~FHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton
Beech, Florida, does, oursuant to Article 15 of the Charter of
the said City~ deem it necessary for the public interest~ that
certain streets~ boulevards, ~venues, lanes, alleys, osrkways~
and other public highways, within the limits of the said City,
be improved by being built, reos~red, r~surfaced, and r~bui!t,
now, therefore ~
1: The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby
directed and ordered to oreoare an estimated cost for repair,
resurfscing~ rebuilding and constructing~ streets, roads, boule-
yards, avenues~ Isnes~ alleys, psrkwsys~ and other ~ublic high-
ways over the de~icated rights-of-ways as hereinafter set forth:
Oak Street between Federal High~:,zay and Palm Way
68~ Feet
Palm Way (so~3th of Oak Street) 268 Feet
N.E. 9th A%'e. between N. Sescrest end }'I.E. 3rd Street
!N61 Feet
N.E. 3rd Street between ?~.E.ath ~ve end ~.E. qth Ave.
1~2 Feet
2. That the Superintendent of oublic Works shell..~re-
pare ~lans end specifications which shall be on file with the City
Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, which said plans and s~,ecifi-
cations shall be in a~,cordance with the laws and ordinances of the
City of Boyn~on Beach, having a oaring ,,;idth of not less than 22
feet~ be constructed of lime rock compacted to not less than 6
inches and surfacing as set out by laws and ordinances of said
City of Boynton Beach.
3. The said Suoerintendent of ~ublin Works shall have
orensred end oresent to the next regular City Commf. ssion meeting
of the City of Boynton Beech, o~ DeCember ]-9~ 19~%, the said v!ans
%th day of
end svecifications as herein mentioned.
IP.~ANIMOUSLY oassed and adooted this
December, 19%~.
Mayor' -
~ ~n .cl~.~ma n .....