11 WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach's banking services are currently with Bank of
12 American as approved by the City Commission via Resolution 04-017 and which agreement is
13 due to expire February 1, 2009; and
14 WHEREAS, due to the uncertainties in the banking world city staff is recommending
15 that the City of Boynton Beach's banking services remain with Bank of America at an
16 amended and reduced rate of fees; and
17 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, hereby deems it to
18 be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, to approve
19 'and authorize the City Manager to execute a Banking Services Agreement with Bank of
20 America for the City's banking services for the period of February 1,2009 through September
21 30,2011.
24 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as
25 Ibeing true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption
26 ~ereof.
27 I Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, hereby approves
28 d authorizes the City Manager to execute a Banking Services Agreement with Bank of
:\CA\RESOlAgreementslAmending Bank of America Banks Services Agmt.doc
t I I
1 America for the City's banking services for the period of February 1,2009 through September
2 30, 2011, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
3 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage.
5 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of January, 2009.
19 //)1Xd~
22 Commissioner - Marlene Ross
29 ,l;,;ti~I~1',.~~;"",
30 (c..ii~rJ"1f{.
31 ;I".~c
, '? -':'J~.,~~*e.O{;e""
:\CA\RESOlAgreementslAmending Bank of America Banks Services Agmt.doc
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 20th day of January, 2009, by and between the City of
Boynton Beach, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida,
hereinafter referred to as "City", and Bank of America, N.A., a State chartered banking institution, herein
referred to as "Bank".
WHEREAS, the City is desirous of extending its current Agreement with the Bank entered into on
February 3, 2004 to provide the City's banking services; and
WHEREAS, the City and the Bank renegotiated and lowered certain fees charged by the Bank to provide
such banking services;
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and promises herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE: The performance of the Agreement shall commence February 1,
2009, and shall remain in effect through September 30, 2011. The City will have the option to
extend the contract for another two-year period, providing both parties mutually agree. Any
proposed changes by the Bank relating to the extension will be provided to the City 90 days prior
to the contract expiration date.
2. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Bank agrees to provide the services specified, with qualified
personnel, and at the costs specified in its proposal to the City dated October 30 2003, (except
those renegotiated and attached as Exhibit "A") incorporated by reference herein and made a part
hereof as fully as if herein set forth. The Bank hereby acknowledges submitting renegotiated
prices attached as Exhibit "A" and said proposal in response to the City's Request for Proposal
for Banking Services. Said Request for Proposal for Banking Services being incorporated by
reference herein and made a part hereof as fully as if herein set forth.
3. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES: The City agrees to provide payment to the Bank under the
following payment arrangement:
Payment will be made by a "specific charges for service" method. The Bank shall submit monthly
invoices for all services rendered for the preceding month. Such invoices shall be accompanied
by an Account Analysis for each account and a summary Account Analysis for all accounts
combined which will itemize all charges. The analysis shall contain, at a minimum, average daily
ledger balance, less float and reserve requirements to arrive at a net collected balance.
Following the City's opportunity to review the monthly account analysis, and reconcile any
discrepancies, a check will be issued to the Bank for the approved charges, less any contested
charges. There shall be no automatic debiting of the City's accounts for service charges.
4. IMPLEMENTING SPECIAL PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT: Representatives of the parties are
hereby authorized to meet and draft any detailed plans and procedures of operation necessary to
effectively extend this Agreement. Such plans and procedures of operation shall become effective
upon acceptance by the Finance Director, E. Barrett Atwood, Sr., and the Bank. Said plans and
procedures of operation shall be subject to change upon mutual agreement and consent of the
parties, which Agreement and consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or denied.
5. INDEMNIFICATION: The Bank shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, it officers,
elected officials, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, actions, losses
(including economic losses), or liability, or any portion thereof, including attorneys fees and costs,
arising from any actual or alleged a) injury, sickness, disease, or death to person, the employees,
or damage or injury to property occasioned by a negligent act, omission or failure of the Bank; b)
violation of law, statute, ordinance, governmental administration order, rule, regulation, of
Page 1 of 4
infringement of patent rights by the Bank in the performance of the Scope of Services; or c) liens,
claims or actions make by the Bank or its agents, subsidiaries or other party performing the work.
The indemnification obligations herein shall not be limited by any limitation of the amount, type of
damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Bank under workers' compensation
acts, disability benefit acts, other employee benefit acts or any statutory bar. Any cost of
expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by the City to enforce this Agreement shall be borne
by the Bank.
With regard to any financial loss which may be suffered by the City as a result of or due to
intentional or negligent acts of commission or omission by the Bank, the Bank hereby agrees to
reimburse and hold harmless the City for such loss.
6. INSURANCE: The Bank shall secure and maintain in force throughout the duration of this all
required insurance as set forth in the Bank's Response to Request for Proposal for Banking
Services being incorporated by reference herein.
Each insurance policy shall name the City of Boynton Beach as an additional named insured and
shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of said policy except upon thirty (30) days prior
written notice to the City. Certificates of coverage as required by this section shall be delivered to
the City within fifteen (15) days of execution of this Agreement.
7. CONVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES: The Bank warrants that they have not employed
or retained any company or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely of the Bank,
to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that the Bank has not paid or agreed to pay any company
or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for the Bank, a fee, commission,
percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the
award or making this Agreement. For breech or violation this warranty, the City shall by the right
to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or
consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage,
brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee.
8. DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED: The Bank, with regard to the work performed by it under this
Agreement, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, creed,
age, sex or the presence of any physical or sensory handicap in the selection and retention of
employees or procurement of materials and supplies.
9. ASSIGNMENT: The Bank shall not sublet or assign any of the services covered by this
Agreement without the express written consent of the City.
10. NON-WAIVER: Waiver by the City of any provision of this Agreement or any time limitation
provided for in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision.
11. TERMINATION: The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 30
(thirty) days written notice to the Bank.
12. DISPUTES: Any dispute out of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be adjudicated
within the courts of Florida. Further, this Agreement shall be construed under Florida Law. Any
and all legal action necessary to enforce the Agreement will be held in Palm Beach County,
13. NOTICES: Notices to the City of Boynton Beach shall be sent to the following address:
Page 2 of 4
Notices to THE Bank shall be sent to the following address:
Changes in the respective addresses to which such notice may be directed may be made from
time to time by any party by written notice to the other party. Facsimile is acceptable notice
effective when received; however facsimiles received (i.e., printed) after 5:00 p.m. or on
weekends or holidays, will be deemed received on the next business day. The original of the
notice must also be mailed as required herein.
14. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda,
represents the entire and integrated agreement between the City and the Bank and supersedes
all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements written or oral. This Agreement may be
amended only by written instrument signed by both the City and the Bank.
15. SEVERABILITY: The invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement,
or the occurrence of any event rendering any portion or provision of this Agreement void, shall in
no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision of the Agreement. Any
void provision shall be deemed severed from the Agreement and the balance of the Agreement
shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular portion or
provision held to be void. The parties further agree to reform the Agreement to replace any
stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the
stricken provision.
16. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto
with respect to the subject matter hereof, and any representatives or statements heretofore made
with respect to such subject matter, whether verbal or written, are merged herein.
17. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and any
remedies of the parties pertaining thereto shall likewise be governed by said laws.
Page 3 of 4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by and through their duly authorized officials, have
executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.
DATED this 20th of January, 2009
CM~ ' P-~Jp?
Ity anager Date Authorized Representative Date
~J ~\lL ~
City Attorney _ ate
Dale I
Page 4 of 4
Renegotiated Unit Pricing (1) Page 1 of 2 Pages
Effective February 1, 2009
Boynton Buch Ititm
Description Renegotiated No.
Unit Pricing
FDIC ASSESSMENT I $1,000 pass thru 1
CURRlCOIN OEPI$100-BKG CTR $ 0.040 8
CURRlCOIN OEPI$1oo-VL T $ 0.040 9
CKS OEP ALL OTHER $ 0.040 20
(1) Changes highlighted. All other pricing conl8ined in Attachment "C" of the Bank'. 10I30I03 PropoeaI to the City remains the 18me.
Renegotiated Unit Pricing (1) Page 2 of 2 Pages
Effective February 1, 2009
menca. .
Boynton Beach .....,
Description Renegotia1led No.
Unit PrIcIng
WIRE ADVICE-FAX $ 3.000 61
PARTIAL MAINT $ 20.000 65
CD ROM PER IMAGE $ 0.040 72
CO ROM DISK $ 10.000 73
(1) Change. highlighted. All other pricing contained In Attachment "C" of the Bank'. 10I30I03 Proposal to the CIty remains the same.
The City of Boynton Beach
City Clerk's Office
(561) 742-6060
FAX: (561) 742-6090
e-mail: prainitoj@ci.boynton-beach.f1.us
TO: Carol Doppler
Purchasing Agent
FROM: Janet M. Prainito
City Clerk
DATE: January 27, 2009
SUBJECT: R09-011 Agreement for Banking Servies
Attached for your handling is the partially executed agreement mentioned above and a
copy of the Resolution. Once the document has been fully executed, please return the
original document to the City Clerk's Office for Central File.
Thank you.
~'m, p~
Attachments (2)
C: Central File & Follow-up
S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMISSION\Departmental Transmittals\2009\Carol Doppler R09-0ll.doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
The City of Boynton Beach
City Clerk's Office
(561) 742-6060
FAX: (561) 742-6090
e-mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us
July 28, 2009
Ms. Linda Mason, Senior Vice President
Bank of America, N. A.
625 North Flagler Drive, 10th Floor
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-4025
Re: Resolution 09-011 Agreement for Banking Services
Dear Ms. Mason:
Enclosed for your handling is the agreement mentioned above that was approved by the City
Commission at their regular meeting on January 20, 2009. Once the agreement has been signed
please return to the original City Clerk's Office for Central File.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
e:t::;, Yn. ~
t M. Prainito, CMC
City Clerk
Cc: Barry Atwood, Finance Director
s: \ CC\ WP\AFTER COMMISSION\ Other Transmittal Letters After Commission \2009\R09-0 11 Agreement for Bankingh Services with
Bank of America. doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
Umbrella Agreement for Government Banking Services
This Agreement for Government Banking Services (the "Agreement") is made as of this 20th day of January, 2009, between City of
Boynton Beach (the "Client") and Bank of America, N.A., a national banking association.
WHEREAS, Client has requested the amendment to the RFP agreement, for providing banking services (the "Services"):
WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of specifying the term and constituent documents of the
agreement between Client and Bank regarding the Services;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Inteqrated Aqreement. The entire and integrated agreement between Client and Bank related to the Services shall consist of this
Agreement, Bank's Treasury Terms and Conditions booklet (including user documentation and set-up forms), Bank's Bid
Response and Client's RFP as modified by the Bid Response. In the event of conflict among any of the preceding documents,
such documents shall govern in the following order of precedence: (1) this Agreement, (2) Bank's Treasury Terms and Conditions
booklet (including user documentation and set-up forms), (3) the Banking Services Renegotiation Letter dated January 5, 2009 to
include the Renegotiated Unit Pricing (Exhibit A) effective February 1,2009 and (4) the RFP. The integrated agreement
supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, statements and agreements, whether written or oral, regarding the Services.
2. Commencement of Performance. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, Bank shall begin performing each Service upon
execution and delivery of this Agreement, the pertinent service-level agreement and the related set-up forms. Bank shall continue
t'"l ;::,ert0rm such Services during the term of this Agreement
3. Term. This Agreement is for an initial term of three @) years or through September 30,2011 at the City's election to coincide with
the City's fiscal year end. The Agreement may be extended by mutual consent of the parties as set forth in the RFP.
4. Notices. Except as may otherwise be specified in the applicable service-level agreement or set-up form, notices to Client and Bank
shall be sent to the addresses set forth below:
Client: City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-3838
Attn: E. Barrett Atwood, Sr., Director of Finance
Bank: Bank Of America, N.A.
625 North Flaqler Drive, 10th Floor
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-4025
Attn: Linda Mason, Senior Vice President
Changes in the respective address set forth above may be made from time to time by any party upon written notice to the other
In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
City of Boynton Beach Bank of America, N.A.
By ~f?' . By ~cCo- .()fllLrM~
. ,;u..v-Q/""-:~~- --
(Signature) (Signature)
Name: Kurt Bressner Name: Linda A. Mason
- --~--_.
(Print or Type) (Print or Type)
Title: City Manager___ ___ _ Title: Senior Vice President
IP'I"t."T~ (print or Type)
By By:
(Signature) (Signature)
Name: Name:
(Print or Type) (Print or Type)
(print or Type)
Page 1 of 1
Terms and Conditions
Bank of America. ~
AD-AG-0455B {2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25]
<<:> 2006 by Bank of America Corporation
All rights reserved. None of the enclosed material
may be reproduced or published without permission.
AD-AG-0455B {2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25]
I am an authorized representative of the organization specified below (the "Client"). The Client has received
Bank of America's Treasury Services Terms and Conditions Booklet (the "Booklet") and agrees to adhere to
the Booklet and any applicable User Documentation from Bank of America ("Bank"). The Services covered
by the Booklet and the banks providing Services are listed on the accompanying List of Banks and Services,
which we may change from time to time. Capitalized terms used in this Authorization and Agreement form,
not otherwise defined, have the meanings given to them in the Booklet.
A fier I sign below on behalf of the Client, the Client may from time to time request the Bank to provide any of
the Services described in the Booklet. The Client may begin to use any such Service once Bank has approved
such use and has received all required and properly executed forms and the Client has successfully completed
any testing or training requirements. The Booklet supersedes other agreements between the Client and the
Bank, as described under the General Matters heading in the Booklet, with regard to the provision of Services.
I warrant that the Client has taken all action required by its organizational or constituent documents to
authorize me to execute and deliver on behalf of the Client this Authorization and Agreement form and any
other documents the Bank may require with respect to a Service. I am authorized to enter into all transactions
contemplated by the provision of Services to the Client. These may include, but are not limited to, giving the
Bank instructions with regard to Electronic Funds Transfer Services and designating employees or agents to
act in the name and on behalf of the Client.
Guidelines for completion:
If Client is a: Who must sign:
corporation ............................................. any authorized officer
limited liability company....................... all members, or any authorized officer*
partnership (general or limited) ............. any general partner*
limited liability partnership.................... the managing partner*
sole proprietorship ................................. the sole proprietor
governmental entity............................... the Treasurer*
* Includes any individual authorized under Client's charter or organizational or constituent documents. The
legal name of any member, managing member, manager or general partner who is signing and who is not an
individual must appear in the signature block. Note that in most cases the Client must also complete the
Certification form which follows.
Dated:j t l. ~ d. 9. ) ~ DO,\
Cit f Bo nton Beach
[S ignature of A uthorized Representative] [Signature of Authorized Representative, if two are
Kurt Bressner required by Client]
[Print Name of Authorized Representative]
City Manager [Print Name of Authorized Representative]
[Print Title of Authorized Representative (include the legal
name of any member, managing member, manager or [Print Title of Authorized Representative (include the legal
general partner who is signing and who is not an name of any member, managing member, manager or
individual)] general partner who is signing and who is not an
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] II
The following addresses may be used for giving notices in connection with this Booklet except as you or we
provide the other different addresses to be used in conjunction with your accounts or particular Services.
Address for Client Notices: Address(es) for Bank Notices:
City of Boynton Beach
Department of Financial Service Bank of America, N.A.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach. FL 33426-0310 Documentation Management (CA4-706-04-07)
P.O. Box 27128
Concord, CA 94527-9904
Telephone: (561) 742-6310
Fax: (561) 742-6316 Fax: (925) 675-7131
and, if filled in, the following:
Telephone: L-J
Fax: L-J
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] jij
I certify that each signature appearing on the previous page for Client is the true signature of a person authorized to
execute the form on behalf of Client, and I further certify that I have full authority to execute this certification. The
Bank is entitled to rely upon this certification until written notice of its revocation is delivered to the Bank.
Guidelines for completion: This Certification should not be signed by the individual who signed the
Authorization and Agreement
If Client is a: Who must sign:
corporation........................................................ any authorized officer
limited liability company.................................. any member or authorized officer
limited liability partnership .............................. any partner
partnership (general or limited) ........................ any general partner
sole proprietorship ............................................ no signature required
governmental entity .......................................... the entity's counsel, or any other individual as
permitted by the entity's organizational documents
The legal name of any member, managing member, manager or general partner who is signing and
who is not an individual must appear in the signature block.
Note: If Client is not a U.S. based entity, it is not required to complete this certification, but must provide
authorizing certificates or mandates.
Dated: j ( 1. Ok d. S J ;::} C")C)~.
James A. Cherof
[Print Name of Certifying Representative]
City Attorney
[print Title of Certifying Representative (include the legal
name of any member, managing member, manager or
general partner who is signing and who is not an
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] iv
Treasury Services Delegation of Authority Form
This form is optional and is to be used when you wish to delegate authority to sign various authorization forms to
someone other than the person who signed the Authorization and Agreement form in the front of this Booklet.
By signing below, you authorize the incumbent of the specified position listed in Section A or each person listed in
section B below, acting alone, to execute documents that we may request, and any amendments or renewals thereof,
pertaining to the use of Services, including but not limited to designating one or more persons (which may include
himself or herself) authorized to initiate, amend, cancel, confirm or verify the authenticity of instructions to us for
Services, whether given orally, electronically or by facsimile instructions, and to revoke any authorization granted to
any such person, as he or she deems appropriate. The signer of this form has the same authority described above for
each Service with us, unless otherwise specified. We are entitled to rely upon this delegation until written notice of
its revocation is received by us.
Guidelines for Completion: Fill out either section A or section B, or both, depending on your needs.
. To delegate authority to any person holding a specific title, fill out section A.
. To delegate authority to specific individuals by name, fill out section B.
For each name or title, indicate "All" in the "Service" column if the person or title has authority to sign documents
for all Services which you receive from us. Otherwise, indicate specific Services for which the person or title has
authority. For each name or title, indicate the entity or entities for which the person or title has authority to sign
All Ci
All Ci
All Ci
All Ci
I Name I Service I Entity I Specimen Signature I
Client Authorization Instructions: The same person who signed the Authorization and Agreement for Treasury
Services form must sign this Treasury Services Delegation of Authority form.
Kurt Bressner
[Print Name of Authorized Represenlative)
City Manager
[print Title of Authorized Representative (include the legal name
of any member, managing member, manager or general parlner who
is signing and who is not an individual)]
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] v
INTRODUCTION.................................. ........................................................ 1
TREASURY SERVICES................................................................................ 2
ACCOUNT RECONCILEMENT ..................... ............ ................ .... ................ ..................... ...... .................... ......2
AUTOMA TED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH)............................. .... .... .................. ..................................... ........ ....2
AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH) BLOCKS AND FIL TERS.............................................................5
CASHP A Y@ ..... .....................................................................................................................................................6
CHECK ISSUANCE ................................................................................................................................ .............. 7
CHECK TRUNCATION ............................ ...... .......... ........................................... .... ............................................. 8
CLIENT -PRINTED DRAFTS.......................... ........... .... .... ......................... .............. .... ......................................... 9
COIN AND CURRENCY ORDERS ...................................................................................................................10
COLLECTION LETTERS ............................................ ........ ................. ............. ......... ............... .... ...... .... .... .... ... I I
COMMERCIAL AND CORPORATE CARD.....................................................................................................11
COMMERCIAL DEPOSiTS............................ .... ...... ...... .... ................:... ...... ............. .... ............... .... ..................17
COMMERCIAL PREP AID CARD................ ...... .... .................. .................... ............................. .............. ...........17
CONTROLLED BALANCE ACCOUNTS ............................. .... ...................... ..................... .......... ...... .............19
CONTROLLED DISBURSEMENT .................................................. .................... ................. ...... .... ........ ...........20
DISBURSEMENT IMAGE....... ....................................................... ............................................... .............. ...... .22
ELECTRONIC BILL PAYMENT CONSOLIDA TION ......................................................................................22
ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI)..................................................................................................23
ELECTRONIC FOREIGN EXCHANGE..... ........ .......... ....................... ...... .............. ..........................................24
INFORMA TION REPORTING ......... ........... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ................................... .... ..................................26
LOCKBOX .................................. ................... ................ ..................... ................. ...................... .................. ...... ..27
ONLINE STOP PAYMENT ................. ...... ............................................ ................. ............. ........... ....................28
POSITIVE PAY ...................................................................................................................................... ........... ..29
RECLEAR ............................................................................. ...... ...... ................ ......................... ..........................31
RE-PRESENTMENT CHECK (RCK) ... ............................................. ......... ........... ............... .................... .... .... ..3 I
TAX PAYMENTS ......... ........................ ........................................... ...................... ......................... .................... 32
ELECTRONIC TRADE SERVICES.................................... ............... ............ 39
ADVISED STANDBY LETTERS OF CREDIT .................................................................................................39
COLLECTIONS .......................................... .... ...... .......... ............................... .................. ....................................40
EXPORT LETTERS OF CREDIT ............. ............... ...... .......... ........ ............... ......... ......... .............. .............. ......40
INFORMA TION REPORTING .... ...... ............... ...................... ........ ..... ..................... .................... ............ ...... ....42
OPEN ACCOUNT .................................................. ...... ...... ...... ....................................... ......................... .... .......43
STANDBY AND IMPORT LETTERS OF CREDIT ..........................................................................................43
FOR ALL ELECTRONIC TRADE SERViCES..................................................................................................46
GENERAL PROVISIONS............................................................................ 47
CHANGES TO A SERVICE. .... .......................... ...... .................................................................... .......................47
COMMUNICA TIONS ..... ................................................. ......................... ..........................................................47
CONFIDENTIALITy......................................................................................................................... .................4 7
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] vi
CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES ........... ........................................ ................................... ......... .....................49
FACSIMILE SIGNATURES .... .................... ...... .... ......................... ..................................... ....... .............. .......... 50
GENERAL MA TIERS.. ..................................... ................ ..................... ..... ......... ................... ...... ...... .... ...........50
GOVERNING LAW....................... ...... ...... ........... .... ..... .......... ................. ......... ....... .... ......................................52
LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES .................. ....................... ............... ................. .................. ...................... ........52
OVERDRAFTS ......................................... .............. ...... ................. ........... ........................... .............. ...... ............ 53
PAYMENT FOR SERVICES ....................... .... .............. ...... ....................................... ............. ................ ........... 53
PROTECTION FROM THIRD PARTIES ............................ .... ........................ ................... ................................54
REPRESENTATIONS AND W ARRANTIES.................................................... ................... ............................ ..54
RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES ............... .... .... .......... ........................... .... ..... ....... ....................... ...... .................. 55
SOFTWARE LICENSE ................................. ........ ............ .... ....................... .............. ......................................... 55
TERMINA TION ........................ .............................. ........ ...... ........ ............. .... ............ ...... ...................................59
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ..............................................................................61
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] vii
Thank you for choosing the Bank of America Corporation group of financial
institutions for your worldwide treasury management business needs. We
appreciate the opportunity to serve you. If you have any questions about our
extensive array of treasury services (including the locations where each
service is available) or about this Booklet, please contact your treasury
services representative.
Capitalized terms used in this Booklet are defined in the Glossary. The
terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to each of the Bank of America
Corporation subsidiary banks which provide you a particular Service under
the terms of this Booklet. The terms "you" and "your" refer to each Client
identified on the Authorization and Agreement for Treasury Services.
This Booklet contains the terms and conditions under which we provide you
worldwide treasury services. It is used in conjunction with the Account
Agreement which covers account terms and conditions. Please read this
Booklet carefully and keep it for your records.
By signing and returning the Authorization and Agreement form in the front
of this Booklet, you agree to the General Provisions section of this Booklet
(which contains terms and conditions applicable to all Services), except that
you agree to the Software License Section of the General Provisions only to
the extent we provide you Software in connection with one or more
Services. You also agree to those portions of the Treasury Services and
Electronic Trade Services sections of this Booklet which contain the specific
terms and conditions that relate to the Services we provide to you. If you
would like an additional Service, it will be covered by the terms and
conditions of this Booklet once we have approved your use of the Service.
You may begin using the Service when we have received all required and
properly executed forms and you have successfully completed any testing or
training requirements.
Whenever you use any of the Services covered by this Booklet, you agree to
be bound by these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, and
to follow the procedures in the applicable Materials.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25) I
We offer a wide variety of treasury services. Each Service has many features
and options. Your treasury services representative will be happy to describe
these to you and to recommend those that will best meet your needs.
A List of Banks and Services is enclosed with this Booklet. This list includes
the names of each Bank of America Corporation subsidiary bank offering
Services under this Booklet and the names under which we currently offer those
Services. Please contact your treasury services representative at any time if you
wish to receive an updated list.
Our Account Reconcilement Services will help you reconcile and manage the
credit and debit activity in your accounts. Detailed infonnation regarding such
Services is available in the applicable User Documentation.
Your use of an Account Reconcilement Service does not affect any of your
obligations, which are described in the applicable Account Agreement, to
discover and report with respect to your accounts (including joint accounts
where pennitted): (i) unauthorized signatures, alterations or endorsements on
checks and (ii) unauthorized Requests and other discrepancies. Your use of this
Service or our receipt of infonnation associated with this Service does not
increase our duty with respect to accounts or the payment of checks.
This section applies only to ACH Services within the United States of America
and does not apply to cross-border ACH transactions and other International
Electronic Funds Transfers which are covered by the "Wire Transfers and
International Electronic Funds Transfers" section in this Booklet.
Our ACH Services aIlow you to transfer funds to or from your accounts by
initiating Entries which may be sent through the ACH system or processed
directly to accounts with us.
We may send Entries to any ACH processor selected by us or directly to another
bank. Each ACH Service is described in the applicable User Documentation.
You authorize us to issue Depository Transfer Checks (DTCs), as instructed by
you or as reasonably detennined by us to be appropriate. The capitalized ACH
tenns appearing in italics below are defined in the NACHA Rules.
You agree to comply with the NACHA Rules for all Entries, whether or not an
Entry is sent through the ACH network. You act as Originator and we act as
Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) with respect to Entries.
You will deliver Entries to us as provided in the User Documentation and the
NACHA Rules. The NACHA Rules govern ifthey conflict with this Booklet,
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWest 172253.25] 2
except that the file specification requirements in the User Documentation govern
if they conflict with the NACHA Rules.
Where a preauthorized debit Entry from a consumer's account varies in amount
from the previous debit Entry, you will comply with the notice requirements set
forth in the NACHA Rules, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation E
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as applicable.
Before using an ACH Service, you give us a written list, in a fonn acceptable to
us, of the persons authorized by you to verii)' the authenticity of Entries and
Reversal/Deletion Requests in accordance with the Security Procedure and to
perfonn certain other duties in connection with such Service.
You agree to use the Security Procedure, if any, when you deliver Entries or
Reversal/Deletion Requests to us. The purpose of the Security Procedure is to
verii)' the authenticity of Entries and ReversalIDeletion Requests delivered to us
in your name and not to detect any errors in the transmission or content of
Entries. Each time you use a Service, you represent and warrant that, in view of
your requirements, the Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of verii)'ing
the authenticity of Entries and ReversallDeletion Requests. You agree we may
act on any Entries or ReversallDeletion Requests after we have verified its
authenticity through use of the Security Procedure.
Each time you use an ACH Service, (i) you warrant that you have obtained
appropriate authorization from each Receiver and that Entries confonn to such
authorization and comply with the NACHA Rules, and (ii) you make the same
warranties to us as we make under Section 2.2 (or any successor section) of the
NACHA Rules.
We generally debit your account on the settlement date for credit Entries
(including debit Reversals), unless you are prefunding your Entries. Prefunding
means that you are required to pay for all credit Entries before the settlement
date as we may specii)'. We may, at our discretion, without prior notice to you,
require prefunding before we process your credit Entries. We are not obligated
to process any credit Entries, even if we have done so in the past, without having
first been paid by you, but, if we do, the amount is immediately due and payable
without notice or demand.
You will pay us for the amount of any returned debit Entries (including rejected
debit Entries), any adjustment Entries or any returned DTCs, which we have
previously credited to your account. Such amounts shall be immediately due
and payable. You agree that we do not need to send a separate notice of debit
Entries or DTCs which have been returned unpaid. You may request reports
containing infonnation regarding returned debit Entries and DTCs.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 3
We send Entries to the ACH processor for settlement on the Effective Entry
Date shown on the Entries, if we receive the Entries by the applicable processing
deadlines specified in the User Documentation for the ACH Service being used.
We may treat Entries that we receive for processing after a deadline as if
received on the next Business Day. Entries will be deemed received by us when
we receive the complete file at the location specified in the User Documentation.
We may reject any Entry that does not comply with the requirements of this
Booklet or the applicable User Documentation, including any ACH processing
limits described in the User Documentation, or that we are unable to verifY
through use of the Security Procedure. We may also reject any Entry that may
be returned for any reason under the NACHA Rules or if you have breached
your payment obligations for any ACH Service we provide to you.
Notice of rejection will be given to you by telephone, by electronic means, by
facsimile or by mail within the time period specified in the User Documentation
and will be effective when given. We are not liable for the rejection of any
Entry and are not obligated to pay you interest for the period before you receive
the notice of rejection. If an Entry is rejected for any reason, it is your
responsibility to correct the Entry you intend to resubmit.
We have no obligation to cancel or amend any Entry after we have received it.
If you send us a Reversal/Deletion Request and we are able to verifY the
authenticity of the Reversal/Deletion Request using the Security Procedure, we
will make a reasonable effort to act on your ReversallDeletion Request. We will
not be liable to you if such ReversallDeletion Request is not effected. You agree
to indemnifY us in connection with any such ReversallDeletion Request as
provided in UCC 4A. Your obligations under this provision will survive the
termination of any ACH Service.
You agree to be bound by the provision of the NACHA Rules providing that
payment of a credit Entry by the Receiving Depository Financial Institution
(RDFf) to the Receiver is provisional until the RDFf receives final settlement for
the Entry. If final settlement is not received, the RDFf is entitled to a refund
from the Receiver of the amount credited. This means that the Receiver will not
have been paid.
Our payment of any debit Entry, returned credit Entry or credit Reversal is
provisional until we receive final settlement for the Entry or Reversal. If final
settlement is not received, we are entitled to a refund and we may charge your
account for the amount previously credited. We may delay the availability of
any amount credited for a debit Entry or credit Reversal if we believe that there
may not be sufficient funds in your account to cover any chargeback or return of
the Entry or Reversal.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 4
An RDFI can make payment to a Receiver based solely on the account number,
even if the name in the Entry differs from the name on the account. We will
send an Entry to an RDFI based solely on the bank identifying number you
provide, even if you provide us with a different RDFI name.
Infonnation concerning Entries will be reflected in your account statements and,
in some cases, in the fonn of written or electronic advices or reports that are
produced by one of our Infonnation Reporting Services. You must send us
written notice, with a statement of relevant facts, within 14 days after you
receive the first notice or statement indicating a discrepancy between our
records and yours. If you fail to give the required notice, we will not be liable
for any loss of interest or for compensation for any other loss or cost relating to
an unauthorized or erroneous debit to your accOlmt or any other discrepancy
reflected in the notice or account statement. You must notify us promptly by
telephone or other electronic means approved by us for such purpose, and
confinn such notice in writing, of infonnation concerning an unauthorized or
erroneous debit to your account if you learn about or discover it from any source
other than a statement, advice or report from us.
This section applies only to ACH Blocks and Filters Services for Entries
received in the United States of America.
With the ACH Blocks and Filters Services, you provide us with the
authorization criteria for Entries you desire to receive for debit or credit to your
account. We will automatically return any Entry which does not meet your
authorization criteria.
We may also return an Entry that would be returned for any reason under the
NACHA Rules. The ACH Blocks and Filters Services do not apply to
transactions between you and us, and we may pay Entries which you have
authorized us to originate against your account (e.g., loan or credit card
payments), whether or not you have included these in your authorization criteria.
We may also pay any Entries, reversals or adjustments which we are required to
accept under the NACHA Rules, operating circulars or any other applicable rule,
guideline or regulation.
You provide authorization criteria in a manner and fonn acceptable to us. In
your authorization criteria you may specify a maximum amount for authorized
Entries, in which case you must specify the amount in dollars and cents.
You agree to comply with the NACHA Rules for all Entries. Under the NACHA
Rules, credit Entries are provisional and may be revoked prior to final
settlement. If the credit Entry is revoked before fmal settlement and final
settlement is not received, we may charge your account for any amount
previously credited to your account. The person who originated the credit Entry
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 5
is considered not to have paid you. If this happens, we do not send a separate
If an ACH Blocks and Filters Service is terminated for any reason, we will no
longer be obligated to monitor Entries against your authorization criteria and
will receive and accept or return Entries to your account in accordance with our
normal procedures. You still have the right to return Entries in accordance with
the NACHA Rules.
Our ACH Customer-Initiated Payments Service allows your consumer or
business customers to pay you for goods or services by using your website.
Your customers can authorize payments to you through commands on your
website or by touch-tone or voice commands on the telephone. Detailed
information regarding this Service is available in the applicable User
Payments will be made by creation of an ACH Entry to credit your account with
us and will be subject to the provisions of our Automated Clearing House
Services. You act as the Originator, your customer acts as the Receiver and we
act as the ODFI with respect to the Entries. You warrant that you have obtained
appropriate authorization from each Receiver and that Entries conform to such
authorization and comply with the NACHA Rules. You also make to us the
same warranties as we make with respect to Entries under the NACHA Rules.
Our CashPay@ Service allows you to pay your employees and other payees by
directly depositing payments to their CashPay accounts. Your payees can
immediately access their money through A TMs and point of sale (POS)
You may fund the CashPay accounts in one of two ways: by initiating Entries
through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system or, upon our approval, by
instructing us to transfer funds from a deposit account you maintain with us.
(ACH Services are governed by the ACH section of this Booklet.)
If you choose to pay by the transfer of funds from your account with us, we will
debit your account following receipt of your payment instructions in a mutually
agreed-upon format and method. You must have sufficient Collected and
A vailable Funds in your account to cover the transfer amount. In the event that
sufficient funds are not available at the time of settlement, you agree that we
may take steps to protect ourselves, including refusing to fund CashPay accounts
and terminating the CashPay Service (which will not affect funds previously
transferred to CashPay accounts), without incurring any liability to you or your
You must provide us information for each payee who wishes to open a CashPay
account. Each time you provide us with such information or initiate a transfer of
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 6
funds to a Cash Pay account, you certifY that the following statements are true
and accurate as of such date:
. The payee is entitled to receive payments issued by you, and is otherwise
qualified to participate in the CashPay program.
. All infonnation provided by you about the payee is correct, including but
not limited to the payee's date of birth, address, and social security number
or other identifYing infonnation contained in another fonn of identification
issued by a governmental entity.
. If the payee is to receive wage payments through a CashPay account, the
payee is legally employable in the United States of America.
. You have provided the payee the explanatory CashPay Service infonnation
that we have provided to you for that purpose, and the payee has authorized
the transfer of wages to the CashPay account.
. The payee has not cancelled the authorization to transfer the wages to the
Cash Pay account.
You agree to notifY us promptly of any changes to the payee enrollment
infonnation you have provided to us for this Service.
As a general rule, A TMs cannot dispense cash in increments other than $5, $10
or $20. This means that your payees may not be able to withdraw at an A TM all
funds paid by you to the payees' CashPay accounts. We will wire the difference
to any payee who requests such payment; however, we will not be responsible if
your payees or others assert a claim against us due to this inability to withdraw
all funds at an ATM.
We will provide you with a CashPay agreement and other explanatory
documentation for you to give your payees. You must obtain our prior written
consent if you elect to promote the Cash Pay service using materials (in any
fonnat) other than the documentation we provide to you for that purpose.
With our Check Issuance Services, you may request us to create checks on your
behalf that are drawn on either (i) accounts maintained by you with us or another
bank or (ii) accounts designated and owned by us.
Before using a Check Issuance Service, you give us a written list, in a fonn
acceptable to us, of the persons authorized by you to perfonn certain duties in
connection with such Service.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIW est 172253 .25] 7
You agree to use the Security Procedure when you deliver Check Issuance
Requests or electronically transmit Stop Payment Requests to us. The purpose
of the Security Procedure is to verifY the authenticity of Check Issuance
Requests and Stop Payment Requests delivered to us in your name and not to
detect any errors in the transmission or content of these messages. Each time
you use a Check Issuance Service, you represent and warrant that, in view of
your requirements, the Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of verifYing
the authenticity of Check Issuance Requests and such Stop Payment Requests.
You agree we may act on any Check Issuance Request and any electronically
transmitted Stop Payment Request the authenticity of which we have verified
through use of the Security Procedure.
Generally, you may send us a Stop Payment Request with respect to a check
drawn on an account designated and owned by us only if the check is lost, stolen
or destroyed. In such case, you must complete and provide us with a declaration
of loss and indemnity agreement reasonably acceptable to us. If you wish to
stop payment on a check drawn on an account you maintain with us, you must
make your request as provided in the applicable Account Agreement.
You must create and transmit to us a Check Issuance Request for each check
you want us to issue on your behalf. You must make certain that each Check
Issuance Request conforms in form and substance to the requirements, including
cutoff times on a Business Day, described in the applicable User
You must retransmit any Check Issuance Request or other message initially
transmitted to us through a Service if you have not received an acknowledgment
message from us within the time period specified in the applicable User
In the case of checks drawn on accounts designated and owned by us, you must
ensure that Collected and Available Funds, sufficient to cover the total of all
checks issued, are on deposit in your accounts. We will debit your account to
cover such checks when we receive your Check Issuance Request. In the case
of checks drawn on accounts designated and owned by you, you will be
governed by the applicable Account Agreement.
With our Check Truncation Service, we store copies of your canceled checks on
microfilm or other media and destroy the checks. You do not receive your
canceled checks. We will provide a copy of any check that you request for up to
seven years from the date the check was paid against your account. To request a
copy, you must provide us with sufficient information for us to identifY the item,
including the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) serial number,
account number, exact amount (dollars and cents) of the check, statement
reference number, ifany, and posting date. We may also ask you for additional
identifYing information.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 8
Special services such as microfilm or review of dates, dollar amounts, serial
numbers or signatures may not be available in connection with the Service.
Notwithstanding the Limitation of Liabilities section of this Booklet, if we are
unable to provide a copy of a check as requested by you under a Service, our
liability will be limited to your actual damages but will not, in any event, exceed
. the amount of the check.
With our Client-Printed Drafts Services, you use your computer (using Software
we provide or by accessing our treasury management website) to print drafts
(which may include drafts denominated in a currency other than the currency in
which the relevant account is denominated) drawn on either (i) accounts
maintained by you with us or another bank or (ii) accounts designated and
owned by us.
Before using a Client-Printed Drafts Service, you give us a written list, in a form
acceptable to us, of the persons authorized by you to perform certain duties in
connection with such Service.
You agree to use the Security Procedure when you deliver Payment Advices or
electronically transmit Stop Payment Requests to us. The purpose of the
Security Procedure is to verifY the authenticity of Payment Advices and Stop
Payment Requests delivered to us in your name and not to detect any errors in
the transmission or content ofthese messages. Each time you use a Client-
Printed Drafts Service, you represent and warrant that, in view of your
requirements, the Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of verifying the
authenticity of Payment Advices and such Stop Payment Requests. You agree
we may act on any Payment Advice or electronically transmitted Stop Payment
Request the authenticity of which we have verified through use of the Security
Generally, you may send us a Stop Payment Request with respect to a draft
drawn on an account designated and owned by us only if the draft is lost, stolen
or destroyed. In such case, you must complete and provide us with a declaration
of loss and indemnity agreement reasonably acceptable to us. If you wish to
stop payment on a draft drawn on an account you maintain with us, you must
make your request as provided in your Account Agreement.
You must verifY the contents of each shipment of blank draft stock and sign and
return to us the receipt accompanying each shipment or notifY us of any
discrepancy. You must notifY us immediately if any draft stock is lost or stolen.
You will be liable for any damages arising out of the loss or theft of any draft
stock received by you.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 9
You must create and transmit to us a Payment Advice for each draft you issue
using a Service. You must make certain that each draft, Payment Advice and
electronically transmitted Stop Payment Request conforms in form and
substance to the requirements, including cutoff times on a Business Day,
described in the applicable User Documentation.
You must retransmit any Payment Advice, electronically transmitted Stop
Payment Request or other message initially transmitted to us through a Service
if you have not received an acknowledgment message from us within the time
period specified in the applicable User Documentation.
When we receive the Payment Advice, we wi\l transfer funds from your account
with us to the bank account on which the draft is drawn.
We wi\l provide you with blank draft stock and with the necessary Software
and/or access to our treasury management website.
You agree you wi\l not issue any drafts using a Service which would cause your
applicable account balance, according to your records, to be exceeded. If your
records and ours disagree regarding the account balance, our records will control
for purposes of these Services. You must ensure that Collected and Available
Funds, sufficient to cover the total of all drafts issued, are on deposit in your
account each Business Day before the time stated in the applicable User
Our Coin and Currency Order Services allow you to place orders for coin and
currency with our cash vaults and, where available, to exchange paper currency
for rolled coins and currency at certain banking centers or our automated
business centers.
Before using a Coin and Currency Order Service, you give us a written list at
our request, in a form acceptable to us, of the persons authorized by you to place
coin and currency orders and to perform certain other duties in connection with
a Service.
If you pick up your coin and currency order from one of our cash vaults, you
must contract separately with an armored carrier service that is acceptable to us
to provide for the transportation of cash orders. Armored carriers are your
You authorize us to act upon any request for coin or currency made in
accordance with this Booklet and the procedures described in the applicable
User Documentation.
In connection with any coin and currency you order from our cash vaults using a
Service, you authorize us to debit your account on the day the coin and currency
order is released to your authorized agent or to the deposito!)' facility you and
we have agreed upon. Each time you use a Coin and Currency Order Service,
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 10
you represent and warrant with each coin and currency order that you have
sufficient Collected and A vailable Funds in your account which, when added to
funds that are available under a line of credit, are sufficient to cover your coin
and currency order. We have no obligation to release a coin and currency order
unless there are sufficient Collected and Available Funds in the designated
account and available under a line of credit to pay for such order at the time
scheduled for release of the cash to you or your agent.
Our Collection Letter Services alIow you to forward us drafts, checks and
travelers checks (as used in this section, "items") drawn on Canadian banks and
denominated in U.S. dollars or drawn in specified foreign currencies (as
described in the applicable User Documentation) for colIection.
You must prepare and forward a transmittal letter, in a form acceptable to us,
along with those items you want us to process for colIection in accordance with
the applicable User Documentation. You agree that you wiII only request
colIection on items which are drawn on Canadian Banks in U.S. dolIars or
foreign currency items drawn in currencies specified in the applicable User
We wiII send each item you forward to us for colIection to the bank on which
such item was drawn or to an appropriate correspondent bank. We wiII credit
your account for each item on the Business Day on which we receive payment
for each such item at our then-prevailing buy rate for the applicable currency.
We wiII deduct alI service fees and charges, plus any correspondent bank fees
and charges, from the amount of any payment credited to your account for such
We wiII send you a written advice showing the applicable buying rate and fees
and charges for each item we process as a collection item through use of a
ColIection Letter Service.
Our Commercial and Corporate Card Services alIow you to open Card Accounts
for your business purposes, as described below. With our Commercial Card
Services, which are designed principalIy for medium-sized companies, you may
obtain a single Card for managing purchases, travel and fleet spending. With
our Corporate Card Services, which are designed for large companies, you may
obtain separate purchasing, travel or fleet Cards or a Card combining alI three
functions. Accounts payable payment functionality is also available. Detailed
information regarding such Services is available in the applicable User
We wiII open Card Accounts upon your request which Cardholders or you may
use to conduct Transactions for your business. We will assume that all
Transactions made on a Card Account are authorized by you until we receive
and have had a reasonable period of time to act upon written notice from you
that the Cardholder is no longer authorized to use the Card, Convenience Checks
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 11
or the Card Account. Pursuant to your instructions, each Card Account we open
shall have one or more of the following features:
. travel and entertainment
. purchasing
. accounts payable payment
. fleet/automotive
We may also provide Convenience Checks on your request with respect to your
Card Accounts. We can also establish a Card Account for which we assign only
a Card Account number, but we do not issue a Card or Convenience Checks. If
you so request, we will provide to the Cardholder, at the address you or the
Cardholder specifies, a monthly billing statement reflecting the use of the
relevant Card Account. We may deny authorization of any Transaction if we
suspect fraudulent activity or Unauthorized Use or for any other reason.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the "Limitations of Liability"
section of this Booklet, we will not be liable for any failure to authorize a
You shall use each Card Account solely for your business purposes.
You shall pay for each Transaction, regardless of its purpose or whether you
signed a sales draft or received a receipt, in addition to our fees and charges.
You represent and warrant to us that each Cardholder is a current employee or
agent of your company. You will promptly furnish such financial and other
information as we request for the purpose of reviewing your ability to perform
your obligations to us. You represent and warrant to us that all such information
about your employees, agents or your company is accurate, sufficiently
complete to give us accurate knowledge of your financial condition and in
compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws.
You and each Cardholder will check to ensure that the information embossed on
each new Card or printed on each Convenience Check is correct, and you will
contact us immediately if there is an error.
We will give you one total charge limit for all your Card Accounts. We will
also assign an individual charge limit for each Card Account. We may increase
or decrease the total charge limit or any individual limit at our discretion. You
agree not to incur obligations which would cause the total charge limit for all
your Card Accounts to be exceeded. If you do exceed this limit, or if any
Cardholder's individual charge limit is exceeded, we may deem the entire
balance owing to be immediately due and payable, and/or we may refuse any
Transactions on all Card Accounts or the individual Card Account until a
payment is made to reduce the balance below the total charge limit or the
individual charge limit.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 12
MasterCardiIP or VisaiIP will convert to U.S. Dollars any charge made in a
currency other than U.S. Dollars at a rate detennined under MasterCard or Visa
regulations, as applicable. The conversion rate may be different than the rate in
effect on the date of the Transaction. We will post to the Card Account the
converted U.S. Dollar amounts.
We will have no liability for goods or services purchased with, or for a
merchant's or supplier's failure to honor purchases made with, a Card Account,
Convenience Check or Card. You agree to make a good faith effort to resolve
any dispute with a merchan.t or a supplier arising from a Transaction. In a
dispute with a merchant or supplier, we will be subrogated to your rights and
each Cardholder's rights against the merchant or supplier and you will assign
(and cause the Cardholder to assign) to us the right to assert a billing error
against the merchant or supplier. You will, and will cause the Cardholder to, do
whatever is necessary to enable us to exercise those rights. We may reverse
from any Card Account any Transactions relating to the dispute.
A merchant or supplier may seek prior authorization from us before completing
a Transaction. If you advise us in writing that you desire to restrict Transactions
to merchants falling within certain categories we designate in our User
Documentation, we will take reasonable steps to prevent authorization of
Transactions from other types of merchants. We, however, will not be liable to
you if merchants or suppliers nonetheless accept a Card, Convenience Check or
Card Account for other types of Transactions, or if authorization for a
Transaction is not given.
Ifwe provide Convenience Checks with regard to a Card Account, they may not
be used to make payment on the Card Account. We may pay a Convenience
Check and post its amount to the Card Account regardless of any restriction on
payment, including a Convenience Check that is post-dated, that states it is void
after a certain date or that states a maximum or minimum amount for which it
may be written. Once paid, Convenience Checks will not be returned to you or
the Cardholder.
If you wish to stop payment on a Convenience Check, YOl,l must call us at the
customer service number shown on your billing statement and provide such
infonnation as we request or is required under the relevant User Documentation.
We will stop payment if we receive your request on or before the Business Day
before the Business Day on which we would otherwise pay the Convenience
Check. The date on which we would pay a Convenience Check may be prior to
the date it would post to your Card Account. A stop payment order will remain
in effect for up to six months.
If you use our Corporate Card Services, we may, at your request, establish a
Card Account for which no Card is issued or establish a Card Account with a
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 13
designation which is not an actual individual, including, without limitation,
designation of a vehicle identification number, license number, department
name or "Authorized Representative" on the Card Account. Notwithstanding
any other term in this Booklet, you agree to be solely responsible for the use of
any such Card Account, including, without limitation, any Unauthorized Use,
and you agree not to make any claim or request related to any Unauthorized Use
of such a Card Account.
We will provide to the Card Administrator, or other person you designate in
writing to us, a monthly billing statement which will identify each Transaction
posted during the billing cycle and the date ofthe Transaction. Unless otherwise
determined by us, the official billing statement will be in paper, not electronic,
form. The billing statement will also list any applicable fees and charges for the
Services. If you have requested a Card Account for travel and entertainment
Transactions, we will provide an additional copy of the monthly billing
statement covering such use of the relevant Commercial Card to the appropriate
Cardholder at the address which you or the Cardholder provides to us.
You will pay to us the total amount shown as due on each billing statement on or
before the due date shown on the statement. If you do not make a payment in
full by the specified due date, in addition to our other rights, we may assess a
late fee and finance charge as set forth in our schedule of fees and charges. You
have no right to defer any payment due on any Card Account.
Unless otherwise agreed by us, payments must be made using an ACH service.
As specified by you, we may initiate ACH debits to any deposit account at any
financial institution. All payments must include the complete Card Account
number in order to be processed and for you to be credited with making
payment. If you arrange for direct payment by Cardholders, such an
arrangement will not change your responsibilities under this Booklet, including
your obligation for payment.
You grant to us a security interest and contractual right of setoff in and to
all deposits now or subsequently maintained with us or any of our affiliates
or Subsidiaries. In connection with that grant, you authorize us to enter
into a master control agreement with our affiliates authorizing, upon the
occurrence and continuance of any default, the disposition of any such
deposits to satisfy all liabilities incurred in connection with these Services,
without your further consent. The grant of this security interest shall
survive termination of these Services.
In the event of a possible loss or theft of a Card, Convenience Check or Card
Account or possible Unauthorized Use, you will give us notice by telephone or
telefax to the numbers set forth in the User Documentation. You agree to give
us this notice as soon as practicable but in any event within 24 hours after
discovery of the known or suspected loss or theft or Unauthorized Use. Ifnotice
as provided in this paragraph is given within the first 24 hours and you assist us
in investigating facts and circumstances relating to the loss, theft or possible
Unauthorized Use, including without limitation obtaining an affidavit or similar
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 14
written, signed statement from the Cardholder, then you will not be liable for
Transactions resulting from Unauthorized Use. Ifwe have issued fewer than ten
Card Accounts to you, your liability for Transactions by a person who does not
have actual, implied or apparent authority to use the Card or Convenience Check
and whose use does not result in a direct or indirect benefit to you will not
exceed $50 on each Card.
Upon your request, we may place your trademark, tradename, service mark
and/or designs ("Company's Marks") on the Cards and collateral materials. You
will provide the graphics to us in sufficient time to allow for review and
approval by us and, if necessary, the respective card association. You grant to
us a non-exclusive license to use, during the tenn of the Services, Company's
Marks on the Cards and on other materials related to the Card Accounts. Your
indemnity under the "Protection from Third Parties" section of this Booklet
covers any claim that the use of any Company Marks infringes the intellectual
property right of any third party.
. Upon your request and submission of a Participant Account fonn, we may
approve one or more affiliates of which you are majority owner for participation
in the Corporate Card Services. Each participating affiliate will have the same
rights and obligations as you except that no separate charge limit will be
assigned. Your charge limit will apply to Transactions on all Card Accounts,
including those of your participating affiliates.
You may tenninate an affiliate's participation by giving us written notice and a
reasonable time to act on such notice. If ad approved participant is, or will no
longer be, majority-owned by you, you agree to notify us immediately, and we
may immediately tenninate the Card Accounts of such participant.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Governing Law provision in the
General Provisions section of this Booklet, the Commercial and Corporate Card
Services are governed by the laws respecting national banking associations and,
to the extent not covered by those laws, by the laws of the State of Delaware,
without reference to that state's principles of conflicts of law, regardless of
where you reside or where a Cardholder uses a Card Account.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Resolution of Disputes
provision in the General Provisions section of this Booklet, you agree to submit
to the personal jurisdiction of any state or federal court in Delaware and to
binding arbitration in Delaware with respect to disputes regarding the
Commercial and Corporate Card Services.
We may immediately tenninate these Services ifthere occurs (i) a tennination
event set forth in the "Tennination" section of this Booklet with respect to you,
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 15
a participating affiliate or a guarantor of obligations under any Card Account,
(ii) a change in your ownership, if you are a privately-held entity, in excess of
50% or (iii) any of the following with respect to you, a participating affiliate or a
guarantor of obligations under any Card Account:
. the failure to payor perform any obligation, liability or indebtedness to
us or any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, whether under this Booklet or
any other agreement, as and when due (whether upon demand, at
maturity or by acceleration);
. the failure to payor perform any other obligation, liability or
indebtedness to any other party;
. death (if an individual) or resignation or withdrawal of any partner or
material owner (of a privately-held entity);
. merger or consolidation with or into another entity;
. the determination by us that any representation or warranty made to any
of our affiliates or subsidiaries in any agreement is or was, when it was
made, untrue or materially misleading;
. the failure to timely deliver such financial statements, including tax
returns, other statements of condition or other information, as we shall
request from time to time;
. the entry of a judgment which we deem to be of a material nature;
. the seizure or forfeiture of, or the issuance of any writ of possession,
garnishment or attachment, or any turnover order for any property;
. the determination by us that we are insecure for any reason;
. the determination by us that any such person fails to meet credit criteria
initially used by us to approve the Card Services; or
. the failure to comply with any law or regulation controlling its
Upon any termination of the Card Services, (i) the entire balance outstanding on
all Card Accounts shall, at our option, become immediately due and payable and
(ii) you will immediately destroy, and will instruct all Cardholders to
immediately destroy, all Cards and Convenience Checks. Your responsibility to
pay for all Transactions regarding each Card Account will continue until a
reasonable period of time after you notify us to close the Card Account or until
you pay for all Transactions entered into before we close the Card Account to
future use, whichever occurs later. After termination, you and all Cardholders
will make no new Transactions on any Card Account. If, however, such
Transactions are made, you will be liable for each of them.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 16
With our Commercial Deposits Services, you may make deposits of coin and
currency, checks and other payment instruments at one of our designated
banking centers (which may include an automated business center), depository
facilities (which may include a night depository facility), processing centers or
cash vaults. Ifthese deposits are delivered by you or your agent before the cutoff
time specified in the applicable User Documentation, we will give you same-day
provisional credit for such deposits, subject to later verification by us and our
availability schedule. Banking center deposits that are immediately verified are
covered under your Account Agreement.
You agree to prepare all deposits accurately and in good faith and to follow the
procedures for preparation, packaging and delivery of deposits as provided in
the applicable User Documentation.
For deposits made to an automated business center, you will automatically be
provided a receipt. In all other cases, in order to receive a receipt of deposit,
you must provide a duplicate deposit slip in addition to the number of original
deposit slips required by us to process the deposit. We will stamp this duplicate
deposit slip and return it to you. In all cases, deposits are subject to later
verification by us.
If you use an armored carrier to transport your deposits, you must contract
separately with an armored carrier service that is acceptable to us. For deposits
made to one of our cash vaults, we may require that you use an armored carrier.
Armored carriers are your agents.
We receive your deposit and issue provisional credit to your account for the
amount you declare on the deposit slip. The declared amount is subject to later
verification by us.
Ifwe find an error when we verify your deposit, we will debit or credit the
amount of the error to the deposit account listed on the deposit slip, unless you
and we have agreed othelWise in writing; provided, however, we reserve the
right to set a standard adjustment amount (which we may change from time to
time), in which case we will not make a correction to a deposit when the error is
less than our current adjustment amount.
We give you same-day provisional credit for deposits delivered before the cutoff
time on a Business Day. For deposits delivered after the cutoff time or on a non-
Business Day, we give you provisional credit on the next Business Day.
Our Commercial Prepaid Card Services enable you to distribute Commercial
Prepaid Cards to your employees and others that permit them access to a
predetermined amount of funds. Commercial Prepaid Cards may be used to
withdraw cash at any A TM displaying any of the logos displayed on the
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 17
Commercial Prepaid Card and to make purchases at any merchant displaying the
Visa logo. Detailed information regarding such services is available in the
applicable User Documentation.
We will issue Commercial Prepaid Cards to you on your request after you have
provided us such information regarding the Commercial Prepaid Card as we
may require at that time. Before we issue each Commercial Prepaid Card, we
will debit funds from a deposit account you maintain with us for the value
amount of the Commercial Prepaid Card issued.
We will mail the Commercial Prepaid Cards to the address or addresses you
provide us, together with a copy of the agreement between us and the
Cardholder, our privacy policy for consumers (if applicable) and instructions for
activating the Commercial Prepaid Card.
We will deduct the amount of each Transaction, which may include fees added
by the A TM owner or the applicable network, from the value amount with
respect to the Commercial Prepaid Card. We will also deduct applicable
Cardholder fees.
You may request us to add value to previously issued Commercial Prepaid
Cards by providing such information as we may require at that time. Upon
receipt of your request and the required information, we will debit your deposit
account with us for the amount to be added to the existing Commercial Prepaid
If there are insufficient Collected and Available Funds in your account, we have
no obligation to issue or activate any Commercial Prepaid Card or to add value
to any existing Commercial Prepaid Card.
All Commercial Prepaid Cards shall identify us as the issuer and shall include
such other names and trademarks as we require. If you elect to customize the
Commercial Prepaid Cards, you will be responsible for any additional costs in
the design or production of the Commercial Prepaid Cards. You will provide
graphics, promotional material and wording to us for review and approval and
you must comply with all the rules of Visa USA, Inc. and other systems or
organizations, as applicable. You will allow us to use your artwork on the
Commercial Prepaid Cards, provided that you shall have first reviewed and
approved such use. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from any and all
liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature (including Legal
Expenses) arising from any claim that the artwork you supplied infringes the
intellectual property rights of any third party.
Each Cardholder will be instructed to call a toll-free (in the U.S.A.) number and
use an interactive voice response system to authenticate the Cardholder by using
a number unique to the Cardholder in order to activate the Commercial Prepaid
Card. During this call, the Cardholder will receive their PIN, if applicable. The
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 18
Cardholder can change the PIN at that time to any four digit number. Once the
call is successfully completed, the Commercial Prepaid Card will be activated.
You will be responsible for infonning each Cardholder of any other restrictions
you may impose on the use of the Commercial Prepaid Card, and we will not
have any responsibility for enforcing those restrictions.
We may refuse to issue or add value to any Commercial Prepaid Card if we
believe the Commercial Prepaid Card will or may be used in violation, or may
cause us to be in violation, of any law or regulation, or any rule of any payment
We will use reasonable efforts to prevent any overdraft with respect to a
Commercial Prepaid Card or any unauthorized use of a Commercial Prepaid
Card, but cannot ensure we will be able to do so. You will reimburse us for the
amount of any overdraft or for the amount of any loss resulting from such
unauthorized use.
The value amount on any Commercial Prepaid Card does not constitute a
deposit account, is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
any other government agency, and does not accrue interest for your benefit or
the benefit of the Cardholder.
Our Controlled Balance Accounts Services let you control the transfer of funds
between accounts with us. These Services may be restricted to certain account
Transfers you make from a U.S.-domiciled money market account using these
Services are considered preauthorized transfers, are counted toward the number
of transactions you are legally pennitted each month, and may not be made to a
checking account with an overdraft credit facility.
You may instruct us to make either date-related (where available) or balance-
related (where available) transfers as described below. Once you instruct us to
transfer funds between accounts, transfers begin on a mutually agreeable date or,
for accounts domiciled in the United States of America, either immediately or
on the date you specify.
With a date-related transfer, funds can be transferred in either direction between
certain types of accounts on the date and in the amount you specify. Both
interstate and intrastate funds transfers are pennitted as long as you meet the
requirements for the account type(s), transfer date and account location(s). If
the transfer date you specify is a non-Business Day, we make the transfer on the
next Business Day.
With a balance-related transfer, you may have funds transferred to an account
when the balance falls below a certain amount, or from an account, when the
balance rises above a certain amount, or both. We transfer the amount required
to meet the account balance you specify.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] ]9
You may elect to have funds transferred to or from accounts of another
company/organization using a Service. You agree that for each such account,
the company/organization will provide us with its written authorization, in a
form acceptable to us, for such transfers. However, you do not need to provide
us such written authorization if (i) the other company's accounts are domiciled
in the United States of America and (ii) you represent and warrant that such
other company is a U.S. Subsidiary and that it has authorized us to transfer funds
between its accounts and your accounts.
Our Controlled Disbursement Services provide information to you each
Business Day so that you can fund the total amount of (i) controlled
disbursement checks presented that Business Day and (ii) where the option is
available, controlled disbursement ACH debits and any other electronic debits to
which we agree and which are posted that Business Day.
We make the Controlled Disbursement Services available through multiple
Controlled Disbursement Points in different parts of the United States of
America. These Points are identified on the List of Banks and Services. Subject
to our approval in each case, you may use such Service through one or more of
those Points. For each Controlled Disbursement Point you use, you maintain
one or more Deposit Accounts with us.
For certain Controlled Disbursement Points, as more fully described in the
applicable User Documentation, you may (i) draw checks bearing those
respective Points' routing numbers directly on a Deposit Account and (ii) where
the option is available, initiate or authorize third parties to initiate ACH debits
and, subject to special agreement, other electronic debits to the Deposit Account.
(For electronic debits to a Deposit Account, you must use the appropriate funds
transfer Service approved by us.)
For a certain other Controlled Disbursement Point, we authorize you to draw
checks on accounts we maintain at such Point, then we debit your Deposit
Account(s) in the amount(s) of the checks which are paid. With these Services,
you have no account or contractual relationship with such Controlled
Disbursement Point. You will not access our accounts maintained at such Point
in any other manner, including but not limited to automatic debit arrangements
cleared through an automated clearing house network or through wire transfers.
On each Business Day, we will inform you by the time specified in the
applicable User Documentation of the total amount of debits presented for
payment that day at or through a Controlled Disbursement Point and any other
amounts required to be deposited in the corresponding Deposit Account(s) to
cover such debits. On each such Business Day, prior to the time stated in the
applicable User Documentation, you must ensure that sufficient Collected and
Available Funds are on deposit in the Deposit Account(s) to cover such
amounts. Ifwe attempt to post a debit to a Deposit Account for the amount due
and determine there are insufficient funds in the Deposit Account, we may
dishonor or instruct the pertinent Controlled Disbursement Point to dishonor
some or all of the checks then pending payment and/or, as appropriate, return or
reject any electronic debit pending settlement. We may, however, in our sole
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 20
discretion, allow an overdraft so some or all of such checks or electronic debits
will be paid or settled. Ifwe do so, we are not obligated to allow any such
overdraft in the future.
If, for any reason, we fail to provide you timely notice of the required funding
amount for a Deposit Account, and if you fund such Deposit Account according
to the procedures (including funding amount and time) described in the
applicable User Documentation, we will post to the Deposit Account, or instruct
the Controlled Disbursement Point to post to your account, all checks presented
for payment, and electronic debits received for settlement, that day. If the
required funding amount nonetheless exceeds the amount funded by you and
you have insufficient funds in the Deposit Account to .cover the required
amount, we will overdraw the Deposit Account and advance funds to cover the
Ifwe advance our own funds, repayment is immediately due and payable, and
you will repay us on or before the next Business Day along with interest on such
funds as specified in our schedule of charges for business account services or as
otherwise agreed. If you do not, we may dishonor, or instruct the Controlled
Disbursement Point to dishonor, some or all of the checks then pending fmal
payment and/or, as appropriate, return or reject any electronic debit pending
settlement even if the Deposit Account has sufficient Collected and Available
Funds to cover such debits.
We may require you to maintain a specified minimum amount in any Deposit
Account for which we permit you to use automated clearing house transfers to
fund that Account.
If you use facsimile signatures on checks drawn on an account at a Controlled
Disbursement Point, your use of such signatures is subject to the Facsimile
Signatures section of this Booklet.
You may request stop payments on checks drawn under a Controlled
Disbursement Service by following the procedures specified in the applicable
User Documentation or applicable Account Agreement. Also, you may use an
Online Stop Payment Service, which is subject to the Online Stop Payment
section of this Booklet. If you use telephone, mail or facsimile transmission to
request a stop payment, you agree that your stop payment request is subject to
the terms described in the Account Agreement for requesting stops by telephone
or mail.
I f some, but not all, of the information in your stop payment request matches a
check which has been presented for payment (for example, the Magnetic Ink
Character Recognition (MICR) serial numbers match and the dollar amounts do
not match), we may contact you to request a decision on whether or not to pay
the check. If any such suspect check is not to be paid, you must promptly
instruct us not to pay, or to direct a Controlled Disbursement Point not to pay,
the suspect check. If you do not, the suspect check may be paid.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)(LegalWestl72253.25] 21
Our Disbursement Image Services will make available to you digital images of
checks and drafts paid against specified accounts. Such images may be made
available to you by online transmission or by CD-ROMs containing images you
may access using image CD-ROM Software.
Check and draft images will be made available to you at such times as you
request and we agree. If an image of a check or draft is missing or is illegible,
we will provide you a microfilm copy upon your request. Your request must
include the account number, the check serial number, the exact amount (dollars
and cents) of the payment and the date the payment was made. We may assess a
fee for copies provided to you. We will not be liable for failure to provide copies
by a given time or for failure to provide copies we are not reasonably able to
Notwithstanding the Limitation of Liabilities section of this Booklet, we will not
be liable for damages arising under any Disbursement Image Service in excess
of the amount of the check, draft or miscellaneous debit giving rise to your
damage claim. Any such claim must include the account number, the check
serial number, the exact amount (dollars and cents) of the payment, the date the
payment was made, the name of the payee, a detailed explanation of how the
claimed loss occurred and the name, address and phone number of the payee to
whom you cannot prove payment was made.
Notwithstanding the Termination section of this Booklet, in the case of a
Disbursement Image Service using CD-ROMs, termination of such Service upon
30 days notice may not be effective earlier than the first day of the statement
period immediately following the statement period during which such notice is
Our Electronic Bill Payment Consolidation Service consolidates, reformats and
delivers remittance information and other data related to payments received
from Bill Payment Service Providers for credit to your account. Detailed
information regarding the Service is available in the applicable User
You agree that you will authorize Bill Payment Service Providers to deliver
payments, remittance information and other related data to us for us to provide
this Service to you.
You may also elect to have information of another company/organization
reported through this Service. If you do so, you agree that you and the other
company/organization will authorize the Bill Payment Service Providers to
deliver payments, remittance information and other related data to us for us to
provide this Service to you.
Remittance information and other data related to payments will be delivered to
you in a mutually acceptable form and manner.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 22
If you are unable to post any payments to your customers' accounts, you must
promptly return such payments to us. You shall pay us immediately for the
amount of any returned payments which we previously credited to your account.
Our EDI Services allow you to disburse funds and/or deliver payment-related
infonnation to your receivers, electronically or by paper, by sending payment
requests or payment-related infonnation to us as described in the applicable
User Documentation. These Services also allow you to access payments-related
and remittance-related infonnation in mutually acceptable fonnats received from
your receivers or customers and, where available, to match specified receivables
and payables against payments.
For the web-based remittance advice delivery service, you are responsible for
enrollment of your receivers on the service. During enrollment you will review
and verifY the accuracy of all enrollment infonnation provided by your receivers
on the specified website. Upon completion of enrollment, you authorize us to
deliver the confidential passwords and identifiers to your enrolled receiver to
access the specified website. Your receiver must keep such passwords and
identifiers confidential. We will be fully protected in relying on the correct user
identification codes and passwords.
When you wish to pay your receivers, you transmit a data file to us, containing
instructions for your payments, in the fonnat and by the cutoff times specified in
the applicable User Documentation. When we receive a file from you under an
EDI Service, we perfonn certain edits on the data, translate it into the
appropriate fonnat and/or medium and send the data to the payment system
specified by you, except that we may use any means of transmission, funds
transfer system, clearing house or intennediary bank we reasonably select. On
the specified dates, we issue your payments in the required fonnats.
You control the content of any payment-related infonnation you send to us and
are solely responsible for the accuracy of such infonnation. You are solely
responsible for storage of all data relating to such infonnation so that it can be
made available to individual receivers upon request.
For the web-based remittance advice delivery service, we act as an intennediary
to make data and infonnation available to or from you or your enrolled trading
partners reasonably promptly after receipt of such infonnation. We make the
infonnation available to your enrolled receivers on the specified website within
one Business Day of receipt. The infonnation will be available on the specified
website for the time periods specified in the applicable User Documentation.
We will not alter the content of any infonnation that we receive from you or the
trading partner. We are not responsible for the accuracy of any of the
infonnation that we receive.
Payment requests originated via the EDI Services will be subject to the tenns
and conditions for the underlying payment Services (Check Issuance, ACH
and/or Wire Transfer and International Electronic Funds Transfer) as described
in their respective sections ofthis Booklet.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 23
Remittance information can be delivered to you in a mutually acceptable form
and manner and will be covered under the Information Reporting section of this
Our Electronic Foreign Exchange Service allows you to initiate FX Requests
over the internet or by telephone. By accessing our website, you can request
that we provide an FX Transaction quotation, and by accepting our quotation
you can electronically enter into FX Transactions, all in accordance with the
instructions provided in the applicable User Documentation.
Before using an Electronic Foreign Exchange Service, you give us, by
completing the applicable Application, a written list of the persons authorized by
you, including the Security Administrators, to perform certain duties in
connection with the Electronic Foreign Exchange Service.
You agree to use the Security Procedure, if any, when you send us FX Requests.
The purpose of the Security Procedure is to verify the authenticity of FX
Requests delivered to us in your name and not to detect errors in the
transmission or content of the FX Requests. Each time you use an Electronic
Foreign Exchange Service, you represent and warrant that, in view of your
requirements, the Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of verifying the
authenticity of FX Requests.
You agree that we may act on FX Requests, even if they are unauthorized, if we
act in good faith and comply with the applicable Security Procedure and any
written agreement with you restricting our action on FX Requests. In such
cases, we may enforce or retain your payment to us for such FX Requests;
provided, however, we may not enforce or retain payment if you prove that the
unauthorized FX Requests were not caused by a person (i) entrusted at any time
to act for you with respect to FX Requests or the applicable Security Procedure,
(ii) who obtained access to your premises, computer equipment or transmitting
facilities or (Hi) who obtained, from a source controlled by you, information
(such as keys and passwords) which facilitated breach of the applicable Security
You deliver FX Requests to us through the Service and we send you a quotation
that you can accept electronically. You must follow all system instructions,
procedures and warnings delivered to you on the website provided for the
Service. Once we receive your acceptance of our quote, we send you our deal
acknowledgment in accordance with the applicable User Documentation, and
the FX Transaction will be binding and effective. The FX Transaction is not
completed until we send this acknowledgment. You are responsible for
contacting us outside the Service if you have not received our electronic
acknowledgment within the time specified in the applicable User
Documentation (or in the absence of such specification within a reasonable
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 24
time). We will book FX Transactions at our New York office. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in this Booklet, we reserve the right to withdraw the
Service or tenninate your access to the Service at any time without notice.
You must have Collected and Available Funds in your account which, when
added to funds which may be made available under a line of credit, are sufficient
to cover your FX Requests. You may initiate an FX Request only if the
offsetting debit to your account, including the available line of credit, will not
cause you to exceed the account balance according to your records. If your
records and ours disagree regarding the account balance, our records will control
for purposes of our processing the FX Request.
Unless you have available funds under a line of credit with us, you are obligated
to pay us the amount of any FX Request once we receive your FX Request. We
will debit the account you specity for the amount of your payment before we
process your FX Request. If, for any Business Day, we receive more than one
FX Request and/or other items payable from your account, we may debit your
account for such FX Requests and items in any sequence we detennine in our
sole discretion.
If you have available funds under a line of credit with us, we will debit your
specified account for the amount of your payment on the settlement date of the
FX Transaction. Prior to the settlement date, you can request a change to the
specified settlement account for the FX Transaction by using the website for the
Service. We will not be obligated to implement such a change, and the change
will not be effective until we have had a reasonable opportunity to review and
act upon your request.
We may reject any FX Request which does not comply with the requirements of
this Booklet or the applicable User Docwnentation, including any processing
limits described in such User Documentation, or which we have been unable to
verity through use of the Security Procedure. We also may reject any FX
Request which exceeds the Collected and Available Funds (including funds
made available under a line of credit) on deposit with us in the applicable
account. Notice of rejection is given to you by telephone, by electronic means,
by facsimile or, in event such notice cannot be given by any of those means, by
mail. Notices of rejection will be effective when given.
You agree that FX Transactions effected through the Service are automatically
confinned and do not require any further confinnation. Foreign exchange
transactions effected by a method other than the Service may also be con finned
on the website for the Service in accordance with the User Documentation.
Your electronic confinnation of each such foreign exchange transaction shall
have the same effect as if you had received a written confinnation from us and
had reviewed, manually signed and returned the signed confinnation to us.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25) 25
In the event of a service interruption involving the Service, you may effect FX
Transactions, confirm FX Transactions, and specify settlement instructions by
contacting one of our trading rooms or operations centers by telephone as
designated in the applicable User Documentation.
Our Information Reporting Services make certain account, transaction and
related information available to help you control and manage your accounts and
in connection with any questions raised by you via such Services. This may
include information generated from other Services you use. You may have
information reported directly to you or, with ce.rtain of our Information
Reporting Services, reported at your direction to another financial institution or
other entity. Detailed information regarding an Information Reporting Service
is available in the applicable User Documentation.
You may elect to have accounts of another company/organization reported to
you with any of our Information Reporting Services. You agree that, for each
such account, the company/organization will provide us with its written
authorization, in a form acceptable to us, for us to make that company's account
information available to you. However, you do not need to provide us such
written authorization if the other company is a U.S. Subsidiary and its accounts
are domiciled in the United States of America. In that case, you represent and
warrant that such other company is a U.S. Subsidiary and that it has authorized
us to make its account information available to you.
You may also elect to have your accounts, or accounts of another
company/organization, maintained at another financial institution reported
through certain of our Information Reporting Services. I f you do so, you agree
that you and the other company/organization will authorize the other fmancial
institution to make the reporting information available to us and to take all other
actions necessary for us to provide Information Reporting Services to you.
If you gain, through your use of one or more Services, access to any information
relating to any person other than us, you or any of your Subsidiaries which have
authorized your receipt of such information, you agree that you will treat such
third-party information as strictly confidential and you shall not disclose it to
any person outside your company or to any persons within your company except
those who have a need to know. Further, you shall ensure that adequate
measures have been taken to prevent the unauthorized use of any such third-
party information. You agree that you will not use any such third-party
information for your own purposes other than in a communication to us relating
to the Service.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 26
Our Lockbox Services involve the processing of checks and other payment
instruments, such as drafts, that are received at a Lockbox Address or by special
arrangement with us, excluding without limitation the processing of cash, stock
certificates and tangible valuables. With a Lockbox Service, you instruct your
customers to mail checks and other payment instruments you want to have
processed under a Service to the Lockbox Address. We are not liable to you for
losses you suffer if anything other than checks or other payment instruments are
sent to the Lockbox Address. We and/or our agents will have unrestricted and
exclusive access to the mail sent to the Lockbox Address.
Ifwe receive any mail containing your lockbox number at our lockbox
operations location (instead of the Lockbox Address), we may handle the mail
as if it had been received at the Lockbox Address.
We will handle checks received at the Lockbox Address according to the
applicable Account Agreement, applicable User Documentation and our
availability schedule, as if the checks were delivered by you to us for deposit to
your designated account, except as modified by this Booklet.
We will open the envelopes picked up from the Lockbox Address and remove
the contents. Checks and other documents contained in the envelopes will be
inspected and handled in the manner specified in the set-up documents for the
applicable Lockbox Address. We capture and report information related to the
lockbox processing, where available, if you have specified this option in the set-
up documents. As appropriate, we will endorse all checks we process on your
behalf and deposit them in the account you designate for the applicable Service.
If we 'process an unsigned check as instructed in the set-up documents, and the
check is paid, but the account owner does not authorize payment, you agree to
indemnifY us, the drawee bank (which may include us) and any intervening
collecting bank for any liability or expense incurred by us or such other bank
due to the payment and collection of the check.
If this option is available and if you instruct us not to process a check bearing a
handwritten or typed notation "Payment in Full" or words of similar import on
the face of the check, you understand that we have adopted procedures designed
to detect checks bearing such notations; however, we will not be liable to you
for losses you suffer if we fail to detect checks bearing such notations.
Unless we agree otherwise, each Business Day we will prepare and send
remittance materials (images via internet, electronic file and/or paper packages)
relating to the Lockbox Address to you at the address you specifY for that
Lockbox Address. The material will include, but is not limited to, any checks
not processed in accordance with the set-up documents plus information
regarding the deposit for the day. For the wholesale Lockbox Service, the
package will also include invoices and other materials received at the Lockbox
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 27
For the Lockbox Address, you will provide to us the names of Acceptable
Payees. We will process a check only ifit is made payable to an Acceptable
Payee and if the check is otherwise processable. In some jurisdictions outside
the United States, an Acceptable Payee is limited to you and limited variations
of your name. In all other jurisdictions, including the United States, you warrant
that each Acceptable Payee is either you or your affiliate. If an Acceptable
Payee is your affiliate, then you also warrant that such Acceptable Payee has
authorized checks payable to it to be credited to the account you designate for a
Lockbox Service. We may require written authorization from any such
Acceptable Payee. We may treat as an Acceptable Payee any variation of any
Acceptable Payee's name that we deem to be reasonable.
Our Online Stop Payment Services allow you to electronically place or cancel a
Stop Payment Request. This is in addition to your ability to make stop payment
requests in person, by telephone or in writing as described in your Account
A Stop Payment Request will not be effective until we review our records for
the time period specified in the applicable User Documentation, determine that
the check has not been paid during that period and respond to you with an online
status of your request of "accepted" (rather than "rejected" or "pending").
A Stop Payment Request terminates at the end of the period designated in the
applicable User Documentation, unless the Stop Payment Request is renewed or
canceled earlier. A Stop Payment Request is canceled automatically when the
account on which the check is drawn is closed or transferred.
You will include in each Stop Payment Request the Magnetic Ink Character
Recognition (MICR) serial number and exact amount (dollars and cents) of the
check for which payment is being stopped and the account number on which the
check is drawn. You understand and agree that we can only stop a check that
shows exactly the same MICR serial number and amount as that included in the
related Stop Payment Request since our computer system identifies a check on
the basis ofthe MICR serial number and the exact amount of the check.
You will review your account statements prior to transmitting any Stop Payment
Request. You will not transmit any Stop Payment Request relating to a check
that has been shown to be paid on such statements.
In some cases, we may pay a check even if a Stop Payment Request is in effect.
For example, if one of our branches (or banking centers) or affiliates becomes a
"holder in due course" of the check that you asked us to stop, we may still pay
the check.
The procedures for placing and acknowledging Stop Payment Requests are
described in the applicable User Documentation.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 28
If you use any Online Stop Payment Services with respect to an account
connected to a Controlled Disbursement Service, you must follow the
procedures in this section rather than the Stop Payment procedures in the
Controlled Disbursement Services section.
Our Positive Pay Services allow you to identify exception items, to request
photocopies and/or electronic images of exception items and to instruct us
whether to payor return those items. In many locations, if you send us an issue
file, your infonnation may be made available at the teller line. This is called
"Teller Positive Pay", which helps identify fraudulent checks that are presented
for payment at many of our banking centers. With Teller Positive Pay, the
decision whether to pay such an item may be made by us at the teller line.
On each Business Day, we provide you a report of checks presented to us for
payment on the prior Business Day and which we have identified as exceptions
based on infonnation you have provided to us and as more fully described in the
applicable User Documentation. Exceptions are detennined by comparing
checks presented to us (either by other depository institutions or, where
applicable, for cashing at one of our banking centers) with lists of checks issued
or canceled by you which you transmit electronically to us each Business Day
by the time specified in the applicable User Documentation. Alternatively,
where available, you may choose an option under which we report all checks
preS'ented for payment, in which case we will treat all such checks as exception
On the same day we report exception items to you, you must notify us, by the
deadline specified in the applicable User Documentation, which checks you
want us to payor which to dishonor and return. If you fail to notify us by the
deadline, we will handle the exception items in accordance with the prescribed
default procedure (which you may choose where the choice is available). Where
required, you will indicate which checks you want us to return, having been
deemed by you to be fraudulent. Our deadlines, default procedures and
procedures for acknowledging pay and return requests are described in the
applicable User Documentation. In order to assist you in making your decision
whether we should payor return exception items, you may request a copy of any
exception item.
Before using a Positive Pay Service, you give us a written list, in a fonn
acceptable to us, ofthe persons authorized by you to perfonn certain duties in
connection with such Service.
You may access the daily reports of exception items via one of our online
systems. Using that system, you must then notify us which exception items to
payor which to return.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWest172253.25] 29
You may request photocopies of exception items, which we wiII fax to you, as
more fully described in the applicable User Documentation. Where available,
you may arrange to receive and display electronic images of exception items.
We provide you a report of exception items. You must then notify us which
items to payor which to return.
You authorize us to return checks or to pay checks in accordance with your
instructions and the default procedure in the applicable User Documentation.
We wiII have no liability for payment ofa check which is unauthorized or
fraudulent if (i) the check is included in a report of exception items, (ii) you
have not selected a return default for exception items and (iii) you do not give us
timely instructions to return the check.
You acknowledge that our Positive Pay Services do not preclude our standard
check processing procedures, which may cause a check to be dishonored even if
your instructions or the default procedure do not otherwise require us to return
such check.
You acknowledge that, if you have our Teller Positive Pay Service, the decision
whether to payor not pay an item may be made by us at a banking center.
If you decline to use a Teller Positive Pay Service offered by us or fail to meet
your applicable issue file deadlines in the User Documentation, you also
acknowledge that, as between you and us, you wiII bear the full loss on checks
which are drawn on your accounts with us and paid by us in good faith if the
checks are counterfeits or bear unauthorized alterations to the amounts or
unauthorized maker signatures, even if such checks would otherwise be
exception items.
You acknowledge that our Positive Pay Services are intended to be used to
identify and return checks which you suspect in good faith are fraudulent. They
are not intended to be used as a substitute for stop payment orders on checks
which are not suspected in good faith to be fraudulent. Ifwe suspect or deem, in
our sole discretion, that you are using these Services contrary to those intentions,
we may require you to provide evidence that checks we return pursuant to your
instructions or the return default, if applicable, were in fact fraudulent. In
addition, we may hold you liable for losses we sustain on checks which we are
requested to return under these Services and which you do not reasonably
establish as fraudulent checks.
We wiII use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to respond promptly to
proper requests for copies of exception items if image items are unavailable, but
you acknowledge that our failure to provide copies does not extend the deadlines
by which you must notify us of your pay/no-pay decisions.
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 30
Our Reclear Service resubmits a check or other payment instrument to the
financial institution on which it was drawn if the check or payment instrument
has been returned to us unpaid with the notation "refer to maker", "nonsufficient
funds" or "uncolIected funds". GeneralIy, we will not notify you that such an
item has been returned to us unpaid before we reclear it. Ifa recleared item is
returned to us a second time, we will charge your account for the total amount of
the check or payment instrument. We generalIy total your returned items each
day, debit your account for the total amount and then send the returned checks
and payment instructions to you. The items we send to you serve as your notice
of the non payments.
Our RCK Services allow you to collect eligible RCK checks that have been
returned for insufficient or uncolIected funds, using the ACH Services within the
United States of America, as described in the applicable User Documentation.
The creation of the RCK Entries on your behalf by us using the ACH Services
will be subject to the terms and conditions of the ACH Service section of this
Booklet, inc1uding but not limited to the Security Procedures requirements
described in that section. The capitalized ACH terms appearing in italics below
are defined in the NACHA Rules.
You authorize us to create RCK Entries on your behalf as provided in the User
Documentation and the NACHA Rules. You are deemed to be the Originator
under the NACHA Rules, and on each day you use a Service, you represent and
warrant that (i) you have obtained alI necessary authorizations from the Receiver
prior to the initiation of any corresponding ACH Entry for a RCK and (ii) you
accept as Originator all liability corresponding to the representations and
warranties we as ODFI make under the NACHA Rules regarding RCK.
You shalI pay us for the amount of any returned debit Entries (inc1uding rejected
debit Entries) or any adjustment Entries accepted by us and which we have
previously credited to your account. Such amounts shall be immediately due
and payable by you to us. Returned debit Entries appear on your reports to the
extent agreed by you and us, and you agree that we do not need to send a
separate notice of debit Entries which are returned unpaid.
You agree to comply with the NACHA Rules for alI Entries whether or not an
Entry is sent through the ACH network. You act as an Originator and we act as
an ODFI with respect to Entries. The NACHA Rules govern if they conflict
with this Booklet, except that the file specification requirements in the User
Documentation govern if they conflict with the NACHA Rules.
Each time you use an RCK Service (i) you warrant that you have obtained the
appropriate authorization from each Receiver and the Entries conform to the
authorization and comply with the NACHA Rules and (ii) you make the same
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 31
warranties to us as we make under Section 2.2 or any successor section of the
NACHA Rules.
Our Tax Payment Services allow you to instruct us, using a touchtone telephone
or our Software on your computer, to pay any of your taxes which are reported
or filed using the tax fonns as more fully described and specified in the
applicable User Documentation. Based on your Tax Payment Instructions, we
prepare and remit your tax deposits. Each of these Services is described in the
applicable User Documentation.
You agree to use the Security Procedure, if any, when you deliver Tax Payment
Instructions and, as provided in the applicable User Docwnentation, cancellation
requests to us. The purpose of the Security Procedure is to verify the authenticity
of Tax Payment Instructions or cancellation requests and not to detect errors in
the transmission or content of these messages. You represent and warrant each
time you use a Tax Payment Service that, in view of your requirements, the
Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of verifying the authenticity of these
messages. You agree we may act on any Tax Payment Instructions or, as
provided in the applicable User Docwnentation, cancellation requests, the
authenticity of which we have verified through the use of the Security
You must comply with the deadlines specified in the applicable User
Documentation for initiation of Tax Payment Instructions. If a Service allows
you to send instructions to us after the cutoff time, or on a non-Business Day,
we may treat these instructions as if we received them on the next Business Day.
Transmission of Tax Payment Instructions to us will be at your expense, except
that we may provide a toll-free number telephone service. If that service is
disrupted for any reason, you have the responsibility and risk of using
alternative means of communicating Tax Payment Instructions to us accurately
and in time for us to perfonn any Tax Payment Service.
You will furnish us with all required infonnation and authorizations at the times,
in the manner and with the content specified in the applicable User
After we have received complete Tax Payment Instructions from you, we
prepare the related tax fonns (which may be on a magnetic tape or by electronic
transmission as authorized by the Internal Revenue Service or other tax
authority, as applicable) for submission to the appropriate tax authority.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWest 172253.25] 32
If permitted by the input method, you may specify a settlement date in
accordance with the User Documentation. If you use a touchtone phone as your
input method, you may request a specified settlement date by calling the
designated customer representative for the applicable Tax Payment Service.
For purposes of these Services, settlement date means the date you specify that
the taxing authority's account is to be credited. If you do not specify a
settlement date, we will pay the amount you specify on or before the tax due
date. If you specify the settlement date, payment will be made on the settlement
If you do not specify a settlement date, we debit your account for any tax
payment on the Business Day of transmission. If you specify a settlement date,
we generally debit your account on the settlement date unless you are
prefunding your tax payments. Prefunding means that you pay for all tax
payments by such time before the settlement date as we may specify. At our
discretion, we may at any time without notice debit your account on the
Business Day that Tax Payment Instructions are transmitted to us (or on any
other later date). Ifwe debit the funds on the transmission date (or any other date
before the payment date), we hold the funds as a deposit liability to you, and not
as trust funds, until the date when we remit the funds to the appropriate tax
authority. We will not pay you interest on the funds.
We reserve the right to debit your account and to make a tax payment on your
behalf earlier than the tax due date if the information in your Tax Payment
Instruction is unclear or inadequate to permit us to determine the later due date
under the applicable Tax Payment Service or if we otherwise reasonably decide
that any delay in the payment of the tax may expose you to liability for a tax
penalty. In such case we will not be liable to you for any lost use of funds.
We may reject your instructions during or immediately after transmission to us
if they do not comply with the requirements of this Booklet or the applicable
User Documentation or which we have been unable to verify through use ofthe
Security Procedure. You will be informed of any such rejection only as
specified in the applicable User Documentation, and no other notice of rejection
will be provided.
In addition, we may decline to perform any Tax Payment Service or to report
any tax, file any tax form, or pay any related tax for you, even if we have
received instructions to do so, if the tax payment and our related service fees and
charges exceed the Collected and Available Funds on deposit in your account or
your ACH processing limit. If we reject a Tax Payment Instruction for that
reason, we will promptly notify you by telephone or facsimile transmission in
which case we will not be liable to you for the tax payment, any interest on the
amount of your tax liability, or for any tax penalty imposed on you in
connection with the tax liability. You agree these means of communication are a
reasonable means of notifying you.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 33
Subject to the provisions in the User Documentation, you may cancel a Tax
Payment Instruction prior to disconnection of the telephone call in the case of an
instruction initiated by touchtone telephone or prior to transmission to us of an
instruction initiated through your computer.
Thereafter, a Tax Payment Instruction may be canceled only if:
. The tax payment has not been remitted, credited or otherwise made
available to a tax authority;
. A request to cancel provides sufficient information for us to effect the
request; and
. The request is received by us by telephone or, at the option of either you or
us, in writing (including facsimile transmissions) in time (but in no event
later than the deadline specified in the applicable User Documentation) to
afford us a reasonable opportunity to effect the request.
Ifwe make an overpayment of your tax liability due to our error, we will
recredit your account for the amount of the overpayment, and you agree to take
such actions as we reasonably request to obtain a refund of the overpayment and
to arrange for payment of such refund to us. In any event, you agree to repay us
for any overpayment upon the earlier of (i) your recovery of such overpayment
or (ii) the application of the related tax credit to another of your tax payment
We will provide you with statements and confirmations containing information
about your tax payments in accordance with and subject to the applicable User
Nothing in this Booklet relieves you of any duty imposed by law or contract
regarding the maintaining of records or from employing adequate audit, account
and review practices customarily followed by similar businesses. You will
promptly review for accuracy all records, information and statements delivered
from time to time to you by us.
You must send us written notice, with a statement of relevant facts, within 14
days after you receive the first notice or statement indicating a discrepancy
between our records and yours. If you fail to give the required notice, we will
not be liable for any loss of interest or for any compensation for any other loss
or cost relating to an unauthorized or erroneous debit to your account or because
of any other discrepancy in the notice or account statement. You must notify us
promptly by telephone, confirmed in writing, if you learn or discover from any
source other than a notice or statement from us of information concerning an
unauthorized or erroneous debit to your account.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 34
For each Tax Payment Service, this section supplements the Limitation of
Liabilities section of this Booklet.
If any Tax Payment Service is interrupted for any reason and you are unable to
complete transmission of your Tax Payment Instruction to us, you will not be
relieved of your obligation to make any tax payment otherwise contemplated to
be made by such Service. We will not incur any liability if you fail to make any
required tax payment by other means in the event of such interruption.
This section applies to our U.S. domestic and worldwide wire and internal funds
transfer services and to our International Electronic Funds Transfer Services
outside the United States of America. It does not apply to ACH Services within
the United States of America, which are covered in the "Automated Clearing
House (ACH)" section of this Booklet.
Wire Transfer and International Electronic Funds Transfer Services pennit you
to transfer funds electronically and, as appropriate, to transmit related messages
as more fully described in the applicable User Documentation. These transfers
are typically from your accounts with us to other accounts at our bank, at our
affiliated banks or at other eligible banks. These transfers may also include
transfers to your accounts with us from your accounts at other banks. These
transfers may be made according to a specific request from you or according to
your standing instructions (which may include daily sweeps from your accounts
at our affiliated banks to your account with us). They also may be low-value
batch payments made according to multiple requests within a single electronic
data file for transfers to or from your accounts.
The Multibank Service penn its you to relay through us your instructions to
another bank to wire transfer funds from one of your accounts held at that other
bank. Where feasible, we will refonnat your instructions for SWIFT and relay it
by SWIFT to the appropriate bank, subject to the Business Day schedules for us,
SWIFT and the paying bank. Otherwise, we will use whatever means or
medium we deem appropriate, including use of third-party facilities, to relay
your instructions to another bank.
Before using the Multibank Service, you must provide us with the account
number and bank name for each account to be debited using this Service. You
also must provide the bank holding the debit account with express, written
authorization (with a copy to us where requested) to act on instructions we send
to it under this Service. You agree that we may rely on that authorization until
we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on notice that it has been revoked.
Multibank instructions are not payment orders to us, and we have no obligation
to execute, transmit or accept any payment orders made to us under the
Multibank Service. We refonnat and transmit your payment order to another
bank, and we have no duty to do so if your request is defective, incomplete,
erroneous or inconsistent with the tenns of this Booklet. We may act on your
Multibank instructions as we reasonably consider appropriate notwithstanding
any error, omission, defect or lack of clarity in its tenns and even if the
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 35
instructions appear to duplicate other Multibank requests. You agree that your
indemnity of us, as set forth in the "Protection From Third Parties" section of
this Booklet, applies to any claims by another bank based on our sending a
Multibank instruction containing any error, omission, defect or lack of clarity.
If you wish to cancel or amend a payment order set forth in a Multibank
instruction, you must contact the bank to which the payment order is directed
and act in accordance with its procedures.
Reports on Multibank instructions which we have processed will be included in
an Information Reporting Service which you have arranged to use.
You agree to comply with all applicable payment system rules, including the
national payment system rules and any other applicable laws and regulations of
the receiving country of your transaction. You also agree to comply with the
authorization and notice requirements applicable to any Request to debit another
person's account.
Before using a Wire Transfer or International Electronic Funds Transfer Service,
you give us a written list, in a form acceptable to us, of the persons authorized
by you to perform certain duties in connection with such Service.
You agree to use a Service in accordance with the relevant Security Procedure,
if any. The purpose of the Security Procedure is to verifY the authenticity of
Requests delivered to us in your name and not to detect errors in the
transmission or content of Requests. You represent and warrant each time you
use a Wire Transfer or International Electronic Funds Transfer Service that, in
view of your requirements, the Security Procedure is a satisfactory method of
verifYing the authenticity of Requests.
You agree that we may act on Requests, even if they are unauthorized, if we act
in good faith and comply with the applicable Security Procedure and any written
agreement with you restricting our action on Requests. In such cases, we may
enforce or retain your payment to us for such Requests; provided, however, we
may not enforce or retain payment if you prove that the unauthorized Requests
were not caused by a person (i) entrusted at any time to act for you with respect
to Requests or the applicable Security Procedure, (ii) who obtained access to
your premises, computer equipment or transmitting facilities or (iii) who
obtained, from a source controlled by you, information (such as keys and
passwords) which facilitated breach of the applicable Security Procedure.
You must have Collected and Available Funds in your account which, when
added to funds which may be made available under a line of credit, are sufficient
to cover your Requests. You may initiate a Request only if the offsetting debit
to your account, including the available line of credit, will not cause you to
exceed the account balance according to your records. If your records and ours
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 36
disagree regarding the account balance, our records will control for purposes of
our processing the Request.
You are obligated to pay us the amount of any Request once we act on, other
than to reject, your Request. At our discretion, we may at any time without
notice require payment before we process your Request. Even if we have done
so in the past, we are not obligated to process any Request without having first
been paid by you, but, if we do, the amount is immediately due and payable
without notice or demand.
Prior to initiating any wire transfer Request to debit an account of a third party,
you must provide us with documents, in a form acceptable to us, evidencing the
third party's authorization.
You will pay us for the amount of any returned or rejected debit transactions, or
any adjustments, which we previously credited to your account.
If, for any Business Day, we receive more than one Request and/or other items
payable from your account, we may debit your account for such Requests and
items in any sequence we determine in our sole discretion.
We will use any means oftransmission, funds transfer system, clearing house or
intermediary bank we reasonably select to transfer funds.
After we receive a Request by the applicable processing deadline (as specified in
the applicable User Documentation), but no later than the value date stated in
your Request (if such date is not earlier than the day such Request is received),
we will act upon such Request by making applicable accounting entries or by
transmitting payment instructions to the applicable bank or other party. If
applicable, our acting on your Request will also be subject to the business day
schedule of any of our banking centers or affiliates holding an account to be
debited or credited under a Service. We may treat Requests we receive after a
deadline as if we received them on the next Business Day. International
Electronic Funds Transfers will be deemed received by us when we receive the
complete electronic data file at the location specified in the applicable User
We may reject any Request which does not comply with the requirements of this
Booklet or the applicable User Documentation, including any processing limits
described in such User Documentation, or which we have been unable to verifY
through use of the Security Procedure. We also may reject any Request which
exceeds the Collected and Available Funds (including funds made available
under a line of credit) on deposit with us in the applicable account. We may
also reject any Request if it may be returned for any reason under the applicable
national payment system rules of the receiving country of your transaction.
Notice of rejection is given to you by telephone, by electronic means, by
facsimile or by mail. Notices of rejection will be effective when given.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 37
We have no obligation to cancel or amend Requests after we receive them or to
cancel or amend any particular funds transfer requested by a standing instruction
which is in effect. If you send us a Request instructing us to cancel or amend a
prior Request and we are able to verify the authenticity of the cancellation or
amendment Request using the Security Procedure, we wi\l make a reasonable
effort to act on that Request, but we wi\l not be liable if it is not effected. You
agree to indemnify us against and hold us harmless from any and all liabilities,
claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature, including Legal Expenses,
we incur in connection with your Request to amend or cancel. Your obligations
under this provision wi\l survive termination of these Wire Transfer and
International Electronic Funds Transfer Services.
Payment by us for any transaction we credit to your account is provisional until
we receive final settlement for the transaction. If final settlement is not
received, we are entitled to a refund and we may charge your account for the
amount credited. We may delay the availability of any amount credited for a
transaction if we believe that there may not be sufficient funds in your account
to cover chargeback or return of the transaction.
A beneficiary's bank (including us when we are the beneficiary's bank) may
make payment to a beneficiary based solely on the account or other identifying
number. We or an intermediary bank may send a Request to an intermediary
bank or beneficiary's bank based solely on the bank identifying number. We,
any intermediary bank and any beneficiary's banks may do so even if the
Requests include names inconsistent with the account or other identifying
number as long as the inconsistency is not known by us or such other banlc
Neither we nor any other bank has a duty to determine whether a Request
contains an inconsistent name and number.
Information concerning payments made pursuant to your Requests will be
reflected in your account statements and, in some cases, in written or electronic
advices and reports produced through one of our Information Reporting
Services. You must send us notice, in writing or by electronic means approved
by us for such purpose, with a statement of relevant facts, promptly after you
receive the first notice or statement indicating a discrepancy between our
records and yours. If you fail to give the required notice within 14 days, we will
not be liable for any loss of interest or for any compensation for any other loss
or cost relating to an unauthorized or erroneous debit to your account or because
of any other discrepancy in the notice or account statement. You must notify us
promptly by telephone, confirmed in writing, if you learn or discover from any
source other than a statement, advice or report from us of information
concerning an unauthorized or erroneous debit to your accOl.mt.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25) 38
Our Electronic Trade Services allow you to (i) initiate collections; (ii) instruct us
to advise you of our receipt or confirmation, or the payment, of Export Letters of
Credit and Advised Standby Letters of Credit received by us and naming you as
beneficiary; (iii) request full or partial transfers of your Export Letters of Credit
or full transfers of your Advised Standby Letters of Credit; (iv) prepare
documents in connection with your Export Letters of Credit; (v) access reports
on letter of credit transactions, open account transactions, collections and
banker's acceptances; (vi) initiate open account transactions; (vii) instruct us to
advise you of our receipt of purchase orders received by us and naming you as
the supplier; and (viii) instruct us to issue standby and import letters of credit
and guarantees. Detailed information regarding each Service is found in the
applicable User Documentation.
Our Advised Standby Letters of Credit Service allows us to advise you by
electronic transmission of (i) our receipt of any standby letter of credit naming
you as beneficiary; (ii) the status of any documents or payments with regard to
any Standby Advised Letter of Credit; (iii) our confirmation of any such letter of
credit; and (iv) any payment made pursuant to a drawing under any such letter of
You may elect to have standby advised letters of credit of a Subsidiary or other
entity reported to you with our Electronic Trade Letters of Credit Service. You
agree that the Subsidiary or other entity will provide us with a written
authorization, in a form acceptable to us, for us to make that Subsidiary or other
entity's information available to you.
Full Transfers. You may request the transfer, without substitution of invoices,
of all of your rights as beneficiary of Advised Standby Letters of Credit by
submitting to us, for each transfer, a request providing the following
. Standby Letter of Credit number
. name of issuing bank
. our advice number
. name and address of second beneficiary's advising bank
. name and address of second beneficiary
. date of application
Ifwe approve the transfer, we will place the appropriate endorsement on the
Advised Standby Letter of Credit and send it to the second beneficiary or send
the second beneficiary a transferred letter of credit document prepared by us.
The second beneficiary will have sole rights as beneficiary, whether existing
now or .in the future, including sole rights to agree to any amendments, including
increases or extensions or other changes.
General. The Advised Standby Letter of Credit and the transfer must be subject
to UCP or ISP98, and our rights hereunder are in addition to rights we have
under UCP or ISP98, as applicable.
You must provide us the original advised Standby Letter of Credit and any
existing amendments. You understand that we may, at our sole discretion,
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 39
refuse to approve any full or partial transfer to a second beneficial)'. You
acknowledge that due to conditions of the original Advised Standby Letter of
Credit, certain proprietal)' information may be disclosed to the second
beneficiary and/or to the applicant under the original Advised Standby Letter of
Credit. We will have no liability to you in the event of such disclosure and, in
such event, you will indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims of third
parties. You acknowledge that your rights as beneficial)' in the original Advised
Standby Letter of Credit are irrevocably transferred to the second
beneficial)'(ies) who shall have sole rights. In that connection, your approval is
not required for us to honor a discrepant presentation made by the second
beneficial)' .
For our transfer fee, we may debit your account(s) with us, which you may
designate subject to our reasonable approval. You also agree to pay us on
demand any expenses which may be incurred by us in connection with this
Our Electronic Trade Collections Service allows you to initiate a collection (as
that term is defined in the Uniform Rules for Collections) by delivering an
instruction to a collecting bank.
The instruction will be on a form prescribed by us, but we will not have any
responsibility or liability for the terms and conditions of any instruction; you
accept all such responsibility and liability. Each collection will be governed by
the Uniform Rules for Collections. You will promptly transmit to us a copy of
the completed collection form and, upon our request, will provide to us copies of
the underlying documentation.
You represent and warrant to us as of the date you transmit the instruction form
to us that the collection is not prohibited under the foreign asset control or other
regulations of the United States of America or the applicable laws of any other
Upon our receipt of any payment of a collection, the amounts received (less
related charges, disbursements and/or expenses) will be paid to you, except that
if we are required to return any such payment received upon the insolvency,
bankruptcy or reorganization of the presenting bank or collecting bank or other
third party or for any other reason, you will repay to us the amount paid by you
together with interest thereon from the date we returned the payment and so
notified you at the rate specified by us in our schedule of charges. Unpaid items
and related documents received by us may be returned to you by regular mail at
the address specified in the Authorization and Agreement Certification fonn
which accompanied this Booklet or such other address as may be notified by
you in writing.
Our Export Electronic Trade Letters of Credit Service allows you to prepare
export documents using electronic data captured through our electronic advise
process and allows us to advise you by electronic transmission of (i) our receipt
of any Export Letter of Credit naming you as beneficial)', including the wording
of an Export Letter of Credit so you can prepare export documents as per the
Export Letter of Credit; (ii) the status of any documents or payments with regard
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 40
to any Export Letter of Credit; (iii) our confirmation of any such letter of credit
and (iv) any payment made pursuant to a drawing under any such letter of credit.
You may elect to have export letters of credit of a Subsidiary or other entity
reported to you with our Export Electronic Trade Letters of Credit Service. You
agree that the Subsidiary or other entity will provide us with a written
authorization, in a form acceptable to us, for us to make that Subsidiary or other
entity's information available to you.
You may prepare shipping documents based on your Export Letter of Credit
advised details. You may then edit and locally print those documents and
courier them to us for presentation.
Partial Transfers. You may request the partial transfer, with or without
substitution of invoices, of Export Letters of Credit by submitting to us, for each
transfer, a request providing the following information:
. whether the transfer is with or without substitution of invoices
. Export Letter of Credit number
. name of issuing bank
. our advice number
. name and address of second beneficiary's advising bank
. amount to be transferred
. description of merchandise subject to the transfer
. name and address of second beneficiary
. unit price
. expiration date of transfer Export Letter of Credit
. latest shipment date
. number of days after shipment within which documents must be
. insurance percentage (if applicable)
. date of application
Ifwe approve the transfer, we will advise the second beneficiary ofthe terms
and conditions of the transferred credit by full text teletransmission, mail/airmail
or courier (as we deem appropriate).
With respect to all partial transfers, whether with or without substitution of
invoices, you may refuse to allow us to notify the second beneficiary(ies) of any
future amendment(s) received under the original Export Letter of Credit.
If you elect transfer with substitution of invoices, then, on our demand, you will
deliver to us within one (1) Business Day your draft, commercial invoice and
any other required documents in compliance with the terms of the original
Export Letter of Credit. The draft and documents are in substitution of those
presented by the second beneficiary. When (i) the documents of the second
beneficiary and the substitution documents from the first beneficiary are
determined to comply with the terms of the Export Letter of Credit or, if
determined to be discrepant, are taken up by the issuing bank and (ii) we are in
receipt of funds, we will pay you in accordance with your instructions for the
amount of the difference between your draft and the draft of the second
beneficiary, less any fees due and payable to us in connection therewith. If you
fail, at our demand, to deliver to us your drafts, invoices and other required
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 41
documents as stated above, you acknowledge our right to present invoices and
other documents received from the second beneficiary in accordance with the
instructions of the original Export Letter of Credit. You also understand that we
will not pay you the difference between the amount of the draft of the second
beneficiary and the amount authorized to be paid to you under the original
Export Letter of Credit.
Full Transfers. You may request the transfer, without substitution of invoices,
of all of your rights as beneficiary of Export Letters of Credit by submitting to
us, for each transfer, a request providing the following infonnation:
. Export Letter of Credit number
. name of issuing bank
. our advice number
. name and address of second beneficiary's advising bank
. name and address of second beneficiary
. date of application
Ifwe approve the transfer, we will place the appropriate endorsement on the
Export Letter of Credit and send it to the second beneficiary or send the second
beneficiary a transferred letter of credit document prepared by us. The second
beneficiary will have sole rights as beneficiary, whether existing now or in the
future, including sole rights to agree to any amendments, including increases or
extensions or other changes.
General. The Export Letter of Credit and the transfer must be subject to UCP
and our rights hereunder are in addition to rights we have under UCP.
You must provide us the original Export Letter of Credit and any existing
amendments. You understand that we may, at our sole discretion, refuse to
approve any full or partial transfer to a second beneficiary. You acknowledge
that due to conditions of the original Export Letter of Credit, certain proprietary
infonnation may be disclosed to the second beneficiary and/or to the buyer
under the original Export Letter of Credit. We will have no liability to you in
the event of such disclosure and, in such event, you will indemnify and hold us
hannless from all claims of third parties. You acknowledge that your rights as
beneficiary in the original Export Letter of Credit (up to the amount shown in
your request with respect to partial transfers) are irrevocably transferred to the
second beneficiary(ies) who shall have sole rights (but only up to the amount
shown in your request in the case of a partial transfer). In that connection, your
approval is not required for us to honor a discrepant presentation made by the
second beneficiary.
For our transfer fee, we may debit your account(s) with us, which you may
designate subject to our reasonable approval. You also agree to pay us on
demand any expenses which may be incurred by us in connection with this
We will make available to you, subject to the tenns of the Infonnation Reporting
section of this Booklet, reports on import, export and standby letter of credit
transactions, banker's acceptances, collections and open account transactions, as
more fully described in the applicable User Documentation.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 42
Our Electronic Trade Open Account Service permits you electronically to (i)
inform us of your purchase order details, instruct us on examining import
documents for compliance with your purchase orders and instruct us to pay the
presenting party and (ii) receive notification of open account transactions
initiated through electronic means.
Purchase Orders. You will electronically transmit to us, in accordance with
applicable User Documentation, files of purchase orders you have sent to your
vendors with instructions to present documents to us. The electronic files will
be in such format(s) and transmitted through such channel(s) as you have
selected and we have approved. If you are not requesting us to issue an import
letter of credit, each transaction will be flagged as an "open account" payment
When we receive import documents, we will review them according to your
purchase order terms. If and as provided by the open accOlmt payment type
selected by you, we will match the import documents against the pertinent
purchase orders housed on our electronic database in accordance with the
parameters established by you and accepted by us. We will pay the presenting
vendors as provided under the open account payment type selected by you from
the following three types:
. importer matching - you match the import documents against your
copy of the pertinent purchase order and instruct us how much to.
pay to the presenter and when to pay;
. bank matching - we match the import documents against our
electronic file ofthe pertinent purchase order, following the
parameters established by you; we then electronically inform you,
indicating whether they are compliant or non-compliant, and await
your payment instructions; and
. auto-pay - we match the documents as described above, and, if we
determine they are compliant, make payment to the presenter, but
only if you have sufficient Collected and Available Funds in the
account you have designated for such purposes; if we determine
that the documents are non-compliant, we make payment only
upon your express instructions.
Notification of Open Account Transactions. With respect to open account
notification letters, we will notify you electronically of (i) our receipt of such
notices naming you as vendor and (ii) any payments made pursuant to drawings
under such open account transactions. We will notify your vendors by Trade
Direct, fax, courier or mail as instructed by you.
Our Electronic Trade Letters of Credit Service allows you to request us, by
electronic or fax transmission, to issue an import or standby letter of credit or a
guarantee. Each letter of credit or guarantee which we agree to issue will be for
your account or the account of another entity you designate. Each commercial
letter of credit we issue will be subject to the UCP and, when applicable, the
eUCP, and each standby letter of credit we issue will be subject to the ISP98.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 43
As a condition to our agreement to issue a letter of credit or guarantee, we may
require you at any time to make with us a cash dep~sit, which may not accrue
interest or earnings credit, and to grant us a security interest in the underlying
goods and documents of title and/or any other property or accounts as we
reasonably detennine as security for your obligations to us. A letter of credit
may be issued by any of our authorized offices within or outside the United
States of America. A guarantee may be issued by any of our authorized offices
outside the United States of America.
You represent and warrant to us as of the date of issuance of each import letter
of credit and each drawing that:
. You or the importer has obtained all import and export licenses,
registrations, filings and approvals required by any governmental
authority for the goods and documents described in the letter of
. The transactions underlying the letter of credit are not prohibited
under the foreign asset control or other regulations of the United
States of America or the applicable laws of any other jurisdiction.
You will obtain, or cause to be obtained, insurance covering fire and other usual
risks on all goods described in each import letter of credit issued by us.
You will reimburse us upon demand all monies paid by us under or in respect of
each such letter of credit or guarantee, including payments on any draft,
acceptance, order, instrument or demand drawn or presented under the letter of
credit or guarantee. You will pay us on demand interest on all amounts paid by
us or any other drawee under each letter of credit or guarantee from the date of
such payment until we receive reimbursement at a rate per annum specified in
the applicable User Documentation. You will reimburse us in the currency in
which the letter of credit or guarantee is denominated (or, at our option, the
equivalent of the denominated currency amount in U.S. Dollars or the currency
of the country in which the letter of credit or guarantee was issued at the rate of
exchange quoted by us in the city in which the letter of credit or guarantee was
issued for the sale of the denominated currency against U.S. Dollars or such
other currency on the date on which the denominated currency amount is paid
by us). Regardless of the expiration ofthe letter of credit or guarantee, you will
remain liable for all such amounts until we are released from liability to all
persons entitled to draw or demand payment under the letter of credit or
You will pay us Legal Expenses incurred by us in connection with each letter of
credit or guarantee including without limitation our defense of any proceeding
initiated by you to enjoin payment or negotiation by us of a letter of credit or
guarantee even if you are awarded such relief, provided only that we have acted
in good faith in defending such action.
If you request the issuance of a letter of credit or guarantee listing one of your
Subsidiaries or another entity as the account party, each such request will be
considered a request by you for the issuance of a letter of credit or guarantee,
and you will assume all liabilities and obligations with respect to such letter of
credit or guarantee. You represent and warrant to us that you will derive
substantial economic benefit from each underlying transaction relating to each
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 44
request for the issuance of a letter of credit or guarantee listing your Subsidiary
or another person as the account party. Your obligations under each letter of
credit or guarantee will not be released or discharged if:
. We attempt to collect any payment under such letter of credit or
guarantee directly from the Subsidiary or such other entity.
. Any bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, receivership,
moratorium or other such action effecting creditors generally is
filed by or against the Subsidiary or such other entity.
. We receive payment from the Subsidiary or such other entity, but it
is subsequently rescinded or must be returned by us.
If we accept your request, we will issue the import or standby letter of credit as
described in your electronic or fax transmission and pursuant to this Booklet and
the UCP (with regard to import letters of credit) and ISP98 (with regard to
standby letters of credit). Ifwe accept your request, we will issue the guarantee
as described in your electronic or fax transmission and pursuant to this Booklet.
We will pay each commercial letter of credit pursuant to its terms, this Booklet
and the UCP. We will pay each standby letter of credit pursuant to its terms,
this Booklet and the ISP98. We will pay each guarantee pursuant to its terms
and this Booklet.
If, subsequent to the issuance date of a letter of credit or guarantee, we
determine that the introduction of or any change in the interpretation of any law,
rule, regulation or guideline or the request of a central bank or other
governmental authority will increase our costs relative to our providing the
Electronic Trade Letters of Credit Service, as set forth below, then, on demand,
you will pay us additional amounts sufficient (as determined by us) to
compensate us for such increased cost. Such increased costs could include: (i)
reserve, deposit, assessment or similar requirements or (ii) increases in capital
adequacy requirements.
If there occurs an event which permits us, under the Termination section of this
Booklet, to terminate this Service immediately, you will deposit with us, on
demand and as cash security for your obligations to us, an amount equal to the
aggregate undrawn amount of the letters of credit and guarantees issued by us in
the same currency as the letter of credit or guarantee, or, at our option, its
equivalent in U.S. Dollars or the currency of the country in which the letter of
credit or guarantee was issued. You will not withdraw any amount so deposited
except to the extent such amount exceeds the undrawn and unreimbursed
amount of the letter(s) of credit and guarantees. If the amount deposited by you
under this Booklet for a letter of credit is in a currency different than the
currency in which the letter of credit or guarantee is payable and the amount so
deposited becomes less than the value of the undrawn amount of the letter of
credit or guarantee because of any variation in rates of exchange, you will
deposit with us additional amounts in such other currency so that the total
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25) 45
amount deposited by you under this Booklet is not less than the equivalent value
of the undrawn amount of the letter of credit or guarantee, detenn ined by using
the rate of exchange quoted by us on the date of our latest demand.
For each Electronic Trade Service, this section supplements the Limitation of
Liability section of this Booklet.
You have sole responsibility for detennining the level of security you require
and assessing the suitability of the security procedures for these Services. We
have no duty to investigate the authenticity of any application, instruction or
other communication you provide us using an Electronic Trade Service. Also,
we will have no liability to you for acting upon any application, amendment or
other communication purportedly transmitted by you, even if such application,
amendment or message:
. Contains inaccurate or erroneous infonnation.
. Constitutes unauthorized or fraudulent use of an Electronic Trade
. Includes instructions to pay money or otherwise debit or credit any
. Relates to the disposition of any money, securities or documents.
. Purports to bind you to any agreement or other arrangement with
us or with other persons or to commit you to any other type of
transaction or arrangement.
We are authorized, but not obliged, to rely upon and act in accordance with any
application, instruction~ consent or other communication by fax or other
electronic transmission (including without limitation any transmission by use of
our Software or the Internet) received by us purporting to be a communication
on your behalf without inquiry on our part as to the source ofthe transmission or
the identity of the person purporting to send such communication. We are also
authorized, but not obliged, to rely upon and act in accordance with any
application, instruction, consent or other communication by telephone,
purporting to be a communication on your behalf by an authorized person
designated by you.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 46
You may request us at any time to change the processing instructions for any
Service. We are not obligated to implement any requested changes until we
have had a reasonable opportunity to act upon them. In making changes, we are
entitled to rely on requests purporting to be from you. For certain changes, we
may require that your requests be in writing, in a form and manner acceptable to
us, or be from an authorized person you designate. In addition, certain requests
for changes may be subject to our approval.
We may change, add or delete any of the terms and conditions applicable to any
or all Services upon 30 days prior notice to you in writing or by electronic
means. Your continued use of or failure to terminate any Service, after the
effective date of the change, will indicate your agreement to the change.
Any written notice or other written communication to be given under the terms
of this Booklet will be addressed to the applicable address specified on the
Authorization and Agreement form you return to us, except as you or we specify
otherwise in writing in conjunction with your accounts or particular Services.
Notices are effective upon receipt, except as otherwise provided in this Booklet
or any Materials.
You agree that we may electronically monitor and/or record any telephone
communications with you in those countries which permit that practice. If our
records about any such communication are different from yours, our records will
If you choose to use unencrypted electronic mail to initiate payment requests or
other instructions or otherwise communicate with us, your use of such electronic
mail with respect to a Service will be subject to the terms and conditions of this
Booklet and will comply with the applicable User Documentation. In addition,
you agree to bear the risk that such electronic mail may be corrupted, modified,
garbled or hacked or its confidentiality may be breached by a third party and the
risk that we will rely on such mail, which appears to be from you but which is
unauthorized, and that such reliance will result in a loss.
We acknowledge that information we obtain from you in connection with any
Service we provide to you under the terms ofthis Booklet may be confidential.
We will maintain the confidentiality of such information in accordance with our
normal procedures for safeguarding customer information and the policy
reflected in the Bank of America Corporation Code of Ethics.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 47
You acknowledge our claim to proprietary rights in the Materials and that the
Materials constitute our "trade secrets" or trade secrets of our licensors or
vendors. You understand that all Materials are confidential and you will:
. Safeguard the Materials at all times.
. Establish and maintain procedures to assure the confidentiality of the
Materials and any password or code subsequently changed by you.
. Use the Materials only for the purposes for which we provide them.
. Notify us promptly by telephone, confirmed in writing, if any Materials are
lost or their confidentiality is compromised.
You will not, nor will you allow anyone else to, do any of the following without
our prior consent:
. Disclose any Materials to any person or entity, except to your employees
and agents with a need to know the Materials.
. Make any copies, in whole or in part, of any Materials in whatever form or
medium (electronic, printed or otherwise) in which they may exist from
time to time, except as provided in the Software License section.
. Translate, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile any Software or
security devices.
These confidentiality obligations continue after a Service you are using is
You have sole responsibility for the custody, control and use of all Materials.
You agree that no individual will be allowed to initiate a request or other
instruction contemplated in this Booklet or to have access to any Materials
without proper supervision and strict security controls. If a Service requires use
of user identification codes or passwords, we will be fully protected in relying
on the correct user identification codes and passwords, as described in the
relevant User Documentation.
This section does not limit either party's ability to disclose information (i) that
the other party has approved by prior writing for disclosure; (ii) that is disclosed
to its professional advisors or auditors; (iii) that becomes public other than
through a breach of these confidentiality obligations, (iv) that was in its
possession or available to it from a third party prior to its receipt of it in
connection with any Service, (v) which is obtained by it from a third party who
is not known by it to be bound by a confidentiality agreement with respect to
that information, (vi) as required or requested by any securities exchange or
regulatory body to which either party is subject or submits or (vii) as otherwise
required to be disclosed by law or by legal or governmental process.
In addition, you agree (i) that we may disclose to our offices, affiliates, officers,
employees and agents with a need to know any information we obtain about you
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 48
and (ii) that those offices, affiliates, officers, employees and agents may disclose
such information as permitted under the immediately preceding paragraph.
You acknowledge and agree that data processing related to Services covered by
this Booklet and your associated accounts may take place in countries other than
those where you and your accounts with us are located. You further understand
that information concerning your relationship with us may be available on our
electronic data system both for information management purposes and in order
to enable you to benefit from our electronic banking services. You understand
and agree that, as a result, your banking relationship information may be
available to some of our officers outside the country or countries where you and
your accounts are located. You authorize us to transmit your banking
relationship information across national borders, notwithstanding the banking
secrecy laws of any of the countries involved, as necessary or appropriate to
provide any Services.
It is possible that in providing the Services we will transmit Personal Data. We
will only transmit Personal Data to our locations, to locations of our affiliates or
to others in order to provide the Services. We may contract with others to
provide data transmission or storage services to us. In that case, we will require
that they treat Personal Data solely in accordance with our instructions. You
agree to comply with any directions we may give you from time to time with
respect to the Personal Data.
Neither party will use the other's name or refer to the other party directly or
indirectly in any solicitation, marketing material, advertisement, news release or
other release to any publication without receiving the other party's specific prior
written approval for each such use or release, except that we may use your name
as a reference in service proposals if we obtain your prior oral approval for such
This section also does not limit our ability or that of our affiliates to access and
use transaction data related to any Service provided to you in connection with
the management of our or their business.
These obligations continue after any Service you are using is terminated.
I f a Request, an Entry, a check issued under the Check Issuance Services or a
draft created under the Client-Printed Drafts Services involves a currency other
than the currency in which the relevant account is denominated, your funds will
be exchanged for such other currency at a current rate of exchange on or before
the transfer or debit date, as the case may be, in accordance with our normal
procedures (including applicable User Documentation). Ifwe assign a currency
exchange rate to your transaction, such exchange rate will be determined by us
based upon market conditions. We consider many factors in setting our
exchange rates, including without limitation exchange rates charged by other
parties, desired rates of return, market risk and credit risk. You acknowledge
that exchange rates for retail and commercial transactions, and for transactions
effected after regular business hours and on weekends, are different from the
exchange rates for large inter-bank transactions effected during the business day,
as reported in The Wall Street Journal or elsewhere. Exchange rates offered by
other dealers, or shown at other sources (including online sources) may be
different from our rates. We do not accept any liability if our rates are different
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 49
from rates offered or reported by third parties, or offered by us at a different
time, at a different location, for a different transaction amount, or involving a
different payment media (banknotes, check, wire transfer, etc.). Currency
exchange rates fluctuate over time, and you acknowledge and accept the risks of
such fluctuations: (i) in the case of Requests, between the time you initiate a
Request and the time the transfer is either completed or is unwound due to a
cancellation, amendment, rejection or return, (ii) in the case of checks, between
the time you request us to create a check and the time we debit your account to
cover such check and/or the time we re-credit your account if the check is
stopped in accordance with the applicable stop payment procedures and (iii) in
the case of drafts, between the time you print a draft, or request us to print a
draft, and the time we transfer funds from your account to cover such draft.
In some countries, businesses use a variety of techniques to produce a facsimile
signature manually or by means of a device or machine (each generally called a
facsimile signature) as a convenient method for signing checks, documents and
other items. If you choose to use a facsimile signature, you must provide us
with a specimen of each facsimile signature.
You are responsible for any withdrawal from your deposit account that bears or
reasonably appears to us to bear your facsimile signature, regardless of by whom
or by what means the signature was placed on the check. If you choose to use a
facsimile signature, you are responsible even if you have not presented us with a
specimen facsimile signature, or if the size, color or style of the check, or the
size, color or style of the facsimile signature is different from that of the check
or facsimile signature you use. We may pay the withdrawal and debit your
account for it.
You agree to compensate us for all losses, claims, damages or expenses,
including Legal Expenses, that result from our payment of a withdrawal bearing
a facsimile that reasonably resembles your facsimile signature.
You are responsible for taking security measures and implementing procedures
to prevent the forgery, theft or fraudulent or unauthorized use of your facsimile
Except with respect to a click-wrap online privacy policy to which you agree
when you use a Service through Bank of America DirectGD, this Booklet
constitutes and represents the entire agreement between you and us regarding
the Services we provide you anywhere in the world and supersedes and
extinguishes all prior agreements, understandings, representations, warranties
and arrangements of any nature (including requests for proposals and other sales
materia!), whether oral or written, between you and us relating to any such
Service (including any International Treasury Services Tenns and Conditions
booklet, but excluding the current Account Agreement). This Booklet will be
controlling in the event of any conflict between it and any relevant User
Documentation, any other document or written or oral statement (including but
not limited to any Account Agreement, except as applicable law requires
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 50
otherwise), but excluding the click-wrap online privacy policy noted above.
Current User Documentation is available upon request.
This Booklet is binding upon each of your and our respective successors and
permitted assigns. You may with our prior written consent, assign any of your
rights or duties described in this Booklet. This Booklet is not for the benefit of
any other person, and no other person has any right under this Booklet against
you or us, and nothing contained in this Booklet creates any agency, fiduciary,
joint venture or partnership relationship between you and us.
We are responsible only for performing the Services expressly provided for in
this Booklet. We may contract with an outside vendor in providing any ofthese
With respect to any Service, we will provide you with assistance by telephone at
the numbers and during the hours specified by us in writing from time to time.
You are responsible for maintaining the security of your data and ensuring that it
is adequately backed-up. We are not responsible for your loss of your data.
Except as otherwise provided in this Booklet with respect to compliance with
any applicable Security Procedure, we may rely on oral instructions from any
person who identifies himself or herself by a name which is included on a
written list from you of persons authorized to give such instructions. You will
update this list from time to time as necessary to reflect any changes in
authorized persons. Except as otherwise expressly stated in this Booklet, we are
not required to act on any instruction from any person or to give notices to any
If any provision of this Booklet or the application of any such provision to any
person or set of circumstances is determined to be invalid, unlawful, void or
unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Booklet, and the application
of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is
determined to be invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable, are not impaired or
otherwise affected and continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
perm itted by law.
No delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy under this Booklet is deemed
to be a waiver of such right or remedy. No waiver of a single breach or default
under this Booklet is a waiver of any other breach or default. Any waiver under
this Booklet must be in writing.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 51
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Booklet for a particular Service,
with respect to each Service, this Booklet is governed by and interpreted
according to (i) U.S. federal law and (ii) the law of (A) the state of Florida in
the United States of America in which the account (or the principal account, in
the case of multiple accounts) associated with such Service is located or, if there
is no such state or no account associated with such Service, (B) the State of New
York, without reference to the principles of conflicts of law of the U.S. and of
such state.
If you are headquartered, or are using a Service, outside the United States of
America, and if requested by us, you must appoint an agent for service of
process in England, Hong Kong, Singapore and/or the United States of America,
and you irrevocably agree that any writ, summons, order, judgment or other
document relating to or in conjunction with any proceeding, suit or action may
be served on you in such jurisdiction.
We are liable to you only for actual damages incurred as a direct result of our
failure to exercise reasonable care in providing a Service.
For Requests and Entries which are subject to UCC 4A, we are liable only for
damages required to be paid under UCC 4A or the Fedwire Regulation, as
applicable, except as otherwise agreed in this Booklet.
For all Requests and Entries not subject to UCC4A and for all other obligations
under the Electronic Funds Transfer Services sections, our liability is limited to
actual damages, resulting directly from our wilJful misconduct or our failure to
exercise reasonable care, not exceeding the following, as applicable: (i) in case
of an excessive debit to your account, the amount of the excess plus
compensation equivalent to interest; (ii) in case of payment to an account not
specified by you, the amount of the payment plus compensation equivalent to
interest; (iii) in case of any delay in crediting a debit Entry or DTC to your
account, the amount of compensation equivalent to interest for the period of
delay; or (iv) in all other cases, the actual damages incurred by you. You wiIJ
use reasonable efforts to assist us in recovering the amount of any overpayment
for which we are liable.
Ifwe are obligated to pay interest compensation, we wiIJ pay such compensation
or credit your account, as we determine, upon your written request. We
calculate compensation for the relevant period as specified in the Account
Agreement or as advised by your customer services representative.
If you transmit a Request to us by way of a funds-transfer system or other third-
party communications system not specifically required by us, the system is
deemed to be your agent for that purpose. We are not liable to you for any
discrepancy between the terms you transmit to such system and the terms it then
transmits to us.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 52
In no event wiII we be liable for any indirect, consequential or punitive loss,
damage, cost or expense of any nature or any economic loss or damage, expense
and loss of business, profits or revenue, goodwiII and anticipated savings, loss of
or corruption to your data, loss of operation time or loss of contracts, even if
advised of the possibility of such loss, damage, cost or expense.
We wiII not be responsible for the acts or omissions of you or your officers,
employees or agents (including but not limited to the amount, accuracy,
timeliness or authorization of any instructions or information from you) or the
acts or omissions of any other person or entity, including but not limited to any
clearing house association or processor, any U.S. Federal Reserve Bank or any
other country's central bank, any other financial institution or any Supplier, and
no such person or entity wiII be deemed our agent.
If you permit any Subsidiary or other person to access one of our Service
installations on your premises through use of a remote access software package,
we will not be responsible or liable for such Subsidiary or person's use or
misuse of our Services or access to accounts owned by you and for which you
did not authorize that Subsidiary or person to have access via your installation.
We may and will treat all instructions and information received by us through
this arrangement as provided by and for the benefit of you and subject to all our
rights under this Booklet with respect to the pertinent Services.
We wiII not be liable for and will be excused from any failure or delay in
performing our obligations for any Service if such failure or delay is caused by
circumstances beyond our control, including any natural disaster (such as
earthquakes or floods), emergency conditions (such as war, riot, fire, theft or
labor dispute), legal constraint or governmental action or inaction, breakdown or
failure of equipment, breakdown of any Supplier, or your act, omission,
negligence or fault.
We also will not be liable for any failure to act on our part if we reasonably
believed that our action would have violated any law, rule or regulation.
With respect to a Service, we may, at our sole discretion, allow an overdraft to
occur in your account. Except as we agree or advise you otherwise in writing,
you must repay us immediately, without demand, the amount of such overdraft
plus any overdraft charges. In such cases, the fact that we previously allowed an
overdraft to occur does not obligate us to do so in the future. Additional terms
and conditions contained in your Account Agreement may apply.
You must maintain and designate account(s) with us which we will use for
debiting or crediting with respect to all payments and deposits and related
adjustments and charges. Except as otherwise provided, you must have
Collected and Available Funds on deposit in your account(s) sufficient to cover
such obligations. For purposes of satisfying your payment obligations, we may
consider any overdraft line of credit or other arrangement you have with us.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 53
You will pay us for each Service you use according to our schedule of charges
currently in effect for you, except as we agree otherwise (in writing) from time
to time. At your request, we will provide you a copy of the current schedule of
charges for the applicable Service. All charges are subject to change upon 30
days prior written notice to you (unless otherwise agreed in writing), except that
any increase in charges to offset any increase in fees charged to us by any
Supplier for services used in delivering any Service may become effective in
less than 30 days.
You will pay us for Software support in excess of that contemplated in the
General Provisions sections of this Booklet. The charges for such extra support
will be as specified by us before such charges are incurred or as otherwise
agreed by you and us from time to time.
We will, on a monthly basis, debit your account with us for payment of charges.
due, unless you arrange another payment procedure acceptable to us.
All Service charges are exclusive of sales, value-added and use taxes, stamp and
other duties and other governmental charges imposed on any Service or
Materials and not based on our net income. Such taxes, duties and charges are
payable by you.
You will indemnify us against and hold us harmless from and defend us against
any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature
(including Legal Expenses) arising out of or relating to disputes or legal actions
by parties other than you and us concerning any Service. The obligations
contained in the preceding sentence will continue after a Service you are using is
terminated. This section does not apply to any cost or damage attributable to
our gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
On and as of each day we provide any Service to you, you represent and warrant
to us that:
. Your agreement to each provision contained in this Booklet is a duly
authorized, legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation;
. The debiting of any account as provided in this Booklet is not inconsistent
with any restriction on the use of that account;
. All approvals and authorizations required to permit the execution and
delivery of the Agreement and Authorization form and any other necessary
documentation, and the performance and consummation by you of the
transactions contemplated under each Service, have been obtained,
including but not limited to due authorization from each applicable third
party to allow you to transfer funds and access information from such
party's account;
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 54
. Your perfonnance of your obligations wiII not violate any law, regulation,
judgment, decree or order applicable to you; and
. There is no lawsuit, tax claim or other dispute pending or threatened against
you which, if lost, would impair your fmancial condition or ability to pay us
under the tenns of this Booklet.
We try to resolve our clients' Service problems or disputes as quickly as
possible. In most cases, we can resolve a problem by telephone.
Aay dispute or eaatra\'ersy eaaeeraiag your use of Serviees deseribed ia
tIHs HaaIdet will be deeided by biadiag arbitratiaa eaadueted ia the Uaited
States of ....meriea (euept as )'au aad we expressly agree otherwise) ia
aeeardaaee with the Uaited States Arbitratiaa f.e! (Title 9, U.S. Code)
Hader the Cammereial f.rbitratiaa Rules aethe J.merieaa Arbitratiaa
Assaeiatiaa. Uader these praeedures, the dispute is submitted to a aeutral
persaa far determiaatiaa ia plaee of a trial before a judge or jury.
Judgmeat upaa the award made by the arbitrator may be eatend ia aay
eau" haYiag jurisdietiaa.
Without regard to the reregaiag, aay dispute or eaatra',ersy that arises
from aa Elee!raait Fuads Traasfer Serviee will be deeided by a judge
without a jury ia a Uaited States of Ameriea federal or state taurt (exeept
as you aad we expressly agree athenvise ia writiag). This meaas that ia
these iastaaees you waiye aay right to a trial by jury ia aay aetiaa or
praeeediag aad agree that sueh aetiaa or praeeediag will be tried berere a
judge without a jury.
Either you or we may exercise self-help remedies or obtain provisional or
anciIlary remedies from a court. You or we may exercise or obtain these
remedies at any time, even while the arbitration or trial by ajudge is pending.
By exercising or obtaining any such remedies, neither you nor we waive the
right to request that a dispute or controversy be decided by arbitration or trial by
This section applies to all Software we provide to you after you return the
Agreement and Authorization fonn unless we provide you a separate license
agreement for specific Software (including a "click-wrap" Software license you
may obtain from us by downloading from our website and including, in the case
of the Commercial and Corporate Card Services, the licenses for Visa InfoSpan,
MasterCard SmartData and any other third-party Software we provide you in
connection with such Services). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
"General Provisions" section of this Booklet, the software licenses granted to
you under this Software License section are governed by and interpreted
according to the laws of the State of California without reference to its
principles of conflicts of law.
For each Software application we provide to you for one or more Services, we
grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license for the use of that Software
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl72253.25] 55
and its related Materials. Each license is granted solely for use in object code
form only in connection with one or more Services. You may use the Software
only in accordance with the applicable User Documentation.
The Software, its source code, the related Materials and all copyright, patent,
trademark, trade secret and other rights in them are and will remain the
exclusive property of us or our licensors. You wi\l secure and protect the
Software (including all copies) in a manner consistent with the maintenance of
our rights and those of our licensors. In order to protect those rights, you wi\l
reproduce and incorporate copyright notices and all other proprietary legends
prescribed by us in any permitted copies. You may not remove, obscure or
otherwise tamper with or alter any such notices or legends affixed to or
otherwise contained in the Software or related Materials or copies. You wi\l
also take appropriate action to instruct and obligate your representatives who are
permitted access to the Software (including copies) to comply with your
obligations to protect the Software.
We are obligated to provide you only with those updates, upgrades or new
releases of Software which we make generally available to our other customers
who license the same Software. Any corrections, updates, upgrades or new
releases that we provide to you must be installed by you promptly or by such
later time as we specifY, and wi\l be deemed part of the Software upon delivery
to you. We will provide support only for the most current version of Software
we have provided to you.
You wi\l, at your expense, cause a computer to be installed and kept in good
condition and working order at your site for use of the Software. The computer
and its components must be equipment which is acceptable as specified by us
from time to time.
We may assist you with the installation of Software on your computer and with
the training of persons who wi\l use the Software, but we wi\l not bear any
responsibility for the proper instalIation and use of the Software. Except as you
and we may agree otherwise, you wi\l be deemed to have accepted the Software
upon its installation and upon our having made such training available to you.
You may not (i) sell, assign, transfer, license, sublicense or publish the Software
or copies of the Software or (ii) disclose, display or otherwise make available
the Software or copies thereof to third parties without our express approval.
You may not copy, or allow anyone else to copy, the Software or related
Materials, except that you may make two copies for backup and archival
purposes. You may not electronically distribute, or allow anyone else to
electronically distribute, Software except from the network server on which it is
installed to workstations on that network.
You will provide us notice, in writing or by electronic means approved by us for
such purpose, each time you make a permitted copy of Software (except for
backup or archival copies) or electronically distribute it to a workstation,
indicating the location and date of the copy or distribution. We may audit your
site to confirm compliance with this Software License section if you fail to make
the reports called for or if we reasonably believe you are using unauthorized
copies of Software.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegalWestl 72253.25] 56
You may not alter, repair, modify or adapt any Software or related Materials,
including, but not limited to, translating, reverse engineering, decompiling,
disassembling or creating derivative works from it.
You agree to inform our client support unit of all errors, difficulties or other
problems with the Software of which you become aware. We will make
reasonable efforts to fix or provide workarounds for material reported errors and
to provide you with support and consultation concerning the Software. The
reasonable effort, support and consultation will be such as we, in our sole
discretion, determine. You will cooperate with us in the expeditious resolution
of such errors, difficulties or other problems by providing us, on request, a
listing of input, output and all other data which we may reasonably request in
order to reproduce operating conditions similar to those present when such
errors, difficulties or other problems were discovered.
You may move the Software to another computer replacing the one on which the
Software was originally installed or to another site, but only after you give us
notice, in writing or by electronic means approved by us for such purpose,
specifying the new computer and site. We will have reasonable access to
Software while it is at your site to provide assistance or to verify the status or
location of Software.
A license to Software and related Materials will terminate automatically if you
breach a material term of the license or if the Services for which you are using
the Software are terminated. In addition, in the event of a breach of your
confidentiality obligations with respect to the Software, we may seek any
remedy provided by law or equity.
You acknowledge that the Software has not been produced to meet your specific
requirements and has not been tested in every possible combination and
operating environment. You are responsible for satisfying yourself that the
Software is satisfactory for your purposes.
You further understand and agree that we make no representation concerning the
completeness, accuracy, operation or performance of the Software or its
compatibility with any hardware. You acknowledge that the operation of the
Software may not be uninterrupted or error-free.
We warrant that the Software will substantially conform to the documentation
provided with the Software for a period of 60 days after delivery to you
provided that: (i) the Software is used by you in strict compliance with the terms
ofthis Booklet and the related Materials, (ii) the Software is not modified in any
way by you and (iii) you promptly notify us and reproduce for us any defects,
errors or bugs in the Software. We will use reasonable efforts to correct or work
around any Software errors reported by you or, at our discretion, but in any
event if our efforts are unavailing, we will accept return of the Software and
refund any license fees paid by you.
You agree that the foregoing is your sole and exclusive remedy for breach of
warranty and our sole obligation in connection with the performance or
operation of the Software and related Materials.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 57
Except as specifically stated above and in the Infringement Indemnity
subsection below and notwithstanding any other provision in this Booklet
or otherwise, we make no representation or warranty, express or implied,
written or oral, and, to the full extent permitted by law, disclaim all other
warranties including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the Software,
the related Materials and all other property, services or rights covered by
this Booklet.
To the extent pennitted by applicable law, and except as otherwise provided in
this section, we will not be liable for damages of any kind arising out of the use
of, or inability to use, the Software or accompanying documentation.
You agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sales of Goods will not apply to our provision to you or your use of any
Neither you nor we limit or exclude our liability to the other for death, personal
injury, willful misrepresentation, willful default or fraud.
Notwithstanding your indemnity of us in the "Protection From Third Parties"
section of this Booklet, we will defend at our own expense or settle any action
brought against you to the extent it is based on a claim that your use of the
Software and/or Materials provided by us to you pursuant to this Booklet
infringes any Berne Convention country copyright "or any United States of
America or United Kingdom patent, trade secret or trademark of any third party,
and we will pay all costs and damages finalIy awarded in any such action.
Our obligation is subject to (i) prompt notice from you of any such claim or
action, (ii) your not having made any admission of liability or agreed to any
settlement or compromise, (iii) your providing to us, in a prompt and timely
manner, the documents, infonnation and assistance we reasonably request, (iv)
our having sole control of defending such claim or action, (v) your having used
the current version of the Software and Materials, as provided to you by us, in
compliance with the tenns of this Booklet and the related Materials and (vi) our
obligations under this indemnity being our only obligations to you with respect
to any infringement claim in connection with your use of the Software.
You understand and acknowledge that our obligations to provide the Software,
technical assistance, any media in which any of the foregoing is contained,
training and related technical data (collectively "Data") will be subject in all
respects to all applicable laws and regulations as shall from time to time govern
the export or diversion of certain products and technology to and from certain
countries. You warrant and agree that you will comply in all respects with the
export and reexport restrictions applicable to the Data shipped to you and will
otherwise comply with alI applicable laws and regulations governing export and
diversion of the Software and technical data in effect from time to time.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 58
This subsection supplements this Software License section with respect to
Software we provide you for the Disbursement Image Service under which we
provide you with CD-ROMs and shall control in the event of conflict between it
and the balance of the Software License section.
We warrant for a period of 45 days after the CD-ROM creation date appearing
on the CD-ROM that such CD-ROM itself will be free of defects in material and
workmanship. Ifwe provide you a CD-ROM which contains a media defect or is
unreadable in its entirety, you must notifY us within the 45-day period.
Our disclaimer of warranties in this Software License section applies to CD-
ROMs as well as to the Software and related Materials.
You may not electronically distribute the Image CD-ROM Software to any
workstation other than the one for which such Software is originally installed on
your site.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Tennination section of this
Booklet, if a Disbursement Image Service under which we provide you with
CD-ROMs is tenninated for a reason other than your breach of this Software
License section, you may continue to use the Software for such Service after
tennination of such Service for six months, or for such longer period as we
approve, subject to the tenns of this Software License section or such other
software license agreement as we, at our election, require you to sign for this
purpose. At the end of such six-month or longer period, the license for your use
of the Software for such Disbursement Image Service will then tenninate
This subsection supplements this Software License section with respect to
Software we provide you for the Image Positive Pay Service and shall control in
the event of conflict between it and the balance of the Software License section.
You may not electronically distribute the CCR (C Compression Routines)
Software for Windows 3.1 provided to you in connection with the Image
Positive Pay Service to any workstation other than the one for which such
Software is originally installed on your site.
Either you or we may tenninate any or all Services upon 30 (60 in the case of
Corporate Card Services) calendar days prior written notice to the other party.
Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, we may tenninate any or all Services
effective immediately, and we will send you notice of the tennination, if any of
the following occurs:
. You breach any of the tenns and conditions in this Booklet or any other
agreement with us;
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 59
. You tenninate, liquidate or dissolve your business or dispose of a substantial
portion of your assets;
. You fail generally to pay your debts as they become due;
. You, voluntarily or involuntarily, become the subject of any bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization or other similar proceeding;
. You initiate any composition with your creditors;
. You experience a material adverse change in your financial condition or your
ability to perfonn your obligations under the tenns and conditions in this
Booklet; or
. Any guaranty of your obligations to us tenninates, is revoked or its validity
is contested by the guarantor, or any of the events set forth in the above five
bullet points attributable to you occur to the guarantor.
If a Service you are using is tenninated for any reason, you will do the
. Immediately stop using any Materials relating to the tenninated Service;
. Erase or delete any Software we have provided relating to the tenninated
Service to the extent it is stored in your computers; and
. At our option, either return to us or destroy all Materials relating to the
tenninated Service and certify to us that you have done so.
These obligations will continue after a Service you are using has been
Tennination of a Service you use does not affect your payment obligations for
services we provide to you before the Service is tenninated, and any such
tennination is in addition to our other rights under applicable law and under the
tenns of this Booklet. Also, tennination of any Service you use does not release
you or us from any of our respective obligations which arose or became
effective before such tennination. Upon tennination, all amounts owed by you
and outstanding will become immediately due and payable.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 60
The folIowing are some important terms that appear in this Booklet.
Acceptable Payee. Your name and any other payee name you provide to us as
an acceptable payee for checks to be processed under the Lockbox Service.
Account Agreement. The current signature card, International Account
Agreement or SAOTC and the publication(s), as amended from time to time, we
provide you containing terms and conditions applicable to each deposit, savings
or current account for which you use a Service.
Bill Payment Service Provider. Any entity, which may include us, you
authorize to deliver payments, remittance information and other related data
from your customers to us for the Electronic Bill Payment Consolidation
Business Day. Each day on which the bank or bank office providing or
facilitating a Service is open for business related to that Service.
Card. Each plastic charge card which we issue for your Card Account under
our Commercial or Corporate Card Services.
Card Account. Each MasterCard or Visa account which we issue to you or to a
Cardholder under our Commercial or Corporate Card Services, including an
account for which only an account number and no Card is provided.
Cash Advance. Use of a Card Account to obtain cash from a participating
financial institution, merchant or A TM, to write a Convenience Check or to
obtain items readily convertible into cash, such as money orders, travelers
checks, foreign currency, lottery tickets, casino chips and race-track wagers.
Card Administrator. One or more individuals designated by you in writing, as
our primary contact for the Card Accounts, who is authorized to take actions
necessary or appropriate to maintain the Card Accounts, including without
limitation designating persons to receive Card Accounts, receiving
communications from us related to the Card Accounts, requesting the closure of
Card Accounts and otherwise communicating with us with respect to the Card
Cardholder. Your employee or any other person who you designate in writing
and who we approve to receive a Card Account or a Commercially Prepaid
Card. If you or a Cardholder makes a Commercial Prepaid Card, a Card
Account number or Convenience Check available to another party, that person
will also be considered a Cardholder.
Check Issuance Request. Using the Check Issuance Service, a message
transmitted from you to us requesting us to issue a check on your behalf drawn
on either accounts you maintain with us or accounts designated and owned by
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 61
Collected and Available Funds. Funds in an account equal to the ledger
balance minus float which, in our reasonable detennination, are not subject to a
hold, dispute or legal process preventing their withdrawal.
Commercial Prepaid Card. A pre-paid magnetic strip-based plastic card issue
by us for a Cardholder's purchase of goods or services or for cash withdrawals.
Controlled Disbursement Point. Each bank office designated by us through
which checks issued under the Controlled Disbursement Service will be cleared
or routed.
Convenience Check. A check which we may provide to you to draw on a Card
Deposit Account. One or more demand deposit accounts maintained by you
with us and used in connection with our Controlled Disbursement Service.
Depository Transfer Checks (DTCs). Depository transfer checks and
preauthorized checks to debit Receivers' accounts to accomplish the same
purpose as debit Entries. (Receiver is defined in the NACHA Rules.)
Effective Entry Date. The date specified, in accordance with the NACHA
Rules, on the Entry by the Originator on which the Originator intends the Entry
to be settled. (Originator is defined in the NACHA Rules.)
Electronic Funds Transfer Services. ACH Services, International Electronic
Funds Transfer Services and Wire Transfer Services.
Entries. Entries has the meaning provided in the NACHA Rules and also
includes any data for Entries and any prenotification.
eUCP. The rules for electronic presentation of documents under the UCP.
Fedwire. The funds transfer system owned and operated by the Federal Reserve
Banks of the United States of America, but excludes the system for making
automated clearing house transfers.
Fedwire Regulations. Subpart B of Regulation J of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System ofthe United States of America, as amended from
time to time.
FX Transaction. A transaction between you and us, pennitted under the
Electronic Foreign Exchange Service, for the purchase of one currency in
exchange for the sale of another currency (including without limitation any
foreign exchange spot, swap or outright forward transaction or option),
including any transaction that effects the pre-delivery, extension, rollover or
splitting of such a transaction.
FX Request. A request by means pennitted under the Electronic Foreign
Exchange Service to enter into an FX Transaction.
International Account Agreement. A fonn of Account Agreement used in
some countries.
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegaIWest 172253.25] 62
International Electronic Funds Transfer Services. Electronic payment
services for transfers to or from your account outside the United States of
America or to or from your account in the United States of America to or from
an account in a different country. These services include low-value batch
payments made according to multiple requests within a single electronic data
file. International Electronic Funds Transfer Services exclude ACH Services
within the United States of America and exclude Wire Transfer services.
ISP98. The "International Standby Practices 1998" developed by the Institute
of International Banking Law & Practice and endorsed and published by the
International Chamber of Commerce or such later revision as may be adopted
and be in effect on the date the subject standby letter of credit is issued.
Legal Expenses. Reasonable lawyer's fees, allocated costs of staff counsel
(unless prohibited by applicable law), fees and expenses of litigation and any
other fees and expenses incurred in enforcing any provision of this Booklet.
Lockbox Address. The post office address we assign to you or we accept from
you for the Lockbox Service.
Materials. The Software, user identification codes, passwords, codes, keys, test
keys, security devices, embedded algorithms, digital signatures and certificates,
other similar devices and infonnation, User Documentation and related
documentation we provide to you.
NACHA Rules. The rules of the National Automated Clearing House
Association (including any other clearing house rules applicable to automated
clearing house transactions), as amended from time to time.
Payment Advice. Using the Client-Printed Drafts Services, an electronic
message transmitted by you to us advising us that you have created a draft.
Personal Data. Infonnation we receive from you in connection with the
Services consisting of an individual's bank accounts or other financial data or
identifying a living individual.
PIN. A personal identification number which a Cardholder may receive when
activating a Commercial Prepaid Card.
RCK. A "Re-Presented Check Entry" as defined in the NACHA Rules.
Request. A request by means pennitted under the relevant Wire Transfer or
International Electronic Funds Transfer Service to transfer funds to or from a
specified account or beneficiary (including standing instructions) or to amend or
cancel a prior request to transfer funds.
ReversallDeletion Request. A request for a Reversal or a request to delete a
previously delivered Entry.
Reversals. Data for reversing Entries.
SAOTC. Each fonn of Standard Account Opening Tenns and Conditions used
in certain countries as an Account Agreement.
AD-AG-04558 (2004-2)[LegaIWestl72253.25] 63
Security Procedure. Unless we agree otherwise with you, the applicable
security procedure described in the Materials for your data delivery type or
Service for verifying the authenticity of Entries, Requests, Reversal/Deletion
Requests, Payment Advices, Check Issuance Requests, Stop Payment Requests,
FX Requests or Tax Payment Instructions.
Service. With respect to a Bank of America Corporation subsidiary bank, a
treasury management service provided in a specific Bank location and covered
by this Booklet.
Software. The programs and data files provided by us for use on a computer in
connection with one or more particular Services.
Stop Payment Request. A message you send us using the Online Stop
Payment Services, the Check Issuance Services or the Client-Printed Drafts
Services to request that payment be stopped on a check or draft which, in the
case of the Online Stop Payment Services, must be drawn on an eligible account
you have with us.
Subsidiary. Any entity in which more than 50% of the ownership interest is
owned, directly or indirectly, by you. The term "Subsidiary" does not include
affiliates or other entities in which 50% or less of the ownership interest is
owned, directly or indirectly, by you.
Supplier. Any private or common carrier communication or transmission
facility, any time-sharing supplier or any mail or courier service.
SWIFT. The international electronic message-transfer service known as the
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
Tax Payment Instruction. An instruction by means permitted under the
relevant Tax Payment Service to pay any taxes using any of the tax forms
specified in the applicable User Documentation.
Transaction. The purchase or reservation of goods or services or a cash
advance made or facilitated by use ofa Stored Value Card, a Commercial Card,
Convenience Check or Card Account.
UCC 4A. Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Funds Transfers, as
adopted by the state in the United States of America whose law applies to a
Service, as amended from time to time.
UCP. The Uniform Customs and Practices for Documentary Credits, 1993
Revision, ICC Publication No. 500 or such later revision as may be adopted by
the International Chamber of Commerce and be in effect on the date the subject
letter of credit is issued.
Unauthorized Use. Use ofa Card Account, Card or Convenience Card by a
person (i) who is not your Cardholder, employee or agent, (ii) who does not
have actual, implied or apparent authority to use the Card Account and
(iii) whose use does not benefit you directly or indirectly.
Uniform Rules for Collections. The Uniform Rules for Collections, ICC
Publication No. 522, or such later revision as may be adopted by the
International Chamber of Commerce and be applicable to a collection.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWestl 72253.25] 64
User Documentation. Any written infonnation we provide you, including
infonnation in electronic fonnat, as amended from time to time, which contains
detailed instructions regarding the use of a Service, as provided by a particular
banking center or office. User Documentation may vary from one jurisdiction to
another. Current User Documentation is available upon your request.
AD-AG-0455B (2004-2)[LegaIWest172253.25] 65
January 5, 2009
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.3838
Attn: E. Barrett Atwood, Sr., Director of Finance
RE: Banking Services Renegotiation
Dear Barry.
Bank of America is pleased to renegotiate with the City of Boynton Beach. Please see the
attached renegotiated schedule of fees (Exhibit A).
Please note that all other unit prices will remain the same that are included as Attachment
"C" in our response to the City's Request for Proposals for Banking Services (RFP.008-
My contact infonnation is below should you have any questions.
Linda Mason, CfP
Senior Vice President
Government Banking
11nda.a.~Mnkolamerloa.com 1.661.898.2329 - FIlX: 1.661.838.2325
IllII* 04 "'-b. FL6,....1 .10.06
826 N FlIIgIer OrNe. 1 Q'I' Floor
w. PUn 1leIcI1. FL 33C01...e025
Renegotiated Unit Pricing (1) Page 1 of 2 Pages
Effective February 1, 2009
Boynton BMch ItIIm
DeecrIptIon Renegotiated No.
Unit PrIcing
FDIC ASSESSMENT 1$1,000 pan thnJ 1
CKS DEP ON US LOCAl $ 0.030 16
CKS DEP OTHER IN DlST $ 0.050 19
CKS DEP ALL OTHER $ 0.040 20
STOP PAY AUTDw.TED<=12 MONTHS $ 10.000 25
WlBX STD US MAI(()U1' PER ITEM . -' 38
(1) Changes hlghflgh18d. All other pricing contained in AtIachment "C. of the Benk's 1013003 PropoNI to the City rwnaIns the Arne.
Renegothlted Unit Pricing (1) Page 2 of 2 Pages
Eff8ctIve Febru.ry 1, 2009
Boynton 8Hch 111m
DMcriptlon RenegollalH No.
Unit Pricing
WIRE ADVICE-FAX $ 3.000 61
PARTIAl MAlNT S 20.000 65
CD ROM W\INTENANCE $ 15.000 71
CD ROM PER IMAGE $ 0.040 72
CD ROM DISK $ 10.000 73
INCOMING use INn. WIRE $ - 83
(1) Ch8ngea highlighted. Nt oIher pricing contIJIned in AtIachrnent "C. of the 8ank's 10130t00 PropouI to the City' remIi1a the .."..
TO: Kurt Bressner Cl
City Manager
FROM: Janet M. Prainito ' (
City Clerk
DATE: July 27, 2009
09-011 1 Approving and authorizing execution of an Agreement for Banking Services with
Bank of America, N.A. commencing February 1, 2009 and continuing through
September 30,2011 with an option to renew for a two-year period.
A ments
S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMISSION\City Manager Transmittals\2009\Ol-20-09 B.doc
The City of Boynton Beach
City Clerk's Office
(561) 742-6060
FAX: (561) 742-6090
e-mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us
July 29, 2009
Ms. Linda Mason, Senior Vice President
Bank of America, N. A.
625 North Flagler Drive, 10th Floor
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-4025
Re: Resolution 09-011 Agreement for Banking Services
Dear Ms. Mason:
Enclosed are the following documents that should have been sent to you with our Umbrella
Agreement for Government Banking Services on July 28, 2009.
1. Authorization and Agreement for Treasury Services
2. Authorization and Agreement Certification
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
net M. Prainito, CMC
City Clerk
Cc: Barry Atwood, Finance Director
s: \ CC\ WP \ AFTER COMMISSION\Other Transmittal Letters After Commission \2009\R09-0 11 Agreement for Banking SeIVices with
Bank of America #2.doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream