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RESOLOTION DO. w-/4 WHEREAS, the Personnel Officer of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore~, conducted a periodic review of existing pay s~ale for employees of said ~unicipality, and WHEREAS, the City Manager has thoroughly reviewed said report and recommendations and concurs in same, DOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the amended pay plan and job descriptions for municipal employees of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed and same shall be implemented by the City Manager and become effective on the 26th day of September, 1974. PASSED ADD ADOPTED this 17th day of September, 1974. ATTEST: ~k/~, '~ - City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA r // Vice Mayor Counci lma~---- I~B ASSISTANT This is tec_hnical work in the lab of the sewage treatment plant. The employee assists iu the analysis and testing program at the plant. The employee also assists in prepari~ all necessary entries in the daily log as well as help the sewer plant supervisor in preparing any s~d all state~ coun~ or other statistical forms. Work is performed ~nder the general super-~_sion of the Lab Technician who reviews work through discussion. The employee is required to exercise semi-independent judgement and initiative in tb_e proper operation of the laboratory. ~LLUS zRA± IVE TASKS Helps perform chemical tests on sewage samples such as bio-chemical, oxygen demands, settleable, suspended and total 'solids and ph and chlorine residual. _~st be familiar with activated sludge treatment' methods and procedures. Helps check all plant log records, guages, meters and other plant testing and measur~mg devices to see that equipment is Functioning properly. Helps keeps records daily and monthly reports on laboratory analysis. Performs related work as required. KN~DGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES ~Ymst be familiar with the principles, practices, equipment and materials and operating procedures of a sewage treatment plant tab. Kn~vledge of modern lab techniques and procedures as related to sewage treatment. Kn~¥1edge of the occupational hazards connected with water treatment plant operation and of necessary safety precautions. Ability to perform chemical tests on sewage samples. Ability to maintain records and prepare reports. Ability to maintain effective working relationships with the general public and fellow employees. DESIRABLE. TRAIN!_~ A~YD EXPERIENCE Graduation from a standard high school or trade sehool including or supplemented by courses in chemistry or related subjects or a~- equivalent combination of experience and training. WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR NATURE OF WORK This is technical and supervisory work in the operation and maint- enance of the water treatment plant. Work includes the responsibility for maintaining continuous safety and efficiency of the plants, supervising his men, requisitioning materials and repair parts and making out reports required by the State Department of Health. Administrative duties and responsibilities are received from a superior but the employee is required to exercise considerable independen judgment and initiative in carrying out his duties. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Plans, organizes and supervises the work of water plant operators in the operations and maintenance of treatment plant machinery and equip- ment. Supervises the work of the laboratory in the analysis of water samples taken in various stages of the treatment process and reviews analysis to determine the oprating efficiencyof treatment processes. Works closely' with State and civic health officials. Available and on call for possible emergency conditions of weather or breakdowns. Prepares work schedules, trains plant personnel and assigns duties and shifts; conducts groups through the plant. Keeps records and prepares reports on plant operations.. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES,. ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable practical and supervisory experience in the operatio~ of electrical and mechanical water plant equipment. Thorough knowledge of the machines, equipment and operating practices of modern water treatment. Thorough know!edge of the chemical and physical processes involved in the treatment of water. Thorough knowledge of the hazards to health and safety involved in water %reatment work and ability to apply proper precautionary measures. Ability to organize, supervise and inspect the work of skilled and semi-skilled personnel performing varied labor operations. Ability to keep records and prepare clear and concise reports on plant operations. Considerable knowledge of the principles of chemistry as used in the chemical and bacteriological analysis of water samples. Ability to make minor operating repairs to electrical ~nd mechanical. equipment. Ability to Understand and follow moderately complex written and oral instructions. Ability to establish and maintain working relationships with employees and With the general public. WATER PLA_NT SUPERVISOR, continued DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND T_~AINING Considerable experience in the operation and maintenance of water treatment facilities, preferably supplemented by supervisory~ responsib- ility in plant operation and maintenance and graduation from a standard high school or vocational school supplemented by college level related. courses. Possession of required state license. UTILITY SERVICEMAN NA~IR~ OF WORK This is skilled mechanical work in cleaning, testing, repairing, completely overhauling and maintaining water meters. Work of this class involves responsibility for ma~ng repairs %o and testing large and small meters used for accurately measuring water coms~mption. Work requires adjusting water meters to prescribed l~w~ts of accuracy~ testing new meters and making field adjustments to meters Assignments are received in the form of work orders and general r~mtine of the shop. A supe~sor inspects repaired meters for maintenance of established standards of work. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Inspects, takes dov~n~ cleans, determines needed repairs~ repaires and reassembles domestic and commercial service water me%ers~ replaces defective parts and makes necessary adjustments to secure conformity with prescribed standards of accuracy. In the field, removes meters and replaces them with new or properly adjusted meters either for periodic shop inspection of meters or at the %erminaticm of service. May make field investigations on complaints of poor water pressure; sets recording meters in the filed to check leaks and complaints of excessive charges. Keeps records of meter performance and of shop and field work c~rried Makes collections of delinquent accounts and bad checks. Performs related work as required. KN~g~EDGES., ABILITIES AND SKILLS _Knowledge of the practices, methods and materials used in the maintenance, repair amd testing of water meters. Knowledge of the use of pressure gauges, pressure recorders, portable flow meters and manometers. Some knowledge of the ccmstruction and principles under~ining the operations of various types of domestic and con~nercia! water meters and gauges. Skill in the use of a drill press, punch press, emery wheel and other power machines used in repairing water meters. Ability to determine repair and adjustment needs to water meters. Ability to read water meters and to keep simple performance and repair records. Ability to meet public tactfully; ability to work from written and oral directions. DES!P~BLE EXPERIENCE ANDTRAINING Some experience in the repair of meters, gauges or similar small mechanical equipment; graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. LAB TECHNICIAN NATURE OF WORK This is skilled technical work performed in the lab of the sewage treatment plant. The employee is responsible for the analysis and testing program at the Plant. The employee is also required to prepare all necessary entries in the daily log as well as help the sewer plant supervisor in preparing any and all state, county or other statistical forms. Work is performed under the general supervision of the supervisor who reviews work through discussion. The employee is required to exercise independent judgement and initiative in the proper operation of the laboratory. iLLUSTRATIVE TASKS Performs and supervises chemical tests on sewage samples such as bio-chemical, oxygen demands, settleabte, suspended ~and total solids and ph and chlorine residual. Must be familiar with activated sludge treatment methods and procedures. Reviews plant log records, guages, meters and other plant testing and measuring devices to see that equipment is functioning properly. Keeps records and prepares daily and'monthly reports on laboratory analysis. Orders supplies needed in the lab. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, equipment and materials and operating procedures of a sewage treatment pla-ut lab. Considerable knowledge of modern lab techniques and procedures as related to sewage treatment.. Considerable knowledge of the occupational hazards Connected with water treatment plant operation and of necessary safety pre- cautions. Ability to perform a variety of chemical tests on sewage samples and to evaluate results. Ability to maintain records and prepare reports. Ability to maintain effective working relationships with the general public and fellow employees. LAB TECHNICIAN, continued DESIRABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Experience in sewage treatment plant operation and maintenance work. Graduation from a standard high school or trade school including or supplemented by courses in chemistry or related subjects or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Possession of a valid current "C" sewage plant operator's certificate issued by the State of Florida.- Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 CITY E££e ctive 9/26/74 CLASSIFICATION PLAN 1974/75 OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA CLASS TITLE PAY GRADE GEkTERAL CLERICAL CLERK CLERK CLERK COURT I .................... 15 ti ........................................... 17 III .......................................... 19 CLERK ............................. - ............. 19 PAYROLL' CLERK ...................................... 20 CLERK STENOGRAPttER ................................. 17 SECRETA_HY SE CRETAR¥ SECRETARY !II ........................................ 21 OFFICE EQUIPME!~T OPERATION ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR ! ....................... 18 BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR ........................ 17 SWITC~tBOARD OPERATOR ............................... 14 - ADMINISTRATION AND FIN3~NCE CASHIER I. ' .................. 15 UTILITY COLLECTION. SUPERVISOR ...................... 21 DEPUTY CITY T ~REASURER .............................. 21 PERSONNEL TE TCKq~IC!AN ............................... 21 ASSISTA~T PURCHASING AGENT .......................... 22 * PURCHASING AGENT AND PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ............ 31 DEPUTY CITY CLERK ................. j ................ 22 * CiTY CLERK .......................................... 31 CLASS TITLE Page PAY GRADE ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE - Cont'd. ACCOUNTANT .......................................... 30 * FINANCE DIRECTOR .................................... 35 GENERAL SERVICES * SUPT. OF GENERAL sERVIcES ........................... 33 * ASSIST. SUPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES ................... 30 INSPECTION LICENSE INSPECTOR ................................... 25 BUILDING INSPECTOR .................................. 26 PLUMBING INSPECTOR ................. ~ ................. 27 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ................................ 27 DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL ............................ 29 * BUILDING OFFICIAL ........ ........................... 33 ENGINEERING AND UTILITIES * UTILITIES DIRECTOR .................................. 36 ENGIlqEERING AIDE I ................................. 22 ENGINEERING AIDE II ................................. 30 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR ............................... 25 * DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER ................................ 32 WATER METER READER STOREKEE PER ......................................... 19 CLASS TITLE Page PAY GRADE ENGINEERING AND UTILITIES, Cont'd. WATER PLANT WATER PLANT WATER PLANT WATER PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE ....................... 19 OPERATOR i ............................. 22 OPERATOR II ............................ 24 OPERATOR III ............................ 26 * WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR ............................ 29 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE ...... ' ............ 19 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR I ........................ 22 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR II ....................... 24 WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR III ...................... 26 LAB TECHNICIAN ..................................... 23 LAB ASSISTANT ........................ 20-' * WASTEWATERPLANT 'SUPERVISOR ....................... 29 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCEMAN I ...................... 21 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCEMAN II ..................... 23 UTILITY MECHANIC ................................... 22 UTILITY SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR .......................... 29 LABOR Ab/D LABOR SUPERVISION LANDFILL CUSTODIAN ............................. See n/c pay plan CUSTODIAN I ........................................ 16 CUSTODIAN Iii ...................................... 20 CUSTODIAL MAID ..................................... 16 MAINTENANCEMAN I ................................... 16 MAINTENANCEMAN II .................................. 18 PIPELAYER .......................................... 18 REFUSE cOLLECTOR I .................................. 18 REFUSE COLLECTOR II ................................ 19 FOREMAN I ......................................... ~20 FOREMAN I I ......................................... 23 FOREMAN III. ...................................... .24 SANITARY OFFICER ................................... 24 CLASS TITLE Page 4. PAY GRADE LABOR AND LABOR SUPERVISION, Con'd. PARKS SUPERVISOR ................................... 27 SANITATION SUPERVISOR .............................. 27 ASSISTANT SANITATION SUPERVISOR .................... 24 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND MECHANICAL TRADES BUILDIN~MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ..................... 28 ELECTRICIAN ........................................ 25 SIGN SHOP OPERATOR ................................. 20 MECHANIC I ........................................ :20 MECHANIC II ........................................ 23 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP SUPERVISOR ................... ...... 27 EQUIPMENT OPERATION EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I ............................... 18 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II .............................. 20 EQUIPMENT OPEP~TOR III ............................. 23 REFUSE COLLECTION DRIVER ........................... 20 -LIBRARY LIBRARY PAGE/RELIEF CLERK ................. '... See ~ n/c pay plan * LIBRARY DIRECTOR. .29 L ! B RAR 1AN LIBRARIAN LIBRARY ASSISTANT LIBRARY ASSISTANT LIBRARY ASSISTANT RECREATION LIFEGUARD i.~ ........................ ~ .............. 18 LIFEGUARD II .................................... ....21 CAPTAIN ............................................. 23 RECREATION ATTENDANT. ' 1i RECREATION LEADER .......................... ; ....... 15 RECREAT ION MAI~TENANCEMAN III ...................... 19 CLASS TITLE Page 5. PAY GRADE RECREATION,_~on%'d. RECREATION SUPERVISOR I ............................ 19 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I! ............................ 22 RECREATION SUPERVISOR III .......................... 24 * RECREATION DIRECTOR ...................... . ......... 34 RECREATION MONITOR ..................... See n/cpay plan PLAYGROUND LEADER ...................... See n/c pay Plan WEEKEND INSTRUCTOR ..................... See n/c pay plan BEACH PARKING ATTENDANT ................ See n/c pay plan FIRE FIREFIG~ER ..... '-. ...... .......................... 24 FIREFIGHTER-DRIVER ................................... 25 FIRE INSPECTOR... F IRE MECHANIC * FIRE MARSH_AL ....................................... 29 * FIRE CAPTAIN ......... '''' ........................ ..29 * FIRE POLICE CHIEF .... ANIMAL WARDEN .................... ................... 18 POLICE DISPATCHER .................. ................ 18 POLICE DESK CLERK ................................ 17 POLICE PATROLMAN .... POLICE CORPORAL ................ CLASS TITLE Page PAY GRADE POLICE, Cont'd. SERGEA~ ............................................ 28 e LIEUTENANT .......................................... 30 * CAPTAIN ............................................. 32 * POLICE CHIEF ....................................... 34 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS .................. See n/c pay plan Considered management or salaried eligible for overtime ....... Positions in the Fire Department are 56 hour work week ...... positions. Not considered working 1974-75 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR NON CLASSIFIED POSITIONS _ .Classification Starting 1 Year 2 Years Final ~chool Crossing Guard Landfill Custodian paid weekly Pages & Library Relief ~'~--'~ Clerks Beach Parking Attendant Beach Custodian Playground Leader Recreation Monitor Weekend Instructor C.B.E. Clerks (School season) City Engineer 2.38 2.15 86.00 2.08 2.63 3.06 2.63 2.42 2.63 2.05 9~99 2.50 2.25 90.00 2.20 2.78 3.20 2;52 2.78 2.63 2.35 94. O0 2.76 2.48 99.20 2.30 2.91 3.36 2.63 2.9-1 2.42 3.06 3.53 2.78 3.06 Page 7. Employees entering step one (1) through step five (5) will remain at each of these steps for one year. Employees entering step six (6) will remain at that pay level for two (2) years. Employees entering step longevity one (L-l) will remain at that pay level for three (3) years.-~ Employees entering step longevity two (L-2) have reached the final step in the pay plan. Additional increases would b~ achieved through merit increases or promotional increases. EmPloyees are eligible for increases according to the above schedules based on their starting date of employment or their anniversary date at the adoption of this resolution. OVERTIME Employees are eligible to be paid at the rate of time and a half for any hours worked over their regular working week of 40 hours, with the exception of the Fire Department, provided they actually worked this time. Persons on authorized leave with or without' pay during a pay period would be eligible for the overtime rate provided they actually worked over the 40 hours. The a~thorized leave is not considered when calculating the 40 hours actually worked. If any employee works on a holiday they will be paid for the holiday if the City Manager approves and will be p~id for t~e hours worked at .their regular pay rate if they exceed their normal work day they would then be eligible for overtime as outlined a~ove. Page 1. Employees are eligible for a five per cent increase (5%) with a promotion. This increase.does not affect their regular anniversary increase. Employees requesting a demotion will take the appropriate percentage decrease between their present position and the lower position. Employees requesting a lateral transfer would not have their salary penalized Employees that 'are promoted from a pay grade of 28 or under to a pay grade of 29 or over will receive a minim%~n of 6% increase. Employees that are demoted would be reduced a minimum of 6%. 2. Members of the Police Departmentwho are authorized and qualified by the Chief to operate the motorcycle will receive 5% hazardous duty pay while assigned. Employees approved-for this duty must be assigned for a minimum of eight (8) hours, any hours less than this would not be eligible for the pay adjustment... o O~ q>..- o",. ,,.o 0 o",o ~O~O ~0 I-~0 ',.DO00 ~O~O ~o 0~.O'k~ O ,,.O O O O OO"~ O k..,-~ O --qO t'.O O'v..~ O ~'-~O'-,.,.~O t--~ O~ O '~..~ O--'~ O kO C) C) C~ o C), '-q~.C) ~ 0''~ C) 0~ 0 ~0 0 O o% O'k~ O 0~O~ O b0 ~,5 '..¢.~ O",. ~ O'k_00 O 00~,4:) o~ 0~O~qO 00k~ 0 O'~O'k~ O ,.oooo oo~ o ,,*o--~o ~o~o ~o~o O'". 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I-~ 0-, fo ~.- 0 C0. 00. $'-.- --~ 00. --,.1 0 CT', 0 ~-~ 0 ~ 0 D~ Ok~ 0 t-~ 0 ~-] 0 I-~ Oki3 0 00~ 0 CLERK I NATURE OF WORK This is varied office and clerical work frequently involving the use of a typewriter or related office equipment. The work involves responsibility for performance of clerical tasks which can~be learned on the job and which follow well established p=ocedures. Work inv6iving more varied tasks is given closer supervision than that which is repetitive in nature. Detailed instructions are given the employee on entering the position and on subsequent new assignments; however, as the employee becomes familiar with routine procedures, he may work with considerable ir~ependence of action. Advise is given on unusual work problems and work is reviewed or checked upon completiom. · LLUSTRATIVE TASKS Operates typewriter and related office machines and equipment. Answers telephone; receiving or transmitting calls and information; makes simple arithmetical calculations manually or by the use of a cAl- culating machine according to established procedure. Files materials in pre-determined classifications,-Posts designated entries to vouchers, individual accounts, or similar subsidiary records. Performs related work as required. FaNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of business English and arithmetic. Working knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Ability to follow oral and written directions. Ability to make arithmetical computations with speed and accuracy. Ability to learn assigned clerical routines, readily, to adhere to prescribed routines and to develop some skills in the operation of commo~ and advanced office appliances and equipment. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in general office and clerical work, graduation from a standard high school, including or supplemented by co~rses in typir~ and general commercial subjects; or any equivalent combir~tiom of experience and training. CLERK II NATURE OF WORK This is responsible clerical work involving performance of more c~mpl]~ c ~1 o~? atmo~s Ail de~mslon~ ar~.m~.de, however, in accordance with establzshed precedents or departmental poIlcIes difficult o - . The variet.~eand Y f work dmffers among departments, but whenwork is re there is added .- titive, responsibility ~orz;.~Tfinality of action. The more difficult and important work is performed under close supervision. Advise is given the imployee on unusually difficult or important matters. ILLUSTRATIVE TriCKS Prepare payroll distribution report and all ~other reports pertaining to payroll. Post all checks to proper accounts. Verify coding on checks before and during posting process. Post daily cash sheets. Verify cash sheets. Take balances to verify revenue and expenditnrecontrols and various general ledgers. ~erify bank statement. Write expenditure checks when required. Prepare budge~ reports. Checks reports, tables, vouchers, statements, claims, invoices and records for ~ccuracy of computations and follows up discrepancies in person or by correspondence. Maintains records of all gasoline, oil used and also repair records for all equipment. Makes monthly report to council for departments under Public Works consisting of Street, Parks departments; receives and verifies requisitions and determines propriety of purchases, consulting appropriate vendors and receiving and invoicing processes and procedures, Performs related work as required. KNOtCLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles and methOds of payroll and general accounting; considerable knowledge of bookkeeping, business English,records. spelling and commercial arithmetic. Ability to keep accurate Ability to read and post financial data rapidly and accurately on ~osting machines. · Ability to operate general office machines, incliding posting machine, Good judgment in making decisions in accordance with prescribed rules and practices. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. ~ESIRJ~LE EMPERIENCE AND TKAININC Experience in general office work and clerical work of a responsible nature; graduation from a standard high school, preferably supplemented by courses in business practices and administration; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF WORK CLERK !11 This is responsible, specialized, and varied clerical ~ork of a complex nature requiring frequent use of independent judgment in solving problems in accordance with established departmenta~ practices and procedures. Work problems involving any departure from established procedures'are reviewed with a superior, but ordinarily employee plans and lays out work. 'Work of an employee in this class is performed under the general supervision of the Department Mead or his designate and is reviewed by results achieved, reports, and periodic audits. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WOR~ Maintains specialized accounts, records, and files .requiring a high degree of accuracy; prepares statements and other statistical informa'tio~ as required. Computes payro)ls; writes checks. Maintains payroll accounts; prepares and submits reports. Maintains a comprehensive fi)ing system. Operates standard office machines, duplicating and billing machines; and other specialized office equipment. May supervise the work of a limited number of cierlcal ~vorkers engaged in routine duties. Performs related work as required. REQUtREMENT_S~OF WORK Graduation from a standard high school and four (4) years experience in general clerical work of a progressively responsible nature. Considerable knowledge of commercial arithmetic; ability to make er~thmetlcal computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable knowledge of modern office practices, procedures; of standard and specialized office equipment. Considerable knowledge of business English and spelling. Considerable knowledge of departmental rules~ regulations, functions, and procedures. Ability to understand and follow complex oral or written [nstructions~ Ability to maintain complex records'and to prepare periodic repo.rts. Abitity to maintain payroll accounts in an efficient manner. Ability to compose routine letters and memos. Ability to train new clerical personnel in specia]izedwork areas; to tact- fully supervise the~ork of such personnel. Ability to operate a variety of standard and specialized office mach. ines and equipment. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. COURT CLERK NATURE OF WORK This is clerical work in courtroom and related legal procedures. A Court Clerk has charge of the clerical work in con- nection with the court to which assigned. Work requires the employee to have advanced knowledge, of the court and to apply this knowledge to the solution of work problems. Work is per- formed in accordance with established laws, rules and regula- tions and departmental policies and is reviewed by an admini- strative superior for adherence to these standards. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Participates in the preparation and maintenance of jury lists, motion calendars and records of jurors attendance; main- tains minute books for proper form and completeness; accepts and records for proper filing and indexing' various types of legal papers and instruments; accepts and records various fees and fines; maintains !aw dockets. Prepares and types minutes of court hearings; makes up jury payroll; calls and processes paperwork; a trends all sessions of assigned court; responsible for exhibits and for issuance of-venire; ~prepares sentence forms and judgmeni forms. Maintains criminal files for court; issues suhpeonas; dockets appeals for court from lower courts, maintains support records, ledgers; searches records and prepares orders of dis- missal. Performs related work as required. : KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AA~ SKILLS Thorough knowledge of court practices and procedures and the related clerical operation of the office in the court assigned. Considerable knowledge of the laws, rules, regulations and procedures governing the acceptance, filing and recording of legal instruments related to the court. Considerable knowledge of business English, spelling and arithmetic. Ability to understand and carry out complex oral and written instructions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with attorneys, judges and the general public. Ability to plan, assign and supervise the work of subordinate clerical personnel in a manner conducive to fut. 1 performance and high morale. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in formal court work and related activities; and graduation from a standard high school, or any equivalent, combina- tion of experience and training. PAYROLL CLERK NATURE OF WORK This is responsible clerical work in the preparation andma~enance~ ~ of all payroll records and accounts relating to payments made for employeesT personal services rendered. Work is performed in accordance with established procedures and policies h~:t independent judgement is exercised on routine mavters. Work is reviewed by a superior and is subject to periodic internal ~nd external audits. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Maintains individual earnings records containing gross earnings, deductions, net pay and related information. Compiles required periodic payroll reports. Operates accoun%i~ machine. Makes payroll distributions and journal entries as required~ Balances withholding tax and FICA deductions withheld and fills out W-2 forms. May handle detailed accounts of employees pension fur~d. Figure and write pensie refund checks. Prepares Workman's Compensation forms. Performs related work as required. KNO~fLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of methods and procedures involved in operating a central" payroll system. Considerable knowledge of the established departmental regulations and practices. Knowledge of bookkeeping a_nd accoumting techniques. Ability to maintain accurate accounting records. Skill in operating office machines required to record accounting transactions. Skill in developing and maintaining effective working relations with employees and the general public. DESZP~&BLE EXPERIENCE AdND TRA!~_NG High School graduate preferably supplemented by college level courses in accounting, bookkeeping and business practices mnd considerable experience in the area of assignment or any equivalent combination of experience and training. CLERK STENOGRAPHER NATIRLE OF WORK This is advanced clerical work which also requires taking and transcribing notes of oral dictation. Employees in this class take shorthand notes of dictation and transcribe them by typewriter. Subjects dealt with are f~equent!y technical in nature and require familiarity with terminology used in specialized work. The variety and difficulty of work differs among pos- itions. Positions require the operation of other standard office equipment. for which no previous training is required. Until the more difficult phases of a job are learned, an' employee works under relatively close supervision but, thereafter, detailed instructions are received only when changes in procedureS are made. Work is reviewed by a supervisor through observation ~of operations, review of c~rrespondence and type- %zrittenmaterial, and by giving advice and assistance on unusual or difficult problems. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Takes and transcribes dictation of correspondence, articles, r~ports or other materials; answers telephone and gives information in response to inquiries. Types letters, memoranda, requisitions, forms statistical reports; personnel records, law cases. Operates adding, mineograph, azograph, verifax, calculating and add- ressograph machines. Cross-indexes and files documents and correspondence alphabetically, numerically, or other classification. Takes and transcribes oral dictation as required. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AATD Considerable kn0wled~of business English, spelling and arithmetic. Knowledge of office practices and procedures. Ability to understand and carry out moderately complex orat and '~ritten instructions. Ability to make minor decisions in accordance with rules and regul- ations and to apply these to-work problems. Ability to make arithmetic computations accurately with rea- sonable speed. Skill in taking and transcribing oral dictation at a reasonable rate of speed. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in stenographic and general, clerical work; and graduation from a standard high school, including or supplemented by courses in business practices and stenography, or any combination of experience and training. SECRETARY I NATURE OF WORK This is routine stenographic and clerical work which fol- lows well established procedures. Work involves taking routine shorthand dictation and transcribing notes in typewritten form, although the amount of time spent in this work varies considerably among positions. Work also requires the performance of clerical tasks that can be learned by training on the job. Detailed instructions and close supervision are received at the beginning of work and on new assignments. Work is subject to close supervision and is reviewed by a superior on completion both for content and ac- curacy. Employees may make arithmetical or other checks upon work of other employees for accuracy, but do not exercise sup- ervision over others. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Takes and transcribes dictation consisting of correspon- dence, memoranda, reports, specifications, and other materials; takes dictation from professional personnel requiring limited knowledge of technical terminology; proofreads typewritten ma- terials for accuracy. Meets the public, gives non-technical information and ex- plains well defined rules; screens and refers office callers; opens, sorts and distributes mail; takes telephone messages. Sorts and files correspondence, reports, vouchers, or other materials numerically, alphabetically orby other estab- lished classifications. Performs typing duties such as typing various materials or tabulations from copy, rough draft or dictating machine, cutting and proofr.eading stencils. Performs standardized clerical or record keeping work such as completing and mailing forms or form letters; maintaining established card records; computing, assembling and posting data; composing routine letters. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some knowledge of business English,. spelling and arithmetic. Some knowledge of office practices and procedures. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instruc- tions. Ability to learn assigned clerical tasks readily and to adhere to prescribed routines. " Ability to make arithmetic compdtations and tabulations accurately and with reasonable speed. Ability to meet and deal courteously with the general public. Skill in taking and transcribing oral dictation. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in taking and transcribing dictation and graduation from a standard high school, including or supple- mented by courses in business practices and stenography. SECRETARY NATURE OF WORK This is moderately difficult and varied stenographic and general clerical or secretarial work. An employee in this class is responsible for the performance of moderately difficult and varied clerical work, which requires taking and transcribing oral dictation at a working rate of speed. Employees must keep varied and rela- tively complex, clerical records and may perform office management details designated by a superior. Employees exercise some independence of action in the disposition of routine work matters and in receiving complaints, giving information and other public contact work. Routine correspondence may be prepared for the signature of the department head. Work is subject to general review of methods and results, although more important or unusual assign- ments may involve careful instructions and supervisorlr review. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Takes and transcribes dictation and types correspondence and other material on general or technical matters; independently corr~poses correspond- ence for supervisor's signature following well established procedures. Keeps a variety of clerical and bookkeeping records; prepares periodic- reports from records according to established format; reconciles accounts. Acts as secretary, meeting the public, giving information requiring some knowledge of departmental policies and procedures, and making appointments. Takes and transcribes minutes of official meetings usually verbatim; keeps records properly filed, indexed and up to date. Prepares special reports and summaries, usually from office records, at the request of supervisor. ' Maintains petty cash fund and records on department collections; pre- pares departmental psyroll reports; maintains inventory of office supplies. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, .,ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of business English, spelling, and commercial arithmatic. Considerable knowledge of modem office appliances, practices, and procedures. Ability to make arithmetical computations and tabulations rapidly and accurately. Ability to maintain relatively complex clerical records and to prepare accurate reports from such records. Ability to understand and follow quickly and accurately brief oral and written instructions on moderately complex matters. Ability to prepare effective correspondence on routine matters and to perform routine office management details without referral to supervisor. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with superiors, other emplOyees, and the general public; DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school~ including or supplemented by courses in typing and shorthand; and some. experience in responsible and varied clerical work, including taking and transcribing oral dictation. SECRETARY Iii ~hls is responsible secretarial work involving constant public contact. Exacting skill must be used in handling difficult situations, complicated by tight schedules and inflexible deadlines. Work requires the.exercise of mature judgment and the application of knowledge of municipal organiza- tions, their operational procedures and limitations. An employee in this class must exercise considerable independent judgment. Verbal and written communications must be accurate and concise. iLLUST~ATI_VE EX~MPLE$ OF WORK: Takes and transcribes dictat' zen; types letters, memoranda forms and other materials; composes correspondence in accordance with standard policies- files office records; handles all mail. · Acts with diplomacy and tact in screening visitors. Arranges appoint- ments and schedules, gears complaints or requests; explains municipal requirements, organizations, proqrams, relationships and other information. Reviews forms and documents for accuracy and ~completeness. Performs related work as re~dired. 0F w0 : Experience in advanced .stenographic and clerical work; graduation from a standard high school, including or supplemented By courses in business practices and stenography; or any equivalent combination of. experience and training wt-~ch pmovides~ 'the following knOw/edges, abilities and skills: Thorough knowledge of business English, spelling and arithmetic. Considerable~owled~e of office practices and procedures. AbilitYinstructions.tO~/~derstanfl and carry out moderately complex oral and written .g~ilitYspeed. to make aritt!metic computations accurately and with reasonable Thoroughly skilled in takin~ and transcribing oral dictation at a rapid rate with complete acc-~racy; to work independently on complex and confidential secretaria~ and clerical matters. Working knowledge of City rules, regulations, procedures, functions, etc., and ability to apply this knowledge to solving problems. Ability to exercise tact in meeting the public and exercise good judgraent in handling problems' and situations relative to assigned duties. J~ility to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other, employees, City officials and the general public. ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR NATUP~ OF WORK This is specialized clerical work involving the operation of standard bookkeeping or posting machines. An employee in this class is responsible for maintaining a set of ledgers and other fiscal information through machine posting. Work is performed according to prescribed procedures and may include related clerical tasks in preparing materials for machine operation and in preparation of summary reports. The employee receives detailed instruction during learning period but is expected to~workwith considerable hndependence once the system and procedures are learned. Work is reviewed through accounting controls and audits. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Post daily revenues and general ledger entries from daily cash reports; post all expenditure and general ledger checks written onvarious~ checking accounts. Prepares monthly budget report; reconciles baruk statements for all checking accounts. Balances different funds, such as Sinking Punds, Publicity, Special Assessment; balances miscellaneous accounts receivable and various other accollnts. Types and posts monthly Journal Entries. Adds arrear records and balances against controls; operates billing machine in computing and posting to water or refuse bills; proves bills prepared against meter books. Prepares address stencils and operates addressing machimes; maintains address file up-to-date and changes plates as required. Posts billings from water meter books; balances billing tapes against controls and meter books; utilizes standard rate table to compute amounts. Posts daily credits balancing water books; adjusts accounts from memos crediting payments to customer accounts; daily postings are balanced with cashier%: reports. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AA~ SKILLS' Considerable knowledge of operations performed on a computing billing or bookkeeping machine. Knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Skill in operation of standard billing and acco~ntingrmmchines and typewriter. Ability to make mathematical computations rapidly and accurately. Ability to maintain close attention to detail in posting, balancing and ~summarizingo Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in the operation of standard bookkeeping machines; and graduation from a standard high school or any combination of training and experience. BILLING Lt&CHINE OPERATOR This is machine clerical work in the operation of the bi!~ing machines and related equipment. - Work in position of %his class includes responsibility for acs~a~r in posting from books, and pre-coded source documents id addition to preparing specialized periodic reports and analysis. Detailed ~tr~ctions are given at the beginning of work and on new assignments. Emp_oyees,~ however, work with some independence as procedures become familiar and routines are learned. Work is reviewed or verified by a superior, or is checked through internal control procedures. ILLUSTRATIVE Prepares monthly revenue control report; compiles sales analysis reports and related data. Operates billing machine in preparing utility bills; checks recordings in books and computes bill; verifies totals; prepares reports on consumption and total billings. Operates office machines; corrects records, addresses, mailings or similar listings. Keeps cost and operating acc~auts; posts to records from reports; takes periodic totals and prepares su~ries; types aud mails form letters; predates routine rePorts from records. - Performs related work as required. KNOWF_~EDGES, ABI?,_iTIES AMD SKI~._L~. Considerable knowledge of business English, spelling and commercial aritbnnetic. Some knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Skill in the operation of a qzpew-~iter, calculator, adding machine and other standard office machines; and the ability %o learn quickly the ooeration of posting, and billing machines. - Ability to make routine computations and tabulations with speed and accuracy. Ability to learn assigned clerical tasks readily and to adhere to prescribed routines. Ability to write legibly. Ability to establish and ma~_utain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DES!RAB~ ~XPERIENCE AND TRA!NIh~ Graduation from high school, including courses in typing, and some experience in general bookkeeping and clerical work. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR NATURE' OF WORK This is routine work operating a private b ' e ' ranch xcnange telephone switchboard. Work involves responsibility ~ ~or- accurate and speedy operation of a telephone switchboard with a heavy traf- fic load. and requires ability to remember names and extentions of -these served and react quickly in the prompt placing and receiving of calls. Duties also involve £urnishing general information as re- quested. Work is reviewed by the nature of the service rendered. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Operates a telephone switchboard having a large number trunk lines and numerous extentions. Answers all incominb local and long-distance -telephone calls and makes proper 'connections_. Routes calls to proper departments. Gives routine, non-technical information upon-request and refers all other questions to proper departments. Maintains a record as directed, off all outgoing long-distance- telephone calls and performs related clerical work as assigned. Assists'in maintaining a directory o£ personnel Served and the. maintaining of a complaint Handles outgoing and incoming mail dispatching it to proper departments and personnel. ' Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND S'KILLS Working knowledge of the operation of manual PBX switchboards. Finger dexter,try and ability to operate a complicated swi~ch- board under stress with accuracy and in a calm andef~mcmen~~' ~:uanner. Ability to remember, within a reasonable amount of training~ the names, locations and functions of the personnel e ' s rvea and to understand emergency and essential operations involving the use of the switchboard. Ability to operate a typewriter with s o m e speed and con- siderable accuracy. Ability to perform simple clerical tasks incidental to record- ing long_distance calls and complaints and to general f~mce work Good speaking voice and clear enunciation, pleasing per~sonality, and neat appearance. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation-- ships with other employees and with that general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in the operation of heavy toad telephone switch- boards, and graduation from a standard high school; or any combination of experience and training. ' qu~va'~en~' CASHIER CLERK I NATURE OF WORK This is clerical work in receiving cash and performing related duties. Employee in this classification receives and maintains routine records of cash receipts for payment of bills, fees and taxes. Work requires considerable facility in counting monay and making change but is performed in accordance with established and well defined procedures. Work 'is' performed under close supervision and is checked by daily reconciliation of monies and by periodic audit of receipts. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Receives, counts, balances and reports cash and negotiable instruments for payment of bills, fees and taxes; receipts biIls according to established procedure. Counts and bands monies received; operates cash register, validating machine, adding machine, typewriter and other off~cemachines. Files records and reports, performs departmental clerical. duties as assigned. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKIL!.S Some knowledge of the principles and practices of cashiering. Knowledge of business arithmetic. Knowledge of office procedures, methods and of equipment related to the receiving, ~ccounting for and handling of cash or other negotiable instruments. Ability to make accurate and rapid arithmetical computations. Skill in the operation of cash registers, validating machines, and other common office machines. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Ability to receive cash and make change with accuracy and speed. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAININC Graduation from a standard high school, some experience as a teller, cashier, or in the handling of money; or any equivalent' combination of training and experience. UTILITIES COLLECTION SUPERVISOR ~_~JRE.,v OF WORK This is responsible, difficult and varied clerical work requiring thorough knowledge of procedures in-the Utilities Division of the Finance Department. Work requires the use of judgment gained through experienae~ such judgment and/or decisions to be made in accordance with established departmental procedures and policies. Work involves considerable ~mb!ic contact during which minor administrative decisions are made~ regulations explained, or %ecb~ ca! information obtained or given. The variety and difficulty of work varies. Unusual difficult or very important work may be performedunder the supervision of the Department Head who also offers assistance in such cases. Limited supervision ~y be exercised by employee over one or' more emp!~yees assisting with routine details or division work. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises and aids in the preparation and mailing of all utitit~ bills, the posting and maintenance of sonsumer ledgers aud other records, and the collection of current and delinquent accounts. Assumes responsibility for the direction of clerical and commercial activities ccauectedwith the billing and collecti~ of water, sewer~ and garbage fees and service charges. Maintains divisional ledgers, includingwater service frontage, tap?og accounts and supporting records, sewerage accamuts and supporting records and garbage service charge records. Prepares periodic reports as required. Supervises and aids in the handling of inquires-and complaints con- cerning utility bills and service charges, requests for service or refunds; works closely with meter readers and other service persconel in utilities diwlsion of public works aud utilities department. Performs related work as required. KN~;~EDGES; ABILITIES ~_ND SKILLS Ability to assume responsibility for a departments_l division with .very !~m~ ted supervision. Considerable knowledge of modern office and accounting practices and procedures as applied to the billing and collection of utility acc~ants, and ability to uactfu_ly instruct and/or supervise the work of one or more emp!~yees engaged in both routine and advanced duties of Utilities Division. Ability to plan work assigumments and to organize work scheduled to obtain effective and efficient divisional operation~ ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DES_T~_IBLE ~gPERIENCE A~)TRtINING Five years service with the City of Boynton Beach, three of these in progressively responsible work in Utilities Division of Finance Department. Graduation frcm a standard high school, preferably supplemented by co~rses' in business aSm~istration; or any equivalent combinaticaof traim~gsmd exper~_ence. CITY TREASURER NATURE OF WORK This is responsible and difficult clerical and administrative work in connection with the financial records o£ the City. The work usually follows established and standardized proce- dures; however, the employee must have judgment and knowledge of accounting principles in the interpreting of procedures and the performance of general accounting and periodic audits. Work is performed under the general supervision of an administrative superior but the employee is required to excercise independent judgment in making decisions in accordance with general policies and established precedents; the Treasurer does not normally super- vise other employees unless so directed, but, in the absence of the Finance Director, is required to assist other employees in matters where instruction or help is needed. An employee in This class may also aid heads of 'other departments in solving p~oDlem~ concerning financial operations. Work is performed under general supervision of finance director. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Handles.all cash reports and is responsible for all bank deposits. Processes all city bills and presents-them to City Manager for approval for payment. Prepares and/or or audits all checks and distributes charges to authorized and established account classification. Maintains a record of all city contracts for work or services to be performed. Prepares monthly treasurer's reports. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES A~ SKILI,S Working knowledge of the methods and principles of ..... including the principles of fund accounting. Working knowledge of office methods and procedures and ~he use of standard office machines. Ability to maintain financial records o£ some complexity and to ~repare clerical and financial records and statements. Ability to devise work methods and make routine work decisions, Ability to establish and maintain e££ec.t'iv~ working relation- ships with city officials, the general public and with the employees. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable knowledge of accounting principles, methods and practices as applied to accounting transactions, including knowledge of budgetary accounting; and graduation from a standard high school supplemented by bookkeeping or accounting training, or' any equivalen~ combination of experience and training. DEPUTY CITY TREASURER NATURE OF WORK This is responsible clerical and administrative work dealing with the financial accounting of the city. This work usually follows established departmental procedures. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Treasurer, however, the employee may be required to use independent judgment in most routine matters. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Deputy acts in his place assisting the Finance Director. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Handles all accounts receivable and payable. Handles all city bills and sees that they are correctly processed before writing a check. Maintains a ledger card showing all payments posted on accounts of departmental budgets. Prepares monthly budget reports. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the methods and principles~of accounting. Working knowledge of office methods and procedures and the use of standard office machines used in a finance department. Ability to maint&in financial records of a complex nature and ability to prepare and maintain financial records and reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships ~with the general public and fellow employees. DEStP~ABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Gruaduation from a standard High School plus considerable knowledge of accounting and accounting principles. ? Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 PERSOL~N-EL T ~:CHNICIA~N BIATURE OF WOR~ This is specialized cte~ica! and technical work in the Personnel Department. Most work is perfo~med independently on routine matters but different or unusual problems are referred to the Department Head. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists in recruiting, interviewing and evaluating applicants for positions. Assists in maintaining accurate records and pertinent data in coordination with other major departments or outside agencies. Take applications for employment, talks. %~ith and screens applicants; assists in filling out applications, if needed; arranges interviews for applicants. Mails applications to anyone who calls in for one. Makes arrangements for any testing of applicants that needs to be done. Assists in counselling employees in variety of problems, personal-and offical. Assists in preparation of various corresponden6e, reports, data compilations and performs special assignments as directsd~ May supervise the work of a small office staff. Performs related work as required. K~IO~FLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of the standard principles, practices and techniques of personnel a~inistration. Knowledge of terminology, job content, qualifications of occupations, business English and connner~ial arithmetic. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions to express one's self clearly, and. concisely, and to analyze facts. and exercise sound judgment to .arrive at conclusions. DESIP~BLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school plus a minimum of one year's prior experience working in the personnel department. Must be able to establish and maintain effectiveworking z~etationships with fellow employees and the general public. ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT NATURE OF WORK This is specialized work in the purchase of assigned types of co.~aodities in the central purchasing department. Work includes participation in the purchase, tabulation of b~ds, and selection of specific commodities based upon determined procedures. In addition~ the employee is responsible for assisting the purchasing agent and exercising independent jmdgemen in resolving routine operati~ problems connected with vendor se!ection~ preparation of specifications and the reconciling of departmental purchase requests and needs. Work is performed under the direction of the purchasing agent and is rev%ewed by personal conferences on unusual or difficult problems. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Participates in commodity purchases involving large expenditures or of a specialized or complex nature, such as purchase of office equipment,. Assists in preparing formal bids by developing proper specifieations~ vendor lists and usage data,-tabulates and analyzes and schedules delinquency dates and follows up on delayed orders; may perform limited smpervisory duties over clerical assistants. Conducts assigned research and develops recommendations of purchase feasibi!{%y. usage and for contract placement; evaluates existing maintenance .or service contract, coverage and length; makes recommendations to smperior as to modification and economy Performs related work as required. ' KNO~¥LEDGE~. ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of large scale pu~chasi~ methods and procedures in diversified commodity areas and of the laws, rules and regutationa effective ~the system concerning the purchase of commodities and services. Considerable knowledge of office machines, methods and procedures a_nd ability to maintain an efficient office system. Knowledge of standard procurement and recording practices and ability to apply such knowledge to maintain specialized purchasing control and information records. Ability to establish and maintain effective retationshipswiih departmental officials ,vendors and related groups; ability to s~pervise and coordinate and work subordinate persor~ne! in the manner conducive to full performance and high morale. DESIraBLE EX_PERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable responsible experience and a large scale purchasing program and graduation from an approved college or ~niversity ~%%h major course work in business administration or any equivalent combination of exl~erience and tra~Zning. PURCHASING AGENT AND PERSONNEL OFFICER ~ATURE OF WORK This is technical work involving the administration of a municipal personnel program, and the central purchasing function for the City. An employee in this classification is expected to make reviewable decisions consistent with merit system policies and procedures, and to be responsible for the effective operation of the Municipal Civil Service Program. He is responsible for all phases of personnel administration, subject to the approval of the. City Manager, and must be able to develop, devise and put into' .practice, progressively new and better methods of testing, job classification, job specification, compensation, service 1-a-ting, recruitment and personnel research° .As Purchasing Agent he is responsible fort he proper execu- tion of city purchasing activities. Procurement is based on department requisitions, but must be reviewed for conformance to budgetary and other requirements. The employee determines that supplies~ materials and equipment are of desired grade and quality and at prices favorable to the City. Work also involves frequent contact with vendors and departmental officials on purchasing pro- blems, and on receiving and invoicing processes and' %hroug~discussions with department heads and the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Prepares competitive examinations and tests of various types for all'appointments in the classified service. Conducts research~relative to materials used in examinations; drafts examinations; drafts and supervises distribution of examina- tion announcements; administers written examinations. Prepares statistical analyses of examination results. Issues applications, interviews applicants, reviews applications. and rates education, training and experience according to modern standards. Collects and analyzes pay data. As Purchasing Agent receives and verifies requisitions and determines propriety of purchases; consults appropriate veudors; receives and analyzes quotations and bids for relative prices and consistency with specification. Prepares proposals; issues purchase orders and awards contracts to vendors for all purchases; subject to the approval of proper authorities;'verifies commodity and service quality and quantity of all purchases. Maintains a central office supply and analyzes market trends to obtain best quality and price for needed purchases. Purchasing Agent & Personnel Officer Page 2. Sells equipment and other materials for -which the City has no further use° KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Experience in the various phaseS of central personnel admin- istration. Knowledge of personnel administration, preferably including some knowledge of accepted methods and practices and research techniques. Knowledge of principles of governmental organization and admin- istration. Ability to conduct effective personal interviews and to evaluate information contained in applications. Ability to present ideas effectively in either oral or written forrao Considerable knowledge of purchasing methods and procedures. Good working knowl%dge of the various grades and qualities of commodities purchased and of the sources of supply and price trends~ Ability to eStablish and maintain effective working relation- ships with vendors and departmental officials. DESIRED .EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduate from recognized college or university preferably with a B.A. in Political Science and at least 2 years experience in Business management or any equivalent combination of expe~ience and training. DEPUTY CITY 'CLERK NATURE OF WORK This is responsible and difficult clerical work. Work of an employee in this class involves performances of more complex clerical operations and requires application of judgment based upon know!edge gained through experience. Such decisions are m~de~ however~ in accordance with established preced~rnts or departmental policies. The variety and difficulty differs somewhat among positions and departnnents, but when work is repetitive there is added responsibility for finality of action. The more difficult and important work is performed under close supervision. Advise is given the employee on unusually difficult or important matters. Some supervision may be exercised over other employees assisting with routine details. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS O~ ~ ASsists in preparation of annual tax r gl. Asszsts in annual tax sale; assists in collecting current and delinquent taxes and liens and posts payments to proper ledgers° Receives and processes all applications 'for licenses. Checks personal property on business locations. Prepares licenses for Tax Collector's signature and signs sa~ae~in the absence of this official. Issues dog licenses and maintains a record of same. Prepares docket cards for Municipal Court, attends Court and enters disposition of case on said card. Keeps official Docket Book in current status. Handles and records sale of all cemetery lots; prepares cemetery deeds for official signatures. Furnishes information relative to licenses, taxes, etc., ~ither over the telephone or at the counter. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES A~Nq] SKILLS Thorough knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of bookkeeping, business Engtish, spelling, and commercial arithmetic. Ability to keep accurate records. Ability to operate typewriter~ calculator, and allied business machines with speed and accuracy; good judgment in making decisions in accordance with laws and regulations. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Considerable knowledge of municipai taxx structure as applied to general taxation. DESIRABLE EXPERIENC~ ANO TRAINING Considerable experience in general office and clerical work of a responsible nature; graduation from a standard higk school, preferably supplemented by courses in business practices or administration; or may have any equivalent combination of experience and training. CITY CLERK NATURE OF WORK This is specialized and responsible work in the maintenance of all official city records. Work also includes responsib!ity for the conduct of the city elections° Work is performed under the general supervision of the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Attends all meetings of the City Council; assumes responsi- bility for recording all City Council meetings.. Serves as custodian of official city records and of the Seal of the City of Boynton Beach; attests and affixes the Seal of the City of Boynton Beach to all instruments and documents requiring s~/~e o Supervises the collection of following taxes; utility taxes, occupational license fees, etc; makes monthly report to the City Council on same. Serves as Registration Officer for the city. Arranges for the printing of ballots, the distribution of voting machines and all other details relative to the conduct of city elections. Handles necessary advertising in connection with ordinances, elections, and other city matters as required; handles zoning applications and notices. Serves as Clerk of the Cemetery Board and Employee Pension Plan. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk. Considerable knowledge of City Ordinances and Resolutions. Thorough knowledge of the City's licensing procedures. Thorough knowledge of the City's election laws e.nd of the conduct of such elections. Ability to handle problems diplomatically, whether they are presented in person or by letter. Ability to tactfully supervise the work of other employees; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the City Council, City Officials, and the general public and other employees. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable eXPerience in clerical work, accounting and financial management; graduation from a standard high school, supplemented by courses in public administration, preferably at college level. ACCOUNTANT NAT LrkE OF This is a professional and technical job maintaining the central accounting and auditing records of the City. This employee would be directly under the supervision of the Finance Director and. would assist the Director in the supervision of tt%e detailed operation and analysis of the accounting systems as well as in the maintenance of the centralized accounts. Some phases of this work' will be the direct responsibility of the accountant; Considerable independent judgment and initiative must be exercised. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Prepares adjusting journal entries, trial balances and financial statements. ' Assists in pre-auditing of expendit~ares for legality and for correctness of account] coding and amounts. Prepares periodic financial and statistical statements for other governmental agencies, trustees, etc_ Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS' Thorough knowledge of modern office management procedure~ a~d practices as related to accounting ~nd auditing operations. Thorough knowledge of modern Principles o~ accounting .wit3m 'speci~l emphasis on municipal accounting. Ability to advise and train employees in City accounting an6~. auditing work. Ability to follow complex instructions with a minimum of snpervision_ Ability to establish and maintain effective wor~ng relationships with the general public and fellow employees. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING A degree in accounting from a four year accredited_college or ~niversity or five year's experience in the field of acco~zking in a supervisory level or an equivalent combination of experienc~ training. FINANCE DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is professional and technical work in the maintenance of central accounting and auditing records of the city~ The work involves responsibility for supervision of the de- tailed op~ration of th~ accounting system as well as for person- ally maintaining important centralized accounts. The employee is also responsible for preparing monthly financial reports and determination of accounting procedures to be used. Work is per- formed under the g~neral administrative supervision of the City Manager, but with considerable independent judgment and initiative 'This employee also has the responsibility for assembling and coor- dinating preparation of the city's annual budget, under %he super- vision of the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises and participates in keeping of control and sub- sidiary accounts covering all city financial transactions. Supervises, participates in pre-auditing of expenditures for legality and for correctness of account coding and amount. Prepar6s adjusting journal entries, trial balances and balance sheets. Handles bond register; maintains insurance policy file; approves purchase orders as to availability of funds i~ budget prior to actual purchases; prepares budget reports. Studies accounting system and makes recommendations for im- proved procedures. Advises, instructs and trains, accounting personnel in their duties; Performs related .work as required. ~ KNOW~DGES$ ABIL~TIES~ AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of modern office management procedures and practices, particulary applied to accounting and auditing operations. Thorough knowledge of modern principles, practices and methods of accounting with special emphasis of municipal accounting. Considerable knowledge of modern machines~ accounting and bookkeeping methods. Ability to analyze and interpret fiscal records and to pre- pare accurate and complete financial statements. Ability to design and improve accounting procedures to meet changing needs. Ability to advise and train employees in city accounting and. auditing work. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with City Officials, the general public and other employees. DESIP~BLE EXPERIENCE A~ TRAINING Considerabi~ responsible experience in accounting or book- keeping; graduation from a standard high school, supplemented by college-level courses in accounting business and/or public admin- istration; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. sUPERiNT~~ OF GENERAL SERVICES ~iS'TINGUISH.ING. ~FEAT__URES OF WORK: This is responsible administrative and technical work in supervising and directing the operations of the General Services Department. Work involves responsibility for the organization, direction and coordination of activities for the foiio~in~ divisions: Streets Sanitation~ Parks, Garage.. and Shop a~d includes the zol!owLng activities:, street maintenance and repairs~ cater mai~ntenance and renovation of beach, picnic, par~JLng and casino areas~ playgrounds, garbage and trash collection, mai~tanance and painting of city vehicles and equipment. Work is 'performed under tha gez~ral admim~strative 'direction of City Man~ger,. however~ cCmsiderable. independent ju~nt and. discre.tic~ is~ required in carrying-out the daily operations of t~he Department and all of its Divisions° ILLUSTPJ~~~S OF_..~W_ORE: . Plans .and' ~ireCt.s. th~:: activitie~ of subordinates. Supervises the o-vermli ~ization,- direction and co-ordin~tion Checks and signs .ali payrolls.. Prepares the annual budgat an~ '~%k~es recommendations to the City Manager. ~- Inspects all work--being performed by all 'Divisions of Department. Coordinates activities of the department with ~anicipal programs and projects. Checks and adjusts complaints made about any Division of General Services. Submits monthly report to City Council. Performs related work as.. required. ~REQUIREM~NTS OF WORK:~ Experienc'e in supervising, planning and directing 'projects related to municipal work. Extensive knowledge of and ability to apply principles and practices of organization, manag~nt and pers~_~nne! control ~_~_ the operation of a major municipal department. Extensive knowledge of materials, equipment ~_nd supplies used in general services activities. Thorough knowledge of City's street network. Considerable ability in organization, direction and coordination of a wide variety of public services activities to obtain maximum results. ~S ~L~ER! .NTE,.NDE~ OF GENERAL SE~ViCES,. ~ont~'d.~ _ Ability' to devise and develop long-range plans and progr~s and to make sound decisions on matters'of operating policies and admin~ istrative problems. Ability to meet and deal tact~ally with the general public and to express himself effectively and clearly, both orally ~nd in writing. '.? '-~- -'. ~ .... ~ .... . kbili~t to establish and maintain effective workin~ relation-- ships with., other employee~ .and the. other munic~l dap~ents, and_ the general, publi~ Graduation from a standar~ high school or vocational school with five years experience at a supervisory level sup~lemente~ with a course in municipal supez-~ising procedures. RESOLUTION 73ooo 11/6/73 ASSISTANT SUPERiNTeNDENT OP GENERAL SERVICES DEFII~ITION This is responsible administrative work as Assistant to the General Services Superintendent. The employee in this class relieves a superior of much operational detail in the functioning of the General Service Department,. He con- ducts investigations and analyses procedure coD~ected with the opera- tion of the department. Work in this class will include assisting in the establishment and implementation of departmental policies and operational procedures. Conferences with the General Se~ice Super- intendent determine general objectives of the work, which is subject to obervation for the attainment of its ends. EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFO~ Acts as assistant to the General Services Superintendentr interprets administrative policies. Relays instructions, policies and procedure revisions. Assists in coordination of various phases of General Services opera- tions. Aids in development of operating budget and capital outlay budget as related to the General Services Department. Confers with and advises subordinates concerning difficult work pro- blems in the development and installation of new work procedures and policies. Assists in organizing ahd planning training programs for subordinate personnel; appraises equipment suitability and makes recommendations as to equipment needed. Assists in coordinating activities of department with municipal pro- grams and work. Performs related %~ork as required. KNOWLEDGES~ SKILLS AND ABILITIES Extensive knowledge of principles, methods, materials, equipment and practices of general services activities included within the scope of the work. Considerable kno%~ledge of and ability to apply the principles and practices of organization, management and personnel and financial administration in the operation of a major municipal department. Assistant Supt. of General Services Page 2. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES - Cont,d. Ability to establish and maintain effective working re!a%ionships with subordinates, agencies and other departments of the city. Ability to assist in evaluating supervisory performance and to develop effective and practical in-service training programs. Ability to develop long term plans and programs and to help make sound decisions on matters of operating policy and administrative problems. Ability to meet and deal tactfully with the general public and to express one's self effectively and clearly in oral or written form. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school wit~ five years experience at a supervisory level supplemented %~th a course in municipal supervising procedures. Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 LICENSE INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is semi-skilled work performed mainly in the field. An employee in this class checks reported municipal occupational license violations and surveys city for possible unreported violations. Work is performed semi-independently. Instructions, either oral or written, are received from the Police Chief, the Tax Collector, or their delegates. Work requires considerable understanding and tact in explaining and enforcing municipal occupational license regulations. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Naintains continuing check of all business activities in the city with regard to proper occupational licensing; using as a basis, current license book furnished and periodically up- dated by Tax Collector. Nakes activity checks as requested. Checks reports, of possible license violations. Advises contractors, workmen, and the general public o£ muni- cipal regulations covering occupational licensing. Prepares and submits activity reports if requested. Performs related work as requirdd. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Good understanding of municipal regulations.pertaining to occupational licensing; ability to explain such regulations as required. Ability to enforce licensing regulations with firmness and tact; ability to handle complaints in courteous, efficient manner. Considerable:knowledge of citY topography. Ability to work independently; to make sound decisions based on well established procedure and municipal regulations.. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school, or any equivalent combination of training and experience. BUILDING INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is skilled inspectional work in securing comptiancewith the city building code covering construction, alterations and repairs. Employee inspects construction, alterations and repairs to houses and commercial buildings for conformance to structural safety ree~ulations s_nd requirements of ~oning code provisions. Employee is responsible for directing, and participating in, the inspection of al! buildings and building appurtenances to determine strict adherence to city stamdards. Work includes responsibility for the imterpretation of legal provisions governing building inspection. The employee functions independently in routine inspectionat and enforcement activities. Assistance an new or difficult problems is given by the Director 0£ Planning and Imspection under whose gemeral supervision the work is performed. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Issues building permits and checks all building plans s~mitted with applications for building permits to determine that such plans meet the requirements of the building code; makes field trips whe~ necessary to clarify plans. Inspects building sites and buildings in process of construction for conformance with city building and ~oning requirements. Confers or corresponds with architects, building owners, or' contractors concerning questions involved in the checking of plans. Checks new construction to ascertain that building permits have been secured. Inspects alteration and repair jobs by checking sites and existing buildings, checks roof and foundation connections for building additions; inspects all work in process. Approves all applications for general and special contractors; occupational license prior to issurance. Issues Monthly report to City Council and supplies monthly report of buildings completed to Tax Department. Performs related work as required. KNOWI~DGE. ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of all types of building construction materials and methods, and of stages of construction when possible violations and defects may most easily be observed and corrected. Thorough knowledge of city building and moning codes and related laws and ordinances. Ability to detect structural and other faults and to appraise for quality of construction and physical depreciation. Ability to read and interpret plans, specifications and btueprio~ts quickly and accurately and to compare them with-the construction in process. Ability to establish and maintain effective cooperative relationships with contractors, the general public and public officia!s, as well as with other employees, and to enforce all city building ordinances with firmness and tact. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Considerable supervisory experience as a building contractor, or in %he enforcement of building safety regulations; graduation from a standard high school or vocational high school, or any equivalent combination of experience and training. PLUMBING INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is skilled field and office work in securi_~ compliance v~£th ordinances and regulations governing existing amd new plumbing and gas i~sta!lation and involves responsibility for both field and office work in the city plumbing program, securing compliance with legally established specification and requirements. Work requires a knowledge of plumbing methods and practices and is controlled largely by ordinance provisions and standard mractices within the limits of which the inspector must use independent judgement and discretion. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Chief Inspector-Planner. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Inspects plumbing and gas fitting instaZ!ations during construction and examines completed installations For workmmnship and use of proper materials. Inspects sewer connections and septic tanks. Assists and advises pl~sers~ contractors and others regarding plumbir~ regUlations. Checks plans and specifications for plumbi_~ installations. Approves all applications for M~+Mr and Journeyman plumber's occupational licenses prior to issuance. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKTT,T~ Considerable kn~vledge of the methods and practices involved in instal!ing, repairing and maintaining a variety of p!~mbing instatlations~ equipment and appliances. Considerable kno~!edga of possible defects and Faults in plumbing ~ystems and appliances and of standard testing devices and effective corrective mea~es. Considerable knowledge of state and local regulations relating to p!umbi~ installations and appliances. Ability to detect and locate defective plumbing and to ascertain the stage of installation when defects are most easily fo,_nd m~d remedied. Ability to consult with building ovmers, contractors~ craftsmen and others and to effect and maintain sa~isfactoryworking relationships om inspectiOnal and regulatory matters. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAIN-I_N_G Considerable experience as a Master or Journeyman plumber; preferably including experience on a variety of plumbir~ installations; graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; and/or equivalent c ~ ' ' omomnatmon of experience and training. MANDATORY ©,UAJlI FI C IATI ONS Must possess a Master-/ Plumber's license aeceptab!e in %heState of Florida. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is supervisory work over municipal electrical installations and, in addition, is skilled inspectional work in securing compliance with city ordinances and regulations governing the installation and op- eration of electrical systems and equipment. The employee directs the installation and maintenance of traffic signals, pump stations and-all other electrical inStallations; issues permits for~ and inspects a vamiety of electrical installations to insure maintenance of standards governing quality of m~terial, workm~unship and safety precautions as set forth in city and national electrical codes. The employee normally works independently on field inspections~ making decisions requiring the use of technical judgment and discretion. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Chief Planner - Inspector. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises all electrical wOrk done by city employees. Makes inspections of new and existingwiring and electrical installations in residences, buildings, both public and private, for conformance with safety standards, laws and ordinances. Checks plans and workmanship to see that electrical work complies with all ordinances and regulations and recommends methods of i~provement. Instructs electricians as to the proper location of incoming services and wiring centers. Prepares reports and maintains records of work performed. Approves all applications for Master and Journeyman electricians' occupational licenses before they are issued. Performs related work as required. KNOIFLEDGE, ABILITIES A!fD SKILLS Considerable knowledge of the methods and practices involved in constructing, installing, maintaining and operating a varietyof electrical installations, equipment and appliances. Considerable knowledge of possible defects and faults inetectrical wiring and construction or electrical installation and the knowledge of Wen such defects are most.easily located and remedied. Ability to consult with building owners, contractors, electricians and others and to effect and maintain satisfactory and effective working relationships on inspectional and regulatory matters. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience as a Master or Journeyman electrician prefez- ably including work of a wide variety of construction and installation jobs. Graduation from a standard high school, including or' supplemented by courses in electricity and mechanics or any equivalent combination. MANDATORY QUALIFICATIONS: Must possess a Master's Electrician License acceptable in the State of Florida. DEt~J~_z BUILDING OFF!CYA~ NATUPg OF W-ORK This is technical work with some administrative responsihi!ities in directing the examination of building p!e_ns a_nd performing building inspections to gain compliance with building cOdes. An employee in this class supervises a group of tec~hnicai workers engaged in examining build~_ng plans prior_ to the issuing of ~ouilding perm_,~os. ~ork responsi, bility includes technical super~ision of building ~nspeetors in the field. The employee works with considerable independence in interpreting the building code %o architects and building contractors and appro~ing equivalencies which are no~ ou~line~ in the building code. Work is performed under general administrative supervision and is reviewed through oral and ~rit%en reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Plans, assigns amd su~er-~-ses a group of inspectors engaged in ex .amining building plans and specifications for structural sounda~sS s_nd conformity to the building codes; confers with subordinates and assists them in the solution of complex problems which may arise. Interprets building codes to architects~ engineers~ building contractors and subordinates; provides code i_n_formation to the general public by telephone s_nd persons contact. Receives violators referred by building inspectors; determines code equivalency for .viola%or; explains to violator methods of gaining compliance with the building code. In the field, gives teclnnical supervision to building inspectors; checks code violations and devises means to acquire equivalent strength; makes spot inspections to check new re%hods of c~nstruction~ investigates eons%tutti°n fail%~res for cause and remedy; makes insoections of buildings which may ha~e difficult problems involved and approves code variations. Performs related work as required KNOWLEDGE,. ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the materials and methods used in building construe%ion and stages of construction when possible defects and violations may be most easily observed and corrected. Thorough knowledge of the building and zo_n~ing codes a~nd r%~m!ations governing building construction in the area. Ability to read s_nd inte_~pre% building cO_n~st_~ection plans and specifications and to recognize deviations from such plans in the construction process. Ability to express one's se_~ clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. DESIRABLE F~XPERIENCE AND TRAI~NG Technical experience in inspecting building cons%ruction; ~ graduation from a stskndard high school or vocational school; preferably supp!emen%ed by courses in civil engineering. BUILDING OFFICIAL NATURE OF WORK This is technical work in the administration of city codes and ordinances covering building, electrical and plumbing con- struction, alterations and repairs. Work involves review and disposition of applications for building, electrical and plumbing permits to insure that all such construction meets the required standards of the city.codes as to construction, maintenance, safety and conformance to zoning regu- lations. Work includes responsibility for interpretation of legal provisions governing building, electrical and plumbing inspection. Work is carried out independently, but employee-may receive writ- ten and oral work orders from the City Manager. Work performance is reviewed by the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Performs the building, electrical and plumbing inspection services; coordinates inspection activities in conformance with sound inspectional standards; issues inspection reports.. Examines, approves or rejects plans, specifications and ap- plications for building permits; if rejected, advises applicant of reasons for rejection. Makes inspections of major buildings or structures as to foun- dation, framing and for conformity to conditions of the permit. Examines all applications for electrical permits, inspects wiring when necessary. Checks applications to insure that building plans meet with city zoning requirements. Prepares reports, inspections and investigations as requested. Consults and deals with the general public, departmental offi- cials, contractors, building owners and associates. Enforces building, zoning, plumbing and electrical 'coZes. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of modern practices and methods employed in building, electrical and plumbing inspection. Considerable knowledge of modern principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to inspection of buildings. Considerable knowledge of city and state laws and regulations governing electrical, plumbing ahd building standards. Ability to coordinate and plan inspectiona! activities of the city. Ability to prepare reports and maintain records. Ability to enforce confirmity with firmness, tact and impar- tiality; ability to perform field inspectional work. Ability to consult contractors, building owners, the general public departmental officials, and associates and to effect and maintain satisfactory working relationships on inspectional and regulatory matters. UTILITIES DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CI~SS: This is responsible professional and administrative duties for the maintenance of water, wastewater and treatment facilities for the people of the City at all times. An employee in this class is responsible for' piann~rg and administering wa%er and wastewater treatment p!mats facilities for the Cit~. The duties include administrative supervision ~er all activities of the department :~ucluding wastewater treatment, water purification and auxiliary facilities. The work is performed in accordance with the poli~j direction of the Utilities Director and state ~_d local statutes pertaining to these activities. !LLUSTRkT/VE EXAMPLES OF. WORK: Develops administrative and program standards for the various activities of the treatment plants. Coordinates the activities of the treatment pts_utswi%h other City Departments and other public and private agencies. Oversees and takes the lead in long and short range studies regarding the water and wastewater treatment needs of the City. Develops programs~ goals and training courses for each of the various activities of the department. Keeps records and makes repoz~s concerning public utility activities. Keeps abreast of current developments in the Field by attending meetim~s~ reading and holding individual conferences with comparable officials in neighboring jurisdictions. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES ~nWD SKILLS: Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of civil and sanitar~y engineering as applied to'the development, construction and maintenance of wastewater treatment plans and water purification systems. Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of the public utility administration and its specific application to the administration of waste- water ~nd w~ter services. Ability to plan and direcz varied sanitary s_nd engineering operations in the field and office. Ability to plan amd direct varied sanita~ and engineering operations in the field and office. Ability to establish and maintain effective workXng relations with subor- dinates and fellow employees. ~ALIFICATIONS: Graduation from a recognizedcollege or university with major in sanitary~ mechanica!~ or civil engineering or related field, and eight years responsible experience in wastewater or water treatment facilities; or any other com- bination of training and/or experience. NECESSARY SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of a class "A" water certificate and a class "A" wastewater certificate issued by the State of Florida. .ENGINEERING AIDE I DEFINITION This is semi-professional engineering work performed in the field or office in connection with investigation~ development, design, construction and maintenance of engineering projects. An employee in ~his class is responsible for the performance of varied engineering duties in connection with a major p~ase of municipalpublic works programs. Work involves the lndepenmen application of civil engineering skills and. knowledges to engineering projects of a public works nature. The employee in this class is expected to plan working details and to m~ke technical decisions; however, work assignments are received from a professional superior who defines the scope of the work to be performed and reviews the work in process upon completion. Major technical prob!~ms are discussed with a higher ranking engineer before taking action. EX3~4PLES OF WORK PERFOP~MED Conducts surveys for new streets and street improvements, Sanitary and storm' sewers, curbs, buildings and other public'works construction projects; computes and plots surveys, cross-sections, and profiles. Prepares or participates in the preparation of designs and engineering ; plans for- ' ~ projects helps prepare specifi6ations; makes ........ com. plex computations; drafts preliminary designs; makes time and material estimates. Inspects contract construction work to insure compliance witl~ established design,..specifications and contract ~greements. Performs related work as required. K/~OWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering. Considerable knowledge of modern methods and techniques for the construction, inspection and maintenance of public works projects. Knowledge of the p~inciptes and practices used in property loca-hion and topographic surveying. Ability to adapt approved engineering methods and standards to t'he design and construction of a variety of municipal public works projects. ENGINEERING AIDE I, continued KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES (Cont.) kbiiity to inspect moderately complex public ~o'rks projects under construction and upon completion and to detect deviations from approved designs, specifications and construction practices. Ability to make complex engineering computations quickly and accurately. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other city officials and employees, contractors and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Some technical experience in the design and construction of highway~ street or other public works projects and graduation from- a four year college or university with major course work in civil engineering; or any equivalent com~ination of experience and training. Resolution 7300 8/7/73 ENGINEERING AIDE II DEF !NITION This is responsible and supervisory professional civil engineering work in the investigation, development, construction and maintenance 'of public works engineering projects. An employee in this class has immediate responsibility for designing and preparing specifications and for supervising the construction of approved projects in a major area of.the municipal public works program. Work assignments are received from the city engineer and are usually broad in scope, requiring the use of considerable judgment in independently making technical decisions of some difficulty. Work is reviewed by the city engineer through discussions and inspections, principally for. determining progress and adherence to departmental policies and sound engineering standards. Major technical or policy problems are discussed %vith the city engineer before taking action. EXAJ4PLES OF WORK PERFORMED Supervises and participates in preparing specifications and contracts for the construction of streets, sidewalks, sanitary and storm sewers~ bridges~ water main extensions and other engineering projects. Supervises and participates in computations of paving~ curbing, and sewer assessments; designs storm sewers and c~lverts, water extension projects, ~streets and other municipalproj'ects; makes time and material estimates. Confers with the city engineer on-problems of design, construction or maintenance of municipal public works facilities; prepares reports and makes recommendations relating to the donduct Of engineering activities. Conducts field inspections~ prepares progress and final reports on varied construction projects. Reviews pl&ns for sub-division and housing projects; participates in the PreParahion.?~.assessment rolls for improvements.. Performs related work as r~quired. KNO~-YLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering, particularly as applied to the design, construction and maintenance of municipal public works projects. Considerable knowledge of municipal engineering objectives, purposes, methods and practices. ENGINEERING AIDE ti. cont. KNOWLEDGE,S, SKILLS AND ~iLIT!E,,S .(,,co. ut,. )~ Ability to perform technical research and to give reiia]ole advice on difficult engineering problems. A~ility tO organize engineering data and to present findings and recommendations clearly. Ability to prepare and interpret engineering plans and specifications and to calculate stresses and de~!ections in structures. Ability to lay out and supervise important civil enginaering projects. Ability to estm30!ish:and maintain effective working relation- ships with other city officials and employees, contract, s and the general public. DESIPJ~BLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAIATING Considerable experience in the practice of civil engineering. including some experience in municipal public %~orks engineering and graduation from a four year college or university with major course work in civil engineering; or any equivalent co~inatio~ of experience and training. 'Resolution 73 CO 8/7/73 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is semi-professional civil engineering work. An employee in this class is responsible for determining compliance with regulations in construction contracts and agreements with the City. The employee must exercise considerable independent judgment and technical descretion in the performance of work. Work is reviewed through discussion and review of reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Checks const~action methods as set forth in the specifications and the application of these construction methods to a finished over-all job. Maintains daily records for the purpose of estimating costs and payments to the contractor. Ail construction work of this nature requires inspectors' certification and field reports for partial payments and final acceptance of the job. Gives instruction and advice on City standards and other regulatory requirements; reviews field and office work and gives technical assistance and advice; participates in the resolution of the more complex problems and in disputes relative to projects. Inspects curb ~lowerings over the entire City in order to insure proper installation of aprons and sidewalk crossovers. Field checks complaints from property o~ers regarding problems and determines solution for correction of flooding conditions, grading of parkways and alleys, encroachments on City property and similar violations of City Ordinances. Performs related work as required. Inspects sanitary sewer lines~ storm sewers, water lines. KNOW-LEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of modern construction principles and practices. Knowledge of Engineering mathematics. Considerable knowledge of Engineering construction drawings. Ability to read and interpret construction drawings and specifications, and Bkletches with field notes. Considerable experience in the construction of concrete and asphalt streets, curbs and other paved areas. Ability to assist in coordination the work of a group of inspectors and to give technical instruction. Ability to enforce regulations with firmness, tact and impartiality. 'Ability to prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates, contractors and the Public. Sufficient physical strength to climb, walk and perform other manual tasks incidental to field inspection work. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a two (2) year college with major in Civil Engineering and experience in the engineering field. High School graduate and several years experience in the engineering field in charge of construction work may be con- siRered equivalent t~ c.ollege requirement. ~ ~ DEPU_~f CITY ENGINEER NATURE OF WORK This is a professional level position in the field of Civil Enginee~_'ng. Employees in %his class work directly for the City Engineer. Work is done using considerable independent judgment. Work is reviewed by the City Engineer for adherence tominimmm standards. EXAMPLES OF WORK Is in responsible charge of work relating to engineering functions of the city; assigns work to draftsmen; supervises and assists in the dra~ng of construction, maintenance and improvement plans; supervises and assists in work of assembling plans and material for writing specifications; makes estimates of project costs; makes monthly estimates of amounts due con- tractors on the percentage of work done; keeps records of easement, established grades, contracts, etc.; makes required reports. Can work on all phases, of street construction and maintenance~ utility installation, storm and sanitary sewers, buildings and other structors. Performs related work as required. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with other city officials and emplOYees, contractors and the general public. MINIMU~QUALIFICATIONS Completion of a college education in civil engineering and two years' experience as a civil engineer on construction and maintenance work involving streets, sewer and sidewalks, or such combination of education and experience as may be accepted. Kn~vledge of the application of engineering principles to problems of streets, building and sanitary systems; knowledge of office procedures and methods of recording engineering data. WATER METER READER NA'UtIRE OF WORK This is field clerical work ~n reading water me%ers and recording conmamption. Am employee in this class is responsible for accurately reading and recording water consumption of utility customers and in beginning and terminatimgwater service. Work involves keeping records according to established formsso that billings can be made properly. Employees ordinarily follow designated routes~ receiving' specific inst~act- ions at the start of their employment. Unusual questions amd problems are referred to a superior for decision. Work includes occasional public contacts in receiving complaints by comparison with past readings and is subject to review by the Superin- tendent of Utilities. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Reads mezers along assigned routes. Installs meters as requested. Starts or discontinues service according %o work order. Makes minor on-the spot repairs to meters. Refers other mal~mnctions to Superintendent of Utilities. Answers complaints and refers all but minor dif£icul%ies to smperiors. Performs related work as required. ABILITIES AND SKTT,T, Ahi!ity to read mezers accurately and keep accurate records of such readings. Ability %o install and remove meters. Ability to handle minor customer ccmplaints with tact. Ability to make minor meter repairs in the field after proper training. Ability %o establish and maintain effective working re!a%ionships with other employees and %he general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school or any equivalent com~ination of training and experience. WATER METER REPAI~4AN N~T ~URE OF, WO .i~K, This is responsible techflical and manual work in reading and repairing of water me%ers. Work of an employee in this Classification is performed under the supervision ofthe Utility Systems Supervisor, however, considerable independent judgment is required in the repair and maintenance of the water meter. Work is reviewed by results, either while in progress or after completion. ILLUSTPJ~T!VE EXAM]~LES OF WORK Repairs water meters and calibrates to specifications. Sets up and maintains records of water meters according to length of service. Arrange for their removal and check at periodic intervals. Recommends removal of malfunctioning water meters for che~k. Main[ains an up-to-date log book of all the meters by serial number and indicates any and all work done to.or re- location of same. Must De mechanically know!edge~bte. ~EQUIRF24ENTS OF WORK Graduation from a standard high school or any combination of training and experience which produces ~/~e fo!lowingknow!edges, abilities and skills: consider~le knowledge of the geographyof the city. Ability to determine malfunction in meters; to arrange for the removal and repair. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and %he general public. Resolution 7300 Rugust 7, 1973 STORE~']EPER NATURE OF WORK This is responsible, technical and manual work in the upkeep of parts and parts supply of water meters, pipe, pipe fittings and related supplies used in the water distribution and sewage collection divisions. Work of an employee in this classification is performed under the supervision of the Utility System Supervisor, however, independent judgement is required in the upkeep of supplies. Work is reviewed by his supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE WORK Maintains an up-to-date supply of meters and meter parts, pipe and pipe fittings. Set up and maintain a running inventory of all .supplies and record any transaction relating to restocking and distribution. Must be able to deal tactfully and inteltigent!ywith the purchasing department and supply houses.~ Must be able to read and understand shipping and packing nomenclature. Must be mechanically inclined. REQUIREMENTS OF WORK Graduation from a standard high school or any combination of raining and experience which produc~s the following knowledges., abilities and skills: Ability to maintain an efficient and workable inventory of parts and part supplies. A~itity to maintain and establish effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 WATER PI~&NT OPERATOR TRAINEE NAt~5RE OF WORK: This specialized work in the operation of a water treatment plant. An employee in this class assists in the operation and care ora variety of water treatment plant operations during an assigned ~nift. Work involves responsibility for proper operation and regulation of plant equipment so that the end products meet quality standards and requirements of the state health agency and of the Utilities Department. Work at treatment plant includes; taking samples for laboratoz% analysis, taking and recording meter readings at regular intervals and adding chlorine and other chemicals to raw water. Operates pumps and other related equipment. Employees are required to know and work in accordance with established plant operating procedures. Specific instructions are given for any departure from such standard procedure or for special jobs. Work is appraised through inspections, and review of laboratory and operating reports by Superintendent of Utilities. ILLUSTPu~TIVE TASKS- Operates and maintains treatment plant, including alt pumps, valves, etc., checks, cleans, oils~ greases, adjusts and performs mino~ repair jobs on varied and complex machinery. Starts and stops pumps and well; operates accessory equipment; reads and records gauges and meters, changes, charts, collects samplas~ makes prescribed tests and records results. Keeps extensive records. Performs related work as assigned. KNOWLEDGES_, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Ability to work effectively without close superviSion'and to make minor decisions pertaining to work problems. Ability to locate, define, and repair minor faults in equipment; ability to spot potential trouble spots and report them promptly to Superintendent of Utilities. Ability to pass Certification examinations after one year's training (State exams). Ability to make simple and complex tests on water samples, to make recordings from gauges and meters and change charts as required; or %o acquire such skills within a reasonable length of time on the job. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. ~UALI FI CATIONS: High school graduation, state high school diploma, G~D certificate, or graduation from trade school, supplemented by courses in chemistry or related subjects; mechanical aptitude; or any other equivalent combination 'of %raining and/or experience. _NECESSARY SPECIAL ©~ALIFiCATIONS: Secure class "C" wastewater certificate from the state of Florida within one year of date of employment. This is a condition for continued employment. WATER PLANT OPERATOR I NATURE OF WORK: This is skilled work in the operation of water treatment plant equipment and facilities on an assio~ned shift. Employees in this class do the same work as employees in the class of Water Plant Operator I but possess a class "C" license. Training and suoerv~sion is given to subordinate personnel. Employees in this class are responsible for operation of water £ilters and chemical feeders used in the treatment of water. The proper operation and regulation of this equipment is vi~al to the water purification prosess. Duties include the taki_~ of samples for laboratory analysis s~ud the reading and recording of meter readings at regular intervals. Work is supervised by the Utilities Supervisor through inspection and by observing the effectiveness of plant operation through the analysis of shift reports and chemical laboratory tests. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Accordi~ to prescribed instructions, regulates the proper flow of alum, lime~ carbon and chlorine through mechanical feeders~ Takes and records readings of amounts of chemicals added to the ~water; operates conveyor to transfer chemicals from storage to feeder hopper; changes chlorine tanks~ records tank weight~ and check's for residual chlorine. Operates water filters, maintains proper water te~e!~ washes filters when necessary; maintains proper water levels in tank and covered storage reservoir by operating pumps and opening and closing valves. Takes water samples for chemical analysis; checks samples for clearness of settled water; makes routine chemical tests of water samples. Checks and lubrica%espumps, motors and other plant equipment~ brings any mechanical defects to the attention of the plant ~pervisor~ assists with the maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment. . Performs general custodial work in keeping plant clean and orderly; performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~. ABILITIES AND SKILI~$: Knowledge of the functions ~nd servicing requirements of mechanical equipmsnt and machinery. Some knowledge of the processes involved in the purification of water~ including some knowledge of chemistry. Ability to inspect machinery ~ud mechanical equipment in operation a~ud to detect flaws and defects in operation; ability to read simple me, ers and charts accurately and to maintain simple records to shift operation~ mechanical aptitude. 0~ALiFICATIONS: High school graduation~ state high school diploma~ GED certificate or graduation from trade schoo!~ supplemented by courses in chemistry or related subjects and two years experience in wastewater plant operations~ or any other equivalent combination of training and/or experience. NECESSA=R¥ SPECIAL QU~LIFICATIONS: Possession of a class "C" wastewater certificate from the State of Florida. WATER PLANT OPERATOR II NATURE OF WORK: This is skilled and supervisory work at the Water 'Treatment Plant. The employee in this class has shift responsibility for o~erati_n~ and maintaining a large amount of equipment and has responsibility for supplying the proper quantity and quality of wazer, maintainir~ proper pressures and volume of flow for the city. Assignments are received in general from a supervisor, but the employee exercises individual judgment in carrying ~t the details of the work. Work is reviewed through reports on the quality of the water, and periodic con.ferences. - ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Checks and lubricates all of the equipment necessary in Ixnnping, softening, filtering and general treatment of water. Supervises and assigns work to subordinates while superior is off duty. Assists in developing and instructing operators in procedures to be followed in adjusting plant operations to meet normal and emergency variations in water demand. Keeps records of plant operation and prepares reports. Assists in setting up laboratory procedures for continual tests on the water produced, reviews test reports to determine adequacy of purification; corrects undesirable water conditions. Supervises maintenance and minor repairs of pumping and purifying equipment. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES., ABILITIES AND SKILLS: Thorough knowledge of %he functions and servic.ing of mechanical equipment and machinery in wazer plants. Thorough knowledge of the processes involved in the treatment of Water. Considerable knowledge of chemistry as is related %o water purification. Considerable knowledge to perform a variety of analysis on water samples. Ability to inspect machinery and mechanical equipment. Ability to establish s_nd maintain effective working relationships ~rith subordinates and supervisory personnel. Ability to make detailed oral or written reports to a supervisor. QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, state high school diploma, GED certificate, or graduation from trade school, supplemented by courses in chemistry, biology or bacteriology and at least four years experience in wast.ewater plant OPerations[ or any other equivalent combination of training and/or experience. NECESS~RY SPECIAL ~ALIFICATION,2: Possession of a class "B" wastewater certificate from%he Stateof Florida.. WATER Pi~2.~ OPERATOR II! NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is skilled supervisory s_nd technical work in the operation and maintenance, of a municipal water treatment plant and au~ilia_~_y facilities. An employee in this class is responsible for the sa£e~ economical operation of the.water treatment system. The emp!~yee supervises thc work of treatment plant persor~_e!, maintains a constant check on the water treatment arid pump processes, and personally performs more difficult operational and maintenance duties. Work is performed under the general smpervision of the Water Supervisor who reviews work through discussions with the employee and examination of plant records and reports;' however, the employee is required to exercise independent judgment and initiative in the proper operation of the p!s~nt. ILLUSTRATi-~E EXAMPLES OF WORK: Plans, assigns and s~pervises the work of plant operators in the operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant, and well houses. Inspects water plant installations and directs or takes corrective action for mechanical functions. Performs and supervises chemical tests on water samples. Reviews plant log records, gauges, meters and other plant testing and measuring devices to see that equipment is functioning properly. Keeps records and prepares daily and monthly reports on plant operations. Orders supplies, schedules the work shifts of operating personnel and responds to emergency calls regarding plant equipment breakdown. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABIL%TIES AND SKILLS: Through knowledge of the principles, practices, eqmipment, materials and operating procedures of a modern water treatment plant. Considerable knowledge of modern laboratory techniques and procedures as related to water treatmen~ analysis and p~rification. Considerable knowledge of the occupational hazards connected with water treatment plant and of necessary safety precamtions. Ability to plan, assign, supe_~ise and inspect the work of water treatment plant personnel. Ability to perform a variety of chemical tests on water samples and to evaluate results. Ability to maintain records a~_d prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates and fel!~ employees. .QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, state high school diploma, GED certificate or graduation from trade school supplemented by courses in chemistry and in the~mechanical trades, and five years supervisory experience; possession of a class "A" water treatment certificate issued by th~ S~ate of F!~rida. POLICE DESK CLERK DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: An employee in this class performs specialized work in receiving routine and emer- gency telephone cults at the Police complaint desk. Work involves responsibility for answering a telephone and performing related clerk- cai tasks. This position requires fast, efficient and accurate receiving and process- ing of calls for police services. Calls include routine request for information as well as those requiring emergency actions by the police, Employees may also send' and receive messages on the FCIC Terminal Machine (Florida Crime 'Information Center)', All work is performed in accordance with departmental rules and regula- tions, and is under the supervisions of a complaint desk sergeant or other officer.. Appointment to this class may be made from a promotional list obtained through test- ing employees of approriate lower classes or through original entrance appointments when necessary. Work may include, but is not limited to the following: A~swers telephone and fills out. a radio log card with pertinent information about each call; forwards cards to a superior officer; provides routine information upon request; transmits and receives messages on FCIC on request for police personnel; requests ambulance and wrecker service via telephone when needed; maintains various records' and files; performs related work as required. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICANTS PHYSICAL QUALIFICATIONS: Sex - Male or female. Passed 21st birthday but not have passed 55th birthday; good physical condition with sufficient physical strength and agility to perform assigned dutie s. MINIMUM SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Ability to act quickly and correctly in processing calls of an emergency naturer Ability to speak clearly and distinctly under all circumstances, including direct face to face contact with public; Ability to sit for long periods of time; Ability to keep records and do miscellaneous routine clerical work; Ability to type rapidly and accurately--mini- mum acceptable speed 40 wpm. KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; some knowledge of police organization and operation; some knowledge of difference between civil and criminal law. SPEC l J_ L REQUIREMENTS: All applicants for this position must be available to Work on a rotating shift basis, week- ends and holidays, included. POLICE PATROLMAN ~i%_~j~ OF WORK This is general city police work in the protection of life and property through the enforcement of laws and ordinances. An employee of this class is responsible for the protection of life and property, prevention of crime, apprehension of criminals and the general enforcment of laws and ordinances. Work is performed in accordance with departmental rules and regulations. Employees are subject to assignments to shifts and types of du~y according to the needs of the department. Assignments may include criminal identification duties, accident investigations; investigations of crimes and the apprehension of criminals. Work involves an element of personal danger and employees must be able to act without direct supervision and to exercise independent discretion in meeting emergencies. Work assignments and general and special instructions are received from a superior officer who reviews work methods and results through ex~m!nations of reports, personal inspection, and discussion of work problems and actions taken. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Patrols a designated area on foot, or in 'an automobile to keep law and order, prevent and discover the commission of crime, apprehend violators, direct traffic at street intersections and school crossings, and to enforce traffic and parking regulations; answers calls and co~plaints involving fire, automobile accidents, and any robbery, misdemeanor or felony. At the scene of crimes or accidents, conducts prel~mCnary investigations, gathers evidence, obtains witnesses and makes arrests; prepares detailed reports; and testifies or presents evidence in court. Photographs scenes of crimes or accidents; requisitions, receives and cares for police clothing mud equipment; checks second hand stores and j~nk shops for stolen property; participates in vice iuvestigaticas and raids; ascertains information or secures evidence for the arrest' of persons alleged to have centred a crime; interviews and takes statements from suspects, prisoners~ complaintants and witnesses. Gives advice on laws and ordinances and general infor~aation to the public; attends regular training classes in police methods, target practices and related subjects. Receives and searches prisoners. Performs related work as required. KNC~YLEDGES~ ABILITIES ~_ND SKILLS Kn~vledge of approved principles and practicas of po!ice work and applicable laws, ordinances; knowledge of the geography of the city and physical and social characteristics. Ability to observe situations analytically and objectively and to report and record them clearly and completely. Ability to develop skills in the use and care of firearms and the operations of motor vehicles. Ability to deal courteously and effectively with the public in police situations. Ability to react quickly and calmly in an emergency condition. POLICE PATROLMA_W( cont' d) DESLRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRATNING Some experience in work involving public contact, and graduation from a standard high school. Possession of valid Florida motor vehicle operatorTs license. P~ysical strength and agility,~ good general intelligence~ and aptitude for police work. POLICE CORPORAL NATURE OF WORK An employee in this class assists the sergeant on duty in supervising a shift or such personnel as assigned by the Chief of Police. Work involves assistingpersonnel both at headquarters and in the field; the enforcement of laws and ordinances~ protection of life and property; prevention of crime. Specific assignments and orders received from superior officers are carried out in accordance with departmental rules and procedures. Work is reviewed by supervisors through examination of reports~and personal inspection. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Instructs new patrolmen in various phases of police and departmental procedures. Maintains discipline on shift, gives advice.when needed on preparing reports and records of activities. Helps supervise jail operation. If assigned to' station must make periodic check of jail section. Assists duty sergeant where needed and can act in his place if needed. Performs limited supervisory, general patrol ~d related duties as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Gruaduate of a standard high school Must have been on the local department for a minimum of 18 consecutive months. Must have a thorough knowledge of the geography of the city and locations of all important buildings. Ability to react quickly, calmly and.efficiently in emergenices. Ability to maintain discipline and command respect. Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 DETECTIVE NATURE OF WORK This is specialized police work in the investigation of criminal offenses, accidents and related police problems. Work involves duty in plain clothes and requires the use of considerable descretion in the app- lication of specialized knowledges and abilities in the investigation and detection of crimes. Although work is performed in accordance with established rules and procedures, employee must exercise considerable independent judgment in their application to specific cases. Assignments are received from a superior officer and are usually specific. Employee works under direct supervision of the Chief of Police and/or those officers designated by him. Advice and assistance are available in unusual situations. Work is reviewed through accomplishments, personal inspections and analysis of submitted reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Visits the scenes of crimes; searches for and preserves evidence; investigates clues; searches and apprehends violators. Interviews and interrogates prisoners, complaints and witnesses. Makes specialized vice and criminal investigations and raids; serves warrants; maintains surveillance of suspected criminals; investigates bad check complaints, photographs and fingerprints suspects and prisoners; develops and prints photographs; classifies and files fingerprints. Checks fingerprints and forwards copies of such prints to various state departments and to the FBI for recording. Assists and advises uniformed personnel as requested. Prepares written reports of all investigations. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Good working knowledge of departmental procedures, rules and regulations. Thorough knowledge of limitation Of departmental authority. Considerable knowledge of the geography of the city and the areas requiring special Police attention. Good workingloaowtedga of modern methods and practices of criminal investigation and identification. Ability to obtain information through interviews, interrogations and observation; to observe and remember names, faces and details of incidents and scenes of crime. Considerable knowledge of, and experience in, the principles, techniques and methods of fingerprinting and fingerprint ,-classification. Ability to understand and execute difficult oral and written directions and to prepare clear and comprehensive reports. Ability to execute duties firmly, tactfully and impartially. Ability to react quickly and calmly in emergencies. Ability to cooperate and work closely with other law-enforcement agencies. DETECTIVE (Cont'd) KNOll=EDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS (Cont ' d) Ability to establish and maintain effecti~eworking relationships with other employees and the general public. Skill in the use and care of firearms. Possession of a valid driver's license issues by the State of Florida DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Certification as Detective after completing required Civil Service tests. Considerable experience in police and detective work. Graduation from a standard high school, preferably supplemented by advanced courses in police work and crime detection; or any equivalent combination of training and experience. POLICE SERGEANT NATURE OF WORK An employee in this class supervises the operation of ~ shift, a division, or such personnel as assigned by the Chief of Police. Work is performed under the direct supervison of the Chief of Police and/or commanding officers designated by him. Work involves direct supervision of personnel, both at headquarters and in the field; the enforcement of laws and or- dinances; protection of life and property; the prevention, detection and 'investigation of crimes; and t~e maintenance of law and order. Specific assignments and orders, received fzo m superior officers, are c~rried out in accordance with established dules and procedures. Work is reviewed through reports,- inspec_ tion and review of results obtained. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists and instructs officers under his command in the conduct of investigations and other unusual situations; explains and interprets general and special orders; instructs new Patrol- ~ men in various0 phases of police procedures. Observes work of Patrolmen in his shift, giving advice and making corrections when necessary. Maintains discipline on his shift; sees that a~l Fecords and reports of activity on his shift are properly executed and routed. Supervises jail operations. Makes periodic check of jail, paying particular attention to prisoners for signs of illness, etc., inspects meals from time to time for quality and quantity of food. Sees that jail and police station are kept neat clean and orderly. · Determines that correct charges are placed against prisoners;' that prisoners-are searched,.fed, and receive medical attention when necessary. 'Performs supervisory, general patrol, and related duties as required. KNOWLEDGES~'ABILITiES AND SKILLS Good working knowledge of the principles, methods, practices and techniques of police work. Thorough knowldge of the geography of the city and location of all important buildings; knowledge of all municipal buildings and installations.. Good working knowledge of all cont~oling laws and ordinances of the city. Ability to reaot quickly, calmly, and efficiently in~-emergencies and ability' to execute duties firmly, tactfully and impartially. Ability to observe situations analytically and obje ' - ctlvexy and to report them clearly and completely. Ability to plan, assign, and tactfully supervise the work of others. Ability to ~aintain discipline and command respect of sub- ordinate personnel. POLI CE SERGEANT (Co.n t' d) KNOWLEDGESi. ABILITIES AN~ SKILLS (Cont"d) Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. 8tare of Florida. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AA~ TRAINING Certification,as Police Sergeant after completin~ required Civil Service examinations. Graduation from a standard high school; supplemented by advanced courses in police technique or other studies- designed to provide a better concept of police work and/or the ability to train and lead men; or any equivalent com- binztion of training and experience. POLICE LIEUTENANT NATURE OF WORK Employee in this class serves as the commander of the uniformed patrol division and/or other divisions or per son- nel as assigned by the Chief of Police. Work is performed under thc direct supervision of the Chiefof Police and/or com- manding officers designated by him. Employee is responsible for the appearance, discipline and performance of duty of ali personnel under his command. He may, from time to time, per- form the duties of. a patrolman or patrol sergeant. Work is reviewed through reports, inpspetion and observation of results. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Visits~all parts of assigned territory as often as prac- ticable, noting violations of laws and ordinances and takes necessary steps to correct them. Inspects police station and jail. Inspects appearance of personnel arriving for duty; routes orders received from Chief of Police to proper departmental divisions and sees that they are carried out. Receives and investigates all complaints made against personnel under his command) observes and becomes familiar with, the capabilities of his subordinates. ~ Compiles periodic reports of police department a~ various civic and social fUnctions as requested. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS ThoroUgh.knowledge of the geography of the city, location of all important buildings and of all municipal buildings, in- stallations and facilities. Thorough knowledge of departmental rutes~ regulations and Operating procedures as well as the'limits of departmental authority. Thorough knowledge of municipal laws and ordinances and state statutes with reference to laws of arrest, search and seizure and traffic control; proper filing of charges and resul- tant court procedure stemming from arrest and charges. Skill in the use and care of firearms; possession of a valid Driver's license issued by the State Of Florida. Ability to plan, assign and tactfully supervise the work of others; ability to execute duties firmly,, tactfully and im- partially. Ability to deal with the public courteously but firmlY; to maintain discipline and command the respect of subordinates. Ability to react quickly and calmly in emergencies. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees, other law enforcement agencies and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Certification Rs Lieutenant of Police after completing required Civil Service examinations; considerable experience in police work. Graduation from a standard high school supplemented by advanced courses in police practices and procedures including detection and investigation of crimes. POLICE CAPTAIN DiSTiNGUISHiNG FEATURES OF WORK This is difficult, technical work. An employee in this class assists the Chief of Police in the direction of all personnel and activities of a municipal police'department, assuming responsibility for effective departmental operation in the absence of the Chief. Employee also functions as department training officer. Work is performed under general supervision of Police Chief to whc~ reports are made, however, employee must be cap~bte of exercising considerable sound, independent judgment on occasion. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK Assists Police Chief in direction of departmental personnel and activities. EstabliShes and maintains continuous in-service training program. Prepares monthly duty roster; prepares monthly departmental reports. Represents Police Chief and Department at civic and social functions as re,Jested. Assumes responsibility for efficient departmental operation in the absence of Police Chief. Performs related work as required. REQUIP~F~4ENTS OF WORK Considerable experience in police work designed to increase efficiency as a co,uuuanding officer. Graduation from a standard high school, supplemented by college level courses in police practices and procedures, administration, training, state and municipal controlling laws leading to degree in Police Science; or any equivalent combination of training~ and experience whi~ provides the following knowledges, abilities and skills: Thorough knowledge of geography of city; location of all important buildings, installations and facilities. Thorough knowledge of municipal laws and state statutes with reference to laws of: search and seizure, traffic contro!~ proper filing of charges and resultant court proCedure stemming from arrest and charges. Considerable knowledge of, and a~ility to establish and maintain comprehensive in-service training program. Skill in the use and care of firearms. Ability to react quickly and c~Imly in emergencies. Ability to plan and assign duties; to tactfully supervise the work of subordinates. Ability to execute duties firmly and impartially; to maintain discipline and to command respect of subordinates. POLICE CAPTAIN, cont? Possession of valid driver's license issued Dy the Sta.te of Florida. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, other law enforcement agencies and the general public. Must have served two (2) consecutive years as a Lieutenant on the local department. ~Must have earned 60 credit hours AsSociates Degree in Police related subjects. POLICE CHIEF NATURE OF WORK This is administrative and technical police work in the direction of all employees and activities of the municipal police department. Work involves responsibility for the pro- tection of lives and property through the supervision'of all police functions, including the maintenance of law and order; enforcement of.laws and ordinances; by taking measures to pre- vent crime; and~by the efficient operation of the police depart,. merit in the selection, training, assignment, supervision and discipline of all members of the department. Work is reviewed through discussions of problems and by written activity reports. Duties are performed under the general supervision of the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Formulates regulations and rules governing the activities of the department; confers With the City Manager and subordinate officers in the formulation of policies, procedures and practices~ fo be followed in the department. Takes ~teps to improve police operations; takes appropriate disciplinary action as required. Plans and supervises enforcement of traffic and ~afety reda, lations and programs of crime prevention and detection. Cooperates with state, county and federal officers in the apprehension and detention of wanted persons and with other law enforcement agencies as requested. Advises and assists police officers in non-routine criminal or other investigations and personally participates in the more difficult problems encountered by subordinates. Attends civic club meetings, churches, schools and other places of public gathering to explain the activities and functions of the Police Department. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of modern police administration and organization. Thorough knowledge of federal, state, County and local laws and ordinances as well as the limitation of departmental authority. Considerable knowledge of all types of firearms~ considerable skill in the use and care; considerable knowledge of communications and automotive equipment used in polic~ activities. Possession of valid Driver's license issued by the State of Florida. Ability to perform supervisory duties with firmness and tact. Ability to regulate the control of employees, and expenditures and equipment for efficient and effective use. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees, other law enforcement ag encies and the general public. ' POLICE CHIEF (COnt'd) DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE Ah~ TRAINING Considerable experience in modern police work which has afforded progressively, responsible experience in a v~riety of police functions, inctudinE responsible supervisory police duties. Graduation from a standard high school, supplemented by formal training in modern police administration methods and practices and in the scientific methods of crime prevention and detection. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD NATURE OF WORK This is public safety work enforcing traffic regulations at a school cross walk. Employees in this class direct traffic and enforce traffic laws at school cross walks during periods when children are going to or leaving from school. Work is performed in accord- ance with rules and regulations of the municipal police depart- ment relating to the movement of traffic at school crossings. Work is reviewed by field observation. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Enforces traffic ordinances at a school crossing zone. Escorts children across the street going to and returning homefrom school. Records names of operators and license numbers-of vehicles violating traffic regulations at. the school cross walk, and re- ports violators to the police department. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some knowledge of municipal ordinances regulating the movement of traffic at a school crosswalk. Ability to work with children and to instruct them in the need for crossing streets in a safe manner. Ability to enforce laws and ordinances relating to the area of work firmly and impartially. Ability to understand and carry out simple oral and writ- ten instructions.- Sufficient physical strength to stand and walk for extended periods of time, occasionally under adverse weather conditions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in working with children; graduation from a standard high school; or any equivalent combination of ex- perience and training. WASTEWATER PL~7 O~RATOR TPa&I~ NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is trainee work in the operation of wastewater treatment plant equipment and facilities on am_ assigned shift. An employee in this class is in training for reading meters, taking samples of wastewater flow, operating pumps and other equipmem~t and maintaining the buildings and grounds of the wastewater treatment plant. A trainee must possess the willingness and ability to perform tasks of progressively increasing difficulty. Work follows an established procedure and is under close supervision of a Wa~tewater Plant Supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: Attends training courses and em~ages in independent study of wastewater plant operations. Takes readings and learns h~w to make a variety of tests on raw, primary and final sewage. Pumps sludge at prescribed levels; checks digester level and draws off supernate when needed. Makes operational checks on equipment at the wastaWater p!am~t, pump house and lift stations; checks and adjusts float controls, starter switches, pumps and motors. Keeps all equipment clean, lubricated and painted. Removes grease deposits, debris and ~and from wet wells. Drains and cleans degritters, clarifiers and pumps'; changes chlorine cylinders as needed and checks supply. Takes samples of wasteWater flc~ and assists in the analysis of settleable solids. Keeps records and makes repo~_~s. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGES~, ABILITIES A~ SKILLS: Some kn~v!edge~of the functions and servicing of mechanical equipment and machinery. Ability to learn the processes involved in the treatment of raw sewage including some chemical tests. Ability to inspect machinery ~ud mechanical equipment and to detect flaws and defects in operation. Ability to read meters and charts accurately and to maintain records of shift operations. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, state high school diploma, GED--certificate, or graduation from trade school, supplemented by courses in chemistry or related SUbjects; mechanical aptitude; or any other equivalent combination of training and/or experience. NECESSARY SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Secure class "C" wastewater certificate from the State of Florida with_in one year of date of employment. This is a condition for continued employment. WASTE~VATER PLA~ OPERATOR ~!&TURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is skilled work in the operation of wastewater treatment plant equipment- and facilities on an assigned shift. An employee in this class is responsible for reading meters~ taking samples of wastewater flow, operating pumps and other equipment and maintaining the buildings ~and grounds of the wastewater treatment plant. Work is primarily routine in nature but employee must be able to exercise independent judgment in correcting certain problem situations. Work follows, an estab!ished~ procedure and is under fairly close supervision of a wastewa%er plant superintendent. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMP~S OF WORK: Takes readings and makes a variety of tests on new, primary and f%nal sewage. Pumps sludge at prescribed levels; checks digester level and draws off floating sludge when needed. U~kes operational Checks on equipment at the Wastewater plant, pump houses and lift stations; checks, adjusts, repairs or replaces float, controls~ starter switches, pumps and motors. Keeps all equipment clean, lubricated and painted. Removes grease deposits, debris and sand from wet wells. Dra~_ns and cleans degritters and pumps; changes chlorine cylinders as needed s_nd checks supply. Takes samples of wastewater flay and assists in the analysis of' su-spended, settleables and total solids. Keeps records and makes reports. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KN~VLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS: Considerable knowledge of the functions and servicing of mechanical equipment and machinery in sewage disposal plants. Considerable.knowledge of the processes involved in the treatment of raw sewage. Some knowledge of chemistry. Ability to inspect machinery and mechanical equipment and to detect flaws and defects in operation. Ability to read meters and charts accurately and %o maintain records of shift operations. Ability to work harmoniously with fellow employees. Ability to understand and follow oral and written inst~otions. '~UALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, state high school dip!oma, GED certificate or grad- uation from trade school, supplemented by courses in chemistry or related subjects and two years experience in wastewater plant operations; or any other' equivalent combination of training and/or experience. NECESSARY SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of a class "C" wastewater certificate From the State of Florida. W~ST~L~TER PLANT OPE~_TOR ZI .NATURE OF WORK IN THIS OLASS: This is skilled work in the Plant laboratory doing routine~ complex and special analysis of all phases of the wastewater system and industrial waste. An employee in this class is well versed in sampling procedures sm_d laboratory analysis. He is utilized as a laboratory technician in %he waste- water ptantrs laboratory. He is in effect an assistant to the Chief Operator with ultimate responsibility to the plant supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: Supervises sampling, detects sampling procedures, compositing and pre- servation. Performs all standard wastewater and industrial waste analysis -BOB, COD, solids determination, volatile acids. Assists the chief operator in maintaining records and the preparing of repot~s. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KNOWI,E~GES, ABT. LTT!ES ,A~D SKT/,L$., Thorough knowledge of the functions and servicing of mechanical equipment and machinery in was%ewater disposal plants. Thorough knowledge of the processes involved in the treatment of wastewater. Considerable knowledge of chemistry. ~onsiderable knowledge to perform a variety of analysis on wastewater samples. Ability to inspect machinery and mechanical equipment. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationshios with sub- ordinates and supervisory persoD_nel. - Ability to make detailed oral or written reports to a supervisor. QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, s~ ' 0a~e high school diploma, GED certificate, or graduation from trade school, supplemented by c~mrses in chemistry, biology or bacteriology and at least four years experience in wastewater plant operations; or any other equivalent combination of training and/orexperience. NECESSARY SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Procession of a class "B" wastewater certificate from the State of Florida. WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR III NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is skilled supervisory and technical work in the operation and maintenance of a municipal waszewater treatment plant and auxiliary facilities.. An employee in this class is responsible for the safe, economical operation of the wastewater treatment system, providing maximum pro~eetion against pollution of the waters surrounding Boymton Beach. The emp!czyee supervises the work of treatment plant perso~nael, maintains a cons%ant cheek on %he wastewater treatment and pump processes, s_nd personally performs more. d'~fficult operational and maintenance duties. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Wastewater Supervisor who reviews work through discussions with the employees and examination of.plant records and reports; however, the employee is required to exercise independent judgment and initiative in the proper operation of the plant. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: Plans, assigns and supervises the work of plant operators in the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant, pump houses, lift stations and manhole type lift stations. Inspects wastewater plant installation and directs or takes co~_~e-ctive action for mechanical functions. Performs and supervises chemical tests on wastswater samples such as biochemical oxygen demand; settleable, suspended and total solids; and pH and chlorine residual. Reviews plant log records, gauges, meters and other plant testing and measurin~ devices to see that equipment is functioning properly. Keeps records and prepares daily and monthly reports on plant operations. Orders supplies, schedules the work shifts of operating personnel and responds to emergency calls regarding plant equipment breskdown. Performs related work as re~nired. ESSENTIAL KNO~gLEDGES.,. ABILITIES AND SKYLY.~q: Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, equipment, materials and. operating procedures of a modern wastewater treatment plant. Considerable knowledge of modern laboratory techniques and procedures as related to wastewater treatment sm_d analysis. Considerable knowledge of the occupational hazards connected with wastewater treatment plant and of necessary safety precautions., Ability to plan, assign, supervise and inspect the work of waste~ater treatment plant personnel. Ability to perform a variety of chemical tests on sewage samples and to evaluate results. Ability to maintain records and prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with suib- ordinates and fellow employees. QUALI FI CATIONS- High school graduation, state high school diploma~ GED certificate or graduation from trade school supplemented by courses in chemistry and in the mechanical trades,~ and five years supervisory experience; possession of a class "A" wastewater treatment certificate issued by the State of Florida. LAB TECHNICIAN _~TUP~. OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is responsible professional work in the analysis of sewage and the byproducts of the treatment process in order to measure and identi~- the component element s. An employee in this class performs regular laboravory tests in accordance with an established schedule and special tests are performed upon request or upon the initiative of the chemist; work is performed in accordance with standard laboratory procedures or special instructions from a supervisor. Report-s of laboratory analysis are submitted to a supervisor with recommendations for changes in operating procedur.es to correct or modify the abnormal condition found. Work is evaluated through discussion with a supervisor through analysis of laboratory reports, and through observation of work perfOrmed. Work is also subject to check through periodic analysis conducted by t~ablic health agencies. ILLUSTR~ITi-V-E EXAlfPLES OF WORK: Analyzes sewage and industrial waste. Collects data and samples for tests. U~kes up reagent for tests. Assists in p!a~aing and establishing of work schedules in the laboratory. Helps maintain records of laboratory analyses. Submits reports to supervisor and makes recommendations for change or modification in treatment processes designed to correct abnormal conditions. Prepares requisitions for supplies required. May be required to operate water sewage treatment plant when %he situation warrant s. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KN~g_~DGES~ J_BILIT!,ES AND SK!I,I~: Considerable knowledge of the principles and methods of laboratory analysis as' applied to the field of water sewage treatment. COnsiderable knowledge of chemical and biological treatment of sewage. F~aowledge of all common analyses on sewage (BOD- GOD- SOLIDS- VOLATILE ACIDS- DO, Bacteriological, etc.) Considerable knowledge of the hazards and safety pre,au%ions required in the laboratory. Knowledge of applied mathematics. Ability to perform laboratory analysis .independently. Ability to keep records. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written instr~ictions. Ability to maintain effective working relationships ~ith £etlow workers. Ability to make detailed oral or' written reports to a su_per~isor or to fellow empl oye e s. .QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from an accredited four year college or universi~ywithmajor in sanitary engineering, chemistry, bacteriology or related field; or graduation from high school, state high school diploma, or GED certificate or trade school or pOSsession of a Class "B" wastewater operators certificate issued by the State of Florida~ attained within 24 months after employment. N~TD-RJ~ OF WORK WASTEVfATER PLANT SUPERVISOR This is technical and supervisory work in the operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant. WOrk includes the responsibility for maintaining continuous safety and efficiency of the plant, supervising his men, requisitioning materials and repair parts and ma~ing out reports required by the State Department of Health. Administrative duties and responsibilities are received from a superior but the employee is required to exercise considerable independent judgment and initiative in carrying out his duties. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Plans, organizes and supervises the work of sewer plant operators in the operations and maintenance of treatment plant machinery and equipment. Supervises the work of the laboratory in the analysis of sewage samples taken in various stages of the treatment process and reviews analysis to determine the operating efficiency of treatment processes. Works closely with State and civic health officials. ' Available and on call for possible emergency conditions of weather or breakdowns. Prepares work schedules, trains plant personnel and assigns duties and shifts; conducts groups through the plant. Keeps records and prepares reports on plant operations. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable practical and supervisory experience in the operations of electrical and mechanical sewage plant equipment. Thorough knowledge of the machines, equipment and operating practices of modern sewage treatment. Thorough knowledge of the chemical and physical processes involved in the treatment of sewage. Thorough knowledge of the hazards to health, and safety involved in sewage treatment work and ability to apply proper precautionary measures. Ability to organize, supervise and inspect the work of skilled and semi-skilled personnel Performing varied labor operations. Ability to keep records and prepare clear and concise reports on plant operations. Considerable knowledge of the principles of chemistry as used in the chemical and bacteriological analysis of sewage samples. Abilit~ to make minor operating repairs to electrical and mechanical equipment. Ability to understRnd and follow moderately complex written and oral instructions. Ability to establish and maintain working relationships with employees and with the general public. WASTE~¢ATER PLANT SUPERVISOR. '"o ' ~- n%mnued DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience in the operation and maintenance of sewage treatment facilities, preferable s~pptementedby supervmsory' responsibility in plant .operation and maintenance and graduation from a standard high school or vocational school supplemented by college level related courses. Possession of required State license. LIFT STATION 2~tINTENANC~_M I ..NATURE OF WOR~. This is manual work in the maintenance of the sewage treatment lift stations. Employee is responsible for the care and maimtens_uce of lift s= ' sattons. Work involves removing grit, grease from pumps and tanks~ washing or scraping s_nd various maintenance jobs as assigned. Work is performed under %he supervision of the sewer plant supervisor. ...ILLUSTRATIVE T .AS~S Washes and scrapes al! bar screens at lift stations~ paints lift stations. Removes grit from grit chamber, greases s_nd washes down the grit chamber~ checks floats, may read meters at stations when directed, reaording readings. Skims and removes grease from the primary tanks. Adds chemicals at stations when needed. Checks mechanical equipment for proper operation; primes pumps~ repairs pumps and may assist in pump repacking. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKTT.T~q Some knowledge of proper sewage treatment. Abilit~y to understand and follow oral and ..vn_~itten instructions. Ability to understand the methods and practices of modern se~age treatment and of standards and normal operating procedures applicable to treatment. Ability %o perform general maintenance tasks as required. DES IRAB~ EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in labor or mechanical maintenance work, with 8th grade education or equivalent training and experience. LIFT STATION >Y~iINTENANCEMA~XI II NATURE OF WO~ This is manual work in the care and maintenance of the sewage lift stations. Work involves removing grit, grease and foreign substances from tanks a_nd pumps and other various semi-skilled labor jobs. Employee may he required to train s_nd assist one or more helpers as assign_ed. Work is performed ~ander the supervision of the Sewer Plant Supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Checks stations and cleans trash from bar screens twice daily. Assists mechanic in work at sewer and water plants on pumps and motors. Cleans and maintains salt water filter pump station. Cleans and washes down stations~ floor, wet wells and pump t~i~ts; greases pumps, motors and shafts. M~vs lawns at lift stations and water towerS. Packs check valves and gate valve stems. Removes pumps from dry well for repairs. Washes and scrapes all bar screens at lift stations, paints lift station; removes grit from grift, chamber, greases and washes down the grit bar; checks fleets; may read meters at stations when directed recording readings. Skims and removes grease from the primary tanks; adds chemicals at stations when meeded. Checks mechanical equipment for proper opera%ion~ primes p~_s; repairs pumps. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE., ABILITIES AND SKIL!~B Knowledge of sewage treatment and lift station tanks and equipment. Ability to understand and follow oral and written ins%ructions. Ability to understand the methods and practices of modern sewage treatment and of standards and normal operating procedures applicable to treatment. Ability to perform general maintenance tasks as required. DESIP~iBLE F~XPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in!abor or mechanical maintenance work with considerable experience in sewer treatment plant lift station operation and 8th grade education or equivalent training and experience. UTILI2~f ~CHANIC NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is skilled work in waver or wastewater treatment plant or electric generating plant in the maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment and systems. The employee in this class is responsible for the %e¢tmi~al aspects of all equipment installations, repair and preventive maiutensan~e. The employee supervises and instructs mechanics of lesser rank in the daily work .routine to include use of shop tools and mainte~n~¢e procedures. The employee will prepare work schedules and assign work cr~vs as maintenance requires. Instractions are received orally or in writing from a supervisor and the employee is expected to work with relative independence in ca~rying out the instructions. Work is subject to inspection by the plant supervisor while in progress or upon completion. iLLUSTRATiVE EXAIIPI~ S OF WORK: Regularly inspects all mechanical equipment., evalzmtes perfo_~nance and makes recommendations to the supervisor as to maintenance and repair requirements. M~intains adequate work records of all maintenance activities; maintains adequate records of parts, inventories and use. Assigns mechanic work crews s_nd vehicles daily, instructs me~hanics on use of equipment and safety methods. Schedules and supervise machine shop activities; checks and main%aims lift stations. Participates in the manual repair of equipment when necassary~ rebuilds and installs pumps, generators a_nd equipment. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KN0%W.F. DGES., ABILITIES B_ND S~II.I.S: Knowledge of the principles, practices and equipmeat of modern wafer treatment and wastewater treatment. Knowledge of the operations, types of defects and repair methods applicable to pumps, chlorinators, feed and other plan~ equipment. Knowledge of occupational hazards and necessary safety precautions applicable to mechanical maintenance and repair work. Ability to supervise a substantial number of employees of lesser rank effectively; ability to maintain detailed records and make reports; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships With employees. Some knowledge of basic electricity principles, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, welding and elementary drafting and blueprint reading. QUALIFICATIONS: Increasingly responsible experience at the journeyman level, in mechanical maintenance and repair work as pertains tot he ~oeration of water treatment plants, wastewater treatment Plants, pumping stations of electric plants including supervisory responsibility and graduation from a standard high school or trade school, supplemented by applicable trade courses or an equivalent c~mbination of traini~ and experience. UTILITITY SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR NATURE OF WOR~K This is responsible, technical and manual work in connection with the municipal water and sewer systems and the operation and service o£ water meters, sewage lines, water lines, wells and pumping stations. An employee in this class- ification must possess considerable knowledge of both water and server line and appurtenances. He assumes resp°nsibili%y for making~ or causing to be made~ all required corhnections and .dis-connects. He plans effective working routes for Meter Readers and makes periodic check of their work. Empt~yee handles minor complaints, r. eferring involved or major complaints to his supervisor-. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Installs and removes mezers as required, or assigns such du%ies to subordinate personnel. Aids such personnel as required; maintains meter records. Estimates size of new lines-as requested. May supervise and actively participate in field operation o£ wa%er and sewer line repairs and/or new construction; maintains pumps at well houses. Keeps time for all personnel in division; prepares weekly payroll for division. Plans routes for Meter Rea~ers; aids Meter Readers as necessa_~y; makes periodic check of their work; supervises repair of meters. Hs_ndles minor complaints for division; supervises collection of delinquent bills. Performs related work as required. KN0~fLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough ~raowledge of municipal water and sevzer systems including collection sites, distribution lines, lift stations, etc. Ability to effectively manage small crews; ability to su. pervise and actively participate in field operations relation to installation, maintenance and repair of municipal water and sewer lines; to aid in the repair o£ water maters, after trainir~, as required. Ability to estimate size of new lines needed and to make concise, comp_rehensive revorts of same to department head. Ability to maintain complex records and in~entory of materials and activities. Ability to plan routes for meter readers to provide effective coverage; ability to handle customer complaints with firmness~ courtesy and tact. Ability %o perform all duties required of personnel in all classifications i~ distribution and to train new personnel in required skills. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school prefergb!y augmented~by courses in water and sewerage distribution and meter repair and rehabilitation or any combination of experience and training. LANDFiI_~L CUSTODIAN NATURE OF WORK This is work involving overseeingthe operation of the city garbage and trash dumps. Employee must identify all trucks to determine eligibility of dumping privileges. Supervision is received from Sanitation Supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Collects dump tickets or cash payments from all trucks other than city owned vehicles or trucks from Florida Power and Light Company. Determines 'proper charges for various size loads and col!ects proper fees. Records all transactions and report to superior. Keeps duplicate record of all dump tickets. Reports all infractions of dump regulations. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES A~ND SKILLS Ability to make simple routine reports. Ability to make simple but accurate arithmetical computations. Skill in determining proper charges for various size loads to be dumped. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some clerical experience and completion of the 8th school grade. CUSTODIAN I NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial work. Employees are responsible for the proper performance of cleaning and custodial work. Work is performed without direct supervision, and requires the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. The employee works under general supervision, receiving specific instructions on unusual or new jobs. Routine assignments arechecked by spot inspections or as a result of complaints. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors. Washes walls, windo~ and'woodwork. Dusts, polishes, arranges and moves furniture and equipment. Replaces light bulbs, cleans and polishes metals. Maintains a daily check of all rest room and lavatory imstallations~ checking for supplies, etc. Unstops lavatories when necessary. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLq Working knowledge of building cleaning procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability ~to understand and carry out oral and written instructi°ns. Ability to perform routine operations involved in custodial duties without irmnediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees. Neat, pleasant appearance. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AIYO TRAINING Some experience in janitorial or related custodial work; ability to read and write or any equivalent combinatiom of experience and training. CUSTODIAN III This is a semi-skilled job performing all aspects of custodial work .for the City. Employee exercises supervision over a crew. Work is normally routine and is performed without direct supervision, however, difficult involved or unusual assignments are discussed with supervisor Employee assigns and performs all custodiaI work. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Selects equipment for specific jobs and explains its use to crews. Is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all janitorial equipment. Is thoroughly familiar with the maintenance of floors, -walls and woodwork and painted surfaces and explains the proper use of chemicals and equipment for use on these to the crews. Maintains a daily check on all rest rooms and lavatory installations. checking for supplies and cleanliness. Performs all custodial and other related work. REQUIREMENTS OF WORK: Considerable experience in a variety of general maintenance work. Skilled in the use, operation and care of janitorial equipment. Ability to follow oral and written directions without close supervision Ability to lead non-skilled and semi-skilled laborers in a variety of tasks. Ability to establish and maintain.effective working relationships with fellow employees and the general public. Considerable knowledge of methods and materials used in maintenance work. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduation from the ninth grade or any equivalent com~ination of training and experience which the above outlines. CUSTODIAL ~f~ID NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial work. Employees in this job ctassifieation are responsible for the proper performance of cleanim~ amd custodial work. Work is performed without direct supervisor and requires the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. ?ne employee works under general supervisions, receives specific ~nstruction on unusual or new jobs. Routine assignments are checked by spot inspection or as a result of complaints. ILLUST~TIVE TASKS Washes windows, walls and woodwork. Dusts and polishes and arranges furniture. Cleans and polishes desk tops. Maintains a daily check of assignied rest rooms checking on SUpplies etc. 'Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE;. ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working, Knowledge of Building cleaning 'procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written istructions. Ability to perform routine operations involved in custodial duties without immediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with other employees. Neat pleasant appearance. DESIRAB~ EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Scme experience in janitorat or related custodial work; ability to read and write or any equivalent combination of experience and training. ~gINTE NANC~¥utN I NATURE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is semi-skilled and limited skilled manual labor work. An employee in this class is responsible for the satisfactory performs_ucc of light and heavy manual laboring tasks in a wide variety of construction and maintenance Work throughout the City. Some assignmen%s~ including elementary equipment operation, may require skills which can readily be learned on %he job. Usually, work is performed under the i~mediate direction of an employee of a higher classification, but many tasks assigned may be routine and repetitive in nature and once learned, ca~ be carried on without difficulty and under only general supervision. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WOR~K: Sprays and trims foliage; clears brush and cuts and edges grass and weeds with hand tools and power operated machine; burlaps trees; assists in planting trees and shrubbery by burying roots and puddling water and soil around roots; seeds, hoes, cultivates, and gives general care to laWns and grounds; remov~dirt, rubbish, weeds, leaves and other refuse from grounds. Repairs and cleans buildings, walks, tables, fireplaces,, utility installations, tools and equipment; maintains roads, playgrounds, flower beds, and other areas. Assists craftsman in a variety of unskilled tasks~ mixes concrete with shovel, using prescribed amounts of sand, cement, and water; cold and hot patches streets by shoveling mix off of truck, placir~ in hole and tamping. Clears ditches; digs dit dhes with shovels; builds retair~nlg walls, makes up and places sandbags. Loads bagged chemical from truck to warehouse; loads bulk chemicals into feeder hopper, wipes and cleans pump and machines, cleans up chemical spills. Assists maintenance crew when called upon in moving machinery, materials and tools; drives truck to and from job and works as a treainee on other types of automotive equipment. Installs new and old ~roads signs; erects barricades~ makes repairs and paints metal street signs; tacks down reflectors onto barricades. Removes, installs, and repairs various types of water and sewer pipe~ works in trenches or excavations often with wa~ero Operates chain saws, jackhammers, chipper machines, and related equipment. Performs work in or on manholes and lift stations~, often with forced ventilation. Operates mechanical sewer cleaning equipment. Assists in painting and repairing valves and installing water meters and making taps; paints and greases fire b~vdrantS~ assists in setting up and operating pumps, compressors, generators, and compactors. Assists in construction and demolition of buildings. Loads and ur~oads heavy materials from trucks and vans; moves or aids in moving heavy boxes or equipment and large and bulky objects. Performs a wide variety of heavy manual tasks in and-about the power plant. Cleans machinery with steam, solvent, or by washing and hosing; loads dried residue from plant process onto dump trucks. Performs related work as required. ESSENTIAL KNOWI~DGES.,. ABILITIES AND SKIl,IS: Some knowledge of simple tools used in maintenance and construction. Ability to understand and follow oral or written instructions. Ability to operate simple machinery, pumps, generator, ~_nd compressors. Ability to recognize safety '~azards in the work involved and take precautionary methods to protect self and others. ~AINTENANCEMAN I ESSEntIAL KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS :- (cont 'd] Sufficient physical strength and ability and freedom from d~sabli~ defects to do heavy manual labor for extended periods~ occasionally in adverse weather conditions. OUB_LIFICATiONS: Completion of 8th school grade, and one year of experience i_n construction maintenance and repair work, or any equivalent combination of tra~g and/or experience. MA I NTENANCENAN II NATURE OF WORK This is manual, semi-skilled work in the constr~ction, maintenance, and repair of properties. Work involves a variety of manual labor'tasks requiring job acquired skills. Work differs from ~aintenanceman I class in that the employee is expected to work in a wider-variety of tasks requiring advanced skills and training. Duties are frequently routine and are normally per£ormed with some degree of independence. Assignments and supervision are received from a superior, but employee exercises indepen- dent judgment in carrying out routine work. Work is evaluated through results obtained and on the job inspec- tions. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Does minor electrical, plumbing, painting and masonry work. Drives small trucks and motorized mowing equipment. Performs semi-skilled tasks, of one or more of the trades; or on a regular basis, may assist a higher level maintenanceman or tradesman in the accomplishment of skilled trade projects. Operates sprayers and related equipment for Weed control; assists in burning ditches and controlling the growth of weeds and hyacinths in drainage or' lake areas. Installs water or sewer pipe; works in trench or excavations. Performs work in manholes. Operates mechanical sewer. cleaning equipment and light construction equipment. Sets up and operates pumps, compressors, and-generators. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILI~ Working knowledge of tools, methodS, and materials.in general maintenance work. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. C°nsiderable knowledge of methods and tools used in cement finishings and block laying where the position requires. Ability to recognize safety hazards, in the work involved and take precautionary methods to protect self and others. Sufficient physical strength and agility and freedom from disabling defects to do heavy manual labor for extended periods, occasionally in adverse, weather conditions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Completion of eighth school grade, and considerable laboring experience in construction', maintenance and repair work. Pi~LAYER NATURE OF WORK This is semi-skilled work in performing a v~eL--y of tasks iu const~ac%~, installing, maintaining and repairing sanitary sewers amd other work in co_~uection with the sewer systems operations. Work includes z~_ushing, s_nd rodding of clogged sewer lines; excavation and re~airs to broken sewer lines and operation of pumps. Work is performed trader the supervision of a foreman and is subject to review by observation of work in progress and inspection of completed assignments. ILLHSTRATIVE TASKS Installs and repairs sanitary sewers, water Iines~ b~ydrants and related equipment. Removes, fits and installs pipe, works in trench or excavations four to ten feet in depth, often with water in excavation. Peforms work in manholes, sets water meters. Operates mechanical sewer cleaning equipment; tappi~ equipment. Performs related work as required. KNO~LEDGE~, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of construction tools and equipment utilized in sewer installations. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructicas. Ability to perform heavy manual labor for extended periods. Ability to recognize safety hazards in the work involved and to take precautionary measures to protect self and others. Good physical condition s_nd health; sufficient phj~sical strength and freedom from disabling defects. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AMD TRAINiNG Graduation from a standa~high school and one year's experience in water a~d sewer work or any equivalent combination of expem~ience and training. REFUSE COLLECTOR I NATURE OF WORK This is heavy manual labor in the collection and disposal of trash. Employees do routine repetitive work as part of a crew in collection of refuse and other waste: materials and in transporting them %o disposal area. Work is characterized by the necessity for considerable physical exertion and for working out of doors regardless of weather. Ail work is closely supervised bythe employee in charge of the craw. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Uses pitch forks, shovels, and similar hand tools %o pick up g~neral refuse and trash from curbstoae and other areas. Rides with truck to disposal area and assists trmck operator and dump personnel in removing trash. Performs related work as required. _.KN~ ,OWLEDGES? ABILITIES AND Abil_ity and willingness to work constantly w'lth waste ma~erlals.~ ' Sufficient physical strength and agility to lift~ move~ and carry very. heavy objects and to work under all conditicas of weather. DESLRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRA!NIRV, Some experience in heavy manual labor and ability %o read and va~ite English. REFUSE COLLECTOR II NATURE OF WORK This is heavy manual labor in the co!lectica and disposal Of garbage. Employees do routine repetitive work as part of a~ crew in collecting garbage, refuse and other waste materials and in transporting them to disposal area. Work is characterized by the necessi~r for considerable physical exertioa, by close daily contact with unpleasant materials, and for working out of doors regardless of weather. All work is closely supervised by the employee in charge of the crew. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS As ground man ca a refuse collection crew; walks to the garbage disposal areas of ccmmercial and residential premises carrying large empty c~ntainer; empties garbage cans into coutainer; picks up any spilled materials; visits locaticas until box is filled; returns to truck; empties ccatainer into tr~ck~ Rides with truck to disposal area and assists truck operator and dump personnel in removing garbage. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ,ABILITIES AND SKIILS Ability and willingness to work ccastantly with ~mpleasant waSte materials. Sufficient physical strength and agility to lift, move., and carry very heavy objects and to work under all ccmditicas of Weather. DESIt%~BLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAIN-IRE- Experience in heavy manual labor and ability to read and write English. FOREMAN I NATURE OF WORK This is supervision and participation in various labor activities. Foremen II must bring tQ the job significant knowledges, and skills related to their maintenance and reconstruction assignments. They work under less supervision than do Foremen I and are expected to anticipate work assignments. EmpLoyees exercise independent. judgment and make decisions within the scope of their specific assignments. AssigDments are received in oral or written form and work is subject to frequent reviews and inspection by superiors. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises and assits men and equipment in trksh collection, mowing operations; street and sewer repairs, tractor drawn mowers, and similar equipment; keeps time records and makes reports; in- sures that machinery is serviced properly, that blades and cutters are sharpened. Acts as general maintenance foreman; checks in employees in morning; assigns subordinates to the maintenance needs of the day; visits employees on job sites; revised work schedules to meet emergency situations and employee leaves; inspects Rersonnel for neatness, conduct and general performance of duties. Occasionally reads simple blueprints,-diagrams an.~ sketches which accompany maintenance or reconstruction assignments. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES;.ABILITIES AA~ SKILLS Knowledge of the standard tools and practices used in general labor operations and knowledge of the special techniques of road or grounds maintenance. Considerable knowledge of the occupational-hazards aha necessary safety precautions applicable to the work. Ability to'secure a Florida State driver's license if re- quired by assignment. Ability to lay out and supervise the work of a moderate size group of laborers and in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale. Ability to understand and transmit oral and ~ritten instruc- tions. Ability to keep simple records and to make simple reports. Physical strength and agility sufficient to work long hours out-of-doors and occasionally under adverse weather conditions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE A~ TRAINING Experience in the supervision of general labor work in ~rash collection, grounds maintenance, streets and sewers and completion of the eighth school grade. FOREMAN II '~ NATURE OF WORK This is supervision and participation in an assigned phase of the construction, maintenance and repair program of grounds, streels~ sid~wal~s, Work requires the supervision of men and equipment in the construction and maintenance assigned by a technical supervisor. Work may require the utilization of construction knowIedges, skills, and abilities and employees are often required to coor- dinate the use of labor, materials and earth moving and othem equipment. Work is assigned by a superior, who checks work ~n process and upon completion and gives detailed supervision to the more technical engineering phases of the ~ork. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS. Supervises and assists in the work of tradesmen and laborers to complete the assigned task in the most efficient and economical manner. Inspects work in progress and gives men instructions-and advise on difficult problems; occasionally operates equipment in emergencies. Keeps r~cords on labor, equipment, and materials and submits reports on projects completed;requisitions necessary equipment and materials. Supervises laborers engaged in the maintenance of'grass, fertilizing, mowing and landscaping or warehousing. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of the methods, materials and techniques used in construction and maintenance activities. Knowledge of effective supervisory techniques and ability to plan, assign and supervise the work of others in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale. Ability to understand, interpret, and effectively carry out written or oral instructions. Ability to keep records and prepare reports. Physical strength and agility sufficient to work out-of- doors, occasionally under adverse weather conditions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in the construction and maintenance work, including some supervisory experience; graduation~from a standard high school or vocational school; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. FO~ III NA!~6RE OF WORK IN THIS CLASS: This is highly technical ~nd supervisory work in the construction~ maintenance and housekeeping of grove_ds, streets, building maintenauca. An employee in this class assigms, supervises and participates in the alteration of structures, construction of various city projects as well as normal maintenance work. The duties include the supervision of craftsman and semi-skilled employees. The empl%~ee is expected to ex- ercise considerable independent judgment within established departmental standards and City rules and regulations. General supervision is received through revie~ of written reports, personal conferences with his supervisor and job performance. ILLUSTRATIVE. EX~LES OF WORK: Trains new personnel~ prepares reports pertaining to employees and assigns work to his staff. Supervises and participates in heavy maintenance and construction of projects, and Receives chemicals for storage, and maintains chemical storage areas for parks, streets or building maintenance. Supervises and participates in the painting of structures and equipment; maintains the grounds around the structures. Performs related work as required. ESSENTr_&L KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of 2he occupational hazards and safety precautions of the work. Considerable knowledg? of his department's functions and its physical layout as required to guide him in his position. Considerable knowledge of the methods~ materials and praotices used in his department. Ability to work from sketches., drawings andb!ueprints smnd to understand and carry out oral and written instructions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and subordinates. Ability to supervise and train employees. Ability to keep records of work performed. Skill in the use and care of tools and equipment used in the performance of the job. QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation, state high school diploma, GED certificate~ or trade school and two years experience in his department; or any equivalent combination of training and/or experience. SANITARY OFFICER (Health Officer).L NATURE OF WORK This is semi-skilled field and office work in handling complaints and violations arising from municipal lot and garbage ordinances. Employee also checks reported viOlations when necessary. Assignments are received in both written and oral form and in most instances are of a specific nature. Work is performed semi-independ- ently in accordance with well established procedures; however, employee is required to exercise consider~le, independent judgment. Assistance and advice are available in difficult or unusual situations. Work is reviewed through accomplishment, personal inspection and analysis of reports by the Department Head, the Supt. of Public Works and Utititie~ ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Maintains continuing checks 'on all areas of 'the city to correct any violation of the municipal code on trash, garbage and weed control. Handles complaints arising from these Violations. Must be able to enforce these codes and ordinances with firmness and tact. Must be able to handle complaints in a courteous, efficient manne~ Ability to work well with fellow employees and thegenera! pu~iic. Must be able to operate heavy equipment used within the sanitatiox department. Performs related work as required. REQUIREMENTS: Graduate of a standard high school. Considerable knowledge of municipal codes and ordinances relatin9- to garbage, trash and weed control. ~bility to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Resolution 7300 8/7/73 NATURE OF WORK PARKS SUPERVISOR This is supervisory work in directing the operation, construction and maintenance and repair of municipal cemeteries, parks, beach and playground areas, parking lots and areas and municipal build- ings. Employee is responsible for planning, directing and coordin- ating the construction, maintenance and repair of these facilities. Supervision is excercised over a number of non-skilled, semi-skilled, and lead laborers. A~ssignments are received from a superior and may be extended orally or in written form. Need for additional work may be determined by employee through his constant Check of the ~ove named facilities and such work is reported to a superior for scheduling. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises, .plans, and inspects construction of parking areas, beach, parks, playgrounds and other related maintenance and construction tasks. Estimates costs of projects, prepares, requisitions for materials and supplies, checks invoices and division payroll; assigns and re-assigns personnel; plans work procedures and confers with administrative superior concerning such activities. Investigates needed repairs, prepares necessary reports, specifies methods and materials to be used on jobs. Prepares reports of materials and equipment used and work accomplished. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of park, playground, beach maintenance and repair. Considerable knowledge of the occupational hazzards peculiar to the work; knowledge of safety precautions and ability to transmit such knowledge to crews working under his supervision. Ability to plan, schedule, supervise and coordinate the activities of the employees under his supervision. Ability to supervise and manage large and small labor crews. Ability to read and interpret ble prints and to follow grades estab- lished by engineering computations; ability to establish and maintain effective working reAationships with other employees and the general pnb!ic. DESIRABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Considerable experience in the supervision of cemetery, park and beach facilities including construction, repair and maintenance of same and graduation from a standard high school SANITATION SUPERVISOR NATURE OF WORK This is supervisory work in the collection and disposal of garbage. An employee in this class is responsible for the planning, direCting and supervision of personnel engaged in re- fuse collection and disposal activities. It' is essential that the work by properly scheduled and distributed and that crews move continuously throughout the city according to the pre- determined schedule, working quietly and u_nobtrusively. Work is performed under general supervision of the super- visor with whom special or particular problems are discussed. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Plans, organizes, schedules and directs and inspects work of garbage collection employees working in small cremsin assigned .districts. Reviews and inspects collection routes and individual per- formances of employees. Receives and answers minor complaints, refers major or in- volved complaints to supervisor. Checks for illegal disposal of garbage~ trash or other refuse. Supervises disposal of refuse at landfill dump. Maintains records and prepares regular reports as required. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of effective and efficient methods and procedures for scheduling collection and disposal of garbage and refuse. Knowledge of 'the operation and use of a variety of automotive equipment used for garbage pick up and disposal. Ability to plan, lay out, schedule and inspect the work of truck drivers, and otherpersonnel engaged in garbage and refuse collection; ability to handle large or small crews of employees., Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school,- supervisory experience in scheduling and routing trucks. ASSISTANT SANITATION SUPERVISOR This is a position requiring supervisory skills in the work of Collecting and disposing of garbage and refuse. An employee in this class manages all aspects of the job when the S~pervisor is away. The employee must be able to coordinate and assist the Supervisor in scheduling the crews. Work is performed ~nder the general supervision of the Supervisor of Sanitation° ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Helps review and inspect collection routes. Receives and answers minor' complaints. Refers other complaints to his superior. Sees that all equipment is maintained and cleaned daily. Checks to see that the dumpsters are properly maintaine~ and placed in authorized areas only. REQUIREMENT OF JOB Must be thoroughly familiar with all equipment ~sed in this dept. Able to assist in the supervision of non-skilled and semi- skilled workers and in scheduling and routing trucks. Able to establish and maintain good and effective working relationships with fellow employees and general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE Graduation from the tenth grade or any equivalent combination of training and experience which the above outlines. BUILDING MAINTENANCE sUpERVISOR NATUi:[E OF WOPJ( This is supervisory and skilled work in the maintenance, repair and alteration of buildings and structures. Work involves assigning, supervising and participatSnag in the work of a small group of building mechanics and assistants engaged in a va_~ety of tasks in the maintenance, repair~ and alteration of buildings, structures and related equipment. Work involves the application of skills in several standard building trades. Assignments are usually received iu the form of work orders; the employee exercises considerable discretion in determining work methods. Work is performed under general supervision and is reviewed through insoec- tions of completed work and reports. - ILLUSTRATl-~E TASKS Supervises and performs carpentry work in tearing down and rebuilding partitions, repairing floors and ceilings, construct~ small structures, building cabinets and recreational items, and repairing roofs. Supervises and participates in repairing doors, locks, window frames, tables~ chairs ~and other wooden equipment. Supervises and participates in painting, cement and masonry work relative to building maintenance. Supervises and participates in the mechanical repair of cooling equip- ment, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and dehumidifiers, and in the repair of plumbing fixtures and systems. Supervises and participates in electrical system repairs, and installations. Instructs and trains personnel in trade's work; maintains records and inventory of tools and equipment; requisitions materials; prepares work estimates.. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEI~ES,. ABILITIES AND SA~TY.Y.q Considerable knowledge of the methods, practices, tools, and materials in several of the building trades. Ability to work from blueprints and to prepare rough pencil sketches of equipment and fixtures to be constrmcted or repaired, Ability to inspect a wide variety of electrical, mechanical and other equipment and f~xtures to determine defects and needed repairs. Ability to supervise a small group of skilled or unskilled workers when necessary. Ability to maintain and make minor repairs to shop equipment and tools. Ability to keep records and prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective work~ relationships with employees and departmental officials. Skill in the use and care of hand tools and equipment in several building trades. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; and considerable experience in skilled building maintenance and repair work. ELECTRICIAN NATURE OF WORK This is skilled work in the maintenance and repair o£ control panels and m~vitches, wiring of all city hut!dings, ap_d otb_er in- stallations such as pumping stations, ~vater and sew-er plants, j~n_ e~®!oye in this classification may exercise limited supervision over one or more semi-skilled laborers. Emp!oye uses journe~-man-!eve! s!~i!!s~: ho~veYer~ assig~nents are so varied that he must be able to per£o_v~_~ with reasonable ability work of a mechanical nature. Assignments are received in both oral and written for~. Work is performed under the general superwision of the Building lfanagement Supervisor but considerable independent ~udg merit is exercised. Advice and detailed instructions are given on all major repair or construction jobs° ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Performs general electrical maintenance, repair and construction tasks at journeyman level. Selects proper tools and equipment for specific Uses electrical equipment, performs general electrical maintenance and repair work in municipal buildings, facilities, electric lights, lift stations, etc. as assigned. Assumes responsibility for care and condition Of equipment used.. Performs related ~vork as required. KNG~LEDGE~ ABILITY AND SKILLS Considerable kn~ledge of the use of electrical toOls and materials. Ability to perform the duties o£ a journeyman electrician a_nd to lead semi-skilled or non-skilled vsorkers as hetpers~ Ability to operate various types of light mechanical or automotive equipment. Ability to understand and fo!lo~v comp!ex ora! and written directions. Ability to establish and maintain effective ~orking relations_hips v~i%h other employes and the general public. DESIRABLE w~XPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school or any e~uiva!ent Combination of experience and training. Journeyman electrician's license issued by the ~igy o£ Boyntom Beach is a definite requirement. Resolution 74-D 2/19/74 SIGN SHOP OPERATOR NATURE OF WORK This is technical work in the operation of a sign and paint shop. Some skills may be acquired on the job; however: the ability to perform lay out, hand lettering and sor. e ski. il i~, machine work is required. An employee in this classifica- tion is responsible for.the construction, maintenance and re- pair of all city signs (street, traffic, directional, warning, etc). Employee also surveys assigned areas to determine the need of new signs or repairs to existing signs. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Superintendent of Public Services, but considerable latitude is allowed in scheduling specific jobs and work procedure. Employee is also required to ~ubmit monthly performance and stock control records to SUperintendent of Public Services. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Manufac.tures and prepares metal blanks for street and traffic signs; applies Scotch-Lite background; applies legend; assembles signs. Supervises the erection of all signs and markers in specified locations. Checks requests for street signs and markers and constructs and installs same'after discussion with, and approval of Super- intendent of Public Services. Naintains and/or repairs city signs of all types.. Designs layout of special signs as requested. Prepares same either by machine or hand. Manufactures, repairs and maintains and supervises installa- tion of all traffic control signs. Performs varied and difficult painting tasks with power spray equipment; surveys specific areas to establish the need for signs as assigned; checks complaints on signs and makes neces- sary adjustments, with the approval of the Supt. of F~blic Services. Naintains adequate minimum supply of materials needed. Keeps all equipment in good working order. Keeps daily work record and other records as required. Keeps work area clean and neat. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of modern principles and methods of sign construc- tion, maintenance and repair. Some specific training or a natural aptitude for art work. Working knowledge of geography of the city and of the laws and ordinances controlling the erection of signs. Ability to operate a Scotch-Lite machine and to do compezent hand lettering work; ability to plan and execute a job with minLmura supervision. - -~ Ability to follow complex oral and written directions; ability to correctly survey specific areas to establish need for signs. Ability to establish and maintain semi-complex records; to prepare concise and informative reports and to maintain an efficient stock control. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING MECHANIC I NATURE OF WORK This is manual work involving the servicing and minor adjustment of automotive equipment and the performance of related tasks. Employee in this class is responsible for servicing auto- motive equipment with fuel and lubricants according to estab- lished service station practices and the maintenance of mileage and other operating records. Work is performed under the general supervision of Mech,anic II and largely follows routine procedures. Work is subject to inspection during progress and upon. completion by Garage and Shop Foreman. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Services and lubricates cars, trucks~ tractors, graders, mowers and other related automotive equipment. Makes minor repairs under direction of Mechanic II, c~aecks. ~nd cleans radiators, tires, batteries as directed. Keeps gasoline, oil and mileage records. Checks. ?~uipment for minor defects, reports same to Mechanic II, and repalrs~same as assigned. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of operation and maintenance needs of automotive equipment. Working knowledge of the technique of automotive servicing. Ability to service cars, trucks and related equipment e~ficiently. Ability to make minor repairs and adjustments. Ability to follow oral and written directions. Ability to keep simple records. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees as well as the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in automotive servicing.work, and completion of the eighth school grade, or any equivalent combination of experience, and training. ,: NECHANtC I I NATURE OF WORK This is skilled work at a journeyman level in the main- tenance and repair of gasoline and diesel-powered equipment. Employees in this class perform skilled tasks in the mech- anical repair and maintenance of automobiles, trucks, tractors, graders, bull-dozers, rollers, dragtines~ and other standard and'special.izod automotive equipment. Employees work under general supervision of Garage and Shop foreman using independent judgment as to the method of repair after receiving oral or writ- ten instructions as to the nature of the work to be done. Work may be checked by Forema~ during progress or upon completion. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Does general overhauling and repairing, of light and heavy trucks, gasoline-or diesel motors, tractors, mowers, bull-dozers, graders and other equipment assigned to Public Services Depart- ment. Repairs and maintains automobiles and light trucks assigned to other City Departments; makes complete overhauls., other tha~ machining pa~ts; does auto body and related painting work. Inspects-, adjusts and replaces necessary units and related parts of such equipment. Repairs and overhauls brakes, ignition system, ~tr~nsmissions, differentials, axle assembles and tunes motors using standard- ized testing equipment. ' Performs related work as requested. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKII.I.S Considerable knowledge of s~andard ~ractices and equipment of the automotive~trad~. Good working knowledge of the principles of operation of gasoline and diesel engines and of mechanical repair on heavy trucks and construction equipment. Considerable knowledge of electric and acetylene welding. Ability.to understand and carry out complex oral and written instructions and others. Ability to adapt available tools and repair parts to specific repair and adjustment work. Skill in locating and adjusting defects in automotive equipme~:~ Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation-' ships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience as a journeyman automotive mechanic, preferably - on heavy equipment. Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school, or any equivalent combination of training and experience or any equivalent combination of experience and training, Auto Shop Supervisor NATURE OF WORK This is skilled manual and supervisory mork in the maintenanae, repair and over- haul of automotive and related equipment. Work extends to checking all equipment~ ordering of automotive repair parts and supplies as me!l as lcd expediting fleet maintenance, repair or overhaul. The employee exercises considerable independent judgment and initiative in devising mork methods so as to maintain the equipment in good operating condition. He is responsible for the efficiency, production~ safety and mork habits of his crem. Work is revie.med through conferences on administrative problems, reviem of reports of equipment operation and shop ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Supervises, plans and inspects mork of ~eohanic I and ~chanim II in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of gasoline and diesel-pomered automo%ive, construction and related equipment. Keeps records of all such equipment serviced. Estimates cost of such repairs and overhauls as required. Investigates needed repairs, prepares necessary reports of same for Shop Supervisor. Checks invoices and payroll and plans mork procedures. Performs related mork as required. KNOWLEDGES, ~BILITIES AND SK!LLb Considerable knomledge of automotive mechanics, both gasoline and diesel. Considerable knomledge of the proper methods of repair, main%~nance and overhauling of automotive, construction and related equipment and considerabl~ on-the-spot appli- cation of these skills. Ability to devise and develop long-range automotive servicing plans and programs and to make sound decisions on matters of operating policies and administrative probtems~ Ability to adapt available tools and repair parts to specific repair, maintenance and adjustable mork. Ability to impart such knomledge to men morking under his supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective morking relationships mith other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience as a master mechanic, preferably on heavy equipment; graduation from a standard high school or vocational school and additional mork in auto mechanics at an advanced trade school level, or any equivalent combination of training and experience. EQUIPMfl~h~ OPERATOR I NATURE OF WORK This is semi'skilled work involving, operation of a tractor or related light equipment. This employeeperforms a variety of laboring tasks requiring some job-acquired skills. Duties are usually routine and may be performed with some degree of independence. Employee may be assigned as truck driver, tractor or mower operator, or operator of similar light equipment. Re is responsible for the safe, efficient operation of the unit asAigned. Work involves occasional supervisory responsibilities as iead:worker in a small crew. Ail work is subject to inspection while in progress and on completion, although employee is expected to work mith little close supervision on routine tasks. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Operates light tractor or tractor driven mower. Cleans equipment and may act as semi-skilled helper %for Mechanic on small maintenance and repair job if requ~este<t. . Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some experience in manual and s~m~Skilled'maintenanca ~ork. Graduation from a standard elementary school. Some mechanical knowledge and aptitude. Ability to operate various types Of automotive equipment: safely and efficiently. Ability to understand'and follow oral and%rritten directions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships ~rith other employees and the general public. Knowledge of the occupational haZzards involved and the safety precautions neccessary in the operation of light equipment. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard elementary school. Must have valid Chauffeur's license issued by the State of Florida. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II NATURE OF WORK This skilled work in the operation of moderate!y complex specialized maintenance an~ construction equipment. Work involves responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of maintenance and constrction equipment and also involves servicing the equip- ment and making minor running mechanical repairs. Assi~mnents may be given to the employee in detail for each job or work may fOllow,an established routine. Work is reviewed by a superior for adherence to standards hy observation of work performed and conferences with the employee. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Operates a bulldozer in leVeling, filling and excavating the beach, ditches~ roads and other surfaces; uses bulldozer in lot clewing duty. Operates a motor driven street sweeper; sweeps street .and gutters on an assigned route. Operates a motor patrol grader in building, Shaping and maintmining road surfaces; follows desigm~ted grades, levels ball Ri~monds and other plan areas; cuts ditch valleys. Performs manual labor incidental to the operation to which assigned includimg the laying of pipes, truck driving, and other tasks. Services equipment and performs minor field repairs and adjustments to the assigned equipment. Performs related work as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of the operation maintenance and use of moderately heavy motor equipment in general construction and maintenance activities. Considerable knowledge of the traffic laws, oridinances and regulations involved in equipment operation. Knowledge of occupational Hazards involved and the safety precautions necessary in the operation of heavy motor driven equipment. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Ability to secure a Florida State Chauffeur's license at the time of appointment. Skill in the operation Of motor driven equipment over rough,'slipperyor ;~.. unstable surfaces. Physical strength and agility sufficient to do strenous laboring tasks under varying weather conditions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in the operation and maintenance of construction or maintenance equipment similar to that of assignment; ability to read and write, or any equivalent combination of experience and training. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III NATIRIE OF WORK This is skilled work in the operation of such heavy equipment as draglines, finished graders and Traotavators. Employees in this class are responsible for the safe and efficient operation of heavb~ automotive and related equipment used in construction maintenance and similar activities. Work is normally performed on one specific piece of equipment, however, employees are required at times to operate other equipment or perform semi-skilled tasks, Work includes the servicing and possible field repair of equipment. Assignments may be given in detail for each job or work may follow established pattersn. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS. Operates a diesel or gasoline-powered traxcavator or heavy bulldozer in shaping or grading road or dump surface. Pushes and buries garbage at dump. Operates drag line in various operations. Performs incidental non-skilled and semi-skilte~t labor if assigned. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of standard practices, .methods and materials used in heavy construction and maintenance acitvities. Considerable knowledge of the principles and techniques of operating and maintaining heavy construction equipment. Considerable knowledge of the rules of safe operation of heavy equipment and of the precautions to be taken to avoid accidents. Ability to make minor repair and adjustments and to service heavy equipment, Skill in the operation of heavy and specialized automotive and related equipment. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience in the operation of heavy automotive or related equipment and completion of the eighth school grade or any equivalent combination of exper- ience and training. REFUSE COLLECTION DRIVER NATDq{E OF WORK To perform semi-skilled and manual work of ordinary difficulty and responsibility in the operation of a truck such as a load packer, in the eollection of garbage. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Drives and responsible for proper operation and minor maintenance of load. packer truck and trucks of various sizes and capacities. Directs and perform~ in activities of crew of men assigned to truck covering and assigned territory or route, in the pick- ing up and hauling of trashand/or garbage to a dumping location. Gases truck, checks various items such as tires, batteries oil, water and the like. Cleans truck as directed. Performs other related work as required including manual labor in helping to load truck. · Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ~BILITIES AND SKII.LS , Knowledge of the principles of operation and servicing of trucks and related automotive equipment. Knowledge of the traffic laws, ordinances and regulations involved in equipment operation. Knowledge of the occupational hazzards involved and the safety precautions necessary in the operation of trucks. Ability to understand and follow oral and written directions. Ability to learn geography of city and assigned routes. Ability to operate trucks, packers, loaders tractors and related automotive equipment. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAININ~ Graduation from a standard elementary school, or any equivalen~ combination of training and experience~ Nust have valid Chauffeur's License issued by the State of Florida. NATURE OF WORK LIBRARY PAGE/ F~L~F CLE~ NON-CLASSIFIED POSITION This is routine library work in connection with library operations and clerical duties. Employees in this classification Work in circulation desk routine; receive and process new books; maintain loan records; and process overdue notices and filing books. Assists other library personnel in library work. Work is performed under close supervision and is checked for accuracy and conformance to routine. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists at circulation desk assisting student o~ selection of books, periodicals and materials; assists in reference work. Types cards and pockets, pasting, embossing and printing; files books on shelves. Types registration cards;'typing borrowers' name, s in regis- tration book; files registration cards, Mends books as directed. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some knowledge of library practices End procedures. Knowledge of clerical routine and operation of standard office, equipment. Ability to meet and deal with the public with poise~ tact, patience and courtesy. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING ComPletion 6f. two years of high school. LIBRARY DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK Direct and administer the library's activities and growth. Keep informed of developments and participate in. activities of professional and community organizations. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Plans and administers the library program.' Supervises the library staff. Selects and evaluates personnel. Selects materials and evaluates library collection. Submits recommendations on library policies, services, and budget to the City Manager. Implements policy decisions as established by the City Manager and/or City Council. Supervises building and grounds. Supervises public relations. Assists when necessary in public service areas. Works with the Library Board and acquaints the Board with special problems involving the library. Prepares and presents special reports. Performs other related duties as required. KNOWLEDGE~ SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Ability to communicate effectively. Ability to assess community interests and needs and to plan library services. Ability to meet the public and maintai~ their confidemce. Knowledge'of budgeting and public library finance. Skill in supervising others. DESIRAB~ EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduate degree in library science from an American Library Association accredited school. Appropriate professional and super- visory experience. LIBRARIAN I NATURE OF WORK Keep informed of developments and participate in activities of professional and community organizations. Specialized servi~responsiblity or minor administrative duties performed with professional supervision. ILLUSTRATIVE. TASKS Assists readers in the selection, organization and interpretation of library materials. Performs reference services for individnals, groups or agencies. Catalogs and classifies materials. Conducts programs for adults and children. Instructs patrons in the use of basic referenc~ tools and catalogs. Participates in selection and eYaluatiom of materials~ SUpervises, maintains or assists witk special files and indexes. Organizes and reviews the maintenance of the library card catalog and related records and work. Does difficult bibliographic searching Provides professional and technical assistance in effecting a variety of library programs. Performs Other related duties as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the principles and practices of professional library work. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Ability to perform efficiently as head of one or more major divisions of library service. Familiarity with specialized bibliographic and reference tools. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduate degree in library science from an American Library Association accredited school. No prior experience necessary. LIBRARIAN II NATURE OF WORK Keep informed of developments and participate in activities of professional and community organizations. Major service or administrative responsibility performed without immediate supervision. Acts in the absence of the Library Director. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS similar to Libmarian I, except more difficult as experience is gained. Additional duties may include: Assists in the selection and evaluation of personnel. Plans and supervises the work of subordinates. Prepares necessary reports. Provides administrative and professional assistance to the Director. Performs other related duties as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS~ AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of standard library principles, procedures, methods and techniques. Ability to communicate effectively. Ability to perform efficiently as head of one or more major divisions of library service. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees and the general public. Reading background and knowledge of bibliographic sources in a .specialized subjAct field where appropriate. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduate degree in library science from anAmerican Library Association accredited school. Experience as a professional librarian in various library situations or experience in'depth in a specialized lib~ry situation. LIBRARY ASSISTANT I NATURE OF WORK Performs sub-professional library tasks which follow well- established procedures and policies. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists at public service desk. Locates books and publications for patrons Collects fines. Issues borrowers identification cards according to establish~d procedures. Repairs books and other library materials in accordance with. accepted library practices. Assists in technical processing. Answers inquiries of non-professional nature on phone and in person, and refers persons requiring professio~I assistance to librarian. Does simple typing eg: order slips, borrowers cards and other library records. Checks ~in periodicals, services, documents, etc. and prepares them for circulation. Performs related work as required. KNOI~gDGE, SKTLLS~ A_ND ABILITIES Knowledge of libraryprocedures. Ability to make minor decisions in accordance with established policies and procedures. Ability to follow oral and ~rritten instructions. Ability to enforce library ~ules and regulations, with tact and courtesy. Familiarity with library equipment. Ability to utilize judgment in dealing with the public. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relatio~ ships with other employees and the general public. DESIRA~I,R EXPERIENCE AdD TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school supplemented with experience in working in a library and/or with the public; or any ~quivalent .combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. LIBRARY ASSISTANT II NATURE OF WORK Performs sub-professional and technical library work. Work is under general supervision and reviewed by a superior. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Performs duties similar to Library Assistant I but more detailed; in addition: Handles circulation routines. Assists patrons with special requests and searches collection to fill requests. Reserves books. Files cards. Maintains loan records~ Processes over due notices. Updates and maintains borrower's registration information. Prepmres new books for circulation. Assists public in using the library. Assists at the public service desk. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ SKILLS~ AND ABILITIES Knowledge of standard library principles, techniques, methods and procedures. General reading background and interest, Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- Ships with other employees and the general public. Ability to work independently in a wide variety of situations. Knowledge of all types of library media. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation supplemented by some advanced study in~ college and/or courses in library science supplemented by work in a library; or any equivalent combination of traiming and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. LIBRARY ASSISTANT III NATURE OF WORK Exercise descretion and judgment in work perfo-mnance. Reports directly to a professional librarian. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Performs work similar to Library Assistant II but of a more complex nature; in addition: Answers routine reference questions. Does bibliographic searching. Assists in cataloging and classifying Iibrary materia!s. Assists library patrons in finding materials. Assists in selection of materials. Maintains or assist with special files or in~exes. Reviews library material~ Supervises work of non-professional personnel. Maintains library records, circultion records, files amd displays. Oversees circulation routines. Trains and oversees pages. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE~ SKILLS: AIND ABILITIES Knowledge of standard library principles, techniques, methods and procedures. Ability to plan work and supervise perSOnnel. Considerable knowledge of and an interest in books and other library materials. Knowledge of reader .interest level. Ability to use independent judgment. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Four year College degree supplemented bysome experience in library work or work deatingwith the public; or any equivalent combination of training and experience.which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. LIFEGUARD I NATURE OF WORK This is responsible observational work on the municipal beach. Employees in this class are responsible for the safety of persons on the beach or in swimming and bathing.. Work consists of excercising actual life saving functions and preventative safety measures. The employee works 'under the supervision of a Life Guard II with some independence of action. There is an element Of personal danger which stems .from the pro- tection of persons ~using the beach and beach facilities. Work is checked periodically by the senior Life. Guard (II). ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Watches the water and. beach, area vigilantly fbr lurking dangers, persons in trouble, undertow, swimmers who have ven- tured out too far, etc. Aids Life Guard II to regulate beach activity and safeguard public property. Repairs and paints bouys, towers, lines, and other equipment. Administers First~Aid for minor cuts and bruises. ~akes report of sa~e to Life Guard II. Obtains professional aid imme- diately in the case of serious injury or accident. Sees that beach is free of debris washed ashor~ by the tides. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of life saving procedures. Thorough knowledge of ocean currents and how to figh~ them. ~ Thorough knowledge of the princ.iples and techniques of artificial'respiration. Ability to swim long distances in rough water; to handle fr~?~.tlc and hysterical persons in the water and to overcome, any ~po~ible obstacles in rescue operations. Ability to remain calm and alert in eme.rgencies and to react quickly and effectively; ability to instruct bathers in the pre- vention of various dangers and to supervise their activities. Ability to perform rigorous excercises and keep in top physical condition. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees and the general public and to maintain a neat appearance and pleasant manner at ~i1 times. Skill in the practices of First Aid principles and techniques. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING' Completion of an Oceanic Rescue Training Course. Possession of a valid Red Cross Life Saving Certificate and sound knowledge of the princ'iples of life saving. Some experience as a Life Guard; graduation from a standard high school. LIFE.~ GUARD II NATURE OF WORK This is responsible observational and supervisory work on the beach. An employee in this class is responsible for the safety of persons on the beach or in the water in the guarded area. Work consists of excercising actual life saving functions an~ preventati%-e safety measures and there is an element of personal danger involved when it becomes necessary. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Watches the water and beach area vigilantly for lurking dangers, persons in trouble, swimmers who have ventured out too far, u_nder~ows~ rough plan on beach, etc. Rescues persons from the water. Uses artificial respiration mntil resuscitator arrives. Regulates beach activities, guards public property. Repairs and paints bows, t~vers, lines and other equipment. Provides first aid for minor cuts and bruises. Obtains professional aid immediately in the event of serious injury. Sees that beach is kept free of debris washed ~shore by the tides. Performs related work as required. Supervises all work of Life Guard i and as~umes responsibility for all activi%ie at the beach. KNOWLEDGE.~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of life saving procedures. Thorough knowledge of ocean currents and how to fight %hem. Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of artificial respiration. Ability to swim long distances in rough water; to. handle frantic and hysterical persons in the water and %o overcome possible obstacles in rescue operations. Ability to remain calm sm_d alert in emergencies and %o react quickly and efficiently. Ability ~o assume direction of Life Guard I employees a_nd direct all acqivities at the' beach. Ability to perform rigorous excercises and keep in top physical condition; ability to establish and maintain e~2fective working relationships with other employees and %he general public and to maintain a nea~ appearance and pleasant manner at all times. DESIRABLE w----------------~XPER!ENCE AND TRAINING Completion of an oceanic rescue training course;- possession of a valid Red Cross Life Saving Certificate and thorough knowledge of ~he principles of life saving. Not less than three (3) years experience as Life Guard I aB a municipal beach. Abiti%y to instruct bathers in the prevention of various dangers; graduation from a standard high school. LIFEGUARD CAPTAIN NATURE OF WORK This is responsible participatory and supervisory work in the protection of life on the municipal beaches. An employee in this class is required to assume all the duties and responsibilities of enforcing safety rules and regulations of the beach. Work is performed under the general direction of the Recreation Director and is reviewed by observation of results dotained smd through reports submitted. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMP~.F.S OF WORK Maintains general supervision of the Beach Patrol. Supervises maintenance of all lifesaving equipment. Maintains training and performance records of individual Iifeo~aards. Dispatches emergency vehicle as required. Supervises and gives practical examinations and water tests to trainees and applicants for lifeguard positiono Performs related work as required. REQU~Rm~NTS OF WORK A minimum of four (4) years paid experience as a professional ocean lifeguard in a municipal, county or state recreation department and a mir~mum of twzo. (2) consecutive years experience as a professional ocean lifeguard in the Beach Division of the Boynton Beach Recreation Department. Ability to effectively supervise the work of others with firmuess and. tact. · Ability to train and/or effectively supervise training of new applicants and Lifeguard trainees. Ability to maintain performance and training records of individual lifeguards. Thorough knowledge of lifesaving methods and practices and of lifesaving equipment and of maintaining all life~aving equipment in peak condition. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees mud general public. Must possess a current valid Senior Life Saving Certificate. RECREATION ATTENDANT NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial and minor cleriCal work in- volving public contact at an assigned municipal recreation faeilit¥, An employee in this class is responsibility for such tasks as taking charge of an assigned recreation area not re- quiring the services of a professional leader. Work also in- volves routine cleaning and maintenance of building areas or grounds. There is.little opportunity for independent action, and work is performed in accordance with specific rules and regulations under the re~ative!y close supervision of profes- sional personnel. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS- Answers questions from public using facilities; ch'ecks games equipment in and out. Keeps attendance records of games activities. Turns lights on and off and sees that facility is locked at night. Maintains congenial atmosphere. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Ability to prepare simple reports. Ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the general public. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written instruc- tions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation. ' RECREATION LEADER ~&TURE OF WORK This is varied work invotvimg the operation of the recreation facilities assigned. Employee is responsible for the organization~ development and personal leadership of a special interest activity or activities at a recreation center or facility. Work is performed under the general supervision of Recreation Supervisor I, although employee is directly responsible for operation and conduct of facility as assigned. ILLUST~&TIVE TASKS Answers telephone and uses loud speaker as necessary. Promotes and manages special features (carnivals, pagents, dances, ere) at assigned facility. Plans, promotes and manages other special activities at assigned locations. Performs related work as required. KNgi~LEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILL~ Thorough knowledge of assigned activity and skill in pro~othing its use. Ability to organize, develop and direct assigned activity; skill in the use and care of equipment assigned to specific, activity. Ability to follow oral and written directions. Ability to make change with speed and accuracy and. to keep accurate monetary reports. Ability to learn assigned tasks readily and to adhere to prescribed routines. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationshipswith other employees and the general public. Neat, pleasant appearance. DESIP~_BLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school. NATURE OF WORK RECREATION SUPERVISOR I An employee in this classification is responsible for the organization and conduct of a varied activity pro- gram at an indoor or outdoor recreation center or facility. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Super- intendent of Recreation according to well established and standardized procedures which have been developed; however, considerable initiative and sound judgement are required. Limited supervision may be exercised over one or more em- ployees assisting with the program. iLLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists Superintendent Of Recreation in esta6tishing and coordinating the activity program in a particular area. Helps plan and develop special activities, recruits volunteers, spon- sors .and officials as needed. Makes recommendations to Superintendent of Recreation for betterment of programs in his particular area. Supervises games, contests, sRecizl events and athletic-activities for all age groups. Instructs various athletic activities. Supervises work of recreation Specialist, Life GUard I and other personnel at Wilson Recreation Center. Keeps itemized list of supplies needed for normal and emergency use. Promotes special activities When possible, with the approval of the Superintendent of Recreation. Performs related work as required. K~NOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of the principles, rules and equipment require- ments of all common recreational activities. Thorough knowledge of life saving techniques, principles of First Aid and principles and techniques of artificial re- spiration. Ability to instruct and supervise all phases of activities at a particular recreational area, to keep simple records and prepare reports. Ability to remain calm and.alert in emergencies and to react quickly and efficiently. Ability to assume direction of-employees in an assigned recreational area, to maintain a neat apperance and pleasant manner, and to establish andmaintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the.general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school, preferably supple-. mented by college level courses~in physical education or recrea- tion. Some successful, paid, experience in public recreational activities at a supervisory level. RECREATION MAIiNTENANCE MAN III - DISTINGUIH{I'NG FEATURES OF WORK: EmplOyee assigned to this work performs under the general supervision of a Recreation Supervisor I although the employee is directly.responsible for the operation'and conduct of the facilities as assigned.'- Employee mus~'~ha~e ~iiity to maintain a variety of recreational facilities including the swLmming pools, recreation centers, ball diamondsand playgrounds. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Pool: .................... Operates municipal pool, maintains plant, checks water condition. Maintains high standards of cleanliness at-the pool, bathing area, bathhouse and rest rooms. Maintains water purification at least equal to or above 'the.Minimum'standards-set-by tb_e Pa..lmBeach County~alth DeFt. Centers: Responsible for cleanliness of the center and sets up for plannea '~C~eation'pro~rams.' Parks, P.!ayqrounds, Ball DiamOndS: Responsible.for. maintenance of playground equ&pment and general grounds work=. Makes repairs wh~npossible to'playgro~-~d equipment, basket ball goals, etc. 'Respo~sib!e~for'preparationof ball diamond for' play, to include dragging, watering, setting of bases, plates and marking fields. Employee to perform all the above as well as any related work as'required.. REQUIREMENTS OF WORK: Must. have completed the tenth year of high school Skill ~n the use and care of equipment assigned to specific activities. Thorough knowledge of the care, maintenance and operation of a municipal swimming poolo' .Thorough knowledge, of.modern.principals and practices.of. ~ater purification; knowledge of county and municipal health standards. 'i~-"Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general p~b!ic. Resolution 7300 8/7/73 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II NATURE OF WORK An employee in this class aids in the organization, development, and conduct of a varied municipal recreation program at an indoor or outdoor recreational center or facility. Work is performed according to more or less stan- dardized procedure under the general direction of the Super- intendent of Recreation; however, duties are varied and: con- siderable initiative and sound judgement is required. Limited supervision may be exercised over one or more employees assist- ing with routine work of programs. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Assists Superintendent of Recreation in establishing, planning and coordinating the municipal recreation program; supervises, instructs and directs programs as assigned, plans special events as requested, enforces policies developed by Recreation Department. Helps train employees in special'activities; recruits volunteers, sponsors and officials (referees) when necessary. Makes recommendations to Superintendent of Recreation for betterment of existing programs and for new activities as needed. Instructs 'various athletic activities at all age levels; directs a teen-age program; assists in all phases of recreation program. Dispenses, checks in, and maintains ail departmental ath- letic equipment and materials. Assumes duties of Superintendent of Recreation in his absence. Performs rel'ated work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND S~¥T.LS Knowledge of principles, rules and equipment requirements of all common recreational activities; some knowledge of First Aid and considerable skill in its application; ability to instruct individuals and groups in a variety of recreational activities. Ability to assist in general supervision of Community Civic Center, Casino, Beach, Wilson Recreation Center and all other muni- cipal recreational facilities. Ability to~sume full responsibility for operation of en- tire recreational program in the absence of the Superintendent of Recreation; ability to maintain routine records and prepare re- ports as required; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND T~tINING Graduation from a college or university of recognized stand, trig with a Bachelor's degree in recreational leadership and/or super- vised field work; or graduation from a standard high school supple- mented by college-level courses in recreation' and physical education and some successful, paid experience in public recreational activitie~ at a supervisory level, or any equivalent Combination of'experience and training. RECREATION SUPERVISOR III NATUq~E OF WORK: An employee in this class aids in the organization, development, ....... and conduct of a varied municipal recreation program at an indoor or uudoor recreational center, municipal pool, or other facility. Work is performed according to more or less standardized procedure under the general direction of the Recr~ation:Uirectorz:~a' however, duties are varied and considerable initiative and sound judgement is required. Limited superviSion may 'be exercised o~er One '6r more employees assisting with routine work of programs. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: · Assists Superintendent of Recreation in establishing, -planning and'coordinating the municipal recreation program; supervises, instructs and directs programs as assigned, plans special events as requeSted, enforces policies developed by Recreation Department. Oversees the opera~ion of the municipal pool and is resPonSible for all health standards being maintained. Promotes swimming and diving competition. Helps train employees in special activities; recruits~ volunteers, sponsors a~d officials (referees) when necessary. Makes recommendations to the Recreation Director- for betterment o~ existing-Programs and for newactmvztzes' ' ' as needed. Instructs various athletic activities at all age levels; directs a teenage program; aSsists in all phases of recreation program. Dispenses,-checks in and maintains all departmental athletic equipment and materials. Assumes duties of the""~Recreation Director~_.~ in his absence. Perform~"related'work as required. ~ [qNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS:~ Knowledge of principles, rules and equipment requirements of all common recreational activities; some knowledge of First A~d and considerable skill in its application; ability to instruct individuals and groups in a variety of recreational activities. A~ility to assist in general supervision of Community Civic Center, Casino, Beach, Wilson Recreation Center, Municipal Poo! and all other municipal recreational facilities. Ability to develop and maintain competitive swimming and diving program. ' Thorough knowledge of the care, maintenance and operation of a raunicipa! swimming pool. Thorough knowledge of modern principles and practices of water purification. RECREATION SUPERVISOP~TIi COntinued Knowledge of county and municipal health standards. Thorough knowledge of water safety Ability to assume full responsiblity for operation of entire recreational program in the absence of the Recreation Director _ ~' ability t~ maintain routine records and prepare reports as required; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general pubiic~ DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a Bachelor's degree in recreational leadership and/or supervised field work; or graduation from a standard hgih school supplemented by college-level courses in recreation and physical education and some successful, paid experience in public recreational activities at a supervisory level, or any equivalent co~ination of experience and training. Resolution 7.300 .. August 7, 1973 RECR~F~TION DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is responsible a~istrative, technical and supervisory work. Employee is directly responsible for the establis~hment and creative maintenance of a varied community recreation program. Within the con- fines of established policy employee is responsible f~ designing and implementing an effective municipal recreation program for all age groups and for administering such program. Employee is responsible for staffing the program and for in-service training of personnel as required. Work is performed under the general supervision of the City Manager ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Prepares departmental budget; prepares and submits reports of the City Council and the Recreation Board as re_mxired. Developes and maintains effective operating records. Plans additions to, or revisions of, community recreation program after careful research. Authorizes and prepares news releases covering departmental activities and available programs. Checks and synchr~mizes such news releases with Public Relations office before general release. Supervises performances and in-service tra' ~mniug of personnel~ evaluates staff performances; assigns duties. Plans and supervises all phases of the Recreation Program. ~aintains close contact with Florida State Recreation Associatica as a means of learning and adopt~og new developments in the State recreation program to the city's use. Reviews a~d developes'recreational plans and programs suggested by staff, recreation board and the general public. Serves in au advisory capacity, the City Council and the City Manager in all matters pertaining to recreational. · Performs related work' as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILIT7ES kND SKILLq Proven successful and p~rogressive experience in recreation leadership in a supervisory or executive capacity. Ability to plan and develop a municipal recreation program geared to all age groups. Ability to tactfully supervise the work of others and to conduct effective in-service train~ classes. Ability to establish an~ maintain effective work~'~g relationships with other employees, other recreational agencies and the general pmb!ic. DESIRABLE EXPERTF. NCE AND TRATN-~NC~ Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing w~th a Bachelor's Degree, preferably with a major in recreatic~ or physicaI education s~pplemented by graduate level courses in the organization and administration of public recreation. POOL ATTEND~NT N_~1%'~ OF WORK This is varied work involving the operation of the swimming pool ticket office and basketroom at recreation center. Work involves responsibility for selling and collecting tickets, making change and keepLug a report of monies received as well as responsibility for safeguard~og c!oth~mg left in baskets smd for the efficient conduct and operation of the ticket office. Work is performed under the general supervisica of Recreation Supervisor II although employee is directly responsible for operation and conduct of facility as assigned. !w_LUSTRATIVE TASKS Receives fees; sells tickets and gives change when acting as pool cashier. Checks out wire clothes baskets, stores clothes in individual basket, numerically, while bather uses pool; returns clothes %o proper individuals upon request. Does custodial work as required to keep area clean. ~ffakes daily cash report; deposits cash sales at City Hall. Assists in keeping order and good conduct among pool users. Performs related work as required. ABILITIES AND SMITI,~ Knowledge of the methods of simple cashiering. Ability to make change with speed and accuracy and ~o keep accurate monetary reports. Ability to learn assigned tasks readily and to adhere to prescribed routines. Ability to estab!ish~and maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Neat, pleasant appearance. Sufficient physical strength to perform a variety of custodial tasks in the area of assignment. DESIRABLE KXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation, preferably with some experience-in the recreational field or dealing with the public. RECREATION SPECIALIST' NATURE OF WORK This is routine supervisory work. Employee is responsible for the orgamJzation, development and personal leadership of a special interest activity or activities at a recreation center or facility. Work is performed under the general supervision of Recreation Supervisor or the Recreation Director although employee is directly responsible for operation s_nd conduct of facility as assigned. ILLUST~hRTIVE EMJJV~LES OF WORK Promotes and manages special features (carnivals, ~ageants eta.) at assigned facility. Plans, promotes and manages other special activities at assigned locations. Performs related work as required. ~R~QUIREMENTS OF WORK Graduation from a standard high school, preferably m~!~plemented by college-level courses in recreation or physical education. Thorough knowledge of assigned activity and Skill in promoting' its use. Ability to organize, develop and direct assigned activity; skill in the use and care of equipment assigned to specific activity. Ability to plan, devise and manage special features and actiwi%ies at assigned locations. Thorough kn~vledge of the care, maintenance and operation of designated projects. Ability to establish and maintain effective Working relationships with other employees and the general public. NATU .~, .OF WORK RECREATION MONITOR This is routine part-time work involving public contact at an assigned municipal recreation facility. An employee in this class is responsible for smch tasks as taking charge of an assigned recreation area not requiring the services of a professional leader. There is little opportunity for independent action~ and work is performed in accordance with specific rules and regulations under the relatively close supervision of professional persormel. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Answers questions from public using facilities; checks games equipment in and out, issues tickets and collects money at certain recreation sponsored functions. Keeps attendance records of games actlvl' '~'~les Turns lights on and off and sees that facility is locked at night. Maintains congenial atmosphere. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~'.ABILITIES AND SKILLq Ability to prepare simple reports. Ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the general public. Ability to understand and carzTy out oral and written instructions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENC_E~AND TRAINYNG High school graduation. PLAYGROUND LEADER NATURE OF WORK This is work that is performed on a seasonal basis. The employee filling this position would be responsible for activities at a municipal playground, center, pool, gymnasium, or any other recreational facility. Work is performed under the supervision of the Recreation Svmpervisor or Supervisor Ii, using both written and verbal instructions. ILLUST~TiVE TASKS Helps organize neighborhood programs for both children and adults. Helps super-¢ise activities in athletics, arts and crafts, dramatics and the like. Maintains discipline and high moral standards on the playground~ inculcating good sportsmanship and fair play. inspects the playground equipment and activities for safety reporti~ unsafe condit ions. Requisitions equipment for the playground use and trains subordinates in its use. Must be able to work well with the public and fellow employees. DES!R~_BLE EX~R/ENCE AND TRAINING Be a minimum of 18 years of age. Graduate of a standard high school supplemented with college level courses in recreation or any equivalent experience. ~YEEKEND INSTRUCTOR NATURE OF WORK This is routine part-time work involving public contact at an assigned municipal recreation facility on week-ends. _gu employee in this class is responsible for-such tasks as taking charge of an assigned recreation area not requiring the services of a professional leader. There is little opportunity for independent action, and work is performed in accordance with specific detmrtment rules and regulationS. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS 3mswers questions from public using facilities; cheeks game equil~nent in am_d out. Keeps attendance records of games activities. Tu~s lights on and off and sees that facility is locked a% night. Maintains congenial atmosphere. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITiES'AND SKILLS Ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the general public. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written instructions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation. BEACH PARKING ATTF, ND~WT NATURE OF WORK This is routine part-time work involving public contact at the municipal beach. An employee in this class is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations governing vehicles entering the parking area. There is little opportunity for independent action, and work is performed in accordance with specific rules and regulations. Employees in this class are under the direct supervision of the Recreation Director or his designate. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Answers questions from public using facilities, Issues tickets and collects money at the gate house. Keeps attendance records. Turns lights on and off and sees %hat facility is locked at night. Maintains congenial atmosphere. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES,, ABILITIES AND SET/J~q Ability to prepare simple reports. Abili~r to deal tactfully and courteOUsly with the general public. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written instructions. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation. FIRE DISPATCKER-CLERK II NATURE OF WORK This is a semi-skilled position involving the use of a two-way radio system, telephones, and other meansof communica- tion. An employee in this classification receives complaints, inquires and requests for aid; secures information relative to the nature and location of the accident, emergency, or fire; sounds the alert; dispatches men and equipment'to the scene of the occurrence in accordance with well est~lished depart- ment procedures. All typing, filing or other clerical work is performed semi-independently under general supervison-of the Fire Chief and/or his designates. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Receives, records and relays messages from motorized vehicles as well as messages and information from the general.p~btic to the shift Lieutenant or commanding officer. Keeps a radio and telephone log of all communications and activity occurring during assignment hours. Keeps all clerical records; proficient at operating a type-- writer and related office machines and equipment. Performs related work as required. Ki~OWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some basic knowledge of operation of a two-way radio communi- cation system, or ability to become proficient in its operation within a reasonable length of time. Must have ability to receive and transmit all information with speed and accuracy. Ability to learn contr~!in~ laws and regmlations of the City within a reasonable length of time. Ability to learn standard fire procedures and general topo- graphy of the city; ability to execute duties firmly, tactfully and impartially. Considerable knowledge of modern office practices and pro- cedures; i.e. business English, spelling, commercial arthimetic, ability to keep accurate records. FIRE DISPATCHER-CLERK Ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with other employees and the general public. Clear speaking voice and good diction. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE A~ TRAINING Graduation from a standard High School. FIREFIGHTER NATURE OF WORK This is general duty firefighting work in combating, extinguishing and preventing fires and operating fire£ighting apparatus. An employee in this class is responsible for the protection of life and property through firefighting activities usually performed under close supervision. Work requires per-- formance of hazzardous tasks under emergency conditions which may involve handicaps such as smoke and cramped surroundings. · EmploYees may be assigned to the operation, of equipment in responding to alarms, employing special skills learned on the job, or to the conduct of routine fire inspections. A large part of duty time is spent inspecting and'maintaining quarters, Work is normally performed under close supervision~ according. to well established and defined procedures and assignments are received from departmental superiors both in fighting at the station. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Respond~ to fire alarms. Attaches and handles fire hoses and hose connections at the scene of fire; operates hand fire extinguishers and similar equipment; raises, lowers,and climbs ladder; ventilates burning buildings. Removes persons from burning buildings;-answers e~ergency alarms; administers first aid. Performs salvage operations as assigned; operates pumps. Attends instruction sessions conducted by Fire Chief and/ or officer~ or other qualified personnel as designated by him. 'Performs routine cleaning and maintenance tasks. PerfOrms related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AaND SKILLS Familiarity with elementary mechanics; some manual skill and dexterity. Some knowledge of the geography of the city and of the lo- cation of hyflrants; some knowledge of first aid methods. Ability to understand and follow oral and written directions.; ability to react quickly and calmly in emergency situations. Ability to perform prolonged and ardous work under adverse conditions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. Possession of a valid driver's license issued by the State of Florida. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; or any eguivalent combination of ~raining~and experience Certification as Firefighter a~ter completing required Civil Service examinations. F!REFIGHT~%- NATURE OF WORK This is special duty work in the operation of motor- driven fire fighting equipment. Work involves the driving and operating of such apparatus ~ and from alarms and at the scene of the fire. Although the operation and care of such equipment and apparatus is considered the most impor- tant part of his work, employee must also be able to assume the duties of a firefighter as required. Employee is re- sponsible for the ~fficient functioning of assigned equipment at all times. ILLUSTRATIVE. TASKS Inspects all assigned apparatus after each tin, check- ing oil, gasoline, water, batteries and tires. Reports-total pumping time, hose lines used and pressures' maintained to Fire Chief after each run. Makes detailed inspection of assigned vehicle and/or equipment each month and submits report to Fire Chief.- - .~.' · Performs related work as required~ KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES A}~D SKILLS Considerable amount of m~nual skill and dexterity[ Thorough knowledge of the geographical lay out of the city and the territory to be served, including location of hydrants. Thorough knowledge of safety factors involved ~n the operation., of assigned vehicle and ab%l!ty to operate same at speeds consistent with safety considering weather and road conditions' ~ . ..... Ability to o~erate pumper at safe level, not to exceed ' ' " capacity for which it was designed - . Ability to make mental calculations of engine, pressures ~equired'for various sizes of nozzles, length of hose~ v~rtic~i ~istances of nozzle above or below pumper level, for siamesed lines, and other hook-ups that may be necessary. Ability to assist mechanic in making minor repairs. ':' "- Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- '>'tionships with other employees and the general p~blic~ . ~ Thorough knowledge of all apparatus~ equipment and vehicles used'in modern firefighting work. Possession of a valid driver's license issued by the State 'of Florida. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Certification as Fireman-Driver after completing required Civil Service examinations. Graduation from a standard'or vocational high school. Some experience in work affording knowledge of elementary mechanics. FIRE INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK: This is a specialized work in fire inspection of all buildings and promotion of fire prevention, and investigation of all fires as to cause and if an a~tempt of arson had been committed. Employees are responsible for inspecting 'all public buildings anti-places of assembly to insure safety from fire; instructs owners a~d tenants as to special fire appliances needed and locations. Maintains records of all inspections, sees that records of all altus are complete and accurate. Reports all discrepancies and other information to Fire Marshal as required by him, Enforces all regula- tions and codes of the City pertaining to fire and safebf of the public. ~k~ay also be called out to help combat fire when help is needed. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Makes personal and thorough inspections of existing buildings; checkings exits, extinguishers, trash accumulation, housekeeping, electrical hazards, stor- age of explosives and flammable liquids, etc. Assists in training of other personnel in arson detection, pre-planning of fire operations, and other phases of fire fighting activities. Maintains up to date records of inspections, hazards, location of explosives, storage and large amounts of flammable or toxic materials. Promotes fire prevention programs at every opporbanity, check fire: drills in all schools, assist school personnel to assure best me~t~od of fire prevention. Performs related work, as required. KNOWLEDGE ~LITIES AND SKILLS: Considerable knowledge of fire fighting methods. Knowledge of hazards and proper preventive measures.. Some knowledge of electrical equipment and wiring. Some knowledge of construction and good building practices. Ability to establish and maintain good working relations with fellow workers and public. Ability to prepare and present oral and written material pertaining to activities. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE' AND TRAINING: Considerable experience in firefighting Work and graduation from a standard high school or any equivalent combination of experience and training. FIRE MECHANIC NATURE OF WORK This is skilled wdrk in the repair and'maintenance of firefighting equipment. An employee in this class is responsible ~ ~r making all types of repairs to automotive equipmen~ in accordance with standard trade practices. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Fire Chief, or commanding of£icers designated by him; however, employee is required to excercise independent judgment in determiping correct repair methods and procedures. Technical advise is available on difficult or unusual jobs. Work is subject to inspection ~and road test after completion. Employee is required to maintain mileage and other operating records. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS. Repairs and reconditions gasoline, diesel-powered equip- ment, including automobiles, pumpers, ladder trucks, aerials, air compressors, and other specialized equipment. Such repairs include, but are not limited to: facing, grinding and seating valves; setting tappets and rods; repairing or replacing main or connectioh road bearings; inspecting and repairing trans- missions', universal joints, differential and rear ends; cleaning, repairing and adjusting spark plugs, ignition point~, distributors, coils, generators, lights and batteries; repairing sho6k absorbers, adjusting clutches; relining brakes; checks, balances and alligns wheels. Uses welding'and painting equipment. Tests pumping and other equipment for conformance to operational standards. Repairs and maintains electrical sig~ai systems; performs the. duties of fire%ighter as required. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGE; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of the operating principles and mechanics of internal combustion and diesel engines and hydraulics. Working knowledge of the occupational hazzards and safety precautions peculiar to this position. Ability to understand and follow simple and'complex oral and written direction. Skill in the use and care of all tools and' equipment pecu- liar to the mechanics trade. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high schoo.1 or vocational high school; some experience as a journeyman a~tomotive mechanic. Working knowledge' of the tools, equipment and modern methods of automotive mechanics. Possession of a valid driver's license issued by the State of Flor ida. Certification as Mechanic-Fire after completing required Civil Service examinations. FIRE LIEUTENANT NATURE OF WORK This is supervisory work in the direction of the activities of a fire company during an assigned shift. An employee in this class is responsible for the ~iscipli~e of the men on his shift and for the maintenance of apparatus and equipment at a fire station. At a fire, he is responsible for the effective combatting of the fire until relieved of command by a superior fire officer. Work is checked~ and at major fires he is always under the com~mand of ~ superior cf ficero ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Nakes decisions as to the best methods of extinguishing fires, and directs the use of fire fighting equitYment until relieved of command by a superior officer. Supervises laying of hose lines, directing of water stre~ms,. placing of ladders, ventilation of buildings, rescuing of persons, and placing of salvage covers. Supervises the cleaning of quarters, equiPment and apparatus at a fire house; conducts roll call; inspects personnel-and maintains discipline; transmits orders and informatiom to men, conducts training courses. Makes out fire reports, personnel records and ~'ther forms. Performs related work as required. ,KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of the skill in the operation and maintenance of the various types of apparatus and equipment used in f.ire fighting activities. . Considerable knowledge of modern fire fighting principles, practices and prOcedures. Considerable knowledge of first aid principles and methods, and skill in their application. Knowledge of fire prevention methods and of City ordinances" on fire prevention. Ability to learn and remember the locations of fire hydrants and streets in an assigned district. Ability to exercise sound judgment; to promote harmony; and to cooperate with. other officers. Ability to prepare clear and concise reports. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience in fire fighting work and graduation from a standard high school or vocational school; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. TP~INING OFFICER - (FIRE DEPARTMENT) DEFINITION: Highly responsible administrative and technical work involving instruction, drilling, and testing of fire department personnel; testing of new ~ire hose as it is received and annually testing all fire hose on hand. Assignments include testing for acceptance all new fire department pumpers and making smmual service tests on all fire departmen~pumpers and marious equipment. Makes b~vdrant flow tests as required and records them on log- arit~h~c charts; operates various types of radiological monitoring instru- ments and radiation dosage calculators for mixed fission products. An employee assigned to this position has the responsibility for the fire department training program with general supervision from %he Chief of the Fire Department, who reviews the overall programand assists %he Captain by suggesting special subjects to be included in%he training program. E~i~PLES OF WORKPERFORL~D:(Illustrative Only) Designs coturses of instruction and teaches firefighting and rescue pract±ces and procedures to the Fire Department personnel; develops %raining courses outlines and keeps records of tests given in the course of ~raining. Demonstrates proper methods of extinguishing ail types of fires which include liquid propellants and oxidizers, pyrophoric metals, jet f~ets and liquefied petroleum products, as well as fires invol~ etectrici%y~ flammable liquids, or ordinary combustible materials. Demons%rates proper methods of rope work, forcible ent~y~ ladder raiding and climbing, salvage and ventilation as related %o the proper methods of fire extinguishment and rescue. Gives basic training to recruit firefighters and administers a test. at the. end of their probationary period to determine if the recruit has reached a level of acceptance. Operates and instructs others in the operation of radiological monitOring equipment. Operates and instructs others in proper operation of firefighting apparatus ~nd equipment including two-stage centrifugal fire pumps~ aerial ladders, elevating platforms, foam producing equipment, etc. Responds as directed to fires to give assistance to the Chief Officer at the fire and to observe firefighting tactics and methods of extinguishment in use. Arranges for instructors from outside the fire department to give fire department personnel instruction on highly technical subjects. Maintains a variety of records and administrative files; prepared and submits reports. Performs related work as required DESYRABLE KNg,~g~EDGES, .SKILLS.~ AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of tactics, principles~ practices, and procedures employed in firefighting. Thorough knowledge of various teaching methods and the ability to'apply them in instruction practices. Through knowledge of fire department rules and regulations, of £iremanship skills, and modern firefighting apparatus and equipmemt. TRAINING OFFICER - (FIRE DEPARTmeNT) (Cont'd) Condiserable knowledge of various teaching methods employed by modern fire service instructors. Ability to evaluate the tra~_ning program and make changes where needed to stay abreast of technological advances and changing conditions of ~he fire service. Ability to apply first aid procedures and practices. Ability to speak and write effectively and to ex~ress self in such a manner that he is easily understood. Ability %o establish and maintain effective workin~ relationships with o~her employees and the general public. DESIRkBLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE: Completion of a variety of fire service training courses, totaling a minimum of 18 college credits from an'aecredited college or university. One of which must have been a fire instructor's course; and extensive experience in firefigh%ing including considerable experience in the supervision and direction of fire combat u_nits, and fire prevention. Must possess American Red Cross First Aid instructor's Certificate. FIRE MARSHAL_ NATURE OF WORK This is technical and administrative work of a difficult and responsible nature in directing a municipal fire prevention and fire inspection program; performed under direction of Fire Chief. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Revzews D±ue~rints as to conformity with Fire Code. Ptans~ organizes and directs a program of fire preven- tion inspection or.buildings and installations throughout the city. Reviews reports of inspections and complaints. Follows up on complaints to see that hazards are eliminated. Sets up fire prevention programs for schools and hospitals. Supervises the development and maintenance of records of inspections, fire losses and causes of fires. Investigates fire to determine causes and investigates cases of suspected arson. Conduct~ fire inspection and prevention training courses. Assumes duties of fire chief in chief's absence. Performs other related work as required. KNOWLEDGES,~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the modern techniques of fire prevention, inspection methods, fire hazards and methods of eliminating hazards. Thorough knowledge of city and state ordinances and laws regarding fire prevention. Thorough knowledge of modern firefighting equipment and methods. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerableexperience in active firefighting and fire prevention; 'advanced study of firefighting theories and fire department administration. Considerable experience in fire inspection work~ and graduation from a standard high school or any combination of experience and training. ~ FIRE CAPTAIN NATURE OF WORK: This is responsible supervisory, work in directing the activities of a single or double company in fire fighting and maintenance of departmental property ,equip- ment and apparatus. Work involves complete responsibility for all activities on an assigned shift. Upon arrival at the scene of a fire employee has complete responsi- bility for all operations until relieved by a superior officer. Employee may also be assigned direct responsibility for discipline of personnel and for proper maintenance of all apparatus, vehicles and equipment. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Assumes complete charge of a single or double fire company in ~e station, enroute to alarms, and at the scene of a fire until relieved hy a superior officer. Directs firefighters in laying hose, operating pumps, directing water flow, erecting ladders, ventilatdng buildings, performing rescue vzork, and o~-her activi- ties in connection with firefighting. Directs and participates in the performance of house duties, test-lng and main- raining equipment; inspects station house, grounds and all apparatus and equipment'. Answers emergency rescue calls; supervises an~I participates in administer- ing first aid and in preparing injured persons for removal to a hompital. Periodi- cally inspects territory served by the department to observe location of fire hydrants, utility, sprinkler and stand-pipe connections; physical t~zards of buildings; and to locate actual or potential fire hazards. Conducts roll call; inspects personnel; maintains discipline; transmits orders and information to subordinate personnel; prepares report's of fire alarms and calls. Performs related work as required. DESIREABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Certification as Fire Captain after completing required Civil Service examinations. Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school, or any equiva- lent combination of training and experience which provides the foilo~mg k~owtedges, abilities and skills. Considerable experience in firefighting and in !he methods and techniques of fire prevention. KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES AND SKILLS: Working knowledge of, and skill in the use, operation and maintenance of, various types of firefighting equipment,apparatus; ability to supervise its effective use Ability to supervise the activiites of a group of firefighters. Working knowledge of the geography of the City, [ncluding location of water mains and fire hydrants, important buildings and all municipal buildings, facilities and installations. ~vVorking knowledge of First Aid principles and skill in their application. Ability to perform prolonged and arduous work under adverse conditiorzs .. Possession of valid driver's license issued by the State of Florida. Ability to maintain effective working relationships, with other employees and the general public. FIRE ~APTAIN, continued Must have served three (3) consecutive years as a Lieutenant on the local fire department. Must have earned at teast(18)eighteen college credits in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. Resolution 73BBB September 18, 1973 FIRE CHIEF NATURE OF WORK This is administrative and technical work in the direc- tion of personnel and activities of the mun.icipal fire de- partment. Work involves responsibility for planning, organizing and directing an emergency volunteer organization specifically concerned with preventing and mainimizing the loss of life and property by fire and for planning and directing the activities of a paid fire departmental organization. Employee must be constantly available to take active command at all major fires and.must be familiar with the causes and methods of extinguishing and controlling every possible type of fire. Within the framework of municipal policy, the employee works independentli: supervising all technical operations and achieving desired work reSults. Work is reviewed %brough re- sults achieved and is performed under the general supervision of the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Maintaiss supervisory check of personnel, property and operations of the department. Plans departmental operations with respect to equipment, apparatus and personnel; assigns personnel and equipmept accord- ing to duties and requirements of the service; evaluates the need for, and recommends the purchase of, new apparatus equipment and supplies. Responds to alarms and personally directs departmental activities at the scene of major fires. Supervises the inspection of buildings and other properties for fire hazzards, and enforces fire prevention laws and ordinances. Prepares annual departmental budget and excercises control over expenditures; Directs the operation of departmental in-service training activities; directs the maintenance and repair of departmental buildings, equipment and apparatus, maintains records; handles all departmental correspondence; prepares reports as required. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES; ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the use and care of modern fire fighting equipment and apparatus. Thorough knowledge of the geography of the city, including the location of streets, water mains, fire hydrants and principal fire hazzards. Considerable knowledge of the sources., and use of current in-. formation relative to current developments in fire fighting and fire prevention techniques. Considerable knowledge of the principles of municipal fire de- partment adminitr~tion and the ability to plan, initia to and carry out long term programs in fire prevention and/or control. Ability to train personnel. Ability to plan, evaluate and assign personnel and equipment to coordinate departmental activities. Ability to establish and. maintain effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. FIRE CHIEF (CQnt'd) DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Certification as Fire Chief after completing required Civil Service examinations. _ COnsiderable-experience of a progressivel_yresponsible-- -- nature in the extinguishing of all types of fire and the prevention of fire damage. Graduation from a standard high school or vocational school, supplemented by specialized training in modern fire department administration. Considerable experience in supervision of all phases of modern fire fighting ~nd fire prevention.-~Possession of a valid driver's license issued-by the State of Florida' ANIMAL WAR DEN NATURE OF WORK: This is semi-skilled manual work involving physical apprehension of stray and/or unlicensed animals, lgork is performed under the general supervi- sion of the Police Chief or his delegate. Assignments may be received in oral or %vri~en form. Work requires considerable understanding of, and tack in explaining municipal animal licensing regulations . ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS: Answers calls from residents to apprehend stray or unlicensed animals. Surveys city for stray ~-or unlicensed animals, either ~vitd or domestic. Cares for animals at designated area until claimed. Takes unclaimed animals to assigned disposal area. Prepares and submits activity reports as requested. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS: Good physical condition; considerable physical agility. Good understanding of municipal regulations pertaining to licensing of animals. Ability to work effectively with animals. Ability to explain and enforce licensing regulations with firmness and taCt. Ability to handle complains in courteous, efficient manner. Ability to prepare activity reports as required. Ability to operate light truck; pos s e s sion of valid driver's license is sued by the State of-Florida. Ability to establish and maintain effective ~vorking relationships v~ith other employees and the general public. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Completion of 8th school grade. POLICE DI St~A~CHER NATURE OF WORK This is semi-skilIed work involving the use of a two-way radio system, telephone, and other means of communication. An employee in this Class receives complaints, inquiries and re- quests for aid; secures information relative to nature and loca- tion of offense, accident, or emergency; dispatches men and equipment to the scene o£ the disturbance in accordance with well established procedures. Work is performed semi-indepen- dently under general supervision of the Police Chief and/or his designates. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Receives, records and relays messages from motorized and/or foot patrols, as well as messages and information £rom other law enforcement agencies and the general public to Shift Sergeant or commanding officer. Keeps radio log of all communications and activity occur- lng on assigned shi~t. Provides routine departmental information as requested; routes inquiries to proper person or persons. ' Sees that Police Station is clean and orderly at all times. Performs related work as required. KNOWLF. DGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Some basic knowledge of operation of two-way radio communi- cation system, or ability to become proficient in its operation within a reasonable length of time. Ability to learn and employ signals and codes used in police communications; to receive and transmit information with speed and accuracy. Ability to observe situations objectively and to repo~ and record them clearly and completely. Ability to learn controling laws and regulations of the City within a reasonable length of time. Ability to learn standard police procedures and general gopo- graphy of the city; ability to execute duties £irmly, tactfully and impartially. Ability to establish and maintain-effective working relation- ship s with other employees and the general public. Clear speaking voice - good diction~ . DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a standard high school.