R03-062 RESOLUTION NO. R03- Cffo ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A TASK ORDER NO. 01-11 FOR CAMP, DRESSER & MC KEE, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000 FOR THE TWO-PHASE EXPANSION OF THE WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT (WWPT); AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, this Task Order has an upper limit (not to exceed) fimding amount of $250,000.00 and is allocated to six separate tasks related to capacity increases; and WHEREAS, this Task Order also contains specific milestones for each of the tasks, as well as a funding limit for each task; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, upon staff's recommendation, has deemed it appropriate, and in the best interests of the public, to approve a Task Order for Camp, Dresser & McKee., for the two-phase expansion of the West Water Treatment Plant, in an amount not Io exceed $250,000.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF rilE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize and direct execution of Task Order No. 01-01 for Camp, Dresser & McKee, [nc., in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15' day of April, 2003. Commissioner /Clerk :a - Metcalf & Eddy 01-09 ENGINEERING SERVICES TASK ORDER CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TASK ORDER NO. 01-11 DATE: 4 - I ~' oO 3 CDM PROJECT NO. 6276 - 11 I. PROIECT TITLE West Water Treatment Plant Expansion Design Criteria Professional Services II. BACKGROUND The City of Boynton Beach (City) has identified the need to expand their water treatment capacity to meet projected demands through build-out of the City in approximately 2010. To meet this need, the City is planning an expansion of the West Water Treatment Plant (West WTP) nanofiltration capacity from 8 mgd by approximately 8 mgd to approximately 16 mgd. It is anticipated that the East Water Treatment Plant will provide the remaining treatment capacity. The City has applied for a Water Use Permit (WUP) from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The WUP application requests an increase in surficial aquifer allocation from approximately 14.8 mgd to 21.8 mgd on an annual average daily flow basis. This request, if granted, would provide additional fresh water supply for an expansion of the membrane softening (nanofiltration) treatment capacity at the West WTP. The City intends to implement the required expansion of the West WTP through a design-build project delivery method. Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) has been requested to serve as the City's Design Criteria Professional, throughout the design- build project implementation process, as outlined in Section 287.055 of Florida Statutes. This task order provides for services from project development, through selection and award of a contract to a design-build firm. Additional authorization will be required in the future for design and construction phase Design Criteria Professional Services. III. CONTRACT REFERENCE This Task Order shall be performed under the terms and conditions described within the Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services dated the 4th day of October 2000 between the City of Boynton Beach (City) and Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM). W. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services shall include the following tasks related to development of a Design Criteria Package, Request for Qualification's (RFQ) and Request for Proposals A 1 C:\Documents and Settings\fleraingp\Local Settings\Temporary lntemet Files\OLKl D\BB Task Order.doc-03/20/03 Mo (RFP) resulting in the City's contracting with a design-build firm for implementation of the expansion of the West WTP: Task No. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Description Assist with Plant Expansion via Membrane Replacement Prepare RFQ Evaluate RFQ Responses Prepare RFP and Basis of Design Report (BODR) Review Contractor Proposal Responses Contract Negotiation and Award Professional engineering services to be provided during the design phase, procurement, construction and start-up of the West Water Treatment Plant Expansion project shall be included in a subsequent Task Order. The general Scope of Services is provided in Exhibit A. PRO]-ECT SCHEDULE CDM will commence with the work upon receipt of written authorization and shall complete the work within the attached schedule of milestones/deliverables. COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES The total amount to be paid to CDM by the City under this Task Order shall not exceed an upper limit amount of $250,000 without additional authorization. The upper limit estimate is based the general scope of work included in Exhibit A. CDM shall track and invoice costs by task. CDM shall not exceed the upper limit amount outlined in Exhibit C by task without prior written authorization by the City. A summary of the estimated cost for this Task Order is provided in Exhibits B and C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CAMP DRESSER & McKee INC. l~avid F. Holtz, P.E. Associate Kurt Bressner, City Manager FLORIDA N:\0000kbs?281 rev.doc-03/18/03 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES West Water Treatment Plant Design-Build Procurement CDM shall use an approach that involves assisting the City with negotiations of project design approach and contract price with pre-qualified contractor(s). CDM shall work closely with the City's Utilities and Procurement Departments and City Attorney's Office to administer the RFQ and RFP processes in accordance with City procedures. Subject to the City confirmation, the West Water Treatment Plant (West WTP) design-build firm procurement process may include the following steps: · Develop Contractor Qualifications Criteria. · Issue Request for Qualifications (RFQ). · Evaluate Contractor Statements of Qualifications based on RFQ ranking criteria developed in conjunction with the City. · Develop draft Construction Agreement. · Issue RFP to top-ranked, pre-qualified Contractor(s). · Assist the City with negotiations on technical and cost proposals, value engineering reviews and contract terms. · Assist the City in preparing the contract with the selected Contractor. Following Technical Submittal approval, pricing together with signed construction agreements will be received from the pre-qualified Contractors. The Construction price will be evaluated and a recommendation of contract award will be made for consideration by the City Commission in accordance with the City procedures. TASK 1 ASSIST WITH PLANT EXPANSION VIA MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT CDM shall evaluate the proposal presented by City staff to increase the West WTP capacity from 8 mgd to approximately 9.9 mgd by replacing existing membrane elements and face piping or pumps (as required). The plant's membranes are budgeted for replacement every five years, but have remained in service for approximately nine years now. Due to advances in membrane technology, it may be possible to increase the existing plant capacity, while decreasing operating costs, via membrane replacement. When completed, this process will reduce the extent and cost of the required design-build expansion of the West WTP. CDM will conduct the following efforts towards this goal: · Evaluate the feasibility and extent of work required to increase plant capacity through membrane replacement. The hydraulics of the existing piping will be evaluated for existing N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A R~v.doc-3/18/2003 and future flows. The existing pumps will be evaluated to determine if they have adequate capacity for the increased flow. If not, new face piping will be designed to reduce headloss (and noise), or new pump (or impellers) will be specified. The hydraulic analysis will include consideration of future flow conditions with the addition of new membrane vessels. · Summarize recommended activities in a brief technical memorandum. · Assist with applying for the required permit from the Palm Beach County Health Department. · Negotiate membrane and face piping or pumping equipment supply cost with manufacturer(s). · Prepare technical specifications, sketches and performance criteria and bid form for the City's use in procuring a specialty contractor experienced in membrane system replacement. · Provide technical assistance and contract management services during the performance of the work to confirm that the membrane replacement work is performed in accordance with the design intent. · Perform final testing oversight and inspection and certify project completion. TASK 2 PREPARE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION (RFQ) CDM will prepare a draft RFQ for comment by the City. A workshop will be held with appropriate City staff from the Utilities and Procurement Departments and City Attorney's Office to define the RFQ response requirements and ranking/short-listing criteria. CDM will prepare a schedule outlining the design-build contractor procurement process and critical tasks and target dates for City review at the workshop. The final RFQ will contain at least six sections, including: · Introduction and General Information. · General Description of the Project. · Procurement Process and Schedule. · Vendor Qualification Requirements. · Business and Financial Questionnaire. · Format of the Qualifications Statements. Copies of the RFQ will be provided to the City for review and distribution to interested parties. CDM will prepare a draft advertisement for use by the City in advertising the availability of the RFQ. CDM will also develop a list of appropriate trade journals in which the City may place the advertisement. CDM will conduct pre-qualification meeting with potential contractors to present the project and respond to comments. TASK3 EVALUATE RFQ RESPONSES CDM will evaluate contractor's qualification statements with City staff and will prepare a letter report indicating the results of the evaluation. RFQ respondents will be ranked from top to bottom based on a well-defined submittal rating criteria, or a short-list of equally-qualified respondents will be prepared, depending on the'approach preferred by the City. The report will be reviewed by City staff prior to presentation to the City Commission, if required. ~ A-2 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 TASK 4 PREPARE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) CDM will prepare a draft RFP for review and comment by City staff. The RFP will contain six major sections: · Information to Proposers. · Project Description. · Process Design Basis and Design Criteria. · Contract Documents and Bid Form. · Proposal Requirements. · Proposal Evaluation and Scoring Criteria (Proposal Price and Qualifications/Experience Grading). CDM will work with the project team, attend up to five (5) RFP review meetings, and prepare ten (10) copies of the draft and final RFP for City review and comment. The RFP will incorporate information related to the existing plant design, the work of prior engineering studies by CDM and other consultants, and regulatory constraints. The RFP will define critical success factors and project constraints which all proposals must meet. The RFP may allow alternate plant expansion design to be proposed by design-build contractors for consideration. Subtask 4.1 Establish Process Design Basis and Design Criteria CDM will prepare a Basis of Design Report (BODR) to determine the plant expansion design criteria and construction constraints, desired physical design features of the water treatment facility, and project requirements. The BODR will summarize the information available from prior engineering alternatives analyses previously prepared by CDM and other consultants for the City, including the following: · Water Use Permitting application, requests for additional information, and responses. · Evaluation of alternatives for expansion of the West Water Treatment Plant (WTP). · Feasibility and siting analysis for Upper Floridan Aquifer wells and raw water transmission force mains. · Evaluation of finished water distribution hydraulic analyses for the East and West WTPs. · Evaluation and design of improvements required to expand the sewage pumping and transmission system for the West WTP and surrounding areas (to ensure adequate emergency and/or planned concentrate conveyance when the existing deep well is out of service). · Evaluation of potential plant capacity increase associated with replacement of existing membrane elements. The BODR will identify major system features and permitting conditions necessary for a complete and fully-functioning nanofiltration facility expansion. The BODR will present reasonable estimates of system cost, schedules.for system completion and recommendations for Contract Documents preparation. The water treatment process design will incorporate established technology to address raw water quality at initial and long-term future operating conditions. Permeate quality will be ~ A-3 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 based on meeting or exceeding standards, as well as responding to any additional concerns identified by the City. CDM shall work with City staff to jointly develop a plan to satisfy water quality goals within the water distribution system. CDM shall develop preliminary civil engineering design, mechanical process layout, and process schematic drawings, including the site survey, geotechnical engineering, site development, stormwater control, Palm Beach County site plan review and utilities accommodation. The effort to develop the BODR will include the following activities: Review existing data and information, including but not limited to, existing and ongoing engineering reports and evaluations, and the Water Use Permit Application and supporting documentation. 2. Develop the basis of final design criteria, performance standards and summaries of materials of construction and other City standards to be used. 3. Determine requirements for surveying and geotechnical investigations to be performed by the contractor. Prepare conceptual facilities layout on a site plan for planning and design purposes, including location of new structures, buildings, piping, equipment and facilities, and a site drainage plan. Up to three layouts with elevations shall be prepared for the draft report for evaluation and input by City staff. 5. Prepare conceptual arrangement drawings of the water treatment plant expansion layout and related facilities and structures. 6. Develop preliminary process instrumentation and control diagrams and electrical single line diagrams, including tie-ins to the plant's existing SCADA system. 7. Determine permitting and project approval requirements which must be undertaken by the design-build firm. 8. Prepare preliminary cost estimate for the proposed facilities. CDM will prepare and submit conceptual site plan drawings to Palm Beach County for preliminary site plan review and approval, and will include any project specific requirements, such as setbacks, landscaping, noise and/or odor control and architecttrral requirements in the BODR. 10. Summarize results in a BODR, including recommendations for facilities to be incorporated into the final design. Ten copies of the BODR shall be furnished to the City for review and approval. A review meeting shall be held with City staff to receive comments. CDM shall incorporate staff comments into the final document, and deliver ten copies of the final document. The final BODR shall serve as the basis for final design. ~ A-4 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 CDM will review the BODR with City staff and others, as directed by the City, to determine any special design requirements that might be requested for the facility. Using existing information and CDM's experience, we will confirm preliminary site constraints as a guideline for proposers in the RFP. Subtask 4.2 Development of Draft Contract Documents CDM will assist the City in developing draft Contract Documents for the facility design and construction contractor to be included in the RFP, and will provide ten (10) copies to the City for review and comment. CDM will revise the draft Contract Documents as agreed to and redistribute for final approval. Subtask 4.3 Finalize RFP CDM will distribute copies of the draft RFP to the City to receive and incorporate comments and recirculate as a second draft, incorporating additional comments if necessary. Subtask 4.4 Issue RFP CDM will reproduce copies of the RFP as required for distribution to the top-ranked, pre- qualified contractor(s), plus ten copies for use by the City. CDM will conduct a pre-proposal conference, address questions from contractors, and prepare and issue addenda as necessary. TASK 5 REVIEW CONTRACTOR PROPOSAL RESPONSES CDM will assist the City staff in evaluating the contractor responses to the RFP, including: · Review of technical proposals (base proposal and alternates). · General arrangements. · P&IDs. · Performance and cost guarantees. · Materials of construction. · Review responses to contract documents. Identify and summarize similarities and discrepancies between contractor proposals. CDM shall provide a letter highlighting our opinion of the above from the contractor(s). TASK6 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS & AWARD CDM will assist the City in negotiations with the top-ranked, qualified contractor(s). These negotiations will include preparing a common Construction Contract and proposal form for pricing by qualified contractors. Activities under this task will include participation at negotiation sessions, and making revisions to the contract documents based upon negotiations. CDM shall participate in up to three (3) meetings with the City and contractor(s) to negotiate final terms and conditions and contract price of the Construction Contract for detailed design, procurement, and construction of the West WTP expansion. ~ A-5 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 SCHEDULE OF CDM MILESTONES/DELIVERABLES MILESTONE/DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE Task 1: Assist with Membrane Replacement A. Submit technical memorandum outlining membrane replacement approach B. Prepare permit application C. Deliver technical specifications and sketches to the City for use in bidding D. Technical assistance and contract management during construction E. Project certification 4 weeks from authorization 3 weeks from receipt of written direction to proceed with permitting 4 weeks from receipt of written direction to proceed with design documents Concurrent with contractor's construction schedule 1 week from construction and testing completion Task 2: Prepare Request for Qualification A. Draft RFQ B. Conduct workshop with City Staff C. Final RFQ Within 6 weeks of authorization Within 2 weeks of receipt of City comments on Draft RFQ Within 4 weeks of RFQ workshop Task 3: Evaluate RFQ Responses A. RFQ Responses Evaluation Report Within 3 weeks of City furnishing RFQ responses to CDM Task 4: Prepare Request for Proposals A. Basis of Design Workshop B. Draft BODR C. Draft Contract Documents for RFP D. Final RFP (BODR and Contract Documents) E. Issue RFP to Design-Build Contractor Task 5: Review of Proposal Response A. Evaluation of RFP Responses Task 6: Contractor Negotiations and Award A. Meeting attendance Within 3 weeks of Authorization Within 16 weeks of workshop Within 16 weeks of workshop Within 6 week of receipt of comprehensive final comments on Draft BODR and Contract Documents from City Within I week of direction by the City Within 4 weeks of delivery of RFP responses to CDM by the City As required N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 A-6 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY 1. Designate a Project Manager to serve as the single point of contact representing the City in all project matters which affect CDM and completion of work anticipated under this Scope of Services. 2. Provide existing related project data and documents, including record drawings of existing facilities, not already available to CDM. 3. Review and comment on the BODR documents for the design-build project. 4. Participate in project review meetings. 5. Assist in discussions with regulatory agencies and submittal of permits. 6. Attend regular (monthly) progress meetings. 7. Submittal of documents to the various the City departments and boards as required for review prior to bidding. 8. Arrange for site access as required to complete the work. 9. Acquire property, rights-of-way, and/or easements as required to complete the project in a timely manner. 10. Attend public meetings and hearings as required to complete the project. 11. Provide a copy of design standards or preferences. 12. Provide standard formats for deliverables. ~ A-7 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh A Rev.doc-3/18/2003 EXHIBIT B PROJECT BUDGET PROJECT: CONTRACT REFERENCE: City of Boynton Beach West Water Treatment Plant Expansion Design Criteria Professional Services Agreement for General Engineering Consulting Services between City of Boynton Beach, Florida and Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. dated October 4, 2000. Labor Category Hours Total Project Director Technical Specialist Senior Engineer/Scientist Professional II Clerical 189 322 353 681 462 2,007 TOTAL LABOR COST OTHER DIRECT COSTS OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Globaltech, Inc. (including 10% Mark-up) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST TOTAL UPPER LIMIT COST $187,005 $8,000 $55,000 $250,005 $250,000 0000-DFI--INB-MD. DFHBB B-1 N:\0000\bs7281 Exh B.doc\03/18/03