R18-084 1 RESOLUTION NO. R18-084 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 5 FLORIDA ADOPTING A REVISED FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY 6 FEE SCHEDULE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7 8 WHEREAS,the Fire and Life Safety Division has not increased the fees associated with 9 services provided since 2008; and 10 WHEREAS, the increase in fees will enable the City to be in line with the current 11 economic market and will help support the rising cost of personnel required to complete the 12 work; and 13 WHEREAS,the City Commission finds the fees as established herein to be necessary to 14 fully fund for efficient administrative functions of City staff. 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 16 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA THAT: 17 SECTION 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and 18 confirmed as being true and correct and or hereby incorporated herein. 19 SECTION 2. The City Commission adopts and directs the implementation of 20 the fee schedule attached as Exhibit"A". 21 SECTION 3. This Resolution and the adjusted fees described herein shall 22 become effective after the second reading of the cover ordinance which shall take place on July 23 17, 2018. 24 1 25 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 2018. 26 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 27 28 YES NO 29 30 Mayor— Steven B. Grant 31 32 Vice Mayor—Christina L. Romelus 33 34 Commissioner—Mack McCray C 35 36 Commissioner—Justin Katz '"6S-ei I" 37 38 Commissioner—Joe Casello 39 40 41 VOTE y� 42 43 ATTEST: 44 45 464 (( 47 Jud' A. Pyle, CMC 48 City Clerk 49 50 51 52 (Corporate Seal) 2 i 7, ,,,,1*. FIR City of Boynton Beach e Nov N ALM It Fire Department I Community Standards Division I Fire & Life Safety 2080 High Ridge Rd, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (561)742-6600 I. New Construction Fire Fees A. Plan Review / Permit Fee (100%of all fees due at time of submittal except for values over 1.5 million) 1. Total construction value up to 1.5 million .60% plus 2. Total construction value over 1.5 million .30% (50%due at submittal,remainder due prior to payment) 3. Minimum Fee -Whichever is greater $100.00 B. Fire Alarm &All Other Automatic Fire Suppression Systems (100%of all fees due at time of submittal for values up to 1.5 million) 1. Minimum Fee-Whichever is greater $100.00 or 2. Total contract value .75% (50%due at submittal for contract values over 1.5 million;remainder due prior to permit) C. Site Plan Review Fee $1 0 0.0 0 D. Additional Fees 1. Work Commencing Without a Permit 4X permit fee 2. Plan Revision Fee $100.00 3. 2nd&Repeated Corrections $50.00 4. Inspection After Hours $100.00/hour (2 hours minimum) E. Reinspections 1. 1st Reinspection No Charge 2. 2" Reinspection $100.00 3. 3rd Reinspection $150.00 4. Fourth &Subsequent Reinspections $250.00 II. Annual Fire & Life Safety Inspection Fees A. Assembly 1. 50 - 100 seating capacity $150.00 2. 101 -300 seating capacity $300.00 3. 301 - 1000 seating capacity $450.00 4. 1,001 and over seating capacity $600.00 max fee B. Educational Schools, Day Care and Churches 1. 10,000 square feet and under $ 75.00 2. 10,001 - 20,000 square feet $150.00 3. 20,001 -40,000 square feet $300.00 4. 40,001 - 50,000 square feet $450.00 5. 50,001 and over $600.00 max fee C. Health Care, Hospital, Nursing Home, Ambulatory Care, Etc. & Residential Board & Care 1. 1000 square feet and under $ 75.00 2. 1,001 - 10,000 square feet $150.00 3. 10,001 -25,000 square feet $250.00 4. 25,001 -35,000 square feet $350.00 5. 35,001 - 50,000 square feet $450.00 6. 50,001 and over $600 max fee D. Lodging, Rooming Houses, Hotels, Dormitories & Condominiums / Apartments 1. 4- 25 units/ rooms $ 75.00 Z. 26 -75 units/ rooms $150.00 3. 76- 125 units/ rooms $300.00 4. 126 and over $600.00 max fee E. Mercantile, Business, Storage, Industrial 1. 3,000 square feet and under $ 75.00 2. 3,001 - 5,000 square feet $125.00 3. 5,001 - 10,000 square feet $175.00 4. 10,001 -25,000 square feet $275.00 5. 25,001 - 50,000 square feet $450.00 6. 50,001 and over $600.00 max fee F. Other Miscellaneous Fees 1. Marinas and Docks $ 75.00 2. Temporaiy Structures (Kiosk/Tent) $ 75.00 3. All other occupancies not listed subject to Fire Safety Inspections $ 75.00 G. Reinspection Fees 1. First Reinspection No Additional Charge 2. Second Reinspection $100.00 3. Third Reinspection $200.00 4. Fourth &Subsequent Reinspection $300.00 **In the event the annual Fire and Life Safety Inspection Fee is not paid,the City may enforce non-compliance with this section by sending a notice to the Property Owner and then proceeding to the Code Compliance Board due to the responsible party's failure to pay the annual Fire & Life Safety Inspection Fee III. Fire Prevention Fees A. Additional Fees 1. Fire Hydrant Flow Test $350.00 2. Bonfire Permit $150.00 3. Fireworks&Pyrotechnic Display Permit/Insp $250.00 4. Fire Watch Special Assignment Detail (4 Hour Minimum) a. Personnel Only $150.00 per hour b. Engine or Rescue Unit Required $300.00 per hour + cost of personnel 5. Special Event After Hours Inspection $75.00 per hour (2 hour minimum) 6. SERV Cart $ 75.00 (Minimum 2 people for 3 hours) Per person per hour IV. Alarm Fees A. Registration Fees 1. Fire Alarm Registration $ 40.00 2. Renewals/Updates $ 20.00 B. False Alarm Fees / Residential **Includes excessive calls for assistance with no medical need 1. 1 - 3rd False Alarm No Charge 2. 4th False Alarm $100.00 3. 5t,t) False Alarm $200.00 4. 6 'False Alarm $300.00 5. 7 '&Subsequent False Alarms $400.00 C. False Alarm Fees / Commercial **Includes excessive calls for assistance with no medical need 1. 1st- 3rd False Alarm No Charge 2. 4th False Alarm $300.00 3. 5th False Alarm $600.00 4. 6th False Alarm $900.00 5. 7th and Subsequent False Alarms $1,200.00 D. Other Miscellaneous Fees 1. Fire Alarm Failure to Notify without 1 hr notice $ 75.00 2. Fire Alarm Failure to Respond within 1 hr $ 75.00 **In the event the Fire Prevention or Alarm fees are not paid, the city may enforce non- compliance with this section by sending a notice to the Property Owner and then proceeding to the Code Compliance Board due to the responsible party's failure to pay applied fee.