R14-084 1 ' RESOLUTION NO. R14 -084 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING TASK ORDER U -1B -01 FOR MATHEWS CONSULTING, INC., IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $198,000 s FOR A STUDY OF OPTIONS, SURVEYING, DESIGN, PERMITTING, BIDDING AND SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS UTULITY STORMWATER AND WATER MAIN 11 IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY 1 MANAGER TO SIGN THE TASK ORDER ON BEHALF OF THE 1 CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 1• 1' WHEREAS, the City Commission approved RFQ 017- 2821 -14 /DJL, General 1 Consulting Services, on July 1, 2014; and 1 WHEREAS, this Task Order falls under the Scope of Category B of RFQ 017 -2821- 1 14 /DJL for infrastructure improvements and Mathews Consulting, Inc., has been selected for 1' this task based on the approved rotational system; and 21 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon 2 recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of 2 . Boynton Beach to approve Task Order U -1 B -01 in the amount of $198,000 to Mathews 2 Consulting, Inc., for a study of options, surveying, design, permitting, bidding, and services 2 during construction for the North and South Roads Utility Stormwater and Water Main 2' Improvement project. 2: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 2 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 2 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 2' being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 31 hereof. 3 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does \ \apps3 cdy cbb \auto \Data\219 \Items121 O\3114 \4074 \Reso -Task Order Mathews - TO U -10 -01 doc 11 1 hereby approve Task Order U -1 B -01 in the amount of $198,000 to Mathews Consulting, 2 Inc., for a study of options, surveying, design, permitting, bidding, and services during 3 construction for the North and South Roads Utility Stormwater and Water Main 4 Improvement project and authorize the City Manager to sign the Task Order, a copy of 5 which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." 6 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3 day of September, 2014. 8 9 CITY OF BOYNT• ■ : ACH, FLORIDA 10 11 AP' ki 12 MI.r —Je .7 Tay's 13, .0 A 14 15 - Ma or — Joe Casello 16 17 ► 18 Commi . over — ►•z y • ker 19 20 ter' 21 Co.. - ssione M iy 22 23 _� 24 Commissioner — Michael M. F' " patrick 25 ATTEST: 27 l 4 4 it . � _ 28 Jane M. Prainito, MMC 29 • - • Clerk 30 v c :. > 31 32 • o r eal U• TO \\apps3 city cbb\ auto \ Data \219 \Items\210 \3114 \4074 \Reso -Task Order Mathews - TO U -1B -01 doc R(4 o8L/ North and South Roads Stormwater & Water Main Improvements A. Background The City of Boynton Beach (CITY) has experienced periodic roadway flooding and standing water which has affected residential properties located in the vicinity of North Road and South Road (refer to Exhibit 1 for location map). During heavy rainfall events, standing rainwater has been observed at the intersection of South Road and East Drive, the intersection of Northwest Drive and South Road, at residence number 715 along South Road and between residence numbers 820 and 830 along North Road. The project area is located immediately west of the Intracoastal Waterway in a relatively flat area. The general stormwater flow of the area is via sheetflow from paved surfaces onto grassed shoulders, with no existing stormwater collection, storage or discharge structures. Mathews Consulting (CONSULTANT) previously was under Contract by Camp, Dresser & McKee (CDM) in 2002 to provide stormwater improvements for this area. The project was designed by Mathews Consulting and permitted by CDM, but was never constructed. CONSULTANT will be using the previous 100% design plans as the base design drawings for the project. This includes using the previous survey, soil borings and utility locates that were developed in 2002/2003. This proposal provides the scope of work, schedule, and fees for a drainage study, updating previous data collection, design, permitting, bidding and construction administration services for the North and South Roads Stormwater and Water Main Improvements. The drainage study consists of reviewing up to three (3) options for alleviating the existing drainage issues. The options are generally described as follows: Option 1 includes the construction of a stormwater pump station that will discharge to the north in the vicinity of an existing boat ramp. Alternately, the discharge pipe may be routed through an existing easement shared by Lots 39 and 40. Option 1 may also include a gravity outfall for flows not requiring pumping. Option 2 is to allow a pre - determined stage to build up within the identified existing sub - basins and then discharge additional flows via overland sheet flow at locations along the northern edge of North Road. It is understood that this option will allow for some level of storage of stormwater within the roadway system, therefore this option may include the raising (jacking) of the finished floor slab of residences that do not meet the required finished floor elevations. Option 3 is to discharge stormwater through multiple shallow outfalls (20" through 24" diameter,) located along the north edge of North Road. Improvements to convey stormwater from the south to the north may be required. B. Scope of Services This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated August 1, 2014 between the City of Boynton Beach and Mathews Consulting. The Engineering Services of CONSULTANT shall include the following tasks: MATHEWS ( /� /,� 8/18/2014 1 CONSULTING v� C:VI(. ENGINEERS I q i r �. n ,r» t ` f t 4 rr >tr- , . � w t ( • i ,,,,,i,., .,-.-----1,:)ii v r ., ,....+ x. 1 i • ... / _�, fi r' � %.1 ''''' r tf0' ' . - r FQ Y • — . ....„, .....„. V y o .. a . a .................. ., .,. ... . ill "''''' -- ' r.,,,k 4 ,..,,, . . , t Irilr';„ ____......--.. - ,,,, -0, . „. e. K � t - , : - .....4 0c_ wig , r k ' - 0 if ilfill" NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS • Task 1— Drainage Study and Letter Report • Task 2 — Data Collection • Task 3 — Design • Task 4 — Permitting • Task 5 — Bidding • Task 6 — Construction Administration/Inspections The specific scope of services to be provided by CONSULTANT in this Proposal includes the following: Task 1 Drainage Study and Letter Report • Conduct a pre - permit meeting with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to discuss and document the proposed project options and permitting requirements. • Conduct field visit to review the existing conditions and changes to the project area that have occurred since the previous design effort. • Available topographic information shall be reviewed in order to determine the limits of contributing drainage areas and sub - basins, to establish the general direction of drainage flow, to estimate percent pervious and impervious areas and to develop stage /storage curves. • Determine the limits of drainage sub - basins for three drainage improvement options and estimate the peak flows from the 3 year /24 hour, 5 year /24 hour, 25 year /24 hour, 25 year/72 hour, and 100 year/72 hour storm events. • Perform hydraulic analysis and evaluation of Option 1. The evaluation shall include a hydraulic routing analysis identifying the peak water surface elevations and flows for the design storm event and determination of the return period of the storm event which can be discharged under gravity -only conditions. • Perform hydraulic analysis and evaluation of Option 2. The evaluation shall include a hydraulic routing analysis identifying the peak water surface elevations and flows for the design storm event, determination of the type and location of any improvements required to facilitate overland sheet flow and identification of areas of unacceptable inundation and residences that will require jacking. • Perform hydraulic analysis and evaluation of Option 3. The evaluation shall include a hydraulic routing analysis identifying the peak water surface elevations and flows for the design storm event and determination of the size and location of the required outfall pipes. Swales and/or other proposed conveyance improvements will be identified and sized in order to allow flow of stormwater from the south to the north. If proper conveyance from south to north cannot be obtained via gravity flow, then the proposed locations and required pumping rates of supplemental pump stations will be identified. • Determine the locations and widths of required easements for the proposed improvements identified above. MATHEWS (7/14 8/18/2014 2 CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER 8 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS • Identify items of incidental construction, including but not limited to coring of seawalls, repair and replacement of boat ramps, establishment or regrading of swales, replacement of driveway aprons, pavers, etc., which may be required as a result of construction. • Identify pollution control technologies that can be incorporated into the project. • Prepare a preliminary engineer's estimate of probable cost for the construction of each of the three (3) options discussed above. The estimate will only include the cost of drainage and roadway improvements and the proposed pump station(s). It is assumed that the cost for obtaining easements or jacking of structures will be provided by others. • Prepare a Letter Report which will include a discussion of the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses and exhibits for the drainage system improvements (Options 1 through 3.) Provide three (3) Draft copies of the Letter Report to the CITY for review and comment. • MC shall meet with the CITY to discuss comments and incorporate comments into final documents. The scope for Task 1 includes a maximum of two (2) meetings with the CITY. Three (3) copies of the Final Letter Report will be provided to the CITY. Task 2 - Data Collection Subtask 2.1 Topographical Survey Update CONSULTANT shall furnish the services of a professional surveyor to provide survey services to update the previous survey that was prepared in 2002. CONSULTANT shall "ground truth" the previous survey by walking the site and comparing the previous survey with existing (2014) conditions. Any new conditions will be added to the survey. The control will be referenced from the Palm Beach County Control Network, which is the North American Datum of 1983 on the 1990 adjustment. Subtask 2.2 Field Verification CONSULTANT shall furnish the services of a professional underground services company to provide underground field locations of affected existing utilities. The work shall consist of measuring and recording the approximate horizontal, vertical, width and depth data of affected utilities within the project limits. Task 3 - Design Services Subtask 3.1 Utility Coordination Coordination with utility agencies (electric, phone, gas, cable TV, and fiber optics, etc.) shall be performed to collect record information. This Subtask includes reconciling apparent discrepancies between record information and existing photographic and field- verification information. MATHEWS (7, 8/18/2014 3 CONSULTING Ct' ENGINEERS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Subtask 3.2 Design Drawings Preparation of construction documents shall include contract drawings and technical specifications. Contract drawings shall include: cover sheet, general notes, stormwater and water main plan/profile drawings, pollution control device detail, roadway sections and miscellaneous detail sheets. The drawing scale shall be 1 -inch equals 20 feet for pipeline plan and 1 -inch equals 2 feet for pipeline profile. CONSULTANT shall prepare the engineering design elements on topographic survey information in an AutoCAD format and the layering system for design elements shall be CONSULTANT's standard. The drawing size shall be 22" x 34 ". Drawings shall be submitted for CITY review at the 50% (plan view only), 75% (plan/profile) and 100% (plan/profile) stages. CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY to discuss comments, and incorporate comments into final documents. CONSULTANT shall furnish with the 100% design drawings, one (1) set of AutoCAD files in electronic format on CD. Subtask 3.3 Technical Specifications Specifications are to be prepared by CONSULTANT for bidding purposes for the Stormwater, Water Mains and Roadways; and the Front -End Contract Documents are to be prepared by the CITY. Specifications shall be submitted for CITY review at 50 %, 75% and 100% stages. CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY to discuss comments, and incorporate comments into final documents. These documents are to reflect the following: • Contract Documents will use the CITY's existing "Front -End" conditions modified by the CITY as appropriate for this project. Division 1 through 16 technical specifications will utilize the CITY's Standard Technical Specifications. Subtask 3.4 Construction Cost Opinion An opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared for the 50 %, 75% and 100% design stages. The cost estimate format will be consistent with the bid proposal tabulation sheet for the project. Subtask 3.5 Design Workshop Meetings CONSULTANT shall attend one (1) kick -off meeting and three (3) design workshop meetings with the CITY and provide a written summary of the issues discussed. Subtask 3.6 Quality Assurance CONSULTANT shall provide internal QA /QC reviews on the 50 %, 75% and 100% Design Documents (e.g. drawings, specifications, and cost estimates). Subtask 3.7 Public Outreach Program CONSULTANT will attend up to two (2) public meetings, scheduled by the CITY, to discuss proposed improvements with residents of the neighborhood. These meetings will provide residents an opportunity to provide information about the existing system and ask questions on the design, scope of work or bidding and construction schedule. One meeting will be held during design and one meeting will be held prior to construction. CONSULTANT shall also assist the CITY with the development of presentation materials for the public meetings. MATHEWS f J/t 8/18/2014 4 CONSULTING C " ✓IL ENGINEERS NORTH ANO SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Task 4 — Permitting Services At the outset of the Design Phase, the CONSULTANT shall meet with the appropriate permitting agencies to determine potential permitting requirements. Agencies anticipated to have jurisdiction over the project include: PBCHD (water main) and SFWMD (stormwater). Permit applications shall be completed as required for PBCHD and SFWMD. Associated permit application fees shall be determined by CONSULTANT and paid by CITY. Services do not include preparing the permit application for SFWMD construction dewatering permit (Contractor will be required to secure this permit). In addition to preparing the permit applications for appropriate regulatory agencies, CONSULTANT shall assist the CITY in consultations with the appropriate authorities. Consultation services shall include the following: • Attend up to one (1) pre - application meeting with the staff of each of the regulatory agencies. • Attend up to one (1) meeting with each of the regulatory agencies during review of the final permit applications. • Respond to request(s) for additional information from each regulatory agency. Task 5 - Sid Phase Services Subtask 5.1 Bid Advertisement Prepare Contract Document in pdf format (i.e. drawings and specification) for CITY advertisement and bidding purposes. It is anticipated that work will be awarded under one construction contract. The CITY uses Demand Star for bidding projects. Subtask 5.2 Pre -Bid Conference CONSULTANT shall attend pre -bid conference with interested contractors and CITY staff. Subtask 5.3 Bid Clarification Respond to questions from prospective bidders and suppliers. CONSULTANT shall assist City in preparation of any addenda required. Subtask 5.4 Contract Award CONSULTANT shall attend the bid opening, review bid packages received, prepare bid tabulation sheet and recommend award. Subtask 5.5 Conformed Contract Documents CONSULTANT shall prepare conformed Contract Documents (Drawings and Technical Specifications) for use by the Contractor and CITY during construction. The CITY will be responsible for conforming the CITY Front -End Documents. MATHEWS eitt 8/18/2014 5 CONSULTING C Y I L ENGINEERS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Task 6 — Construction Administration / Inspections Subtask 6.1 Pre - Construction Conference Prepare agenda and conduct pre - construction conference with selected Contractor and CITY staff. Prepare and issue written minutes of meeting. Subtask 6.2 Submittal Review Receive, log and review Shop Drawings and Product submittals for general conformance with the design intent and provisions of the Contract Documents. Review of up to 40 submittals is included in the budget for SDC phase services. Additionally, CONSULTANT will only review any rejected shop drawings once following revisions by Contractor for compliance with the approved plans and specifications. Subtask 6.3 Monthly Meetings Attend four (4) monthly construction progress meetings and provide a written summary of the issues discussed. Project meetings will be conducted by the Construction Manager with the City's Resident Observer also in attendance. Following the meeting, the Construction Manager will prepare and distribute meeting minutes to the CITY and other attendees. Meetings will be held at the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department. Subtask 6.4 Pay Estimate Review Review monthly payment applications submitted in a format acceptable to the CITY. CONSULTANT shall verify the quantities as represented on the pay request and make a recommendation to the CITY to proceed, with the payment as requested, or as modified based on CONSULTANT review. Monitor the construction schedule monthly and report to the CITY conditions which may cause delay in completion. A 4 -month construction period is assumed in budgeting these tasks. Subtask 6.5 Constniction Clarifications Respond in writing to Contractor's Request For Information (RFI) regarding the design documents. Prepare and negotiate Change Orders (CO) and Field Change Directives (FCD) during the 4 -month construction period. Subtask 6.6 Substantial and Final Inspection In conjunction with CITY staff, make preliminary and final inspections and assist in the preparation of a Contractor "punch list" to achieve Substantial Completion. Review completion of identified punch list items to assist in the determination that Substantial Completion has been achieved by the Contractor. CONSULTANT shall be involved with the project through Contractor Closeout. Advise the CITY that Final Acceptance of the project has been reached in accordance with the Contract Documents. Subtask 6.7 Certification of Construction Complete CONSULTANT shall certify to PBCHD and SFWMD based on visible project features, CONSULTANT's inspections and review of testing reports that the project was constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted in the permit applications. Certification will include water services were properly pressure tested and bacteriologically MATHEWS (/� 8/18/2014 6 CONSULTING +'\ C I v I L ENGINEERS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAN IMPROVEMENTS sampled to allow a "request for release of facilities to be placed into service" to be filed with the PBCHD. Subtask 6.8 Part -time Inspections CONSULTANT shall provide a part-time (average of 20 hours /week) Resident Project Representative (RPR) during the construction of the work in a total period of not -to- exceed four (4) months for the construction contract. Activities performed under this task consist of furnishing a RPR during the construction of the project, to observe the performance of the work of the Contractor, who will: • Serve as CONSULTANT's liaison with construction contractor, working principally through the contractor's construction manager and assist him in understanding the intent of the contract documents. • Conduct on -site observations of the work in progress to assist in determining if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents and that completed work conforms with the contract documents. Report, in writing, whenever CONSULTANT believes that work is unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, or does not conform to the contract documents, or does not meet the requirements of inspections, tests or approval required to be made, or has been damaged prior to final payment. • Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. Record, in writing, the outcome of these inspections and report same to CITY. • Consider and evaluate construction contractor's suggestions for modifications in drawings or specifications and report them to CITY, in writing. CONSULTANT shall make recommendation for action by the CITY. • Review Contractor As -Built information on a monthly basis to confirm proper updates are being made. • Observe all flushing and pressure testing of the piping. • Assist the Contractor in coordinating all required density testing as required by the Construction Documents. • Furnish to the CITY weekly written reports of progress of the work, the level of detail of which will be sufficient to determine the progress of all activities on the contractor's construction schedule. • RPR shall work with the Contractor and develop a Daily Quantity Sheet (based on the approved Schedule of Values) to be reviewed and accepted each day agreeing to the quantities of Schedule of Value items installed. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Except upon written instructions of CONSULTANT, Resident Project Representative: 1. Shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipment. MATHEWS r`/ +'\ 8/18/2014 7 CONSULTING Clbrt ENGINEEPS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER 8 WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENT$ 2. Shall not exceed limitations on CONSULTANT's authority as set forth in the Contract Documents. 3. Shall not undertake any of the responsibilities of Contractor, Subcontractors or Construction Manager, or expedite the Work. 4. Shall not advise on or issue directions relative to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction unless such is specifically called for in the Contract Documents. 5. Shall not authorize Owner to occupy the Project in whole or in part. 6. Shall not participate in specialized field or laboratory tests. C. Assumptions In addition to, the work items discussed above, the following assumptions were made in establishing the scope of this Proposal and associated fee. Changes and/ or modifications in the above work items or these assumptions are considered an Additional Services Item under the terms of the contract. Assumptions include: 1. CITY shall provide CONSULTANT an electronic version of "technical specifications" in Microsoft WORD format. 2. The new water main shall be 6 -inch diameter. No hydraulic modeling of the water main is included in this Task Order. The existing water main will be abandoned in place. 3. The scope and budget are based on the design, permitting, bidding and construction of stormwater, water main and roadway improvements only. If additional underground utilities are added to the project, an Amendment to this Proposal will be executed for this work. 4. CITY will provide CONSULTANT available record drawings of existing facilities and proposed facilities within the project area. 5. CITY personnel will assist in field verification of affected existing CITY utilities. This includes painting the locations of water mains & services, raw water mains, sanitary sewers and laterals, reclaimed water mains and force mains in the field for the surveyor in a timely manner. 6. CONSULTANT's in -house staff shall provide all public outreach services for the project as outlined in this Task Order.. 7. Surveying and legal work necessary to prepare document for and to secure easements (temporary for construction and/or permanent) required for installation of the piping and improvements is the responsibility of the CITY. 8. Deviations from the Final Design Drawings will be compiled by the Contractor and electronically incorporated onto the drawing files. Two sets of signed and sealed RECORD drawings by Florida Registered Surveyor will then be submitted by the Contractor to the CITY. Two sets of RECORD drawings will be provided to CONSULTANT for each submittal to PBCHD. 9. CONSULTANT shall provide part-time (20lhrs month) field inspections for 4 -month construction duration. City shall provide part-time field inspections for the project at the times that CONSULTANT's RPR is not on the project site. CITY shall provide CONSULTANT daily inspection reports of the Contractor's progress and digital photos of any critical construction items. MATHEWS 8/18/2014 8 CONSULTING C f V I L E N G I N E E R S �� NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 10. A single bidding effort is assumed for the project. Re- bidding of the project is considered an Additional Services item. No pre - purchase of materials and /or equipment is presumed. 11. The design is to be based on the federal, state and local codes and standards in effect at the beginning of the project. Revisions required for compliance with any subsequent changes to those regulations is considered an Additional Services Item. 12. Contractor will be required to secure any dewatering permits (if required). D. Additional Services The following are examples of some specific Additional Services Items that may be required, but are not included within this Amendment. Generally, a condition contrary to the work description in Section B or assumptions of Section C (upon which the design fee is based) is considered an Additional Services Item. Examples include: 1. Additional supervision or construction observation in excess of that specified in this Proposal. 2. Additional permitting assistance in excess of that identified in this Proposal. 3. Construction phase services are based on an estimated four (4) month construction period. If the period of construction is extended, additional time and expenses will be necessary. 4. Assisting the CITY in the settlement of construction contract claims. 5. Development of property descriptions of easements, road right-of-ways, etc. Preparation of right - of -way or easement boundary surveys. 6. Surveying, flagging, or other work necessary to secure tree removal permits from the CITY, County, or other jurisdictions. 7. The presence of any soil or groundwater contamination may require additional design fees to accommodate the existing site conditions. These and other services can be provided, if desired by the CITY, under separate Proposal(s) or by an amendment to this Proposal. Services performed will be on an as- directed basis in accordance with a written Notice to Proceed from the CITY. E. Obligations of the CITY 1. The CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT in a timely manner, record data and information related to the sewer system, water distribution system, raw water system, stormwater system and streets within the project as necessary for the performance of services specified herein. This includes painting the Iocations of the water mains and services, raw water mains, sanitary sewers and laterals, reclaimed water mains, force mains, and stormwater facilities in the field for the surveyor within 7 calendar days of Notice -to- Proceed. 2. The CITY shall review all drawings and other documents presented by CONSULTANT; obtain advice of an attorney, insurance counselor, and others as CITY deems appropriate for such review and render decisions pertaining thereto within reasonable time so as not to delay the services of CONSULTANT. MATHEWS (�r 8/18/2014 9 CONSULTING , C4Vtt ENGINEERS NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS F. Compensation Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT for Task 1 will be on a Lump Sum basis in accordance with the above mentioned Agreement. The estimated compensation for the services for Task 1 is $23,950.00. The compensation for Task 2 thru Task 6 will be on a Not -to- Exceed basis in the amount of $174,050.00, for a total fee of $198.000.00. G. Schedule The completion dates for this work will be as shown on the Project Schedule in Attachment A (starting at time that CONSULTANT receives the hardcopy of the executed Contract). H. Deliverables TASKS DELIVERABLES QUANTITY 3 Design Documents 50 %, 75% and 100% Drawings, Specs & 4 — Sets (22" x 34 ") Cost Estimate 5 Bidding Bid Sets 1 pdf Set 5 Construction Documents City Sets 3 — Sets (22" x 34 ") Contractor Construction Sets 4 — Sets (22" x 34 ") MATHEWS eA 8/18/2014 10 CONSULTING C L E N G I N E E R S NORTH AND SOUTH ROADS STORMWATER & WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: Dated this day of , 2014. SUBMITTED BY: Mathews Consulting, Inc. By: David L. Mathews, P.E. Vice President Dated this day of _, 2014. MATHEWS r/ 8/18/2014 11 CONSULTING C V L E N G I N E E R S ATTACHMENT A North & South Road Stormwater & Water Main Improvements - Project Schedule 2014 2015 Project Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug NTP (September 8, 2014) 4 Preliminary Letter Report (30 days) INS Survey Update (30 days) Utility Coordination Update (30 days) Soft Digs (30 days) Final Design 50% (30 days) City Review (7 days) 75% (30 days) City Review (7 days) 100% (14 days) City Review (7 days) Permitting • PBCHD (30 days) • SFWMD (45 days) Bidding and Award (60 days) surosumui Construction (120 days) MATHEWS /4 CONSULTING C`•. i. `' CIVIL ENGINEERS of ..