R01-271RESOLUTION NO. R01- g,'~l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL FOR THE 2001-02 LATCHKEY AFTERSGHOOL PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $59,519; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Children's Services County for grant funding enabling the Latchkey Afterschool Program to be conducted in the amount of $59,519.00; and WHEREAS, the Latchkey After School Program is designed to assist those in need of day care services at Rolling Green School, and is a cooperative effort between Children's Services Council, the School Board of Palm Beach County and eh City of Boynton Beach; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a renewal Contract with the Children's Services Council (CSC), in the amount of $59,519.00 to be utilized for the Latchkey After School Program. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective ~mmediately upon PASSED AND ADOPTED this i(¢ . day of October, 2001. ViCe Mayor Commissioner ATTEST: ,,~mmissioner Gommissioner II MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION AGREEMENT This Agreement, emered into as of this 1st day of October 2001, by and between the CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Council") and City of Boynton Beach/Department of Leisure Services/Latchkey After School Program (hereinafter referred to as "Provider"). for the period from October 1. 2001 ("Effective Date") to September 30. 2002. WHEREAS, by Agreement dated as of October 1, 1998 (the "Original Agreement"), Provider agreed to provide certain services and Council agreed to reimburse Provider for those services in program entitled Latchkey After School Program, and WI-IEREAS, the parties, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, have decided to modify and extend the Original Agreement. WITNESSETH: IN CONSIDERATION of mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows: 1. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 1 thereof to read as follows: The Council agrees to reimburse to the Provider sums up to $59,519.00 for provision of services described in Exhibit "A" (consisting of the Program Evaluation Model) attached hereto and made a part hereof; composite Exhibit "B" (consisting of the Council's Budget Forms A. A1 and B submitted by Provide~ } attached hereto and made a part hereof; and Exhibit "C" (consisting of the Budget Summary Form) attached hereto and made a pan hereof. It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the parties, that the services to be rendered hereunder by the Provider shall be provided in compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in the Exhibits "A". "B". and "C" and with the Conditions of Award attached berem and made a pan hereof as Exhibit "D", as well as the terms and conditions of this document. The attached Exhibits to this Agreement shall control over any inconsistent provisions in the Exhibits attached to the Original Agreement. 2. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 3c thereof to read as follows: To submit, upon completion of this Agreement, a GAO Standard Financial and Compliance Audit ("the Audit" }, complete with management letter, within 180 days of the Provider's fiscal year end. In the event that Provider's fiscal year end occurs prior to the completion of the term of this Agreement. Provider will supply Contract #: 01-102-4 Governmental Extension Agreement page: 2 the Audit and accompanying management letter for each of the Provider's fiscal years occurring during the term of this Agreement, each such audit and management letter to be provided within 180 days of Provider's fiscal year end. 3. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 14 thereof to read as follows: 14. Payments for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be made to the Provider monthly on a reimbursement basis. Provider shall submit an invoice to the Council by the 10th day of each month following the month in which the services were provided. The invoice will include documentation reflecting all expenditures made by the Provider under this AgreemenT, in whatever form reasonably required by Council. Subject to the availability of funds, the Council will provide reimbursement to the Provider within 45 days after receipt of the invoice. Provider shall submit a fmai invoice to the Council no later than October 3 I, 2002 twith appropriate documentation). The Council will not reimburse Provider for any expenditures made by Provider under this Agreement that are submitted after October 31, 2002. 4. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 20 thereof to read as follows: 20. The Council may assess a charge amounting to five (5%) percent of the Provider's current month's request to the Council for reimbursement for each month that a program is out of compliance with the timely submission of fiscal and programmatic data as required by Sections 3c, 9, 10. and 14 of this Agreement. At the discretion of the Program Review Committee a $10.00 per day charge may be added to the 5% charge for items not submitted within 60 days of the original due date. This charge may also apply if the program does not provide the Council with current copies of the following documents: A. Certificates of Insurance B, License(s) to Operate Agency/Program C. Sales Tax Exemption Certificate D. Other items identified in the Conditions of Award" 5. Except as otherwise modified herein, the Original Agreemem shall remmn in full force and effect. F:\WORD\2001-02 Funding Process\GOV IEXT - original 1998.doc 09/19/0] 2:21 PM Contract #: 01-102-4 Governmental Extension Agreement Page: 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their undersigned duly authorized representatives. City of Boynton Beach/Department of Leisure Services BY: Print Name M~o~ Print Title Children's' Services Council of Palm Beach County / , Gaemna D. Ebbole, Chief Executive Officer DATE: Approved As To Form & Legal Sufficiency BY: Thomas A. Sheehan. III Attomey for Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County F:\WORD\200 -02 Funding Process\GOV1EXT-original 1998.doc 09/19/01 2:21 PM Rot-a MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION AGREEMENT This Agreement, entered into as of this 1st day of October 2001, by and between the CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Council ") and City of Boynton Beach/Department of Leisure Services/Latchkey After School Program (hereinafter referred to as "Provider "), for the period from October 1.2001 ( "Effective Date ") to September 30, 2002. WHEREAS, by Agreement dated as of October 1, 1998 (the "Original Agreement "), Provider agreed to provide certain services and Council agreed to reimburse Provider for those services in program entitled Latchkey After School Program, and WHEREAS, the parties, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, have decided to modify and extend the Original Agreement. WITNESSETH: IN CONSIDERATION of mutual agreements hereinafter contained, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby agree as follows: 1. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 1 thereof to read as follows: The Council agrees to reimburse to the Provider sums up to $59,519.00 for provision of services described in Exhibit "A" (consisting of the Program Evaluation Model) attached hereto and made a part hereof; composite Exhibit "B" (consisting of the Council's Budget Forms A, Al and B submitted by Provider) attached hereto and made a part hereof; and Exhibit "C" (consisting of the Budget Summary Form) attached hereto and made a part hereof It is expressly understood and agreed, by and between the parties, that the services to be rendered hereunder by the Provider shall be provided in compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in the Exhibits "A ", "B". and "C" and with the Conditions of Award attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "D ", as well as the terms and conditions of this document. The attached Exhibits to this Agreement shall control over any inconsistent provisions in the Exhibits attached to the Original Agreement. 2. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 3c thereof to read as follows: c. To submit, upon completion of this Agreement, a GAO Standard Financial and Compliance Audit ( "the Audit "), complete with management letter. within 180 days of the Provider's fiscal year end. In the event that Provider's fiscal year end occurs prior to the completion of the term of this Agreement, Provider will supply Contract #: 01 -102 -4 Governmental Extension Agreement Page: 2 the Audit and accompanying management letter for each of the Provider's fiscal years occurring during the term of this Agreement, each such audit and management letter to be provided within 180 days of Provider's fiscal year end. 3. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 14 thereof to read as follows: 14. Payments for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be made to the Provider monthly on a reimbursement basis. Provider shall submit an invoice to the Council by the 10th day of each month following the month in which the services were provided. The invoice will include documentation reflecting all expenditures made by the Provider under this Agreement, in whatever form reasonably required by Council. Subject to the availability of funds, the Council will provide reimbursement to the Provider within 45 days after receipt of the invoice. Provider shall submit a final invoice to the Council no later than October 31, 2002 (with appropriate documentation). The Council will not reimburse Provider for any expenditures made by Provider under this Agreement that are submitted after October 31, 2002. 4. The Original Agreement is hereby modified by amending paragraph 20 thereof to read as follows: 20. The Council may assess a charge amounting to five (5 %) percent of the Provider's current month's request to the Council for reimbursement for each month that a program is out of compliance with the timely submission of fiscal and programmatic data as required by Sections 3c, 9, 10, and 14 of this Agreement. At the discretion of the Program Review Committee a $10.00 per day charge may be added to the 5% charge for items not submitted within 60 days of the original due date. This charge may also apply if the program does not provide the Council with current copies of the following documents: A. Certificates of Insurance B. License(s) to Operate Agency /Program C. Sales Tax Exemption Certificate D. Other items identified in the Conditions of Award" 5. Except as otherwise modified herein, the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. F \WORD \2001 -02 Funding Process \GOV 1 EXT — original 1998 doc 09/19/01 2 21 PM Contract #: 01 -102 -4 Governmental Extension Agreement Page: 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their undersigned duly authorized representatives. City of Boynton Beach/Department of Leisure Services BY: /l.,,.v • DATE: OCTOBER IL, (loot Gercd - ER.oeni nq Print Name J M A ■O>r APPROVED A. TO F M: P rint Title / , (IIC CITY PTIORNEY Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County BY: � f lam— � — DATE: Gaetana D. Ebbole, Chief Executive Officer Approved As To Form & Legal Sufficiency BY: -- , "A Thomas A. Sheehan, III Attorney for Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County F \WORD \2001 -02 Funding Process \GOV 1 EXT — original 1998 doc 09/19/01 2 21 PM Exhibit "q 1 • Program Evaluation Model CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 GOALS: 1. To provide opportunities for all elementary-age children in out -of- school care to develop interests, skills and knowledge in a vat i� . _ auto << -dill nurturing relationships with adults. 2. To provide affordable, quality school -age child care to low- income and working families. EVALUATION PROCESSES EVALUATION OUTCOMES Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term Site Program services ',yin be offered: 1 Children will have increased 1 Program continues to improve Rolling Green Elementary after school for four hours access to a variety of learning or maintain standards of School Monday through Friday experiences. (RFP, Activities quality demonstrated by 550 Miner Road on teacher planning days, school Al -A7, B1) NSACA scores (RFP, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 for holidays, and for eight weeks 2. Program will evidence an Activities A1-A7, B1 -B3) After School during the summer for at least improvement in NSACA Various City- Sponsored Sites nine hours per day, on partial scores. (RFP, Activities Al- for Summer school days during the time A7, Bl ) school would have been in Staff session, in addition to the regular 3 PT Recreation Specialists four hours of service 1 PT Clerk Targeted Population Program will Resources serve NSACA Guidelines for School- a 100 children per day (after Age Child Care school), 50 children per day In -Kind Contribution by City of (summer) Boynton Beach of 1 FT b 120 children annually, Supervisor 1I position, maximum Substitute Staff as c. the age range of children will necessary, all Program be five to twelve years sus slies attendin elementa school 1 \\NTSERVI\DATA \Word\2001 - 2002\2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/15/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 EVALUATION PROCESSES EVALUATION OUTCOMES Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term In-Kind Contribution by d. children during academic Palm Beach County year and/or summer program School District of 2 e children with special needs, Teacher Assistants with who will be included in special needs training, 5 activities and outings in the classrooms, playing fields, least restrictive manner and cafeteria and media possible room by request f children with a staff to child Out -of- School Consortium ratio not to exceed 1 to 20 Modules Community Volunteers, Program will provide: including Americorps and A. REQUIRED RFP RSVP Seniors ACTIVITIES: I Care conflict resolution 1 Physical activities curriculum 2 Creative arts, cultural activi- ties, crafts and dramatic play 3 Quiet activities including, but not limited to: homework completion, reading, board games, listening to music, conversation and discussion 4. Academic support through homework assistance and literacy activities including an average of two (2) reading volunteers weekly, and School District 2 \ \NTSERVI\DATA \Word\2001 - 2002\2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/15/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 EVALUATION PROCESSES EVALUATION OUTCOMES Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term supplied Teacher Assistants, who will be available to a list participants with special needs 5 Enrichment and hands -on activities developing higher - level thinking and reasoning skills 6 Access to computers and technology 7 Opportunities to develop communication and socialization skills B. PROGRAM- SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES 1 Out -of- School Consortium Modules will be offered monthly 2. Parent involvement activities Including Parent Orientation and Open House Annual Parent survey. 3. Quarterly Meetings will be held with Rolling Green staff and administration to 3 \ \NTSERV \DATA \ Word \200I - 2002\2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/ 15/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 EVALUATION PROCESSES EVALUATION OUTCOMES Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term maintain ongoing communication regarding after school program 4 \ \NTSERVI \DATA \Word\2001 - 2002 \2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/15/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 PROCESS MEASUREMENTS OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term Check if the following are in Program Services. Program 1 Program will provide to 1 Increase on NSACA scores as place_ will report any variation in Program Specialist summary rated by provider and Program staff program hours as specified report on activities reflecting Specialist site by model requirements the opportunities offered resources Targeted Population: 2 Six months base line data Program will report. a the number of children served daily, the number of days attended by each child b the number of children served annually c the age range of children served; the grade level of children served d the length of time each child remains in the program e the number of children identified with special needs f the staff to child ratio 1 Program Services - A REQUIRED ACTIVITIES Program will report: Al -3 activities available to children A4 the number of children assisted with homework 5 VvNTSERV1 \DATA \Word\2001 - 2002V2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc MI 5/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 PROCESS MEASUREMENTS OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS _ Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Lon .-Term completion each day, the number of reading volunteers each day; and, the number of children with special needs assisted by school - district supplied Teacher Assistants A5 -7: activities available to children B PROGRAM - SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES Program will count. 1. the number and types of modules offered 2 the number of parents attending Orientation and Open House. Result of Parent survey. 3 the number of meetings with Rolling Green staff and administration 6 \ \NTSERV I \DATA \ Word \2001 - 2002 \2001 -2002 Program Models \102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/15/01 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 2001 -2002 PROGRAM EVALUATION MODEL AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONTRACT NO.: 102 DATA SOURCE PROCESS MEASUREMENTS OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS Inputs Activities Initial Intermediate Long -Term Site. Program Services: 1 Activities Summary Report to I NSACA Guidelines Site Visit Observation in written format to Program Program Specialist Personnel Records Specialist 2 Instrument will be developed Targeted Population with PS Staff a Attendance Log, Tracking Form Site Visit Observation b. IDF/Termination Log /Track- ing Form/Attendance Log Resources c IDF/Tracking Form Site Visit Observation d. IDF/Termination Log e Tracking Form f Site Visit Observation; Attendance Log and Staff Attendance Records (to be reviewed periodically by PS) Activities. A 1 -3. Weekly Activities Calendar A4 Tracking Form, Attendance Log A5 - 7: Weekly Activities Calendar B I Weekly Activities Calendar B2• Survey results to PS; Tracking Form 133 meeting minutes List of attendees PS 7 \ \NTSERV \DATA \Word\200I - 2002 \2001 -2002 Program Models\102 Boynton Bch Latchkey doc 08/15/01 Exhibit "B" 1. Form A: Program Budget Narrative 2. Form A -1: Personnel Budget Narrative 3. Form B: Program Budget by Funding Source Page 1 of _ FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PROkiRAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Proposed Budget for Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED REVENUES AMOUNT 1 Funds from Government Sources Children's Services Council $59.519 The City of Boynton Beach $42.247 $59,519 The Palm Beach County School Board $18.000 2 Foundations 3 Other Grants 4 Fund Raising 5 Contributions /Legacies /Bequests 6 Membership Dues 7 Program Service Fees and Sales to the Public School year. $25,057 Spring Break. $450 Summer Program $8 800 Total $34.307 8 Investment Income 9 In Kind The City of Boynton Beach $14,862 Palm Beach County School Board $55.119 10 Miscellaneous Revenue 11 Total Revenue $224,054 $59,519 Page 2 of FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Proposed Budget for Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 12 Salaries (1) Administrative Clerk $13.500 (2) Recreation Specialists _$ 23.440 year round 42,800 (1) Recreation Specialist 50% $5.860 year round TOTAL: $42,800 13 Employee Benefits a FICA 0.0765 X 42,800 = $3.274 3,274 b. Fl Unemployment c. Workers' Compensation Flat Rate $1.057 1,057 d. Health Plan e Retirement 14 Sub -Total Employee Benefits 4,331 15 Sub -Total Salaries & Benefits 47,131 16 Travel a. Travel/Transportation Spring Break field trips $500 (program fees) Summer Camp field trips (bus & driver) $3.555 City in Kind TOTAL: $4,055 b. Conferences /Registration/Travel National and State Out of School Conference (C.S.C.) $1.500 $1,500 17 Sub -Total Travel $3,500 1,500 Page 3 of 5 FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PRO . .<AM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Proposed budget for Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 18 Building /Occupancy a. Rent b Depreciation 19 Communications /Utilities a Telephone $713 Pager / telephone service at Rolling Green Elementary School $503 Cell phone $210 TOTAL: $713 b Postage & Shipping f c. Utilities (PowerlWater!Gas) 20 Sub -Total Communications /Utilities $713 $713 21 Printing & Supplies a Office Supplies Computer supplies _$200 (C.S C ) Office supplies $300 (city) $200 TOTAL: $500 b Program Supplies First Aid Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, Toys, Games, Special Events, Uniforms ($3,901 - city), Head phones,Pencils, Ditto pages, Educational toys, ($1,048 - parent fees) TOTAL: $4,149 c. Printing "'- 1f 22 Sub -Total Printing /Supplies $5,299 $200 Page 4 of 5 FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Proposed Budget for Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 23 Food Service Summer Camp 0 65 X 50 children X 40 days = $1,300 + Friday special snacks $800 = $2.100 (C S $2,100 Daily delieverd snacks 0 065 each X 180 days = $11.700_ (program fees) TOTAL. $13,800 24 Other a Professional Fees Out -of- School Modules $4.288 (C S C) $4'288 Summer Program $2,164 (parent fees) TOTAL $6,452 b Insurance c Building Maintenance d Equipment Rental /Maintenance Copier $875 + Drum $232 + Toner $672 = $1.779 (parent fees) Compac Deskpro S710 $1,800 + Printer $200 = $2,000 (C.S C) $2,000 TOTAL $ 3.779 e. Specific Assistance to Individuals f Dues & Subscriptions Highlights magazine / FSACC Membership dues $62 $62 g Training & Development Workshops, seminars, inservices hours $500 (program fees) $1,000 Administrative credential training $1000_ (C.S.C) TOTAL $1,500 h. Awards & Grants Page 5 of FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PRO,..ZAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Proposed Budget for Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT I. Sponsored Events j. Payments to Affiliated Organizations k Miscellaneous kJVERT1SICC� ?FOR 11E14 STAFF 150 H.R.S. License $150 for 25 children / $3.00 for each additional child ( 150 + 225) $ 525 25 Sub -Total Other $ 7,875 26 Indirect Cost The City of Boynton Beach $14,862 Palm Beach County School District $55.119. 27 Capital Expenses (Equipment) 28 Total Expenditures $224,054 $59,519 ALL FINANCIAL INFORMATION ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR Page —1_ of _l_ FORM A -1: PERSONNEL BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER: Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Budget for Fiscal Year 10/0112001 to 09/30/2002 Note: Use additional sheets if necessary. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) % SALARY PERCENTAGE OF AGENCY DATES NUMBER OF PER PAY OF TOTAL PERSONNEL TIME SALARY FROM TO PAY PERIODS PERIOD SALARY AMOUNT TOTAL Positions/Salaries 100 $11, 720 10/1/01 9/30/02 24 488.33 100 $11,720 $11,720 Recreation Specialist Recreation Specialist 100 $11,720 10/1/01 9/30/02 24 488.33 100 $11,720 $11,720 Recreation Specialist* 100 $11 720 10/1/01 _ 9/30/02 24 488.33 ,, 50 $5,860 $5,860 Administrative Clerk 100 $13,500 10/1/01 9/30/02 24 562 5 100 $13,500 $13,500 Supervisor 80 $30,514 10/1/01 9/30/02 26 1173 0 City Recreation Specialist 100 $9,463 10/1/01 9/30/02 20 473 0 Parent fees SACC Worker 100 ' $9,000 10/1/01 9/30/02 20 450 0 P.B.S.B SACC Worker 100 $9,000 10/1/01 9/30/02 20 450 0 P.B.S.B. Sub -Total Salaries $42,800 (Figure should match Form A, Page 2 of 5) *Recreation Specialist #3 - 50 %, $5,860 paid by program (parent) fees Page 1 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) REVENUES C.S.C. City P B C.S.B Program Fees TOTAL 1 Funds from $59,519 $42,247 $18,000 $34,307 $154,073 Govt Sources 2. Foundations 3. Other Grants 4. Fund Raising 5. Contributions/ Legacies /Bequests 6 Membership Dues 7 Program Srvice Fees /Sales to Public 8 Investment Income 9 In -Kind $14,862 $55,119 69,981 10. Miscellaneous 11. Total Revenue $59,519 $57,109 $73,119 $34,307 $ $ $ $224,054 Page 2 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EXPENDITURES C.S.C. City P.B.S.B. Program Fees TOTAL 12. Salaries $42,800 $30,514 $14,000 $15,323 $102,637 13. Employee Benefits: a. FICA $3,274 $2,334 $1,071 $1,172 $7,851 b. Florida Unemployment c Workers' Compensation $1,057 $121 $1,429 $121 $2,728 d. Health Plan $4,024 $1,500 $5,524 e. Retirement $1,053 $1,053 14. Sub -Total Employee $4,331 $7,532 $4,000 $1,293 $17,156 Benefits 15. Sub -Total Salaries/ $47,131 $38,046 $18,000 $16,616 $119,793 Benefits 16. Travel $500 $500 a. Travel/Transportation b. Conferences/ $1,500 Registration/Travel 1,500 17. Sub -Total Travel $1,500 $500 2,000 18. Building /Occupancy a. Rent Page 3of4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 ( (2) ( ( ( ( ( ( (9) EXPENDITURES C S.C. City P.B.S.B. Program Fees TOTAL b Depreciation 19. Communications/ Utilities $713 $713 a. Telephone b Postage & Shipping • c. Utilities (Power/Water /Gas) 20. Sub -Total $713 $713 Communications /Utilities '21. Printing & Supplies $200 $300 $500 a. Office Supplies b Program Supplies $3,901 $1,048 $4,949 c. Printing 22. Sub -Total Printing/ $200 $4,201 $1,048 $5,449 Supplies 23. Food Service $2,100 $11,700 $13,800 24. Other $4,288 $2,164 $6,452 a. Professional Fees b Insurance c. Building Maintenance Page 4 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2002 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) EXPENDITURES C.S.C. City P.B.S.B. Program Fees TOTAL d. Equipment Rental/ $2,000 $1,779 $3,779 Maintenance e. Specific Assistance to Individuals $62 $62 f. Dues & Subscriptions g. Training & Development $1,000 $500 $1,500 h. Awards & Grants I. Sponsored Events j. Payments to Aff. Organizations 525 525 k. Miscellaneous 25. Sub -Total Other 7875 $4,443 2 1,318 26. Indirect Costs $14,862 $55,119 $69,981 27. Capital Expenses (Equipment) 28. Total Expenditures $ 59 $57,109 $73,119 $34,307 $ $ $ $224,054 All Financial Information Rounded to Nearest Dollar Exhibit "C•. 1. Budget Summary Form BUDGET SUMMARY FORM 2001 -2002 Base Application Agency Funded Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach by CSC Since: 1989 Program Funded Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool by CSC Since: 1989 Program Total Clients (Program) Select 1 Capacity 100 Children X Families Employees Funded by CSC (FTE) 3.5 FISCAL INFORMATION 2000 -2001 2001 -2002 $ BUDGET _ BUDGET CHANGE CHANGE 'ROGRAM CSC Funds $ 55,886 $ 59,519 '$ 3,633 6. % Total Program Budget $ 205,737 $ 224,054 $ 18,317 8. 9 % CSC % of Program Budget 27.2 % 26.6 % • 6 AGENCY Total Agency Budget $ 2.433.07R $ 7.4R»41 j$ 5(1,463 2 j Total CSC Funds (Agency) 55,88B 59, 519 3,633 6.5 CSC % df Agency Budget 2.3 % 2 . 4 % • 1 FOR CSC USE ONLY: CSC Cost per Client $ 5Q5.19 (Capacity, Children, Family) Instructions 1 Complete agency and program name and indicate date when CSC first funded each. 2 Give number of clients to be served by the CSC funded program by selecting only one of either capacity or children or families. 3 Complete FTE's funded by CSC by adding percent of funded positions (whole or part) as noted in column 8 of Form A -1. Note 100% = 1 FTE. 4 Complete other fiscal information for your program and agency giving comparison with previous year, dollar change and percentage change. 5 Leave section "For CSC Use Only" blank Exhibit "0" 1. Conditions of Award CONTRACT 01 -102 AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program CONDITIONS OF AWARD I. PROGRAMMATIC A. Issues or information to be furnished or resolved within sixty (60) days of execution of contract: N/A B. Conditions to be observed throughout contract: 1. The program is to serve latchkey children who are of elementary- school age. Latchkey children are defined as having parents or guardians who work or who are otherwise not regularly available to provide supervision during out -of- school hours; i.e., 3:00 to 6:00 PM, summer, school holidays, and partial days. 2. Representatives of all programs receiving funding through the Council 1998 -99 RFP will become members in good standing of the Palm Beach County Out -of- School Consortium. 3. A designated provider representative(s) will attend and participate in monthly provider meetings which are held by the Council's staff 4. All staff funded through the Council who have direct contact with children must complete ten hours of annual in- service training in Developmentally Appropriate Practices. This is in addition to the training required by licensing 5. Providers receiving funding from CSC need to have a Disaster Plan in place to protect staff, and property, and to ensure the program's ability to continue essential functions for the community. 6. Programs funded through CSC will make every effort to obtain staff that have the cultural competence and language skills to work successfully in the community with the population being served 7. All staff working in CSC funded programs are to follow the child abuse reporting requirements under Florida law. F \Word\2001 - 2002\2001 -2002 Funding Process \Conditions of Award\102 City of BB Latchkey doc 06/29/01 11 25 AM CONTRACT 01 -102 AGENCY: City of Boynton Beach PROGRAM: Latchkey After School Program 1I. FISCAL A. Issues or information to be furnished or resolved within sixty (60) days of execution of contract. N/A B. Conditions to be observed throughout contract. 1 To encourage parents and clients to be responsible partners, Provider agrees to require a minimum fee for services according to one or more of the following standards. a PBC School Readiness Coalition Subsidized Child Care Parent Fee Schedule or, b PBC School Readiness Coalition Parent Fee Schedule with modifications to the daily rate, which are approved in writing by the Council staff or, c. A sliding fee scale in a format approved, in writing, by the Council staff. 2. If any fees are generated by the Council's funded program in excess of the amount budgeted, the Provider will notify the Council staff of the excess revenues and plans to expend such fees. The Provider agrees to prioritize the use of excess fees in the following order: a Increase the number of clients attending the program within licensed capacity. b Purchase those items which would be considered "enhancements" to the service being provided in order to improve the quality of the program. c. Reduce the Council's funding by the amount of the excess fees received. 3. All fees generated by the Council funded program will be recorded in a separate revenue account. F \Word\2001 - 2002\2001 -2002 Funding Process \Conditions of Award \102 City of BB Latchkey doc 06/29/01 11 25 AM