R08-0641 RESOLUTION NO. R08- 06 f 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 4 FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY 5 MANAGER TO EXECUTE TASK ORDER NO. U08 -01 -04 6 WITH ARCADIS U.S., INC., TO MANAGE THE PROJECT 7 INCLUDING PERMITTING, BIDDING, AND 8 CONSTRUCTION OF REPLACEMENT RAW WATER 9 WELL, #12E IN THE AMOUNT OF $482,165.00; AND 10 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 13 WHEREAS, Well #12E is situated on the grounds of Forest Park Elementary School. In 14 order to minimize the risk of salt water intrusion, the Utility Department has been working to 15 shallow up a number of the deeper wells in the eastern well field; and 16 WHEREAS, the original well needs to be abandoned and replaced at a new location 17 some 100 feet to the south, but within the existing easement; and 18 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach upon recommendation 19 of staff, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to approve 20 and authorize the execution of Task Order No. U08 -01 -04 with Arcadis U.S., Inc., to provide 21 management services related to the replacement of raw water well #12E in the amount of 22 $482,165.00. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE 24 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 25 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 26 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 27 hereof. 28 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby 29 approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Task Order No. U08 -01 -04 with Arcadis S \CA\RESMAgreementffask - Change Orders\Arcadis - U08 -01 -04 (Well 12E) doc U.S., Inc., to provide management services related to the replacement of raw water well #12E in 2 the amount of $482,165.00, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". 3 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED this -;P day of May, 2008. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 anet M. Prainito C Z City Clerk 28 29 30 (Corporate Seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA or — Je/y Tayfr Vice , or se RQdri z Commissioner — Ronald Weiland Commissioner — Woodro L. Hay f Commissioner — Marlene Ross S \CA\RESOWgreements \Task - Change Orders\Arcadis - U08 -01 -04 (Well 12E) doc TASK ORDER NO. U08 -01 -04 City of Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Plant Construction of Replacement Well 12E. A. Background ARCADIS is pleased to submit this proposal for "design build" services in connection with the replacement of Well 12 E at the City of Boynton Beach, East Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Wellfield. The existing Well 12 E has been abandoned and the City requires the well to be replaced in -kind as close to the same site as possible. The well is located near the west boundary of the Forest Park Elementary School site. It is important that all construction is completed before school commences. Therefore, the City requires completion of all drilling, mechanical and civil construction work prior to August 1, 2008. Authorization to proceed must be issued by May 20, 2008 to meet this schedule. This timetable necessitates a "fast track" approach; therefore all construction contracts are to be held and administered by ARCADIS. Preliminary design discussion meetings have already been held, and initial selection of a well construction subcontractor via a competitive proposal process has been completed. The City has requested that all electrical and instrumentation services associated with this replacement well be provided by DCR Engineering Services Inc., the City's preferred instrumentation contractor who is fully familiar with the wellfield. ARCADIS will subcontract DCR Engineering Services. ARCADIS shall perform the services as outlined below for the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as the City. B. Scope of Services ARCADIS understands that the project will include: design, construction and start-up of a new well, mechanical piping, electrical and instrumentation, site work; solicitation Page I of 6 of prices for work to be performed; liaison with the South Florida Water Management District for permitting the replacement well; construction of well and associated piping and surface devices. The following items or activities shall be performed by ARCADIS and its team: Task 1 — Design Services Prepare preliminary plans and technical specifications for the proposed well. The design shall include the following: a. Replacement well with final cased and screened diameter of 16 inches outside diameter to approximately 100 feet below land surface. b. Piping and fittings from well head to raw water main including gate valve, check valve, meter and tapping valve for 30 -inch diameter raw water main. c. Surface equipment including 6 -foot fence with 8 -foot wide gate access on the east side, concrete slab for piping, SCADA panel and electrical panel. d. Electrical service from Well 14 E to Well 12 E. e. Survey location for new Well 12 E. Task 2 — Permitting Services The siting of the replacement well and proposed well design modifications make necessary the preparation and submittal of a letter modification to the South Florida Water Management District. ARCADIS will ensure the well construction subcontractor submits a well construction permit application to the Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), and will act as the City's liaison with the permitting agencies during the permitting process. Task 3 Construction Administration ARCADIS will be responsible for construction administration for both construction subcontracts and will provide the following services: Pre - construction Medina, ARCADIS will hold one pre - construction conference with both contractors present. ARCADIS will be responsible for preparing the agenda, chairing and preparing minutes from the meeting. Attendance by the City's Project Manager will be required to - ensure all City requirements are addressed. This meeting will be the formal "kick -off' meeting for the project. Bi- Monthl` Pro Meetin,s, ARCADIS will conduct joint bi- monthly progress meetings with the awarded contractors, and the Citv's Project Manager to ensure the Page 2 of 6 construction schedule is met and all issues that arise are dealt with in a timely manner. ARCADIS will be responsible for preparing the agenda, chairing and preparing minutes from the meetings. Submittal Review. ARCADIS will review submittals from the subcontractors including shop drawings, product data, schedules, and progress payments. ARCADIS will distribute copies of all approved submittals to the City. Pav Requests. ARCADIS will make payment directly to the Contractors. Copies of all contractor payments made will be produced to support all monthly invoices made to the City. Requests for Information. ARCADIS will review and respond to Requests for Information (RFI) and Clarification submitted by the Contractors. Field and Chance Orders., ARCADIS will issue field change orders, requests for quotation, work change directives, and change orders as needed throughout the project. If Change Orders financially impact the project, ARCADIS will request a meeting with the City to review contract modifications prior to approval. An owner - controlled allowance is included under this task order to set against any additional costs. Task 4 - Construction Observation Services ARCADIS will provide all necessary construction oversight services required for both construction subcontracts to ensure compliance with the specifications. Observation services will be provided on an as- needed basis, ensuring all critical construction activities are inspected. This will include the use of qualified field geologists to ensure correct selection of well depth, screen and gravel pack design, well development and testing so that we are confident that the optimum possible well yield with acceptable sand concentrations is obtained from the replacement well. Task 5 — Well Handover and Final Reports Task 5a Proiect Close Out and Start -Un ARCADIS shall conduct project close -out services including: • Conducting substantial completion and final completion inspection and issuing punch lists following each inspection. • Reviewing final close -out change orders and payment requests from the Contractor for agreement with the City. • Obtaining final water quality (bacteriological) sampling in accordance with PBCHD requirements. • Conducting one walk - through inspection with City Utility staff prior to final acceptance by the City. Task 5b Final Report and O &M Manual., ARCADIS shall produce a final report and basic O &M manual for the operation of the well. The final report shall be a technical memo that summarizes well construction, geology, gravel and screen Page 3 of 6 design, pumping test results, baseline well performance and water quality results. As -built information provided by the subcontractors will be incorporated into a final set of Record Drawings which will also form part of the O &M manual. C. Assumptions The above scope is predicated on the assumption that the City shall furnish, at no cost to ARCADIS, all available pertinent information including previous reports, plans, specifications, permits and other data relevant to the performance of the above services for the project. In addition, the City shall designate, in writing, a person to act as the representative for services performed under this agreement. ARCADIS also assumes the following: The City will be responsible for providing a fully functional pump, re- trimmed if necessary and ready for installation. 2. The City will be the liaison for access on the school property. Adequate access is available for completion of all construction, including required lay -down areas for drilling construction. 4. ARCADIS will be responsible for obtaining a well construction permit from PBCHD (via the well contractor), a modification to the SFWMD water use permit, and required electrical permits (via DCR Engineering). It is assumed that general building department permits for the wellhead construction, fencing, and associated piping are not required 5. The well is currently permitted for a depth of 100 feet bls. D. Contract Reference This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated November 18, 2003, and amended with revised labor rates dated February 2008, between the City of Boynton Beach and ARCADIS U.S., Inc. E. Additional Services An owner - controlled allowance of $50,000 has been provided to allow for any additional work not covered by this task order. If additional services are required in the performance of the above scope of services, which must be sublet, ARCADIS shall order the work after obtaining written authorization from the City. If ARCADIS is requested to subcontract any work directly, then a 10% markup will be applied to the subcontractor invoice for risk and coordination services provided ARCAMS. Page 4 of 6 F. Fees ARCADIS Fees for the described tasks are summarized below. Lump -sum prices are proposed. Actual construction sub - contract cost with a mark -up of 10% will be applied to all construction sub - contracts to cover all costs associated with administering these sub - contracts. There are some variables in the construction of the well regarding the depth of the pilot hole, depth of reamed hole, depth of outer casing, depth of inner casing, depth of screening, the quantity of gravel required, additional development time, stand -by time, and hours of step rate testing. A lump -sum contract with additive / deductive amounts for these quantities is proposed. Due to this uncertainty, a construction contingency sum for these unforeseen items is included within the owner - controlled allowance. The fees for this work will be per task as follows: Engineering Services I Task 1 Design Labor Expense Total — Services 1 Task 2 Permitting $11,727 I $440 I $12,167 — Services j Task 3 Construction $4,760 I $110 I $4,870 — Administration 1 $11,910 I $385 $12,295 Task 4 — Construction Oversight j $34,389 $2,365 $36,754 Task 5a — Project Close -out and Start-Up I $8,994 $385 $9,379 Task 5b — Final Report and O &M Manual $11,051 I $550 I $11,601 Engineer Sub -Total I I I $87,066 Well Construction Sub - Contract I I I $251,900 Electrical I &C Sub - Contract I I I $93,198 Construction Sub -Total I I I $345,098 Construction and Engineer Sub -Total I ( $432,165 Owner - controlled allowance I I I $50,000 I TOTAL j I I I I $482,165 H. Schedule ARCADIS will begin work immediately following receipt of the notice to proceed. A project schedule will be delivered by the project team and submitted to the City within 10 days of NTP. The schedule will be prepared with the target completion date of 1 August 2008 for completion of all well construction. Page 5 of 6 APPROVED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: " r -- - Kurt Bressner, City Manager Dated this day of 2008 SUBMITTED BY: ARCADIS U.S., INC. - 7 - Z.,, 4 . 7" &Z A- Thomas L. Tessier, P.G., Vice President Dated this I st day of Mav .2008 By: Thomas C. Je en, P.E , Associate Vice President s Dated this 4 ay of PAAY 2008 Page 6 of 6 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Barb Conboy Utilities Manager Janet M. Prainito City Clerk May 23, 2008 R08 -064 Task Order No. U08 -1 -04 City of Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Plant Construction of Replacement Well 12E Attached for your information and files is a copy of the Resolution and a copy of the fully executed agreement mentioned above. Please contact me if there are any questions. Thank you. Attachments cc: Central File S \CC \WP\AFTER COMM ISS ION\Departmental Transmittals\2008 \Barb Conboy - R08 -064 doc D EngIneeling C�r Services, inc. April 21, 2008 Mr. Jay Ameno Associate VP Arcadis G &M, Inc. 2081 Vista Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33411 Re: Boynton Beach Well 12E Relocation Mr. Ameno: P.O. Box 935 502 County Road 640 East Mulberry, Florida 33860 Telephone 863.428.8080 Fax 863.428.8036 Please accept this proposal per our discussions and walkthrough for the City of Boynton Beach Well 12E relocation. We have included all design, engineering, submittals, manufacturing, installation, RTU programming, Central programming, HMI programming, software licensing, instrument calibration, startup and acceptance testing. RTUs include radio programming, setup and calibrated installed antennas. We have included the following: 1. Installation of an in ground junction box 15' - 20' north of the old well on the existing feeder conduit. 2. Furnish and install a 2" PVC conduits underground with GRS elbows from the new junction box to the new well location. 3. Remove the existing conductors from the existing feeder conduit from well 14E. 4. Furnish and install new copper conductors w/ ground between the new well 12E and well 14E. 5. Furnish and install a new well pump control panel a. Up to 30HP, 484VAC, 22KAIC, 100A, UL Rated Simplex Pump Control Panel b. Main Disconnecting breaker c. Soft starter with bypass contactor d. 1500VA Control Transformer e. Integrated Remote Telemetry Unit f. Antenna and infrastructure g. Convenience Receptacle and Lighting switch h. Surge suppression 6. Furnish a 8" magnetic flow meter for installation by others 7. Furnish and install a 100 watt lighting fixture 8. Installation of motor, lighting and instrument conduits and wiring. 9. Well pump motor terminations 10. Furnish and install a new ground grid; bonding of equipment and fencing. We have included delivered equipment, installation, startup and checkout services. We expect 6 -8 weeks for completion. AD V9R Page 2 of 2 Mardi 18, 2008 The total price for these professional services is $83,887.00. Applicable sales tax is included in this price. We have not included any finance charges in our pricing; if retainage is required, please add I% to the pricing above. Terms are 85% upon installation, 15% upon acceptance by the City. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this proposal. We look forward to working with you on this project. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Regards, Kevin Mathes SCADA Manager DCR Engineering Services, Inc. (863) 581 -4902 MIMOSCAD'" INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS DEFINED TERMS Terms used in these Instructions to Proposers which are defined in the General Conditions of the contract have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "PROPOSER" means one who submits a proposal directly to the ENGINEER (ARCADIS U.S., Inc.), as distinct from a "subcontractor ", who submits a Proposal to a PROPOSER. The term "Successful Proposer" means the qualified, responsible PROPOSER to whom ENGINEER (on the basis of the ENGINEER'S evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. The term "Proposal Documents" includes the Request for Proposal, Instructions to Proposers, the Proposal Form, Specifications, Construction Detail (well drawing), General Conditions and the Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Proposal). 2. COPIES OF PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS 2.1. Complete sets of the Proposal Documents stated in the Request for Proposal may be obtained from the ENGINEER and may be viewed at offices of the ENGINEER. 2.2. Complete sets of Proposal Documents shall be used in preparing Proposals; neither OWNER (City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department) nor ENGINEER assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Proposal Documents. 2.3. The ENGINEER in making copies of Proposal Documents available on the above terms does so only for the purpose of obtaining Proposals on the Work and does not confer a license or grant any other use. 3. OUALIFICATIONS OF PROPOSERS Contractors proposing the work shall demonstrate that they have satisfactorily complete at least three similar projects within the previous 2 years and shall in their Proposals (and upon request of ENGINEER provide letters from) Public Entity Owners and/or Engineers who can verify the Contractor's performance. Letters shall include the project scope, Contract amount, date of notice to proceed, date of project final completion, number and amount of change orders and magnitude of assessed liquidated damages, if applicable. Letters shall be similar to that provided in the Proposal Form. Failure to identify these references will be cause for rejection. The ENGINEER will review said letters, references and qualifications and may reject any Proposal if these qualifications and references do not adequately support the Contractor and, if, in the opinion of ENGINEER or OWNER, that it is in the OWNER's best interest to reject said proposal. Each PROPOSER shall provide documentation in the Proposal submittal to demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each PROPOSER must be prepared to submit, within five (5) days of ENGINEER's request, written evidence of the types set forth in the General Conditions, such as financial data, previous experience and evidence of authority to conduct business in the jurisdiction where the Project is located. Each Proposal must contain evidence of PROPOSER's qualification to do business in the State of Florida or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid or proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid or proposal on a contract with public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or a public work, may not submit bids or proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a contract with public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months [B -[ from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE 4.1 Before submitting a Proposal, each PROPOSER must (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work, (c) familiarize himself with federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress or performance of the Work; (d) contact local governments and agencies where the Work is to take place to determine if there are any applicable permits, licenses, fees or other requirements; and (e) study and carefully correlate PROPOSER's observations with the Contract Documents. The failure to be familiar with applicable laws will in no way relieve PROPOSER from responsibility with this provision. 4.2. Reference is made to the general requirements of the Specifications for the identification of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by ENGINEER in preparing the Drawings and Specifications, ENGINEER will make copies of such reports available to any PROPOSER requesting them. These reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness, nor are they part of the Contract Documents. Before submitting his Proposal, each PROPOSER will, at his own expense, make such additional investigations and tests as the PROPOSER may deem necessary to determine his Proposal for performance of the Work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 4.3. On request in advance, OWNER will provide each PROPOSER access to the site to conduct such explorations, investigations and tests as each PROPOSER deems necessary for submission of his Proposal. PROPOSER shall fill all holes, clean up and restore the site to the former condition upon completion of such explorations. PROPOSER shall indemnify, protect, save and hold harmless ENGINEER and OWNER, and any and all of ENGINEER's and OWNER's respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all liabilities, obligations, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, court costs, expert witness fees and attorneys' fees and expenses incurred pursuant to any such explorations, investigations and tests conducted by the PROPOSER and any and all of its agents and employees. 4.4. The submission of a Proposal will constitute an incontrovertible representation by the PROPOSER that he has complied with every requirement of this Article 4 and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance of the Work. 5. INTERPRETATIONS All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents shall be submitted to ENGINEER in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda via mail, e-mail or delivered to all parties recorded by ENGINEER as having received the Proposal Documents. Questions received less than twenty -four (24) hours prior to the date for opening of Proposals will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 6. BID SECURITY 6.1. No Bid Bond is required. 6.2. The Successful PROPOSER shall famish the required Certificate of Insurance within fifteen (15) IB -2 days after the Notice of Award. CONTRACT TIME The date by which the Work is to be completed is set forth in the Proposal Form and will be included in the Agreement. 8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PROPOSER is advised to consider the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work on time. 9. SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of material and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "equivalent or- equal" items, unless included in an Addendum (or Addenda). Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or identified in the Specifications that a substitute "equivalent or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by CONTRACTOR if acceptable to ENGINEER, application for such acceptance will not be considered by ENGINEER until after the "effective date of the Agreement ". The procedure of submittal of any such application by CONTRACTOR and consideration by ENGINEER is set forth in paragraphs 6.7.1, 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 of the General Conditions. 10. SUBCONTRACTORS, ETC. 10.1. If the General Conditions require the identity of certain Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to be submitted to OWNER in advance of the Notice of Award, the apparent Successful PROPOSER, and any other PROPOSER so requested, will within seven (7) days after the day of the Proposal opening submit to OWNER a list of all Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which such identification is so required. 10.2. No CONTRACTOR shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. 11. PROPOSAL FORM 11.1. The Proposal Form is attached hereto; additional copies may be obtained from the ENGINEER. 11.2. The Proposal Form must be completed legibly in ink or by typewriter. 11.3. Proposals by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice - president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or any assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature. 11.4. Proposals by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 11.5. All names must be typed or printed below the signature. B -3 11.6. The Proposal shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda (the numbers of which shall be filled in on the Proposal Form). 11.7. The address to which communications regarding the Proposal are to be directed must be shown. 12. PROPOSALS TO REMAIN OPEN All Proposals shall remain open for ninety (90) days after the day of Proposal opening, but OWNER may, in his sole discretion, release any Proposal prior to that date. 13. AWARD OF CONTRACT 13.1. The ENGINEER reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, in whole or in part, with or without cause, to waive technical errors and informalities, or to accept the Proposal which in its judgment will best serve the public interest. The ENGINEER reserves the right to negotiate contract terms with the Successful PROPOSER. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 13.2. In evaluating Proposals, ENGINEER shall consider the qualifications of the PROPOSERS and, whether or not the Proposals comply with all of the requirements. It is the of the OWNER and ENGINEER to accept Alternate Proposal Items (if any are accepted) in the order in which they are listed in the Proposal form but they may be accepted in any order or combination. 13.3. The ENGINEER may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the General Conditions or Specifications. Operating costs, maintenance considerations, performance data and guarantees of materials and equipment may also be considered by the ENGINEER. 13.4. The ENGINEER may conduct such investigations as he deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Proposal and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the PROPOSERS, proposed Subcontractors and other persons or organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents of ENGINEER's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 13.5. The ENGINEER reserve the right to reject the Proposal of any PROPOSER who does not pass any such evaluation to OWNER's or ENGINEER's satisfaction. 13.6. If the contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the PROPOSER whose evaluation by the ENGINEER indicates that the award will be in the best interests of the Project and the award will not necessarily be the apparent low PROPOSER. 13.7. If the contract is to be awarded, the ENGINEER will give the Successful PROPOSER a Notice of Award within nine (90) days after the day of the Proposal opening. 14. PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION BOND If required by the ENGINEER or OWNER, the Successful PROPOSER shall file with the ENGINEER a Public Construction Bond in the full amount of the Contract price in accordance with the requirements of Florida Statutes 255.05, as amended, as security for the faithful performance of the Contract and the payment of all persons supplying labor and materials for the construction of the work, and to cover all guarantees against defective workmanship or materials, or both, during the warranty period following the date of final acceptance of the work by the OWNER. The Surety furnishing this bond shall have a sound IB -4 financial standing and a record of service satisfactory to the OWNER, and shall be authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The Surety must also be an entity included in the most recent United States Department of Treasury list of acceptable sureties. Surety provider will be required to utilize the bond form contained in this Proposal package. 15. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE The successful PROPOSER shall file with the Owner a properly executed Certificate of Insurance demonstrating total compliance with Article 5 of the General Conditions. 16. SIGNING OF AGREEMENT When ENGINEER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful PROPOSER, it will be accompanied by at least four (4) unsigned counterparts of the Agreement and all other Contract Documents. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, CONTRACTOR shall sign and deliver at least four (4) counterparts of the Agreement to ENGINEER with all other Contract documents attached. IB -5 PROPOSAL FORM PROPOSER: PROJECT: Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E (I 2E-R) DATE: THIS PROPOSAL IS SUBMITTED TO: ARCADIS U. S., Inc. 2081 Vista Parkway, #200 West Palm Beach, FL 33411 1. The undersigned PROPOSER proposes and agrees, if this Proposal is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with the ENGINEER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Proposal and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. PROPOSER accepts all of the terns and conditions of the Invitation to Propose and Instructions to PROPOSERS. The Proposal will remain open for ninety (90) days after the day of Proposal opening. PROPOSER will sign and submit the Agreement with Bonds and other documents required by the Proposal requirements within fifteen (15) days after the date of ENGINEER's Notice of Award. In submitting this Proposal, PROPOSER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. PROPOSER has examined copies of the Invitation to Propose, Instructions to Proposers, all the Contract Documents and the following addenda (receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged): DATE ADDENDUM NUMBER b. PROPOSER has examined the Contract Documents, the site and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as PROPOSER deems necessary. C. PROPOSER has contacted local governments and agencies where the Work is to take place and determined all required permits, licenses and fees. d. PROPOSER has obtained and reviewed all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions at the site or otherwise, and which may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as PROPOSER considers necessary for the performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and an conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data are or will be required by PROPOSER for such purposes. e. PROPOSER has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data with respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by PROPOSER in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.3.1 of the General Conditions. f. PROPOSER has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. g. PROPOSER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to PROPOSER. h. This Proposal is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; PROPOSER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other PROPOSER to submit a false or sham Proposal; PROPOSER has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from proposing; and PROPOSER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other PROPOSER or over ENGINEER or OWNER. 4. a. PROPOSER agrees to perform all the Work described in the Contract Documents, subject to adjustments as provided therein, for the Prices PROPOSER provided on the Price Schedule attached hereto as Schedule A. b. If the Work is to be performed on a "unit price" basis, PROPOSER understands and agrees that the unit quantities shown on the Proposal Form Unit Price Schedule are approximate only, not guarantees and are subject to either increase or decrease; that should the quantities of any of the items of Work be increased, PROPOSER will perform the additional Work at the unit prices set out herein; that should the quantities be decreased, final payment shall be made on actual quantities completed at the unit prices; that it will make no claims for anticipated profits for any decrease in the quantities; that final quantities installed shall be determined by the ENGINEER upon completion of the Work; and that OWNER or ENGINEER may elect to construct only a portion of the Work covered by the Contract Documents and in such event, PROPOSER will perform that portion of the Work for which PROPOSER is awarded a Contract at the unit prices quoted herein. 5. a. By executing the Contract, PROPOSER agrees that the Work will be complete by August 1, 2008. b. PROPOSER accepts the provisions of the Agreement regarding liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work on time. 6. The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Proposal: • Price Schedule, Schedule of Subcontractors, • Schedule of Suppliers, Equipment and Materials, • Debarred Firms Form, • and Questionnaire Sheet. BF -2 7. The terms used in this Proposal which are defined in the General Conditions included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Conditions, PROPOSER's Florida Contractor's License Number is 9. PROPOSER covenants that it is qualified to do business in the State of Florida and has attached evidence of PROPOSER's qualification to do business in the State of Florida. 10. The prices contained in the Proposal shall include all costs necessary to provide the Work described in the Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, labor, materials, equipment, overhead, profit and insurance. PROPOSER understands that the ENGINEER reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part, with or without cause, to waive any technical errors and informalities or to accept the Proposal which in its judgement best serves the interest of the OWNER. PROPOSER agrees that this Proposal shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving Proposals. Upon receipt of Notice of Award, PROPOSER will execute the formal contract attached and deliver it with a Public Construction Bond (if required) and a Certificate of Insurance evidencing conformance with the contract requirements as required by Article 5 of the General Conditions within fifteen (15) days. The Proposal Security shall become the property of OWNER in the event the executed Contract, Public Construction Bond and Certificate of Insurance are not delivered within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and any additional expenses to OWNER caused thereby. By submission of this Proposal, each PROPOSER certifies, and in the case of a joint Proposal each party thereto certifies as to his own organization, that this Proposal has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement as to any matter relating to this Proposal with any other Proposer or with any competition. BF -3 If PROPOSER is: AN INDIVIDUAL By (SEAL) (Individual's Name) doing business as Business address: Phone No. A PARTNERSHIP (SEAL) (Partnership Name) By (General Partner) Business address: Phone No. I:T01IT1,1 011 ".Komi (Corporation Name) (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest Business address: Phone No. (State of Incorporation) (Name of Person Authorized to Sign) (Title) (Secretary) BF -4 A JOINT VENTURE E MI Phone No. By Phone No. (Joint Venture Name) (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) (Each joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above). BF -5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS List each subcontractor to be used on the Project. 1. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 2. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 3. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 4. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 5. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 6. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed 7. Name of Firm Address Work to be Performed Failure to complete the above form shall be sufficient cause for Proposal rejection. BF -6 SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIERS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS List Suppliers and Manufacturers to be used on the Project DESCRIPTION MODEL SUPPLIER MANUFACTURER MODEL Failure to utilize suppliers, equipment and manufacturers listed in the Technical Specifications shall be cause for Proposal rejection BF -7 DEBARRED FIRMS The undersigned hereby certifies that the firm of has not and will not award a subcontract, in connection with any contract awarded to it as the result of this Proposal, to any firm that has been debarred for non - compliance with the Federal Labor Standards, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended or any other Federal Law. Name of Firm Submitting Proposal Signature of Authorized Official Title Date KIM. QUESTIONNAIRE SHEET The undersigned guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers herein contained. Incomplete, inadequate or false questionnaire sheets may be cause for Proposal rejection. How many years has your organization been in business as a general contractor? 2. What are the last three projects of this nature that you have completed? 3. Have you ever failed to complete work awarded to you; if so, where and why? 4. The following are named as three corporations or Individuals with telephone numbers and addresses for which you have performed work in Palm Beach County and to which you refer: 5. Have your employees or agents personally inspected the proposed work? 6. Has your organization prepared a complete plan for its performance of this project? Please explain. 7. Name the on -site project superintendent you will utilize for this job and that person's qualifications including years directly employed by PROPOSER. Name three corporations or individuals (telephone numbers and address) who will verify this superintendent's experience with similar projects. BF -9 8. The following is given as a summary of the Financial Statement of the undersigned. (List assets and liabilities and use insert sheet if necessary.) 9. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation, or trade name under which you do business, and the address of the place of business. (If a corporation, state the name of the President and Secretary. If a partnership, state the names of all partners. If a trade name, state the names of the individuals who do business under the trade name.) It is absolutely necessary that this information be furnished. a. The correct name of PROPOSER is b. The business is a C. The address or principal place of business is: d. The names of the corporate officers, or partners, or individuals doing business under a trade name are as follows: Name Title Name Title Name Title Name Title PROPOSER SCHEDULE A - UNIT PRICE CONTRACT PROPOSER will complete the Work for the following unit price(s): ITEM ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITIES UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. Provide all equipment, materials and l Ea. labor necessary to install, test and make operational Replacement Well 12E, including the well pad, wellhead and appurtenances, pump installation, meter, piping and pipe supports, tap to 30 -inch raw water main, fencing, landscaping, restoration, and coordination with electrical & control contractor HT/DcR, all according to the Specifications 2. Mobilization (65 1 /6) / Demobilization 1 LS (35 %) Depth and material quantities are approximate. TOTAL $ Total in words: ADJUSTMENTS: For more or less than 140 feet of pilot hole $ /ft For more or less than 90 feet of reamed hole and installed outer casing $ /ft For more or less than 90 feet of installed inner casing $ /ft For more or less than 45 feet of reamed hole and installed (40 feet of ) gravel- packed well screen and (an additional 5 feet of zero -slot, `tightwind') sump $ /ft For additional development time (greater than 100 hours) if directed by the Engineer $ /hr For standby time if directed by the Engineer $ /hr For day rate for rig time if directed by the Engineer $ /day For more or less than 4 hours of step -rate testing and 8 hours of constant -rate testing (not $ /hr including recovery time after each test) Prices shall remain valid for 90 days. BF -11 In order to complete the Work by August 1, 2008 and assuming that Work can be performed only during weekdays during daylight hours, we need to receive notice to proceed by (insert date) and be allowed to mobilize to the site by (insert date). In order to complete the Work by August 1, 2008 and assuming that Work can be performed only during weekdays during daylight hours, we need to receive notice to proceed by (insert date) and be allowed to mobilize to the site by (insert date). Firm: Signed: Print: BF -12 Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E SECTION 11200 SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF PRODUCTION WELL 12E BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish all labor, equipment and material required for the replacement of one (1) gravel - packed, screened, potable water supply wells as shown in the construction drawings and specified herein as water supply Production Well (PW -) 12E -R (Replacement). Furnish all labor, material and equipment required to develop and disinfect (treat) Well 12E -R. All labor, material, equipment and operations included in this section shall be in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standards for Deep Wells (AWWA A100 -90 or most recent revision) which the present specifications supplement or modify to fit the particular need or conditions to be encountered in the proposed work. Work shall also conform to Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Chapters 62 -531, 62 -532, 62 -550, 62 -555 and 62 -560 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and all other applicable regulations. Base bid shall be based on the estimated data given hereinafter. B. Replacement Production Well 12E -R shall be constructed after existing Well 12E has been properly abandoned by the City of Boynton Beach C. Furnish all labor, equipment and materials required for providing the new well concrete slab, pump support pedestal and pipe supports. D. Provide labor, equipment and necessary materials for installation of the well pump, meter, valves, gauges, column pipe, fittings, painting, restoration, site fencing and all incidentals to complete the work as required. E. Furnish all labor, equipment and materials to connect above - ground piping assembly for the new well to the existing raw water main using an 8 -inch by 30- inch wet tap. F. Provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to provide the required testing and start-up as specified herein and in the Contract Drawings. G. All site work including wellhead completion, electrical installation and bacteriological testing shall be completed by August 1, 2008. 11200 TS -1 G \AProgects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000.0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Does \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doe Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E 1.02 PERMITS A. Upon notice of award, the Contractor shall immediately apply for all construction permits required to drill the water supply well from the South Florida Water Management District. No drilling operations shall be commenced until these permits have been obtained. Contractor also shall be responsible for securing proper occupational licenses and /or permits. The Contractor shall submit copies of the permits to the Owner and Engineer prior to commencement of drilling. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all costs, time delays and expenses to obtain all permits, certificates and licenses necessary. 1.03 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding all local conditions affecting his work by personal investigation and neither the information on local geology, nor that derived from maps or plans, nor from any other parties shall act to relieve the Contractor of any responsibility of the Contract and Technical Specifications. B. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Owner and public and private utility companies in keeping their respective services and facilities in operation. The Contractor shall repair damaged utilities to the satisfaction of the utility owner. C. The Contractor shall not interrupt existing utilities service or facilities occupied and used by the Owner or others, except when permitted in writing by the Engineer and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. The Contractor shall locate existing underground utilities in the areas of work. If utilities are to remain in place, the Contractor shall provide adequate means of protecting them during excavation operations. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, the Contractor shall consult the utility owner immediately for directions. D. Preparation: Contractor shall provide suitable preparations at the site for drainage and disposal of water. Contractor shall collect and dispose of drilling mud and drill cuttings offsite in conformance with existing state and local regulations. E. Type of Well: The replacement well shall be provided with a 16 -inch outside diameter (O. D.) inner casing (artificially gravel packed and screened) and provided with 24 -inch minimum O. D. outer casing as shown on the drawings, and as determined by geophysical logging. The Contractor shall have drilling methods approved by Engineer prior to construction. Since drilling will take place in an active wellfield and lost circulation zones are very possible, mud - rotary drilling of the reamed hole to emplace the screen and gravel pack should 11200 TS -2 G \AProgects \WR \WF PROJECTSNWFO89000 0000 -Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E be avoided. Should it be necessary to utilize mud -rotary drilling through the production zone, the drilling mud should be maintained as thin as possible. The screen and gravel pack should be set in the well and the drilling mud removed from the borehole immediately upon completion of the drilling of the production zone. F. Well Location: The replacement water supply well shall be located near the existing production well site as shown on the Drawings. The City will survey and stake the well location. G. Well Depth: The depth of the production well shall be determined by the Engineer following the completion of a pilot hole and shall not go beyond the estimated depth (165 feet) or the final depth of the pilot hole unless mutually agreed upon by the Owner/Engineer and the Contractor. The pilot hole and production well shall be drilled to the potential production zone of the favorable material for water supply as determined by the Engineer. H. Bore: The diameter of the borehole shall be drilled large enough to receive the size of the casing and comply with grouting requirements and regulations. The pilot hole drill bit should not be less than 6 inches nor exceed an 8 3 /4 -inch diameter. The drill hole shall be drilled straight and plumb without offsets and bends in the alignment. The drilling rig used for the production well drilling shall be equipped with a commercially available desander (such as "Wyoben ", or "Swyco- Geolograph" desander, or an approved equal), which shall be continuously operated during the drilling and reaming of all boreholes. At a minimum, the desander shall be capable of filtering sand from drilling fluid which is circulated (pumped) at a rate of up to 80 gallons per minute (gpm), at a pressure of at least 33 pounds per square inch (psi). Geophysical Logging: The Contractor shall have gamma, electric (long and short normal, SP), fluid resistivity, temperature and caliper logs run in the completed pilot hole by a qualified party. The Contractor shall remove the drilling bit and rods from the pilot hole at least 2.5 hours prior to the geophysical logging. The Contractor shall arrange for electronic logging of the pilot hole prior to ordering the gravel pack or the well screen. Well Development: Development shall commence immediately after emplacing the screen and gravel pack. The well shall be developed by 3 or more generally accepted methods, subject to approval by the Owner/Engineer. Initially, the well shall be developed using the air - lifting method for at least 2 hours immediately after screen emplacement in order to remove any drilling fluids and fine- grained material from the producing zone. The well then shall be developed using the horizontal, high - velocity water jetting method. The Contractor's equipment shall achieve jetting pressures of at least 100 pounds per square 11200 TS -3 G \AProlects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WF0890000000- Bo}nton Beach \Proposal 13oes \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E inch (psi) and nozzle velocities of 150 feet per second or more. During jetting, the well shall be pumped at a rate that is at least 10% g reater than the injection rate. The Contractor shall perform at least one other method of development, subject to approval of the Owner/Engineer. K. The Contractor shall introduce a solution, approved for use in potable wells, with the gravel -pack installation to accelerate the breakdown of any drilling mud and the development of the well (BMR, or an approved equal). The Contractor shall determine this solution, subject to approval of the Owner/Engineer. L. All materials (including drill pipe, drill bits, tremie pipe, casing, screen, gravel, pumps, hoses) introduced into the ground shall be rinsed with a 5% chlorine solution to minimize the future growth of bacteria. The solution may be applied in a trough or with a sprayer, as appropriate. 1.04 EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL A. The Contractor shall furnish capable personnel and equipment to construct the well. The Contractor's drilling rigs, tools, equipment, and personnel shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. Prior to moving well drilling equipment onto the site, the Contractor shall submit information and obtain approval of the equipment proposed for use on this project as follows: Manufacturer's name, type, and model of each drilling rig, power engine, and circulation pump; 2. Manufacturer's name, type, model, discharge pressure and pumping capacity of the high pressure pump and power engine to be used for well development. 3. The outside diameter of the horizontal jetting tool to be used for well development, together with the number of nozzles per tool and the nozzle orifice size. The diameter of the jetting tool and nozzles shall be as large as possible consistent with preserving screen integrity. 4. Manufacturer's name, type and model of test pump, including number of stages, impeller model, diameter, discharge pressure, pumping capacity and length of column and discharge piping together with manufacturer's name, type and model of gear drive and power engine. B. The Contractor shall furnish the services of skilled and experienced drillers in the type of formations to be encountered, and also shall furnish an adequate number of competent helpers. The drillers shall be capable of keeping good and clean well logs and reports on the drilling, developing and test - pumping operations as instructed by the Owner/Engineer. They also shall be capable of 11200 TS -4 G WProJects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WFOR90000000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E recognizing and making lithologic classifications of the formations to be encountered during the work. A job superintendent shall be available onsite as needed and by telephone at all times. C. The Contractor shall visit the site and determine scope of work prior to bid. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. In addition to that required by Section 1.04 above, the Contractor, after reviewing the cuttings and sieve - analysis results and the geophysical logs, shall submit sieve analysis results and a recommendation for screen and gravel pack to the Owner/Engineer for review and agreement, (see item 2.05 D). The Contractor shall submit five (5) sets of shop drawings from the well screen manufacturer to the Engineer for approval prior to shipment of the screen by the manufacturer. The screen shop drawings shall indicate the diameter, length and unit weight of the screen; the screen material; the recommended slot size; the opening area/lineal foot of screen and depth interval; the type and material of fittings; information regarding any recommended extra column strength or extra collapse strength required for the intended screen installation. B. The Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of mill certificates from the well casing manufacturer, gravel, drilling mud, concrete, cement grout, gravel pipes, and centralizers to the Engineer for approval prior to delivery to the job site. The certificates shall verify that the casing furnished under this contract complies with the requirements set forth in these specifications. C. The Contractor shall submit five (5) sets of shop drawings to the Engineer for approval of components necessary for the installation of the existing well pump and /or new equivalent capacity pump and appurtenances at the new well including, but not limited to, supports, hardware, and any other components necessary to relocate the pump. The pump will be supplied by the City of Boynton Beach. D. The Contractor shall submit five (5) sets of shop drawings to the Engineer for approval of concrete, reinforcing steel, fencing, pipe, fittings, valves, gauges, air relief valve, and any other materials necessary to complete the work. E. Following completion of well construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer five (5) copies of a report for the well including drilling logs, daily reports, test data and all other pertinent data and information including Record Drawings. Also, the Contractor shall provide a certified "as- built" drawing of the well, wellhead and surface equipment. F. The Contractor shall comply with all other submittals as specified or implied through the construction plans and specifications. 11200 TS -5 G \AProJects \WR \W F PROJECTS\WFO89000 0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Doce \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final clot Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING A. The Contractor shall exercise care in transporting and handling well screen to prevent damage or deformation. Damaged well screen will be rejected for use. B. Staging area: The Contractor is advised of the existing well easements as shown on the Drawings. The easement areas may be used for the storage of materials and equipment used on this project during the course of active field construction. If additional areas are needed, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to procure approval from the Owners of the property for their use. C. The Contractor is made aware that access to the well site may be hindered by surface, overhead and underground utilities. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate access to the work with the entities responsible for the utilities, if these potentially impact the work. The Owner will not be responsible for coordinating efforts related to impacts caused by these hindrances. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE A. General: All concrete shall contain a minimum of 5 -1/2 sacks of cement per cubic yard. 2. All concrete not specifically designated shall be proportioned for a strength of 4000 lbs. per square inch at 28 days of age. 3. Water - Cement Ratio: All concrete shall have a maximum water - cement ratio of 0.45. 2.02 CEMENT GROUT A. Cement grout or slurry used to seal and grout the casing shall be in accordance with the requirements of AWWA A100 -90 (or most recent revision), Chapters 62 -532 F.A.C. and 40 E -3 F.A.C. 2.03 GENERAL A. All materials specified herein shall be new and free from objectionable defects. No used or old material will be accepted unless required for re -use as shown on the Contract Drawings. If the Contractor deems it necessary or desirable to use 11200 TS -6 G \APro)ects\WR \WF PROJECTS \WFOR9000 (0X) - Boynton Beach \Proposal Dccs\11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E temporary surface casing to facilitate the construction of the well, temporary casing may be used, subject to the approval of the Owner/Engineer. Used casing may be acceptable for a temporary surface casing, if required. All casing and screen used for permanent installation shall be disinfected prior to insertion in borehole. 2.04 WELL CASING A. All permanent well casing shall be of new and unused Grade A, black steel pipe with welded or screwed couplings and shall conform to the requirements of Rule 62- 532.500(1) F.A.C. and AWWA Standards for Mill -Type Steel Water Pipe (AWWA C202 -64) as follows: Size 16" O. D., wall thickness 0.375" Size 24" O. D., minimum wall thickness 0.375" B. Casing shall be equal to those manufactured by Bethlehem Steel Company, or National Tube Division of the U.S. Steel Company. 2.05 WELL SCREEN A. Well screen shall be pipe size type with the continuous slot, wire -wound design in order to provide maximum inlet area consistent with strength requirements. It shall be fabricated by circumferentially wrapping a triangularly- shaped wire around circular array of internal rods. The wire configuration must produce inlet slots with sharp outer edges, widening inwardly so as to minimize clogging. For maximum collapse strength each juncture between the horizontal wire and the vertical rods will be fusion welded under water by the electrical resistance method. End fittings shall be welded to the screen body. The well screen shall be manufactured by Johnson Screens, St. Paul, Minnesota, or an equal approved by the Engineer. The screen shall have a nameplate indicating its diameter, length, weight, type of screen material, and slot size. B. Well screen and attached end fittings shall be fabricated from corrosion - resistant Type 304 stainless steel. End fittings provided with the screen will be selected on the basis of the well design parameters and the drilling method. End fittings shall be of material compatible with the stainless steel screen and shall minimize cathodic activity between the stainless steel screen and the black steel casing. The screen shall be designed to have adequate strength to resist damage during installation. A 5 -foot long, tight - wound, closed -bottom sump shall be required. C. The screen slot size shall be determined in accordance with the effective size and uniformity coefficient of the material found in the natural water - bearing formation and the gravel pack. Screen entrance velocity shall not exceed 0.1 foot per second at the maximum test pumping capacity. The Contractor shall 11200 TS -7 G WProgectsMWWF PROJECTSVWF089000 0000 - Boynton BeachTroposal Docs\1 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doe Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E collect sufficient cutting samples for the well during drilling operations in the water bearing formation. D. During pilot hole drilling, samples shall be collected, decanted and preserved at 5 -foot intervals for sieve analysis by a qualified soil analysis laboratory (including the screen manufacturer's laboratory). The Contractor shall collect sieve samples from the pilot hole at 5 -foot intervals in the anticipated production zone, anticipated to be between 60 and 165 feet below land surface. These shall be delivered together with a copy of the well drilling log for the well to the Engineer and a qualified soil analysis laboratory or well screen manufacturer for analysis. The Contractor is responsible for providing sieve analyses showing grain size distributions (percent retained) and a recommendation of the screen size. Sieve results (reported as "percent retained" with sieve size in "inches ") and screen and gravel pack size recommendations shall be submitted to the Engineer by the Contractor. The Engineer shall provide his recommendations for screened interval and slot size within 3 working days after receiving the results of sieve analysis and the samples. The final slot size of the screen and gravel size to be installed in the well shall be recommended by joint agreement of the Engineer and Contractor. 2.06 FILTER GRAVEL A. Filter gravel to be used for the artificial gravel pack shall conform to AWWA Standards for Filtering Material (AWWA B100 -90 or its revisions). Only well rounded (minimum roundness and sphericity of 0.6 on the Krumbein and Sloss scale) silica gravel is acceptable for use on the construction of the well. The following gravel pack suppliers have provided acceptable gravel pack material on production well projects in the past: Ogelbay Norton Industrial Sands Badger Mining Company Colorado Silica Sand, Inc. Hwy. 44 & A Box 97 3250 Drennan Industrial Loop Fairwater, WI 53931 Colorado Springs, CO 80935 (800) 627 -7263 (719) 390 -7969 The Contractor is encouraged to estimate his gravel pack costs based upon 2 times theoretical fill and prices obtained from the above - mentioned suppliers although samples from other suppliers may be proposed for approval. Contractor shall submit a minimum of two (2) samples of proposed gravel to be used to Owner and Engineer for review prior to purchasing. If approved, Contractor shall then submit five (5) copies of shop drawings, which shall include the supplier's name, pit source, effective size, and uniformity coefficient of the gravel to be used. 11200 TS -8 G'WPrnects \WR \WF PROJECTS\WF089000.0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Docs\l 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E 2.07 GRAVEL PIPES A. A flanged, gravel- access port fitting shall be provided to allow verification of gravel top elevation and addition of gravel by the tremie method in the future if needed. B. Lengths: Standard weight galvanized steel pipe shall be furnished in lengths from 16 to 22 feet in length. C. Pipe Ends and Couplings: Pipe shall be threaded at both ends and shall have a coupling screwed on one end. Couplings shall be screwed on sufficiently tight to require a wrench for loosening. Couplings on sizes 3 inches and under may have straight threads. Metal thread protectors shall be provided on all pipe ends not receiving couplings. D. Malleable Iron Pipe Fittings: Malleable -iron pipe fittings (galvanized) shall be in conformity with Federal Specification WW -P -521. E. Iron Plugs: Iron plugs shall be square -head, cored, cast -iron plugs, galvanized. Plugs shall conform to ANSI Standard for Ferrous Plugs with Pipe Threads B 16.14. 2.08 CENTRALIZERS A. In order to center the well screen and inner casing inside the drilled hole and outer casing, centralizers shall be installed on the well screen and inner casing in the production wells. Centralizers shall be installed at the bottom and top of the screen and top of the inner casing, and at intervals not more than 50 feet in between. At each point, at least three centralizer blades shall be attached, equally spaced about the circumference. The centralizers shall be so located to allow the tremie pipe for gravel to be free to move from top to bottom of the well screen. Centralizers on the screen sections shall be 304 stainless steel or other non - corroding material as approved by the Engineer. All centralizers shall be thoroughly disinfected prior to installation. 2.09 WELL PUMPS A. The pump from existing Well 12E to the new well is a three - phase, 460V, 1,800 RPM, 30 HP pump with 6 -inch diameter column pipe. The pump is to be re- used; however, the Contractor will need to replace the column pipe with 6 -inch Certainteed, Certa -Lok C -900 pipe with transition piece on top to incorporate a 6 -inch flanged fitting and coverplate for the well head. 11200 TS -9 G \AProgects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WFO89000 W(H) - Bo}vton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E 2.10 WATER METERS A. The Contractor shall install a new water meter as provided by the instrumentation /electrical contractor (Ht/DcR). 2.11 VALVES AND FITTINGS A. Valves, fittings and equipment shall meet Boynton Beach Standards and Specifications. The following list is a partial list of required items: • Air release valve — 2" by APCO model 144DAT50 or equal • Check Valve — 8" Flanged cushioned check by Crispin or equal • Gate Valve — 8 " Flanged by Mueller or equal. • Pressure gauge with 316 SS fittings, snubber and sample valves — Gauge by Tririce or equal. ■ Tapping valve and harness — 30 "X8" Restrained MJ by Mueller or equal. ■ Fittings & Pipe shall be by American, US Pipe, Tyler or equal. ■ Fittings required shall be 1 -8 "X6" Flanged Tee, 1 -8 "X2" Flanged Tee with 2" Screwed Port, 1 -8 "X8 "Flanged Tee, 2 -8" Blind Flanges, 1 -6" Flange Adapter(Restrained), miscellaneous pipe to complete the wellhead surface piping. 2.12 FENCING A. The Contractor will provide fencing for the new wellhead location. Approximate dimensions are 10' X 20' with an 8' double -leaf locking gate on the east side of the wellhead. Fabric shall be Zinc Coated Steel , galvanized after fabrication meeting Class II, ASTM Designation A -392. Gate posts shall be 3" diameter, schedule 40 galvanized pipe w /caps and fence posts shall be schedule 40 galvanized pipe w /caps and incorporate rails fittings and appurtenances. 2.13 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Requests for substitutions of any of the material listed above shall be made after the award of bid, and even then, there is no guarantee that substitution will be allowed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SITE PREPARATION A. Regrading of the area within the well easement will be necessary. The Contractor will install the new well slab 4 to 6 inches above the existing grade.. Therefore, the site shall be graded to allow this. Fill shall be compacted to 98% 11200 TS -10 G \AProlects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WFO89000 0000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E density as determined by the ASTM D -1157 method. B. The Contractor shall make all arrangements necessary for the drainage and disposal of water and mud resulting from drilling, developing and testing of the wells and shall protect adjacent property from damage by such water and mud. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary permit(s) for the proper disposal of waste material. D. Upon well completion, the Contractor shall restore all areas disturbed or altered by construction of the well and by grading, excavated or otherwise provided for drainage and disposal of water, sand, cuttings and drilling mud. Surface restoration as shown on the drawings and as specified herein shall be accomplished. 3.02 DRILLING LOG A. The Contractor shall record all materials passed through during drilling and the depths at which the changes in formations occur, together with such other information as may be called for by the Engineer. The log of the well shall show all material penetrated and full descriptive notes made of everything found by the drill and of all difficulties or unusual conditions met in drilling. All water - bearing strata shall be described in special detail as to whether the material is loose or compact, its color, and, if gravel, whether it is water worn or angular. B. The Contractor shall submit, weekly, to the Engineer one complete copy of each Daily Drilling Log (Work Report) for each well site, via facsimile transmission (on the Friday of the week), during construction and testing activities on the wells. 3.03 STATE REPORTS AND FORMATION SAMPLES A. The Contractor shall submit a well completion report including a drilling log and a detailed "as built" drawing to the Engineer and appropriate regulatory agencies that require it. A well completion report shall be completed by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the agencies listed above within thirty days after completion of the drilling operation. Three additional copies shall be provided to the Engineer. Blank well completion reports shall be secured at the Contractor's expense from the SFWMD. B. During the drilling operations, the Contractor shall collect cutting samples beginning at the ground surface and at regular intervals thereafter, not exceeding five feet and at every change in formation. The Contractor shall collect sufficient 11200 TS -11 G WProgecm\WR\WF PROJECTS \WF0890(X) 0000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E sets of samples to satisfy all agencies having an interest plus one sample for the Engineer. Samples shall be kept in containers that will be secured by the Contractor from the appropriate agencies. After being put in their containers, they shall be properly labeled and delivered by the Contractor to the appropriate agencies upon completion of the well. 3.04 WELDED JOINTS - WELDING A. Welding in shop and field shall be done by operators who have been previously qualified in tests as prescribed in the American Welding Society Standard Qualification Procedure to perform the type of work required. Welding of well casing shall be done in accordance with AWWA Standards for Mill -Type Steel Water Pipe (AWWA C202 -64). Field welding of stainless steel well screens shall be done in accordance with printed recommendations of the screen manufacturer. Welder qualifications shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to beginning the work. 3.05 WELL CONSTRUCTION A. The intent of this Section of the specifications is to provide for the construction of one (1) replacement public water supply well. The well is to be of the type and characteristics described in "Part 1 - General" in this section of the specifications. The estimated size and depth of casing and screen for the well are as follows with depths measured from the surface of the ground: ITEM DEPTH 1. 16 -inch Steel Inner Casing (ft.) 0 -90 2. 16 -inch S.S. Screen (ft.) 70 -170 3. 16 -inch "Tightwind" Sump (ft.) 170 -175 4. 24 -inch Steel Outer Casing (ft.) 0 -90 5. Total Well Depth (ft.) 165 B. Other than the outer casing and inner casing specified, any other casings used are at the contractor's option. The cost of furnishing and installing, or installing and pulling out any surface casing or pit casing that might be needed temporarily for the drilling operations shall be included in the unit price for construction of the well.. C. The well boring and all permanent casing shall be constructed and all casing set round, plumb and true to line. Plumbness is specified as 2/3 of the inside casing diameter per 100 feet of casing pipe. To demonstrate the compliance of the work with this requirement, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment and shall make the test described herein. Test for plumbness and alignment shall 11200 TS -12 G \AProjects\WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000.0000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs\l 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E be made after the complete construction of the well and before its acceptance. The cost of accomplishing one plumbness and alignment test shall be included in the contract price. No additional payments will be made for making any additional tests. In order to demonstrate that each well is plumb and aligned, it shall be tested in accordance with paragraph 3.07 "PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT TEST ", prior to acceptance. Because the Plumbness and Alignment Test will take place after the casing is cemented, the Contractor is advised to take whatever measures are necessary to assure himself that the well is plumb and aligned throughout construction. D. The well casing shall be installed without bumping or any driving to prevent damage to welded joints or threaded couplings. The Contractor shall keep an accurate record, as assembled, of the order, number, size, and lengths of the individual pieces of casing installed in the well. E. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to reduce to a minimum the nuisances of drilling the well. In all cases, the Contractor shall use mud tanks and all the necessary equipment to prevent the use of a mud pit. Location of all equipment and tools shall be such as to provide uninterrupted access to any private property or to road traffic. F. The artificially gravel - packed well is to be constructed by rotary drilling, and shall be drilled to the depth where the outer casing is to be seated with a hole of a diameter at least four (4) inches greater than the outside diameter of the casing. The hole shall be drilled to the required depth to receive casing and permit grouting. Outer casing then shall be lowered to the exact depth determined in the field, centered in the hole, held in place with sufficient spacers (centralizers) to maintain true alignment, and then grouted with a neat cement grout. The grout shall be proportioned of cement and the minimum quantity of water (not over six gallons per cubic foot of cement) required to give a mixture of such consistency that it can be forced through grouting pipes. Bentonite or equal may be used up to three percent (3 %) by volume to reduce shrinkage. The grout mixture, method of mixing and consistency of the grout shall be approved by the Engineer. The top of the casing to be grouted shall be left with not less than twenty -four (24) inches above the ground. G. The grout shall be placed in such a manner that surface water and other impurities will be prevented from entering the well by infiltration along the bore and casing. Grouting of casing shall be accomplished in the presence of the Engineer or his representative, in one continuous operation. The method of grouting shall be by pumping the grout from the bottom of the outside casing to the ground surface, completely filling the annular space between the borehole and casing. Spacers (centralizers) used to center the casing in the borehole shall be clean and of a curable material. The grout shall be allowed to set for 72 hours before any work may be done which would disturb it or allow it to crack. If 11200 TS -13 G \AProgects \WR \WF PROJECTSWU089000. WW - Boynton Beach\Proposal D­\1 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E quick- setting cement is used, the setting period may be reduced to 24 hours. The Contractor shall take care to protect the grout from damage and insure the proper curing during the setting period. The Contractor shall "top off' the grout to land surface after the setting period if settling and shrinkage occurs during setting. H. Drilling operations shall continue, after the 24 -hour or longer waiting period required for setting up the cement grout, to the depth determined to set the bottom of the screen. The diameter of this part of the hole shall be at least seven (7) inches greater than the outside diameter of the screen. Rotary drilling through the section where the screen is to be set shall be done only with water. In the event the use of drilling additive is required, the Contractor shall first obtain approval from the Engineer. The Contractor shall thereafter make every effort to maintain the integrity of the subsurface formation in which the well screen will be placed and to remove all additives from this formation immediately after setting of the well screen and gravel. In order to minimize damage to the formation and develop the maximum well yield possible, the "screen zone" shall be drilled and the well screen and gravel pack set in one continuous operation on the same day. The well screen shall not be lowered into the well until the Engineer or his representative has verified that its dimensions and characteristics correspond with those approved for that particular well. Screens not meeting the approved conditions or showing any appreciable damage or deformation shall be rejected. Due precautions shall be taken during handling and lowering of the screens into the well to prevent any damage or deformation. The screen shall have no change of alignment after installation. Development shall commence as soon as possible after installation of the screen and gravel pack. The depth at which the screen is set shall be approved by the Engineer. The screen and inner casing shall then be lowered to the approved depth and set within plus or minus three (3) inches of that depth. The screen and inner casing shall be installed with suitable heavy steel stave -type centering guides to ensure that the inner casing is perfectly concentric with the outer casing and that the screen is concentric with the hole below the outer casing. The centering guides shall be as manufactured by Johnson Screens, St. Paul, Minnesota, or an equal approved by the Engineer (See Section 2.08). K. After the screen and inner casing assembly have been properly installed, filter gravel shall be placed by the tremie method in the presence of the Engineer, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. A crystalline polyphosphate solution (BMRTM or equal) suitable for breaking down any drilling mud will be introduced with the gravel. A complete and homogenous artificial gravel packing then shall be built all around the screen and inner casing, to a level not less than twenty (20) feet above the bottom of the outside casing using the tremie method. Under no conditions shall the Contractor attempt to build the artificial 11200 TS -14 G WProJects\WR \WF PROJECTS\WF089000 0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Docs\l 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E gravel packing by dumping the filter gravel around the inner casing from the surface of the ground. The Contractor shall keep a record of the amount of gravel added to each well and this information shall be contained in the driller's report and log. Development shall commence as soon as possible after installation of the screen. L. Well construction shall comply with applicable regulations as stated with the following agencies including but not limited to FDEP, SFWMD and Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD). 3.06 WELL FLANGES AND CAPPING A Whenever there is inactivity or an interruption in work on the well, the Contractor shall protect the well in such a manner as to effectively prevent either tampering with the well or the entrance of foreign matter into it. The Contractor is responsible for any objectionable material that may fall into the water supply well and its consequences until the completion and acceptance by the Engineer of all work described in these specifications. Upon completion of the well, the Contractor shall cap the well in a manner approved by the Engineer. B. All steel flanges used to fabricate the cover shall meet AWWA Standards for Steel Pipe Flanges, Class D (AWWA C207 -94). The flanges shall be gasketed and bolted in accordance with AWWA Standard C207 -94. The top of casing shall be not less than twenty -four (24) inches above ground level. 3.07 PLUMBNESS AND ALIGNMENT TEST A. Required Test: The well boring shall be constructed and all casing set round, plumb and true to line. Plumbness is specified as 2/3 of the inside casing diameter per 100 feet of casing pipe. To demonstrate the compliance of the work with this requirement, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment and shall make the test described herein. Test for plumbness and alignment shall be made after the complete construction of the well and before its acceptance. The cost of accomplishing one plumbness and alignment test per well shall be included in the contract price. No additional payments will be made for making any additional tests. B. Description of Test: Plumbness and alignment shall be tested for the entire length of the casing. The casing shall be tested by lowering into the casing a section of pipe 40 feet long or a dummy of the same length. The outer diameter of the pipe shall be not more than 1/2 -inch smaller than the inside diameter of the casing being tested. If a dummy is used, it shall consist of rigid spindle with three rings, each ring being not more than 1/2 -inch smaller than the inside diameter of the casing being tested. The ring shall be truly cylindrical and shall 11200 TS -15 G \AProJects\WR\WF PROJECTS \WF089000 0000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \I 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E be placed at each end of the dummy and one ring in the middle thereof. The central number of the dummy shall be rigid so that will maintain the alignment of the axis of the rings. C. Requirement for Plumbness and Alignment: Should the dummy, or pipe, fail to move freely through the length of the casing to the required depth or should the well vary from the vertical in excess of 2/3 of the smallest inside diameter of that part of the well being tested per 100 feet depth, or beyond limitations of this test, the plumbness and alignment of the well shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense, and should he fail to correct such faulty alignment or plumbness, the Engineer may refuse to accept the well. The requirements for the plumbness and alignment testing may be waived at the discretion of the Engineer if the Contractor can clearly demonstrate that the requirements have been met. The Contractor is encouraged to demonstrate plumbness and alignment of both inner and outer casings during installation by reasonable methods if he wishes to secure a waiver of the formal plumbness and alignment test upon completion. 3.08 GRAVEL PIPES A. The Contractor shall install a gravel access port as detailed on the drawings, after plumbness and alignment tests have been completed. The gravel access port shall be installed through the outside casing. 3.09 WELL DEVELOPMENT A. Following the construction of the well but before any final pumping tests have been started, the Contractor shall develop and clean out the well. The purpose of the development work is to remove effectively from the well, well walls, well screen, and from the formation immediately adjacent to the well, material like mud, clay, fine particles of sand and/or of shell and any other type of fine material. The Contractor shall develop the well using the air -lift method, horizontal, high - velocity water jetting method and at least one other development method at the discretion of the Contractor with the prior approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a well development plan including a description of the procedure for each method and the equipment to be used prior to development. The Contractor shall demonstrate during development the rate of gravel pack settlement. The gravel pack shall not be allowed to settle to less than 5 feet above the screen during development and shall be replenished during development and upon completion. The well development must be done in a manner that will not cause undue settlement and disturbance of the strata above the water - bearing formation or disturb the seal created around the well casing that provides the natural sanitary protection against vertical seepage along the casing. B. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary pumps, compressors, tools, piping, hoses and other equipment needed to develop the well. The Contractor shall conduct the 11200 TS -16 G \APmlects \WR\WF PROJECTS\WFO89000.0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E well development to give the maximum practical yield of water per foot of drawdown and to extract from the water - bearing formation the practical maximum quantity of such fine materials as may, during the life of the well, be drawn into the casing when the well is pumped continuously under maximum conditions of drawdown. Actual well development, regardless of the method used, shall be conducted for a minimum period of 32 hours, unless directed otherwise by the Owner or Engineer. However, the Contractor shall be responsible and include as part of the Lump Sum bid all expenses necessary to continue well development up to 100 hours. The additional well development time and price per hour shall only apply to aggressive, additional development required after 100 hours of well development have passed. C. Well development shall continue until water pumped from the well at the maximum test - pumping rate is clear and free of sand in the opinion of the Contractor. The Contractor may proceed with step -rate and constant -rate testing at that time. The well will be considered to be developed to its optimal specific capacity when, based on performance of the described step -rate pumping test, the specific capacity at the design rate is equal to or greater than the theoretical specific capacity established from the step -rate testing as determined by the Engineer. The water shall be considered sand -free when the average of samples taken during the constant -rate pumping test contain not more than one part per million (ppm) of sand by weight and no single sample exceeds 2 ppm. Sand content shall be measured using a Rossum Sand Content Tester, installed and operated per manufacturer's instructions. The sand concentration shall be determined by averaging the results of five samples taken at the following intervals during the final (8 -hour) constant -rate pumping test: (1) 15 minutes after the start of the test, (2) after 25 percent of the total pumping test time has elapsed, (3) after 50 percent of the total pumping test time has elapsed, (4) after 75 percent of the total pumping test time has elapsed, and (5) near the end of the pumping test. At the conclusion of the development, the well shall be cleared of all accumulations of sediment to the full depth of the well. The Engineer will notify the Contractor promptly if any development criterion is not met and the Contractor must continue development. If development must be continued based on failure to meet criteria, the Engineer will determine if step -rate and/or constant -rate testing must be repeated at the Contractor's cost. D. After completion of development, the gravel pack shall be left no less than 10 feet and no more than 20 feet above the top of the well screen. E. The Contractor shall provide materials and equipment to perform at least 24 hours of high - velocity water jetting combined with simultaneous pumping (by pump or air lift, as outlined by Driscoll (Driscoll, Fletcher G. 1987, Groundwater and Wells, Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., pp. 516 -517, 520 -521). The Contractor's equipment shall achieve jetting pressures of at least 100 pounds per square inch (psi) and nozzle velocities of 150 feet per second or more. Four (nozzle orifice) jets (at least' /2 -inch diameter) will be used to achieve a maximum water velocity (of 11200 TS -17 G.\APro1ects\WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000.00(N) - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E 150 feet per second) at the point of discharge (gauge pressures will be somewhat higher to overcome friction losses). The nozzle jets shall be located at 90- degree spacings and extend to a total nominal diameter of 15 inches (the tool shall be equipped with at least 4, nominal 15 -inch diameter centering guides). The air - reverse hose or drop pipe should be located within 12 feet of the jetting nozzles during development and the jetting tool shall be moved up and down across the length of the screen interval. Development by the high - velocity water jetting method shall continue for a minimum of 24 hours, or until the gravel -pack level stabilizes and the discharge is free of sand to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If water is pumped into the well from the surface through a water jetting tool, the Contractor shall pump out at least 100 gpm during the jetting operation and shall ensure that, during jetting, at least 10 percent more water is discharged from than introduced into the well. F. At least daily, the Contractor perform a 15- minute, constant -rate pumping test using a Contractor's (centrifugal) pump and to measure pumping rate (minimum 75 -gpm pump capacity) and drawdown. This testing shall be included as development time in the contract price. The Engineer may waive the requirement to perform the testing daily, if it is in the best interest of the Client. If the water level is so deep that a well operating centrifugal pump cannot produce a constant rate, the Contractor shall propose and perform this testing using adequate equipment. 3.10 WELL DISINFECTION A. After the well has been completely constructed and developed, it shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances including tools, timbers, rope, debris of any kind, cement, oil, grease, joint dope and scum. The casing pipe shall be thoroughly swabbed, using alkalies if necessary to remove oil, grease or joint dope. The well shall then be disinfected with a chlorine solution. B. The chlorine solution used for disinfecting the well shall be of such volume and strength and shall be so applied that a minimum concentration of 50 ppm shall be obtained in all parts of the well at static conditions. The chlorine solution shall be introduced into the well in such a manner that the well surfaces above the static level will be completely flushed with the solution. The chlorine solution shall be prepared and applied in a manner approved by the Engineer. The chlorine solution shall remain in the well for a minimum period of two hours. C. Prior to installing the test pump in the well, all interior and exterior parts of the test pump coming in contact with the water in the well shall be disinfected with a five percent (5 %) chlorine solution (chlorine bleach). The method of disinfecting the test pump shall be approved by the Engineer or his representative prior to installing the test pump. 11200 TS -18 6 \APrglects \WR \WF PROJECTSWU089000 MOO - Boynton Beach \Proposal Does \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E D. Upon completion of the well and installation of the pump, the Contractor shall disinfect the well in accordance with the requirements and instructions in the latest edition of AWWA Standards for Deep Wells No. A100. The Contractor shall make arrangements for performance of the bacteriological tests for potability of the water. Testing and analysis shall be done in accordance with all requirements of the FDEP and Palm Beach County Health Department. Contractor shall sample and analyze samples (by a certified, approved lab) until 20 consecutive analysis are obtained which indicate acceptable bacteriological results. Any additional disinfection required to provide acceptable bacteriological results shall be at the Contractor's expense. E. Any additional water - quality testing (i. e., primary and/or secondary constituents that may be ordered by the Owner will be performed by the Contractor at cost plus 10 %. 3.11 PUMPING TESTS A. General: Pumping tests as described herein shall be performed for the water supply well. The purpose of the tests is to gather sufficient and accurate data to determine aquifer characteristics and coefficients. The Engineer will inspect the test pump setup in the field, and approve the setup or require changes prior to testing. The Engineer may require the Contractor to alter the setup at any time during testing in order to improve the quality of the test data or adjust to site conditions. B. Test Pump and Equipment: The Contractor shall furnish, install and operate all necessary materials and pumping equipment capable of pumping from the well a minimum of not less than between 300 and 1000 gpm. The test pumping unit shall be a submersible or deep well turbine pump. If a diesel - powered deep well turbine pump is utilized, it shall be powered by a right -angle gear and diesel engine drive. The right -angle gear shall be adequately shielded to prevent personal injury in case of carelessness or equipment failure. Throttling devices shall be furnished for the pumping unit so that the discharge may be reduced to zero gpm. The pumping unit shall be capable of operating continuously for the duration of the pumping test. In the event the Contractor's pumping units should fail and interrupt a pumping test, the Contractor will be penalized for the hours of pumping already performed, and test will be started over at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary discharge conduit for the pumping unit, which shall be sufficient size and length to convey the water being pumped to the point of final discharge as shown on the attached drawings. The Contractor shall furnish, install and operate equipment of approved size and type 11200 TS -19 G WProlects \WR \WF PROJECTS\WF089000 0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Docs \I 1200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E for measuring the flow of water, such equipment to be an orifice- manometer set or a turbine -type water meter for accurately determining the discharge rate from 0 gpm to 1000 gpm. Pumped water shall be discharged at least 300 feet from the well or into a free draining surface -water body, in a manner that will cause no nuisance. The Contractor shall obtain any necessary permits to allow this discharge.. Proof of meter calibration (within the previous 3 months) shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to the installation of the pump used for the well testing. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of one experienced employee to be continuously on -site whenever a pumping test is being performed. This employee shall be responsible for operation of the pumping unit and for determining and recording pumping rates during the test. The Contractor's employee will also be expected to determine water elevations in the pumped well and in determining water levels in the observation well, as directed by the Owner/Engineer. C. Pumping Test: After the well has been developed to its maximum capacity per foot of drawdown, the Contractor shall notify the Owner/Engineer and when ordered, the Contractor shall conduct a pumping test of the well. The pumping test and drawdown measurements shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory agencies but shall not be less than the following requirements. Adequate access for water -level measurements shall be available. The static level prior to pumping shall be recorded. The well shall first be pumped incrementally at 4 flow rates, starting with the lowest rate. The incremental flow rates should be approximately 33 %, 67 %, 100% and 133% of the anticipated operating capacity. Each pumping rate shall be maintained for a period of 30 minutes during which time water level readings shall be taken every minute until the water level stabilizes at which time readings may be taken every 5 minutes for the duration of the 30- minute period. Recovering water levels will be recorded for 30 minutes after each 30- minute pumping (step -rate) period. Upon completion of the incremental tests, the pumping equipment shall be reset to the design rate or a rate determined from the 4 -step test. After water levels have recovered, pumping shall be maintained at that rate for 8 hours. During the 8 -hour period, water level readings shall be taken every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes of the test and every 15 minutes for the duration of the 8 -hour period. Upon completion of the 8 -hour test, the test pump shall be shut off and recovery measurements of water level shall be taken every 5 minutes for a period of one hour or until such time as the water level returns to its original static level prior to commencing test pumping. All water level readings shall be recorded to the nearest 0.01 of a foot and referenced below the well flange. All information pertaining to the pumping test, including the actual static level shall be recorded on a well test log and six (6) copies of the well test log shall be submitted to the Engineer promptly upon completion of test pumping of the well. The Contractor shall not be required to meet the criterion for sanding during the constant -rate 11200 TS -20 G \APrgects\WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000 0000 - Boynton Beach\Proposal Does \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E test if the pumping rate exceeds the design rate. D. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the pumping unit maintains a constant, continuous pumping rate without significant variance or surging for the duration of the test. The Contractor shall provide an accurate operating tachometer so that pumping rates are reproducible. If the pumping unit fails to maintain a constant, continuous pumping rate, as determined by the Engineer or his representative, the test shall be restarted and the Contractor shall be penalized for the hours of pumping already performed. The Contractor's on -site employee shall be responsible for maintaining a constant pumping rate as specified. Minor variations detected in the pumping rate during the test shall be immediately corrected by adjusting a gate valve located in the discharge line. The gate valve shall be located far enough from the flow- measuring device (minimum 10 pipe diameters) so that any turbulence created by the gate valve shall not interfere with the flow measuring device. The flow - measuring device and gate valve shall be sufficiently far from any pipeline bends, elbows and other appurtenances so as not to receive any turbulence. E. Water Analysis: Just prior to completion of the well test pumping, the Contractor shall collect and send a water sample from the well to a commercial laboratory approved by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for analysis. The analysis shall be done per Chapter 62 -550 F.A.C. for Primary Inorganics including Nickel and Cyanide; Primary Organics and Secondary Drinking Water Standards, Unregulated Contaminants and Radionuclides. The Contractor shall pay all costs for the analysis and send a report to the Owner/Engineer. 2. Contractor shall collect bacteriological samples from the well and deliver to an approved testing laboratory in accordance with Palm Beach County Health Department ( PBCHD) Technical Memorandum #03 -1PR. Contractor shall bear all costs of testing until results satisfactory to the PBCHD and the Engineer are obtained and delivered to the Owner/Engineer as specified above. 3.12 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND NUISANCES A. The Contractor shall take special precautions to reduce to a minimum the nuisances and damage to property which could result during execution of the Work. Special attention is called to the "General Conditions" of these specifications. Any damage to public or private property shall be immediately repaired or paid for by the Contractor at no expense to the Owner. Equipment, tools, and materials shall be located in places where they will produce a minimum of nuisance. Wherever necessary or requested by the Engineer, the 11200 TS -21 G WProlects\WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000.0000 -Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E Contractor shall use mud tanks and all the necessary equipment to substitute for mud pits. Any water or fluid resulting from any of the operations, or excess water from the well development works or the pumping test operations shall be conveyed out by piping, ditches, or any other means approved by the Engineer and Owner, at the Contractor's expense to places where it may be disposed of without any detrimental effects to public or private interest. 3.13 CONCRETE SLAB A. A concrete pad shall be provided at ground surface around the outside casing as indicated in the construction plans to prevent surface contamination of the well. B. A steel reinforced concrete pedestal shall be provided for permanent pump placement, per in the Contract Drawings. C. The Contractor shall strictly follow "Best Management Practices" for the Construction Industry as established in Palm Beach County's Wellfield Protection Ordinance throughout the course of the project. 3.14 CORRECTIVE WORK A. In the event that the well becomes contaminated, or that water having undesirable physical or chemical characteristics does enter the well due to the neglect of the Contractor, he shall, at his own expense, perform such work or supply such casings, seals, disinfecting agents or other materials as may be necessary to eliminate the contamination or shut off the undesirable water. 3.15 TEST OF RE- INSTALLED PUMP A. Upon installation of the relocated well pump and clearance of the well analysis, the Contractor shall perform a capacity test on the pump. The Contractor shall test the pump at three (3) different conditions by partially closing a gate valve on the discharge of the pump(s). One of the conditions tested shall be the design condition and the other two conditions shall fall on opposite sides of the curve from the design condition. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer prior to performing this test. 3.16 WELL ABANDONMENT A. In the event the Contractor should fail to construct the replacement well to the necessary depth, or should he abandon a well for any reason, he shall, if instructed by the Engineer, fill and plug the abandoned well. No payment will be made for work done on an abandoned hole or for salvaging materials or filling and plugging the hole. Abandonment shall be performed in accordance with Chapters 62 -532 and 62 -555 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and 11200 TS -22 G \AProJects \WR \WF PROJECTS\WF089000 0000- Boynton Beach\Proposal Docs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E any requirements of SFWMD. The Contractor shall notify SFWMD of the intent to abandon the well and shall make application and obtain approval to do so at his own expense. 3.17 GUARANTEE A. The Contractor shall guarantee that all new material, equipment, structures, and work performed are free from defects in workmanship, design, or materials for a period of one (1) year after installation and acceptance by the Owner, and if any part of the work shall fail within this period, it shall be replaced and unit restored to operation at no cost to the Owner. Undue reduction in yield, casings, or settlement around the well, pumping sand from a finished well after being put into service, or clogging of well screen will be considered a defect to be covered by this guarantee. 3.18 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. General: Measurement and payment will be based upon work completed and accepted in accordance with the Contract Documents. No separate payment will be made for incidental items of work not shown in the Schedule of Bid Items. Payment of unit quantity adjustments, or of any of the following bid items prices related to construction and testing of the wells, will not be credited for payment by the Engineer unless sufficient (12 -hour) notice is provided for the work and the construction or testing is attended and observed by a representative of the Engineer: Pilot -hole drilling and drill- cutting sample collection; Geophysical logging of the pilot hole; Inner casing and screen installation; Gravel -pack placement and initiation of well development; Final acceptance of well - development completion Pumping tests (4 and 8- hour); Plumbness and alignment testing. B. Equipment and material in storage: Partial payment for materials and equipment in proper storage at the site of the work or other approved storage site will be made for those items for which the Contractor has submitted paid invoices to the Engineer. C. Payment: Payment will be made in accordance with the component prices of the lump sum bid as installed and accepted and shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all materials and performing all work in connection therewith and incidental thereto each item as outlined in the schedule of values. Before beginning work, the Contractor will provide a Schedule of Values for the 11200 TS -23 G \AProJects \WR\WF PROJECTS \WF089M) 000() - Boynton BeachTroposal Dccs \11200 Replacement Well 12E -final doc Boynton Beach Replacement Well 12E purpose of determining applicable progress payments and for establishing unit prices of items not listed in the Bid Documents. All pay requests shall include 10% retainage. 11200 TS -24 G, WPrgects \WR \WF PROJECTS \WF089000,0000 - Boynton Beach \Proposal Docs\1 1200 Replacement Well 12E- final.doc m �g x ry li li f c m u N O Y o u F a m � c O m O U G m t. � m O a m � c o c ro `o 0 0 m w a 4= � r L a m O O � II a Z: N r N a x 0 M 0 a A Z m C C m u N `u rn 0 E 0 0 0 m_ N a x v 5 f r f oRnwinv not ro scuE G1 j j '' ARCADIS 7 rSSStER 6 lam. ray. 2001 VA Peot" T TE591ER I Weil Nan Beach, HOW 39111 I I TO 581.5977009 Fa 581.5977751 __ I ww ra0we mm iiE551ER - SLAB EXISTING GRADE NEAT CEMENT GROUT NOMINAL 30 -INCH DIAMETER BOREHOLE 24 -INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER, STEEL SURFACE CASING (0.5 -INCH WALL THICKNESS) 16 -INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER, 0 3754NCH WALL THICKNESS, STEEL CASING GRAVEL PACK FINISHED APPROXIMATELY 10 FEET ABOVE BOTTOM OF OUTER CASING NOMINAL 24 -INCH DIAMETER BOREHOLE GRADED SILICA SAND GRAVEL PACK 16 -INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER, WIRE -WOUND STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN 16 -INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER, STAINLESS STEEL TIGHTWIND'SUMP CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH wFaes000.0000 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL I Roe REPLACEMENT PRODUCTION WELL 12E 2 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE l DEFINITIONS Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof Addenda -Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Proposals which clarify, correct or change the proposal documents or the Contract Documents. Agreement -The written agreement between ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. Application for Payment -The form which is to be used by CONTRACTOR is requesting progress or final payments and which is to include such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. Proposal -The offer or proposal of the proposer submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. Proposer - Any person, firm or corporation submitting a Proposal for the Work. Bonds - Proposal performance and payment bonds and other instruments of security. Change Order - A document recommended by ENGINEER, which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or an adjustment in the contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Contract Documents - The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to the Contract Documents), CONTRACTOR's Proposal (including documentation accompanying the Proposal and any post - Proposal documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Bonds, these General Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings as the same are more specifically identified in the Agreement, together with all amendments, modifications and supplements issued pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Contract Price -The monies payable by ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of paragraph 11.9.1 in the case of Unit Price Work). Contract Time -The number of days (computed as provided in paragraph 16.2) or the date stated in the Agreement for the completion of the Work. CONTRACTOR -The person, firm or corporation with whom ENGINEER has entered into the Agreement. Defective -An adjective which when modifying the work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been assumed by OWNER at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14.8 or 14.10). Drawings -The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents. Effective Date of the Agreement -The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the GC -1 two parties to sign and deliver. ENGINEER -The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. Field Order -A written order issued by ENGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.5, but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price or the Contract Time. General Requirements- Sections of Division 1 of the Specifications. Laws and Regulations -Laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes and/or orders. Lien -Any charge, security interest, lien or encumbrance in any way arising, whether by law, contract or otherwise. Notice of Award -The written notice to the apparent successful PROPOSER stating that upon compliance by the apparent successful propose with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, OWNER will sing and deliver the Agreement. If requested by the OWNER, both the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed will be issued by the ENGINEER. Notice to Proceed -A written notice given by ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Documents. OWNER -The public body or authority, corporation, association, firm or person with whom ENGINEER has entered into the Agreement and on whose behalf the Work is to be provided. Partial Utilization - Placing a portion of the Work in service for the purpose for which it is intended (for a related purpose) before reaching Substantial Completion for all the Work. Project - The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract documents may be the whole, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Resident Project Representative -The authorized representative of ENGINEER who is assigned to the site or any part thereof. Shop Drawings -All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a Supplier and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work. Specifications -Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor -An individual, firm or corporation having direct contract with CONTRACTOR or with any other subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion -The Work (or a specified part thereof) has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of ENGINEER as evidenced by ENGINEER's definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contact Documents, so that the Work (or specified part) can be utilized for the purposes for which it is intended: or if there be no such certificate issued, when final payment is due in accordance with paragraph 14.13. The terms "substantially complete" and "substantially completed" as applied to any Work refer to Substantial Completion thereof. Substantial completion requires successful completion of all testing, submission of satisfactory bacteriological test reports, and submission of complete Record Drawing information to the ENGINEER. GC -2 Supplementary Conditions -The part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. Supplier -A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor. Underground Facilities -All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasement containing such facilities which have been installed underground to furnish any of the following services or materials; electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. Unit Price Work -Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. Work -The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work is the result of performing services, furnishing labor and furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. Work Directive Change -A written directive to CONTRACTOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by ENGINEER, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen physical conditions under which the Work is to be performed as provided in paragraphs 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragraph 6.22. A Work Directive Change may not change the Contract Price or the Contract time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work directive Change will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Time as provided in paragraph 10.2. Written Amendment -A written amendment of the Contract documents, signed by ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the non- engineering or non - technical rather than strictly Work - related aspects of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2 PRELIMINARY MATTERS Delivery of Bonds and Certificate of Insurance: 2.1. When CONTRACTOR delivers the executed Agreements to ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall also deliver such Bonds and Certificates of Insurance as CONTRACTOR may be required to furnish in accordance with Article 5. Copies of Documents: 2.2. All copies of documents necessary for the execution of the Work will be furnished to CONTRACTOR at the cost of reproduction. CONTRACTOR shall bear the costs of all documents requested. Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed: 2.3. The Contract Time will commence to run on the thirtieth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, or if a Notice to proceed is given, on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of the Agreement. In no event will the Contract Time commence to run later than the ninetieth (90th) day after the day of Proposal opening or the thirtieth (30th) day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, whichever date is earlier. Starting the Project: GC -3 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Time commences to run, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. Before Starting Construction: 2.5. Before undertaking each part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to ENGINEER any conflict, error or discrepancy which CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from ENGINEER before proceeding with any Work affected thereby; however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. 2.5.1. CONTRACTOR shall perform no portion of the Work at any time without Contract Documents or, where required, approved shop drawings or Product Data for such portion of the Work. 2.5.2. By executing the Contract, CONTRACTOR acknowledges he has examined the Contract Documents, the site and locality where the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations) and the conditions affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as CONTRACTOR deems necessary. 2.6. Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of the Agreement (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: 2.6.1 An estimated progress schedule indicating the starting and completion dates of the various stages of the Work; 2.6.2. A preliminary schedule of Shop Drawing submissions; and 2.6.3. A preliminary schedule of values for all of the Work which will include quantities and prices of items aggregating the Contract Price and will subdivide the Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Such prices will include an appropriate amount of overhead and profit applicable to each item of Work which will be confirmed in writing by CONTRACTOR at the time of submission. Preconstruction Conference: 2.7. Within twenty (20) days after the Effective Date of the Agreement, but before CONTRACTOR starts the Work at the site, a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and others as appropriate will be held to discuss the schedules referred to in paragraph 2.6, to discuss procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. Finalizing Schedules: 2.8 At least ten (10) days before submission of the first Application for Payment, a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and others as appropriate will be held to finalize the schedules submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.6. The finalized progress schedule will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing an orderly progression of the Work to completion within the Contract Time, but such acceptance will neither impose on ENGINEER responsibility for the progress or scheduling of the Work nor relieve CONTRACTOR from full responsibility therefor. The finalized schedule of Shop Drawing submissions will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing a workable arrangement for processing the submissions. The finalized schedule of values will be acceptable to ENGINEER as to form and substance. GC -4 ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE Intent: 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire agreement between ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. The Contract Documents will be construed in accordance with the law of the place of the Project. 3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete Project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents as being required to produce the intended result will be supplied whether or not specifically called for. When words which have a well -known technical or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Reference to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference by specific or by implications, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual, code or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Proposals (or, on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Proposals), except as may be otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or ENGINEER, or Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to ENGINEER, or any of ENGINEER's consultants, agents or employees, any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraphs 9.15 or 9.16. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by ENGINEER as provided in paragraph 9.4. 3.3. If, during the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR finds a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall so report to ENGINEER in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from ENGINEER, however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. 3.3.1. Failure to report a conflict, error or discrepancy shall be deemed as evidence that the CONTRACTOR has elected to proceed in the more expensive manner, at CONTRACTOR's expense. If the drawings disagree in themselves, figures shall govern over scaled measurements, large scale drawings shall govern over small scale drawings, the greater quantity of work or materials shall be fumished or performed; descriptive writings shall govern over legends indicating material or conditions and the Agreement takes precedence over all other contract documents. Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents: 3.4. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the following ways: 3.4.1. A formal Written Amendment, 3.4.2. A Change Order (pursuant to paragraph 10.4), or GC -5 3.4.3. A Work Directive Change (pursuant to paragraph 10.1). As indicated in paragraphs 11.2 and 12.1, Contract Price and Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. 3.5. In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized, in one or more of the following ways: 3.5.1. A Field Order (pursuant to paragraph 9.5). 3.5.2. ENGINEER's approval of a Shop Drawing or sample (pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27), or 3.5.3. ENGINEER's written interpretation or clarification (pursuant to paragraph 9.4). Reuse of Documents: 3.6. Neither CONTRACTOR nor any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with ENGINEER shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of ENGINEER; and they shall reuse any of them on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER and specific written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER. ARTICLE 4 AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: REFERENCE POINTS Availability of Lands: 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights -of -way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by OWNER, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that any delay in OWNER's furnishing these lands, rights -of -way or easements entitles CONTRACTOR to an extension of the Contract Time, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 12. CONTRACTOR shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. Physical Conditions: 4.2.1. Explorations and Reports: Reference is made to those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparation of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such reports, but not upon non - technical data, interpretations or opinions contained therein or upon the completeness thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indicated in the immediately preceding sentence and in paragraph 4.2.6, CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility with respect to subsurface conditions at the site. Core boring data, including groundwater elevations or conditions if shown on the Drawings or attached to the Specifications, are presented only as information that is available indicating certain conditions found and limited to the exact locations and dates shown. Water levels shown by the aforesaid core boring data will not necessarily be GC -6 maintained at the indicated levels during the construction time. 4.2.2. Existing Structures: Reference is made to those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities referred to in paragraph 4.3) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparation of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such drawings, but not for the completeness thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indicated in the immediately preceding sentence and in paragraph 4.2.6, CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility with respect to physical conditions in or relating to such structures. Drawings provided by ENGINEER are not guaranteed as record or as-built information. The drawings represent the best available information on existing facilities. 4.2.3. Report of Differing Conditions: If CONTRACTOR believes that: Any technical data on which CONTRACTOR is entitled to rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 is inaccurate, or Any physical condition uncovered or revealed at the site differs materially from that indicated, reflected or referred to in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.11), notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing about the inaccuracy or difference. 4.2.4 ENGINEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly review the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of obtaining additional explorations or tests with respect thereto and advise OWNER in writing (with a copy to CONTRACTOR) of ENGINEER's findings and conclusions. 4.2.5. Possible Document Change: If ENGINEER concludes that there is a material error in the Contract Documents or that because of newly discovered conditions a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Work Directive Change or a Change Order will be issued as provided in Article 10 to reflect and document the consequences of the inaccuracy or difference. 4.2.6. Possible Price and Time Adjustments: In each such case, an increase or decrease in the Contract Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time, or any combination thereof, will be allowable to the extent that they are attributable to any such inaccuracy or difference. If ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to the amount or length thereof, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Articles 1 I and 12. Physical Conditions- Underground Facilities: 4.3.1. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENGINEER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: OWNER and ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for reviewing and checking all such information and data, for locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, for coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof as provided in paragraph 6.20 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work, the cost of all of which will be considered as having been included in the Contract Price. GC -7 4.3.2. Not Shown or Indicated: If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and which CONTRACTOR could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.22), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give written notice thereof to that owner and to OWNER and ENGINEER. ENGINEER will promptly review the Underground Facility to determine the extent to which the Contract Documents should be modified to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the Underground Facility, and the Contract Documents will be amended or supplemented to the extent necessary. During such time, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such Underground Facility as provided in paragraph 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an existence of any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and which CONTRACTOR could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of If the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or length thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Reference Points: 4.4. ENGINEER shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction which, in ENGINEER's judgment, are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for laying out the Work (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), shall protect and preserve the established approval of the ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. ARTICLE 5 BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance and Other Bonds: 5.1. If required, CONTRACTOR shall file a Public Construction Bond in the full amount of the Contract price in accordance with the requirements of Florida Statues Section 255.05, as amended, as security for the faithful performance of the Contract the payment of all persons supplying labor and materials for the construction of the work, and to cover all guarantees against defective workmanship or materials, or both, during the warranty period following the date of final acceptance of the work by OWNER and ENGINEER. The Surety furnishing this bond shall have a sound financial standing and a record of service satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, and shall be authorized to do business in the State of Florida. The Surety furnishing this bond must also be an entity included in the most recent United States Department of Treasury list of acceptable sureties. 5.2. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by CONTRACTOR is declared a bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in any state where any part of the Project is locate or it ceases to meet the requirements of paragraph 5.1, CONTRACTOR shall, within five (5) days thereafter, substitute another Bond and Surety, both of which must be acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER. Contractor's Insurance: 5.3. CONTRACTOR shall purchase and maintain such commercial general liability and other insurance as it is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from CONTRACTOR's performance and furnishing of the Work and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR, by any Subcontractor, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, as follows: GC -8 5.3.1. Claims under workers' compensation, disability benefits and other similar employee benefits acts, including private entities performing Work at the site and exempt from the coverage on account of number of employees or occupation, which entities shall maintain voluntary compensation coverage at the same limits specified for mandatory coverage for the duration of the Project; 5.3.2. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRACTOR's employees, or persons or entities excluded by statute from the requirements of paragraph 5.3.1 but required by the Contract Documents to provide the insurance required by that paragraph; 5.3.3. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRACTOR's employees; 5.3.4. Claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (a) by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by CONTRACTOR, or (b) by any other person for any other reason; 5.3.5. Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; 5.3.6. Claims arising out of operation of Laws or Regulations for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or for damage to property; and 5.3.7. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. The insurance required by this paragraph 5.3 shall include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of liability and coverages provided in these General Conditions, or required by law, whichever is greater. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained (or the certificates or other evidence thereof) shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and ENGINEER by certified mail. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment and at all times thereafter when CONTRACTOR may be correcting, removing or replacing defective Work in accordance with paragraph 13.12. In addition, the commercial general liability insurance shall include completed operations insurance and CONTRACTOR shall maintain such insurance for at least two (2) years after final payment and furnish OWNER AND ENGINEER with evidence of continuation of such insurance at final payment and one (1) year thereafter. 5.4 The limits of liability for the insurance required of CONTRACTOR shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts: Workers' Compensation: 1. Florida Statutory Requirements 2. Applicable Federal Statutory Requirements Commercial General Liability: Bodily Injury/Property Damage Each Occurrence $1,000,000 GC -9 Aggregate $2,000,000 Commercial Automobile Liability: (Owned- leased- non -owned & hired) Bodily Injury/Property Damage Each Occurrence $ 500,000 (Combined Single Limit) Excess Liability: Umbrella Form: $1,000,000 The following names shall be added as additional insured on CONTRACTOR'S commercial general liability, commercial automobile liability and excess liability policies: OWNER City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida ENGINEER ARCADIS U. S., Inc. 2081 Vista Parkway, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, Florida 334011 5.5. CONTRACTOR shall deliver a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage to ENGINEER. The additional liability coverage for ENGINEER is not to be construed as requiring, in any way, that either OWNER or CONTRACTOR be obligated to supply insurance protecting ENGINEER for its liability emanating from professional errors or omissions. All insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to OWNER and ENGINEER. Commercial Liability Insurance: 5.6 The commercial general liability insurance required by paragraph 5.3 will include contractual liability insurance applicable to CONTRACTOR's obligations under paragraphs 6.30 and 6.31. Acceptance of Insurance: 5.7.1. If OWNER has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance being purchased and maintained by CONTRACTOR subsequent to issuance of the Notice to Proceed on the basis of its not complying with the Contract Documents, Owner shall notify CONTRACTOR in writing thereof within thirty (30) days of date from receipt of notice of changed or dropped coverage by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall provide to OWNER such additional information in respect of insurance provided as OWNER may reasonably request. In the event of changed conditions, OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to supplement or require such additional insurance as OWNER may reasonably request. 5.7.2 In case of the breach by CONTRACTOR of any insurance provision stated in the Contract Documents, OWNER, at his option, may take out and maintain, at the expense GC -10 of CONTRACTOR, such insurance as OWNER may deem proper and OWNER may deduct the cost of such insurance from any monies which may be due or become due CONTRACTOR under this Agreement. Partial Utilization- Property Insurance: 5.8. If OWNER finds it necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.10; provided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected the changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be canceled or lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy. ARTICLE 6 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1 CONTRACTOR shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, but CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or selection of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is indicated in and required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.1.1. The Contract Documents are intended to communicate the nature of the design, concept and scope of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the construction and coordination of the parts and all systems shall be completely compatible and fully functional without additional cost. 6.2 During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall continuously employ a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CONTRACTOR. All communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR. Labor, Materials and Equipment: 63. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitable qualified personnel to survey and lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours, and CONTRACTOR will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Sunday or any legal holiday without OWNER's written consent given after prior written notice to ENGINEER. 6.4. Unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements, CONTRACTOR shall furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start -up and completion of the Work 6.5. All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All materials and GC -11 equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents; but no provision of any such instructions will be effective to assign to ENGINEER, or any of ENGINEER's consultants, agents or employees, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9.15 and 9.16. Adjusting Progress Schedule: 6.6. CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for acceptance (to the extent indicated in paragraph 2.9) adjustments in the progress schedule to reflect the impact thereon of new developments); these will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect and additionally will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. Substitutes or "Equivalent or Equal" Items: 6.7.1. Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, materials or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by ENGINEER if sufficient information is submitted by CONTRACTOR to allow ENGINEER to determine that the material or equipment proposed is equivalent or equal to that named. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will include the following as supplemented in the General Requirements. Requests for review of substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by ENGINEER from anyone other than CONTRACTOR. If CONTRACTOR wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall make written application to ENGINEER for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, be similar and of equivalent or equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use as the specified. The application will state that the evaluation and acceptance of the proposed substitute will not prejudice CONTRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion on time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with OWNER for work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated. The application will also contain an itemized estimate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting change, all of which shall be considered by ENGINEER in evaluating the proposed substitute. ENGINEER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish, at CONTRACTOR's expense, additional data about the proposed substitute. 6.7.2. If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method sequence, technique or procedure of construction acceptable to ENGINEER, if CONTRACTOR submits sufficient information to allow ENGINEER to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will be similar to that provided in paragraph 6.7.1 as applied by ENGINEER and as may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 6.7.3. ENGINEER will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposed substitute. ENGINEER will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without ENGINEER's prior written acceptance which will be evidenced GC -12 by either a Change Order or an approved Shop Drawing. OWNER may require CONTRACTOR to furnish, at CONTRACTOR's expense, a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any substitute. ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and ENGINEER's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by CONTRACTOR and in making changes in the Contract Documents occasioned thereby. Whether or not ENGINEER accepts a proposed substitute, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for the charges of ENGINEER and ENGINEER's consultants for evaluating each proposed substitute. Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others: 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcontractor, Suppliers or other person or organization (including those acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER as indicated in paragraph 6.8.2), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom OWNER or ENGINEER may have reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish or perform any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. 6.8.2. If the OWNER requires the identity of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers or other persons or organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of materials and equipment) to be submitted to OWNER in advance of the specified date of the Agreement for acceptance by OWNER, and if CONTRACTOR has submitted a list thereof, OWNER's or ENGINEER's acceptance (either in writing or by failing to make written objection thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the proposal documents or the Contract Documents) of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization so identified may be revoked on the basis of reasonable objection after due investigation, in which case CONTRACTOR shall submit an acceptable substitute, the Contract Price will be increased by the difference in the cost occasioned by such substitution and an appropriate Change Order will be issued or Written Amendment signed. No acceptance by OWNER or ENGINEER of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGINEER to reject defective Work. 6.9. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER and ENGINEER for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRACTOR is responsible for CONTRACTOR's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between OWNER or ENGINEER and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of OWNER or ENGINEER to pay or to see to the payment of any monies due any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization except as may otherwise by required by Laws and Regulations. 6.10. The divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control CONTRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or Suppliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. 6.11. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a Subcontractor will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor which specifically binds the Subcontractor to the applicable terns and conditions of the Contract documents for the benefit of OWNER and ENGINEER and contains waiver provisions as required by paragraph 5.11. CONTRACTOR shall pay each Subcontractor a just share of any insurance monies received by CONTRACTOR on account of losses under policies issued pursuant to Article 5. Patent Fees and Royalties: GC -13 6.12. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Contract documents for use in the performance of the Work and if, to the actual knowledge of OWNER or ENGINEER, its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by OWNER in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and ENGINEER and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court and arbitration costs) arising out of any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. Permits: 6.13. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses and shall pay the costs for the provision of all utility services required for the Work. OWNER shall assist CONTRACTOR, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. CONTRACTOR shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work. Laws and Regulations: 6.14.1. CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall be responsible for monitoring CONTRACTOR's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. 6.14.2. If CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at variance with any Laws or Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes will be authorized by one of the methods indicated in paragraph 3.4. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to such Laws or Regulations, and without such notice to ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall bear all costs arising therefrom, however, it shall not be CONTRACTOR's primary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with such Laws and Regulations. Taxes: 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the place of the Project which are applicable during the performance of the Work. Use of Premises: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workers to the Project site and land and areas identified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, rights -of -way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant therefor of any land or areas contiguous thereto, resulting from the performance of the Work. Should any claim be made against OWNER or ENGINEER by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall promptly attempt to settle with such other party by agreement or to otherwise resolve the claim by arbitration or at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold OWNER and ENGINEER harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees of engineers, GC -14 architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising directly, indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equitable, brought by any such other party against OWNER or ENGINEER to the extent based on a claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. 6.17. During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall keep the premises fee from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises, as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials, and shall leave the site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall restore to original condition all property not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. Record Documents: 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the site one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Written Amendments, Change Orders, Work Directive Changes, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.4) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. These record documents, together with all approved samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Drawings, will be available to ENGINEER for reference and examination and shall be delivered to ENGINEER for OWNER upon Substantial Completion of the Work. Safety and Protection: 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: i. All employees on the Work and other persons and organizations who may be affected thereby; ii. All the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and iii. Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities and Underground Facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. CONTRACTOR shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraphs 6.20.2 or 6.30.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or anyone employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CONTRACTOR). CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise expressly provided in GC -15 connection with Substantial Completion). 6.21. CONTRACTOR shall designate a responsible representative at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be CONTRACTOR's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. Emergencies: 6.22. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, CONTRACTOR, without special instruction or authorization from ENGINEER or OWNER, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice if CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby. If ENGINEER determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken in response to an emergency, a Work Directive Change or Change Order will be issued to document the consequences of the changes or variations. Shop Drawings and Samples: 6.23. After checking and verifying all field measurements and after complying with applicable procedures specified in the General Requirements, CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review and approval in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawing submissions (see paragraph 2.9), or for other appropriate action if so indicated in the Supplementary conditions, five copies (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements) of all Shop Drawings, which will bear a stamp or specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submission. All submissions will be identified as ENGINEER may require. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to enable ENGINEER to review the information as required. 6.24. CONTRACTOR shall also submit to ENGINEER for review and approval with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work all samples required by the Contract Documents. All samples will have been checked by and accompanied by a specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submission and will be identified clearly as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for which intended. Before submission of each Shop Drawing or sample, CONTRACTOR shall have determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with other Shop Drawings and samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. At the time of each submission, CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of each variation that the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing submitted to ENGINEER for review and approval of each variation. 6.26. ENGINEER will review and approve with reasonable promptness Shop Drawings and samples, but ENGINEER's review and approval will be only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (except where a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. CONTRACTOR shall made corrections required by ENGINEER, and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and submit as required new samples for review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by ENGINEER on previous submittals. The words "reasonable promptness" as used in this paragraph 6.26. shall mean that the Shop Drawings and/or samples will be placed in the mail for return to Contractor within fourteen (14) days after their arrival in the ENGINEER's office. GC -16 6.27. ENGINEER's review and approval of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENGINEER's attention to each such variation at the time of submission as required by paragraph 6.25.2 and ENGINEER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or sample approval; nor will any approval by ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or from responsibility for having complied with the provisions of paragraph 6.25.1. 6.28. Where a Shop Drawing or sample is required by the Specifications, any related Work performed prior to ENGINEER's review and approval of the pertinent submission will be the sole expense and responsibility of CONTRACTOR. Continuing the Work: 6.29. CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as permitted by paragraph 15.5 or as CONTRACTOR and OWNER may otherwise agree in writing. Indemnification: 6.30. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OWNER (and its directors, officers, employees, agents and independent contractors) from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct, indirect and consequential (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court costs) arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property other than the Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any intentional or negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder or arises by or is imposed by Law and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such party. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that one (1 %) percent of the Contract Price represents specific consideration to CONTRACTOR for the indemnifications set forth above and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 6.31. In any and all claims against OWNER or ENGINEER or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any employee of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under paragraph 6.30 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for CONTRACTOR or any such Subcontractor or other person or organization under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 6.32. The obligations of CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.30 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEER, ENGINEER's consultants, agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, design or specifications. ARTICLE 7 OTHER WORK Related Work at Site: GC -17 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the Project at the site by OWNER's own forces, have other work performed by utility owners or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. If the fact that such other work is to be performed was not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof will be given to CONTRACTOR prior to starting any such other work; and, if CONTRACTOR believes that such performance will involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or requires additional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. 7.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each utility owner and other contractor who is a party to such direct contract (or OWNER, if OWNER is performing the additional work with OWNER's employees) proper and safe access to the site and a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such work, and shall properly connect and coordinate the Work with the work being performed by the party performing such additional work. CONTRACTOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate wish such other work. CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of ENGINEER and others whose work will be affected. The duties and responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are for the benefit of such utility owners and other contractors to the extent that there are comparable provisions for the benefit of CONTRACTOR is said direct contracts between OWNER and such utility owners and other contractors. 7.3. If any part of CONTRACTOR's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other contractor or utility owner (or OWNER), CONTRACTOR shall inspect and promptly report to ENGINEER in writing any delays, defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and results. CONTRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with CONTRACTOR's Work except for latent or non - apparent defects and deficiencies in the other work. Coordination: 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the person or organization who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime contractors will be identified in these General Conditions, and the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized, and the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided, in these General Conditions. Unless otherwise provided in these General Conditions, neither OWNER nor ENGINEER shall have any authority or responsibility in respect of such coordination. ARTICLE 8 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.1. OWNER shall issue all communications to CONTRACTOR through ENGINEER. 8.2. In case of termination of the employment of ENGINEER, OWNER shall appoint an engineer against whom CONTRACTOR makes no reasonable objection, whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former ENGINEER. Any dispute in connection with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration. 8.3. OWNER shall furnish the data required of OWNER under the Contract Documents promptly and shall make payments to CONTRACTOR promptly after they are due as provided in paragraphs 14.4 and 14.13. 8.4. OWNER's duties in respect of providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in paragraphs 4.1. and 4.4. Paragraph 4.2 refers to GC -18 OWNER's identifying and making available to CONTRACTOR copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site and in existing structures which have been utilized by ENGINEER in preparing the Drawings and Specifications. 8.5. OWNER is obligated to execute Change Orders as indicated in paragraph 10.4. 8.6. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.4. 8.7. In connection with OWNER's right to a stop Work or suspend Work, see paragraphs 13.10 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with OWNER's right to terminate services of CONTRACTOR under certain circumstances. ARTICLE 9 ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION Owner's Representative: 9.1. Upon OWNER's written direction, ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as OWNER's representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of OWNER and ENGINEER. Visits to Site: 9.2. ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe and inspect the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on -site observations as an experienced and qualified design professional, ENGINEER will keep OWNER informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the Work. Project Representation: 9.3. Upon OWNER's direction in writing, ENGINEER will furnish a Resident Project Representative to assist ENGINEER in observing the performance of the Work. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Resident Project Representative and assistant will be as provided in a separate written document. If OWNER designates another agent to represent OWNER at the site who is not ENGINEER's agent or employee, the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such other person will be as provided in a separate written document. Clarifications and Interpretations: 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the requirements of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINEER may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Article I 1 or GC -19 Article 12. Authorized Variations in Work: 9.5. ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on OWNER, and also on CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an increase in the contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 or 12. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.6. ENGINEER will have authority to disapprove or reject work which ENGINEER believes to be defective, and will also have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments: 9.7. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibility for Shop Drawings and samples, see paragraphs 6.23 through 6.29, inclusive. 9.8. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibilities as to Change Orders, see Articles 10, 11 and 12. 9.9. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibilities in respect of Applications for Payment, etc., see Article 14. Determinations for Unit Prices: 9.10. ENGINEER will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR. ENGINEER will review with CONTRACTOR ENGINEER's preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written decision thereon (by recommendation of an Application for Payment or otherwise). ENGINEER's written decisions thereon will be final and binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, unless, within ten (10) days after the date of any such decision, either OWNER or CONTRACTOR delivers to the other party to the Agreement and to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from such a decision. Decisions on Disputes: 9.11. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and claims under Articles 11 and 12 in respect of changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time will be referred initially to ENGINEER in writing, with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which ENGINEER will render in writing within a reasonable time. Written notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter will be delivered by the claimant to ENGINEER and other party to the Agreement promptly (but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to ENGINEER and the other party within sixty (60) days after such occurrence unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim. 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under paragraph 9.10 and 9.11, ENGINEER will not show partiality to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by ENGINEER pursuant to GC -20 paragraphs 9. 10 and 9.11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.16) will be a condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. Limitations on ENGINEER's Responsibilities: 9.13. Neither ENGINEER's authority to act under this Article 9 or elsewhere in the contract Documents nor any decision made by ENGINEER in good faith either to exercise or not exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or any other person or organization performing any of the Work, or to any surety for any of them. 9.14. ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.15. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any Subcontractor, any Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. ARTICLE 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work; these will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work Directive Change. Upon receipt of any such document, CONTRACTOR shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). 10.2. If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an increase or decrease in the Contract Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time that should be allowed as a result of a Work Directive Change, a claim may be made therefor as provided in Article 1 I or Article 12. 10.3. CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any Work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6.22 and except in the case of uncovering Work as provided in paragraph 13.9. 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall execute appropriate Change orders (or Written Amendments) covering: i. Changes in the Work which are ordered by OWNER pursuant to paragraph 10. 1, are required because of acceptance of defective Work under paragraph 13.13 or correcting defective Work under paragraph 13.14, or are agreed to by the parties; and ii. Changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties; iii. Changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 9.13; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any GC -21 such appeal, CONTRACTOR shall carry on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in paragraph 6.29. 10.5. If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACTOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE 11 CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to CONTRACTOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by CONTRACTOR shall be at its expense without change in the Contract price. 11.2. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order or by a Written Amendment. Any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after such occurrence (unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the amount claimed covers all known amounts (direct, indirect and consequential) to which the claimant is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Price shall be determined by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree on the amount involved. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this paragraph 11.2. 11.3. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be determined in one of the following ways; i. Where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of paragraphs 11.9.1 through 11.9.3, inclusive), ii. By mutual acceptance of a lump sum (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with paragraph, or iii. On the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a CONTRACTOR's Fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in paragraphs 11.6 and 11.7). Cost of the Work: 11.4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such costs shall be in the amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5 and shall include only the following items: 11.4.1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages, plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, workers' or workmen's compensation, health GC -22 and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. Such employees shall include superintendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of performing Work after regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday or legal holidays shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by OWNER. 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. All case discounts shall accrue to CONTRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments, in which case the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER. All trade discounts, rebates and refunds and all returns from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to OWNER, and CONTRACTOR shall make provisions so that they may be obtained. 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive proposals from Subcontractors acceptable to CONTRACTOR and shall deliver such proposals to OWNER, who will then determine, with the advice of ENGINEER, which proposals will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work shall be determined in the same manner as CONTRACTOR's Cost of the Work. All subcontracts shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 11.4.4. Costs of special consultants (including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, attorneys and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the site and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of CONTRACTOR. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof, whether rented from CONTRACTOR or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by OWNER with the advice of ENGINEER, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof - all in accordance with terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. Sales, consumer, use or similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, imposed by Laws and Regulations. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. Losses and damages (and related expenses) not compensated by insurance or otherwise, to the Work or otherwise sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the performance and furnishing of the Work (except losses and damages within the deductible amounts of property insurance established by OWNER in accordance with paragraph 5.9), provided they have resulted from causes other than the intentional acts or negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OWNER. No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR's Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage GC -23 requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR is placed in charge thereof, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site, expressage and similar petty case items in connection with the Work. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work and premiums for property insurance coverage within the limits of the deductible amounts established by OWNER. 11.5. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following: 11.5.1. Payroll costs and other compensation of CONTRACTOR's officers, executives, principals (of partnership and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expeditor, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by CONTRACTOR, whether at the site or in CONTRACTOR's principal or a branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in paragraph 11.4.1 or specifically covered by paragraph 11.4.4 - all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the CONTRACTOR's Fee. 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's office at the site. 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACTOR's capital expenses, including interest on CONTRACTOR's capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premium for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for the cost of premiums covered by subparagraph above). 11.5.5. Cost due to the intentional acts or negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including, but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5.6. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. CONTRACTOR's Fee: 11.6. The CONTRACTOR's Fee allowed to CONTRACTOR for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 11.6.1. A mutually acceptable fixed fee; or if none can be agreed upon, 11.6.2. A fee based on the following considerations: For costs incurred under paragraphs 11.4.1 and 11.4.2, CONTRACTOR's Fee shall be fifteen percent (15 %) of the Cost of such Work; For costs incurred under paragraph 11.4.3, CONTRACTOR's Fee shall be five percent (5 %) of the Cost of such Work; and if a subcontract is on the basis of Cost of the GC -24 Work Plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to CONTRACTOR on account of overhead and profit of all Subcontractors shall be fifteen percent (15 %) of the Cost of such Work; No fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.5; The amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease, plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR's Fee by an amount equal to ten percent (10 %) of the net decrease; and When both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the adjustment in CONTRACTOR's Fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through, inclusive. 11.7. Whenever the cost of any Work is to be determined pursuant to paragraphs 11.4. or 11.5, CONTRACTOR shall submit in form acceptable to ENGINEER an itemized cost breakdown, together with supporting data. Cash Allowances: 11.8. It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be done by such Subcontractors or Suppliers and for such sums within the limit of the allowances as may be acceptable to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR agrees that: 11.8.1. The allowances include the cost to CONTRACTOR (less any applicable trade discounts) of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the site, and all applicable taxes; and 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and handling on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the allowances have been included in the Contract Price and not in allowances. No demand for additional payment on account of any thereof will be valid. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued as recommended by ENGINEER to reflect actual amounts due CONTRACTOR on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. Unit Price Work: 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the established unit prices for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Proposals and determine an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. 11.9.3. Where the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the GC -25 Agreement and there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work and if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR has incurred additional expense as a result thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an increase in the Contract Price in accordance with Article 11 if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase. ARTICLE 12 CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.1. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an extension or shortening of the Contract Time shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered within sixty (60) days after such occurrence (unless ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to ascertain written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the claimant has reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. All claims for adjustment in the Contract Time shall be determined by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 9.11 if OWNER and CONTRACTOR cannot otherwise agree. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Time will be valid if not submitted in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph 12.1. 12.2. All equipment delivery and subcontractor or supplier performance shall be considered to be within the control of CONTRACTOR. No time extensions shall be granted for delays due to manufacturing, delivery, or failure to perform under the contract. No time extension shall be granted unless CONTRACTOR can demonstrate, with the concurrence of ENGINEER, that the Contract Time requires modification. 12.3. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. The provisions of this Article 12 shall not exclude recovery of damages (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) for delay by either party. 12.4. Claims for extension of Contract Time will be approved by OWNER only if the item or the event which causes the delay, affects the path of critical events of the Work. In such case, an extension of time will then be allowed to equal the number of days by which this path of events is lengthened. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall indicate this path of critical events, by diagram or narrative, in such detail as may be necessary to justify the claim and establish the number of days delay. The path of critical events mentioned herein is defined as that series of interdependent construction events which must be sequentially performed and which require a longer total time to perform than any other such series. ARTICLE 13 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE: TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK Warranty and Guarantee: 13.1. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to OWNER and ENGINEER that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. Prompt notice of all defects shall be given to CONTRACTOR. All defective work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Article 13. Access to Work: 13.2. ENGINEER and ENGINEER's representatives, other representatives of OWNER, testing agencies and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspecting and testing. CONTRACTOR shall provide proper and safe conditions GC -26 for such access. Tests and Inspections: 13.3. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals. Prompt notice of all observed defects shall be given to the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours notice to ENGINEER prior to all required inspections, tests or approvals, unless otherwise provided. 13.4. If Laws and Regulation of any public body having jurisdiction require any Work (or part thereof) to specifically be inspected, tested or approved, CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility therefor, pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish ENGINEER the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. CONTRACTOR shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspection or testing required in connection with OWNER's or ENGINEER's acceptance of a Supplier of materials or equipment proposed to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials or equipment submitted for approval prior to CONTRACTOR's purchase thereof for incorporation of the Work. All cost of all inspections, tests, certifications and approvals required by the Contract Documents shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR. All re- testing requested by the ENGINEER shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR. 13.5. All inspections, tests or approvals other than those required by Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to OWNER and CONTRACTOR (or by ENGINEER if so specified). 13.6. If any Work (including the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written concurrence of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense, unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of CONTRACTOR's intention to cover the same and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.7. Neither observations by ENGINEER nor inspections, tests or approvals by others shall relieve CONTRACTOR for CONTRACTOR's obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Uncovering Work: 13.8. If any Work is covered contrary to the written request of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for ENGINEER's observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. 13.9. If ENGINEER considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by ENGINEER or inspected or tested by others, CONTRACTOR, at ENGINEER's request, shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as ENGINEER may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is defective, CONTRACTOR shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction, (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals), and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If, however, such Work is not found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction; and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim therefor as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Owner May Stop the Work: 13.10 If the Work is defective, or CONTRACTOR fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed GC -27 Work will conform to the Contract Documents, OWNER may order CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any other party. Correction or Removal of Defective Work: 13.11 If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and replace it with non - defective Work. CONTRACTOR shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such correction or removal (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals) made necessary thereby. One Year Correction Period: 13.12 If within one (1) year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's written instructions, either correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from the site and replace it with non- defective Work. If CONTRACTOR does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such removal and replacement (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals) will be paid by CONTRACTOR. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Substantial Completion of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Specifications or by Written Amendment. Acceptance of Defective Work: 13.13. If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, Owner (and, prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment, also ENGINEER) prefers to accept it, OWNER may do so. CONTRACTOR shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work (such costs to be approved by ENGINEER as to reasonableness and to include, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals). If any such acceptance occurs prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. If the acceptance occurs after such recommendation, an appropriate amount will be paid by CONTRACTOR to OWNER. Owner May Correct Defective Work: 13.14. If CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice of ENGINEER to proceed to correct and to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGINEER in accordance with paragraph 13.11 or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, or if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven (7) days' written notice to CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such deficiency. In exercising the rights and remedies under this paragraph, OWNER shall proceed expeditiously to the extent necessary to complete corrective and remedial action. OWNER may exclude CONTRACTOR from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, take possession of CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. CONTRACTOR shall GC -28 allow OWNER, OWNER's representatives, agents and employees such access to the site as may be necessary to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and remedies under this paragraph. All direct, indirect and consequential costs of OWNER in exercising such rights and remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR in an amount approved as to reasonableness by ENGINEER, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions if the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim therefor as provided in Article 11. Such direct, indirect and consequential costs will include, but not be limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals, all court and arbitration costs and all costs of repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of CONTRACTOR's defective Work. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to the exercise by OWNER of OWNER's rights and remedies hereunder. ARTICLE 14 PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION Schedule of Values: 14.1. The schedule of values established as provided in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to ENGINEER. Progress payment on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. Application for Progress Payment: 14.2. At least twenty (20) days before each progress payment is scheduled (not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNER's interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Agreement. CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Title: 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by an Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to OWNER not later than the time of payment, free and clear of all Liens. Review of Applications for Progress Payment: 14.4. ENGINEER will, within (10) days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER, or return the application to CONTRACTOR indicating in writing ENGINEER's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Ten (1) days after presentation of the Application for Payment with ENGINEER's recommendation, the amount recommended will (subject to the provisions of the last sentence of paragraph 14.7) become due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 14.5. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment GC -29 will constitute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNER, based on ENGINEER's on -site observations of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified design professional and on ENGINEER's review of the application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under paragraph 9. 10, and to any other qualifications stated in the recommendation); and that CONTRACTOR is entitled to payment of the amount recommended. However, by recommending any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive or continuous on -site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents or that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER or OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. 14.6. ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment will constitute an additional representation by ENGINEER to OWNER that the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to final payment as set forth in paragraph 14.13 have been fulfilled. 14.7 ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment, if in ENGINEER's opinion, it would be incorrect to make such representations to OWNER. ENGINEER may also refuse to recommend any such payment, or because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nullify and such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in ENGINEER's opinion to protect OWNER from loss because: or replacement; The Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged required correction ii. The Contract Price has been reduced by Written Amendment or Change Order; iii. OWNER has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.14; or iv. Of ENGINEER's actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.9, inclusive. OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's performance or furnishing of the Work or Liens have been filed in connection with the Work or there are other items entitling OWNER to a setoff against the amount recommended, but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons for such action. Substantial Completion: 14.8. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that the entire Work is substantially complete (except for items specifically listed by CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and request that ENGINEER issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion. If ENGINEER does not consider the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentative certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to the certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected before final payment. OWNER shall have seven (7) days after receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate or attached list. If, after considering such objections, ENGINEER concludes that the Work is not substantially complete, ENGINEER will, within fourteen (14) days after submission of the tentative certificate to OWNER, notify GC -30 CONTRACTOR in writing, stating the reasons therefor. If, after consideration of OWNER's objections, ENGINEER considers the work substantially complete, ENGINEER will, within said fourteen (14) days, execute and deliver to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a definitive certificate of Substantial Completion (with a revised tentative list of items to be completed or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tentative certificate as ENGINEER believes justified after consideration of any objections from OWNER. At the time of delivery to OWNER and CONTRACTOR a written recommendation as to division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operations, safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties. Unless OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree otherwise in writing and so inform ENGINEER prior to ENGINEER's issuing the definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, ENGINEER's aforesaid recommendation will be binding on OWNER and CONTRACTOR until final payment. 14.9 OWNER shall have the right to exclude CONTRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Completion, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list, Partial Utilization: 14.10. Use by OWNER of any finished part of the Work, which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or which OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR agree constitutes a separately functioning and useable part of the Work that can be used by OWNER without significant interference with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the following: 14.10.1. OWNER at any time may request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to use any such part of the Work which OWNER believes to be ready for its intended use and substantially complete. If CONTRACTOR agrees, CONTRACTOR will certify to OWNER and ENGINEER that said part of the Work is substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the Work. CONTRACTOR at any time may notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that CONTRACTOR considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and Completion for that part of the Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If ENGINEER does not consider the part of the Work to be substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify OWNER and CONTRACTOR in writing, giving the reasons therefor. If ENGINEER considers that part of the Work to be substantially complete, the provisions of paragraphs 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification of Substantial Completion of that part of the Work and the division of responsibility in respect thereof and access thereto. 14.10.2. OWNER may at any time request CONTRACTOR in writing to permit OWNER to take over operation of any such part of the Work although it is not substantially complete. A copy of such request will be sent to ENGINEER and within a reasonable time thereafter OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion and will prepare a list of the items remaining to be completed or corrected thereon before final payment. If CONTRACTOR does not object in writing to OWNER and ENGINEER that such part of the Work is not ready for separate operation by OWNER, ENGINEER will finalize the list of items to be completed or corrected and will deliver such list to OWNER and CONTRACTOR, together with a written recommendation as to the division of responsibilities ending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, utilities, insurance, warranties and guarantees for that part of the Work which will become binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR at the time when OWNER takes over such operation (unless they shall have otherwise agreed in writing and so informed ENGINEER). During such operation and prior to Substantial Completion of such part of the Work, OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on said list and to complete other related Work. GC -31 14.10.3. No occupancy or separate operation of part of the Work will be accomplished prior to compliance with the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect to property insurance. Final Inspection: 14.11 Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, ENGINEER will make a final inspection with OWNER and CONTRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiencies. Final Application for Payment: 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of ENGINEER and delivered all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates of inspection, marked -up record documents (as provided in paragraph 6.19) and other documents as required by the Contract Documents, and after ENGINEER has indicated that the Work is acceptable, CONTRACTOR may make final Application for Payment following the procedure for progress payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied by all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, together with complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to OWNER) of all liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu thereof and if approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may furnish receipts or releases in full; an affidavit of CONTRACTOR that the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be filed, and that all payrolls, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which OWNER or OWNER's property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied; and consent of the surety if any, to final payment. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails to furnish a release or receipt in full, CONTRACTOR and furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any Lien. Final Payment and Acceptance: 14.13. If, on the basis of ENGINEER's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection, and ENGINEER's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation - all as required by the Contract Documents, ENGINEER is satisfied that the Work has been completed and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the Contract Documents have been fulfilled, ENGINEER will, within ten (10) days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing ENGINEER's recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. Thereupon ENGINEER will give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR that the Work is acceptable subject to the provision of paragraph 14.16. Otherwise, ENGINEER will return the application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Thirty (30) days after presentation to OWNER of the Application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance, and with ENGINEER's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGINEER will become due and will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 14.14. If, through no fault of CONTRACTOR, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed and if ENGINEER so confirms, OWNER shall, upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's final Application for Payment and recommendation of ENGINEER, and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by OWNER for Work not full completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been furnished as required in paragraph 5. 1, the written consent of the surety of the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. GC -32 Contractor's Continuing Obligation: 14.15. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any progress or final payment by ENGINEER, or the issuance of a certificate of Substantial Completion, or any payment by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, nor any use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNER, nor any act of acceptance by OWNER nor any failure to do so, nor any review and approval of a Shop Drawing or sample submission, nor the issuance of a notice of acceptability by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 14.13, nor any correction of defective Work by OWNER will constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (except as provided in paragraph 14.16). Waiver of Claims: 14.16. The making and acceptance of final payment will constitute a waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writing and identified by CONTRACTOR as unsettled at the time of the final Application for Payment. ARTICLE 15 SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION Owner May Suspend Work: 15.1. OWNER may, at any time and without cause, suspend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more than ninety (90) days by notice in writing to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER which will fix the date on which Work will be resumed. CONTRACTOR shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension if CONTRACTOR makes an approved claim therefor as provided in Articles l 1 and 12. Owner May Terminate: 15.2. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events: i. If CONTRACTOR commences a voluntary case under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11, United States Code), as now or hereafter in effect, or if CONTRACTOR takes any equivalent or similar action by filing a petition or otherwise under any other federal or state law in effect at such time relating to the bankruptcy or insolvency; ii. If a petition is filed against CONTRACTOR under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code as now or hereafter in effect at the time of filing, or if a petition is filed seeking any such equivalent or similar relief against CONTRACTOR under any other federal or state law in effect at the time relating to Bankruptcy or insolvency; iii. If CONTRACTOR makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; iv. If a trustee, receiver custodian or agent of CONTRACTOR is appointed under applicable law or under contract, whose appointment or authority to take charge of property of CONTRACTOR is for the purpose of enforcing a Lien against such property or for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of CONTRACTOR's creditors; become due; If CONTRACTOR admits in writing an inability to pay its debts generally as they GC -33 vi. If CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or failure to adhere to the progress schedule established under paragraph 29.9 as reviewed from time to time); vii. If CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; viii. If CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of ENGINEER; or ix. If CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any substantial way any provision of the Contract Documents: OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if there be one) seven (7) days' written notice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR, exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by CONTRACTOR (without liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct, indirect and consequential costs of completing the Work (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs), such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER. Such costs incurred by OWNER will be approved as to reasonableness by ENGINEER and incorporated in a Change Order, but when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph, OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 15.3. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by Owner, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of monies due CONTRACTOR by OWNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. 15.4. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and terminate the Agreement. In such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained, plus reasonable termination expenses, which will include, but not be limited to, direct, indirect and consequential costs including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineer, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs). Contractor May Stop Work or Terminate: 15.5. If, through no act or fault of CONTRACTOR, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or ENGINEER fails to act on any Application for Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or OWNER fails for thirty (30) days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, the CONTRACTOR may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, terminate the Agreement and recover from OWNER payment for all Work executed and any expense sustained, plus reasonable termination expenses. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Agreement, if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Application for Payment or OWNER has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, CONTRACTOR may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER, stop the Work until payment of all amounts then due. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of the obligations under paragraph 6.29 to carry on Work in accordance with the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with OWNER. GC -34 ARTICLE 16 MISCELLANEOUS Giving Notice: 16.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents require the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for when it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. Computation of Time: 16.2.1. When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day will be omitted from the computation. 16.6.2. A calendar day of twenty -four (24) hours measured from midnight to the next midnight shall constitute a day. General: 16.3. Should OWNER or CONTRACTOR suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other parry's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17.3 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. 16.4. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular, but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR by paragraphs 6.30, 13.1, 13.12, 13.14, 14.3 and 15.2 and all of the rights and remedies available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties and guarantees made in the Contract Documents will survive final payment and termination of completion of the Agreement. 16.5. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or a public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY 2 for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. GC -35 AGREEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. ARCADIS- AD4 IF THIS AGREEMENT REPRESENTS A "MASTER AGREEMENT CHECK HERE ❑ AND REFER TO SCHEDULE A, PARAGRAPH 30. PLEASE INCLUDE SUBCONTRACT AND ARCADIS PROJECT NUMBERS ON ALL INVOICES AND CORRESPONDENCE: ARCADIS PROJECT NO: WF089000.0000 • CLIENT NAME: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA • CLIENT CONTRACT NO: NOT DETERMINED (If applicable) • TYPE OF SERVICE(S) TO BE PERFORMED [Check All That • MAIL INVOICE TO: Apply): ARCADIS U. S.. Inc. ❑ Ethical Business Practices Provision (Non -U.S. Work) 2081 Vista Parkway. Suite 200 (include Schedule L) West Palm Beach, FL 33411 ❑ Consulting ATTN:Thomas L. Tessier ❑ Construction (include Schedule F) ® Drilling and/or Geoprobe (include Schedule G) Telephone No. 561 -697 -7000 ❑ Laboratory (include Schedule H) Facsimile No.: 561- 697 -7751 ❑ Surveying (include Schedule I) E -mail Address: ttessier(a arcadis- us.com ❑ Utility Location/Clearance (include Schedule G) Other: • SUBCONTRACTOR NAME & ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINT): • ARCADIS LEGAL ENTITY ( "SUBCONTRACTOR ") ATTN: ARCADIS U. S.. Inc. ("ARCADIS ") 2081 Vista Parkway. Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33411 ATTN:Thomas L. Tessier Telephone No. Telephone No. 561- 697 -7000 Facsimile No.: Facsimile No.: 561- 697 -7751 E -mail Address: E -mail Address: ttessierna.arcadis- us.com ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR desire that SUBCONTRACTOR be available to perform certain services as required by ARCADIS on behalf of ARCADIS Clients. SUBCONTRACTOR represents that it possesses the necessary skills and experience to provide the requested SUBCONTRACTOR Services ( "the Work" or "the Services ") and agrees to perform the Work or Services as described in this Agreement and Work Authorization(s) ( "Work Authorization ") issued from time to time by ARCADIS and accepted by SUBCONTRACTOR, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall consist of the following documents if designated and/or otherwise attached hereto: ® AGREEMENT for Subcontractor Services • SCHEDULE A: General Provisions • SCHEDULE B: Initial ARCADIS Work Authorization(s) to include Statement of Services & Subcontractor Compensation ® SCHEDULE C: Minimum Insurance Requirements ® SCHEDULE D: Prime Contract Terms & Conditions (Flowdowns) ❑ SCHEDULE E: Special Provisions -Other (if any) ® SCHEDULE F: Special Provisions for Contractors M SCHEDULE G: Special Provisions for Utility Locators, Dri (ling / Geoprobe LJ SCHEDULE H: Special Provisions for Laboratory Services ❑ SCHEDULE I: Special Provisions for Surveyors ❑ SCHEDULE L: Ethical Business Practices Provision ❑ EXHIBIT 1: Work Authorization Form ❑ EXHIBIT 2: Release of Lien Form ❑ EXHIBIT 3: Subcontractor's duly authorized and compliant Insurance Certificate ❑ EXHIBIT 4: Other: and Intrusive Services This Agreement for Subcontractor Services ( "Agreement ") is made this day of , (the "Effecitive Date ") for good and valuable consideration (the receipt of which is acknowledged). This Agreement may not be modified without the express written consent of both parties and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR. The Initial Term of this Agreement shall be one year from the date set forth above and shall automatically renew for successive one (1) year periods, subject to the provisions for termination as herein provided. SUBCONTRACTOR ARCADIS By: By: (Signature of duly Authorized Representative) (Signature of duly Authorized Representative) Name Printed: Name Printed: Title Printed: Title Printed: Date: Date: ARCADIS AGREEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES SUBCONTRACTOR shall diligently perform all services, furnish all labor and materials and perform all tasks necessary to produce all of the deliverables required and perform all of the Work reasonably implied or inferred in each duly executed Work Authorization issued under the terms of this Agreement, its Schedules and Exhibits, as well as all other documents attached to or incorporated by reference as forming a part of this Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction (including any requirement to obtain and maintain any permits, licenses, or approvals) in order to complete the Work described in each Work Authorization issued hereunder. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to commence and complete the Work in accordance with any schedule incorporated into this Agreement, or any duly executed Work Authorization, or any schedule submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR and otherwise accepted in writing by ARCADIS; and with respect to any Changes, out of scope or additional work, SUBCONTRACTOR shall expeditiously perform such work according to any schedule therefore agreed to by the parties. SUBCONTRACTOR shall designate a competent representative at each location SUBCONTRACTOR is performing services for ARCADIS ( "Site ") and shall do no work unless its representative is present. SUBCONTRACTOR's representative shall be in full charge of the Work and all instructions or notices given to him or her shall be binding as if given to SUBCONTRACTOR directly. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be compensated for Work satisfactorily completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as agreed between the Parties in each duly executed Work Authorization. 3.1 SUBCONTRACTOR expressly agrees that it shall be a condition to any payment that ARCADIS shall have received payment from the Client for such work of the SUBCONTRACTOR, and that such payment by the Client shall be a condition precedent to ARCADIS' obligations hereunder, and that ARCADIS shall have no obligation to SUBCONTRACTOR unless payment for such work is made to ARCADIS by the Client. 3.2 Each invoice submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR to ARCADIS shall be a complete and accurate statement of the work provided; and shall be considered a warranty on the part of SUBCONTRACTOR to ARCADIS that SUBCONTRACTOR is properly entitled to payment. SUBCONTRACTOR shall only charge for labor and materials in the invoice at rates and quantities actually used, and prior to submitting any invoice for reimbursement, shall have paid all persons or entities performing services or furnishing materials or supplies to SUBCONTRACTOR hereunder during the period covered by such invoice, unless SUBCONTRACTOR specifies on any such invoice the name of the person or entity who or which has not fully been paid, and the amount then owing to any such person or corporation. No payment shall be made to SUBCONTRACTOR without a duly executed Agreement or Work Authorization and a valid, current Certificate of Insurance in compliance with this Agreement and the governing Work Authorization. 3.3 If ARCADIS objects to any portion of an invoice, ARCADIS shall notify SUBCONTRACTOR of the objection and the grounds, and the parties immediately shall make every effort to settle the disputed portion of the invoice. ARCADIS, in any event, shall pay every portion of the invoice that is not in dispute within the period for payment. 3.4 The final Applications for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: (i) all documents called for in the Agreement, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Schedule A, Section 7, Schedule C and Schedule D, (ii) consent of the surety, if any, to final payment, and (iii) complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to ARCADIS) of all Liens arising out of or filed in connection with the Work including release from all sub- subcontractors and suppliers. If any sub - subcontractor or supplier fails to furnish such a release or receipt in full, SUBCONTRACTOR may furnish a bond or other collateral satisfactory to ARCADIS to indemnify ARCADIS against any Lien. 3.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing, ARCADIS may withhold from any payment any amounts in dispute because of, but not limited to the following: (i) defective work not remedied; (ii) third -party claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims, (iii) failure of the SUBCONTRACTOR to make payment properly to subcontractors or for labor, materials or equipment; (iv) damage to another contractor or other entity; (v) unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the SUBCONTRACTOR; or (vi) amounts owed by SUBCONTRACTOR to ARCADIS under this or any other Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR shall promptly pay all bills incurred by SUBCONTRACTOR in performance of the Work, including, without limitation, bills for labor, services, equipment, and materials. 3.6 Payments made to the SUBCONTRACTOR will include compensation for any and all applicable sales, use, gross receipts or excises taxes. In recognition that ARCADIS' client agreement requires the prompt submission of invoices for payment, the parties agree that all invoices must be submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR to ARCADIS within ninety (90) days of the date costs are incurred or the scheduled completion date whichever occurs first. SUBCONTRACTOR waives its right to receive payment on any and all invoices which are not submitted within that time period. 3.7 ARCADIS may set -off or counterclaim against amounts payable to SUBCONTRACTOR, or asserted to be payable to SUBCONTRACTOR, under this or any other contract, any claim ARCADIS may have against SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall faithfully perform its services and the Work using the highest degree of care, skill, training, diligence and judgment ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by competent members of the profession which SUBCONTRACTOR practices or industry or business in which SUBCONTRACTOR works. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to promptly reperform, repair or replace, at ARCADIS' option and at SUBCONTRACTOR's cost and expense, any service or Work which fail to conform to such requirements or in the event such a degree of skill and care is not exercised. SUBCONTRACTOR further warrants and guarantees that al I goods and materials provided hereunder shall be: (i) be new and fit for the intended purpose, (ii) provided in conformance with types and quantities specified; (iii) installed by qualified, careful and efficient workers; and, (iv) free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (I) year from completion and acceptance by ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR further warrants all Work, including but not limited to all materials and equipment, against failure, leaks, breaks, and other unsatisfactory conditions or defects for a period of one (1) year from completion and acceptance by ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to promptly repair or replace, at ARCADIS' option and at SUBCONTRACTOR's cost and expense, all defects, as well as faulty materials, equipment, and systems, including but not limited to, manufactured parts and faulty installation. SUBCONTRACTOR further agrees to obtain and assign to ARCADIS or its Client, as directed by ARCADIS, all guarantees and warranties offered by or reasonably available from all vendors, subcontractors and suppliers of goods or services who provide machinery, equipment, materials or services for the Work, including but not limited to those required under the Prime Contract. If at any time during performance of the Work or during the one (1) year period after completion and acceptance of the Work by ARCADIS (or such longer period of time as may be required by the Prime Contract between ARCADIS and its Client), SUBCONTRACTOR shall receive a written notice of defect or non - conformance from ARCADIS and shall fail to correct such defect or non - conformity within the time limit specified, ARCADIS may cause the same to be corrected by either its own forces or by others and either deduct costs incurred from any amounts due and owing to SUBCONTRACTOR under this or any other Agreement between ARCADIS or its affiliated companies and SUBCONTRACTOR or invoice SUBCONTRACTOR directly for such damages. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to reimburse ARCADIS within thirty (30) days of receipt of ARCADIS' itemized invoice. SUBCONTRACTOR shall at all times enforce, or cause to be enforced, strict discipline and good order among workmen employed to perform the Work. Should any disorderly or incompetent person be employed by SUBCONTRACTOR, or by any lower -tier subcontractor, upon or about any Site, SUBCONTRACTOR shall, upon request of ARCADIS' representative, cause such person to be removed from such Site and not be again employed thereon without written permission of ARCADIS. For purposes hereof, SUBCONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and shall not be considered an employee or agent of ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR is responsible for all means, methods, sequences and procedures for carrying out the Work, including safety, and shall maintain complete control of its employees, agents, subcontractors and vendors. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not take any action or allow any omission inconsistent with its status as an independent contractor under this Agreement. This Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the Prime Contract entered into between ARCADIS and the owner or client for the specific Project. SUBCONTRACTOR has received a copy of such contract and agrees to perform all obligations of such contract as it applies and with respect to the Work of the SUBCONTRACTOR, including any terms and provisions for indemnity, insurance, warranties, and liquidated damages. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed as creating any agency or granting either party any right or authority to assume or to create any obligation, warranty or responsibility on behalf of the other. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not subcontract performance of all or any portion of the Work under this Agreement without the prior written approval of ARCADIS. If requested by ARCADIS, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish ARCADIS a copy of the proposed subcontract for ARCADIS' review of the terms and conditions thereof, and shall not execute such subcontract until ARCADIS has given notice of ARCADIS' approval. Failure of SUBCONTRACTOR to comply with this section may be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement and grounds for ARCADIS to withhold payment therefor. SUBCONTRACTOR guarantees that subcontractors of SUBCONTRACTOR, for performance of the Work, will comply fully with the terms of this Agreement applicable to the portion of the Work performed by them. No changes to this Agreement and no extra charges will be allowed unless a duly authorized representative of ARCADIS specifically agrees to them in writing. As a condition precedent to SUBCONTRACTOR's recovery on any claim for an increase in the cost of the Work or for an extension of time to complete the Work (a "Claim "), SUBCONTRACTOR shall, immediately after the occurrence of the event which SUBCONTRACTOR believes may give rise to a Claim, give ARCADIS written notice of the claim, which notice shall contain a verified statement that supports the claim and details the estimated change in the Subcontract cost and the time to complete the Work. SUBCONTRACTOR's failure to provide notice as required by this paragraph shall be a waiver of SUBCONTRACTOR's right to recovery under the terms of the Prime Contract between ARCADIS and its Client on a Claim. In no event shall SUBCONTRACTOR be entitled to compensation for changes which are not reimbursable to ARCADIS by its Client. Any determination by ARCADIS or Client with regard to same shall be binding upon SUBCONTRACTOR. From the date of commencement of the Work until its completion, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain, at a minimum, at SUBCONTRACTOR's expense, the insurance required by Schedule C. In the event the Client requests additional types or an increase in the amounts of insurance required in Schedule C, as may defined in any Work Authorization or Prime Contract attached hereto or made a part hereof, SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to comply with such request and to notify ARCADIS of any failures to comply prior to accepting the contemplated work. In the event SUBCONTRACTOR fails to provide such notice, ARCADIS shall have the right but not the obligation to procure said insurance for SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall pay ARCADIS any and all costs and expenses incurred by ARCADIS in procuring said insurance, and ARCADIS may deduct this amount from the Subcontract cost. SUBCONTRACTOR's failure to procure the required types and limits of insurance as set forth herein shall not relieve SUBCONTRACTOR of its indemnification obligations hereunder. Title to all materials shall pass to the Client upon delivery to the work site. SUBCONTRACTOR shall bear the risk of loss of such materials until completion of the Work and final acceptance by ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ARCADIS and the Client served under this Agreement and the directors, officers, employees, shareholders and affiliates of either of them from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) which Client, ARCADIS and their directors, officers, employees and agents hereafter may suffer as the result any breach by SUBCONTRACTOR of the terms of this Agreement or in connection with any claim, demand, action or right of action (whether at law or in equity) brought or asserted by any third party including, but not limited to any personal injury (including death) or property damage relating to or arising from the performance of the Work by the SUBCONTRACTOR, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, lower -tier subcontractors, agents or representatives. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not be liable to the extent that any liability, loss, damage, cost, and expense results from the sole negligence or willful misconduct by ARCADIS or its directors, officers, employees or agents. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to promptly pay ARCADIS all sums ARCADIS may be required to pay in settlement of any Loss on account thereof, including any claim under the provisions of any workers' compensation law or similar law. In the event any Loss is claimed by one party against the other, and the claiming party does not succeed in proving the Loss, the other party shall be entitled to recover, within a reasonable period of time after demand therefor, all reasonable costs incurred. SUBCONTRACTOR shall promptly pay for all services, materials, equipment and labor used or furnished by SUBCONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work, and shall, at SUBCONTRACTOR's expense, keep all property belonging to ARCADIS and Client or either of them free and clear of any and all liens and rights of lien arising out of services, labor, equipment, or materials furnished by SUBCONTRACTOR or its employees, material men or sub - subcontractors in performance of the Work. If SUBCONTRACTOR fails to release and discharge any such claim or lien on the property of ARCADIS and Client or either of them within seven (7) days after receipt of written notice from ARCADIS to remove such claim or lien, ARCADIS may, at its option, discharge or release the lien or claim of lien or take such other action with respect to the lien as ARCADIS may deem appropriate. SUBCONTRACTOR shall pay ARCADIS any and all costs and expenses incurred by ARCADIS in so doing (including reasonable attorney's fees), and ARCADIS may deduct this amount from the Subcontract cost. SUBCONTRACTOR shall, at its own expense, defend any action based on such claim or lien, and shall pay and satisfy any judgment which may be established by decision of the court. SUBCONTRACTOR certifies compliance with all applicable Federal, provincial, state, local and other anti- discrimination laws, the standards and regulations issued thereunder, and the amendments thereto. The SUBCONTRACTOR certifies compliance, to the extent applicable, with all applicable provisions of the standards and regulations issued thereunder. Such rules and regulations are incorporated herein by reference with the same force and effect as if set forth herein verbatim. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not assign or subcontract this Agreement or any part hereof without the prior written consent of ARCADIS, nor shall SUBCONTRACTOR assign any moneys due or to become due to it hereunder without the written consent of ARCADIS. Any such assignment or subcontract shall be null and void. SUBCONTRACTOR shall impose on its lower -tier subcontractors the same responsibilities that SUBCONTRACTOR assumes by the terns and conditions of this Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR will be fully responsible to ARCADIS for the acts and omissions of its lower -tier subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by all of SUBCONTRACTOR's lower -tier subcontractors. This Agreement shall not be transferable by SUBCONTRACTOR or by operation of law. If requested by ARCADIS, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish ARCADIS a copy of any proposed agreement between SUBCONTRACTOR and any of its lower -tier subcontractors for ARCADIS' review of the terms and conditions thereof, and shall not execute such agreement until ARCADIS has given notice of ARCADIS' approval. Failure of SUBCONTRACTOR to comply with this section may be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement and grounds for ARCADIS to withhold payment therefor. SUBCONTRACTOR guarantees that all lower -tier subcontractors of SUBCONTRACTOR will comply fully with the terms of this Agreement which are applicable to the portion of the Work performed by them. SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that if, in the sole discretion of ARCADIS, after consultation with the SUBCONTRACTOR, the potential performance of other services could result in a conflict with SUBCONTRACTOR's obligations under this Agreement or any Work Authorization, then SUBCONTRACTOR shall not perform the services. SUBCONTRACTOR represents that it has reasonably evaluated all potential conflicts and has disclosed and will continue to disclose to ARCADIS in writing any prior or existing relationships which present, or could appear to present, a conflict with the Work or services to be performed. SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges this is a continuing obligation. Time is of the essence in the performance of the obligations created by this Agreement. The initial term of this Agreement shall be as set forth in the signatory page and shall automatically renewal for successive one (I) year periods, subject to the provisions for termination as hereinafter provided. In the event Work has been commenced prior to the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be effective retroactively to the date the Work was commenced. ARCADIS may terminate the services of SUBCONTRACTOR at any time by giving written notice to SUBCONTRACTOR specifying that termination is being made under the provisions of this Paragraph and specifying the effective date of termination if SUBCONTRACTOR should be or become insolvent within the meaning of the Bankruptcy Act of the United States of America and Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act of Canada; (ii) SUBCONTRACTOR should make ageneral assignment for the benefit of creditors; (iii) Any proceeding should be brought by or against SUBCONTRACTOR seeking any reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief, under the present or any future federal bankruptcy acts or under any other applicable federal or state law or regulation; (iv) Any proceeding should be brought seeking the appointment of a receiver or similar office of the court with respect to SUBCONTRACTOR's business; (v) SUBCONTRACTOR should refuse or fail to supply enough properly skilled workmen or equipment or materials of the proper quality to properly or timely perform the Work; (vi) SUBCONTRACTOR should fail to make timely payments to SUBCONTRACTOR's labor, subcontractors, materialmen, or suppliers; (vii) SUBCONTRACTOR should disregard the laws, ordinances, governmental rules or regulations, or should repeatedly disregard instructions of ARCADIS' representative which are consistent with this Agreement; or (viii) SUBCONTRACTOR should violate any provision of this Agreement and shall fail to correct such violation promptly following receipt of notice from ARCADIS. In the event of such termination: (i) On the termination date, ARCADIS shall remove SUBCONTRACTOR from the Site(s) and take possession of all materials thereon for which SUBCONTRACTOR is entitled to receive payment under the provisions of this Agreement, and ARCADIS thereafter may complete the Work, or cause the Work to be completed, by whatever means ARCADIS deems expedient; (ii) SUBCONTRACTOR shall promptly thereafter transfer and assign to ARCADIS, in accordance with ARCADIS' instructions, all improvements and materials for which SUBCONTRACTOR is entitled to receive payment under the provisions of this Agreement, and SUBCONTRACTOR shall return to ARCADIS all information furnished by ARCADIS in connection with the Work, together with all data developed by SUBCONTRACTOR under this Agreement; and (iii) SUBCONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment under this Agreement until the Work is wholly finished, and ARCADIS shall have the right to deduct from any balance due SUBCONTRACTOR under this Agreement the amount of damage in- curred by ARCADIS through SUBCONTRACTOR's default, including the cost of completing the Work. In the event the amount of damage exceeds the balance due hereunder, SUBCONTRACTOR shall pay to ARCADIS the amount of such excess. The rights and remedies of ARCADIS set forth in this Paragraph shall not be exclusive and are in addition to all other rights and remedies of ARCADIS. In the event that ARCADIS terminates or cancels this Agreement, in whole or in part, for convenience or any reason whatsoever, other than default, SUBCONTRACTOR shall have no claim of any kind, sounding either in contract or tort, for recovery of damages, costs or expenses against ARCADIS, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, loss of revenue or profits, business interruption, loss of compensation for changes or other damages of any kind, except that ARCADIS shall be liable to SUBCONTRACTOR in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, inclusive of the limitations set forth in the Prime Contract between ARCADIS and its Client, for any outstanding amount owing to SUBCONTRACTOR as a result of satisfactory Work performed through the effective date of termination and for any non - cancelable commitment entered into by SUBCONTRACTOR relating thereto. SUBCONTRACTOR may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to ARCADIS, provided; however, that SUBCONTRACTOR's notice of termination shall not become effective until SUBCONTRACTOR has completed the Work defined in any and all Work Authorizations accepted by SUBCONTRACTOR under this Agreement prior to SUBCONTRACTOR's tendering of said notice of termination. In either event, SUBCONTRACTOR will promptly discontinue all Work, place no additional orders, and preserve and protect materials on hand which are purchased for or committed to this Agreement, any Work -in- progress and/or completed Work, wherever located, and dispose of the same in accordance with ARCADIS instructions. SUBCONTRACTOR shall maintain complete and accurate working files and/or documentation of the Work, including new data, calculations, estimates, assumptions, logs, maps, drawings, plans, specifications, diaries, interpretations, notes and calibrations, and shall provide ARCADIS unrestricted access to such items and dispose of them only as directed by ARCADIS. All documents provided by SUBCONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement are instruments of service of SUBCONTRACTOR, and SUBCONTRACTOR shall retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the right of reuse) until ARCADIS has made payment to SUBCONTRACTOR for such documents pursuant to this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon termination of this Agreement or at an earlier time if ARCADIS requests, SUBCONTRACTOR will deliver to ARCADIS any data, materials or information received or generated in the performance of this Agreement. other party in writing of the reason for the non - performance and the anticipated extent of any delay. SUBCONTRACTOR shall (i) keep all information regarding the Work or any Work Authorization (including the Site thereof) and the Work itself in strict confidence and (ii) ensure that it and its employees agents, contractors and subcontractors shall treat as confidential any If any dispute arises out of or relates to this Agreement, or the breach information, whether verbal or written or of any description whatsoever, thereof, and the dispute cannot settled through direct discussions developed or obtained in performing the Work or in any way relating to matby ter the representatives Parties, , the Parties agree to submit the mae the Work, the Site or this Agreement. Such information shall not be for ion alternative dispute resolution in accordance with the disclosed to anyone other than ARCADIS, except for disclosure as ontract between ARCADIS and its Client. provisions of the Prime Contract provisions necessary to perform the Work. Under no circumstances shall any Any decision determination required by the Client be binding upon documents or other information relating to the Work or any Work T ARCADIS shall be binding upon SUBCONTRACTOR. When not al Authorizations be submitted or disclosed under any order of or as specified by the Prime Contract, the matter shall be submitted for required by any court or governmental agency, or by any third party, mediation under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules the whether pursuant to subpoena or otherwise, without prior written notice American Arbitration Association before having recourse to juddi cial to and receipt of approval from ARCADIS. This obligation shall foram. No written or oral representation made during the course of any survive termination or completion of this Agreement. settlement negotiations or mediation shall be deemed a party admission. SUBCONTRACTOR shall execute and shall cause its employees assigned to perform the Work to execute a confidentiality agreement in Governing law shall be as set forth in the Prime Contract between a form or format acceptable to and as may be required by ARCADIS or ARCADIS and its Client. In the absence of such provision, the laws of it Client. the State in which the Site is located shall govern this Agreement and SUBCONTRACTOR and its subcontractors will not use or designate the legal relations of the Parties. for use in connection with the Work any patented or patent - pending article, method or device which involves or requires payment of any license, fee or royalty in addition to the purchase price without No waiver ofthe terms, conditions, or covenants ofthis Agreement shall ARCADIS' prior written approval. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to be binding and effective unless the same shall be in writing, signed by indemnify ARCADIS against any cost or expense incurred in both parties. Any such waiver of any breach of the terms, conditions, or connection with the payment of such license, fee or royalty in the event covenants of this Agreement shall be for that one time only and shall not that ARCADIS' prior approval is not obtained. SUBCONTRACTOR apply to any subsequent breach. The failure by either Party to enforce shall defend any suit or proceeding brought against ARCADIS based on against the other Party any term or provision of this Agreement shall be a claim that any item or part of an item fumished under this Agreement deemed not to be a waiver of such Party's right to enforce against the constitutes an infringement of any patent, trademark, servicemark, or other Party the same or any other such term or provision. If any portion copyright, and shall pay all damages and costs awarded against of this Agreement is held invalid or inoperative, then so far as is ARCADIS or required to be paid in settlement of the claim. If the use reasonable and possible, the remainder of this Agreement shall be of an item or part of an item is enjoined, SUBCONTRACTOR shall at deemed valid and operative, and effect shall be given to the intent its own expense either procure for ARCADIS the right to continue using manifested by the portion held invalid or inoperative. the item or part or replace it with a non - infringing item or part or modify the item or part so that it becomes non - infringing. ARCADIS shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies or incomplete or unfinished materials supplied prior to completion of the Work. SUBCONTRACTOR shall maintain all cost, expense, payroll and related financial records and other records pertaining to the Work performed by SUBCONTRACTOR under this Agreement for a period of ten (10) years after final payment under this Agreement or until final conclusion of any litigation or administrative proceeding arising under or materially concerning this Agreement or the Work. ARCADIS shall have access to and the right to audit, copy and inspect such records at any reasonable time during the course of the Work and for the period during which records are maintained. ARCADIS shall have access to and the right to audit such books, records, and documents during SUBCONTRACTOR's normal business hours. If authorization is provided to dispose of SUBCONTRACTOR's records in less than ten (10) years, SUBCONTRACTOR shall offer the records to ARCADIS prior to disposal. ARCADIS shall be responsible for only the reasonable transportation costs of records requested to be delivered to ARCADIS. Any delay in or failure of performance of, either party to this Agreement shall not constitute a default nor give rise to any claim for damage, if and to the extent such delay or failure is caused by occurrences beyond the control of the party affected, including but not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, expropriation or confiscation of facilities or compliance with any order or request of governmental authority, affecting to a degree not presently existing, the supply, availability, or use of personnel or equipment, acts of war, public disorder, insurrection, rebellion, sabotage, flood, riot, or any causes a party is unable, with reasonable diligence, to prevent; provided, however, that a party who is prevented from performing for any reason shall immediately notify the Any such notices shall be either: (i) sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in which case notice shall be deemed delivered three business days after deposit, postage prepaid in the U.S. Mail; (ii) sent by overnight delivery using a nationally recognized overnight courier, in which case it shall be deemed delivered one business day after deposit with such courier; or (iii) sent by personal delivery. The above addresses may be changed by written notice to the other Party; provided, however, that no notice of a change of address shall be effective until actual receipt of such notice. Copies of notices are for informational purposes only, and a failure to give or receive copies of any notice shall not be deemed a failure to give notice. SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that it is responsible for the health and safety of its workers and others relating to SUBCONTRACTOR's Work and Site. SUBCONTRACTOR shall (i) be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with protection of the Work and any other persons who may be affected thereby and (ii) comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations applicable to, and orders of public bodies having jurisdiction over, the safety of persons or property or the protection of them from damage, injury or loss, including, without limitation, the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction as promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (PL 91 -596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL 91 -54). The captions in this Agreement are for convenience only, and are not a part of this Agreement. The captions do not in any way define, limit, describe or amplify the terms and provisions of this Agreement or the scope or intent thereof. This Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement entered into between ARCADIS and the owner or client for the specific Project. SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that it has received a copy of such contract and agrees to perform all obligations of such contract as it applies and with respect to the Work of the SUBCONTRACTOR, including any terms and provisions for indemnity, insurance, warranties, and liquidated damages. The terms and conditions of this Agreement and its attachments are intended to be inclusive and complementary. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any of the Schedules or Exhibits attached hereto or incorporated by reference, the following Order of Precedence shall apply: Schedule E — Special Provisions - Other (If Any), Schedule D — Prime Contract Terms & Conditions, Schedules F -J Special Provisions (as appropriate), Schedule A— General Provisions, Schedule C — Insurance, and Schedule B - Work Authorization (when executed by both Parties). INS 11111112 ENIVII mom to R1141M The enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all rights of action relating to such enforcement, shall be strictly reserved to ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall give or allow any such claim or right of action by any other or third person on such Agreement. It is the express intention of ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR that subcontractors and any other person other than ARCADIS or SUBCONTRACTOR receiving any benefits from this Agreement shall be deemed to be incidental beneficiaries only. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Work, and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements relating thereto, written or oral, except to the extent they are expressly incorporated herein. Unless otherwise provided for herein, no amendments, changes, alterations or modifications of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, executed by ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR. No other waiver, alteration, or modification of any provision in this Agreement will be binding on either parry. Any course of prior dealings or usage of the trade not expressly incorporated in this Agreement shall not be binding on either party. The parties represent and warrant that each has had the opportunity to review and negotiate the terms of this Agreement, with the benefit of counsel if desired, and agree that any ambiguity shall not he construed against the drafter. This Agreement constitutes a Master Agreement if marked as such on the Signature (Cover) page. Future scopes of work may be added to this Master Agreement and shall be governed by its terms through the use of an ARCADIS Work Authorization form that (a) references this Master Agreement and (b) is countersigned by an authorized representative of each party. Work Authorizations may be issued to SUBCONTRACTOR by one or more of ARCADIS' affiliated companies, and SUBCONTRACTOR shall look exclusively to the ARCADIS company issuing such Work Authorization for payment, and will have no recourse against any other ARCADIS affiliated company. END OF SCHEDULE A - GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Date Issued: Issued under Subcontract No.: Subcontractor Name: ager: Jay Ameno WORK AUTHORIZATION No. ARCADIS Project No Prime Contract No. or Date: In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Subcontract Agreement referenced above between ARCADIS U.S.. Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "ARCADIS ") and SUBCONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR is authorized to provide the following services: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ATTACHED? ❑ No ❑ Yes, Proposal dated January 17, 2008 ❑ Prime Agreement Incorporated by Reference ❑ Release/Waiver of Claims and Liens Form ❑ ARCADIS to dispose of SUBCONTRACTOR generated waste FOR LABORATORY SERVICES: ❑ Work Authorization, Part 2 for Certain Laboratory Services PROJECT SCHEDULE Target Start Date: Required Completion Date: YOUR COMPENSATION FOR THESE SERVICES SHALL BE: ❑ Time & Materials in accordance with the attached Rate Schedule ❑ Cost plus Fixed Fee of % in accordance with attached Fixed Fee Schedule ❑ Unit Pricing in accordance with the attached Unit Price Fee Schedule A maximum not to exceed amount of Thirty-one thousand dollars ($31,000.00) is authorized to cover these services. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not incur changes in excess of this amount without prior written approval from ARCADIS. MILESTONE PAYMENT SCHEDULE ❑ Attached SUBCONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS / ATTACHMENTS ❑ Current, Compliant Insurance Certificate ❑ Other: Identify In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Subcontract Agreement referenced above between between (hereinafter referred to as "ARCADIS ") and SUBCONTRACTOR, the previously authorized scope of work and basis of compensation is modified as follows: Description of Change Reason for Change: Additional Information Attached? I ❑ No ❑ Yes, identify: Schedule Impact? l i ❑ No ❑ Yes, explain: and insert revised start and /or completion dates below, as applicable Original Project Start Date: I New Project Start Date: Original Project Completion Date: 1 New Project Completion Date: Cost Impact? f i ❑ No change in subcontract amount required ❑ Increase in subcontract amount required ❑ Decrease in subcontract amount required ❑ No change in subcontract amount presently anticipated; however, final subcontract amount may require increase /decrease to accommodate this change upon project completion. Cost Increase / Decrease The amount of the subcontract will be ❑ increased or ❑ decreased by the sum of $ ($ ). The total revised Contract Price is $ ($ Original Subcontract Expiration Date: New Subcontract Expiration Date: Apply New Rates to: I ❑ New Work Authorizations Only Effective: ❑ New and Existing Work Authorizations Effective: The undersigned SUBCONTRACTOR accepts this Work Authorization in all respects noted above. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to furnish all labor and materials necessary to complete the work of said Work Authorization. This document shall become a supplement to the subcontract and all provisions will apply hereto. It is understood that the Work Authorization shall be effective when signed by the SUBCONTRACTOR's authorized representative. (Note: Both Parties Must Initial and Date Attachments) ARCADIS SUBCONTRACTOR By: By: (Signature of duly Authorized Representative) (Signature of duly Authorized Representative) Name Printed: Name Printed: Title Printed: Title Printed: Project Name: Re0acxtrtent of Boynton Beach Well 12E Project Location: Boynton Beack Florida ARCADIS AGREEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain during the term of this Agreement, at SUBCONTRACTOR's expense, the minimum limits of insurance listed below: Workers' Compensation, Disability Benefit, and Employer's Liability Insurance in at least the minimum amounts required by and in compliance with the laws of the State(s) where the Work is to be performed. Commercial General Liability Insurance, including contractual liability, completed operations, hazards and explosion, collapse and underground hazard coverage, with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. All such insurance policies shall provide (unless by specific statute applicable thereto it is otherwise provided) coverage for: (a) damage to above - ground or underground property; (b) collapse of structures; (c) damage resulting from explosion or blasting; (d) damages or losses arising out of liabilities assumed, except infringement, under the indemnity provision of this Agreement; and (e) damage to completed operations. If the Work to be performed is within or near a railroad right -of- way and other railroad facilities, SUBCONTRACTOR's insurance shall not include any exclusions of coverage for any claims or liabilities associated with work, occurrences or incidents occurring within 50 feet of railroad right -of -way and other railroad facilities. SUBCONTRACTOR can generally meet this requirement by having the Contractual Liability - Railroads standard form endorsement form ISO CG 24 17 10 01 or equivalent. SUBCONTRACTOR's Certificate of Insurance shall state that the railroad liability exclusion has been removed or otherwise deleted from its Commercial General Liability policy or SUBCONTRACTOR may provide a copy of ISO CG 24 17 10 01 or its equivalent. 3. Automobile Liability Insurance covering owned, non - owned, and hired vehicles used by SUBCONTRACTOR in connection with the Work with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per accident combined single limit, $2,000,000 aggregate. insureds as their interests may apply on all policies as required by Schedule C (with the exception of the Workers' Compensation, Employer's Liability, and any Professional Liability Policy). SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide copies of such endorsements upon request. SUBCONTRACTOR shall cause the underwriters of each of the insurance coverage required above waive all rights of subrogation against "ARCADIS U.S., Inc., its Client and their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents" where allowed by law under each of the foregoing policies. Upon request SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide ARCADIS with certified copies of its insurance policies. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to promptly notify ARCADIS of any claims or losses or potential claims or losses resulting from or arising out of SUBCONTRACTOR's performance of the Work and shall, within three (3) days of occurrence, provide ARCADIS with copies of SUBCONTRACTOR's correspondence pertaining to the incident, including any and all SUBCONTRACTOR accident reports. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the contract between ARCADIS and the Client specifies greater limits of insurance than those set forth above, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain the limits in the amounts specified in such contract and to notify ARCADIS of any failures to comply 2[ior to accepting the contemplated work. In the event SUBCONTRACTOR fails to provide such notice, ARCADIS shall have the right but not the obligation to procure said insurance for SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall pay ARCADIS any and all costs and expenses incurred by ARCADIS in procuring said insurance, and ARCADIS may deduct this amount from the Subcontract cost. SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide proof of insurance coverage as may be required in this Agreement and each Work Authorization prior to commencing the Work. Said proof of coverage shall be in the form of a duly executed and properly endorsed insurance certificate from an insurance carrier licensed to transact insurance business in the state in which the Work is to be performed. Each certificate shall certify that all of the required insurance, as above described, has been effected and that the SUBCONTRACTOR is covered thereby. 4. Following form Excess Umbrella Liability Insurance extending coverage under Subcontractor's comprehensive general, automobile and Employer's Liability insurance policies with a limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. 5. If professional services, including but not limited to engineering, architectural, laboratory analysis and/or surveying services, are part of the Work, Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per claim, $1,000,000 aggregate. SUBCONTRACTOR, at its cost, agrees to maintain insurance meeting these requirements for a period of two years the date of this Agreement. 6. If the Work involves the handling or use of chemicals or contaminants or work areas containing pollutants or hazardous materials, Pollution Liability with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per incident, $1,000,000 aggregate to coverage damage or losses relating to environmental impairment as may have been caused by the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide ARCADIS with a certificate of insurance indicating that the minimum types and limits of insurance have been procured by SUBCONTRACTOR prior to final execution of this Agreement and shall cause its insurers to provide ARCADIS and Client with a minimum of thirty (30) days written notice prior to the effective date of any cancellation of, or diminution in the coverage provided by, any and all such policies. SUBCONTRACTOR's failure to procure the required types and limits of insurance as set forth herein, shall not relieve SUBCONTRACTOR of its indemnification obligations hereunder. Any coverage provided ARCADIS by SUBCONTRACTOR'S insurance under this Agreement is primary insurance and shall not be considered contributory insurance with any insurance policies of ARCADIS, its members, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies. Whenever an employee of SUBCONTRACTOR suffers an occupational injury or disease as a result of the Work and such injury or disease is required by the Workman's Compensation or Occupational Disease Laws to be reported to the proper authorities, a copy of such report shall be furnished promptly by SUBCONTRACTOR to ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR also shall require all subcontractors to furnish copies of such reports to ARCADIS in connection with occupational injuries or diseases sustained by their employees. - END OF SCHEDULE C — INSURANCE - SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to name `ARCADIS U.S., INC., its Client and their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents" as additional ARCADIS AGREEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, codes, regulations, ordinances, rules, and orders of federal, state, and local governments and political subdivisions, and of any other constituted governmental authority or agency. SUBCONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold ARCADIS harmless against any and all claims, demands, losses, injuries, and expenses which may result from failure of SUBCONTRACTOR and its employees, agents, and subcontractors to comply with such laws, statutes, codes, regulations, ordinances, rules and orders. Before undertaking any work or incurring any charge or expense which SUBCONTRACTOR considers is beyond or in addition to the Scope of Work described in Exhibit A or otherwise contemplated by the terms of this Contract, SUBCONTRACTOR shall advise ARCADIS in writing stating the reasons that SUBCONTRACTOR believes the out of scope or additional work should be performed and a reasonable estimate of the cost of such work. SUBCONTRACTOR must make all such claims for changes within five (5) calendar days of the date that SUBCONTRACTOR knew or should have known of the basis for the claim. Out of scope or additional work performed by SUBCONTRACTOR without such written authorization shall be at SUBCONTRACTOR's sole risk and expense, and SUBCONTRACTOR waives any claim for damages or compensation, including claims based on equity therefor. The compensation for properly authorized work above shall be negotiated, but in the event the parties fail to negotiate or are unable to agree as to compensation, then SUBCONTRACTOR shall be compensated for its direct costs and time at the unit rates set forth with respect to the original scope of work SUBCONTRACTOR promptly shall pay all bills incurred by SUBCONTRACTOR in performance of the Work, including, without limitation, bills for labor, services, equipment, and materials. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not permit any lien or charge to be fixed, filed, or otherwise assessed against ARCADIS, the Client, or the Site. To the extent permitted by law, SUBCONTRACTOR waives its right to file any lien, including mechanics liens, relating to the Work, shall not enter into any agreement establishing such a right in any other party and shall keep the Site free from all liens by others. Should any claim of lien be recorded by the SUBCONTRACTOR, any SUBCONTRACTOR, or material-man of the SUBCONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR shall, within two (2) days of the recording of such lien, obtain a transfer bond transferring the lien to the bond at the SUBCONTRACTOR's cost. If the SUBCONTRACTOR fails to do so, the Client or ARCADIS may take such steps as are necessary to transfer such liens to bond or otherwise protect the Site from liens, and the SUBCONTRACTOR shall reimburse the ARCADIS or Client for such expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees. ARCADIS may withhold and deduct any such amounts from any payment to the SUBCONTRACTOR. ARCADIS may set -off or counterclaim against amounts payable to SUBCONTRACTOR, or asserted to be payable to SUBCONTRACTOR, under this or any other contract, any claim ARCADIS may have against SUBCONTRACTOR. If requested in writing by ARCADIS, SUBCONTRACTOR shall furnish a bond to secure its performance under this Contract, in a sum to be established by ARCADIS, and a separate bond to insure the prompt payment of all persons furnishing labor or materials to SUBCONTRACTOR in performance of the Work, and to protect ARCADIS and Client against liens or charges for or on account of such labor or materials, in a sum to be established by ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the health, safety and welfare of its employees, agents and others with regard to the Work, and further for establishing and enforcing additional requirements that may be necessary to protect affected property or its employees and any other person entering the site for purposes relating to SUBCONTRACTOR's work. SUBCONTRACTOR shall strictly comply with applicable laws pertaining work place safety including, without limitation, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (84 U.S. Statutes 1590, as amended, and regulations thereunder to the extent applicable and shall abide all health and safety plans, rules or guidance which may be provided by ARCADIS. To comply with its requirements, SUBCONTRACTOR represents that its Health and Safety Plan for its Work shall include the SUBCONTRACTOR'S . compliance (including compliance by SUBCONTRACTOR'S employees, officers, agents, representatives, invitees, and sub - subcontractors) with the ARCADIS Health and Safety Plan, together with any further amendments to such plan particular to the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work and Site deemed necessary and appropriate by the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees and understands that ARCADIS claims no responsibility for the use of the HASP and ARCADIS does not represent that the HASP is sufficient to address the Work or Site conditions of the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not hold ARCADIS responsible for any claims arising from the SUBCONTRACTOR'S use of the HASP and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ARCADIS from any claims for personal injury or property damages arising from or related to the compliance with, utilization or application, or any alleged deficiencies of the HASP. Nothing herein, including the use by SUBCONTRACTOR of the HASP or acknowledgment of the SUBCONTRACTOR'S HASP shall create any duty, obligation, liability, or responsibility of ARCADIS for any act or failure to act in respect to any safety provision of the HASP and SUBCONTRACTOR shall remain solely responsible for the health and safety of SUBCONTRACTOR, its employees or any person entering the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work Site. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper disposal of any hazardous materials or wastes generated by it in the course of the performance of the Work and exacerbation of any pre- existing hazardous materials or wastes. SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that time is of the essence with respect to the performance and completion of its work under this Contract. SUBCONTRACTOR shall adhere to, commence and complete its work in . accordance with any schedule incorporated into this Contract, or any schedule submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR or attached hereto; and with respect to any Changes, out of scope or additional work, SUBCONTRACTOR shall expeditiously perform such work according to any Schedule therefor agreed to by the parties. In the event any schedule is incorporated in this Contract or attached to this Contract, SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that such schedule has accounted for all inherent or reasonably anticipated delays, including but not limited to those inherent in obtaining site information, access sufficient labor, supplies, tools, equipment and utilities required for the project work, and SUBCONTRACTOR waives any claim of extra compensation or damages therefor. Subcontractor represents and warrants that it has had an opportunity to review and /or has carefully examined all necessary drawings, maps, schematics, j specifications, governmental restrictions, permits and license requirements, and all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the Work to be done and the Site, it surroundings and local conditions, and has made all investigations based on reasonably available information that are necessary to develop a full understanding of the hazards and difficulties which can be encountered and are likely to impact the cost or schedule to perform the Work. SUBCONTRACTOR is thus familiar with conditions at the Site as are pertinent to or which may affect the Work and has been granted the right to conduct, and has conducted, all investigations it deems appropriate to determine that it can fulfill the requirements of this Contract. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, SUBCONTRACTOR assumes the risk of all conditions, as specified in this Contract, that may affect SUBCONTRACTOR's ability to perform the Work and will, regardless of such conditions, or the expense or difficulty of performing the Work or the negligence, if any, of ARCADIS, with respect to same, fully complete the Work for the stated price without further recourse to ARCADIS. Information on the Site and local conditions at the Site furnished by ARCADIS are not guaranteed by ARCADIS to be accurate, and is furnished only for the convenience of SUBCONTRACTOR. The discovery of concealed conditions which could not reasonably have been anticipated by the SUBCONTRACTOR from information available to SUBCONTRACTOR may constitute a changed condition, which, to the extent such condition materially affects the cost or schedule to perform the Work, would entitle the SUBCONTRACTOR to a change and an equitable adjustment of the Contract price or time. SUBCONTRACTOR warrants that it shall conduct appropriate investigations to determine, with reasonable certainty, the location of utility and service lines, underground storage systems, and other subsurface structures of any kind before commencement of any drilling, excavation, or other work that has the potential to disturb these structures. SUBCONTRACTOR further warrants that it shall conduct independent field investigations to confirm the location of subsurface structures before commencement of subsurface work and shall not relay exclusively on plot plans or other drawings provided to SUBCONTRACTOR in conducting these investigations. In the event SUBCONTRACTOR should be delayed in the completion of the Work by reason of any act or omission of ARCADIS or of others, the time within which the Work is to be completed pursuant hereto shall be extended by the period of such delay. Under no circumstances shall SUBCONTRACTOR be entitled to delay damages and SUBCONTRACTOR hereby waives all claims for such damages on all Work. Time is of the essence of the Contract. In the event the SUBCONTRACTOR fails to achieve Substantial Completion of the Work within the Contract Time or fails to meet any other time requirement or the time limit set forth in the Contract, after due allowance for any extension or extensions of time made in accordance with the provisions herein set forth, the SUBCONTRACTOR shall be liable for damages incurred by ARCADIS as the result of SUBCONTRACTOR's performance failures. ARCADIS shall have the right to deduct said damages from any amount due or that may become due the SUBCONTRACTOR, or to collect such damages from the SUBCONTRACTOR or its surety. "Damages" shall include any sums of money to reimburse ARCADIS for extra costs which ARCADIS may become obligated to pay on other contracts which were delayed or extended because of the SUBCONTRACTOR's failure to complete the Work within the Contract Time. Should ARCADIS incur additional costs because of delays or extensions to other contracts resulting from the SUBCONTRACTOR's failure of timely performance, ARCADIS will assess these extra costs against the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR guarantees any supplies, equipment, materials or goods furnished as part of or in conjunction with the Work against any and all defects or deficiencies and SUBCONTRACTOR shall promptly remedy all such defects, and /or replace the same. SUBCONTRACTOR shall caused to assigned to ARCADIS all guarantees and warranties from all vendors, subcontractors and suppliers of goods or services who provide machinery, equipment, materials or services for the Work Contractor will, without any charge to the ARCADIS, re- perform and /or replace any Work not meeting the forgoing warranties or standards. Any claim to such corrective action or replacement warranty must be in writing and received by SUBCONTRACTOR within twelve months following completion of such Work. If defect or deficiencies are not corrected in a timely manner, ARCADIS shall be entitled to recover from SUBCONTRACTOR damages for delay in completing corrective action according to time as required or requested by ARCADIS. In addition, ARCADIS may cause the same to be corrected by either its own forces or by others and either deduct costs incurred from any remaining compensation or recover same as actual damages in the amount of the ARCADIS' cost of corrective action (measured by ARCADIS' then existing fee schedule prices and charges). Contractor shall at all times enforce, or cause to be enforced, strict discipline and good order among workmen employed to perform the Work. Should any disorderly or incompetent person be employed by SUBCONTRACTOR, or by any subcontractor, upon or about any Site, SUBCONTRACTOR shall, upon request of ARCADIS' representative, cause such person to be removed from such Site and not again employed thereon without written permission of ARCADIS. ARCADIS reserves the right to inspect, test or evaluate any part of the Work at any time and for any purpose; provided that such inspection or evaluation shall not be deemed acceptance or approval of the Work. Upon inspection, testing or evaluation, if any Work fails, in ARCADIS' judgment to meet the requirements of this Contract, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be obligated at ARCADIS request to undertake action necessary to correct any such deficiency. SUBCONTRACTOR shall keep every Site free from accumulation of waste materials and rubbish resulting from the Work and at the completion thereof shall clean up after the Work in a manner satisfactory to ARCADIS. SUBCONTRACTOR shall perform disposal of refuse in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. SUBCONTRACTOR shall clean and remove from every Site all waste which originates from SUBCONTRACTOR'S equipment or other property, and all excess material, equipment, debris and rubbish resulting from the Work. Should SUBCONTRACTOR fail to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph, ARCADIS shall have the right, on two (2) days prior notice to SUBCONTRACTOR, to perform such cleaning or removal of said excess material, equipment, debris, and rubbish, and charge the cost and expense of such removal to SUBCONTRACTOR. If SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work involves exposure to or handling of asbestos containing materials (ACM) and lead -based paint materials (LBP): SP -02.1 General. SP- C12.1.1 SUBCONTRACTOR is hereby warned of the possible existence of ACM and LBP on the Site in the areas and/or materials in or with which SUBCONTRACTOR must work, and by execution of this Contract acknowledges and confirms that SUBCONTRACTOR has been become familiar with information concerning ACM and LBP. SP- C12.1.2 SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for taking all steps reasonably necessary and generally accepted in its field to determine the nature and location of the Work on the Project Sites and the general and local conditions that can affect the Work or the cost thereof. Any failure by the SUBCONTRACTOR to do so will not release the SUBCONTRACTOR from the responsibility of having to successfully perform the Work for the Contract Sum without additional expenses to ARCADIS. ARCADIS assumes no responsibility for decisions made by SUBCONTRACTOR based solely on any comments or representations made by any of its officers, agents, or employees prior execution of this Agreement unless expressly set forth in this Agreement. SP-C12.1.3 SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that the performance of the Work shall be in conformance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances in effect or enacted at the time the Work is performed. SP-C12.1.4 SUBCONTRACTOR will take all reasonably necessary precautions to prevent and mitigate discharges, spills, or releases of hazardous substances or materials into the environment while performing Work under this Agreement at the Project Sites. SUBCONTRACTOR will notify ARCADIS immediately when it knows or suspects a discharge, spill, or release of any hazardous substance or material has occurred or may be imminent. SP- C12.1.5 SUBCONTRACTOR will promptly and at its expense undertake and complete all corrective and remedial action that may be necessary to remedy any existing or threatened discharges, spills, or releases of hazardous substances caused by SUBCONTRACTOR or any SUBCONTRACTOR employed by SUBCONTRACTOR. Prior to initiating any corrective or remedial action, SUBCONTRACTOR will submit to ARCADIS for review a written plan outlining its proposed actions. If obtaining ARCADIS' review will substantially impede necessary mitigating or emergency measures, SUBCONTRACTOR will initiate these measures immediately and subsequently provide ARCADIS with a written report of all remediation or corrective actions taken. Review by ARCADIS shall not relieve subcontractor of any obligations for proper performance of the work. SP- C12.1.6 SUBCONTRACTOR will handle all hazardous waste generated at the Project Sites from its activities in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Prior to arranging transportation of any hazardous waste from the Project Sites, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all required documentation, including completed hazardous waste manifests and any other documents necessary evidence compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. No hazardous substance or hazardous waste at the Project Sites as the result of SUBCONTRACTOR's or its subcontractors' activities will be left on the Project Sites after completion of the Work, except as specifically provided in this Agreement. SP- C12.1.7 SUBCONTRACTOR will cause the Project Sites to be free from accumulation of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from the Work, and at the completion of the Work, will remove all waste materials, rubbish, and debris from and about the Project Sites as well as all tools, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials, and will leave the Project Sites in a clean and sightly condition. SUBCONTRACTOR will restore to their original condition those portions of the Project Sites not designated for alteration by this Agreement. All waste materials, rubbish, or any other debris shall be disposed of in waste disposal sites approved for such purposes by pertinent laws, rules, or regulations. SP- C12.1.8 A complete list of any chemicals to be brought to the Project Sites by SUBCONTRACTOR and copies of the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets ( "MSDS ") for those chemicals shall be provided to ARCADIS by SUBCONTRACTOR prior to the introduction of such chemicals at the Project Sites. SP- C12.1.9 SUBCONTRACTOR assumes all liability and responsibility the proper performance of its work, including for the health and safety of its employees and its subcontractors' employees. In any and all claims against ARCADIS, its directors, officers, or any of its agents, or employees by an employee of SUBCONTRACTOR, its subcontractors, or anyone employed by them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation of this subparagraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for SUBCONTRACTOR or its subcontractors under workers' or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts, or other employee benefit acts. Subcontractor agrees that any client of ARCADIS may enforce the obligations of this section 12. SP -02.2 Description. SP- C12.2.1 SUBCONTRACTOR represents and warrants that all employees and personnel that SUBCONTRACTOR provides to perform any services that involve the identification, disturbance, removal or other direct contact of ACM and LBP are properly trained in the procedures to safely work with, abate, remove and dispose of ACM and LBP and that such employees and personnel are properly certified and licensed to perform all such services relating to the ACM, and LBP. SP- C12.2.2 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, equipment and material required to work with, abate, remove, and dispose of all ACM or LBP in the areas designated in this Agreement to be worked in, abated, and removed. SP- C12.2c. The specifications and drawings indicate the general layout of the work, and are not intended to show every detail of the work or locations of ACM and LBP. SUBCONTRACTOR shall examine the existing conditions to evaluate the work to be performed. SUBCONTRACTOR is responsible for selecting the means and techniques for accomplishing the work safely and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. SP -C12.3 Oualitv Assurance. SP- C12.3.1 SUBCONTRACTOR shall perform all work in compliance, and cause all of its subcontractors to perform all work in compliance, with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any applicable governmental authority. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, SUBCONTRACTOR shall comply, and cause all its subcontractors to comply, with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules and regulations, including General Industry (29 C.F.R. 1910.1001 Appendix A1), Construction Industry (29 C.F.R. 1926.58 Appendix A2) and the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 C.F.R. Part 61). SP- C12.3.2 From time to time during progress of the work, ARCADIS may require SUBCONTRACTOR to conduct personal or environmental area monitoring of every work area where ACM or LBP may exist in order to determine the degree of employee exposure to such substances. ARCADIS' right to request such monitoring shall not be construed as relieving the SUBCONTRACTOR of responsibility for maintaining all appropriate surveillance, including monitoring, in order to insure compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and order of any applicable governmental authority. SP -02.4 Submittals. SP- C12.4.1 To assure that SUBCONTRACTOR is aware of the potential hazards of ACM and LBP, SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit in writing, before any work is performed, the safety procedures that will be followed in Subcontractor's performance of the work. Notwithstanding any review, subcontractor shall remain responsible for performance of its work in a safe, proper and conforming manner, and any such review is not intended to imply or infer that ARCADIS will be responsible for work performed. SP- C114.2 To the extent required by any applicable rules and regulations, SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit timely and appropriate written notification prior to commencement of the abatement, removal or disturbance of any ACM or LBP, to all applicable governmental agencies, including EPA, OSHA and any appropriate state or local designated agencies. A copy of such notification shall be submitted prior to commencing work. SP- C12.4.3 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide copies of all area and personal monitoring data and material tests to determine asbestos content as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days after such data or information has been obtained by SUBCONTRACTOR. SP- C12.4.4 If this Agreement specifies that SUBCONTRACTOR shall dispose of ACM or LBP, then SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide written documentation, evidencing (1) that all ACM and LBP was delivered to a government approved, licensed and permitted disposal facility, and (2) acceptance by such facility. SP -C13.1 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment and subcontracted items necessary for the performance of SP -C13.2 While performing services under this Agreement, SUBCONTRACTOR shall exercise the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by asbestos abatement or hazardous materials, subcontractors, or members of the environmental engineering, contracting, consulting and testing profession performing the kind of services to be performed hereunder. SP -C13.3 SUBCONTRACTOR agrees to re- perform and correct at its own expense any work or services performed by it which fails to conform to the standard of care that SUBCONTRACTOR has accepted pursuant to subparagraph (2) above. SP -C13.4 SUBCONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it holds all permits and licensees necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR further represents and warrants that all employees and personnel that SUBCONTRACTOR provides to perform any services that involve the identification, disturbance, removal or other direct contact of ACM or LBP are properly trained in the procedures to safely work with, abate, remove and dispose of ACM and LBP, and that such employees and personnel are properly certified and licensed to perform all such services relating to the ACM and LBP. RACTOR shall provide notice or certificates of all permits, licenses, notifications and insurance required for the work called for in this Agreement. SUBCONTRACTOR shall secure and pay for all such permits, licenses, notifications, and insurance. SUBCONTRACTOR shall conform in all other respects to the provisions and regulations of any general or local building act, ordinance or regulation of any local authority which may be applicable to the work called for under this Agreement and shall indemnify, defend and save ARCADIS harmless against any and all cost, damages, losses, claims or penalties incurred by reason of the failure by SUBCONTRACTOR to perform services in compliance with any such provisions or regulations. SP -C14.1 To the extent ARCADIS has access to information relating to the ! site where the services are to be performed, ARCADIS shall provide such reasonably available information required for SUBCONTRACTOR to efficiently perform the services. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the verification of the information provided by ARCADIS, and ARCADIS shall not be responsible for any errors in such information. SP -C14.2 ARCADIS will designate a representative who shall be familiar with the services to be provided hereunder to act as a liaison between ARCADIS and SUBCONTRACTOR. END OF SCHEDULE F - SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONTRACTORS — services specified in this Agreement and any proposed requisition issued under this Agreement. SP -C13.5 SUBCONT ARCADIS AGREEMENT FOR SUBCONTRACTOR SERVICES SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that time is of the essence with respect to the performance and completion of its work under this Contract. SUBCONTRACTOR shall adhere to, commence and complete its work in accordance with any schedule incorporated into this Agreement, or any schedule submitted by SUBCONTRACTOR or attached hereto; and with respect to any Changes, out of scope or additional work, SUBCONTRACTOR shall expeditiously perform such work according to any schedule therefore agreed to by the parties. In the event any schedule is incorporated in this Agreement or attached to this Agreement, SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that such schedule has accounted for all inherent or reasonably anticipated delays, including but not limited to those inherent to obtaining site information, access sufficient labor, supplies, tools, equipment and utilities required for the project work, and SUBCONTRACTOR waives any claim of extra compensation or damages therefor. SUBCONTRACTOR represents and warrants that it has had an opportunity to review and/or has carefully examined all necessary drawings, maps, schematics, specifications, governmental restrictions, permits and license requirements, and all applicable laws, regulations and rules relating to the Work to be done and the Site, it surroundings and local conditions, and has made all investigations based on reasonably available information that are necessary to develop a full understanding of the hazards and difficulties which can be encountered and are likely to impact the cost or schedule to perform the Work. SUBCONTRACTOR is thus familiar with conditions at the Site as are pertinent to or which may affect the Work and has been granted the right to conduct, and has conducted, all investigations it deems appropriate to determine that it can fulfill the requirements of this Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, SUBCONTRACTOR assumes the risk of all conditions, as specified in this Agreement, that may affect SUBCONTRACTOR'S ability to perform the Work and will, regardless of such conditions, or the expense or difficulty of performing the Work or the negligence, if any, of ARCADIS, with respect to same, fully complete the Work for the stated price without further recourse to ARCADIS. Information on the Site and local conditions at the Site furnished by ARCADIS are not guaranteed by ARCADIS to be accurate, and is furnished only for the convenience of SUBCONTRACTOR. The discovery of concealed conditions which could not reasonably have been anticipated by the SUBCONTRACTOR from information available to SUBCONTRACTOR may constitute a changed condition, which, to the extent such condition materially affects the cost or schedule to perform the Work, would entitle the SUBCONTRACTOR to a change and an equitable adjustment of the Contract price or time. SUBCONTRACTOR warrants that it shall conduct appropriate investigations to determine, with reasonable certainty, the location of utility and service lines, underground storage systems, and other subsurface structures of any kind before commencement of any drilling, excavation, or other work that has the potential to disturb these structures. SUBCONTRACTOR further warrants that it shall conduct independent field investigations to confirm the location of subsurface structures before commencement of subsurface work and shall not relay exclusively on plot plans or other drawings provided to SUBCONTRACTOR in conducting these investigations. Unless expressly stated and agreed to by ARCADIS is a duly executed Work Authorization, SUBCONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the containerization and lawful disposal of all wastes which originates from SUBCONTRACTOR'S equipment or other property of SUBCONTRACTOR, or that is generated by SUBCONTRACTOR during its execution of the Work including, but not limited to, core drillings and purge waters. of the Work and any other persons who may be affected thereby and (ii) comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations applicable to, and orders of public bodies having jurisdiction over, the safety of persons or property or the protection of them from damage, injury or loss, including, without limitation, the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction as promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (PL 91 -596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL 91 -54). To comply with its requirements, SUBCONTRACTOR represents that its Health and Safety Plan for its Work shall include the SUBCONTRACTOR'S compliance (including compliance by SUBCONTRACTOR'S employees, officers, agents, representatives, invitees, and sub - subcontractors) with the ARCADIS Health and Safety Plan, together with any further amendments to such plan particular to the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work and Site deemed necessary and appropriate by the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees and understands that ARCADIS claims no responsibility for the use of the HASP and ARCADIS does not represent that the HASP is sufficient to address the Work or Site conditions of the SUBCONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not hold ARCADIS responsible for any claims arising from the SUBCONTRACTOR'S use of the HASP and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ARCADIS from any claims for personal injury or property damages arising from or related to the compliance with, utilization or application, or any alleged deficiencies of the HASP. Nothing herein, including the use by SUBCONTRACTOR of the HASP or acknowledgment of the SUBCONTRACTOR'S HASP shall create any duty, obligation, liability, or responsibility of ARCADIS for any act or failure to act in respect to any safety provision of the HASP and SUBCONTRACTOR shall remain solely responsible for the health and safety of SUBCONTRACTOR, its employees or any person entering the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work Site. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the exacerbation of any pre- existing hazardous materials or wastes caused by SUBCONTRACTOR or those acting under SUBCONTRACTOR'S direction or control. To the extent ARCADIS has access to information relating to the site where the services are to be performed, ARCADIS shall provide such reasonably available information required for SUBCONTRACTOR to efficiently perform the services. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the verification of the information provided by ARCADIS, and ARCADIS shall not be responsible for any errors in such information. SUBCONTRACTOR shall instruct its employees and all those under SUBCONTRACTOR'S direction or control not to use any on -site well as a water supply source unless permission is received from the Owner. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be solely liable for any and all costs incurred by ARCADIS, its client or others caused by or arising from such use, including but not limited to sampling and analysis to confirm the existence or absence of any contamination in the water supply source and areas affected, or alleged to have been affected, thereby. - END OF SCHEDULE G - SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR UTILITY LOCATORS, DRILLING /GEOPROBE, EXCAVATING AND INTRUSIVE SERVICES - SUBCONTRACTOR acknowledges that it is responsible for the health and safety of its workers and others relating to the SUBCONTRACTOR'S Work and Site. SUBCONTRACTOR shall (i) be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with protection AGREEMENT for GENERAL CONSULTING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as "City ", and ARCADIS G &M. Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Consultant ", in consideration of the mutual benefits, terms, and conditions hereinafter specified. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications invitation for Consulting and General Engineering services for the City of Boynton Beach, Utility Department, RFQ No. 065 - 2821 -03 /CJD; and WHEREAS, RFQ No. 065- 2821 -03 /CJD defined four (4) Scopes of Services to include design services, permitting, bidding services, construction administration, and all miscellaneous services for the areas of stormwater, public drinking water, wastewater collection and transmission; and other assignments logically tied to the development, operation and maintenance of the City of Boynton Beach Utility Department; and WHEREAS, RFQ No. 065- 2821 -03 /CJD further defined four (4) Scopes of Services as Scope A: Water Plant Expansion and Capacity Replacement; Scope B: Wellfield Development and Hydrogeology Services; Scope C: Infrastructure Improvements; and Scope D: Ancillary Studies and Services; and WHEREAS, Consultant timely submitted its qualifications in accordance with the Request for Qualifications invitation, the City's Procurement Code, and Florida Statute 286.055, the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act; and WHEREAS, the City Administrative review team determined that Consultant was qualified for appointment to perform the scope(s) of services set forth in the Request for Qualifications invitation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission on A/Q 0, / 6 2003, accepted the City Administration's recommendation and designated Consultant as one of six (6) qualified consulting firms for Scope A and one of five (5) qualified firms for Scope B to provide general engineering services to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, through his administrative staff, has successfully negotiated an agreement with Consultant defining terms and conditions for the performance of consulting and engineering services within the scope of the Request for Qualifications invitation. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants expressed herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. REPRESENTATIONS: The representations set forth in foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct. CA-] 2. PROJECT DESIGNATION. The Consultant is retained by the City to perform general engineering consulting services under a continuing contract with the City whereby the Consultant, on a non - exclusive basis, under the terms of this agreement, Consultant, on written request by the City, will provide professional engineering services to the City for: A. Individual projects in which construction costs do not exceed $1,000,000.00, or B. Individual study activity when the fee for such professional service does not exceed $50,000.00 C. For engineering work of a specified nature as hereinafter identified in the scope of services and as requested by the City with no time limitation, or D. Design build projects 3. SCOPE(S) OF SERVICE. Consultant agrees to perform engineering services on specified projects at the request of the City during the term of this agreement, including the provision of all labor, materials, equipment and supplies. The specified projects which may be assigned to Consultant are set forth on Exhibit "A" (Exhibit `A' will define the scope(s) Consultant is approved for). Consultant acknowledges that it is one of six (6) consulting firms for Scope A and one of five (5) consulting firms for Scope B which will be assigned projects listed on Exhibit "A" and that the City has made no representation or promise regarding which projects or the number of projects that will be assigned to Consultant 4. TERM. The initial term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years. This Agreement may be renewed for two (2) additional two (2) year periods subject to Consultant acceptance, satisfactory annual performance evaluation and determination that renewal is in the best interest of the City. 5. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. Work under this contract shall commence upon the giving of written notice by the City to the Consultant by way of an executed task order. Consultant shall perform all services and provide all work product required pursuant to this agreement and the specific task order, unless an extension of such time is granted in writing by the City. 6. PAYMENT. The Consultant shall be paid by the City for completed work and for services rendered under this agreement as follows: a. Payment for the work provided by Consultant shall be made based on the hourly rates as provided on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. The hourly rates shall be reviewed and may be adjusted in conjunction with the renewal every two years at the request of the Consultant and following approval by the City. Approval of rate changes shall be by resolution of the City Commission. b. The Consultant may submit vouchers to the City once per month during the progress of the work for partial payment for project completed to date. Such vouchers will be checked by the City, and upon approval thereof, payment will be made to the Consultant in the amount approved. c. Final payment of any balance due the Consultant will be made promptly upon its ascertainment and verification by the City after the completion of the work under this agreement and its acceptance by the City. CA -2 d. Payment as provided in this section shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered and for all materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS. All documents, drawings, specifications and other materials produced by the Consultant in connection with the services rendered under this agreement shall be the property of the City whether the project for which they are made if executed or not. The Consultant shall be permitted to retain copies, including reproducible copies, of drawings and specifications for information, reference and use in connection with Consultant's endeavors. Any use of the documents for purposes other than as originally intended by this Agreement, with out the written consent of the Consultant, shall be at the City's sole risk. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Consultant represents and warrants to the City that it is competent to engage in the scope(s) of services contemplated under this agreement and that it will retain and assign qualified professionals to all assigned projects during the term of this Agreement. Consultant's services shall meet a standard of care for professional engineering and related services equal to or exceeding the standard of care for engineering professional practicing under similar conditions. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. Consultant shall, in performing the services contemplated by this service agreement faithfully observe and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations that are applicable to the services to be rendered under this agreement. INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, or liability, or any portion thereof; including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising from any injury or death to persons, including but not limited to injuries, sickness, disease, or death to Consultant's own employees or agents, or damage to property, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Consultant, its agents or employees. Neither party to this Agreement shall be liable to any third party claiming directly or through the other respective party, for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind, including but not limited to lost profits or use, that may result from this Agreement or out of the services or goods fiunished hereunder. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall secure and maintain in force throughout the duration of this contract comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate for personal injury; and $1,000,000 per occurrent laggregate for property damage, and professional liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. The general liability policy shall include the City as an additional insured and shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of the policy except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Said general liability policy shall name the City of Boynton Beach as an additional named insured and shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of said policy except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Certificates of coverage as required by this section shall be delivered to the City within fifteen (15) days of execution of this agreement. CA -3 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Consultant and the City agree that the Consultant is an independent contractor with respect to the services provided pursuant to this agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall be considered to create the relationship of employer and employee between the parties hereto. Neither Consultant nor any employee of Consultant shall be entitled to any benefits accorded City employees by virtue of the services provided under this agreement. The City shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deduction federal income tax or social security or for contributing to the state industrial insurance program, otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to Consultant, or any employee of Consultant. - CONVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES. The Consultant warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for the Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or ay other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or, in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. DISCRIMINATION PROHBITED. The Consultant, with regard to the work performed by it under this agreement, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex or the presence of any physical or sensory handicap in the selection and retention of employees or procurement of materials or supplies. ASSIGNMENT. The Consultant shall not sublet or assign any of the services covered by this agreement without the express written consent of the City. NON - WAIVER. Waiver by the City of any provision of this agreement or any time limitation provided for in this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision. TERMINATION. a. The City reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving ten (10) days written notice to the Consultant. b. In the event of the death of a member, partner or officer of the Consultant, or any of its supervisory personnel assigned to the project, the surviving members of the Consultant hereby agree to complete the work under the terms of this agreement, if requested to do so by the City. This section shall not be a bar to renegotiations of this agreement between surviving members of the Consultant and the City, if the City so chooses. c. The Consultant reserves the right to terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60) days written notice to the City. CA-4 DISPUTES. Any dispute arising out of the terms or conditions of this agreement shall be adjudicated within the courts of Florida. Further, this agreement shall be construed under Florida law. NOTICES. Notices to the City of Boynton Beach shall be sent to the following address: City of Boynton Beach 124 E. Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, FL 33425 -0310 Attn: Paul Fleming, Senior Project Manager Notices to Consultant shall be sent to the following address: INTEGRATED AGREEMENT. This Agreement, together with attachments or addenda, represents the entire and integrated agreement between the City and the Consultant and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both City and Consultant. CA -5 DATED this 18 day of (AO v em IDc r CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH La44-� Kurt Bressner, City Manager Attest/Authenticated: qCi Clerk �n I Approved as to Form: J 00f the ' Attorney Rev. 04/08/03 ,20 . Co tart �vc,F Uu �ld�W� Title ��� SoY M 710N0\ V IkCOgPQRATfD �_ 1920 (Corporate Seal) Attest/Authenticated: �L a Q" Secretary CA -6 EXHIBIT A SCOPE A: WATER PLANT EXPANSIONS and CAPACITY REPLACEMENT • Low Pressure Membrane Softening • Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis • Nanofiltration • Anionic Exchange • Lime Softening • Other Related Services SCOPE B: WELLFIELD DEVELOPMENT and HYDROGEOLOGY SERVICES • Well Redevelopment and Modification • Bringing Existing Wells to Production • New Surficial Wells • Locating and Installing New Floridan Aquifer Wells • Wellfield Improvements • Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) Well Development • Deep Injection Well Maintenance and Repair • Multi- purpose ASR/Floridan Wells • Wellfield Protection • Wellfield Flow Analysis • Other Related Services EXHIBIT B ARCADIS PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION FOR EACH CLASSIFICATION WHERE AN HOURLY RATE IS ASSIGNED Project Engineer Scientist Senior Designer Desi ner Senior Engineer/Hydrogeologist Engineer/Hydrogeologist (Technical Specialist) ( Senior Professional Surveyor/Mapper Professional Surveyor/Mapper Engineering/Survey Technician Senior Field Representative (Professional) Survey Crew GIS Specialist Graphics Specialist Senior Inspector GPS Equipment Senior Administrative Support Administrative Support Paraprofessional Aerial Photogrammetry ' Computer System Analysis Rate Study Financial Services Instrumentation and Control Services Human Resource Services Data Acquisition and Control Services Direct Costs — Mark -up % Office, reproduction, mailing, etc. Direct Costs — Mark-up % Subconsultants $90 $75 $85 $70 $135 $94 $65 $80 $85 $80 $65 $50 Nexhip Maska, Rod Miller, Sally Durall Brian Oliva Bill Vogelsong, Mike Kladias, Doug Young, Wayne Welch, Ed Springthorpe Lech Kwapinski Cost + 10% Cost + 10% O:VROPOSAMB„ REVISED 10/22/03 PRODUCER MARSH USA, INC. 1225 17TH STREET, SUITE 2100 DENVER, CO 80202 -5534 Attn: STEVE WILSON 303 - 308 -4569 33320 -00124-00 -01 N INSURED ARCADIS ATTN: CHANDRA DOWNEY 630 PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 200 HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO 80129 -2377 CERTIFICATE NUMBER 00713900 - 01 THIS CERTIFICATE Ni ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE POLICY. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN, COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A GREENWICH INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY B XL SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED 14EREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MMIDDNY) GENERALLIABIUTY A X COMMERCIALGENERALLIIIBILITY GEC001076101 CLANS MADE JA J OCCUR OWNER'S S CONTRACTORS PROT AUTOMOBILE UABNJTY A 7 ANY AUTO AEC001075801 A _ ALL OWNED AUTOS AEC001104701 (TX) _ SCHEOULEDAUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X NON•OW14ED AUTOS —i , � I GARAGE LIABILITY ANY auro EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLAFORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WU krMNS COMPENSATIUN AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY B WECO01076001 THE PROPRIETOR/ X INCL PARTNERSINXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL OTHEK I GENERAL A(LiATE 01/01/03 01/01/04 I PROOUCT3 - COMPIOP AGG i PERSONAL 6 ADV INJURY i EACH OCCURRENCE I FIRE DAMAGE (My One Ike) MED EXP (Any am pama I 01/01/03 01/01/04 01/01/03 01/01/04 01/01103 01/01/04 COII/BWED SINGLE LNWT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per modeM) PROPERTY DAMAGE LIMITS s s s 1 $ 1 $ 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000.000 10,000 1,000,000 S P AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT ($ i OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S i AGGREGATE Is EACH OCCURRENCE 1 (AGGREGATE is 1 is Wt. I x l TORY I I ER EL EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 I EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1 $ 1,000,000 EL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNE {ICLES/SPECUIL ITEMS RE: CITY OF BOYNOTON BEACH - TWO YEAR GENERAL CONSULTING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES - DESIGN, PERMITTING, BIDDING, CONSTRUCTION, ADMINISTRATION AND ALL SERVICES FOR WATER PLANT EXPANSION AND CAPAPCITY REPLACEMENT; WELLFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND HYDROGEOLOGY SERVICES; INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND ANCILLARY STUDIES AND SERVICES. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS THEIR INTEREST MAY APPEAR TO THE GENERAL AND AUTOMOBILE BHOLLO ANY Of THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAR _3A DATS wRrrrEN NOTICE TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN, BUT FALURE TO MAL SUCH NOTICE SHALL tWOSE NO OBLIGATION OR 124 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 LUBILRY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, OR THE ISSUER OF THIS CERTIFICATE. MARSH USA INC. _ - BY! Dorothy A. Stevens Aow0 v a. � t � r- �.ow VALID AS OF 12/08/03 PRODUCER MARSH USA, INC. COMPANY 1225 17TH STREET, SUITE 2100 DENVER, CO 80202 -5534 E Attn: STEVE WILSON 303 - 308.4569 COMPANY F 33320 - 00124 -00 -01 N INSURED COMPANY ARCADIS ATTN: CHANDRA DOWNEY 630 PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 200 HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO 80129 -2377 COMPANY H CONTINUED FROM DESCRIPTION SECTION: LIABILITY AS PER BLANKET ENDORSEMENTS ON POLICIES. DATE (MMIDDM) 11/08/03 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE MARSH USA INC. BY Dorothy A. Stevens 40w4my PRODUCER MARSH USA INC. 122517TH STREET, SUITE 2100 DENVER, CO 80202 -5534 Attn: STEVE WILSON 303 - 308-4569 33320 - 00005 -1M -00-01 INSURED ARCADIS ATTN: CHANDRA DOWNEY 630 PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 200 HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO 80129 -2377 CERTIFICATE NUMBER M00071390 -01 TH13 CERTIFICATE 18 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE POLICY. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A INDIAN HARBOR INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLrAE3 DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE IMM/DD/YY) DATE (MMM)DDFM GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I PRODUC73 - COMP/OP AGG $ CLAIMS MADE F� OCCUR I PERSONAL i AM INJURY $ OWNER'S S CONTRACTORS PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE Ww am IBe) $ MED EXP (AIW DIN 0044) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LUT $ _ ANY AUTO _ ALL OWNED ALTOS I BODILY INJURY $ (P_ P_) i SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS �� I BODILY INJURY $ I (Pereacldent) NON-OWNED AUTOS }� PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ I f GARAGE LIABILITY I s AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT _I ANY AUTO I OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: I EACH ACCIDENT $ I AGGREGATE Is EXCESS LIABILITY 1 EACH OCCURRENCE 1$ I UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE I OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM I $ WO KERB COMPENSATION AND S LAAUTS I I U ER EMPLOYERS' LIABIUTY J TORY i EL EACH ACCIDENT 1 $ THE PROPRIETOR/ R INCL I EL DISEASE4-OLICY LIMIT $ PAMNERS/EXECUTIVE E OFFICERS AR EXCL I EL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE 3 UTHM:N CLAIMS -MADE A PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY PEC0008763 -02 03/16/03 03/16/04 PER OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 AND CONTRACTORS POLLUTION LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSA=ATIONSNEHICLES /SPECIAL ITEMS RE: CITY OF BOYNOTON BEACH - TWO YEAR GENERAL CONSULTING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES - DESIGN, PERMITTING, BIDDING, CONSTRUCTION, ADMINISTRATION AND ALL SERVICES FOR WATER PLANT EXPANSION AND CAPAPCITY REPLACEMENT; WELLFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND HYDROGEOLOGY SERVICES; INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND ANCILLARY STUDIES AND SERVICES. FOR PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE, THE AGGREGATE LIMIT IS THE TOTAL INSURANCE AVAILABLE FOR CLAIMS PRESENTED WITHIN SHOULD ANY OF THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED IEFORE THE EVIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAX All DAYS WWTEN NOTICE TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL BIIPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR 124 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. OR THE ISSUER OF THIS CERTIFICATE MARSH USA INC. sY: Dorothy A. Stevens 4' Q VALID AS OF 12/08/03 PRODUCER MARSH USA INC. COMPANY 122517TH STREET, SUITE 2100 DENVER, CO 80202 -5534 E Attn: STEVE WILSON 303 - 308.4569 COMPANY F 33320.00005.1M -00-01 N fN3URED COMPANY ARCADiS ATTN: CHANDRA DOWNEY G 630 PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 200 HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO 801294377 COMPANY DATE (MMfDDIYY) 12/08/03 COM HIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CONTINUED FROM DESCRIPTION SECTION: THE POLICY PERIOD FOR ALL OPERATIONS OF THE INSURED. THE LIMIT WILL BE REDUCED BY PAYMENTS OF INDEMNITY AND EXPENSE. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 124 E. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 MARSH USA INC. BY Dorothy A. Stevens Alow v Ja V2ARCADIS Infrastructure, buildings, environment, communications Ms. Barbara Conboy Manager, Utilities Administration City of Boynton Beach 124 E. Woolbright Road Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 subject: , ARCADIS Agreement for General Consulting and Engineering Services and Insurance Certificates for RFQ No. 065- 2821 -03 /CJD Dear Ms, Conby: Enclosed is the executed subject contract. Also enclosed are copies of insurance certificates naming the City of Boynton Beach as additional insured. Original certificates are being mailed to the City directly from our insurance company. We appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working with the City. Please let us know if we can provide further assistance. Sincerely, ARCADIS G &M, Inc. Thomas L. Tessier, PG Vice President Client Service Manager Willia . Lyn PE Area Manager cc: Elizabeth Oliva Encl: Agreement for General Consulting and Engineering Services Insurance Certificates Part of a bigger picture G:WPROJEC11Boynton Bea ch\Contract-Iruurance Letter 12 10 03.doc ARCADIS G &M, Inc. 712 U.S. Highway One Suite 200 North Palm Beach Florida 33408 Tel 561 8810077 Fax 561 881 0012 www.arcadis- us.com Water/Waste Dote: December 10, 2003 Contact: Tom Tessier Extension: 15 Email: ttusier@area(lis-us.com