09-05-61a+x~ City Council; ....... ~ ~ re~!ar ~',~s~o~ of ~'~st 7~ 1061 s~d duly ~ass am or~n~n~ tb~~ ~ C~f, ..... ' ~ - ' ..... ~ ~d ]m .... tr~.~, r sha!], be a~*ho~qed ~.o .... nt~ro__~n ~!1 ~xe ~m,,-~ ~q ....... .~.~ vouc'~ .... nx~ ~,~Jthirawa! ~].~s of the City; and 5~-t~EfiS, JOHN L. ARCH!E~ is the duly elected Mayor and shall sign checks, vouchers ap,~ v,~_-U.,_.!~-~:,/al s].i~,s J.n ~he absence of the Adminf. str.~+,a,r; ~d .-r;{ENEAS, ~/!T.TFE A. i'6igF;F}~, Vice ~'~n-~r b~$ ~'~en ~-'mointed to sig~ chec~-s~ vo~.~cher~ ~d ~thdrawa! s].~s in ~.he absence o~ the ~ayor ?d the '?'~"~F?~$. '~. ~,. C?'}t7~ Js "?e duly ~o~aSn±.ed treasurer; a~d ........ , O. ~. ~7~TI'?.CE~ q~-,~ ~Jna.n~ q~rectcr, b~s b~,en appointed ~emare amd sJ~. che~!-~, vo~bers ~ ¥~+~rvm]_ s!!--~ ~m the sbserce of q~e~ stlrer t ba zerf. to t~e F!~t Feder81 q."%~invs '~. T~ ~'~q'oeq~+.~ou mf ~]raTr FqorJd,~ Fi~+, Federal S-vin~s e~ Io~n ~csoc~t~ T,~ke ~4~,+,b~ F].orJda~ ~'~rst ~rk ~ ~'~+~n q~-b~ ~'~-ton P. ec. ch, F!nr~de, and qo~or ~eec}~ Bremch of ~"~ w~:~t ~a~ra]. %vj~q~ a~d T~.~ t~ocf, etJ.on, PASSEl) ~t!'~ '~ ~nm~r~ +.bis