12/05/55RESOLUTION W~HEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, does, oursuant to Article 15 of the Charter of the said City, deem it necessary for the 0ublic interest, that certain streets, boulevards, avenues, lanes, alleys, osrkways, and other public highways, within the limits of the said City, be imoroved by being built, reoa~red, resurfaced, and r~built, now, therefore, BTi IT RES DLI~_~ ,D DY TH~ CITY OF BOYNTOL· BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: 1: The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby directed and ordered to ~repare sn estimated cost for repair, resurfacing, rebuilding and constructing, streets, roads, boule- yards, avenues~ lanes, alleys, parkways, and oth~r ~ublic high- ways over the dedicated rights-of-ways as hereinafter set forth: Oak Street between Federal High~.~ay and Palm Way 6~ Feet Palm Way (so'~th of Oak Street) 268 Feet N.F_. 9th Ave. between ~. Seacrest and !i.E. 3rd Street 11+61 Feet N.E. 3rd Street between '?~.E.Sth ~ve apd Y.E. 9th A~e. 152 Feet 2. That the Superintendent of Oublic Works shall_ ore- pare plans and soecifications which shall be on file with ~he City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, which said plans and specifi- cations shall be in a~.cordsnce with the laws and ordinances of the City of Boyn~on B~sach, having a oavin~ ~zidth of not less than 22 feet, be constructed of lime rock compacted to not less than 6 ipches and surfacing as set out by laws and ordinances of said City of Boynton Beach. 3. The said Suoerintendert of O~bli~ W'orks shall have oreaared and oresent to the next regular City Commission meeting o£ ~ae City of Boynton Beach, on DeCember 19., ~>plp, the said v!sns and saecifications as herein mentioped. IP~NIMOUSLY ~assed and ado~oted this %th December, day of Mayor ~ Councilman (continued)