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RESOLUTION NO. R98-/.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING STAFF TO APPLY FOR THE 1998/99 CHILDREN'S SERVICES COUNCIL GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,672 FOR THE BOYNTON BEACH LATCHKEY AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Boynton Beach to authorize and direct staff to apply for a grant from the Children's Services Council (CSC) in the amount of $43,672.00 for the funding of the Latchkey After School Program; and WHEREAS, the Latchkey After School Program is designed to assist those in need of day care services at Rolling Green and Poinciana Elementary Schools; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby authorizes and directs staff to apply to the Children's Services Council (CSC), for grant funding in the amount of $43,672.00 to be utilized as primary funding for the Latchkey After. School Program. Section2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ,,~ day of March, 1998. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ATTEST: City"Clerk -- s:ca\reso~agreements~q~$\Children's Services Council - Latchkey 2/23/98 ,~\\\~t~,~, llllll! . ,.\.,, 7/ Vi~ 73ommissiope¢~/ Commissioner Commissioner 1998 -99 CSC REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROGRAM FORM A - COVER PAGE A. APPLICANT AGENCY Executive Director Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Servi r-es Derr Address 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Telephone Number: (561) 375 -6272 Fax Number: (561) 375 -6233 Agency Type: Governmental Not - for - Profit -- --_1RS 501(c)(3).(4),(6),(7) or ( Certificate 0 Approved Certificate (copy must be submitted with proposal) O Certificate Application Pending (copy of application must be submitted with proposal) For Neighborhood -Based Organization /Citizen Solution Groups only: O If you are applying as a Neighborhood -Based Organization or Citizen Solution Group, as defined by CSC in the RFP, please check here. B. PROGRAM Lead Person for the Program: Debbie Majors ® u Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Aftersr•hnnl 0 Address: 550 Miner Road 0o Boynton Beach, FL 33435 cat Telephone Number: (561) 586 -3394 V L CO C. CSC FUNDING AREA(S) Check off the CSC funding area(s) your proposal addresses. O Comprehensive Services for Children Birth to Five Years © Out -of- School Activities for Elementary-Age Children Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program RFP Questions and Answers 1. Who will you serve? The Latchkey Afterschool Program is designed to provide afterschool care to Latchkey children who attend Rolling Green Elementary School. Parents /Guardians must be employed or otherwise not regularly available during the program's hours of operation. This program is specifically designed to provide quality adult supervised care for children who would otherwise return home from school to an unsupervised situation. We will serve approximately 130 children based on capacity enrollment, in addition to a certain amount of turnover (estimated at 15) due to parents moving or no longer needing this service. A maximum of 115 students will be accepted for enrollment at Rolling Green Elementary School. Capacity is based on the amount of school space available, Department of Health licensing requirements, and the number of students we have served in the past. Capacity enrollment is expected, based on previous years' registration and waiting lists. Participants may register for the program prior to the beginning of the school year. Priority is given to low income families. Rolling Green is located in one of Children's Services Council targeted geographic areas in Boynton Beach. (Hypoluxo Road is to the north, Interstate 95 is to the west, Boynton Beach Boulevard is to the south, and US 1 to the east.) Our intent is to provide high quality affordable care, enabling parents /guardians to obtain employment knowing their children are receiving quality supervision. This helps entire families by giving them a chance to increase their incomes. Also, children will not be involved in neighborhood crime or other harmful activities while attending the program. This program was originally created based on the 1988 report by the Federally Mediated North Boynton Task Force, which addressed the need in north Boynton Beach for youth programming during afterschool hours. The program has expanded several times since its inception. In previous years, we have offered scholarships to low income families who attend Poinciana Elementary School. After researching other funding sources, we have determined there is sufficient financial support to serve the 25 children without continuing our grant funded scholarship program. Parents may access vouchers from the school district to attend the Poinciana SACC program, or attend day care or community centers that transport children to neighborhood sites for afterschool care at a reduced rate. 2. What is the service you are offering? The Latchkey Afterschool Program is an on -site program. After school, participants go straight from their classrooms to a central point where they are met by our staff and taken to their Latchkey classroom (children are grouped according to age). Daily attendance is taken followed by 30 minutes of homework assistance or quiet reading time for those who do not have homework. Once homework is completed, time is allotted for snacks of juice, crackers, or other nutritional items. Students will spend at least 30 minutes doing outdoor activities which include organized games, playground activities and physical fitness training. The remaining time of the four hour day is devoted to indoor activities which include arts and crafts, music appreciation, computer learning activities, and various games. Special activity modules occur on a six week basis two times a year. Staff may incorporate story time, arts and crafts, and games for a special theme such as Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, or Mother's Day. Other activities may include safety Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program RFP Questions and Answers Page 2 programs (ie: how to use 911) or visits from local community police officers (discussion on bicycle safety, self - esteem, etc.). Staff may also cover topics of interest or importance to the participants, which are designed to promote positive self - images and role models. The children make choices as to which activities to participate in on a daily basis. Staff members plan activities with children and parent input to meet our objectives. Homework is done on a daily basis, which helps participants to form good work habits through consistency. Behavior will also improve as participants learn what is expected of them, again due to consistency. Special strengths and features of our program include the homework assistance, which is provided on a daily basis by qualified personnel. Our program fee is very reasonable for parents /guardians who may not otherwise be able to afford quality child care. We use the Department of Children and Families subsidized child care parent fee schedules. Through collaborative efforts we now have trained support staff provided by the School District, to meet the special needs of some of our participants. We can draw from various city departments to provide special activities, such as visits from the police and fire departments to give presentations. The background of our lead person in recreation, as well as professional contacts, serves to enhance the recreational resources that are available to our program. The City's Advisory Boards ie: Youth Advisory Board, Education Advisory Board, Leisure Services Advisory Board, and our Senior (RSVP) program, provide excellent resources and volunteers to enhance our program. Leisure Services Department facilities may be used on out of school days and during the summer when the school is not available. 3. What are the outcomes you are committed to achieving? We are committed to meeting all of the Minimum Requirements of CSC as stated in the 1998 -'99 Request for Proposal. The children will have increased accessibility to a variety of learning experiences through collaborative efforts with the Palm Beach County Out -of- School Consortium (modules), Rolling Green Elementary School Staff, parent/child input and increased staff training. The children will demonstrate improved coping skills, conflict resolution and social competency through the development of nurturing relationships with our high adult to child ratio and program planning to meet our culturally diverse population. The staff will continue to make improvements based on the NSACA Standards for Quality School Age Child Care, working towards accreditation. We believe these results are realistic and achievable because we are currently achieving many of them. Our staff is committed to continue to work towards our goal of providing quality structured recreational, leisure, cultural and educational activities to elementary age Latchkey children in a safe and stimulating atmosphere during out of school hours. Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program RFP Questions and Answers Page 3 4. Who is going to do it? Our lead person, Debbie Majors, has a B. S. degree in Leisure Services and has worked for the City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department for 9V2 years. She has managed the Latchkey Afterschool Program since 1990. She has provided effective leadership and produced accurate, organized and timely reports, resulting in the Latchkey Program consistently meeting its objectives of providing supervised after - school recreational opportunities and homework assistance, as noted by CSC program evaluators. Additionally, she employs a professional, participative management style to encourage staff input and resolve problems. Our program staff at Rolling Green consists of one Program Director, who is directly responsible for the day -to -day operation of the program, five Supervisor I's, a Recreation Leader and volunteers. The Program Director will be in transition during '98-'99 to take on more of the administrative responsibilities. The School Principal has requested funds to employ three additional staff with special needs training so that we can better serve our children. The Program Director has worked in our program for seven years and has been employed by the Palm Beach County School Board as a teacher's assistant at Rolling Green for the past 13 years. The remaining staff have been with the program one to two years. All staff are required to complete Adult/Child CPR, First Aid and the appropriate Department of Health Child Development courses. Staff members are familiar with the children in our program and vice versa, and work to develop strong relationships with the parents and families. This helps in identifying and working to solve behavioral or school - related problems. The ethnically diverse staff consists of both males and females, providing good role models for all of the children. Our organization has successfully operated the Latchkey Afterschool Program for the past eight years, expanding several times to meet the increased demand for this service. We have received positive feedback from participants' parents, who appreciate the quality care their children receive, as well as from the school principal. This City has demonstrated an even greater commitment to this program by creating, and funding, a full time Program Director position, whose primary responsibility will be to ensure the success of the Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool program. Our lead person, Debbie Majors, will assist with the transition and training needed to continue to operate this highly successful program. We are asking CSC to fund the following part-time positions: One (1) Clerk III, two (2) Supervisor II positions, and fifty percent of the Recreation Leader position. Substitutes are used in place of all positions at no additional cost. Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program RFP Questions and Answers Page 4 5. How much money will you need and how will you spend it? The total operational budget for the Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program is $225,475. We are requesting $43,672 from Children's Services Council to fund the following items: The Clerk III position, two (2) Supervisor I positions, fifty percent of the Recreation Leader position, Program Enhancement Modules available through the Out of School Consortium, dues and subscriptions, and our Department of Health license fee. The City of Boynton Beach will provide a $43,792 cash match, in addition to $25,160 of in -kind contributions. The cash match will fund the following items: One full time Program Director, staff training, program supplies, communication expenses and one half of the seventy -five summer camp scholarships available to our program participants. The School District will provide a cash contribution of $23,576 to fund three employees with special needs training and also provide $44,311 of in -kind contributions in continuous support of this program. Participant Fees, projected to be $44,963, will fund the following items: daily nutritional snack, travel expenses for field trips, two (2) Supervisor I positions, fifty percent of the Recreation Leader position and one half of the seventy -five summer camp scholarships available to our program participants. 1998 -99 CSC REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROGRAM FORM B - PROGRAM SUMMARY We recommend that you complete this form after you have completed the rest of the proposal Please summarize your answers to the RFP questions appearing on pages 18 and 19 of this transmittal Please do not exceed the one page (one side) provided Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Department Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program It is the goal of the Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program to provide quality structured recreational, leisure, cultural and educational activities to elementary age Latchkey children in a safe and stimulating atmosphere during out of school hours. Through a collaborative effort with Rolling Green Elementary School Administration, we are able to provide a high quality , affordable afterschool care for 115 low income, at risk youth. This program was originally created based on the 1988 report by the Federally Mediated North Boynton Task Force which addressed the need in north Boynton Beach for youth programming during afterschool hours. Our organization has successfully operated this program for the past eight years, expanding several times to meet the increased demand for this service. Children who attend Rolling Green Elementary School, whose parents /guardians are employed or otherwise not regularly available during the program's hours of operation, are eligible to enroll. This year, we will serve approximately 130 children, based on a capac- ity of 115 and some turn over throughout the year. Fees are charged based on the Depart- ment of Children and Families Subsidized Child Care Parent Fee Schedule. Under the direction of lead person Debbie Majors, who has administered the Latchkey program since 1990, staff plan activities with children and parent input to meet program objectives. Daily activities include homework assistance, organized outdoor games and physical fitness activities, various indoor enrichment and hands -on activities, including arts and crafts, music, computer games and cultural activities. Nutritional snacks are served daily and special enhancement modules provide a variety of learning experiences throughout the year. Staff provide opportunities and encourage children to make choices and participate in program planning. The Leisure Services Department and Rolling Green Elementary School Administration are committed to the families and young children in our community. We understand the difficulties they face while trying to support a family, yet provide a safe, stimulating environment for the one thing they hold most dear - their child. We rely on the continued support of CSC to ensure the safety and development of our "little ones ". 1998 - 99 PROGRAM DATA PROGRAM FORM C NEW PROGRAMS Agency Funded Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. by CSC Since: 1990 Program Funded Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program by CSC Since: 1990 PROGRAM INFORMATION Enter the number of either (1) children &for adults, or, (2) the number of families served for primary & /or outreach services Children & /or Adults or Families Primary 115 _ Outreach A primary client is one that receives direct service more than once An outreach client is one that receives a presentation or screening one time only What are the ages of the Check the geographic area(s) in Palm Beach County you will serve clients you will serve? Please List Cities 0 - 3 Check (If Known) 3 - 5 _ X_ North (45th Street to Martin County Line) 6 - 11 X South (Hypoluxo to Broward County Line) X Boynton Beach 12 - 18 Central (45th Street to Lantana/Hypoluxo) - Adult West Central (Wellington and /or Royal Palm Beach) - All of the Above West (West of 20 -Mile Bend) - All of the Above How many employees will this program have? How many employees will be funded by CSC? Full Time 1 Full Time _ Part Time 9 Part Time 3.5 Number of Volunteers (Non - Paid). • FISCAL, INFORMATION 1998 -99 BUDGET REQUEST PROGRAM 10/01/98 - 9/30/99 CSC Funds - -- — $ 43,672 Total Program Budget $ 225,475 CSC % of Program Budget 19.37 1998 -99 BUDGET REQUEST AGENCY 10/01/98 - 9/30/99 Total CSC Funding $ 43,672 Total Agency Budget $ 1,946,100 Program % of Agency Budget 11.59 Total CSC % of Agency Budget - - - - 2.24 Cost per client (proposed) $ 1,961 For CSC Use OM cost . - r client arrested F \123 DATA \98- 99RFP\FORMC Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County 1998 -99 Guide to Responding to CSC Request for Proposals Page 22 PROGRAM FORM D - AGENCY CERTIFICATION In submitting this proposal to CSC City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services certifies that (Agency Name) Dept. 1. The applicant agency qualifies to submit a proposal under the provisions In the RFP Minimum Requirements; 2. The date that this proposal was or will be approved by the agency board of directors was /is 3/3/98 . 3 All agency decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotions, release, and conditions of employment will be made without regard to consideration of race, creed, religion, gender, country of national origin, age, physical or mental handicap, marital status or any other factor which cannot lawfully be used as a basis for an employment decision; 4 The agency agrees to negotiate, if deemed necessary, with CSC to refine service levels, procedures, objectives, budget, and any other relevant matter for incorporation into a contract; 5 The applicant agency does not intend by this proposal to replace existing funding resources with CSC funds; 6. The budget included in this proposal is a reasonable estimate of the anticipated revenues and expenditures for the activities proposed; 7. A copy of the current IRS 501(c)3,4,6,7, or 10 Certificate (for not -for profit agencies) or a copy of the pending application for a 501(c)3 Certificate is included with the submission of this proposal (not required for neighborhood -based organizations or citizen solution groups); 8 Any of the following documents are available and upon request by CSC will be produced by the applicant agency within five (5) working days, but do not need to be submitted with this proposal. a) Articles of Incorporation b) Personnel Policies and Procedures c) Job Descriptions d) Certificates of Insurance and Bonding e) Licenses to Operate Agency /Program f) Current list of Agency Board of Directors g) An audit report dated no more than 15 months prior to the date of the proposal. The report must be complete with a management letter. 9 NO litigation is threatened or pending which could impair the applicant agency's ability to fulfill the provisions of this proposal F \WORD \98 -99 RFP \98 -99 GUIDE TO RESPONDING TO CSC RFP DOC 02/05/98 2 40 PM Children's Services Council of Palm beach County 1998 -99 Guide to Responding to CSC Request for Proposals Page 23 10. NO adverse action is pending or threatened by any regulatory, licensing, or oversight agency which could impair the applicant agency's ability to fulfill the provisions of this proposal If any of the above documents are not available or any of these statements cannot be made, please explain below OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND BIND AGENCY TO PROPOSAL (Authorized officials recognized by CSC are the Board Chair or President and /or Executive Director. If any other signature is included below, you must include a copy of the agency policy or resolution that establishes such authorization.) / / / / , Lam..` Title Signature / / / 6 /9yic d Date. 3/ Print Name 0, 4_______ A D STO 0:7 % /pt .._ ,-/ 7 CITY ATTORNEY F \WORD \98 -99 RFP\98 -99 GUIDE TO RESPONDING TO CSC RFP DOC 02/05/98 2 40 PM �BUDG TA ICA Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County 2 V O ' 1 Period: ' n !ng 2 2' 0 From: 10/01/98 To: 9/30/99 O - et 0 O -ei Full Legal Name ofAiW" Local Address cif Agency 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. F Boynton Beach, FL 33435 0 0 tA The City of Boynton Beach Leisure_ServiCe o c Telephone Number Fax Number (561) 375-6222 (561) 375-6233 tpREPAREUSY: Signature - Typed Name and Title Debbie Majors, Supervisor III Date Submitted: '21;° Telephone Number 3-5-98 (561) 375-6240 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Signature - Title Mayor Ty. ed Name Date Gerald Taylor 3 - - Yr Page 1 of 5 FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PE _ _ _. tAM BUDGET NARRATIVE 3, Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Proposed Budget for Year Ending 9/30/99 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program ' 3 ° REQUESTED '� - fi:�x• �. AMOUNT REVENUES : ,�. �., x 1 Funds from Government Sources CSC $43,672; City of Boynton $43,792; PBC School District $23,576 43,672 2 Foundations • 3 Other Grants 4 Fund Raising 5 Contributions /Legacies /Bequests 6 Membership Dues 7 Program Service Fees and Sales to the Public Participant Fees $44,964 8 Investment Income 9 In Kind City of Boynton Beach$25,160; PBC School District$44,311 10 Miscellaneous Revenue 11 Total Revenue 225,475 43,672 Page2 FORM A: INDI\ IDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FONDER Children's Services Council Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Proposed Budget for Year Ending 9130199 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program — REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 12 Salaries 35,713 13 Employee Benefits a FICA 2,733 b Fl Unemployment c Workers' Compensation 1,059 d Health Plan e Retirement 14 Sub - Total Employee Benefits 3,792 15 Sub - Total Salaries & Benefits 39,505 16 Travel a Travel/Transportation b Conferences /Registration/Travel 17 Sub -Total Travel Page3of5 FORM A: INDIVIDUAL P _ _ _RAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FONDER Children's Services Council Agency Name: Ci ty of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept . Proposed Budget for Year Ending 9/30/99 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 18 Building /Occupancy a Rent b Depreciation 19 Communications /Utilities a Telephone b Postage, & Shipping - c Utilities (Power/Water /Gas) 20 Sub -Total Communications /Utilities 21 Printing & Supplies a Office Supplies b Program Supplies c Printing 22 Sub -Total Printing /Supplies ____ Page 4 — FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children's Services Council Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Proposed Budget for Year Ending 9/30/99 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT 23 Food Service 24 Other a Professional Fees Program Enhancements with modules of creative activities and play 4,000 b Insurance c Building Maintenance d Equipment Rental /Maintenance e Specific Assistance to Individuals f Dues & Subscriptions T Florida School Age Care Coalition membership; Highlights magazine subscription 52 g Training & Development h Awards & Grants Page 5 of 5 FORM A: INDIVIDUAL PR AM BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER Children' s Services Council Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Proposed Budget for Year Ending 9/30/99 Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program REQUESTED EXPENDITURES AMOUNT I Sponsored Events j Payments to Affiliated Organizations k Miscellaneous HRS license 115 25 Sub -Total Other 4,167 26 Indirect Cost 27 Capital Expenses (Equipment) 28 Total Expenditures 43,672 ALL FINANCIAL INFORMATION ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR Page 1 of 1 FORM A -1: PERSONNEL BUDGET NARRATIVE FOR FUNDER: Children's Services Council Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Budget for Fiscal Year 10/01/98 to 9/30/99 Note' Use additional sheets if necessary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 'r. °' , .' 6 ,. , x, "= = °, - t - -,, '; a SIhLA Y' ° :PER OF AGENCY „: DATES `. -^ 'NUM OF, . ' °P,,EIR - 60, TOTAL PERSONNEL TIME SALARY FROM ' TO PAY PERIODS n2 PERIOD SALARY AMOUNT TOTAL Positions/Salanes Supervisor I 100 9,779 10/01/98 9/30/99 39 250.74 100 9,779 9,779 Supervisor I 100 9,779 10/01/98 9/30/99 19 250.74 100 9,779 9.779 Recreation Leader 100 4,434 10/01/98 9/30/99 39 113.69 50 2.217 2.217 Clerk III 100 13,938 10/01/98 9/30/99 43 324.14 100 13,938 13,938 Permanent Substitute - - ,10/01/98 9/10/99 - - - - - Permanent Substitute - - 10/01/98 9/30/99 - - - - - Permanent Substitute - - 10/01/98 9/30/99 - - - - - Sub - Total Salaries 35,713 (Figure should match Form A, Page 2 of 5) Page 1 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/98 to 9/30/99 ._ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( REVENUES CSC CITY PBCSD PRG FEES TOTAL 1 Funds from Govt Sources 43,672 43,792 23,576 111,040 2. Foundations 3 Other Grants 4 Fund Raising 5 Contributions/ Legacies /Bequests 6 Membership Dues 7. Program Srvice Fees /Sales to Public 44,964 44,964 8 Investment Income 9 In -Kind 25,160 44,311 69,471 10 Miscellaneous 11. Total Revenue $43.672 _$68,952 $67,887 $ 44, 964 $ $ $ $225,475 • Page2of4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/98 to 9/30/99 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( EXPENDITURES CSC CITY PBCSD PRG FEES TOTAL 12. Salaries 35,713 28,059 21,600 21,775 107,147 13. Employee Benefits: a FICA 2,733 2,147 1,652 1,666 8,198 b Florida Unemployment c Workers' Compensation 1,059 1,296 324 1,007 3,686 d Health Plan 2,361 2 , 361 e Retirement 14. Sub -Total Employee Benefits 3,792 5,804 1,976 2,673 14,245 15. Sub -Total Salaries/ Benefits 39,505 33,863 23,576 24,448 121,392 16. Travel a Travel/Transportation 500 500 b Conferences/ Registration/Travel 17. Sub -Total Travel 500 500 18. Building /Occupancy a Rent • Page 3 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Program Funding Period 10/01/98 to 9/30/99 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( EXPENDITURES CSC CITY PBCSD PRG FEES TOTAL b. Depreciation 19. Communications/ Utilities a Telephone 504 504 b Postage & Shipping c Utilities (Power/Water /Gas) 20. Sub -Total Communications /Utilities 504 504 21. Printing & Supplies a Office Supplies 300 300 b Program Supplies 2 , 000 2,000 c Printing 22. Sub -Total Printing/ Supplies 2,300 2, 300 23. Food Service 13,041 13,041 24. Other a Professional Fees 4,000 4,000 b Insurance c Building Maintenance _ Page 4 of 4 FORM B: INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM BUDGET BY FUNDING SOURCES Agency Name: The City of Boynton Beach Leisure Services Dept. Program Name: Boynton Beach Latchkey Afterschool Funding Period 10/01/98 to 9/30/99 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( EXPENDITURES CSC CITY PBCSD PRG FEES _ TOTAL d Equipment Rental/ Maintenance e Specific Assistance to individuals 6,975 6,975 , 13,950 f Dues & Subscriptions 52 52 g Training & Development 150 , 150 h Awards & Grants I Sponsored Events j Payments to Aff Organizations k Miscellaneous 115 115 25. Sub -Total Other 4,167 7,125 6,975 18,267 _— 26. Indirect Costs 25,160 44,311 69,471 27. Capital Expenses (Equipment) 28. Total Expenditures $ 43,672 $ 68,952 $ 67,887 $ 44,964 $ $ $ $225,475 All Financial Information Rounded to Nearest Dollar MEMORANDUM #A98 -13 TO: MIKE PAWELCZYK, ATTORNEY FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: March 6 , 1998 RE: PROPOSAL AT CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON 3/3/98 Attached please find a copy of the following mentioned document, which was approved at the Regular City Commission meeting, held on March 3, 1998. Resolution #R98 -46 1998 -99 CSC Request for Proposals 1 original Please return to me after your approval and signature. Thank you. • r � r , i _ Kruse Attachments imp \ \ch \mam \shrdata \cc \wp \memos \mike pawelczyk doc