II ,
15 WHEREAS, the Police Chiefs and City Managers of the three cities have met and
16 conducted preliminary discussions regarding a south county combined dispatch center; and
17 WHEREAS, as a result of these meetings it has been determined that a consultant is
18 necessary in order to provide engineering, cost determination and planning services in order
19 to facilitate the establishment and implementation of a combined dispatch center; and
20 WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission has determined
21 that it is in the best interests of the residents of the City to enter into the Agreement for
22 Professional Services between the City of Boynton Beach, City of Delray Beach, City of
23 Boca Raton and RCC Consultants, Inc., for engineering and consulting services associated
24 with the consolidation of the three cities' radio, dispatch and 911 functions in the amount of
25 $18,000 per C.ity.
Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as
2 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption
3 hereof.
S:\CA\RESOlAgreements\Reso - RCC Consulting (radio dispatch).doc
1 Section 2. The City Commission hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor to
2 execute an Agreement for Professional Services between the City of Boynton Beach, City of
3 Delray Beach, City of Boca Raton and RCC Consultants, Inc., for engineering and
4 consulting services associated with the consolidation of the three cities' radio, dispatch and
5 911 functions in the amount of $18,000 per City, a copy of the Agreement is attached hereto
6 as "Exhibit A:"
7 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage.
9 PASSED AND ADOPTED this .1iJt day of June, 2011.
25 Commissioner - Marlene Ross
27 ,
S:\CA\RESOlAgreements\Reso - RCC Consulting (radio dispatch).doc
/2..11- 0" I
THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the day of April 20 II, by and among the City of Boca Raton, a
municipal corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Boca Raton"), the City of Boynton Beach, a
municipal corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Boynton Beach"), the City of Delray Beach, a
municipal corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Delray Beach") (Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, and
Delray Beach are sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as a "CITY" and collectively as the "CITIES"), and RCC
Consultants, Inc., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT"):
WHEREAS, the CITIES require certain professional services in connection with the possible consolidation of their public
safety communications centers (the "Services"); and
WHEREAS, CONSULTANT was selected based on the award made by the Houston-Galveston Area Council pursuant to the
Agreement between the Houston-Galveston Area Council and CONSULTANT, effective June 1, 20 I 0, to provide consulting
and engineering service9'for wireless communications and information per contract No. EN06-1 0; and
WHEREAS, CONSULT ANT represents that it is capable and prepared to provide the Services; and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto also desire that this Agreement shall be construed to authorize each CITY to request, and
CONSUL T ANT to provide, expert witness services in connection with court proceedings arising out of projects in which
CONSUL T ANT provided the Services;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The effective date of this Agreement shall be the date upon which the last of the parties to this Agreement has signed this
Agreement, and shall telwinate upon completion and acceptance of the Services and the CITIES' payment therefor, subject to
earlier cancellation as provided herein.
The Services to be performed by CONSULTANT are set forth in Consultant's proposal, dated March 9, 2011, to the
CITIES, a copy of which proposal is annexed hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter,
the "Proposal"').
Each CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for the Services in accordance with the "Summary of Proposed Fees" section of
Exhibit A.
CONSULTANT shall exercise the same degree of care, skill. and diligence in the performance of the Services as is ordinarily
provided by a professional communications consultant, under similar circumstances and CONSULTANT shall, at no
additional cost to the CITIES, re-perform Services which fail to satisfy the foregoing standard of care.
CONSUL TA\lT shall indemnify and hold harmless each CITY, its officers, and employees from liabilities, damages, losses
and costs, including, but not limited to reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness or
intentional wrongful misconduct of CONSULTANT and persons employed or utilized by CONSULTANT in the
performance of this Agreement.
\11) cl1sb ~lnd e'\pelbes, lIleluding .llt')rI1e\ \ IcL", .q,pdlale, 11(' ll:nSl: l:\) llll\l ' II'
enl(lree this indeJl1niliC,Jlil1n claLl',e \hall hl' t-','ilh (i )l\i:,1 I \'. ! l!l, ! f :lll'j ~H1 i i II ~lt i 1, 1f; 'lllk i ~i' "I
,Uh.l ~llr\i\'t..:' till' \-\U1LL.IILlti()I1. ll...'rlllillall(l!i. 1.'....P!r:lll\l~ I'l!'~''- ll1' 111"pL'n~I(ln t
C01\SlIL I AN'I undertakes perl(JI'Ill(lJ1ce olth,: ",TVlces a:-- an Inckpendent contractor and shalt he whully responsible Ill! Ihc'
methods of perl(mnance, Ihc CITILS shall hme no right to supL'rvise thc methods used, but each CIIY shelll have th,'
to observe such per!(mllanCe, CONSlLI,\NI shall \\orJ" c'losely Ilith the CI IlLS in perl(Jrming Sen iCl:S under lh,.
Agreement. C( lNSI ILl ANT shall tj()t receive an) henefits, stipend 1'1' priv ilege:-- atl()rded to CIT)' emplo) ee",
In performance of the Services, COl\iSl'LI ,\Nl l\ill eompl) \\ith applicable regulator) and uther elpplicahle requirement\
induding federal. state, and local !ems, rule" regulations, ,'rders, codes, lTiteria and standards. lurther, CONS[!LI,\~1
acknowledges and \vithuut e'\ception or stipulation shall he: lull) responsible Il)r complying I\ith the prl11 i\ion\ ,>1 ,he
Immigration Rel(JI'Ill and Control ,\d of I LJXIl a:-- located at X (I, ,;,c, 1324, d seq, and regulations relating thereto. as elthel
ma) he amended, I'ailure by the m\arded firm 10 comply with the lm\s rel\:renced herein shall con:--litute a breaL'h "I this
,\greement and cach CITY shall hel\C the disLTetionto unilaterally lL:rminalt: Ihis Agreemcnt.
During the perllJl'lnance of the Senices under this Agreement. l ONSl '1.1 ANT shall maintain the f(llhl\\ing insurancL'
policies, and such coverages shalt be writtcn h) an insurance company authori"ed to do business in "Iorida,
CONSll[:1 ANT shall procure and maintain. !(lr th,' IiI\: ofthi" /\gt-eement. 1\l1rJ"er's compensation Insurancc cOlering all its
cmployees with limits meeting all applicable stall: and fedcral JailS, Ihi" CI)verage shall include employers' liability II itb
limits meeting all applicable statc and kdcral lall:--, ['hi" emerage shall also be maintaincd h) ,Iii "uhcl1ntracl,'rs ((I
COl\iSlfLTANT, Ihirty (30 I day" notice of cancellation. lapsc (lr material modification is required and must he pnn i,kd 1<1
each CITY,
CONSLLTAN I shall procure and maintain. Il))' thc lik of thi" Agreement. commercial general Ilabilit) insurancL', I 111\
coverage shall he on an "occurrence" basi-., Coverage shall include premises and operations: independent contraclo,','
products and completed operations and contraetual liabilit), This policy shall pro\ide coverage !(lr death, personal injun <II'
property damage that could arise directly I))' indirectly li'()mthe pcrllJl'lnance of'this ;\greement.
Ihe minimum limits of coverage shall he $1,000,000 per occurrence, comhined single limit I())' bodil) injury liahilill and
propel1y damage liahilit) with no morc than a S 1 O,()()O deductihk
Lach CITY must be named a:-- an additional insured, I'llc additional insured requirement i~ I\ai\ed it '1\\ner~ and contructm<
protecti\ e cO\erage i, also rrO\ idcd, l)r required, Ihirl) i .111} elm s written notice must bc pro\ideel to edch ( 'II l' in thL' L'h'nl
of cancellatil)n,
CONS! 'IL\NT shall procure and maintain, li)!,the Ii II.: ofthi~ ..\greement. husiness automohile liabilit\ insurance.
['he minimum limits of coverage shall be $50()J)()() per oceurrencc, combined single limit I()!' bodil) injury liabilit\ ,1I1e1
prnpel1) damage liahilit), I'his co\erage shall be an "any aull)" or "l'()mprehen:--i\e I(lrm" l\pe I,olin
In the e\ent that CONSUL I AJ\T does not own any vehides. CI rILS Ilill accept hired and non-O\\Iled CO\ cragL' 111 IhL:
amounts listed ahlne. In addition, CITIFS will require an aftidmit signed b\ the COl\iSl!LT;\NT indicating the j()lllmin,'-
RCC Consultants, Inc. does not own an) \ ehicle~, [n the e\ent Rl C Consultants. Inc, acquires an) I chicks thmughoul the
term orthis Agreement, RCC Consultelnts, Inc, agrees to purchase "any aU!I)" or "comrrehensi\ e I ()f'Jl1 1',)\ eragc a~ oethL' date
or acquisition,
CONSUL T ANT's Signature:
Thirty (30) days written notice must be provided to each CITY in the event of cancellation, lapse or material modification of
any coverage required by this Agreement.
CONSUL T ANT shall procure and maintain, for the life of this Agreement either professional liability insurance or errors and
omissions insurance. This coverage is for damages arising out of the insured's negligence, mistakes or failure to take
appropriate action in the performance of business or professional duties. This coverage shall be on a "claims made" basis and
kept for two (2) years after completion.
The minimum limits of coverage shall be $1,000,000 per occurrence with a deductible of no more than $10,000,
Thirty (30) days written notice must be provided to each CITY in the event of cancellation.
I, The insurance coverage and conditions afforded by this policy(s) shall not be suspended, voided, canceled or modified,
except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to each CITY's
department that originated this Agreement.
2. Certificates of insurance meeting the specific required provision specified within this Agreement shall be forwarded to each
CITY's Department that originated this Agreement, and approved prior to the start of any Services or the possession of any
CITY property, as applicable.
CONSULT A"IT shall require each of its subcontractors to take out and maintain during the life of the subcontract the same
insurance coverages required of CONSULTANT. Each subcontractor shall furnish to CONSULTANT four copies of the
certificate of insurance, and CONSULTANT shall furnish one copy of the certificate to each CITY,
Each CITY shall be responsible for providing reasonably required access to all project sites, and providing information on
hand, including any data available in the files of such CITY.
The obligation to continue Services under this Agreement may be terminated for cause by any party upon seven (7) days
written notice of substantial failure by another party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the
terminating party.
Each CITY shall have the right to terminate its participation in this Agreement or suspend performance thereof without cause
tor such CITY's convenience upon fourteen (14) days written notice to CONSULTANT, and CONSULTANT shall terminate
or suspend performance of Services with respect to such CITY on a schedule acceptable to such CITY or at the end of this
fourteen (14) day period, at the option of such CITY. In the event of termination or suspension for CITY's convenience, such
CITY shall pay CONSULTANT for all Services performed through the effective date of termination or suspension.
CONSUL T ANT shall consider all information provided by CITIES and all reports, studies, calculations, and other
documentation resulting from CONSULTANT's performance of the Services to be proprietary unless such information is
available from public sources or is a public record under Florida law. CONSUL T ANT shall not publish or disclose
proprietary inlormation for any purpose other than the performance of the Services without the prior written authorization of
the CITIES or in response to legal process,
Neither CITIES nor CONSULTANT shall be considered to be in default of this Agreement if delays in or failure of
performance shall be due to Uncontrollable Forces, the effect of which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the non-
r]~rl(lrn1 ing pan> L\ luld l1i 11 d\ uid, I ile' leT'I: lIL'\'IIHnHlllhh,: i ilt\l' ,1',011: I>, cd1~, " 1111'11 ["i!\:\ :..:ni j"
dela) or peri\1I'Inance h) II part) ,II' It:. ohligalloli'o lindeI' !hl' \i21\~L'1l1l'nt itl \\hil...:L , h...'.\ l,llh.l Uh' ,lllldl"'i\"' (I 11111\ 11
non-perl()fI11ing pmtl, It includes. hut ii', 110t limited I" Ilrc', e'oInllclliClk,,', ~t\ \rn1~ llghtnill,~. l'I'illL'1r; II '., ,11" 1'1' I
disturhancL'. '-iLlhiltd~L'. '\L'h l)!'(J(h.1 ,llh! ~_(\\l,TllnH..:lj,j: ;1~'li('ll
]\.,) part) shall. ho\\el er. he e'\cw,L'd lrol11 I'LTlonn:lIlc'e iln'1I11'erlun11atKe 1'0 due 1u !(lreeS which :lI'e I'IC\ enwhle, rem", ,lllk,
,'r remediahle oInd \Ihich the non-perl\lrming 1';Jr!) c, \ ,uld hal,', \\ ith the C\,'I\, ic,c "i I'L'asonahiL- diligente r't'e\ entcd, 1'1'111"\ ,'i i
or remedied with t'easonahle dispatch, IIIL' tll1n-l"erlunnin)C party shall. II ithin a rea'ollnahle timl' ,<I heing I're\enlc',!
delayed ti'om perl\mnanee h) an uncuntrollahiL- !\lI',C, gl\L' \\rittell llotiL'l' to the other pmty dcscrihitl.L' ih\' L'ircu11lswnL\" ,,',Illi
uncontrollahle l\ll'Cl:s preventing continued perlOrJll:II1L'e' ,d't!;e uhligatiuns ullhi, '\grL'clllent
This Agn;ement shall hc gO\ erncd h) thL' la\\, ,d the "tate <>1' IlmiLh \11) and all legal action ncecssar) t" cnlurce the
Agreement will he held in Palm l3cach Count) and thc Agreemel1l Ivill he intcrpreted aecurding tu the law:. or Florid~l. I~)
entering into this Agrcemcnt. CO'.;Sl:II,\NI ,1Ild (TilES hCl'ehy c\pressl) \\ai\ c an) rights either pany mol) ha\c to cl lI'ial
h) jury or any civ illitigation related (lIthi\ \grL'c'mL'111
14.1 Nonwaiver
A waiver hy an) clrv or CONSUl 1'1\'\1 o! any breach ut this Agreemcnt shall not be hinding upon the \\ai\ ing party
unless such waivcr is in writing and dul) signed b) both panies 10 this Agreement. In the e\ent ora \lTitten I\aiver. \ULh a
waiver shall not a!tectthe waiving party's rights with respecttl1 an) uther "r rurther hreach. The maJ..ing llr acceptance "I a
payment b) an) party with knowledge or the e:--i:.tence llr a del~lL1lt ,'r hreaeh shall not operate or be construed tll uperatc 01,' d
waiver or an) suhsequent default or breach,
14,2 Severability
rhc invalid it) . illegal it), ur unen!orceahility ur any provisiun u I' lhis Agrecment. or the oeLUITence 01 an) e\ ent t'cndering ,1Il)
portiun or pru\ ision o! this Agrcement \ oid llr \ uidahlc. shall in no way arrcet the \alidit) or enf()rccahility 01 an) lither
portion or prmision olthc Agreement. ,\n) \ lIid or voidahle pnl\ ision shall be deemed severed ij'omthe :\grcement and thc
balance 01" the Agreement shall he construed and enl()!Tcd as ir thc AgrccmCtlt did not contain lhe particular pmtilln ')1
provision held to he void. The parties ILllihcr agree to re!()rm the Agrecment 10 replace any s1rid.en prm ision ,vith a \ ,did
provision that comes as close as possihle to thc intent ol"the strieJ..cn provisilln
rhe provisions 01 this section shall nut prevent thc cntire AgrccmCtlt Irum heing held vuid should a pro\ isilln which is 01 the
essence olthe Agrcement bc detcrmined to bc I oid h ,I court lIre'ompctent jurisdiction,
14.3 Political Campaigns
During the terml1lthis A,greement, the CONS1:1 I.\N'I or an) cmplo)ce "I' olssociatc, shall not hc' ill\ol\ed in an) polltlc:d
campaign I()!' and CITY eleetive office nor make linaneial contribution to an) such campaign,
rhis Agreement is adopted by the CI rIES and CONSlILL\NI as a lina!. complete and e:--c1usive statement lIlthe tenm III
the Agreemcnt hetween thc (TilLS and CONSll!.! ANI, ihis Agreement supersedes al I prior agreements. L'(llltrach.
proposals. reprcsentations, negotiations. letters or other communications hetllcen the CITII-:S and CONSl !I TANT pertaining
to the Services. \\hether written or llt'a!.
ihe Agreement may not be modilicd unless such modi licatillns arc nideneL'd b) an amendmcnt in \\riting signed h\ thc
The CIT1LS and CONSl:!.T:\,,] each hinds it'oell and its direet,'rs, officers, pal1ncrs. successors. e'\ec'utors, adminislral"J's,
assigns and legal representatives to the other parties to this :\greemc'nt. ..\ny assignment. sail-. pledgL' or COIl\ eyanL'e "llhl'>
Agreement b) ('ONS! ILTA]\'T must hc previousl) appI'lllcd in writing h) the CI rIleS, which consent tlla\ he reasoll,lbl\
CONSUL T ANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee
working solely for the CONSULTANT to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any
person, company, corporation, individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT,
any fee, commission, percentage, gift or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making ofthis
CONSUL T ANT shall be required to work in harmony with other consultants relative to providing information requested in a
timely manner and in the specified form. Any and all documents, records, disks, original drawings, or other information
prepared under this Agreement shall become the property of the CITIES upon completion, for their use and distribution as
may be deemed appropriate by the CITIES.
Any notice, demand, communication, or request required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and delivered in person or
sent by certified mail, postage prepaid as follows:
As To Boca Raton:
City of Boca Raton
Police Services Department
100 NW Boca Raton Blvd.
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Attention: Daniel C. Alexander, Chief of Police
City of Boca Raton
Fire Services Department
6500 Congress Ave, Suite 200
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Attention: Thomas R. Wood, Fire Chief
As to Boynton Beach:
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Attention: Matthew Immler, Chief of Police
and William L. Bingham, Fire Chief
As to Delray Beach:
City of Dclray Beach
300 W, Atlantic Ave.
Delray Beach, FL 33444
Attention: Anthony Strainese, Chief of Police
and David C. James, Fire Chief
RCC Consultants, Inc.
100 Woodbridge Center Dr., Suite 20 I
Woodbridge, NJ 07095-1125
Attention: Michael W. Hunter, President and CEO
\.\ it: ~
\U l COII:.ultdlll~,. 11Ie'
:'.l;"27 Ilahcrsham \)1
i allahasscc Ii L23()(i
\llt.:ntion: Joscph Y :\cl\Sl,,! l'h,I). "I \ ic'l' l'lcsidcnt
:\oticcs shall he cncctivc Ivhen dcli\crcd to the adJrc\\ spL'cllicd ,!I'llIl', (l1clllgcs In the IL~speeti\L' addressL's to Ivhieh \uL'h
noticc ma) hc dircctcd may hc madc Irom timc tl' tim,' h\ dill parl\ h) IHitten noticc lo thc othcr parties Nothing containcd
in this Article shall bc construcd ll' restrit"l Ihl ll'<InSIl1 Is.':, 'I', I l'ilutin,' \,'oml11unlcations helllec'n reprcscntall\e> >I
I'he Serviecs to hc pcrt()J'Jl1cd hcrcundcr shall hc pcr[()J'Jllcd h\ ('( ),\SI I 1,\'. 1''-, O\\n ,tan, unlcss olhcr\\ ISC autholilc'd II!
writing by thc CII IES, Thc cmploymcnt 01. contract II ith. III use "I till' SCI'\ Iccs "I' an) other pcrson or linn hI
CONSllLI ANT. as indcpcndcnt consultant ,'I' othcl'\\isc. shall hL' ,>ubject lo Ihc prillt' l\riUcn appn'\ di or thl' (1111,:" '\ \'
provision or this Agreemcnt shall. hlllvcI er. bc l'lInstrucJ as cllnstituting dll agrccmcnt betwccn thc t 'I I'II',S and an) 'llL'h
other person or firm, :\lIr shall an) thing in this :\grccment hl' decmcd to gill' any such party or an) third part) any clailll ,<t'
right ufaction against thc CITIES bc)ond sUL'h as may thcn othcr\\isc c'\ist "ithout rcgard to thi, ,\greel11cnl.
CONSUL I A7\T is liable [()r all the acts or lImi",loll:. 01 Ih \uheonsultant:. or ,uhu'ntractor" H) dppn'priale l\rittcn
agrccment. thc CONSllLTANT shall rCLjuirc cach subconsultant I,r suhcontractor. to thc c,'\lcnt III the Scrvlcc:. [" hc
pcrl(H'mcd hy thc subconsultant or suhcontractor. to hc bound w thc CO:\SI I 1';\:\1 h) the term' olthi, :\gl'cemcnl. and 1<.>
assume to\lard CONSULL\XI dllthe ohligatluns and n:sp\Hlsihilitics \vhlch CO:\SIII'l ANI, h) this \grecment. assumes
toward the CITll'S Each suhconsultant llr suhcontract agrccmcnt shall presel'\ e and prolcctthe rights "I' thc CITILS ullcler
this Agreement so that the suhconsulting or subcontracting th.:n:of will IlOt pr.:judic.: ,uch rights, \Vhcr.: appl'l1pridtc,
CONSIILTAN'j shall r.:quirc cach suhconsultant "1' ,ubellnlt'act\'! I" enlcr illl" ,Imilar agrccmcnts \\ Ilh It-, ,ub-,uheonsult,lnls
or sub-suhcontraetor"
CONSULIANI ach,nowledgcs and agrccs that nothing in this :\grccl1lcnt ,hall hc L'l'nstru.:d [(i e'IC,Ilt.: anI c"nlr,l\lllai
relationship betwcen and CITY and any suhconsultant or subcontrdctl)r
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Boca Raton, at a regular meeting thereof, by action of the Boca
Raton City Council directing the foregoing be adopted, has caused these presents to be signed by the
Mayor of Boca Raton, and its seal to be hereunto affixed; the City of Boynton Beach, at a regular
meeting thereof, by action of the Boynton Beach City Council directing the foregoing be adopted, has
caused these presents to be signed by the Mayor of Boynton Beach, and its seal to be hereunto affixed;
the City of Delray Beach, at a regular meeting thereof, by action of the Delray Beach City Council
directing the foregoing be adopted, has caused these presents to be signed by the Mayor of Delray
Beach, and its seal to be hereunto affixed; and RCC Consultants, Inc has executed this Agreement, all as
of the day and year first above written.
Attest: Date:
Boca Raton City Clerk Susan Whelchel, Mayor
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency:
Boca Raton City Attorney
Attest: Date:
Boynton Beach City Clerk Jose Rodriguez, Mayor
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency:
Boynton Beach City Attorney
Attest: Date:
Delray Beach City Clerk Nelson S. McDuffie, Mayor
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency:
Delray Beach City Attorney
iH< (0''''11.1\'\1,>,1'\(
Attest: I )atc:
B)- :____,____,,___,,_____,,___,_, _____ ____ ,.._
Assistant Secretary Name:
I itk:
(Corporate Seal)
Copy of Consultant' s Proposal- Dated March 9, 2011
March 9,21) II
City of Boca Raton
Police Chief Daniel C. Alexander
100 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd,
Boca Raton. FL 33432-3704
Fire Chief Thomas R, Wood
6500 Congress Ave. Suite 200
Boca Raton, FL 33487
City of Boynton Beach
Police Chief Matthew Immler
Fire Chief William L. Bingham
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd,
Boynton Beach. FL 33435
City of Delray Beach
Police Chief Anthony Strainese
Fire Chief David C. James
300 W, Atlantic Ave.
Delray Beach. FL 33444
RE: Proposal for Professional Consulting Services - Public Safety Communications
Center Consolidation Study for the Cities of Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, and Delray
Dear Sirs:
RCC Consultants, Inc. (RCC) understands that the Police and Fire Departments of the City uf
Boca Raton, the City of Boynton Beach, and the City of Delray Beach (hereinafter "Cities") are
interesting in conducting a comprehensive consolidation study to determine the feasibi lity uf:
and benefits to be derived from, the consolidation of their E9-1-] call taking and public safety
dispatching of the police and fire departments within the Cities.
RCC Consultants, Inc.
2425 Millcreek Court. Tallahassee, FL 32308-4375 tel (850) 224-4451. fax (850) 224-:3059
Quote for Consolidation Study
March 9, 2011
Page 2 of 14
The chiefs of the Cities see this as an opportunity to increase interoperability with neighboring
agencies and reduce the overall cost of delivery of public safety and homeland security /
emergency management services by consolidating the 9-1-1 call taking and dispatch operations
of the Cities. Federal and state aid to cities, towns and counties is dwindling at a time when
costs and service demands continue to grow, Local governments, more than ever before, need to
find new ways to deliver quality services with limited resources. Increasingly, municipalities are
turning to cooperation and consolidation to achieve efficiencies in service delivery. Achieving
efficiencies, along with sound fiscal management, has been the result for many successful
consolidations of Public Safety Answering Points and public safety communications centers /
emergency operations centers throughout the country,
RCC Consultants, Inc, (RCC) has helped agencies such as Fairfax County, Virginia and Erie
County, Ohio with consolidation of communications services, achieving success through
cooperation and consolidation of public safety emergency communications centers.
In Fairfax County, RCC assisted in the planning and design of a cooperative venture in which the
County and the Commonwealth of Virginia worked together to create a consolidated
communications and emergency operations center. The center houses the County's PSAP and
emergency communications, the Virginia State Police divisional communications center and the
Virginia Department of Transportation Smart Traffic Center in a facility sharing both space and
RCC helped Erie County, Ohio develop a comprehensive plan for consolidating eight disparate
public safety communications centers into a single, efficient countywide center. RCC's strategy
provided guidance in transitioning the equipment, personnel, policies and procedures into a
single consolidated center. Building consensus among so many different agencies was a key
challenge in the project, and taking the time to understand stakeholder needs and requirements
helped build a strong governance structure for the consolidated center.
In Michigan, RCC has developed an innovative concept for the virtual consolidation ofPSAP's
in a six county area in the north-central portion of the state.
Creating a Regional Emergency Communications Center creates an opportunity to act more
strategically to achieve important new benefits that are difficult to achieve without consolidation.
By selecting RCC to help objectively analyze the feasibility of a regional communications
center, the regional partners will achieve the following benefits:
. A single comprehensive strategy for public safety communications
. Ongoing public confidence and support
. Improved operational policies and practices
. Improved accountability and quality
. Technical systems flexibility
. Long-term efficiency and cost containment
(Juote for COIl~()lidatioll StUll.'
\ilarch lJ, 201
Page 3 or 1~1
. Improvcd pcrformancc
. Improved disaster preparedness and survivability
. Larger, more fully dedicated staff pool
. Standardized and enhanccd training
. Improved interoperability among agencies
. More rapid and efticient integration to nev\ techno logics
Barriers to Successful Consolidation
Unfortunately, some consolidations of public safety communications centers tail- and they tail
because of a variety of barriers. Some barriers are operational. such as the necessity to harmonize
differences in personnel salaries. benefits and union contracts. Other barriers are more parochial.
such as views of ownership and control. In more than two decades of helping public safety
agencies improve the efficiency of their communications centers, RCCs teams have helped our
clients overcome the barriers to achieve succcssful consolidation:
. Diverse Team Membership -- Often several agencies arc involved, each with different
terminology. goals and priorities. Members may lack understanding of agency roles and
contributions to the issues, and have differing perceptions on hmv government works.
. Lack Of Policy Guidance -- The Consolidation team may not have clearly defined policy
guidance from elected ulTicials or city and/or county (lrticiab.
. Low Team Authority- The tl'amework f()J' accomplishing consolidation is ambiguous
or nonexistent. Nobody is in charge ufthe process; lead agency concept is confusing.
. Internal Politics - Bureaucratic bias impedes team pertclrlnancc. and often there is a
strong preference for agcncy autonomy due to narrow budget constraints and rigid
resource controls, ^ powerful bias against adapting and integrating operations. policies.
and controls hampers coordinated implementation.
. Organizational Inertia -fhere is strong incrtia toward familiar situational assessments
and courscs of action, Members may resist change or divergence trom existing policics,
By working with a consulting firm that has a depth of experience in overcoming these barricrs,
the Cities will receive a solution that achieves a successful consolidation,
RCC's Work Plan Will Overcome tire Barriers to Achieve Succe,\'.~ful Consolidation
Our experience has taught us the hard lessons of predicting and overcom ing barriers [,)
consolidating public safety services and systems, Completing a comprehensivc objective
feasibility study designed to provide regional partncrs with the right information to makc tough
decisions is a challenge. It rcquires a unique combination of proven experience, reliable technical
resources and a commitment to understanding how public safety agencies and communications
centers operate. Our experience has prepared us to build the trust and commitment that is
necessary to achieve a successful consolidation,
By partnering with RCC. the Cities get a company that understands how emergency
communications centers operate. and who can build the cOl1scnsus that is vital to a cUl1snlidation
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The Cities will receive a solution that provides the basis for answering the essential question of
should you proceed with developing a regional communications center, and provides sufficient
information to help decision makers choose the right direction.
Reliable Experience in Forging Partnerships and Building Consensus in Shared
Communications Systems will Ensure Consolidation Success
RCC's team has been assisting governments and public safety agencies for 25 years. The success
of this feasibility study depends upon the ability of the consultant to get all regional partners
involved in making and building consensus in the process. The Cities will benefit from RCC's
experience in guiding the building of partnerships necessary for consolidation of
communications centers and shared regional interoperable communications systems.
The proposal that follows will demonstrate both the capabilities of RCC to perform this
important study and the process that will be followed to ensure the project is successful.
j, Y. Nasser, PhO
Vice President/General Manager
{Juote tin (nll'-,tilidatil)11 S1Ulh
March l), 2(11 i
Page:1 01 ih[
- ~_._.,_._--.,.__.._-------------_._----~ ...--........---.-. .._------~ -- ._-_._~---
_____________m..____.________ _. ___ _. ___m____..___.____
A Carefully Chosen Project Team will Provide the Guidance Necessary to
Successful Consolidation
RCC has carefully chosen an expert project team to offer the best service to the feasibility study
project. Our multi-disciplinary team enables us to match the project stakeholder's specific neeus
with the extraordinary and varied experience of our proCessionals and their proven ability to
deliver quality public safety telecommunications consulting anu engineering services on time
and \vithin buuget.
RCC is a respected leader in public safety communications because oCthe depth anu breadth of
the knowledge and experience of our statf. The composition of our team also reflects the
importance the Cities has placed on having the experience and tools necessary to meet the
complexities of this project. Our team includes Project Management Institute certified Project
Management Professionals (PMP). NENA certified Emergency Number ProtCssionals (ENP),
and industry leaders \'lith significant public safety communications center operations anu
maintenance experience. Our project manager and the Cities' team will also have the entire
resources of RCC to draw upon should project circumstances require additional support.
RCC is proposing a team of experts at the f<xefront of the development of Next (.iencration 9-1-1
systems, This team has conducted many consoliuation studies. Our corporate commitment to
providing our experts to such standard setting bodies as NENA. APCO. NFP/\, IJIS anu others,
demonstrates our belief that fundamental improvements to emergency communications are
possible through careful planning and due diligence. rhis team \\ ill \vork with Y Oll tli analYLe
models against a set of criteria based on your operational neeus anu vie\\ed tl'om a perspective
that considers economic value in the proper context
Quote for Consolidation Study
March 9. 2011
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___n. .. -.-.
cli~~!tIygghin~;.PgiENP Faysal Tay, PMP,ItNP
~~~ng.,I$Y$1;em~ Systems1 Personnel
f )
I Personnel as
'- , _ R..@qY.lfe[ J
Page 1
Figurc 1- DisJlatl'h Consolidation Projcd Tl'am Organization Chart
Project Manager: Joseph Nasser, PhD
As Project Manager, Dr. Nasser will provide coordination with the City and other
stakeholders to ensure timely, comprehensive communication. Dr. Nasser has a
distinguished career in Public Safety, having served on many technical boards and as a
former President of APCO, Dr. Nasser has appeared before the FCC, the FCC Office
of Science and Technology, and the National Research Council ofthe National
Academy of Sciences to address current and future public safety communications
Professional . PhD, PWU, 1991, Behav ioral Science
& Educational Twenty-eight years Law Enforcement Officer
. Fourteen years Fire Fighter and Ambulance Attendant
()lIote It)!' Consolidation Stlld\
rvlarch l). 201 '
Pane 7 or Ii
. F'ourteen ) ears 9-1-1 'Communications / Emergenc\
l'vlanagement Director for large Florida Count)
. I wenty-f()ur years Consulting Experience
->J_."'.",*,,~X ~ Jill '=~ ~"''''*~.~-
Summary of . Established the first nationwide 9-1-1 Call Taker and
Experience & Dispatcher Training Institute j(lr APCO International.
Qualifications including basic, advanced, and Train rhe Trainer. 1984
. Established the first nationvvide FCC Frequenc)
C,)()rdination system fnr public safety frequencie" fnr
APCO Internatiunal. 198(>
. FCC Advisory Committee Chairman for the National Public
Safety Planning Advisory Committee (NPSPAClI'or use of
frequencies in the 821-824 and 866-869 MHz band",
('reated the first nationwide plan for public safety u"e of
these frequencies, approved unanimously by agencies
throughout the liS and still in use today. 1987
Staffing Analyses: Clint Hugghins, ENP
-, _~""__,<S,~"'OJ:_":,~~>;,-,,*,,,, x_~_=<
Mr. Hugghins will provide project engineering/consulting services in the areas of data
collection, staffing and facilities analysis. and deliverables preparation. Mr. I-lugghins
has participated in many PSAP consolidation analysis projects and will bring this
relevant experience to bear in the RECC Cities.
Professional . BSEL Flnrida State liniversit\
& Educational Certi lied Protessional Engineer (P.L.), Florida #62424
. Certitied Lmergenc~ Number Professional (ENP) li'om
National Lmergency ~umber Association (NEN/\)
. BlCSI-certified Registered Communications Distribution
Designer (RCDD)
~, '''''",~'H_->;>m;=_~,_>;:W1"1< -=,_~w..,~~
Summary of . 10+ years experience in public safety communications
Experience & system needs assessment staffing analysis, conso\ idation
Qualifications teasibility. systems design, procurement implementation
management and acceptance testing
. Technical expertise with the f()lIowing public salet)
communications subsystem": 1'9-1-1, NCi9-1-I, C \D.
RMS, JMS, mobile data systems. information transport
systems, PBX net\\mks. and miCJ"(m(lve radio systems
. Recent consolidation analysis projects include: Alpena
County. ML Erie C(lunty. Oil Livingston Count), MI:
Cienesee Count~, M I: Sussex Count\. NJ: Leon ('ounty. F L:
Quote for Consolidation Study
March 9,20]]
Page 8 of ],l
and Jefferson Parish, LA
Personnel and Standard Operating Procedures: Faysal lay, ENP, PMP
Mr. Tay will provide project engineering/consulting services in the areas of data
collection, staffing and facilities analysis, and deliverables preparation. Mr. Hugghins
has participated in many PSAP consolidation analysis projects and will bring this
relevant experience to bear in the RECC Cities.
Professional . BSEE, Florida State University
& Educational Certified Emergency Number Professional (ENP) from
Background National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
. Professional Management Institute certified Project
Management Professional (PMP)
Summary of . 10 years experience in public safety communications system
Experience & needs assessment, staffing analysis, consolidation
Qualifications feasibility, communications center design, systems design,
procurement, implementation management, and acceptance
. Technical expertise with the following public safety
communications subsystems: E9-1-1, NG9-1-1, CAD,
RMS, JMS, mobile data systems, and information transport
. Recent communications centers projects include: Fairfax
County, V A; Township of West Chester, OH; State of
Florida Warning Point/EOC; Genesee County, MI
The technologies available to emergency communications are on the threshold of profound
change. With the advance of Next Generation technologies, the methods by which emergency
communications are handled on a day-to-day basis are moving from the silo approach of the past
to an integrated, fused solution. This major change in the environment will influence virtually
every facet ofE9-1-1 call taking and dispatch, including the way agencies (and consultants) view
consolidation opportunities. The opportunity to improve the methods of communications still
requires an analysis of what is best for both the region as well as the local agencies. The simple
application of technology will not solve the response level requirements and may create new
problems if not done in a thoughtful, deliberate manner.
()uote tor Cunsolidatioll ~tllll\
March 9, 2lJ I
Page l) llf I ~
RCC is well aware of the potential of available technology. HO\\eveL our goal is tll produce a
body of work that best addresses the needs of the Cities' emergency services, We \I ill structure
our project based upon l(lLIr basic teneb
. Improve the overall per1()rmance of emergency services,
. Integrate the intelligence available through automated processes with operational
practices (Fusion Center),
. Where appropriate, combine the emergency communications functions. and
. Achieve these goals in the most cost-effective and operationally etTicient manner.
The following is a description of the Scope of Services to be rrovided under the prorosed
Phase I - Needs Assessment and Evaluation of Alternative Solutions
Task 1 - Project Initiation and Mobilization
RCC shall participate in a project kickotf and orientation meeting with the Cities' Project Team
and stakeholders. The goals and objectives of this meeting are:
. Review project scope. objectives, plans, and requirements with the Cities' Project Team
. Define RCC's and Cities' Project Team members and assigned roles and responsibilities
. Identify Cities' materials and resources that RCC will require to perf(lnn the engagement
. RCC will develop survey questionnaires t<.)t' review and approval by the Cities' Project
Team. These surveys will assist with the gathering of pertinent technical. operational and
governance data from the existing PSAPs. The questionnaires will be distributed by the
Cities' Project Team prior to the Kickoff Meeting, with instructions to either return them
to the Cities' Project Team prior to the Kickoff Meeting or hring them to the meeting tl)
be turned in.
. Identify individuals to be interviewed to determine requirements
. Identify hlcilities and systems to he visited and inspected
. Develop and agree to a complete list of tasks. timetables and deliverables
Task 2 - Data Collection
RCC shall perform data collection tasks and conduct interviews \vith appropriate City and
stakeholder personnel. in order to determine the requirements for the Dispatch Consolidation
Study. RCC will produce a matrix of planned or ongoing facility improvements and identify
how each may best fit into an overall strategy of regional communications. Of course, we will
rely heavily upon the participation of each involved stakeholder and work toward an accurate
reflection of their infrastructure, short-term plans and long-term vision.
Quote for Consolidation Study
March 9,20 i 1
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. RCC will develop survey questionnaires for review and approval by the Cities' Project
Team. These surveys will assist with the gathering of pertinent technical, operational and
governance data from the existing PSAPs.
. RCC will convene a Project Kickoff Meeting to review the needs and expectations of the
Cities' Project Team and stakeholders.
. The questionnaires will be reviewed and discussed at the Project Kickoff Meeting,
. RCC team members will visit each PSAP/dispatch center operated by each of the
participating agencies, and perform interviews to review data from the questionnaires,
clarify any open questions and observe operations at each center.
. In addition to the interview process, the following information may be gathered as
0 Call Taker and Dispatcher position descriptions, classifications, and pay scales
0 Supervisory practices
0 Training standards and practices
0 Standard Operating Procedures and other personnel-based manuals including any
training materials used, review of training records and an assessment of the
effectiveness of the current hiring and retention policies of the agency.
0 User perceptions and comments.
0 Software and equipment inventories.
0 Statistical reports from automated systems.
0 LAN/W AN diagrams.
0 Plans and review of the process involved with upgrades to existing technologies.
0 Purchasing criteria and guidelines for systems procurement.
0 A detai led breakdown of call statistics with respect to 9-1-1 calls answered,
dispatches, and other PSAP activities as may occur, such breakdown to cover hourly
demand by shift and account for seasonal variation.
0 Current arrangements for supporting activities, such as technical support, training,
administration, etc.
Task 3 - Data Analysis
RCC will review the data provided on the questionnaires and acquired during the Kickoff
Meeting and site visits.
. Analysis of technical information, including hardware and software configuration,
network connectivity, planned or in-progress upgrades;
. Analysis of PSAP/dispatch operations;
. Analysis ofPSAP governance structure;
. Analysis of current funding structure;
<.)uote ror CO!1S01lclalioll "tud\
March 9, 20! :
Page ] 1 n r I ~
. Analysis of staffing levels and statl development programs/policies:
. Analysis of existing tilCilities:
. Analysis of existing systems. capabilities. costs and maintenance agreements,
Task 4: Develop Alternative Configurations
There are many possible combinations and permutations when examining the best configuration
of emergency communications and responsc resources in the area under study. Out of that mix oj
possibilities. a small number of configurations \-vill naturally rise to the top as the most viable.
given the specific requirements and lessons learned over time, Part of the value RCC brings to
the project is our ability, based upon knowledge earned over 25 years. to recognize the most
viable alternatives and quickly rule out the remainder.
Advantages and disadvantages of alternatives are best judged when those evaluating alternatives
have a clear set of requirements. well-defined decision criteria. and consensus on direction. RCC
will work with all of the stakeholders to ensure understanding of the decision prerequisites and tll
obtain consensus, When considering the overall regional approach to emergel1\.:)
communications, RCC will produce a reasoned approach to why recommendations are made in a
manner that allows the Cities' Project Tcam to ultimately decide which combinations of features
and functionality are most appropriate to meet local needs. Each option proposed by RCC will
have an independent analysis clearly highlighting the benetits and disadvantages and indicating
risk management in the best possible terms
Toward that end. this task is comprised of the tlowing activities
. RCC will identifY a number of possible alternative configurations. RCC will select the
two or three most viable configurations and develop them for consideration hy the Cities,
. For each potential configuration. RCC will propose:
Number and locations of centers
0 Primary and secondary coverage areas (as applicable)
(, Number of positions (based on the projected call volume)
(:,1 Required staffing to ti II the identi fied num bel' 0 f positions
CI Net increase/decrease in stat1ing versus existing leve\-;
~ Purchase versus reuse of existing telephone. radio. logging and CAD equipment
C) Networking consideration~
0 Governance model
c; Cost analysis
0 Funding model
Task 5: Present and Discuss Alternative Configurations
RCC will present thc most viable contigurations to the Cities' Project Team at a one-day, in-
person Workshop to go over the alternatives and gather feedback to use in selecting the optimum
Quote for Consolidation Study
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In selecting an optimum configuration for PSAP consolidation, RCC knows that the complexities
require an operational and functional analysis prior to an economic analysis. No benefit is gained
by mixing a group of municipalities that have little common ground. Multiple procedures across
a disjointed geographical area will lead to user dissatisfaction and a general sense that the
venture has failed. Conversely, appropriately grouped agencies sharing a common base of
operational and situational values enhance the chances of success, and thus assure user
satisfaction and trust. RCC has the experience to make appropriate recommendations based upon
knowledge gained from the many such projects we have completed in the past.
Phase II - Develop Conceptual Design and High Level Spatial Design for New Dispatch
Task 6: Determine "Critical Mass" for Consolidation
As a separate discussion, RCC will determine what level of participation by the Cities and their
stakeholders is required to provide economic value to the participants, assuming operational
viability. This analysis will identify how many members need to join and what level of call
volume must be served before the consolidation reaches the required level of viability.
Task 7 - Determine Optimal Configuration
RCC's recommendations will be based upon sound facts gathered throughout the project,
achievable operational and economic objectives most likely to be found acceptable by the
participants. Our professionals will suggest the best recommendation based upon their unbiased
assessment of the situation and within the best interest of our client.
RCC will determine, based on previous input from the Cities' Project Team and information
collected during the initial Tasks, the optimal configuration to pursue. This will include
development of the selection/decision criteria and rationale, costs, benefits and likelihood of
Task 8: Recommendation and Report
RCC will deliver a report as specified in the "Deliverables" section. This report will contain
RCC's assessment of the optimal alternative and recommendations for equipping, staffing,
funding and governing the configuration, This report will also contain a high-level transition plan
for the migration from the current operational environment to the recommended configuration,
RCC will develop and deliver a PowerPoint presentation to be used in presenting the
Recommendation and Report to the Cities and other stakeholder audiences. An agreed upon
number of printed and electronic copies of the Report and PowerPoint file will be delivered at
the final presentation.
Task 9 - Project Close Out
RCC shall formally close out this phase of the project by:
. Recommending final acceptance after review and acceptance of RCC's Recommendation
Report by the Cities.
<JUUle for C()n~\)lidati()11 '.lud'
March l). ::() j
Page j 3 uf it
. Such acceptance will be veri tied by provision of a written acknowledgement uf
acceptance by the Cities' Projecl Team.
--_._~--------------,-"-_._...__._~ ~.-~-_. -- ---'"'_._--~----
---.--..--- ------..---..--.--.--.---.,-,- -.--- -- ~-----_._.,.
The proposed schedule that appears on the following page is based on an assumed start date of
July 6.2010. The timeline is relatively stable regardless of date ofreceipt of a Notice to
Proceed. provided RCC has sufficient advanced notice to allO\\- for a proper ramp up to hegin the
" l',()~d F(d,UII ~o\,rl:Ur1 olrdDt'I'<jv!it!.
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Services tu be provided by the Cities' Project Team and other related key assumptions include:
. Identify locations and extents of desired service.
. Provide documentation on existing individually owned communications facilities by each
Quote for Consolidation Study
March 9,2011
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. Assist RCC in development of, distribution of, and collection of survey documents.
. Facilitate RCC's visits to each site during field studies.
. Assist in coordinating meetings with other stakeholders. It is assumed that only one
meeting will be required for Project Orientation, Project Kickoff, Presentation and
Discussion of Alternative Configuration, and Presentation of Recommendations Report.
Should additional meetings be required, RCC will provide each additional such meeting
at its published rates and published direct expense rates.
. Each participating City shall enter into an agreement with RCC to pay its pro rata share
of the total cost of the consolidation study.
The proposed labor cost and associated expenses for the engineering and consulting services
described in this proposal are summarized below. The compensation for the work set forth in
this proposal shall be a firm fixed price of $54,000, Each participating City shall pay its pro rata
share as follows:
City of Boca Raton: $18,000
City of Boynton Beach: $18,000
City of Delray Beach: $18,000
Incremental payments will be made as follows:
. Upon signing of the agreement, each participant will pay to RCC 10% of its pro rata
share of the total fee ($1,800 each),
. Upon completion of Task 5 "Present and Discuss Alternative Configurations" each
participant will pay to RCC 40% of its pro rata share of the total fee ($7,200 each).
. Upon completion of Task 8 "Presentation of Recommendation and Report" each
participant will pay to RCC 50% of its pro rata share of the total fee ($9,000 each).