i I
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9 I WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission has determined that
10 it is in the best interests of the residents of the City to execute an Agreement with the Palm
11 Beach Post to institute a branding and sponsorship campaign for recreation and parks.
12 I
16 Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as
17 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption
18 hereof.
19 I
20 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does
21 hereby authorizing execution of the Agreement with the Palm Beach Post, which is attached
22 hereto as Exhibit "A". I
24 PASSED AND ADOPTED this -ªL day of September 2004.
25 I
27 ~._---
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The City of Boynton Beach Recreation and Parks Department
Branding and Sponsorship Campaign with The Palm Beach Post
Executive Summary
Attached is the Branding and Sponsorship Campaign, slated to be on the Commission Agenda
for approval on September 21, 2004. The Campaign will begin, if approved, in October 2004
and will last through September 2007. The Campaign details the benefits of a partnership
between the Boynton Beach Recreation and Parks Department and The Palm Beach Post,
and it will provide funding for Recreation and Parks Department facilities and programs.
The campaign's listed opportunities include funding for the new playground included in the
Jaycee Park plans, sponsorship of the center court of the Tennis Center, sponsorship of
between 800 and 1,000 youth tee shirts for summer program participants, and a partnership in
presenting the annual anniversary parties of the opening of Intracoastal Park.
The benefits to the City Of Boynton Beach are detailed in the table below, showing cash and
in-kind dollars:
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
2004 2005 2006 Ads/In-Kind
Tennis Center $10,000 $2,500 $2,500 4 1/4 pg x 4 tournaments::: 16 $48,128 I
Jaycee Park construction $8,500 $8,000 $8,500
Banners $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
T-shirts for Summer program participants $0 $0 $0 $9,300
Advisory Brd. Children & Youth Youth Expo $800 $0 $800 4 1/4 PO x 2 ::: 8 $3,200
Big Truck Rallv $0 $250 $250 4 1/4 pg x 2 ::: 8 $3,200
Art Explosion at Hester Center $0 $250 $250 4 1/4 PO x 2 ::: 8 $3,200
Annual Holiday Parade $500 $500 $500
Intracoastal Park Anniversary Pary $2,500 $2,500 4 1/4 $3,200
Cash T ota! $21,800 $16,000 $17,300 In-kind Donations Total $70,228
Grand Total $125,328
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The City of Boynton Beach initially offered recreation programming beginning in the 1950's. The City's parks
were maintained by the Public Works Department. In 1979, recreation programming, facility management and
parks maintenance merged to create the Recreation and Parks Department. There are now eight facilities and
283 acres of park properties (developed/scrub land and undeveloped properties) and open space. Recreation
facilities alone serve the recreational needs of 350,000 participants each year.
F eatu res
The city's premier facilities include the new Intracoastal Park on US 1 with a beautiful waterfront view; Hester
Community Center, a 19,000 square foot building and 23 acre park featuring a full size gymnasium, athletic
fields, classrooms and game rooms; the Art Center, featuring a fully functioning visual arts learning program for
adults and children (ages 12 months - 99!); the Tennis Center featuring 17 Har-Tru and 4 composite surface
tennis courts and a pro shop; and the Senior Center, with gardening, exercise, game, and entertainment rooms
for the active older population.
Our Imaae
We seek to be recognized as a strong and influential municipal recreation and parks department offering the
highest in quality programming and the availability of clean and inviting open spaces for passive and active
play. We strive to present a focused and clear image to our diverse customer base.
Our Mission
We exist to engage Boynton Beach citizens in diverse recreational experiences and to cultivate parks and
"'oen spaces.
Our Sloaan
We Make Life Fun!
OUf primary interest and understanding focuses on providing a wide variety of recreational experiences to a
very diverse audience of residents, non-residents, businesses and visitors to Boynton Beach. We provide
these customers with as much information about our programs as possible, through a variety of media,
focusing on the individual benefits recreation and parks will bring to their lives.
Boynton Beach Tennis Center
Jaycee Park
Park/Facility Sianaae
Boynton Beach Summer Youth Proaram Tee Shirts
Boynton Beach Youth Expo
Art Explosion
The Bia Truck Rallv
Bovnton Beach Tennis Center
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City the following amounts, no
I~ter than the dates indicated:
1. Ten Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) no later than October 8,2004;
2. Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no later than October 1,2005; and,
3. Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no later than October 1, 2006.
The Post will provide the City with a minimum of four quarter page ads for each of the City's four sanctioned
tournaments each year for the term of the Agreement.
In consideration of the above-referenced payments, the City will provide The Post with the following:
0 a north/south facing sign will be constructed on S. Congress Avenue at the Tennis Center. For
illustrative purposes, the sign will appear as depicted below, and will include the following phrase or
something similar (with approximate letter size listed in parenthesis):
The Boynton Beach Tennis Center (8')
Featuring The Palm Beach Post Center Court (6")
311 South Congress Avenue (4')
The sign will have the capability of adding program/league/tournament information. The sign will
provide The Post with both exposure of The Post logo and name to vehicular traffic traveling on
Congress Avenue. The City will erect the sign no later than six (6) months following receipt of The
Post's first payment indicated above.
0 Windscreens made and hung on the Center Court featuring imprint óf The Post logo.
0 Prominent logo placement on all tournament brochures and registration forms.
0 Logo/name exposure on the Tennis Center pages of the City's Website.
0 Logo/name exposure to an estimated 50,000 participants per year.
Partnership Value - $20,000 per year
Jaycee Park
The City recently purchased the Intracoastal Waterway park property located in the 2700 block of South
Federal Highway from the Florida Inland Navigational District. Plans are underway to develop a community
park on the property. The park will feature day docks, a playground, a large pavilion with restrooms, two
smaller pavilions, kiosks with habitat and environmental information posted, bocce courts, walking paths, picnic
tables, an open play field and a special conservation area. The park is now in the design phase. The City
anticipates that it will take approximately 2.5 to 3 years to complete construction of the park. As an exclusive
partner, The Post will invest $25,000 over a three year period. One of the proposed features at the Park would
carry name/logo recognition for The Post, such as "The Palm Beach Post Playground at Jaycee Park". The
Post will pay the City the following amounts, no later than the dates indicated:
1. Eight thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($8,500.00) no later than February 1,2005;
2. Eight Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($8,000.00) no later than February 1, 2006; and,
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3. Eight Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 ($8,500.00) no later than February 1, 2007.
In consideration of the above-referenced payments, the City will provide The Post with the following:
0 a north/south facing sign will be constructed on S. Federal Highway at Jaycee Park. For illustrative
purposes, the sign will appear as depicted below, and will include the following phrase or something
similar (with approximate letter size listed in parenthesis):
Jaycee Park (10'J
This Park Was Developed With the Assistance of the Florida Inland Navigation District
and the Palm Beach County Board of Commissions (6")
Playground Funded in Part by a Generous Donation From The Palm Beach Post (5'J
0 Logo/name exposure to vehicular traffic on South Federal Highway.
0 Banner/signage on the playground designating it as The Palm Beach Post Playground.
0 One quarter page advertisement in The City's Funfare! Magazine, direct mailed to over 6000
participants three times a year and given out at city facilities to an additional 9,000 visitors per issue.
The advertisement will appear in nine consecutive issues of the magazine beginning in 2005.
0 Logo/name exposure on the parks pages of the City's website
Partnership Value - $100,000
Park/Facility Signage
As a daily newspaper partner, The Post will be invited to hang approved signage/banners at six local parks
(Pence, Intracoastal, Boat Club, Hester, Boynton Lakes and Oceanfront parks) and outside four popular
recreation centers (Art, Civic, Hester, and Senior Centers). The banners/signs will be provided by The Post.
The investment is $2,000.00 or $200.00 per banner per year. Prior to hanging the banners, The Post shall
provide the City with art renderings of the banners for review and approval, such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld. The City will only be responsible for the installation of the banners/signs. In the event
the banners or signs are damaged or become unsightly, the City may remove the banners, and it will be The
Post's responsibility to provide new banners.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to active/passive leisure participants estimated to be in excess of 500,000 visitors
each year
/lis opportunity is not exclusive to The Post, as the City partners with other organizations, particularly with local and regional
businesses who support our local sports teams whose agreement allows them to hang banners at events on our various properties.
Partnership Value - $15,000
Boynton Beach Summer Youth Proaram Tee Shirts
For the past eight years, the City and The Post have partnered to provide as many as 1,800 summer program
participants with t-shirts. For each year during the term of this Agreement, The Post will pay two-thirds of the
total cost for the t-shirts. For each year during the term of this Agreement, the City will pay for one-third of the
total cost for the t-shirts. The parties shall discuss and agree upon the parties' respective responsibilities for
designing and ordering the t-shirts no later than April 1st of each year during the term of this Agreement.
Partnership Value - $5,000 per year
Boynton Beach Youth Expo
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City Eight Hundred and 00/100
Dollars ($800.00) for this event every two years. In addition to the payment, The Post will provide the City with
a minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in various sections of the newspaper
to promote the event. The payment for the 2004 event was made prior to the execution of the Agreement. The
payment for the event in 2006 shall be paid to the City no later than June 15, 2006.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to Mall traffic during the weekend event.
0 Logo/name exposure on all printed promotional materials (a minimum of 15,000 flyers and 100 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty-two 30 second ads on two local radio stations (as long as The City is a party
to an annual contract with a local radio station).
Partnership Value - $6,000
The Bia Truck Rally
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City an annual payment of Two
Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) no later than October 30th during each year of the term of this
Agreement. This event takes place on Ocean Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard and attracts an estimated
1,000 family participants. The Post will provide a minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space
available basis in various sections of the newspaper to advertise and promote the event.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to patrons prior and during the one day event.
0 Logo/name exposure on all printed promotional materials (a minimum of 5,000 flyers and 50 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty two 30 second ads on two local radio stations (as long as The City is party to
an annual contract with a local radio station).
Partnership Value - $3,000
Art Explosion
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City an annual payment of Two
Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) no later than October 30th during each year of the term of this
Agreement. This event takes place at the Ezell Hester, Jr. Community Center and Park. This event attracts an
estimated1000 spectators who are being exposed to music, literature and visual arts. The Post will provide a
minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in various sections of the newspaper
to advertise and promote the event.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to patrons prior and during the weekend event.
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0 Logo/name exposure on all printed promotional materials (a minimum of 5,000 flyers and 50 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty-two (22) thirty (30) second advertisements on two local radio stations (as
long as the City is a party to an annual contract with a local radio station).
~artnership Value - $3,000
Annual Holidav Parade
As a local business partner, The Post will provide a monetary sponsorship for a local high school marching
band which includes City residents in the amount of Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($500.00) no later than
October 30th of each year for the term of this Agreement. The marching band activities attract an estimated
1,000 participants and 8,000 spectators.
Intracoastal Park Anniversarv
As a local business partner, The Post will be asked to sponsor the anniversary party at the City's premier
waterfront park. This event attracted an estimated 1,500 spectators to the grand opening celebration of the
park in 2003. The City is interested in continuing the event which could feature a concert, vendors, a special
hospitality area for partners and dignitaries and a small scale fireworks show. The cost of partnering with the
City for this event for 2004 is $5,000.00. In future years, the City would include in its budget money to produce
the event. The Post agrees to pay the City Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no
later than September 30th of each year during the term of this Agreement to pay a portion of the cost of the
event. The Post will provide a minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in
various sections of the newspaper to advertise and promote the event.
Partnership Value - $10,000
Ro~ -/sq
THIS IS AN AGREEMENT, dated the ~ day of SepT. ,2004, between:
THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a municipal corporation, organized and
operating under the laws of the State of Florida, with a business address of 100
East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425, hereinafter
referred to as "CITY",
PALM BEACH POST, INC., a Florida corporation, authorized to do business in
the State of Florida, with a business address of275l5 South Dixie Highway, P.O.
Box 24700, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, hereinafter referred to as "MEDIA
PARTNER". CITY and MEDIA PARTNER may hereinafter be referred to
collectively as the "PARTIES".
WHEREAS, the City Commission for the City of Boynton Beach ("CITY") desires to
enter into a branding agreement with a local newspaper publisher in order to assist with
promoting special events sponsored by the CITY; and
WHEREAS, the MEDIA PARTNER desires to provide branding and marketing services
for the CITY to assist in advertising and promoting the CITY's special events in the MEDIA
PARTNER's publications; and
proposal which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed upon a Scope of Services for work to be
performed hereunder by the MEDIA PARTNER and attached hereto and made a part hereof as
Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the in this instance, the process of
competitive bidding is not in the best interest of the CITY in light of the limited number of
publishers who would have the capability to promote, publicize, and assist the CITY in advising
the public ofthe CITY's special events; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that this Agreement with the MEDIA
PARTNER is in the best interest of the CITY, its citizens, and residents, and will provide the
most advantageous arrangement for the promotion of CITY special events.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, the mutual covenants, conditions,
provisions and undertakings herein contained, and for other good and valuable considerations,
the parties do mutually covenant and agree with each other as follows:
1.1 The CITY agrees to use PALM BEACH POST as a MEDIA PARTNER to the
CITY for the term hereinafter referred to, consistent with the terms, conditions and provisions of
the CITY's ordinances.
1.2 MEDIA PARTNER shall furnish all services, labor, equipment, and materials
necessary and as may be required in the performance of this Agreement as specified in the Scope
of Services attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
1.3 CITY or MEDIA PARTNER may request changes that would increase, decrease
or otherwise modify the Scope of Services to be provided under this Agreement. Such changes
must be in accordance with the provisions of the Code or Ordinances of the CITY and must be
contained in a written amendment, executed by the parties hereto, with the same formality and
with equal dignity herewith prior to any deviation ftom the terms of this Agreement, including
the initiation of any extra work. In no event will the MEDIA PARTNER be compensated for
any work, which has not been described in a separate written agreement executed by the Parties
1.4 The CITY agrees that in consideration of the services and payments provided by
MEDIA PARTNER as specified in Exhibit "A", that CITY shall provide such branding and
marketing opportunities to MEDIA PARTNER consistent with the terms, conditions and
provisions set forth on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a specific part hereof.
2.1 The term of this Agreement shall be for three (3) years commencing on October
1, 2004, and terminating on September 30, 2007. The Parties may agree to extend this
Agreement for one (1) additional one (1) year term. Any such extension of the Agreement for
the additional one (1) year term shall be in writing signed by both Parties. To the extent that the
MEDIA PARmER has been directed by the CITY's authorized representative to perform
services hereunder, prior to the execution hereof by the CITY, then, in that event, Exhibit "A"
shall reflect such total compensation as may be earned and payable to the MEDIA PARmER in
accordance with Exhibit "A".
2.2 Either party may cancel this Agreement by providing no less than thirty (30) days
written notice to the other party, by certified mail, personal delivery or facsimile transfer.
3.1 It is understood and agreed that this document incorporates and includes all prior
negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements or understandings applicable to the
matters contained herein and that the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or
understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this
document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated
upon any prior representations or agreements whether oral or written.
3.2 It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration of the tenns or
conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed
with the same fonnality and with equal· dignity herewith.
3.3 MEDIA PARmER shall indemnify and save harmless and defend the CITY, its
trustees, elected and appointed officials, agents, servants and employees from and against any
and all actions, claims, suits, causes of action, proceedings, penalties, liabilities and judgments
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for damages, or equitable relief of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with
any intentional, willful, or knowing tortious acts or conduct by MEDIA PARTNER, its agents,
servants or employees in the perfonnance of services under this Agreement, for all costs, losses
and expenses, including but not limited to, damages to persons or property, judgments and
attorneys' fees arising out of or in connection with the services perfonned by the MEDIA
PARmER pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of the
CITY's sovereign immunity as provided for in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as may be
3.4 Furthermore, the parti es understand and agree that the covenants and
representations relating to this indemnification provision shan survive the term of this
Agreement and continue in full force and effect as to the party's responsibility to indemnify.
3.5 If the MEDIA PARmER subcontracts any or all of the work required under this
agreement, the MEDIA PARTNER agrees to include in the subcontract that the subcontractor is
bound by the tenns and conditions of this contract with the CITY.
3.6 MEDIA PARTNER warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or
person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the MEDIA PARTNER to solicit or
secure this Agreem.ent, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company,
corporation, individual or finn, other than a bona fide employee working solely for MEDIA
PARTNER any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or
resulting trom the award or making of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this
provision, the CITY shall have the right to tenninate the Agreement without lìability at its
discretion, to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee,
commission, percentage, gift or consideration.
3.7 Whenever any party desires to give notice unto any other party, it must be given
by written notice, sent by certified United States mail, with return receipt requested, by hand
delivery or by facsimile transmission with receipt of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it
is intended and the remaining parties, at the places last specified, and the places for giving of
notice shall remain such until they shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with
the provisions of this section. For the present, the MEDIA PARTNER and the CITY designate
the following as the respective places for giving of notice:
CITY: Kurt Bressner, City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Telephone: (561) 742-6019
Facsimile: (561) 742-6011
Copy To: James A. Cherof, City Attorney
Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A.
3099 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 200
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
Telephone: (954) 771-4500
Facsimile: (954) 771-4923
MEDIA PARmER: Gale Howden, V.P of Community Relations & Marketing
Palm Beach Post, Inc.
2751 South Dixie Highway, P.O. Box 24700
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416
Telephone: (561) 820-3400
Facsimile: (561) 837-8412
3.8 Each person signing this Agreement on behalf of either party individually
warrants that he or she has full legal power to execute this Agreement on behalf of the party for
whom he or she is signing, and to bind and obligate such party with respect to all provisions
contained in this Agreement.
3.9 Headings herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered
on any interpretation of this Agreement.
3.10 Each Exhibit attached to this Agreement forms an essential part of this
Agreement. The exhibits if not physically attached should be treated as part of this Agreement
and are incorporated herein by reference.
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3.11 If any provision of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or
situation shall to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement,
and the application of such provisions to persons or situations other than those as to which it
shall have been held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and shall continue in
full force and effect, and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.
3.12 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida with venue
lying in Palm Beach County, Florida.
3.13 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the CITY
and the MEDIA PARTNER and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements,
either written or oral.
3.14 This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Consulting
Agreement on the date first wTitten above.
BY: ~
&~. ~ ~
/' /
BY:. 1'1 ./(
:Rx(~ I{. !?xfmows/(/ Print Name: Gale /Joo}iû Ie
Title: l!.u prf' ( {clo,. 1-, Qo Ø1 In () if I~ ,.
ATTEST: I< p (O~ ((N \ c1J1('{ ¡.{J -. tf ØhJ
COUNTY OF flJlIh &.AOI/ )ss:
BEFORE ME, an officer duly authorized by' law to administer oaths and take
acknowledgments, personally appeared (bA~f:: /!owbeA,) as
of Palm Beach Post, Inc., an organization authorized to do business in the
State of Florida, who is15éfSonally known to me or who has produced as
identification and acknoWlëëlged (s)he executed the foregoing Agreement as the proper official of
Palm Beach Post, Inc. for the use and purposes mentioned III it and deed of
IN WITNESS OF THE FOREGOING, I have set my hand and official seal at in the State
and County aforesaid on this S77+' day of ¿¡=~:;;; 200~
My Co is ion Ex ires: ~ ~
Mr CaMIa £lip. lCWØ4
.... cc 9736Ia
__ IJOIwI.D..
H:\1990\900182.BB\AGMlìPB Post Marketing Agmtdoc
Exhibit "A"
The City of Boynton Beach initially offered recreation programming beginning in the 1950's. The City's parks
were maintained by the Public Works Department. In 1979, recreation programming, facility management and
parks maintenance merged to create the Recreation and Parks Department. There are now eight facilities and
283 acres of park properties (developed/scrub land and undeveloped properties) and open space. Recreation
facilities alone serve the recreational needs of 350,000 participants each year.
The city's premier facilities include the new Intracoastal Park on US 1 with a beautiful waterfront view; Hester
Community Center, a 19,000 square foot building and 23 acre park featuring a full size gymnasium, athletic
fields, classrooms and game rooms; the Art Center, featuring a fully functioning visual arts learning program for
adults and children (ages 12 months - 99!); the Tennis Center featuring 21 Har-Tru tennis courts and a pro
shop; and the Senior Center, with gardening, exercise, game, and entertainment rooms for the active older
Our Imaae
We seek to be recognized as a strong and influential municipal recreation and parks department offering the
highest in quality programming and the availability of clean and inviting open spaces for passive and active
play. We strive to present a focused and clear image to our diverse customer base.
Our Mission
We exist to engage Boynton Seach citizens in diverse recreational experiences and to cultivate parks and
en spaces.
Our Sloaan
We Make Life Fun!
Our primary interest and understanding focuses on providing a wide variety of recreational experiences to a
very diverse audience of residents, non-residents, businesses and visitors to Boynton Beach. We provide
these customers with as much information about our programs as possible, through a variety of media,
focusing on the individual benefits recreation and parks will bring to their lives.
Bovnton Beach Tennis Center
Javcee Park
Park/Facility Sianaae
Bovnton Beach Summer Youth Proaram Tee Shirts
Bovnton Beach Youth Expo
Art Explosion
The Bia Truck Rallv
Bovnton Beach Tennis Center
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City the following amounts, no
-:;¡r than the dates indicated:
1. Ten Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) no later than October 8,2004;
2. Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no later than October 1, 2005; and,
3. Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no later than October 1, 2006.
The Post will provide the City with a minimum of four quarter page ads for each of the City's four sanctioned
tournaments each year for the term of the Agreement.
In consideration of the above-referenced payments, the City will provide The Post with the following:
0 a north/south facing sign will be constructed on S. Congress Avenue at the Tennis Center which will
include the following phrase, or something similar:
The Palm Beach Post Center COUJ1
At The Boynton Beach Tennis Center
The sign will have the capability of adding programlleague/tournament information. The sign will
provide The Post with both exposure of The Post logo and name to vehicular traffic traveling on
Congress Avenue. The City will erect the sign no later than six (6) months following receipt of The
Post's first payment indicated above.
0 Windscreens made and hung on the Center Court featuring imprint of The Post logo.
0 Prominent logo placement on all tournament brochures and registration forms.
0 Logo/name exposure on the Tennis Center pages of the City's Website.
0 Logo/name exposure to an estimated 50,000 participants per year.
Partnership Value - $20,000 per year
Jaycee Park
The City recently purchased the Intracoastal Waterway park property located in the 2700 block of South
Federal Highway from the Florida Inland Navigational District. Plans are underway to develop a community
park on the property. The park will feature day docks, a playground, a large pavilion with restrooms, two
smaller pavilions, kiosks with habitat and environmental information posted, bocce courts, walking paths, picnic
tables, an open play field and a special conservation area. The park is now in the design phase. The City
anticipates that it will take approximately 2.5 to 3 years to complete construction of the park. As an exclusive
partner, The Post will invest $25,000 over a three year period. One of the proposed features at the Park would
carry name/logo recognition for The Post, such as "The Palm Beach Post Playground at Jaycee Park". The
Post will pay the City the following amounts, no later than the dates indicated:
1. Eight thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($8,500.00) no later than February 1,2005:
2. Eight Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($8,000.00) no later than February 1, 2006; and,
3. Eight Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 ($8,500.00) no later than February 1, 2007.
In consideration of the above-referenced payments, the City will provide The Post with the following:
0 a north/south facing sign will be constructed on S. Federal Highway at Jaycee Park with the following
phrase, or something similar;
Jaycee Park
Featuring The Palm Beach Post Playground
0 Logo/name exposure to vehicular traffic on South Federal Highway.
0 Banner/signage on the playground designating it as The Palm Beach Post Playground.
0 One quarter page advertisement in The City's Funfare! Magazine, direct mailed to over 6000
participants three times a year and given out at city facilities to an additional 9,000 visitors per issue.
The advertisement will appear in nine consecutive issues of the magazine beginning in 2005.
D° Logo/name exposure on the parks pages of the City's website
Partnership Value - $100,000
Park/Facilitv Sianaae
As a daily newspaper partner. The Post will be invited to hang approved signage/banners at six local parks
(Pence, Intracoastal, Boat Club, Hester, Boynton Lakes and Oceanfront parks) and outside four popular
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. ::-ecrea:¡on centers (Art, Civic, Hester, and Senior Centers). The banners/signs will be provided by The Post.
The investment is $2,000.00 or $200.00 per banner per year. Prior to hanging the banners, The Post shall
provide the City with art renderings of the banners for review and approval. such approval shall not be
"I1reasonably withheld. The City will only be responsible for the installation of the banners/signs. In the event
: banners or signs are damaged or become unsightly, the City may remove the banners, and it will be The
t"'ost's responsibility to provide new banners.
For this investment. The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to active/passive leisure participants estimated to be in excess of 500,000 visitors
each year
*This opportunity is not exclusive to The Post, as the City partners with other organizations, particularly with local and regional
businesses who support our local sports teams whose agreement allows them to hang banners at events on our various properties.
Partnership Value - $15,000
Boynton Beach Summer Youth Proaram Tee Shirts
For the past eight years, the City and The Post have partnered to provide as many as 1,800 summer program
participants with t-shirts. For each year during the term of this Agreement, The Post will pay two-thirds of the
total cost for the t-shirts. For each year during the term of this Agreement. the City will pay for one-third of the
total cost for the t-shirts. The parties shall discuss and agree upon the parties' respective responsibilities for
designing and ordering the t-shirts no later than April 15t of each year during the term of this Agreement.
Partnership Value - $5,000 per year
Boynton Beach Youth Expo
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City Eight Hundred and 00/100
Dollars ($800.00) for this event every two years. In addition to the payment, The Post will provide the City with
a minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in various sections of the newspaper
promote the event. The payment for the 2004 event was made prior to the execution of the Agreement. The
. Jyment for the event in 2006 shall be paid to the City no later than June 15, 2006.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to Mall traffic during the weekend event.
0 Logo/name exposure onall printed promotional materials (a minimum of 15,000 flyers and 100 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty-two 30 second ads on two local radio stations (as long as The City is a party
to an annual contract with a local radio station).
Partnership Value - $6,000
The Bia Truck Rally
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City an annual payment of Two
Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) no later than October 30th during each year of the term of this
Agreement. This event takes place on Ocean Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard and attracts an estimated
1,000 family participants. The Post will provide a minimum of four quarter· page ads appearing on a space
available basis· in various sections of the newspaper to advertise and promote the event.
For this investment. The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to patrons prior and during the one day event.
0 Logo/name exposure on all printed promotional materials (a minimum of 5,000 flyers and 50 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty two 30 second ads on two local radio stations (as long as The City is party to
an annùal contract with a local radio station).
Partnership Value - $3,000
Art Explosion
As the presenting and exclusive daily newspaper partner, The Post will pay the City an annual payment of Two
Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) no later than October 30th during each year of the term of this
Agreement. This event takes place at the Ezell Hester, Jr. Community Center and Park. This event attracts an
estimated1000 spectators who are being exposed to music, literature and visual arts. The Post will provide a
minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in various sections of the newspaper
to advertise and promote the event.
For this investment, The Post will realize these benefits:
0 Logo/name exposure to patrons prior and during the weekend event.
0 Logo/name exposure on all printed promotional materials (a minimum of 5,000 flyers and 50 posters
promoting the event).
0 Name exposure on twenty-two (22) thirty (30) second advertisements on two local radio stations (as
long as the City is a party to an annual contract with a local radio station).
Partnership Value - $3,000
Annual Holidav Parade
As a local business partner, The Post wilJprovide a monetary sponsorship for a local high school marching
band which includes City residents in the amount of Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($500.00) no later than
October 30th of each year for the term of this Agreement. The marching band activities attract an estimated
1,000 participants and 8,000 spectators.
Intracoastal Park Anniversary
As a local business partner, The Post will be asked to sponsor the anniversary party at the City's premier
waterfront park. This event attracte9 an estimated 1,500 spectators to the grand opening celebration of the
parI< in 2003. The City is interested in continuing the event which could feature a concert, vendors, a special
hospitality area for partners and dignitaries and a small scale fireworks show. The cost of partnering with the
City for this event for 2004 is $5,000.00. In future years, the City would include in its budget money to produce
the event. The Post agrees to pay the City Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00) no
later than September 30th of each year during the term of this Agreement to pay a portion of the cost of the
event. The Post will provide a minimum of four quarter page ads appearing on a space available basis in
various sections of the newspaper to advertise and promote the event.
Partnership Value - $10,000
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