WHEREAS, Palm Beach County's Public Art Committee recognizes the crucial role
that governments and artists play in enhancing the aesthetic qualities of society; and
WHEREAS, The "Public Art Improves Our Community" matching grant program
supports collaborative projects between artists and communities and aims to be a catalyst for
private and governmental support of public art on publicly owned property throughout Palm
Beach County; and
WHEREAS, the Palm Beach County "Public Art Improves Our Community"
matching grant is awarding up to $100,000.00 on a reimbursement basis. The contract for the
Public Art project for the Carolyn Sims Center at Wilson Park is $60,000.00. The matching
grant will reimburse )/2 or $30,000.00 of the fees allocated to this project.
Section 1:
The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as
25 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption
26 hereof.
Section 2:
That the City Manager is hereby authorized to sign and submit the
28 grant application for this project, including any documents necessary for the submittal of the
29 application.
S:\CA\RESO\Grants\Art Improves Community Grant.doc
Section 3: That the City of Boynton Beach assures a dollar-for-dollar match for the
amount of the grant awarded, and that such funds will be available and unencumbered at the
time of the grant award.
Section 4:
This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this -----3..- day of April, 2007.
S:\CA \RESO\Grants\Art Improves Community Grant.doc
Debbie Coles-Do bay
Art Administrator
Janet M. Prainito
City Clerk
AprilS, 2007
R07-037 - Palm Beach County - "Public Art Improves Our Community"
Matching Grant Program Description & Application
Attached is the partially executed original agreement and Matching Grant Program
Application. Once the agreement has been fully executed and you have completed the
original grant application, please forward the original agreement to me for Central File
and forward the grant application for Mayor Taylor's signature. I will then return to you
the original grant application and a copy of the agreement along with a copy of the
If you have any questions, please contact me.
ct: 'th. (}~~
Copy: Central File
S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMISSION\Departmental Transmittals\2007\Debbie Coles-Dobay - Public Art Improves our Community - R07-037 - 04-05-07.doc
Palm Beach County
"Public Art Improves Our Community"
Matching Grant Application
City of Boynton Beach
Art in Public Places
Enriching our community through Public Art!
100 E. Boynton beach Blvd. Boynton Beach 33425
Call (561) 742-6026
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
colesdobayd @ci.boynton-beach.fl.us
The City of Boynton Beach values Diversity, Integrity, Stewardship and Creativity. The Art in Public
Places program is committed to "Enriching our Community through Public Art". The first Public Art pro-
ject that the Art in Public Places program is producing for our city is the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memo-
rial. This project celebrates Carolyn Sims' contribution to her community and her service to the quality
of life in Boynton Beach.
Carolyn Sims was an icon to the City of Boynton Beach. During her 41 year employment as Recreation
Manager, Carolyn managed the daily activities of the Wilson Center and had a hugh impact on the
youth that came there. "She was about helping the community and giving back to both young and old."
said Guam Sims, Carolyn's son, who is the prinCipal of Boynton's Galaxy Elementary. "She didn't cater
to only African Americans, but whites and hispanics too. She catered to all people, and that's our fam-
ily. We don't see color. We see people." Carolyn Sims died in 2002, and the City of Boynton Beach
has maintained her legacy by naming the new Community Center at Wilson Park after her. The Caro-
lyn Sims Community Center is under construction and when completed will provide the community with
a two story 14,000 square-foot recreation center located at 211 N.W. 13th Ave, Boynton Beach. This
center is located in a City park in the Heart of Boynton Beach area. This center is a focal point of the
City's revitalization project. The Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial will grace the front entrance of the
Community Center for visitors to reflect on Carolyn's legacy.
The Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial celebrates Carolyn Sims contribution to community spirit. This
Public Art project is designed to engage the public in the process. The public will collaborate with the
artist to gain ownership of the project, participate in its creation and become educated on "How Art is
made". Art in Public Places has enlisted the Arts Commission, the Sims family, the public artist, the
City's Recreation and Parks department and many other City departments for the programming of the
Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial.
The programming of the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial Project will accomplish the following:
o To educate the public and the City on the Public Art process and "How Art is made".
o To involve the community which in turn will endorse the project.
o To market and advertise the redevelopment of the Carolyn Sims Community Center at Wilson
Park through the Public Art component.
o To attract visitors and the community to the Carolyn Sims Community Center.
o To generate positive press for the City of Boynton Beach.
o To notify the community on the Carolyn Sims Community Center build progress.
o To engage the community, City programs and public schools.
o Facilitate and host workshops that the community can attend to learn about the program.
The Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial program is offers field trips to the artists studio to learn "How the
Art is made". This educational component for the program is available through many of the City pro-
grams and facilities that the public atends.
Workshops are scheduled for the public to attend to participate in the Public Art process by naming and
contributing to the dedication statement for the Public Art Memorial plaque. The workshops will en-
courage the public to participate in the celebration of the Public Art project and the build of the Commu-
nity Center at Wilson Park.
Carolyn Sims Memorial Concept
Based on the detailed information provided to the artist about Carolyn Sims, her contributions to
her city and community service. The celebration of her life in the community and her family inspired the
artist to create a Public Art memorial project that captures this spirit. The working name for this Public
Art Memorial is "The Spirit of Florida".
The Public Art Memorial sculpture concept represents the uplifting diversity of ethnicity and ages
of people in our community. The spirit of this Public Art Memorial is depicted by showing the arms and
hands of a man, woman, teen & child (representing black, asian, hispanic and white skin types) coming
from a gold sun base which gives life to all living things, surrounded by Florida's flora and fauna. The
hands are reaching upward to conure parrots, found throughout our community. The bronze Public Art
Memorial, measuring 3' high by 4' wide, will be mounted on a raised hexagon pedestal base 4' wide by
4' high faced with granite. A 2' wide instep will be around the bottom to prevent the Public from walking
into the bronze sculptures sun rays. A bronze plaque, attached to the sculpture base, will detail the
memorial's significance. It will feature it's name and a dedication statement or poem. Lighting will come
from above with some uplighting in or around the base to illuminate the art. In addition, the artist will
create a bronze bust of Carolyn Sims 22" high by 17" wide from head to shoulders that will sit on a 3.5'
high granite rectangle base for placement in the lobby along with a plaque that summarizes her accom-
The location for the Public Art Memorial is outside the front entrance to the new Carolyn Sims
Community Center at Wilson Park. The Carolyn Sims Memorial will be accessible to all that visit and
frequent this facility. The bronze bust will be placed in the lobby of the Carolyn Sims Community Center
with a plaque that summarizes Carolyn's contribution to her City service and community.
The artists proposal includes a 16" scaled three dimensional painted Maquette of the Carolyn
Sims Public Art Memorial project. Its working name is called "the Spirit of Florida". The Maquette will be
used for the following:
. For use in presentations to educate and promote to the community, City, Sims family and visitors
about the Carolyn Sims Memorial Public Art project.
. For use in workshops to encourage community participation to name the project and write a dedi-
cation for the Public Art Memorial plaque.
. For use in reproduction for fundraising, promotion and merchandising opportunities.
. For use in advertising and marketing for the Carolyn Sims Community Center at Wilson Park and
Carolyn Sims Memorial Public Art materials.
. To include Carolyn Sims' family in the public art process.
The artist will work closely with the Sims family to create a bronze bust of Carolyn Sims.
He will gather images from the family and establish how they wish Carolyn to be por-
trayed in the bronze likeness. The Sims family will contribute comments on the progress
of the bust. We will work closely with the Sims family to establish the copy for the bronze
plaque that commemorates the bust.
The concept and the programming accomplishes the goals and criteria for this program by capturing
the "Spirit of Carolyn Sims community service and contribution to the quality of life in Boynton Beach".
This Public Art Memorial will celebrate her legacy and is a project that will educate the public and the
City (staff and officials) about "How Public Art is made" and to participate in the Public Art process. It
also serves to inform the public on the build process for the Community Center at Wilson Park and look
forward to the Public Art Memorial as a symbol of progress for the City and their community.
The Public Art Administrator will coordinate the Public Art Memorial and bust build process with the art-
ist, Frank Varga and integrate his involvement the workshops, field trips and celebration of the program.
The Public Art Administrator is responsible to monitor and maintain the project through the build proc-
ess with the project contractors, City planners and project directors. The Public Art Administrator will
communicate, coordinate, market and promote the Public Art Memorial and build process, workshops
and field trips to the public, press, City staff and Arts Commission advisory board.
March 2007 - January 2008 - Conduct tours of scheduled groups to artist studio to
demonstrate the process of the Public Art Memorial project. Public will be able to "Learn
how Art is made" Workshops are scheduled for the public to attend to participate in the
Public Art process, name and prepare a dedication for the Public Art Memorial and par-
ticipate in the celebration of the Public Art project and the build progress of the Commu-
nity Center at Wilson Park. The Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial build, workshops,
field trips and celebration will be filmed and documented. The final documentary will be
used for educational purposes in City programs, on display at the Carolyn Sims Com-
munity Center and marketed through City media and promoted to public television and
area schools.
July 2007 - Palm Beach County provides notice to proceed. Begin Carolyn Sims Memo-
rial Public Art project and Carolyn Sims bust.
August 2007 - Clay models made and ready for approval
Sept 2007 - Rubber molds produced
Sept - Dec. 2007 - Foundry cast bronzes
Sept - Dec 2007 - Plaques produced
Dec 2007 - Public Art installed
December 2007 - Installation complete ready for inspection
January 2008 - Grand Opening unveiling celebration and ribbon cutting
Policy makers for the
City of Boynton Beach
City Manager
Manages City Business
Uaison to City Commission
Neighborhood Services
Assistant City Manager
Manages City Departments
Media & Publications
City PlannerlProject Manager
Public Art Administrator
Art in Public Places Program
for the City of Boynton Beach
Recreation & Parks
Director for the
City of Boynton Beach
web site
Brochure distribution
Public Artist
SENIOR CENTER - Steve Lulkin
LIBRARY - Karen Abramson
ART CENTER - Virginia Shea
HESTER CENTER - Mary DeGraffenreidt
MUSEUM - Michael Hall
All City program directors
City Commission approves project and applying for PBC Grant
City Manager facilitates this process.
Assistant City Manager oversees the Public Art Administrator position and AIPP program
Public Art Administrator coordinates executes and administrators the AIPP program to:
.Recreation & Parks Department and City program directors.
Recreation & Parks Director manages the Carolyn Sims Community center project build.
City program directors facilitate the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial project in their spe-
cific programs that are open to the public.
.City Media & Publications director executes PA project promotion to the public.
.City Neighborhood Services promotes program to City neighborhoods and associations
.Coordinate with artist for project build with City project managers
.Market program to Public through City TV, Newsletter, web site a direct brochure distribution
.Promote program to press for print and broadcast publication
.Coordinate artist studio visits and workshop participation with public, artist and City programs
Frank Varga
296 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 561 -704-1199 Fax: 561 -374-8596
E-mail: varaastudios@earthlink.net Official Web Page: www.varaa-art.com
Summary of
1 951 - Present - Varga Sculpturing Studios - Grosse Pointe, MI and Delray
Beach, FL
Thanks to the formal European sculpting education mostly by Italian masters and ap-
prenticeship since 1951 under his father the internationally famous Professor Ferenc
Varga of the University of Budapest, Frank Varga was trained by the masters to produce
sculptures from a wide variety of materials; marble, bronze, terra cotta, aluminum, etc.
This ability to work with such a diverse range of materials provides flexibility when
choosing the correct medium to fit the setting and the subject. As a result, Frank
Varga has been successful and prolific.
Over 1 00 major public commissions have been completed in the United States, Canada
and Europe for a city or other government agency. Included are public monuments to
commemorate major events and honor public figures past and present including one
commissioned by the White House to honor President John F. Kennedy. During this
same period over 50 major ecclesiastical sculptures were also commissioned and com-
pleted for various religious entities including the Vatican commissioning a life size
bronze bust of Pope John Paul for the Vatican Museum. The major public and ecclesias-
tical works were life size or larger, up to Monumental in dimension, and usually made of
cast bronze. During this same time period a multitude of life size personal works and
private commissions were also sculpted along with over 1 00 smaller pieces.
1960 - 1964 Accademia di Arte di Firenze - Florence, Italy
Degree earned: Doccumento di Arte
1980 BA Degree in Fine Arts from Honolulu University
National Sculpture Society; The International Register of Profiles - International Bio-
graphical Center - Cambridge, England, 1976; Academia Italia delle Arte dell Lavoro Sol-
somaggiore, T erme, Italy
German, French, Flemish, Italian and English
Scholarship - Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy
Accademia Medallo di Oro demia Italia delle Arte del Lavoro, Artistic Sculptural Achieve-
ments, Italian Fine Arts Council. Registered nell albo d'Oro dell' Accademia. Salsomaggiore
Terme oddi 1-12-1980.
First Place, 14' sculpture St. Steohen of Hunaarv. memorial in St. Louis, MO
First Place, 5' sculpture of Youna Women, on display in Wyandotte, MI
First Place, The Hurricane, 14' cast bronze Memorial for Victims of the 1928 Hurricane in
Belle Glade, FL. National Competition.
HUD - National Community Art Competition, selected for their publication showing artists of
emerging and established significance.
First Place, General Macomb. 20' cast bronze, placed in front of Macomb County Court
Building, Mt. Clemens, MI. Authorized by the Michigan legislature (legislature Senate con-
current Resolution #488). Tribute to honor Alexander Macomb for the bicentennial.
Adopted by the House of Representatives 1976.
First Place, Immiarants. 20' cast bronze, Bremerhaven, Germany
First Place, Soirit of the World, 16' bronze, Art in Public Places, Oceana Club, Miami, FL
Gallerie de Arte
Galleria Vannucci
Racz Gallery
Masters Gallery
Arcade Gallery
Esterhazy Gallery
Generous Critic
Delany Gallery
Gallerie de J. Bousquet
Museum of Fine Arts
Grosse Pointe Gallery
Museum of Academy of Fine Arts
New England Fine Art Institute
Sal Magundi Club of Arts
Museum of Fine Arts
Museum of Art
Vatican Museum
White House
Heritage Museum
Pistoria, Italy
Florence, Italy
Detroit, MI
Toronto, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Palm Beach, FL
Grosse Pointe, MI
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Palm Beach, FL
Los Angeles, CA
Grosse Pointe, MI
Florence, Italy
Boston, MA
New York, NY
Chicago, IL
Sioux Falls, SO
Rome, Italy
Washington, DC
New Brunswick, NJ
Frank Varga
Varga Sculpturing Studio
296 NE 6th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483
561 704-1199
St. Agnes Church, Naples, FL Podium, Altar Candle Holders
\ \"
Andrea Clark Brown Architects DIGITAL IMAGE #1
380 8th St. South, Naples, FL Telephone: 239-263-3898
Contact: David Poorman
Prank Varga was contacted by Architect on project who had collaborated with him on many other projects.
Pranks experience working with marble and his association with his studio work in Italy awarded, him this
project. Prank met with St. Agnes officials to discuss the project scope. The project was to portray the
elements as "Old World and Earthy" Pranks concepts captured this by using white marble from Carara Italy
from the original quarry that Michaelango's "Piata" came from. Prank combined this Old world feel with a
modem technique similar to the unfinished works of Michaelango. The esthetics of this technique where to
leave images unfinished so that the viewer can imagine what is emerging from the marble. This was to
create an inspirational effect.
The first part of the project was the outdoor "Stations of the Cross". "Stations of the Cross" are 15 carved
pieces that weigh 300 lbs each. Each station tells the story of Christ on his way to his crucifiction. "Madonna"
adorns the end of the "Stations of the Cross". Continued collaboration on the project moved forward to
include several interior locations for additional artwork. Prank created statues of the Blessed Mother, the
Altar. presider chair, lectern and candle holders carved from the marble from Carara Italy.
St. Agnes, Life size sculptor
St. Agnes, Madonna - 9' tall
ST. Agn~s Baptismal Font Sid~e view 18' long
St. Agnes, View of Stations fo the Cross
A large 10' Christ is suspended
30' high in front of the stained
glass above the baptismal font.
The Baptismal font which is
52,000 lbs of carved Carara marble
features a bronze font which water
overflows back into the recycling
interior elements. Above the
Baptismal font a athena cast stone
image of St. Agnes is suspended
on stone work above a metal
branch feature. The project took
two years to complete
at a cost of $300,000.00
#2 - The Barefoot Mailman, Hypoloxo, FL
Town of Hypoluxo, FL
7580 S. Federal Highway, Hypoluxo, Fl. 33462-6034 Telephone 561-582-0155
Kenneth Schultz, Mayor
This 10 foot sculpture is a cast bronze detailed figure of the Barefoot Mailman commissioned in
2004 for the town of Hypoloxo, FL. The Florida railway line gave Hypoloxo the property to designate it
as a wildlife sanctuary. The town wanted to emulated and celebrate their city logo icon, the Barefoot
Mailman. Frank researched and collaborated with the town on how to depict the Barefoot mailman. He
turned their logo into a 3-D statue memorial.
Frank used historical photographs of the Barefoot Mailman that lived in Hypoloxo who died at
the Hillsboro Inlet for his bronze sculpture statue. The cost was $100,000.00.
#3 - Saint Paul's Church, Boca Raton, FL
St. Pauls, Boca 0\ er lifsize images
Saint Paul's Church
Boca Raton, FL Telephone: 561-395-0433
Contact: Pastor Glick
"Come to Me" is cast stone life size bas relief commissioned in 200 1. It is created from forged stone.
This piece is a memorial sculpture that was donated by a family that depicts their children. One of
the children died in a tragic auto accident. All the family's children are shown with Christ. Frank
worked closely with the family and the Pastor. The cost for this artwork is $25,000.00
#4 - Reverend Beneby, Nassau, Bahamas
Nassau, Grand Bahama Island
Reverend Beneby
Helen Beneby 242-361-4753
Life sized cast bronze of "Reverend Beneby" commissioned in 2003. Reverend Beneby was an
influential Baptist minister in the Bahamas who did charity work for the Bahamians. When he
passed away the family commissioned this bronze sculpture. Frank worked with the family on
the likeness of this life sized bronze bust. Reverend Beneby's portrait is placed granite base on
property near the Baptist Church in Nassau Bahamas.
Father Solanus Casey
St. Bonaventure Monastery
1740 MD. Elliott Ave.,
Detroit, MI48207
(313) 579-2100 x139
Father Leo Ofmcap
Office of the Vice Postulator
This life sized, lifelike cast bronze
sculpture of Father Solan us is a favorite
pilgrimage for people nationwide. Father
Solanus will be the next American Saint.
The statue is located in front of the St.
Bonaventure Monastery. It took 6 months
at a cost of $ 40,000.00
#1) 2001
Good Shepherd
St. Vincent Ferrer Church
840 George Bush Blvd.,
Delray Beach, FL 33483
(561) 276-4320
Pastor Shean
The Good Shepherd is a main feature
sculpture that sits outside the entrance
of the St. Vincent Ferrer gymnasium. It
watches over the children when they
are in the gymnasium. It took 4
months at a cost of $ 20,000.00.
Barefoot Mailman
7580 S. Federal Highway,
Hypoluxo, FL 33462
(561) 582-0155
Kenneth Schultz, Mayor
Frank researched and collaborated
with the town on how to depict the
Barefoot mailman, their logo into a 3-D,
statue memorial. It is located in the
wildlife sanctuary on Hypoloxo Road.
It took 6 months at a cost of $
St. Agnes Church, Naples, FL
Andrea Clark Brown Architects
David Poorman
(239) 263-3898
This 9 foot carved Carara Italian
white marble was commissioned for
the St. Agnes Church, Naples, FL.
It is located in the entryway at the
end of the Station of the Crosses
Sculptures. Once the marble was
delivered to the us from Italy the
artwork took 4 months to complete
at a cost of $ 75,000.00
~--- "---,-...
Spirit of Florida
The spirit of the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial is depicted by showing the arms and
hands of a man, woman, teen & child (representing black, asian, hispanic and white
skin types) coming from a gold sun base which gives life to all living things, surrounded
by Florida's flora and fauna. The hands are reaching upward to conure parrots, found
throughout our community. The proposed title of the piece is the "Spirit of Florida".
Image of Carolyn Sims from which
the lifelike bust will be created.
12" wide x 17" deep cast bronze maquette
of Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial
The bronze Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial will be
individually casted and then assembled to create the image
above. The bronze will be patined black, green, gold and
brown to provide detail to the elements within the bronze
sculpture. The Public Art memorial is designed to measure 3'
high by 4' wide, and is to be mounted on a raised hexagon
pedestal base 4' wide by 4' high made from concrete faced with DIGITAL IMAGE #18
granite. A 2' wide instep will be constructed around the base to
prevent the Public from walking into the bronze sculptures protruding sun rays. A bronze plaque, attached to
the sculpture base, will detail the memorial's significance. It will feature it's name and a dedication statement or
poem. Lighting will come from above courtyard lighting with additional uplighting in or around the base to
illuminate the art. The Art in Public Places will coordinate and maintain the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial.
Funds are available in the program to accomplish this and will be done by the City staff.
Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial "Spirit of Florida"(working name)
Size: Thigh x 6'wide total size
Sculpture: 3' h x 4"w
Base: 4'h x 4'wide hexagon with a 2'w instep around base bottom totaling 6'w
Material: Cast bronze sculpture patined a variety of colors (black, bronze, green, brown)
Base: Blue Granite (.75" thick) over cement base structure
2' permitter of cement or matching walkway material
Carolyn Sims bust/relief
Size: Lifelike bust of Carolyn Sims 5' total size
Bust: 22"h x 17"w head to shoulders
Pedestal: 15"square 38"high
Material: Cast Bronze for the bust with granite (color TBD) (.75" thick) over concrete base
Additional elements
Lighting: Provided on site from above
Engraved plaque for both memorial and bust Bronze size 10" x 12" with name and dates
in .75" letters and dedication in .25" lettering. Approximately 60-70 words.
Maquette production - Provide costs to reproduce small size version of Carolyn Sims Me-
morial (costs to produce each bronze is additional)
Total proposal estimate at $ 60,000.00 includes:
1. Concept
2. Maquette production for Carolyn Sims Memorial artwork
3. Digital image of Maquette
4. Merchandising. rights for Maquette use
5. Workshop presentation time
6. Studio tour time
7. Time for filming and documentation
8. Full size clay model for both Memorial and bust
9. Bronze casting both Memorial and bust
10. Production of plaques
11. Base construction for sculptures
12. Coordination with city project manager for lighting
13. Granite and installation for sculpture bases
14. Structural engineering or material testing, permit fees, insurance to cover the scope of the
15. Installation of sculptures
16. Time to attend Grand Opening and unveiling events.
17. Maintenance recommendation and continued maintenance availability (city will be responsible
for long term maintenance costs)
The Carolyn Sims Community Center at Wilson Park will provide the citizens of
Boynton Beach a safe and entertaining variety of activities and events that promote
family unity and community uplift though social and instructional programs.
City of Boynton Beach
Art in Public Places
Enriching our community through Public Art!
100 E. Boynton beach Blvd. Boynton Beach 33425
Call (561) 742-6026
Debby CoJes-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
AprilS, 2007
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R07-037 - Palm Beach County - "Public Art Improves Our Community"
Matching Grant Program Description & Application
Debbie Coles-Do bay
Art Administrator
Janet M. Prainito
City Clerk
Attached is the partially executed original agreement and Matching Grant Program
Application. Once the agreement has been fully executed and you have completed the
original grant application, please forward the original agreement to me for Central File
and forward the grant application for Mayor Taylor's signature. I will then return to you
the original grant application and a copy of the agreement along with a copy of the
If you have any questions, please contact me.
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Central File
S:\CC\WP\AFTER COMMI55ION\Departmental Transmittals\2007\Debbie Coles-Dobay - Public Art Improves our Community - R07-037 - 04-05-07.doc
Program Description
Palm Beach County's Public Art Committee recognizes the crucial role that governments and artists play in
enhancing the aesthetic qualities of society. The "public Art Improves Our Community" matching grant program
supports collaborative projects between artists and communities and aims to be a catalyst for private and
governmental support of public art on publicly owned property throughout Palm Beach County.
The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners, through its Public Art Committee, is issuing a
request for proposals to municipality / artist(s) teams to design, fabricate and install public art that
complements public buildings, parks and/or plazas; creates a sense of place; enhances community identity
and improves the design quality of public infrastructure in outdoor locations.
The County's Public Art Committee recognizes the crucial role that governments and artists play in enhancing
the aesthetic qualities of society. This grant program supports collaborative projects between artists and
communities and aims to be a catalyst for private and governmental support of public art on publicly owned
property throughout Palm Beach County.
Qualified Applicants
Municipality located within Palm Beach County, in partnership with an artist(s).
ApDlication Deadline
To be considered for grant funds, applicants must submit the attached application, along with submittal
materials to Palm Beach County Art in Public Places, 3200 Belvedere Road, Bldg. 1169, West Palm Beach, FL
33406 by April 27, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. Applications must be mailed or delivered; applications submitted by
facsimile transmission will not be accepted.
Eligible Expenses
Funds from this grant may only be applied toward the actual costs incurred for the public art project. No part of
this grant shall be used for project administration/overhead or for costs associated with the preparation,
submission or presentation of the funding application. Proposed project budgets should cover all costs
associated with the project including the artist's design fee, other consulting fees such as structural
engineering or material testing, permit fees, insurance to cover the scope of the project, materials, models,
fabrication, transportation, shipping, installation, travel to and from site, per diem expenses, project
documentation, land acquisition/leasing costs and a contingency to cover unexpected expenses. Certificates of
insurance must be provided to verify required levels of General Liability, Auto and Worker's Compensation
Insurance outlined in the Grant Agreement.
Funds cannot be awarded retrospectively. Projects must be timetabled to start after the "Notice to Proceed" is
issued by Palm Beach County.
Cash Match Requirement
Grants are available to municipalities, which will act as the fiscal agent, in partnership with artists.
Palm Beach County will award up to $100,000 in matching public art grants on a reimbursement basis.
Applicants must apply for a $10,000 minimum award. Applicants must demonstrate a one hundred (100%)
cash match. Proposals must be approved by the municipality and matching funds must be appropriated.
Matching funds may be provided to municipality through private underwriting. The municipalities of Belle
Glade, Pahokee, and South Bay only have to demonstrate a 75% cash match.
.PublicArt Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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ProQram Goals
· To make public art a more visible part of our community.
· To increase public awareness of, and participation in the creation of public art in our community.
· To foster collaboration between municipalities and artists.
· To broaden the understanding of how the arts can benefit a community.
· To develop artistic venues which attract both residents and tourists.
· To mentor municipalities in public art project development and administration.
Minimum Criteria
1. Proposed pUblic art project must be submitted by a qualified Applicant.
2. Project must be located on property owned by the Applicant or on property that the Applicant has secured
through perpetual easement and allows for this use. The Applicant will be required to submit proof of
ownership with the Grant Application.
3. Applicant must fund at least fifty percent (50%) of the total project cost.
4. The project should be developed as a place-specific installation which responds to the characteristics of
the particular location, such as the history, physical environment and diversity of the people within the
5. The project should have a clear benefit to and involvement of the community.
6. The project should support artistic excellence, be of high quality and created by qualified artistes).
7. The proposed public art must be sited in a location that is physically accessible to all people.
8. Applicant must be able to provide continuous monitoring and maintenance of Project, during and after
Qualification Materials
The following qualification materials shall be submitted along with the completed Grant Application.
1. Describe in detail the proposed public art Project, including how the Project addresses the goals and
criteria and how the Project will be monitored and maintained by the Applicant. (Limit 2 pages)
2. Provide a proposed Project schedule from "Notice to Proceed" through "Ribbon Cutting." Total Project
timeline not to exceed 18 months.
3. Organizational Chart of Team - Briefly describe the services the team members will provide.
4. Resumes - A current resume for artistes).
,..,. 5. References - Provide three verifiable references for the artistes) from projects of a similar scale completed
in the last eight years. Please include name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for each
6. Up to a total of 10 images representing at least two different public art projects by the artistes) in the past
six years. Only submit images of projects that have been realized. Images of proposals, models or
computer generated images will not be reviewed. Submit slides QB digital images in the following formats:
SLIDES: Slides must be presented in a 9" x 11" plastic slide sheet. Each slide must be labeled with
artist's name, numbered according to the annotated image list (see #7), and marked with
indication of top and front.
DIGITAL IMAGES: Images should be sent on virus-free PC-compatible CD-ROM in .jpg file format.
Each file should be named with artist surname and image number to correspond with the
annotated image list (see #7). Maximum image size is four inches by five inches and 96 dpi.
7. An annotated image list identifying slides/digital images by number, artist name, title of work/project,
location of project, major materials used, dimensions, project timeline (from contract to completion),
budget, name of commissioning agency, Project Manager's name and phone number, and commissioning
agency's goals for the project.
8. Concept Drawings: Up to four drawings to define proposal and design concepts. Please submit drawings
on 8 ~" x 11" paper. If drawings are in color, please supply 15 color copies of each, otherwise drawings will
be reproduced in black and white for panel review.
9. Material List: A list of proposed materials to be used to design, fabricate and install the Project.
"Public Art Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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Judging Criteria
25 Artistic merit of proposed design and quality of materials. Artist(s) qualifications.
25 Meets program goals and criteria. Ability to complete the project.
20 Benefit to and involvement of the community; design reflects community
10 ....ocation is highly visible to the public and is accessible to people with disabilities.
5 Ability to provide long-term maintenance of the public art project.
5 Project includes a public outreach/education component.
Application Processing & Awarding
Applications will be reviewed by Palm Beach County Art in Public Places staff for general compliance with
grant criteria to determine eligibility. The Public Art Committee will constitute the selection committee and will
meet to determine the final grant awards based on the judging criteria listed above. Projects will be funded by
order of ranking until all available funding is encumbered. The Public Art Committee's grant award
recommendations will be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Grant agreements
will be mailed to successful applicants for the appropriate signature and should be returned to the County Art in
Public Places Administrator. NOTE: Applicants are advised that from the date of release of this Grant
Application until award of the grant funds, no contact with County personnel related to this Grant
Application or Selection Committee members is permitted, except as authorized by the Art in Public
Places Administrator anellor in conjunction with scheduled Applicant activities. Any such
unauthorized contact shall not be used as a basis for responding to this Grant Application, and may
result in the disqualification of the Applicant's submittal. Applicants are further advised that the "Palm
Beach County Lobbyist Registration Ordinance," Ordinance 03-018, as amended by Ordinance 03-055,
prohibits an Applicant or anyone representing the Applicant from communicating with any
Commissioner or Commissioner's staff, or any employee authorized to act on behalf of the
Commission, regarding its application, i.e. a "Cone of Silence." The "Cone of Silence" is in effect from
the date/time of the deadline for submission of the application and terminates at the time the Board of
County Commissioners awards the grant funding or otherwise takes action which ends the solicitation
Submittal Checklist
The following qualification materials shall be submitted along with the completed Grant Application. See
"Qualification Materials" section above for detailed description of each item listed below.
1. Project description.
2. Proposed Project schedule.
3. Organizational chart of team
4. Resumes.
- 5. References.
6. Images of past projects.
7. An annotated image list.
8. Concept drawings of proposed Project.
9. Materiallist.
10. Proof of property Municipal ownership / control for proposed Project location.
11. Proof of matching funds. (Must submit within 30 days of recommended grant award. Proof includes
appropriation approved by municipality or by agreement for private funding/donation. If unable, the grant
may be reassigned to another applicant.)
Estimated Award Timeline
July 31,2006
Grant announced
.PublicArt Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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August, September, October 2006
April 27, 2007 - 5:00 p.m.
May 17, 2007
July 2007
Public Art 101 Workshops (non-mandatory, schedule below)
Deadline - Grant Application submittals
Finalists selected and notified
July 2007
Recommendation submitted to
Board of County Commissioners for approval
Contract Execution and "Notice to Proceed"
Grant Aoreement
Applicants selected for funding must enter into a grant agreement with the Board of County Commissioners,
the form of the sample contract is available for review prior to submittal of grant. Grant funds may only be used
to reimburse expenses that occur after execution of the grant agreement. The Project needs to be completely
developed, permitted as appropriate, and completed within 18 months of grant award.
"Public Art Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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"Public Art Improves Our Community" Matching Grant Application
Project TItle: Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial
Contact Person:
Debby Coles-Dobay Contact TItle:
Public Art Administrator
Contact Agency:
City of Boynton Beach. Art in Public Places Program
Artist(s) Name:
Frank Varga
Contact Mailing Address:
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
City: Boynton Beach
Zip: 33425
Contact Phone:
(561) 742-6026
Contact E-mail: colesdobavd@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us
Amount of Grant Request:
$ 30 000 00 Total Project Cost: $ 60 000.000
Amount of Matching Funds: $30 000 00
2. Describe the specific source of the matching funds: Carolyn Sims Community Center at Wilson Park
Community Improvement Project budget
3. Funding source for long-term Project maintenance: Art in Public Places Program
4. Proposed Project location: 311 N.W. 13th Avenue. Boynton Beach. FL 33435
(please enclose photos of location)
Describe Project location, nearest cross streets, facility type and property use.
Wilson Park is located in the Heart of Boynton just west of Seacrest Blvd between Boynton Beach
Blvd. and Gateway Blvd. The 5.4 acres of Wilson Park is surrounded by the C-16 canal, N. W. 3rd
Street, N.W. 12th Ave., and N.W. 1st Street. Carolyn Sims (2 story, 13,800 sq. ft) Community
Center is located on the S.E comer of the park surrounded by the community pool, playgrounds,
basketball courts, picnic areas with pavilions and multi-purpose fields. The Carolyn Sims
Community Center will hosts programs and activities for the community. The Carolyn Sims
Public Art Memorial will be installed at the front entrance to the Community Center.
Estimated Project Start Date: July 2007
Estimated Project Completion Date: January 2008
"Public Art Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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Proiect Budget
Provide a proposed budget indicating how grant funds will be utilized and where the matching funds will be
Design (maximum 10% of Project budget) $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Fabrication $ 22,750.00 $ 22,750.00
Installation $ 2.750.00 $ 2,750.00
Other $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00
TOTAL REQUESTED $ 30,000.00 $ 30.000.00
TOTAL GRANT AGREEMENT $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00
"Public Art Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
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Name (Type or Print)
.PublicArt Improves Our Community" Matching Grant
Name (Type or Print)
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The City of Boynton Beach
Public Art Administrator
Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant City Manager
Debby Coles-Dobay, Public Art Administrator
October 26, 2006
SUBJECT: Carolyn Sims PA & Carolyn Sims COmmunity Center at Wilson Park project
At the Tuesday, October 25th Arts Commission meeting we had a great meeting on the Carolyn Sims
Memorial project. We reviewed the information regarding the project criteria and how we can meet
the Palm Beach County grant requirements. The Sims family and Wally Majors was present as well
as the artist chosen for the project, Frank Varga. The communication and discussion rewarded posi-
tive results. The family, the artist, Arts Commission and Rec & Parks are all anxious to move forward
with the project. The Carolyn Sims Public Art program plans are to:
· Reach out to involve the community, public schools and city programs.
Facilitate and host workshops that the community can attend to learn about the program.
The artist, Frank Varga, will explain the concept for the Carolyn Sims Memorial and how the art
will be made. The attendees can provide feedback on the memorial and exchange information
about Carolyn Sims.
Encourage community fundraising efforts and explore a Carolyn Sims scholarship.
· Include the community In the public art process.
Encourage participation in the project through the naming of the Carolyn Sims Memorial. Cur-
rent working title is "The Spirit of Florida".
Have participants submit a poem or dedication that can be inscribed on the memorial's bronze
. Include the family In the public art process.
The artist will work closely with the Sims family to create a bronze bust or relief of Carolyn
Sims. He will gather images from the family and establish how they wish Carolyn to be por-
trayed in the bronze likeness. The Sims family will comment on the progress of the bust (or re-
The Public Art Administrator will work closely with the Sims family to establish the copy for the
bronze plaque that commemorates the bust (or relief).
. Educate children and adults about how public art is made.
Distribute to the schools, churches and city programs to offers trips to the artists studio to learn
about how the art is made.
The Sims family will assist to develop and distribute the curriculum to the schools and
Rec & Park dept will assist to distribute the curriculum to the City programs.
. Document the process.
Film the public art process including the workshops, the studio visits, artist at work, the com-
munity participation and interviews with community on Carolyn Sims.
Documentary can be used as an education tool in schools and City facilities.
Documentary can be displayed at the Carolyn Sims Community Center at Wilson Park on a
continual basis.
Documentary can be used for PR purposes and for BBTV television programming.
. Provide communication to the community on the progress of the Carolyn Sims Community
Center at Wilson Park.
Facilitate city communications of the Carolyn Sims Community Center build progress through
the community participation of the Carolyn Sims Public Art process.
· Provide positive support from the community.
Sims family will assist to facilitate the communication of the Carolyn Sims project and its pro-
gress between the community, the Arts Commission and PA administrator.
Rec & parks will assist to facilitate the communication of the Carolyn Sims project and its pro-
gress between the city programs, the Arts Commission and PA administrator.
PA Administrator will facilitate the communication of the Carolyn Sims project and its progress
between the city staff, CRA staff, City boards, and City Commission.
. Collaborate the Carolyn Sims Public Art Project with other City departments and advisory
The Arts Commission and PA administrator will communicate and encourage collaboration with
other City departments and advisory boards such as the Education & Youth Advisory board,
Rec & Park staff and advisory board, building and engineering, media & public communica-
tions and CRA staff and advisory board.
· Educate the City, community and developers on how a successful Public Art project can
contribute to economic development, civic pride, community awareness and celebrate a
city's heritage.
CC: Wally Majors
Arts Commission
Frank Varga
Sims family
TIDS AGREEMENT, dated the -La-- day of
Ar~'\~ I
, 2007, is by and
CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a municipal corporation, organized and operating
pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida, with a business address of 100 East Boynton
Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, hereinafter referred to as "CITY",
Frank Varga dba VARGA SCULPTURING STUDIO, with an address of 296 N.E.
6TH Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 hereinafter referred to as "ARTIST." CITY
and ARTIST may hereinafter collectively be referred to as the "Parties."
In consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, prormses, covenants and payments
hereinafter set forth, CITY and ARTIST agree as follows:
WHEREAS, a sculpture is a work of art, generally created by carving, modeling, casting or
shaping materials, such as metals, into a three-dimensional figure; and
WHEREAS, CITY desires to obtain professional services from an artist for the creation of a
sculpture for the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial; and
WHEREAS, ARTIST possesses specific skills, talent, expertise, experience and knowledge to
provide the CITY with the sculpture in a professional and artistic manner; and
WHEREAS, ARTIST has stated an interest in working on the creation of a Sculpture for the
CITY; and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to commission the ARTIST to create Sculpture; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements
herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, it is agreed herein between the Parties hereto as follows:
1.1. RECITALS: Each "whereas" clause set forth above IS true and correct and herein
incorporated by this reference.
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2.l. ARTIST hereby agrees to create a Sculpture, or other services which may otherwise be
required, as further enumerated in the Scope of Services set forth in Article 3 herein below.
2.2. The sculpture shall be located at such location within the CITY as designated by the CITY.
2.3. ARTIST shall furnish all services and labor necessary and as may be required in the
performance of this Agreement.
2.4. ARTIST hereby represents to CITY, with full knowledge that CITY is relying upon these
representations when entering into this Agreement with ARTIST, that ARTIST has the professional
expertise, talent, experience and manpower to perform the services to be provided by ARTIST
pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
2.5. ARTIST certifies, to his knowledge, that all work performed pursuant to this agreement,
including but not limited to the Sculpture, is an original creation and does not infringe upon or violate
any copyrights or other rights of any person, fIrm or organization.
2.6. The CITY recognizes the ARTIST's rights pursuant to the Federal Visual Artist Rights Act of
1990, known as "V ARA". The CITY will not intentionally distort and/or modify the sculpture, where
the modifIcation or distortion would prejudice the ARTIST's honor or reputation.
2.7. The CITY is entitled to exhibit, publish, broadcast, advertise and otherwise use the likeness of
the sculpture, in any manner the CITY sees fIt. The CITY agrees not to sell the sculpture to a third-
party for monetary gain. The CITY may transfer ownership of the sculpture to another governmental
entity or to a not for profit corporation.
2.8. The CITY agrees to give the ARTIST full acknowledgement and credit as the creator of the
sculpture, with the placement of a plaque or similar object on and/or near the sculpture.
2.9. The value of the sculpture is established when the price of the art is commissioned.
2.10. The CITY agrees to provide the ARTIST access to CITY property, as a work site to prepare the
sculpture for installation.
2.11. ARTIST may not hire or utilize the services of any sub-contractor, employee or other
individual to assist the ARTIST in performing services under this agreement without the prior written
approval of the CITY.
2.12 ARTIST warranties the fmal product against all defects in workmanship and materials for a
period of one year.
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ARTIST shall perform the following services in accordance with this Agreement with CITY as
3.1. All work performed under this Agreement shall be done in a professional manner.
3.2. The sculpture shall be produced to the CITY's satisfaction and in conformity with the appropriate
moral and ethical standards for the community in which the CITY is located. The quality of the
completed materials is a matter of prime importance and shall meet all applicable industry standards. The
CITY shall have the right to approve and/or reject the sculpture or any portion thereof. The display, of the
sculpture shall be subject to the sole discretion of the CITY.
3.3 The ARTIST shall perform and provide services as set forth in the Proposal for the Carolyn Sims
Public Art Memorial dated December 8, 2006, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
4.1. This Agreement shall take effect as of the date of execution as shown herein below and shall end
upon completion of the ARTIST's work and services described in Articles 2 and 3 hereof.
4.2. All documents, plans, work products, materials, equipment and tools belonging to the CITY
will be furnished to the CITY upon completion and/or termination of the Agreement, whichever occurs
4.3 The CITY's rights to exhibit, publish, broadcast, advertise and otherwise use of the likeness of
the sculpture shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
5.1. The CITY shall provide compensation and/or payments to the ARTIST as set forth in the
Proposal for the Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial dated December 8, 2006, a copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
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CITY or ARTIST may request changes that would increase, decrease or otherwise modify the
Scope of Services to be provided under this Agreement. Such changes or additional services must be
in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the CITY and must be contained in a
written amendment, executed by the Parties hereto, with the same formality and with equal dignity
herewith prior to any deviation from the term or scope of this Agreement, including the initiation of
any additional or extra work. In no event will ARTIST be compensated for any work which has not
been described in a separate written agreement executed by the Parties hereto.
7.1. Insurance. Worker's Compensation Insurance, property damage, liability insurance and vehicular
liability insurance shall be maintained during the life of this contract to comply with statutory limits for all
employees, and in the case any work is sublet, the ARTIST shall require the sub-Contractors similarly to
provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all the latter's employees unless such employees are
covered by the protection afforded by the ARTIST.
A. ARTIST shall secure and maintain in force, throughout the duration of this contract,
comprehensive general and automobile liability insurance with a minimum coverage of
$1,000,000 per occurrence; $1,000,000 aggregate for personal injury; $1,000,000 per
occurrence/aggregate for property damage; and, professional liability insurance in the amount
of $1 ,000,000 (all professional contract services).
B. Said general liability policy shall name the City of Boynton Beach as an additional insured and
shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of said policy except upon thirty (30) days
prior written notice to the City.
C. ARTIST shall secure and maintain in force throughout the duration of this contract workers'
compensation insurance to statutory limits.
D. ARTIST shall furnish the City with a certificate of insurance after award has been made prior
to the start of any work for the City. Said insurance companies must be authorized to do
business in the State of Florida and the City will not accept any company that has a rating less
than B+ in accordance with A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, latest edition.
E. Reference Insurance Advisory Form for additional types of insurance and limits required. The
City reserves the right to require additional types of insurance, or to raise or lower the stated
limits, based upon identified risk.
If ARTIST claims to be exempt from this requirement, ARTIST shall provide CITY proof of
such exemption along with a written request for CITY to exempt ARTIST, written on
ARTIST's letterhead.
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7.2. Independent Contractor. This Agreement does not create an employee/employer
relationship between the Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that the ARTIST is an independent
contractor under this Agreement and not the CITY's employee for any purposes, including but not
limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime payments,
Federal Insurance Contribution Act, the Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the State Worker's Compensation Act, and the State
Unemployment Insurance law. The ARTIST shall retain sole and absolute discretion in the judgment
of the manner and means of carrying out ARTIST's activities and responsibilities hereunder provided,
further that administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be
those of ARTIST, which policies of ARTIST shall not conflict with CITY, State, or United States
policies, rules or regulations relating to the use of ARTIST's funds provided for herein. The ARTIST
agrees that it is a separate and independent enterprise from the CITY, that it had full opportunity to
fmd other business, that it has made its own investment in its business, and that it will utilize a high
level of skill necessary to perform the work. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating any
joint employment relationship between the ARTIST and the CITY and the CITY will not be liable for
any obligation incurred by ARTIST, including but not limited to unpaid minimum wages and/or
overtime premiums.
7.3. Assignments.
7.3.1. This Agreement, or any interest herein, shall not be assigned, transferred or otherwise
encumbered, under any circumstances, by ARTIST without the prior written consent of CITY.
However, this Agreement shall run to the CITY and its successors and assigns.
7.3.2. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or
conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed
with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith.
7.4. No Contingent Fees. ARTIST warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or
person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ARTIST to solicit or secure this
Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or
firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for ARTIST any fee, commission, percentage,
gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement.
For the breach or violation of this provision, the CITY shall have the right to terminate the Agreement
without liability at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover the full
amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration.
7.5. Notice. Whenever any party desires to give notice unto any other party, it must be given
by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the
party for whom it is intended and the remaining party, at the places last specified, and that places for
giving of notice shall remain such until they shall have been changed by written notice in compliance
with the provisions of this section. For the present, the ARTIST and the CITY designate the following
as the respective places for giving of notice:
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Telephone No. (561) 742-6010
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Facsimile No. (561) 742-6011
James A. Cherof, City Attorney
Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A.
3099 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Telephone No. (954) 771-4500
Facsimile No. (954) 771-4923
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7.6. Binding Authority. Each person signing this Agreement on behalf of either party
individually warrants that he or she has the full legal power to execute this Agreement on behalf of the
party for whom he or she is signing, and to bind and obligate such party with respect to all provisions
contained in this Agreement.
Copy To:
7.7. Headings. Headings herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not be
considered on any interpretation of this Agreement.
7.8. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or
situation shall to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, and the
application of such provisions to persons or situations other than those as to which it shall have been
held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and shall continue in full force and effect,
and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.
7.9. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida
with venue lying in Palm Beach County, Florida.
7.10. Attorney's Fees. In the event that either party brings suit for enforcement of this
Agreement, each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs.
7.11. Extent of Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement
between the CITY and the ARTIST and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or
agreements, either written or oral.
7.12. Equal Employment Opportunity. In the performance of this Agreement, the ARTIST shall
not discriminate against any firm, employee or applicant for employment or any other firm or
individual in providing services because of sex, age, race, color, religion, ancestry or national origin.
7.13. Waiver. Any failure by ARTIST to require strict compliance with any provision of this
contract shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision, and ARTIST may subsequently require
strict compliance at any time, notwithstanding any prior failure to do so.
7.14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
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7.15 Usage Rights After final acceptance of the artwork by the CITY, the following artists'
rights shall be guaranteed:
· Maintenance of public artworks shall be the responsibility of the CITY or developer or
property association and not the ARTIS T. The responsible party shall make reasonable
efforts to maintain the artwork in good repair. The responsible party shall attempt to
consult the ARTIST on major repairs.
· The artwork shall not be altered, modified, removed or relocated from a site integral to the
concept for the work without first consulting with the ARTIS T, if reasonably possible. If a
work, nevertheless, has been significantly altered, the ARTIST shall have the right to
disclaim authorship.
· Copyright of the artwork shall belong to the creator( s), but the CITY or developer or
property association shall be granted the right to make two-dimensional reproductions for
non-commercial purposes.
IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, the Parties have set their hands and seals the day and
year first written above.
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(Print, Type or Stamp Commission Name of Notary Public)
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Varaa ScufPturina Studio
Date: December 8, 2006
To: Debby Coles-Dobay
Public Art Administrator
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
PROPOSAL FOR: The Carolyn Sims Public Art Memorial
In response to the Request for Proposal for the Carolyn Sims Memorial located at the newly renovated Carolyn
Sims Center at Wilson Park. I have prepared a proposal for the Public Art project.
Artists Qualifications
I am an established Artist and have delivered many Public Art Commissions. My qualifications awarded
me this project and I am now prepared to submit this proposal to complete the necessary steps to create and
construct this Public Art Memorial Project.
Carolyn Sims Memorial Concept
Based on the detailed information provided to me about Carolyn Sims, her contributions to her city and
community service. The celebration of her life in the community and her family inspired me to create a Public
Art memorial project that captures this spirit. The working name fro this memorial is ''The Spirit of Rorida".
The memorial sculpture concept depicts this spirit by showing hands (man, woman, teen & child)
coming from gold sun base surrounded by Horida fauna reaching up to conure parrots raised up on pedestal
base for placement in front of Carolyn Sims Center at Wilson Park. A plaque on sculpture base will detail the
memorial's significance. In addition, I will create a bronze bust or relief of Carolyn Sims for placement in the
lobby along with a plaque that summarizes her accomplishments.
The location for the Public Art Memorial is outside the front entrance to the new Carolyn Sims Center at
Wilson Park. The Carolyn Sims Memorial will be accessible to all that visit and frequent this facility. The
bronze relief or bust will be placed in the lobby of the Wilson Community Center with a plaque that summarizes
her contribution to the City service and community.
This proposal will provide a 12" scaled three dimensional painted Maquette of the Carolyn Sims
Memorial project called "the Spirit of Horida". The Maquette can be used for the following:
For use in presentations to educate and promote the community, city, Sims family and visitors on the
Carolyn Sims Memorial Public Art project.
For use in workshops to encourage community participation to rename the project.
To use in reproduction for fundraising, promotion and merchandising opportunities.
To use in advertising and marketing for the Carolyn Sims Center at Wilson Park and Carolyn Sims
Memorial Public Art materials.
Additional elements
Lighting: Provided on site from above
Engraved plaque for both memorial and bust Bronze size 10" x 12" with name and dates in .75" letters
and dedication in .25" lettering. Approximately 60-70 words.
Maquette production - Provide costs to reproduce small size version of Carolyn Sims Memorial )costs to
produce each bronze is additional)
Total proposal estimate at $ 60,000.00 includes:
1. Concept
2. Maquette production for Carolyn Sims Memorial artwork
3. Digital image of Maquette
4. Merchandising rights for Maquette use
5. Workshop presentation time
6. Studio tour time
7. TIme for filming and documentation
8. Full size clay model for both Memorial and bust
9. Bronze casting both Memorial and bust/relief
10. Production of plaques
11. Base construction for sculptures
12. Coordination with city project manager for lighting
13. Granite and installation for sculpture bases
12. Structural engineering or material testing, permit fees, insurance to cover the scope of the project.
13. Installation of sculptures
14. Time to attend Grand Opening and unveiling events.
15. Maintenance recommendation and continued maintenance availability (City os responsible for long
term maintenance costs)
Maquette and delivery $ 500.00
July 2007 (PBC Grant award)$ 30,000.00
August 2007 ( Cast pieces back from foundry) $ 25,500.00
December 2007 (upon Completion and installation) $ 4,500.00
December 2006 - Complete the Maquette.
February - August 2007 - Present at a total of four workshops for presentation of Carolyn Sims Memorial Public
Art project. Communicate with Carolyn Sims on concepts for Carolyn Sims bronze or relief likeness.
July - Notice from City to proceed based on Palm Beach County grant notice to proceed, Begin Carolyn Sims
Memorial Public Art project and Carolyn Sims bust.
August 2007 - Clay models made and ready for approval
September 2007 - Rubber molds produced
September - December 2007 - Foundry cast bronzes
September - December 2007 - Plaques produced
Community Participation
Part of the Carolyn Sims Memorial Public Art Project is to include and engage the Community in the
- project. As a Public Artist, I am prepared to participate and facilitate the education, creations and promotion of
the Carolyn Sims Memorial Project with the community.
Along with the City of Boynton Beach's Public Art Administrator and Recreation and Parks department I
propose the following to facilitate the community participation:
• Explain the concept of the sculpture and describe the actual process in the creation of the Spirit of
Florida at workshops arranged by the city. This will include making of clay models, rubber molds, wax
positives and subsequent bronze sculptures using the lost wax casting process. The workshops will be
for organized groups from the community and city churches, schools and other interested groups.
• Work closely with the Sims family in the creation of a bronze bust or relief of Carolyn Sims. The work
will be created from pictures /images provided by the Sims family and the family will have the
opportunity to review and suggest changes to the final sculpture. Family input will be a key factor in the
creation of an approved likeness of Carolyn Sims.
• Provide a lecture style tour(s) of my art studio to describe to groups the method in which the art is
created. The tour(s) will be coordinated with the appropriate direction of city for organized groups.
• Work closely with the Public Art Administrator and Rec and Parks in the filming of the workshops and
studio visits and of the sculpture in progress. Films /videos of the creation of the sculpture may also be
a useful tool for education in school art classes and enlightening the people of the community in the arts.
• Provide information and scheduling on the sculpting process to the Public Art Administrator and Parks
& Recreation Department as necessary to assist with this project.
• The project will be completed within the approved budget.
Specs and Costs
Contract proposal for the accepted design concept for the Carolyn Sims Memorial Public Art Project for
placement at the Carolyn Sims Center at Wilson Park.
Carolyn Sims Memorial "Spirit of Florida"
Size: 7'high x 6'wide total size
Sculpture: 3' h x 4 "w
Base: 4'h x 4'wide hexagon or octagon with a 2'w instep around base bottom totaling 6'
Material: Cast bronze sculpture with patined a variety of colors.
Base: Blue Granite (.75" thick) over cement base structure
2' permitter of cement or matching walkway material
Carolyn Sims bust/relief
Size: Lifelike bust of Carolyn Sims 5' total size
Bust: 22 "h x 17 "w head to shoulders
Pedestal: 15 "square 38 "high
Material: Cast Bronze for the bust with granite (color TBD) (.75" thick) over concrete base
April.: December 2007 (except May 31 - June 30 artist out of Country) - Conduct tours of scheduled groups to
my studio to demonstrate the process of the memorial project. Provide access to studio to film and documentary
-sews. Availability for presentations and workshops scheduled by City.
December 2007 - Installation complete ready for inspection.
January 2008 - Present at Grand Opening unveiling celebrations.