R93-31RESOLUTION NO. R93~-~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE PAY MATRIX GIVING GENERAL EMPLOYEES AND POLICE PERSONNEL A .21% INCREASE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 25, 1993. WHEREAS, at a Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on October 26, 1992, the Commission approved a salary adjustment for the general employees and police personnel of .21%; and N~W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~YTHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~OYNToN BEACH, FLORIDA THAT. Section 1. The City ComMission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby ratifies the action taken at the October 26, 1992 Special Meeting and adopts the pay matrix giving general empIoy~es and police personnel a .21% increase effect~v~ February 25, 1993, which paypian is attached hereto as Exhibi~ A . Section 2. 1993. This Resolution shall take effect February 25~ PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of March, 1993. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ner ATTEST: Commiss J Ci~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Authsig. WP5 Payplan.Mat 2/25/93 0 0 0 0 o~ °°~ ooo~ ooo~ oooo ~ o~o~ ~ ~ ooo~ ~ °~ o~o~ o~ ooo~ ooo~ ooo~ o~o~ I o 0 0 R o o o o ~ ~ ooo~ ~o~ ooo~ o~o~ oo~ ~o~ o~o~ ooo~ o~o~ ooo~ ~