~XLEAS. the City of ~c~nton ~each gave a~ option
of purchase to Coral Ridge Development Corporation,
of Fsr$ LauAerAale, ~ori~, for ~ p~se of
Lot 26 of
feet thereof,
~8, t~ ~A option to ~-~ase ~e ~iA p~perty
~ove ~s~-ibeA
O~ssion ~is ~te sitti~, to ~tenA t~s ~tion for
~~. ~T IS ~!,~ by the City 0o~ssion of t~ City of
Laterals, ~ori~, s~ be ~ven ~ extension of the option, ~o~ mentione~
to ~c~e the proper~ ~scribe~ for ~e perioA en~g Septe~er ~mt, 19~3.
)E I~ ~~ ~L~, t~t p~or to the ~nv~ce ~ ~liv~
of t~ ~eA
0ity of ~o~n ~e~
~ort ~er~e. ~ori~.
e~fici~t s~e~, bona or ~ier~ c~ to certi~ ~ ~letion off the
pro. seA b~l~ on ~ ~ ~ite.
IT ~ ~~ ~L~, t~t ~is proper~ on~ b~ conv~eA for t~
~o~e of ~il~ a ~er~t ~c~ food store on the ~A site, ~A for
no other
P~s~eA ~A a~pted ~s 8th ~ of 8ept~b~, 19~3.
City Clerk