inte~re~tion, c~ment~ or rep~esen~ticn is
~itten ~n~ent to ~Tis agree~nt, si~ ~ a d~y au~ncrized
represen~tive of ea~ ~. -
This agreement a~ the Third Par~y Tes~e~'s ce~ifica~lcn are
assignable ~! the Third Part%; Tes~e~, either in whole or in par~.
A w~iver by either party of any pr~visicn of ~his agre_~e~t ;shall nez act
as a walver of any oti-.er prov!slo~ of t~is ~ment. If ~ prcv~slcn c£
th.s agre-ment is for any reaso~ declared lnval~k], lllega_ or
,unenforceable, that 'declaraticn shall not affect t_he r~mair~er of t/re
provisions of tkis a~3reement.
~ W.r~,iESS %m~D~, the parties hereto have
date first written above.
skill ~ests as
this agreement am of the
:Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
The purpose of this document is to explain the requirements for persons
~her than emp. l~s Of the Florida Department of Highway Safe~_~ and MOtor
hic!es to conduct C~erciat Driver License skills tests as provided for
under Florida law Authority ,~o, admin/ster skills testsi will be gra~t_=d
o~ly to third p~y tester~ who enter into an agreement wit2n. the
Department and utilize t~hird parT.; exmninerm dee~ed qualified by t~he
The fo!!cwing words and temms, wren USed in ~his dccmr~ent, sna!i' l' have tine
follcwiog meanings:
A. Depar~nt -- The Florida Ee.oar~,~nt of F.i_c~wmy Safe~-y =-nd Motor
Vehic!es~ Division of Driver Licenses.
B. CDL -- Cczmnercial Driver's License.
C. F~%- Feder~ Highway A~nistration.
D. FMCSR -- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety P~u!ations p~ulgated by.
the U.S. ~epar~uent of Transportaticfl.
E. Approved Testing Program -- The skitt.~ tests whic~h are re~.uired by
Depax~ent and are administered by ~{rd Party. Testers.
Ce~ificate -- ~at dc~ent whirl1 is issued to a third party_ tester
verifyir~ that the tester is authorized to ~nister an ~.proved
testin~ program on beha]~ of the Depa~h~ent.
G. ~hird Party Tester -- A gore= ..... nt entity, an association, an
educational institution or a bus{~ enti~y e~a~ed in the use of
commercial motor vehi~Ies and c~rtified by the Department as
authorized to administer an approved testing program for CDL
applicants in accordance with the _r~d,r~ts das~ibed her~in.
H. Director -- The Director of the Divisic~ of Dri~_r Licermes.
indicate t~at~' an ~indi~id~al has been apprcNed by., the Department as a
q,alified, examiner, and eviden~im~ authorization to conduct the skills
tests required for a CD~.
Taird Party Examiner -- An individual who is a payroll employee of a
Third Party Tester and for wh~m ~n examiner identification card has
been issued evidencing authorization to conduct .'the skills tests
required for a CDL to ~hose e~ployees or properly enrolled students of
said Third Party Tester.
A. To be certified, a. Third Party Tester
1. Make application to and enter into an agreement with t~5e
Department as described in Section V~_. B. of t_his dc~ent.
2. Ensure that its place of business is safe and meets all
requirements of state and federal law and local ordinances.
Ensure that skills tests are ccnductsd' in accordance with all
legal rec!uirements and with test specificaticns and prccedures
prescribed in t~he ~MLNER' S ~_A~A~ FOR CC~4E~2IAL DRI¥~--P.'S
LICENSE TEST (Feb~ua~-_~ 24, 1989, Essex Corpora~ien).
Provide documented prcof, ,using a form provided by. ~ne Department,
to each driver-applicant who takes and passes the r-~luired skills
tests. The driver-applicant in turn will present the form to t~he
Depart~ent as evidence t_~mt he/she has successfully passed t~he
skills tests administered by tine Third Party Tester.
B. In addition-~.o the requirements listed above, a Third Party Tester
must meet the following c~nditions:
1. Be a person or firm which .owns or leases five (5) or more
cu~rcial motor vehicles; or'employs five (5) or more_ c~ercial
motor vehicle operators at any one time, 'or contracts for a period
of more than 6 months with five (5) or more cc~mercial motor
vehicle operators at any one time.
2. Mus.t.. have adequate facilities to perform the drivirg ski!~m tast.-'
3. Conduct tests for payroll emplcyees or properly enrolled students
only o
A third party examiner may conduct skills tests on behalf of only ~ne
Third Party Tester. Third Party Testers ~st apply for "examiner
identification cards" on behalf of persons seekinG to beccme third
party examiners in their ~loy. If a third party examiner leaves the
e~ploy ~f a Third Party Teeter, he/she must be approved for a new
examiner identification card in order to conduct tests on behalf or
another Third Party Tester.
T~gualify as a third party examiner, an individual .,,-~t: ....
1. Have an application ,made to arid a~groved by the 'Depare-~nt as
provided in Section V B of these rmqUire~ents;
2. ~,Be~ a payroll ~%21oyee of the third party tester s~tin~ the
application ~ :
3. H~ld a valid driver's lic~6se;
4. Have successfully comple~te~:,~,~ ~Dep~ U~ent sanctioned~ CDL examin~r
training course;
wor~s, se~, etc.;
6. Wi~in ~he l~t ~r~ ~(3) ye~ ~ve had' .~ho driver lice~e
order~ driver ~rov~nt action;
7. ~ve at le~t
)of e~ri~te ~ a ~rcial ~tor
Conduct ski:lls of ~%e ~-hird party testeD, in
acco~ance with all legal recuiremsnts ar~ in~ accordance with the
test s~cificauions and prcc~ures pr~scribed in the EXA/4INER'$
M~NUAL FOR CC~ME~2IAL DR/VEI{'S LICEI~SE ~ (February 24, 1989,
Essex Corporation).
General Requirements.
1. A certificate will be issued to qualified entities evidencing t_he
third ,party tester's entry into an agr~a~ent to ope=ate an
approved testing prcgram to give drivin~ tests to applicants for a
The Certificate issued by the Depa=~nt to cgerate a t~hird party
testin~ program must be prcminently displayed in the place of
business of the Third Party Tester.
3. A copy of the examiner's certificate rmmt be prcminently displayed
in the appropriate office of the Third Party Tester.
4. An "exam/net identification card" and an examiner certificate will
be issued to qualified employees, of the Third Party Tester.
The examiner must surrender the ~dent~f~c~tion car~ and
certificate to the Depa~=nt'~when the ex,miter becomes i~ective
or ~a~en the card or certificate h~s been cancelled or expired.
6. A~ .r~t'to admi~i~'ster Thi.rd ~ Testing Pro~£a,~, certificates
-to cgerate ~hird ~ .~. ~ sting ~ .rams, examiner's identification
cards, and certifibates are non-assignable.
date of issuance
or examiner.
card sha~l be effective on the
valid until cancelled by the
r~linq~ished by the Third ~arty Tester
B. App! ication fgr Agreements/Certification.
Before an aGre.ement or a certificate is issued, .~an application
shall ke made in~ writing to the Department on a .form pre~ and
furnished by the Department.
C. App!icaticn for Third Pa~ty Examiner identifi6ation Card..
~piication for an examiner identification card must be made by
the Third Party Tester in writing to the Depar~snc on a form
supplied by the Depa~ent, on Denat~ of the pr~pec~ive ex~.~ner.
~The Department will-evaluate-the application submitted by the 75~ird
Party ~ester and if satisfactory., the Department will s~edute an
on-site insPeCtion and audit of the applicant's Third Party Testin~
P~cc3ram to cc~plete the evaluation. _.
The Depa~ent w~ll evaluate the
~ ~application sut~pitted on behalf of
~ third pa_~y examiner includinG the individual's driving record.
If satisfactory, the Department will au%_horize the prospective
ex~m~iner, to apply for third party ex,miner traininG. Training w~y be
waived if the examiner is seeking anot~her examiner's certificate only
because he/she has changed employers.
A. Upo~ successful appli6atic~ and evaluation, by tb~ Department, a ~hird
P~ TeSter wi.ll, be evidencir~ the taster
mut~o~ity~'to adm~ruste~ a ~h~:'rd Testing Program for the cl~es
B. ar~ training, an exmniner
4 will be a third party ex~-ro/ner's
~ ~ to co~duct for the classes .and types of
Certificates, agreements, and identification cards will remain valid
until cancelled by t_he ~iepartment 09 voluntarily relinquished by t-he
third party tester or examiner.
_Ea~c~ amo!icant a ThirG' Pa~y Tester c~rtificate shall pe_.~mit the
~A ~ ~-h~ to inset and audit its cperations,
facilities, and r~cords as they r~=late to i~ Third Pa~y Testing
Prccram, fc~ ~.th~ oz detemninin~ ' ~ ~
wne=.e~_ tine applic=_nt is
B. A ~hird Par~y Tester who has executed an agr~=eme, nt and has been
certified shall permit t~he Depahhment or ~ to i.r~]=pect and audit its
5bird Party Testin~ Prcgram to determine whether it ra~ ~mins in
cculD, liance with all legal retirements.
C. The Depar~en~ and Ffzm~.may perform its i~ectioms and audits with or
without prior notice t~ the Third Party Tes .ter.
D. InSPecticns and' audits will include, at a m/nisus, an ex~ination of:
1. Records relating to the Third Party Testing Program~
2. Evidence of ccmp!iance with the K~-%~Rs;
3. Skills testing procedures, practices and operations;
4. Vehicles used for testing;
Effectiveness of the skills tests prong, r~m by test.ir~ a ~te of I'~
sx]11*-~ I:~st.~ ~:m a third party exmm~r~r; and
~hird Party Tester.
~e Department may deny any a~plication for a Third Party Tester
a~nt/¢ertificate or examiner's identification card, if tb.e
applicant or examiner does hot qualify for the cert_flcate or card
under' the requirements of the Third Party Tester Program as explain~
herein. Miss. tatements or misrepresentation may .be grounds for denying
an agreement, a certificate or a
Co,,,=um='.~ E,'Zi'q,' ('rrr~l)
~(ll~ T~ YoJ Pl~ln b~ a~J~t~r
d. CIL "B" lk~ar~t ~
e. CIL"B Co~d~ ~
(1) The de~ar~ment may by contract, in~eragenc".~ agreement, oc.
in~e=~ocal agreement, authorize a per.n, an en~i=,~, o~. ~e sta~e
go?e~r~nmen=: or an eptity o~ a. loca! g?er-nment to.adn~,n.~ster.'the
dr~vi~g sk~!ls portion cf an examinatzo, ~or a ccmmer~.~4~ .
· · .. ' ' =, be acceoted zn l~eu of
dr~e~'s izcensa, the result of whlca aaF .
the r~-sulks of a driving skills examination given by~.e
deDartment ·
(2) Any test given by a third party under con~ract w,.~.~ the
state must be the same as the test which the stats wcu!d
o~he _~ ~_se give.
(3} The contract or agreement ~e~-'~een the third ~car%~ and
must a% a minimum, con,sin the orovis[cns tha~:
stat~a) A~ow.__ tee' Federal E=~way:~" ~ Ad-~_aistra~ion, .... cr its~
=eDcesen~acive, Ir.-, ccnduc~ random ~- {nat~cns, inspections, and
audits without prior-nctics; ,;,..= ~=or=sentat%ve, tc ccnduc~
· - · - : - l~''' ' CU.t.
random e:¢amlnatioz-= , !ns,.~ectlons, a.~c aud=t; w_~.~ ='tlc-~
. t,.,, C_,.Cu,.,~. C - - ~'~i
leas~ annually; ' '~
(d) ~,~ ~= ~.ba~.a~ 1 .th~_r~. ~ar,~y examiners fas same
qua!if~_ca~ioc, s and education, amd-t.r=-iaing s~ :~s as
examiners, to the 'extent necesea~'"..' t~ cc~duct ~e dr['/{..._~c _~ ...... 1
portion of the examination;
Ce% Recuire t%a.t 't~e'de~artmen~ cs~st~ at l~.ast annually, a
random s~mple o~ the drlvers a, ppr~ec by the t.~zrz par~y for
licensure; and
(f) Reserve to the dspa_=men~ t.,e right to~taks promot and
orooriate action against a th{rd par~¥ that.fails to ccmp!y
~- ' ' ~ ere1 1 driver s 1.cense
~ ~ = ~ 1 dards for a comm.
examination or that fa,.ls to ccm.u.-y w~t~any terms o=
contract ·
(4) The department shall moni:or sxamina~ion~ administered
under the authority of this section. Such monitoring shall, at
minimum, satisfy the requirements o~ 9aragra.~hs (b], (c), (d),
and (e} of subsection (3).
(5) An .applicant who successfu!l~ cq~p!stes a driving skills
examination administered by an authocized third party shall
provide evidence of such fact to the department prior to
Bradfor~-_~fon Area Vocatio~l Technical Center
609 North Orange S~reet
Starke, Florida 32091
904-964-5932 or 6800
Lead Instructor: Tommy Mfller
McFatter Vocational Technical Center
6500 Nova Drive
Davie, Florida 33317
Lead Instructor: Danny Reisig
Mimmi fmWes Tecknical Center
5780 N.W. 158th Street
M~ami Lakes, Florida 3301&
305-557-1100 e~t. 186
Lead Instructor: Alfred M~u
Mid-Florida Tec.hnical Institute
2900 W. Oak Ridge Road
Or!ando,',Florida 32809
Lead Instructor: Benny Morris
St. Petersburg Vocational Technical Institute
901 3&th Street, South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711-2296
Lead Instructor: Charles Woods
~idge Vocational Technical Center
7700 State Road 544 North
W~_uter Haven, Florida 33881
Lead Instructor: Ed Campbell
~7. Washington-Holmes Area Vocational Te~b~c~ Center
209 Hoyt Street
Chipley, Florida 32428
Lead Instructor: John Salter