79-CCRESOnUTION NO, 79- ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOY~!TON {EACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AIXID ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE INGRESS, EGRESS AND UT%LITY EASEmeNT, AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL R~CORD BOOK 2577~ PAGES 315 THROUGH 32~,'~ITHIN CHARTER ~ORLD TRACT B. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has reviewed an abmndonment petition from R.O.C. DEVELOP- MENT, INC., the owner of lands abutting the area of publicly dedicated ingress, egress and utility easement more particularly described in Exhibit "A"~ part hereof; and WHEREAS, after attached hereto and by reference made a thorough public investigation and oubiic hearing on said abandonment, it appears that no hardship ~il! be occasioned by such abandonment, that said abandonment ~ill be for the besn interests of the general public~ and that no valid reason exists why same should not be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIl OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That portion of the ingress, egress mud utility easement, as recorded in Official Record Book 2577, Pages 315 through 324, within CHARTER WORLD TRACT B, more particularly described in said Exhibit "A", is hereby vacated and abandoned and said areas are hereby returned to acreage for purposes of taxation~ Section 2. That said abandonment is specifically subjec~ to terms and conditions imposed by the Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board at its meeting of April 24, 1979, which terms and conditions are incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect in~nediatel upon its passage. iiPASSED AND ADOPTgD this /~ · day of , 1979. ATTEST: City Clerk seal) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Vice Mayor Council Member Counc~Memb er ~ ~ C~undil MembJ -2- EXHIBIT A ~BANDOh~4ENT of ~.portion of the Said~ abandonment ~es=ribe~ aS follows: Commit ~ eomner of said ~har~er WoP!d, T~act B, as /~eorded P~ge~l:'in ths Public Re~ords of Palm B?~eh · r~n Southerly, al?ng th? west line of said TraCt ~un easterly at Pi§hr angles to the last descmibsd course. to the first point of beginning; thence conti course t~.OO feet; thence mun southerly a~ mi( c~ibed course, 45.75 feet; thence run westemly l~st descry[bed course, 12.OD feet; thence st described course 45-75 feet to the fly at right angle, 12.00 feet 157~48 to the second point of be .a ~ last described course, ~16.00 feet; t;. thence run easterl5 poxnt of beg~nr~ng; thence c~ cou~se~ 67~0~ feet ;" th.enee ' :hird p6int of beglnDing; theneo mun easteml~ .; thence ~un southemly at right angle, I5~00 feet: then~e m~n at ~tght'an~te{ 1)4.70 feet; ~.hene. e mun northerly at ~Jght an le feet to th~ third point of beginning. ' g ~ ~