R93-71RESOLUTION NO. R93-7/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, -AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND PALM BEACH COUNTY, PROVIDING FOR SERVICE AS A HOST AGENCY FOR SENIOR AIDES UNDER TITLE V OF THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTI~ DATE. WHEREAS, Palm Beach County is a sponsor of a Senior Aides program under Title V of the Older Americans Act and has been gra~ted Federal funds thereunder by the National Council of Senior Citizens through the U~S. Department of Labor; and WHEREAS, in order to comply with the provisions of the National Council of Senior Citizens Senior Aides program guidelines, it is necessary for the Sponsor Agency to enter into agreements with Host Agencies delineating the duties and responsibilities of each; and WHEREAS, Lhe City of Boynton Beach, Florida has been a participant in the Senior Aides program for many years, the City Commission hereby, upon recommendation of staff, has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents Of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County providing service as a host agency for senior aides under Title V of the Older Americans Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County, providing service as a host agency for senior aides under Title V of the Older Americans Act, which agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~0 day of April, 1993. ATTEST: City Clerk ~~ (Corporate Seal ) Authsig.doc Sr.Aides 4/i5/93 AGREEMENT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND CITer OF BOYNXON BF~CH FOR PURPOSE OF SERVICE AS HOffiT AGENCY FOR SENIOR AIDES UNDER TITLE V OF THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT YHIS AGREEMENT, made and sn~e)-ed into at West Pal,n Beach, Florida, on this ...... Jay of .... = .......... , ~ by a~?d b~t~een F~LM BEACH COUNTY a pc,~iticml subdivisiE, n rf the State of Florida~ h~r~inafter ,-eferr~d tc, as "SF'ONSOR AGENCY," and CI~ O~ ~ ] a corporation [ X ] a governmental unit, authorized to, OD bus~nmss in the Stat,~ of Florida, a tax exempt agency under IRS. 5')i (c) (3). hereinafter referred to as "HOST AGENCY". [ s ] Tax exempt agency mxemotion letter is attache0 herewith as Exhibit "A". HOST AGENCY Federal I.D. Number is: 59-6000282 W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Palm Beach County is a spons~,r of a Senior AIDES program unde- Title V of The Older Americans Act and has oeen granted Federal funds thereunder by The National Council oF Senior Citizen, s through the U.S Department of Lebor; and WHEREAS, in order bo comply with the provisions . of the National Council of Senior Citizens Senior AIDES p,-ogram guidelines, it is necessary for the Sponsor Agency to enter ir, to agreementa with Host Agencies delineating the duties ~nd r'~sponsibili~ies of each. NOW, THEREFORE,, in consideration of the mutual benefits. promises, and covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. THE SPONSOR AGENCY agrees: Am To be responsible for the administration and fiscal co.mponents of the Senior AIDES program including th~ provision of salary and fringe benefits as required by law. Bm To provide the Host Agency with an orientation end periodic updates on the goals and ob~ectiVea of the Senior AIDES program. ¥o recruit and refer eligible participant(a) to 'the Hoar Agency to be interviewed and when auch participant(a) meet the Host Agency'~ approval to enroll the participant(a) into the Senior AIDES program. T~e HOST A. To counsel both with the Senior alOE(s) and th=- Host Agency Supervisor, in matters pertaining to the Senior AIDES(s) work performance and unsubsidized placement. AGENCY agrees: To provide adequate supervision to enable the Senior ~IDE r.o perform as a productive and effective wo~ ker. To pro'~ide ocier~tation, ins~ruat~ion, and training ~oncer~ing the Host AgencY, its activities, ann the Senior ~[DES day to day responsibilities. To assu-e ~hat earn Senior AIDE has a copy oF h~s/her )on ~escription and to upgrade the ~ob oescriot~on as responsibilities change. To ensure tnat the Senior AIDE'S activities will: (~) Not resul~ in the partial or total disolace- merit of currently employed workers, (P) Not impair existing Contracts or result in the substitution of Federal funds For other funds in connection with work that would otherwise 0e done, (3) Not ~o be used as a replacement for a position from which another person has been la'id off, (~*) one ann ONLY DNE TITLE V CONTRACTOR will serve this agency. ~'4ot to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, se;-,', national origin, handicap, age, political affiliation or opinion, or ancestry. To provioe the Sponsor Agency with time and attendance records as designated b~ the Sponsor Agency, activity reports, and evaluations (when requested), and accurate in-kind contributions records as required by the Sponsor Agency. To assure that the Senior AIDE(8) work only the total number of hours authorized by the Sponsor Agency. Volunteer or overtime hours are not permitted, unless, the Host Agency agrees to pay the enrollee for the overtime hours. To make no significant changes in a Settlor AIDE'S work schedule, hou:-s, ~c,b duties, supervisor, place of work, or status within the Agency without notification/approval of the Sponsor Agency. -2- To advi=_s appropriate staff at the Sponsor Agency if significant problems develop in the Senior AIDE'S wot; situation and consult with them on personnel procedures to ~e ~'oilowed. To consider the Senior ~(DE for regular ~ob ooenings within the Host Agency when vacancies occur and to give ~he Senior A10E considerati?n and when FLU]ds become available For the position in whick he/she serves or one having similar duties. 3. DuFation :,f assignment: It is understc, od by the HOST AGENCY that no Senior AIDE is to remain in one assignment for rnc:,re than 24 months. It is also understood by the HOST AGENCY that the SPONSOR AGENCY reserves the right, following reasonable notice, to reassign any Senior AIDE at ~,y time reassignment will increase the Senior AIDE'S opportunit.ies for training or unsubsidized employmen~, or will otherwise serve the best interests of the Senior A~D~, or will better support the goals end objectives of the Senior AIPES F'rogram. Termination, Amendment/tM-~,d i f i ca t i on: This Agreement shall begin on July 1, 1993., and shall terminate on June 30, 1994 ; however, this _~greement may Oe terminated by either party upon thirty (30) calendar day~ by written notice to the other party or upon termination or reduction of Fede~at funds. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and until duly executed by the parties. 5. Notices: All notices required in this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail, ceturi~ receipt requested, and if sent to the SPONSOR AGENCY shall be mailed to: pirector, Palm Beach County Senior 810 Oatura Street~__Mail Stop_P5? West F'alm Beach, FL 33401 AIDES Proqram and if sent to the HOST AGENCY shall be mailed to: Mr, William Sullivan, Personnel Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Bo'~5on Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 6. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upc=~-, by by the parties. Ail items incorporated by reference are ~hysically attached. No other agreemente~ oral or otherwise, regarding the eub~ect matter of this Agreement., shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. SA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Flerida has made and executed this 4 page Agreement on behalf of the SPONSOR AGENCY and HOST AGENCY has hereunto set its hand t~,day and year above written HOST AGENCY: ^PP YEP TO RM: SPONSOR AGENCY: PALM BEACH ~~/ COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS / ' c~.~^~o~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By By: gignature ~ Signature Edward Harmening, Mayor EDWARD L. RICHr Designee Typed Name and Title Typed Name and Title ~D~e/~ Date WITNESS: Si~ature Typed Name SA-HOST -4-