R00-079 RESOLUTION ROO- 77' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND THE TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Ocean Ridge requested a dispute resolution conference with the City of Boynton Beach to resolve issues regarding two city owned parcels adjacent to the Ocean Ridge Town Hall complex; and WHEREAS, the parties have met to engage in informal discussions aimed at resolution of the dispute; WHEREAS, a resolution of the dispute requires Commission approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Dispute Resolution Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and the Town of Ocean Ridge, a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of June, 2000. ...........",...." " ~ C,. Cler.II.\\\\ilillllJ/,. :\\~~" } III ~" ON BE.tlc:!~ (C~~I,..y \. :;:; 0 e~rl 0 ~.. ~ s:caife~~own of Ocean RiGge Disiille ResolutionReso =:0 ~ : = - u.. ~,' nY:- -.~ .- ~O\~ ~ .l~$ , . ..... """J .;::'...... ~ -t -.. ., ...G ~ ~ ~ .<'/..... ........-... 0 :$!- ~ V ~" ~ "'II/, ';..\.~ 1IIIIIWJlI\\\\\\'\ . I . Retu:-n To: . l - -z.,j Kenneth G. Spillias, Esq. T !lwis, Longman & Walker, P.A. .... 100 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 1000 'est Palm Beach. FL 33401 (<00-77 Ju 1-2000 08:52u 00-233081 uRB 11850 Pg 1546 ....................1. ..-/- DISPUTE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT The CnY OF BOYNTON BEACH (hereinafter "CnY'') and the TOWN OF OCEAN RIDGE (hereinafter "TOWN''). WHEREAS, the Town, by Town Resolution 2000-06 initiated conflict resolution procedures pursuant to Chapter 164, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, THE Town has asserted that the City improperly failed to honor the terms of a Contract for Sale and Purchase wherein the Town was to acquire two parcels of property owned by the City adjacent to the Town's administrative offices; and WHEREAS, the Town has also asserted that it has a compelling need for the property to expand its Town Hall complex which would support a taking by eminent domain; and WHEREAS, the City participated in the conflict resolution process set forth in Chapter 164, Florida Statutes and asserted that there was no valid or enforceable Purchase and Sale Contract; and that the City has asserted a prevailing publiC need ~or the property which would prohibit acquisition by the Town by eminent domain; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Town and the City have met on two (2) occasions in an attempt to identify the issues of conflict and the potential for resolution of those issues; and WHEREAS, the Town and City representatives have identified a potential resolution of--. displllted issues that require both City Commission and Town Commission approval. NOW THEREFORE, the City and the Town agree as follows: 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct. 2. The City shall convey to the Town the real property owned by the City described by the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The purchase price for the property shall be $270,000.00. The closing shall be conducted pursuant to the terms and conditions of the 1 B 11850 Pg 1547 Purchase Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Closing shall occur on or before the 30th day of July, 2000. 3. Conveyance of the property by the City to the Town shall be conditioned on: A. A provision in the Special Warranty Deed for a reverter of the property to the City in the event that the Town ceases to use the property as its Town Hall complex. The City shall, as a condition of exercising its right of reverter, refund the $270,000.00 purchase price to the Town. B. The Town shall grant to the City an unrestricted right to access a portion of parking spaces at the South parking lot at the Town Hall complex for overflow parking when the City Beach Front parking lot is full. The elements of the access shall be as follows: 1. That the City and Town will cooperate to provide and designate up to 30 parking spaces at locations that will not inhibit or interfere with Town Hall business and ingress/egress of emergency vehicles. The City will be responsible for the fabrication of and installation of "City of Boynton Beach/Town of Ocean Ridge Beach Overflow Parking" signs. 2. The City shall pay the cost of initial parking lot layout design and installation of thermal plastic pavement marking. The Town of Ocean Ridge shall be responsible for subsequent maintenance of the parking lot, markings and signs. 3. The City shall provide the Town with appropriate Certificate of Insuranc~ for property and personal injury liability arising out of claims resulting from the city's use of the overflow parking. 2 J"-~ 11850 Pg 1548 4. During the use of the designated overflow parking at the Town Hall Complex, the City shall provide the personnel necessary to assure that only those spaces designated as overflow beach parking are utilized and that no obstruction or disruption of Town business or disruption to ingress/egress to the Town Hall Complex occurs. 5. The City and Town staff shall develop additional operational procedures as necessary for the use of the Town Hall Complex lot for overflow parking. C. The Town shall grant to the City, a right of first refusal to purchase its current Town Hall property for fair market value based on two (2) independent appraisals, if the Town: 1. Ceases to use the property as its Town Hall complex, or 2. Offers the property for sale to a third party. 4. This Agreement shall not be binding until approved by both the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach and the Town Commission of the Town of Ocean Ridge. The effective date of this agreement shall be the date last signed by the parties. 5. This Agreement may be enforced by specific performance. 6. In the event of any action to enforce the terms of this Agreement, venue shall be in Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, Rorida. In the event of such action, each party shall bear its own costs and attorney fees. 7. This Agreement shall survive the closing involving the conveyance of the real property referenced in this Agreement. 8. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, , Florida and shall constitute a covenant running with the land. The Covenant shall exist for ninety-nine (99) years and shall expire on June 30, 2099. Thereafter, it shall be automatically 3 "n~ 1 1 850 Pg 1549 renewed for consecutive terms of ten (10) years unless the Town and City agreed in writing to modify or terminate its terms. ATTEST.."It'lili"'1111. cm OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA .' . o~IlTO":% ~ L :." "b. .......<~ ~ <" '" . <<. J!'~OR.o17''''':', -y ~ V -- o lCJO '<:> ". () ~ . -"~~<<~ 1 :l: ~Y: ' - ~RK - \. .C\'2.<l/ @ '" GERAL - BROENING - MAYOR . . './ ~ DATED: June 6, 2000 ,(-- ~ 1" ~~ {\\ : :." \. i,\\ \ FOR BOYNI'ON BEACH S:CA\Agr\Ocean Ridge Dispute Resolution Rev. 060200 / 4 1 11850 Pg 1550 DESCRlP110N: PARCEL 1 TIm NORm 74.23 FEET OF TIm SOUIH 278.33 FEET OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOum, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNIY FLORIDA, LYING WEST OF'IHE WEST RIGHT OF W AYLlNE OF STATE ROAD A-I-A. PARCEL 2 THE NORm 50 FEET OF TIm SOU1H 166.98 FEET OF aoVE:RNMEN1' LOT 5 0F SECnON 22. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUlH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLOlUDA, LYING WEST OF THE. WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STAtE ROAD A-l-A (SAIDPAltCEL ALSO BEING DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1091, PAGE 251. PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM: BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA). . ~...,..... .. . . TOGETHER WITH: A PORnON OF THE scum 116.98 FEET OF OOVERNAmNT WT S OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOU'IH. RANGE 43 EAST, PAtMBEACH COUNIY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS': COMMENCING AT TIm SOtITHWEST CORNER. OF SAlD GOVERNMENT LOT 5; nmNCE S.8!n9'17"E., ALONG THE SOUlHLlNE OF SAID GOVlmNMBNT WT 5, A DISTJ\NCE OF 190.00 ~T TO THE SOtJIHEAST COBNER. OF A PARCEL DPED TO .nIB ':fOWN OF OCEANlUDGE IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 10992. PAGE 1559, PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNIY FLOlUDA AND "mE POJNT OP. . "... ".. .. .. .. ..~.... . . .. .. .'.... ........ .." . ~ .. .: ..BEOINNING;.J;BENCE,N.1-'31'20"W., ALONGlBE EAST.IlNE.OF SAlDPARCK1.Dmsu .... ~~6~~rN~O~:~~~=I~i~~O~A . GOVERNMENT'LOT S'AND A POINT ONt1m SOV'mLlNB OF A 50 FOOT ROAD . lUGHr OF WAY As DESClUBED INDEED BOOK 1091, PAGE 251, PllBUC RECORDS QF'PALMBEACH COUNTY, FLOlUDA; T.BENCE S.sg039'1T'E., ALONG SAlD pAJU.T'J 'It",l.INA AND $&0 sotmi~ A DISTANCB OF 223.83 FEET TO APOJNT ONllm WB&TRIOHF'OF WAYLlNE OF STATE ROAD A-l-AAND APOlNT ON A CU~:V~ CONCAVE :to THE EA$T HAVING A CBNTRAL ANGLE. OF 5017'53" AND A RADIUS OF 846.78.FEET; nmNCE SOum,.AlDNO nm ARC OF SAID CUR.VE AND ~~~S~.~~T'.RIGHT OF WAYLlNlt ADIST~ OF.78.3O FBBT; TBBNCB " . .S.l ~!.43-"W..,..ALONG SAID WEST lUGHI' OJ! WAYLINB, A DISTANCE OF 81.81 PEET ... '. TO A'POINT ON nmSOUI'HLlNB OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT.S. nmNCB . . . .. .. , . .. 'N.s9039~iT!w.; AibNG SAm SOtmlLINE,.ADISTANCE OF 223.93 FEET TO THE . " POINT OF'BEGINNING. . . t. .... .... . "0 . . _...0 .,.. EXHIBIT ''f\ t' PURCHASE AGREEMENT lJRB 11850 Pg 1551 PARTIES AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1. SALE AND PURCHASE: the Citv of Bovnton Beach. a dulv established municipalitv of the State of Florida ("Seller") and the Town of Ocean Ridae. a dulv established municipalitv of the State of Florida ("Buyer") agree to sell and buy on the terms and conditions specified below the property ("Property") described as Address: Legal Description: 6 7 8 9 10. including all improvements and the following additional property: N/A 11 PRICE 12* 2. PURCHASE PRICE: $270.000 payable by Buyer in U.S. funds at closing. See Exhibit "A" attached 13 3. CASH/FINANCING: (a) Buyer will pay cash for the Properly with no financing contingency. 14 CLOSING 15 4. CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY: This Contract will be closed and the deed and possession delivered 16 no later than fourteen (14) days after the effective date ofthis Contract unless extended by other provisions of this Contract or the 17 written agreement of the parties. If on Closing Date insurance underwriting is suspended, 18 Buyer may postpone closing up to 5 days. 19 5. CLOSING COSTS: In addition to other expenses provided in this Contract, Seller and Buyer agree to share all closing 20 costs (including title insurance) equally, except that each party shall pay its own attorney's fees. 21 PROPERTY CONDITION 22 6. LAND USE: Seller will deliver the Property to Buyer at the time agreed in its present "as is" condition, with conditions 23 resulting from Buyer's Inspections and casualty damage, if any, excepted. Seller will maintain the landscaping and 24 grounds in a comparable condition and will not engage in or permit any activity that would materially alter the Propeljy's 25 condition without the Buyer's prior written consent. ?13 7. No Feasibility Study: Buyer is satisfied that the Property is suitable for Buyer's purposes, including being r satisfied that either public sewerage and water are available to the Property or the Property will he approved for the 3 installation of a well andlor private sewerage disposal system and that existing zoning and other pertinent regulations ~ and restrictions, such subdivision or deed restrictions, concurrency, growth management and environmental 30 conditions, are acceptable to Buyer. This Contract is not contingent on Buyer conducting any further investigations. 31 8. RISK OF LOSS; If any portion of the Property is materially damaged by casualty before closing 32 Seller will promptly inform Buyer. Either party may cancel this Contract 33 by written notice to the other within 10 days from Buyer's receipt of Seller's notification, failing which Buyer will close in 34 accordance with this Contract and receive all payments made by the insurance company, if any. 35 TITLE 36 9. TITLE: Seller will convey marketable title to the Property by statutory warranty deed. 37 (a) Title Evidence: Title evidence will show legal access to the Property and Marketable title of record in Seller in 38 accordance with current title standards adopted by the Florida Bar, subject only to the following title exceptions: covenants, 39 easements and restrictions of record; matters of plat; existing 40 zoning and government regulations; oil, gas and mineral rights of record if there is no right of entry; current taxes; 41 and encumbrances that Seller will discharge at or before closing. Seller will, prior to 42 closing, deliver to Buyer an owner's title insurance commitment as title evidence, which must be generally accepted 43 In the county where the Property is located. 44 (b) Title Examination: Buyer will examine the title evidence and deliver written notice to Seller, within 5 days from receipt 45 of title evidence but no later than closing, of any defects that make the title unmarketable. Seller will have 30 days from 46 receipt of Buyer's notice of defects ("Curative Period") to cure the defects at Seller's expense. If Seller cures the 47 defects within the Curative Period, Seller will deliver written notice to Buyer and the parties will close the transaction on 48 Closing Date or Within 10 days from Buyer's receipt of Seller's notice if Closing Date has passed. If Seller is unable to 49 cure the defects within the Curative Period, Seller will deliver written notice to Buyer and Buyer will, within 10 days from 50 receipt of Seller's notice, either cancel this Contract or accept title with existing defects and close the transaction. 51 (~) Survey: Buyer may, prior to Closing Date, have the Property surveyed and deliver written . I';,?, f\otice to Seller, within 5 days from receipt of survey but no later than closing, of any encroachments on the Property, encroachments by the Property's improvements on other lands or deed restriction or zoning violations. Any such encroachment or violation will be treated in the same manner as a title defect and Buyer's and Seller's obligation will be determined in accordance with subparagraph (b) above. 56 MISCELLANEOUS 57 10. EFFECTIVE DATE; TIME: The "Effective Date" of this Contract is the date on which the last of the parities initials or 58 Buyer l-> l-> and Seller L-} Uacknowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which is Page 1 of 3 Pages \' (d P ORB 11850 Pg 1553 DOROTHY H. WIU<EN, CLERK PB CWfTv, FL DESCRlPTION: PARCEL 1 'mE NORm 74.23 i~ 1 OF lBE SOU1H 278.33 FEET OF GOVERNMENT lDT 5 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, LYING WEST OF nm WEST RIGHT OF WAY1JNE OF STATE ROAD A-I-A. PARCEL 2 THE NORTH 50 FEET OF tHE SOUTH 166.98 FEET OF OOVERNMEN'I LOT S 0F SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUIH. RANGE 43 EAST,. PALM BEACH COUNlY, FLORlDA, LYING WEST OF 11m WEST RIGHI' OF WAYIJNE OF STATE ROAD A-I-A (SAm PARCEL ALSO BEING DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1091, PAGE 251. PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, PLORlDA). .. ........ . TOG.E1BER WITH: A PORTION OF nm scum 116.98 FEBT OF GOVERNMENT IDT S OF SECTION 22i ~:;: TOWNSHIP 4S SOtIIH. RANGE 43 EAST, PALMBBACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, MORE _.,' . PARTICULARLYDESCRlBED AS talLOWS: . .'-'ii;~; COMMENCING AT nm SOU'lEWEST CORNER. OF SAlD GOVERNMENT LOT 5; ._ =: 1lIBNCE S.8!)039'17"E., ALONG THE SOUIHLlNE OF SAD) GOVERNMBNTLOT 5, A~ .' DIST~CE OF 190.00 1'l!.\l1 TO mE SOUIBBAST CORNER. OP A PARCBLD1mJl TOe '.', , .nm roWN OF OCEANlUDGE IN OFFICIALDCOlU) BOOIC 10992, PAGE 1559, ;f:~-: PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COtJNT'Y. FLOlUDA AND 11m POlNT OP. . .-;.. . .. - ... . . . . #. .. . . . '.. .... . . , . #. - ..- -0. . .: ..BEGIm8NG;.~CE.N.J..'131'2O"W., ALONG-mE EAST.IJNE.Ol SAlDPARcm.Dmsu.' 'TOTH!. TOWNOF<XEAN~ ADlSTANCEOP'1"17:D1FEBTTO:APOJNTON A . . .. I.iNE.'ii63.s~i NOitnt. oF AND PAiW..tm: To'nm soiriRiINE- OF SAID . . OOVERNMBNT'1.QT S'AN!) A POINT ON TIm SOtJ'IBIJNB OF A 50 FOQTBOAD -:::-. 'lUGiltOFWAY AsDESCRlB'P,DJNDHEDBOOICI091.PAGB25l;PtlBUCRECORDS~;' c QFP-J\1M I;mACH COtINTY, PLORJDA; 1'BENeE 8.r39'1'1"E., ALONG SAD> ;~.". ii~T'J m . tJNA AND $.4ID SOtJ'IHI.1NE. ADISTANc! OF 223.13 FBBT TO Al'OlNt '-. ON"Rm ~lUOHF.GF WAYLlNEOF STATE ROAD A..I-AAND APOlNrON A,,,:,;, ~VJt CONCAVE :to 'l'BE BA$T HAVING A CBNIRAL ANGlE. OF' SOlTS3" AND A'~"~ =c RADIDS OF 846..78-FBETj mENCE SOUTB,.ALQNO mB ARC OF SAID ctJRVE ANn:.'!! ~G~S~ ~~T;lt1uHJ.J OF WAY~ ADlST~ OF 78.30 FEET; THENCE - " . .s.lO:W!.43-~..,...ALONG SAID WEST RIGHI OF WAYI..1NB, A DISTANCE OF 81.88liSE"f ... "roA~POlNTONnmSOUTHL1NBOFSAIDOOVERNMBNTLOT'S:1'HENCB . .. 'N:~g;iMV.,' Ai..ONGSAm SOUIHL1NE,ADJSTANCE OP'223.93'PEET TO 11m . .. POINT QF'B2GINNING. . ... ........ . -. . . -...- -.. EXHIBIT ~A" ""~B 1 1 850 Pg 1552 59 Si~11S the latest offer. Time is of the, ence for all provisions of this Contract. All ; periods will be computed in 60 business days (a "business day" is every calendar day except Saturday, Sunday and national legal holidays). If any 61 deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or national legal holiday, performance will be due the next business day. All time 62 periods will end at 5:00 p.m. local time (meaning in the county where the Property is located) of the appropriate day. 11. NOTICES: All notices will be made to the parties by mail or personal delivery as follows: c. 64 As to Buyer: 65 Town Manager 66 Ocean Ridge Town Hall 67 6450 N. Ocean Ridge Blvd. 68 Ocean Ridge, FL 33435 69 With a copy to: 70 Kenneth G. Spillias, Esquire 71 Town Attorney 72 1700 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 1000 73 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 As to Seller: City Manager 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL33425 With a copy to: James A. Cherof, Esquire Town Attorney 3099 E. Commercial Blvd., Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 74 12. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This Contract is the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller. No prior or present 75 agreements will bind Buyer or Seller unless incorporated into this Contract. 76 Modifications of this Contract will not be binding unless in writing, signed and delivered by the party to be bound. Signatures, 77 initials, documents referenced in this Contract, counterpart and written modifications communicated electroniCally or on paper 78 will be acceptable for all purposes, including delivery, and will be binding. Handwritten or typewritten terms inserted in or 79 attached to this Contract prevail over preprinted terms. If any provision of this Contract is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, 80 all remaining provisions will continue to be fully effective. This Contract will not recorded in any public records. 81 13. ASSIGNABILITY: Buyer may not assign this Contract. The terms "Buyer" and "Seller," may be singular or plural. 82 DEFAULT AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 83 14. DEFAULT: (a) Seller Default: If for any reason other than failure of Seller to make Seller's title marketable after diligent 84 effort, Seller fails, refuses or neglects to perform this Contract, Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract, to seek 85 damages or to seek specific performance. (b) Buyer Default: If Buyer fails to perform this Contract within the time specified, Seller shall have the right to cancel the contract, to seek damages or to seek specific performance. (c) Attorney's fees; costs: In any litigation, including breach, enforcement or interpretation, arising out of this Contract, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses (including, but not limited '~.J to, those incurred at trial, appeal and post-judgment). 90 ADDITIONAL TERMS 91 15. ADDITIONAL TERMS: 92 93 94 95 96 97 This is intended to be a legally binding contract. 1 05 Date: 106 ~ I ~ / O~ Buyer: Print name. "Buyer: "Print name: Address: Tax ID/SSN: JJ/A , 98 ~ 99 Date: \ tt "l(WD 100 . 101 Date: 102 103 Phone: 104 Fax: Tax ID/SSN: ayofax ID/SSN: 107 Date: c1Q~ } Phone: ) Fax: Seller: Print name: Address: Tax ID/SSN: Effective Date: (The date on which the last party signed or initialed acceptance of the final offer.) Buyer <---> <---> and Seller L> U acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which is Page 2 of 3 Pages ;, ORB 1.1850 P 15 . DOROTHY H. WIlKEN, CLER~ PB ~~ FL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1 . TIm NORm 74.23 FEET OF 1BE SOUTH 278.33 FEET OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 4S SOum, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, LYING WEST OF THE WEST RIGHT OF WAYUNE OF STATE ROAD A-I-A. PARCEL 2 nm NOR.m so FEET OF nm SOUTH 166.98 FEET OF ooVERNMENT IDT S.OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUN1Y, FLOlUDA, LYING WEST OF THE WEST RIGHI' OF WAY LINE OF STA'IE ROAD A-l-A (SAID PARCEL ALSO BEING DESCRlBED IN DEED BOOK 1091, PAGE 251, PUBUC RECORDS-OF PALM BEACH COUN1'Y, FLORIDA). . ........ . TOGETHER WITH: A PORTION OF nm soum 116.98 FEET OF GOVERNMENT IDT S OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUIB.. :RANGE 43 EAST, PAl.M:BEACH COUNTY. FLOlUDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESClUBED AS FOLLOWS': COMMENCING AT 1HE soUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMBNT LOT 5; nmNCE S.89"39'17"E., ALONG THE SOUTBUNE OF SAlD GOVERNMENT WT 5, A DISTA:NCE OF 190.00 ~T TO 'llIE SOUI1IBAST CORNER OF A PARCEL DBED TO :nm roWN OJ! OCEANlUDGE IN OFFICIALRECOlU> BOOK 10992, PAGE 1559, PUBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY: FLORIDA AND tHE POJNT OF '. .." - .... . . .. ..... ~ . . . '.. . '. .' '. .... ., . .,' ,.BEGlNNlNG;.mBNCE.N.l!31'20"W., ALONGlBEEAST.UNE.OF SAJDPARCJn.DEBD ,... ~~6~~~'fN~O~:~cr~=~~~O~A . OOVERNMENT'J;DT 5'ANI) A POINT ON THE SOtTIHLlNE OF A 50 FOOT ROAD . RIGHT' OF WAY As DESCRlBRD INDEED BOOK 1091, PAGB 251; PUBUC RECO:RDS OF'PAlM BEACH COUNTY, iLOlUDA; nmNeE S.U039'17"E., ALONG SAID PAlUy'l m".l.1NE AND !JAm SOunt~ AtmlTANCE OF 223.83 FEET TO APOlNT ONlHE WB&TRlOlfF'OF WAY IJNE OF STATE ROAD A..I-AAND APOlNT ON A CU~:VJt CONCAVE ):0 THE ~T HAVJNG A CBNIR.AL ANGl.E. OF 5017'53" AND A RADIUS OF 846.78.FEET; nmNCE SOUlH,.ALONG nIB ARC OF SAD) CUR.VE AND ~G~S~ ~~T;RIGHr OF WAY~ AD1ST~ OF' 78.30 FEET; nmNCB .. . .8.1 O:W!,43~..,..ALONG SAm WEST lUGm OF WAYL1NB, A DISTANCE OF 88.18 PEEr ,.. '. TO A~POlNT ONnmSOUIHLlNE OF SAID OOVERNMENTLOT"S. nmNCB . .. '" , . . ....... ...~_ - 0"'" .' .... _ .. . .. . ' N.89039'17'!W., ALONG SAID SOUIH LlNE, A DISTANCE OF 223.93 FEET TO THE , ., POINT QF'BBGlNNING. . ... ...... t. . to .. _...0.... EXHIBIT '.'.A"