R06-151 II 1 RESOLUTION NO. R06-15"( 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 4 FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 5 AMENDMENT NO 3 TO TASK ORDER NO. 17, FOR 6 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING 7 CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY'S AQUIFER 8 STORAGE AND RECOVERY WELL NO.2 (ASR-2) IN 9 THE AMOUNT OF $76,083.00, TO CH2M HILL, INC.; 10 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 11 12 13 WHEREAS, Task Order No. 17 was approved by the City Commission on 14 November 11, 2002 by Resolution R02-l98 for $231,970.00; and 15 WHEREAS, Amendments #1 and #2 were approved by the City Commission on 16 December 6,2005 by Resolution R05-203 for $123,515.00; and 17 WHEREAS, Amendment #3 will provide engineering servIces to modifY and 18 redesign the ASR-2 wellhead to allow future access for a drilling rig to perform well 19 maintenance and a possible change in the well configuration in the future; and 20 WHEREAS, The cost for Amendment #3 (76,083.00) is not included in Task Order 21 No. 17 for $231,970.00. 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 23 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 24 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 25 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 26 hereof. 27 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does 28 ereby authorize and direct the approval and execution of Amendment #3 to Task Order No. 29 17 with CH2M HILL for additional engineering services during the construction of the City's :\CA\RESO\Agreements\Task - Change Orders\CH2M Addendum 3 to TO 17.doc II Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well, No.2 (ASR-2) in the amount of $76,083.00. 2 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of September, 2006. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ATTEST: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ) mmissioner - Mack ay '~~ ~./ Commissioner - M~ir C. rguson :\CA\RESO\Agreements\Task - Change Orders\CH2M Addendum 3 to TO 17.doc ROlo- IS-I Task Order No. 17 - Engineering Services for Phase II - Final Design, Bidding Services, Services During Construction and Reports for Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well ASR-2 at the City of Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Plant - Amendment No 3 (Design Modifications and Additional Resident Observer Services) Background Task Order No. 17 - Engineering Services for Phase II - Final Design, Bidding Services, Services during Construction and Reports for Aquifer Storage and Recovery Well ASR-2 at the City of Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Plant was approved by the City Commission on November 19,2002. CH2M HILL (CONSULTANT) has been working on this project since that time. The original design and bidding services for ASR-2 are complete and construction is underway. Drilling of the ASR-2 well is now complete. However following extensive testing of both ASR-1 and ASR-2 wells under the direction of the CITY, it has been determined that well interference (water level drawdown) with the existing ASR-1 well is greater than anticipated. Further, the level of sand being pumped at flow rates in excess of 1,500 GPM are excessive. These findings necessitate a change in the pumping plant design for both ASR wells and also removal of the well house over ASR-2 to allow future access to the well for a drilling rig. Finally the construction period has been further extended due to factors outside the contractor's control. These outcomes necessitate the following additional services to be performed by CH2M HILL: . Redesign of ASR-2 wellhead layout (removal of well house, relocation of electrical room and modified noise control) . Extended services during construction of ASR-2 Redesign of ASR-2 Wellhead Layout The current ASR well design incorporates a permanent wellhead building which houses the well head piping, pumping plant and the electrical controls. One of the design objectives at DFBff017MOD 3V5.DOC the time was to ensure the variable speed drive set met all noise ordinance requirements, hence the reason for a building enclosure. However given the uncertainty over the new ASR well and the inevitable need to be able to relocate a drilling rig over the well, the CITY has decided to remove the well house. The key elements of the design changes required to do this include: . Relocation of the electrical room and all components, to be re-housed in a smaller NEMA rated enclosure . Redesign of well pad, to include area for relocated electrical room . Sound enclosures or baffles to all pumping plant to ensure CITY noise ordinances are met . Review and redesign if necessary of all above ground mechanical and pipe work components to ensure they may be disassembled so as to allow space for a drilling rig located over the ASR-2 well Extended Services during Construction The baseline construction period of 37 weeks has now been extended to a total of 533 days, or 76.1 weeks as authorized by Field Change Directives (FCD's). Extensions of time for CH2M HILL construction services to supervise these works were not authorized at the same time these FCD's were authorized for the contractor. However not all of the FCD time extensions require full time supervision. In summary, the equivalent full time construction services required is 54.9 weeks - 21.2 weeks less than the construction period, but 9.3 weeks greater than currently authorized. Amendment 3 - Additional Scope of Services for Phase II Task 1 - Final Design Services Additional final design services to be performed by the CONSULTANT in this Amendment 3 are as outlined below: 1.3 Redesign of Wellhead Layout. The CONSULTANT shall modify the original ASR wellhead design so as to allow future access for a drilling rig to perform well maintenance and a possible change in the well configuration (storage zone). The key elements of the design changes necessary include: . Removal of the well house · Relocation of the electrical room and all components, to be re-housed in a smaller NEMA rated enclosure · Redesign of well pad, to include area for relocated electrical room · Sound enclosures or baffles to all pumping plant to ensure CITY noise ordinances are met · Review and redesign if necessary of all above ground mechanical and pipe work components to ensure they may be disassembled so as to allow space for a drilling rig located over the ASR-2 well DFBIT017MOD 3V5.DOC 2 Construction Drawings. The CONSULTANT will produce the necessary revised civil, structural, mechanical, instrumentation and electrical construction drawings to show the changes in design for the ASR well. It is estimated the CONSULTANT will produce approximately 5 revised construction drawings. Drawings will be produced on II-inch by 17-inch sheets. Construction Documents. The CONSULTANT will produce an addendum to the ASR-2 construction documents that will include specifications, equipment and instrument lists, and functional descriptions where needed. Detailed Design Submittal. The CONSULTANT will provide a 90 percent design submittal (six copies of documents) for the ASR-2 design modification utilizing the modified well head design concepts developed with the CITY. The submittal will include the following: . Draft addendum to technical specifications and construction documents . 90 percent design drawings addendum (11 x 17 copies) Detailed Design Review Meeting. Within I-week of the CITY receiving the Detailed Design Submittal, the CONSULTANT will conduct a 90 percent review meeting with CITY staff to review the design. The review will consist of one meeting between the CITY and key members of the CONSULTANT project team. The CONSULTANT will prepare and distribute written summaries of decisions rendered. The approved written summaries will serve as the basis for proceeding with the completion of detailed design. Final Detailed Design Submittal. Based upon the comments agreed upon as a result of the 90 percent review meeting with the CITY, the CONSULTANT will prepare a 100 percent (final) design submittal for AsR-2 addendum. The submittal will include: . Five sets of final (100 percent) addendum to technical specifications and construction documents . Five sets of final (100 percent) half size addendum drawings (two sets of full size drawings will also be provided, signed and sealed by the appropriate professional engmeers. Task 2 - Bid Phase Services No additional Bid Phase Services are being provided in this Amendment. Task 3 . Services during Construction In addition to services covered under prior Amendments 1 and 2, the following additional services during construction will be provided under Amendment 3: 3.3 Additional Construction Management and Resident Observation. The CONSULTANT will provide full time construction management and onsite resident observation services for an additional lOA weeks. Specific services to be provided are as outlined in the original task order. DFBIT017MOD 3V5.DOC 3 Task 4 - Engineering Report and Operation and Maintenance Manual Additional services covered under Amendment 1. No additional services are included in this Amendment 3. Assumptions The following assumptions were made for the preparation of this Amendment: . Construction observation and construction management services are based on completion of the additional construction by November 30, 2006. If construction is delayed further due to the CONTRACTOR or the CITY, the CONSULTANT shall be compensated for additional services beyond this period under a separate addendum to this authorization. Contract Reference This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated October 4, 2000 between the City of Boynton Beach and CH2M HILL, Inc. Compensation Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT for the additional Phase II services will be invoiced on a time and materials basis, with a not-to-exceed limit as shown below, and in accordance with the above referenced Agreement. The estimated compensation for the services described in this Task Order amendment is $76,083 as shown in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 ASR-2 Additional Services City of Boynton Beach Labor Labor Expense Total Hours Cost Cost Task 1.3 - Final Design Services 99 $11,358 $6,818* $18,176 - Modified Wellhead Task 3.3- Services During $53,073 $4,834 $57,907 Construction - Additional Construction Period TOTAL $64,431 $11,652 $76,083 * Includes $6,000 for electrical engineering service sub-consultant - Hillers Electrical Engineering Inc. DFBIT017MOD 3V5.DOC 4 The total revised fee is summarized below; Original Budget Amendment 1 $231,970 $ 52,412 $ 71,103 $ 76,083 $431,568 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Revised Total Fee Schedule The detailed construction schedule already developed with the CITY's project manager will not be affected by this amendment. Authorization DATED this day of &ft:... I q f " CITY~BEACH ---.. Kurt Bressner City Manager Approved as to Form: DFBIT017MOD 3V5.DOC , 2006 CH2M HILL, INC. w~~ Wendy Nero Vice President, Area Manager Attest / Authenticated: Secretary / Notary 5