R02-135 RESOLUTION NO. R02- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZn'4G ISSUANCE OF A "NOTICE OF INTENT' ANNOUNCING THE CONDUCTING OF A CITY WIDE PLANNING STUDY FOR BUILDING AND ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO STORAGE FACmITmS, SELF- STORAGE .FACILITIES, MINI- WARESHOUSES AND WAREHOUSES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission, pursuant to City Ordinance 000-053 to initiate proposed changes to the Land Development Code and to direct staff to planning and development studies; and WHEREAS, the Commission deems it timely and in the best interest of the City and its residents to undertake review of building and zoning regulations applicable to storage facilities, self-storage facilities, warehouses, and mini-warehouses within the jurisdictional limits of the City Of Boynton Beach to study and review the impact and compatibility of storage facilities, self-storage facilities, warehouses, and mini-warehouses on other commercial and residential uses. The study shall include, but is not limited to, review of size, height, appearance, setback, landscaping, and buffering criteria for such uses; and WHERAS, the Conunission has authority to initiate the review process by resolution and issuance of a Notice of Intent; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A' represents a formal announcement of said planning activities, and the period during which time all applications related to development activity proposed within the study area, must be abated or conform to restrictive temporary regulations; and WHEREAS, this Notice of Intent will be in effect from the date of adoption and thereafter for a period of 180 days following the date of adoption unless otherwise extended by the City Commission by subsequent Resolution following public hearing. S:\CA\OrdinancesSLDR Changes2qOI Reso - self storage.doc NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby does hereby issue the Notice of Intent attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective city-wide immediately upon passage. Section 3. Ordinance 000-053. The Notice of Intent shall posted and copies provided as required by Section 4. No application for a development activity within the scope of the study shall be accepted by the City following the date of adoption of this Resolution and during the study period. No application for a development activity within the scope of the study shall be further processed by the City, following the date of adoption of this Resolution during the study period, unless the application was filed prior to the adoption date of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 2002. Mayor ATTEST: /~Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk S:\CA\Ordinances\LDR Changes\NO.I Reso - self storage.doc E~hibit A NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT PENDING LAND DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT NOI #2002-02 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY The purpose of this Notice of Intent is to declare a period to prepare and bring forward for adoption amendments to the Land Development Regulations to correct discrepancies between Goals, Objectives and Policies in the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations. AFFECTED AREA The Affected Area shall be specifically described as all lands zoned C-2 Neighborhood Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial citywide. (see attached Exhibit "A"). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS TO LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR) 1. Limit "limited access mini-warehouse" uses to the C-1 Office/Professional zoning district; 2. Clarify existing regulations to require a distance separation of two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet between a limited access mini-warehouse and any other self- storage business; and, 3. To restrict combination multi-access and limited-access storage facilities to the C~4 GENERAL COMMERCIAL and M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL zoning districts. AFFECT ON DEVELOPMENT IF REGULATION ADOPTED The intent of amendments to the Land Development Regulations is to ensure consistency with both the language and intent of the Comprehensive Plan and specifically exclude "limited-access mini-warehouse self-storage facihties within the Local Retail Commercial land use classification which corresponds to the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial and C-3 Community Commercial zoning districts. EXISTING SECTIONS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS WHICH ARE THE SUBJECT OF THE STUDY AND MAY BE AMENDED LDR, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6(b) C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District, LDR, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 6(c) C-3 Community Commercial District, and LDR, Chapter 2. Zoning, Section 11(O) Self Service Storage Facilities Regulations). (Supplemental J:kSFIRDATAkPI anning\SHA. RED\WP\SPECPRO J~Z onlng in t~rogresskNOI 2002-02.doc PROJECTED TIME FRAME FOR STUDY One Hundred and Eighty (180) days fi:om the date of approval of this Notice by the City Commission. STAGE OF THE REVIEW PROCESS THAT THE STUDY PERIOD AND PENDING REGULATION WOULD AFFECT Effective on adoption of this Notice, no application or uses within the Affected Area deemed incomplete shall be processed and no new application shall be accepted or processed during the period that this Notice is in effect. This Notice of Intent shall only apply to said applications for self-service storage facilities submitted to the City after the Notice of Intent is executed. COLLATERAL DOCUMENTS Development Department Memorandum No. 02-157 Development Department Memorandum No. 98-156 ADDITIONAL NOTICE The Notice of Intent shall be posted in the Development Department and in the notice case located at the main entrance to City Hall. A copy of the Notice of Intent shall be mailed to the Chamber of Commerce. Following issuance of this Notice of Intent, the notice shall be provided to all applicants who may be potentially affected by the pending study and regulatory changes. This notice shall be provided to those individuals by mail, facsimile, electronic mail or in person. Comments including written objections to the Notice of Intent, shall be accepted by the Development Department Director fi:om recipients of this notice. Neither failure by the City Clerk to provide notice as set forth in this section not the lack of awareness of any potentially affected applicant shall not invalidate the applicability of this notice. Dated: July 30, 2002 Adopted by Resolution~umber,R02- / -~,5~of the Florida the ~ 44. day of~/~.57/2; 200L¢- City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, By: Ice of the City Clerk .~ ~!*~)°°~'°~4~ ~ $:xS~aTAmlmg~m~e~C~O~ning in ~o~s,~o12002-02.doc ~. { 0 ~ ~ n ~ Location Map ~BOYNTON WOOLBRIGH GOLF RD