WHEREAS, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a water quality
project that will describe the water-quality conditions by testing in selected areas of the
United States; and
WHEREAS, the drilling will take place shortly after the execution of the
agreement and initial testing will begin in early 2011 with inspections occurring each year
about the same time; and
WHEREAS, this process will continue for the next 7 to 8 years with the
conclusion of the program in 2027; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida deems it
in the best interest of its residents and citizens to approve the three Well Drilling/Sampling
Agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey for the installation of sampling wells at
Hester Park, Congress A venue Park and the Links at Boynton Beach.
Section 1.
The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed
29 as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon
SICAIRESO\AgreementslReso - Geological Well Drilling Agreementdoc
20 I
adoption hereof.
Section 2.
The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does
3 hereby authorize and approve execution by the City Manager and City Clerk of the three
4 (3), Well Drilling/Sampling Agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey for the
5 installation of sampling wells at Hester Park, Congress A venue Park and the Links at
6 Boynton Beach, copies of which are attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A".
7 Section 3. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon passage.
8 PASSED AND ADOPTED this L day of September, 2010.
S:ICAIRESO\AgreementslReso - Geological Well Drilling Agreement.doc
Page 1 of2
R. 10 - ,,'-I
Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
C't+c o~ ~7v~.~'\3c~CA.C-\.;\. - SbcA'1 ~\V e-r-,>
The landowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner also
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be a hole extending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or installation of the well may begin at any time after this agreement is fully executed. The well shall be
excavated, installed, and properly maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately characterizes it under applicable state law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted herein.
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged, according to federal, state, and local regulations, by the USGS at its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense, as nearly as possible to the same condition as existed prior to the excavation
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well has been in existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Government will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activities associated with the well described above in accordance with, and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b) and 2671 et seq,)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to the other party.
Description of well located at Lat. :( bp 4 '{ 101 N
Cov'1~reS5 ,4ve. Te:~,^,~ CQ~t", -
Long. <;10" C)q Iq 6 \JJ (Attach Drawing)
-:s) \ (
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.5LV 3ecJAAvc
C' C\rl?~S Aue. 1L
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Page 2 of2
Revised (October 2002)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
Landowner: C d-y 0 f= BOYVY+D''\'\~)(?czc\;\.,
Address: loa "E.S<:,yV\\v'''''G:''(~c.-,^ \~\vv\ )S:5u1V\-\v.,~a_c\\ \=1<^ 33'-t2~
Tel. Number: ~~/- ?1f2~0220 FaxNumber:~G (- 7Lf2---G23.3
USGS WSC Director:
Eric Strom, Acting Director
Address: 720 Gracern Rd, Columbia, SC 29210
Tel. Number: 803-750-6109
Fax Number: 803-750-6181
USGS Project Chief: Marian P. Berndt
Address: 2639 North Monroe Street - Suite A-200, Tallahassee, FL 32303
Tel. Number: 850-553-3670
Fax Number: 850-553-3641
Richard L. Marella
Print Name
Date: 7 / 2 q - 20 I G
~ r /ll
--: /~' {(4)/&\
ignature "
Page 1 of2
Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
C '+r 00 \Sc)'(0-tcJ1\.i)e>C--Lc\, - :J GC~ (' ~ l \) e~ S
The landowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner also
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be a hole extending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or installation of the well may begin at any time after this agreement is fully executed. The well shall be
excavated, installed, and properly maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately characterizes it under applicable state law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted herein.
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged, according to federal, state, and local regulations, by the USGS at its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense, as nearly as pOSSible to the same condition as existed prior to the excavation
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well has been in existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Government will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activities associated with the well described above in accordance with, and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b) and 2671 et seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to the other party.
Description of well located at Lat. 2~& 5y 7 I 4 Ai
8' 'Z...<.. \ \ \-.-\.e<.4-eA- Co/v,M,^-^,~ CeV\~e \'-
-J,vN\~~L/L' ~'-;-~-n ~------
,..(~r----------------- LJ-,J ~~
( \ ~, .
-'~ )~f~'
t>G.-n:.,,?c~ '
Long. <60.. Of,qZG W (Attach Drawing)
\ q 0 l N. $(>o-cc es-t Ave,
> t'()~C ·
Ie tJ vJ
fi G-v
Page 1 of2
Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
The landowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner also
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be a hole extending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or installation of the well may begin at any time after this agreement is fully executed. The well shall be
excavated, installed, and properly maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately characterizes it under applicable state law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted herein.
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged, according t9 federal, state, and local regulations, by the USGS at its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense, as nearly as possible to the same condition as existed prior to the excavation
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well has been in existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Government will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activities associated with the well described above in accordance with, and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b) and 2671 et seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to the other party.
Description of well located at Lat.
(Attach Drawing)
Page 2 of2
Revised (October 2002)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
Tel. Number:
Fax Number:
USGS WSC Director:
Eric Strom, Actina Director
Address: 720 Gracern Rd, Columbia, SC 29210
Tel. Number: 803.750.6109
Fax Number: 803.750.6181
USGS Project Chief: Marian P. Berndt
Address: 2639 North Monroe Street - Suite A.200, Tallahassee, FL 32303
Tel. Number: 850.553.3670
Fax Number: 850.553.3641
Richard L. Marella
Print Name
Date: ~ - ( 5 -2 D \ 0
Pagt: I 01'2
Form 9-1463
Revised {October 2002}
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
C l +t o'f ~ ~^ '\5ec;;...cJ\. - -0beA.( i< \ v e-r.s
The landowner agrees thet the U.S. Geologieel Survey (USGS). Floride Water Science Center mey Instollend maintain a
monitoring well Oil the landOwner's property al a mutually agreed-tJpon site at the location listed below. The landowner a/so
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems neces$ary for water-level measUfements,
geophysical measurements and/or walef-quelity sampling purp0ges during the life of this agreement
The monitoring well Will be a hole extending inlo the earth produced by drilling or augUring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling, The well water may ~ sampled for
multiple COfl5lituents.
ExcavaUon and/or installation of Ihe well may beQin al any lime after this agreement is fully executed. The well Shall be
excavated, installed, and properly maintaIned by the USGS at lis own exp\!ll'lse. This agreemenl &hall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately eharaclerlzes it under applicable state law. In favor
of USGS to enler landowner's property for the purposes noted herein.
Allhe e~ir8tloll of this Agreement the well may be abandoned ill one of Ihe following ways:
1. The we" may be removed, filled andlor plugged, according 10 federal, stele, and loCal regulabons. by ltle USGS at its
own expenae within a reasonable time after the expiration of thi!3 Agreement. The USGS. soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense, as nearly as Ptlulble to the same condition as existed prior to the exeavatioli
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well hlils been in existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Govemment will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other actiVities associated with the well described abOVe in accordance with, and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U-SC 1346(b) and 2671 et seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fuUy execUled and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written nohce. After:; years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to Ihe other party.
Description of well located et lat. Zb.'t'i.1o I tJ
LO.'1":}ress Ave. Te.oiV\....~ C.Q~,-
Long. <ZO..oq lq b W {Attach DraWing)
;Slit ~~C':;M.~ressAve_
1 sw 3o~vc-
Ave Jl
(e^~eftS ..
60 of 220
Page I 01'2
Form 9-1463
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
C Jry o~ '?x>'r"-to "- '\3e~c-\" - :J C}v\ y ~ I V e ~ ~
The 'andowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florldll Weter Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's propertY at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The lanWwner l!lw
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as il reasonably deems necessary far water-lever measurements,
geophysical measurements andtor water-quality samplln9 purposes during the life of this agreement
The monitoring well will be a hole extending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or installation of the well may begin at any time atter this agreement is fully executed. The well shaD be
excavated, installed, and proper1y maintained by the USGS at ils own expense. This agreeTTM'lnl shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropnalely ch8l'8cterlzes It under applicable st8te law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noled herein
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the fallowing ways:
The well may be removed, f111e<! andlor plugged, according 10 federal, state. and local regulatiOns. by the USGS at its
own expense within e reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, 89<1in <It its own expem~e, as near1y as possible to the same condition as exisled prior to the excavation
and/or iflswllation of the well. or
2 At the reQ~t of the Landowner, and if the well NlS been In existence for five years Of more, ownerst1ip of the wen
may be tr<lnsferred 10 the LandowfleI" lmder a separate Well Transfttr Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement. the Federal Govemment will be liable for any loss related to Ihe installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activities associated with Ihe well described above in accordance with. and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b) ana 2671 et &eq.}
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 6 years un~s terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 00 daY$ written noliC$ Afler 5 ytlars, Ihe Ageament rem<lmli in force l.Intil terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written flQlice to the other party.
LOOQ. 'i?op 06Q26 W (AtlaCh Drawing)
\ '\ 0 \ IJ. Sc:>o.c, es+ Ave.
61 of 220
Page 1 01'2
Form ~1483
Revised {October 2002}
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
_ C t-lt vf~1V'\+-O.'\ ~')eo.-c~ - SC:~+\- VJ~\ ~~
The landowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may Install an<! maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner a'so
agees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sllImpling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be a nole extending Into the earth prOduced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measuremen~ andlor sampling, The well water may be sampled for
mulliple constituent!>.
Excavation and/or installation of the wen may bltgin at any time after this agreement i$ tully ex~uted. The well shall be
excavated, installed. and prQp9r1y maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, wtlict1ever may be most 9wroprlate1y charactet'1~$ it v~er tlpphe~ble state law. in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purpogl!!!l nolM herl!in.
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned In one of the following ways:
The well may be removed, fiRed andlor plugged, according to federal, slate. and lotal Mgulatior'l$, by Ihe USGS al its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreeml!!nt. Tne USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense. as nearly as possible to the same condition as existed prior to the excavation
anctlor installation of lt1e well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if too well has been in elO!ltl!!l"\Ce for fiv~ ~~~ Or mQl'e. QWTlers\lip of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner ooder a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement. the Federal Government will be liable for any loss related to Ihe installallon, operation,
maintenance. or other activities associated with Ihe well described above in aCCQrd.m~e with, and to the extent permilled.
under (he Fe<lerat tort Claims Aet (26 U.S.C. 134e(b) and Z~71 al seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the landowner upon 60 dayS written notice to the other party.
Descrlptlonofwelllo~edatl8t 7..[;."..:55777 ;JLong. 1S0~J3---7b-':; W (AttachDrawfng)
-(tr~ Ll ""k.s 0\.-\ ~o~ '\. '\Sea..cv",- - 86 20 ::ro~ ~ ~~
"y(.\\ '>,'1e 1(1 f'p.~\-I;'-^-..e",-
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~ c; III ( (J c- P"'-'.K.~ \ ..+-
fA- M.
( <v'''' ~
62 of 220
Congress Avenue Community Park
63 of 220
Wtwf" "to"
Tnlilf' Sir..
Ezell Hester Park
64 of 220
The Links @ Boynton Beach
65 of 220
Page 1 of2
Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
The landowner agrees that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner also
agrees that the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be a hole extending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or installation of the well may begin at any time after this agreement is fully executed. The well shall be
excavated, installed, and properly maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately characterizes it under applicable state law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted herein.
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged, according to federal, state, and local regulations, by the USGS at its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, again at its own expense, as nearly as possible to the same condition as existed prior to the excavation
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well has been in existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Government will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activities associated with the well described above in accordance with, and to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 1346(b) and 2671 et seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to the other party.
Description of well located at Lat.
(Attach Drawing)
Page 2 of2
Revised (October 2002)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
Tel. Number:
Fax Number:
USGS WSC Director:
Eric Strom, Acting Director
Address: 720 Gracern Rd. Columbia, SC 29210
Tel. Number: 803-750-6109
Fax Number: 803-750-6181
USGS Project Chief: Marian P. Berndt
Address: 2639 North Monroe Street - Suite A-200, Tallahassee, FL 32303
Tel. Number: 850-553-3670
Fax Number: 850-553-3641
Richard L. Marella
Print Name
By C,liY MAJ~/~G~R
Print Namj
Signature '-
Pag!: 1 (11'2
Form 9-1463
Revised {October 2002}
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
C\+c- o~ ~~/(\3eo.c._~'\. - -0beJ\'1i<\Ve.r-s
Ttle landowner agrees that the U.S. Geologico! Survey (USGS), Floride Water Science Center m.y lnstell end maintain a
monitoring well 00 the laodowner's property at a mutually agreed-tlpon site at the location listed below. The landownel' also
<Igrees that the USGS will have access to the site. as it reasoMbly deems necessary for water-level measurements.
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreemMt.
The monitoring well will be a hole extending iI1to the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurements and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple conelitoont8.
Excavation and/or installation of Ihe well may begin at any time after lhis agreement is fully executed. The well shall be
excavated, installed. and properly maintained by the UsGS at Its own expense. This agreemenl shall be regarded M
granting a license or easement, whichever may be most appropriately enaraeterizes il under appliCable stale law. in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted heretn.
At the expiration Qf thi~ Agreement the well may 00 abandoned in one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged, aceording 10 federal. stElle. and loCal regulations. by the USGS at Its
own expense within a rea$Onable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS. soon thereafter. shall restore
the property, again at its own ~xpense, as nearly as PQsslble to the same condition as existed prior lo the excavatlol'1
and/or installation of the well, or
2. At tne request of the Landowner, and if the well has been in e)Cistence for five years or more, ownership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Govemment will be liable for any loss related to the installation, o~tion,
maintenance, or other actiVities associated With the well described above in accordance with, arK1 to the extent permitted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (28 U.S,C. 1346(b) and 2671 et 5eq.}
This agreement shaH become effective when fuHy executed and shall continue in force for 5 years vnless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written noUee. After 5 years. the Agreement remains in force until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to Ihe other party.
Description of well located at Lat. 2bA9.i 0 I tJ
LOv"'5ress Ave. Te.,^,^,,~ C.l2~, -
Long. <2'0 ~ oq }q b \AI (Attach Drawing)
51 \ t ~~ Co-'\~r~ss AvE'.
I SW 3o~v("_
Ave. 11-
(e^~'e'!?S i
60 of 220
PR 1"9-1483
Page: I 01'2
Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2002)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
CJi( ot: ~7'^-1c1\. "6eC'<..c..\., - 'JC1c1.'{~lve~~
The Iar'ldowner agree9 that the U.S. Geol09i~1 Survey (USGS). Florida Weter Science Center may install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner'~ property at a mCltuelly agreed-upon sile at the lOcation listed below. The landowner alw
agreBs tn.tl the USGS will have access to the site, as it reasonably deems necessary for water-lever measurements,
geophysical measurements andlor walGf'-Quality sampling purposes ouring the life of thi9 agreemet1t
The monitoring well will be a hole exlending into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level measurement~ and/or sampling. The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituents.
Excavation and/or Installation of the well may begin at any lime after this agreement is fully executed. The well shaH be
excavated, installed, and properly maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
granting a license or easement. whichever may be most appropriately characterIzes it under applicable state law, in favor
of USGS to enter landowner's property for the purposes noted herein
At the expiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned in one of the following ways:
The well may be removed, filled and/or plugged. according to federal, state, and local regulatiOns, by the USGS at its
own expense within B reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement. The USGS, soon thereafter, shall restore
the property, ~<lin ill il::! own expem.e. as nearly as poS$ible to the same condition as existed prior 10 the excavation
andlor instal/i1tion of the well, or
2 At the request of the Landowner, and if the welt has been In existence for five years or more, ownership of the well
m$y be tran~erred 10 the Landowner IJnder OJ separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of th~ Agreement. the Federal Govemment will be liable for any loss related to the installation, operation,
maintenance, or other activitie!! aS90ciated with the well described above in accordance with, and to the extent permttted,
under the Federal tort Claims Act (26 U.S.C. 1346(b) ana 2671 et &eQ.}
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 6 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 daY$ written noti~ After 5 yElars, the Ageement rElm<l;flli in IQrce until terminated by either the
USGS or the Landowner upon 60 days written notice to the other party.
Descrip\ion OfwelllocatM ~1 La1. U.. 547 J 4 A) Long. <60.. O(;,c~\2G W (Attach DraWing)
6-z:..<.\\ \-.\.eteA-Cc:>,^"M",,^_~ Ce"".l,e,- \,\0\ N. ~(es-T Ave.
k...~I~~ .l.v'll~ rJ
r~~J' V n ~ ,,:c'c~
~~ \ :> ,rJvJ
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Form 9-1483
Revised (October 2OO2)
Agreement Number:
Well Drilling/Sampling Agreement
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The landowner agrees thallhe U.S. Geological Sul'VI!y (USGS), Florida Water Science Center may Install and maintain a
monitoring well on the landowner's property at a mutually agreed-upon site at the location listed below. The landowner also
agrees that the USGS will have accea:>> to the !lite, as it reasonably deems necessary for water.level measurements,
geophysical measurements and/or water-quality sampling purposes during the life of this agreement.
The monitoring well will be 8 hole extending Into the earth produced by drilling or auguring. The hole may be cased and
screened at an appropriate depth for water-level meuurllmenls andtor sampling The well water may be sampled for
multiple constituent!>.
Exc<lvation and/or irllstallation of the weN may b8gin at any lime after this agreement Is fully executed. The well 5hall be
exoavated. installed. and pr~r1y maintained by the USGS at its own expense. This agreement shall be regarded as
gl'9l1ting a license Dr easement, wtlicl1ever may be most approprllitely eh~rlileten~$ it under E1pphc81ble state law. in favor
of USGS to enter lanoowner'A propet1y for tlW! purpos~9 noled herein.
At the eltpiration of this Agreement, the well may be abandoned In one of the following ways:
1. The well may be removed. fiNed and/or plugged. according to federal, state, and local fl':guletior'lS, by lhe USGS OIl its
own expense within a reasonable time after the expiration of this Agreement It\e USGS, soon thereafter. shall restore
the property, again at its own expense. 88 nearly as possible to the ~me COl'\dition as existed prior to the excClVation
and/or installation oflhe well, or
2. At the request of the Landowner, and if the well has been In exis~nc~ fO( five ~"I'$ Or rnore. \.lWllership of the well
may be transferred to the Landowner under a separate Well Transfer Agreement.
During the life of this Agreement, the Federal Government win be liable for any loss related to the installallQI\ Qperatlon,
maintenance, or other activities associated with the w~1I described above in <K;CQrd.H1ce with, .md 10 lhe elttent permitted.
under the Federal tort Claims ACt (26 U.$.C. 1340(b) ilind Z071 el seq.)
This agreement shall become effective when fully executed and shall continue in force for 5 years unless terminated earlier
by the USGS upon 60 days written notice. After 5 years, Ihe Agreement remains in force until terminated by ~ither the
USGS or the landowner upon 60 days wrillen notictt 10 the othttr party.
Description of wel110cated at lat. ~. 55 777 .N Long. 8o~ J37'" -.; W (Attach Drawing)
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