77-S PmS0SU=ON 77 -5
WHEREAS, the City Council has made the .following deter-
mination in fact:
1. Pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Safety Act of
1973 the Federal Government will provide 100% financing for all
local governmental entities that participate in a .Pavement
Marking Demonstration Program;
'2. A Pavement Marking Demonstration Program will provide
centerline striping and edgeline striping on many miles of
City streets which do not have adequate striping at the present
3. The purpose of this program is to determine if an
overall striping system will reduce the number Of traffic
mishaps and increase the overall traffic safety in the country;
4.' This program Will provide great benefits to the
residen%s~-~of-~the Cityof~Boynton_ Beach~ and
5.- !n-o~der to-implement-this-program it is necessary
-%o submit to-the FloridaLDepartment of-Transportation a
resolution authorizing the City--Manager to act on behalf of ~%~
Palm Beach Countyin this matter and an executed.agreement
between the City of Boynton Beach and the Florida Department
of Transportation covering the striping to be done;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
Boynton Beach, Florida, that:
A. The ~yor is hereby authorized to execute the
agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "1", between the City
of Boynton Beach and the Florida Department 'of Transportation
concerning the Pavement Marking Demonstration Program and,
B. The City Manager is hereby authorized to act on
behalf of City of Boynton Beach concerning this program.
day of ~
(Corp. Seal)
Count itme~be r ~
F.A.P. NO. PMS-000S (54)
State Job No. 93000-3910
B.I. No. 418238
(Pavement Marking - FDOT or its Contractor Performs Work)
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this' day of
., .1977, by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF
TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter called the "Department", and the
cITY of BOYNTON BEACH , hereinafter called the "Public Body";
W I T N-E S S E T H :
'WHEREAS, Department and Public Body desire to cooperate in
a Pavement Marking Demonstration Program, with the Public Body to
provide certain statistical'data in connection therewith.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, 'the
parties hereto agree as follows:
1. The Department will undertake a Pavement Marking
Demonstration Program,.hereinafter referred to as Program, more
particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part
hereof, at an estimated c'0st of $ '10,262.82
2. In the event that any election, referendum, approval,
applicable law to enable the Public Body to enter into this Agreement
or to~undertake the- '?roEram~ereunder, or'to Observe, assume or carry
out_any of the provisions of the Agreement, the Public Body will
~nitiGte~--and-eonsumma~e, as provided by law,-all actions-DMc~ary with
respect to any such matters so requisite.
S. --The Public Body is not required to participate in ~h.e
financing of the Program.- Eligible costs fo'r the Program do not include
any expenses incurred in-the performance of paragraph four.
h. The Public Body shall obtain traffic counts of all
streets within the Program limits prior to application of pavement
markings and also annually for a two year period commencing on the date
of the Department's approval of the pavement marking application.
Traffic counts are to be obtained in a manner approved by the Department.
The Public Body shall obtain hard copies of the accident reports for a
period of 12 months prior to the application of'any pavement marking and
2h months following the pavement marking application. The accident
record periods may be any Consecutive 12 month period; however, the before
and after periods must be identical. The Public Body shall report to the
Department by July 15th of each year, the number of accidents, the number
of injuries, and the number of fatalities occurring during the accident
record periods and the traffic count for that accident record period. By
July 15th of each year, the Public Body shall also complete U. S. Depart-
ment of Transportation Form lb51 as shown in Exhibit "B".
5. The Public Bo.dy~ hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, save
and hold harmless the Department from all claims, demands, liabilities,
and suits of any nature whatsoever arising out of, because of, or due to
the breach of this AgMee.ment by the Public Body, its agents or employees,
or due to any act or occurrence or omission or commission of the Public
Body~ its -agent_s ~-~mployees-.'-~It is specifically understood ~nd agreed
~ha_t~this~tndemnifi-c~ti-on agr~emen~do~s--~not cover or indemnify the
Departmeni ~or-i~-~egligence-o~reach of ~contact.
It~ is mutually agreed that the Department's Director of Road
Operations shall decide all que~tiens~difficulties and disputes of What-
~ver-nature-wkich may arise under or by reason of this Agreement, the
p~osecution and fulfillment of its services hereunder, and the character,
quality, amount and value thereof and~his decision upon all claims,
questions and disputes shall be final and conclusive upon the parties
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Public Body has caused this contract
to be duly executed in its behalf, and thereafter the Department has
caused the same to be duly executed, all as of the day and year first
above written.
Jay W. Brown, Director of Road
Director of Administration
Executive Secretary
Public Body
'Joseph F. Zack,
Tereesa Padgett
City Clerk
Assistant At torney~
In the event this contract is in excess of $25,000, the
apprentice employment requirements of Chapter 446.101(3), Florida
statutes, are hereby incorporated:
"(a) The contractor agrees:
1. That he will'make a diligent effort to hire for the
performance of the contract a number of apprentices in each occupation
which bears to the average number of the journeymen in that occupation
to be employed in the performance of the contract, the ratio of at
least one apprentice to every five Journeymen.
2. That he will, when feasible, assure that 25 percent of
such apprentices are in their first year of training, except when the
number of apprentices to be hired is fewer than four. Feasibility here
involves a consideration of the availability of training opportunities
for first year apprentices, the hazardous nature of the work for
beginninE workers,-and excessive unemployment of apprentices in their
second and subsequent years of training.
B. That, during the performance of the contract, he will
m~Ke~diti~gen~_ef-fo~s~-to em~oy~twh~n~mb~r-o~f-f-~ptr~en~~e~aa.ry~ to
- m~t--r~qui-rem~nts of subparagraphs I and 2.
-~ -(b ) .... T~e-~ontractor ~ag~s to r~u~ r~cor~s~-OT ~mployment
~ .t~ada a~ the~number of apprentices and aRpr'entLcas by first year mf
tr~i~dng and-of ~Jou~n~ym~n~,~.an a for~s-.pres~£be~-~hy~-~tha Bureau of
Apprenticeship of the Division of Labor and Employment Opportunit'ies at
-three mon~tervals. Submission of~-~up~icate-Copies of forms sub-
mitted to-the United States Department of Labor shall be sufficient
compliance with the provisions of this section.
Page 2
(c) The contractor agrees to supply to the Bureau of
Apprenticeship of the Division of Labor and Employment Opportunities,
at three month intervals, a statement describing steps taken~toward
making a diligent effort and containing a breakdown by.craft of hours
worked and wages paid for first year apprentices, other apprentices,
and Journeymen.
(d) The contractor agrees to insert in any subcontract under
this contract the requirements contained in this section. The term
"contractor," as used in such clauses and any subcontract shall mean
the subcontractor."
F.A.P. No. PMS-000S (54)
State Job No. 93000-3910
B.I. No~. 418238
.- - S~40h'~tf
F.A.P. No. PMS-000S(54) Page 1 of 2
-'State Job. No.93000-3910
BI ~1~o% ~418238 CITY OF BOYNTO~ BEACH
Proj. ' L I M I T S
Road Name Length ....................... '
No. (miles) ... from... . ..to....
~1~ 1 N. Seacrest 1.80 Boynton Canal Mentone Road
-2 Miner Road' ~ ,43- N.. Seacrest Summit Road
3 N.E. 22nd Avenue .57 N..Seacrest N.E. 4th Street
4 N.W. 22nd Avenue 1.40 Congress Avenue N. Seacrest less I-'
5 N.E. 15th AvenUe .07 N.E. 4th Street N. Federal
6 N.E. 10th Avenue .~53 N. Seacrest Marine Road
- 7 N.W. 10th Avenue :: -.50 N. Seacrest . N.W. 5th.Avenue...
8 N.E. 6th Avenue .11 N.B. 3rd Street N. Federal
· 9 E. Ocean Avenue .37 N. Seacrest N. Federal
J-~0 W. Ocean AVenue .46 N. Seacrest N.W. 4th Street
11 N.E. 6th Street .05 E. Ocean Avenue Casa Loma Drive
12 Casa Loma Drive .11 N.E. 6th Street Intracoastal
13 S.E. 1st Avenue .12 S. Federal S.E. 6th Street
· 14 N.E. 4th Street .11 .E. Ocean Avenue- N.E. 2nd Avenue
16 s,g.~12th Avenue - _~_.30 S Federal
17 -S.E. 23r~ Avenue .41 S. Federal S. Seacrest
18= --S.W.e~23rd-Avenue~l=z~.86 ~i .S. Seacrest .... West City Limits
19~ S.W.~-- 18th_'Street .... ~ 1.40 S'.W.~ 23rd Avenue .... Ocean Drive
!20 LeisUrevilleBlvd. ! ~25 Ocean_Drive N.W. 2nd Avenue
21 N.W. 7th Streetc .26 ~_ Ocean~Drive ~ 'N.W~ 2nd Avenue
22 Ocean Drive .81 Congress Avenue N.W. 7thStreet
i 23 S.W~ 10th Avenue .38 S. Seacrest . S.W..3rd Street
24 S.W. 3rd Street .10 S.W. 10th Avenue S.W. 12th Avenue
25 S.W. 26th Avenue .~9 S. Seacrest S.W. 2nd Street
26- Mission Hill __ .49 [S~_ Seacrest. Diane Drive
27 Ridge Lane .05 Mission Hill Hillcrest
/ 28~ S.W. 6th St. Ext- .05.. S.W..6th Street S.W. 23r~ Avenue
~ ension
29 S.W. 11th Street .46 S.W. 23rd Avenue S.W. 28th Avenue
30 S.W. 28th Avenue ,46 S.W. llth Street Congress Avenue
F.A.~. No.-P~TS'000S(54) Page 2 of 2
.Sta~ Job. No.93000-3910
Proj., ' L I bi I T S
Road Name Length .....
No. (miles), ... from .... .. to...
~1 S.W. 30th Avenue · .25 Congress Avenue South Tech~ 'School
32 S. Lake Drive .29 N.W. 22nd St. (Delray] North to' T~rn
'33 N.W. 4th Street_ .11 N,W. 2nd Avenue.__ N.W. 4~'1 AvenUe
34 .N.w. 4th Avenue : .24. N.W. 3rd Street Galax~.~ Sehool
35 N.E. 1st Street .11 E. Ocean Avenue N.E. 2ncl Avenu~
36 N.W.. 1st Street .05 N.W. 12th Avenue N.W. 13th Avenue
37 -N.W. 12th Avenue .15 N. Seacrest ~-' N.W. 1st Street
38 S. E. 5th 'Avenue .37 ''S. Federal S. Seacrest
39 S.E. 1st "Street .86 E. Ocean Avenue S.E. 15th Avenue