82-GGGGA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREAT- MENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF OCTOBER 13, 1982. WHEREAS, the South Central Regional Wastewater Treat- ment and Disposal Board did on October 13, 1982, by a vote of 7-0, adopt and approve an Administrative Budget for the fiscal year 1982-1983, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and a Plant Operating Budget for the fiscal year' 1982-1983, a~ached hereto as Exhibit "B", pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Delray Beach and the City of Boynton Beach; and WIfEREAS, said Board action requires ratification by the City of Boynton Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Boynton Beach hereby ratifies said Board action this 19th day of October, 1982. A~TEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA City Clerk (Corp. Seal) SOUTH CE~VFRAL Page I REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATME~F AND DISPOSAL BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET (PROPOSED) Fo~ Fiscal Ye~ October 1982-Sep~mber 1983 PERSONAL SERVICES REGULAR WAGES BOARD OFFICE ANNUALLY OFFICE PLANT OPERATION 6 MONTHS · 38,134.00 60,015.00 OVERTIME CONTINGUENCY .00 .00 CHRISTMAS BONUSES 150.00 150.00 EMPLOYERS FICA EXPENSE PAYABLE 2,556.00 4,021.00 RETIREME~ CONTRIBUTIONS-ICA~ 2,586.00 4,069.00 UNEMPLO~IENT COMPENSATI ON I0 ~. 00 155.00 WORKERS COMPENSATION 125.00 175.00 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDING DISABILITY INC0~!E PROTECTIO~ A,~D DENTAL INSURANCE 1,802.00 2,375.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 45,453.00 4,200.00 50~00 750.00 100.00 300.00 10,000.00 O~FICIALS LIABILITY OPERATING EXPENSES: OFFICE R E~F ADVERTISING AUTO~.IOBILE EXPENSE (~IILEAGE) DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE EXPENSE PROFESSIONAL FEES LEGAL 6,000-8,000 AUDITING ~, 000 TEL EPHONE EXPENSE TRAVEL & TRAINING ALLOI.?ANCE i~SU-R ~C~E ~i_~ ~$~ ~E~I~V~/~'O~,~DS BLANKET POSITI~N OFFICE CONTENTS LIABILITY PUBLIC 1,800.00 5O0.00 70,960.00 2,450.00 100.00 1,000.00 150.00 450.00 12,000.00 2,400.00 500.00 5,000.00 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET (PROPOSED) OCTOBER I, 1982-SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 Pag.~ 2 Open, az:lng Expens es co~tinued: BOARD OFFICE A N N~IA L L Y EQUIPMENT RENTAL SHARPE COPIER 1,560.00 EQUIP~IENT MAINTENANCE =~ REPAIR SHARPE COPIER IBM TYPEWRITER (S) 1,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 250.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500.00 BOARD MEETING EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENTS 400.00 PLANT OPERATION 6 MOS. 1,560.00 1,000.00 500.00 750.00 400.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: 24,410.00 26,260.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: ONE FOUR DRAWER FILING CABINET LARGE COFFEE URN TOTAL OPERATING EXPE/~ES PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL IMRROVEMENTS: 650.00 .00 70,51 3.00 65O.00 75.00 97,945.00 CONTINGUENCIES: LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR EMPLOYMENT COSTS 10,000.00 5,000.00 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEI~ATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OFFICE BUDGET: OCTOBER I, 1982-SEPTE~.~ER 30, 1983 PERSONAL SERVICES: REGULAR WAGES OVERTIME The regular wa~es hav~ be~n calculated to include projected Cost of Living and Anniversary! increases. If the plant goes to Board opera, on we have ~aleulated a six mont~ salary ($20,000)for an Administrativ~ Director. Also a 10% incre~ in wa~ for the Fiscal A~inistrati~e Assistant and Cl~Stenographe~ for the add~onal plant responsibilities to be incl~ed in the new job descriptions. None. CHRIST^~S BONUS Two employees $75 each. EMP~0YERS FICA EXPENSE PAYABLE Calculated on Re_qular Wa~es projection ~ .0670% RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS Calculated on Regular Wages projection ® .0678% UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION Present Rat~ for Board ba~¢d on experience .0025% o f t,?a~ es. Since we have the low experience ra~n~ we have, we Day all year on all wages. No $7,000 limitation per em~olot!ee. WORKERS COMPENSATION Sased on approximately .23~ p~t $100 remuneration. HEALTH, LIFE DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE INCLUDING DENTAL COVERAGE Based on Bla~ Cross/Blu~ Shield Plan ~oagh Cit~ of Boynton Beach and proposed Dental Plant (Optional) Monthly Board Expense for Employee B/C B/S $44.94 × 2 Mo~hl~ Board Expense for Emplo~ee-Life Ins. 7.09 X 2 Montl~ Dental Plan Proposed pe~ Employee 7.30 X 2 Disability Income Protection . 0099 of Gross Wages Page 2 SCRWTD BOARD BUDGET OPERATING EXPENSES OFFICE RENT Calculated ~welv~ montI~ ~ $350 (Present Board office rent) if the office is not moved to Plant. Calculated balance of re~ due on our Lea~ which expires Aprll 1983 if Plant goes to Bo~d operation and the office is moved. ADVERTISING Th~ ls just a calculated allo~anee l~ needed. Advertising for Adminlstratlve Director has been included in the Co~tinguency for emplo.~e~t expenses for t~is position. AUTOMOBI LE EXPENSE Reimbursement for mileage calculate~. ~ .20~ per mile. DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE Water Pollution Control Federatio~ SubscrZption. Various N~spaper Subs criptions. Calculated cost of postage stamps needed plus Post Offd. ee Box rental $45.00 yearly. PROFESSIONAL FEES Calculated $6,000 legal ex~.e~e based on ~60 per hour retainer for Rob~t W. Federspiel, Attorne~ for Admlnlst~ative legal. Calculated additlonal legal admin~s.~atlve expense if Board operates the plant. ($8,000 .,~earl~) Auditing calculated at approximately t~e same ~.nnu~ fee o~ $4,000. * We have suggested a $10,000 lcaal co~nauen~u pendZng future Board action relative to possibl~ suit or ~riva~e Service Contract leg alities. TELEPHONE EXPENSE Basic Montl~ 0ffiee account w~th two incoming, lines $150.00 Projected a~ditional telephone expense if Board office moves to Plant for addltional line.~ and inst~ume~ts etc. TRAVEL AND TRAINING We have calculated $500 for ~ai~.~ a~ ~avel if needed for research and education relative to admi~Lstrative t~aining for plant operation. INSURANCE LIABILITY Cost of Blanket Position Bond $197.00 Offdce Liability/Fire Policy $125.00 Public Offl.cia~s Llabillt~ $2650.00 Page 3 SCR~D Board Bu~et Operatlng expenses continued: EQUIPMENT RENTAL Sharpe Copier Monthly Lease $128.33 EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAI NTENANCE SHARPE COPIER Col~y Kits and one Dr~ $875.00 IBM TYPEWRITERS Annual Maintenance agreemcn~ $125. O0 M IS CEL LANEO US Items such as flowe~ a~ran~ements, luncheon reimbursements, broken windows at office e~c. and ja~Cto~iat supp£~es. OFFICE SUPPLIES We have projected addi~onal office supp£y expense for necessar~ forms etc. ~f Board operates ~ pl~ tht' second six mo~ of this projected budget. BOARD MEETING EXPENSE RE IMBURSE~.,IENTS Calculated fo~ qua,~ter/~u~al meetings as wele as sevezal special called meetings tl~ougho~e the next ~z~etv~ mo~ths. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS We have. immediate need for record-keeping four E~er file cabin~. Projected a $75 cost for large coffee Urn to servlce the plant employees as well as admi~istratZve df ~oard operates the plant. CONTINGUENCI ES A le~qal continguency has been su.qg~tcd in that we have no ldea ~esently /tow to ~edict what our legal expense could be this budget ye~. Based on past hi~tor~ we ~e sug~eseina a $5,000 co~nquenc~, for employment related expens~ that w~ ~e inched r~ve t~ our se~ch and ~plo~ent of ~ A~ini~ativ~ D~ector. SOUTH CENTRAL REGI0.~AL WASTEWATER TREATME~FF ~ DISPOSAL BO~.~D PLANT BUDGET (PROP(?SED) 1982-1983 PERSONAL SERVICES REGLILAR WAGES 0VERTI~IE CONTINGUENCY CHR IST~.~AS BONL~ES EMPLOYERS F.I.C.A. TAX EXPENSE RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS I. C.M.A. UNEMPLOYMENT CO~'.fPENSATI ON ~'~ORKERS CO,~IPENSATION HEALTI~ 0~ LIFE I~L~URANCE ( Includes D~s ability, Dental) TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 277,119.00 7,5OO.OO 1,000.00 19,136.00 18,788.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 15,915.00 346,958.O0 OPERATING EXPENSES.- ACCOU?SFING ~ AUDITING MEDICAL SER VI CES ELECTRICAL CURREh~ ~.~ATER AND GARBAGE SERVICE TELEPHONE EXPE~L~ E REPAIR & UPKEEP BUILDINGS EQUI P.~IENT OTHER RENTAL EQUIPMENT UNIFOR~I/LINEN SERVICE MEn, lB ERSH I PS/S UBSCR I PTI 0NS ADVERTIS I NG 2,000.00 300.00 340,000.00 8,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,760.00 180.00 500.00 PROPOSED PLANT SUDGET S.C.R.W.T.D.B. ~.2 TRAVEL Ah~ TRAI?,~ING AUTOMOTIVE EXPENSES SLUDGE HAULING SLUDGE ANA YL~ES LIQUID ANAYLSES CHEMICAL TESTING SERVICE CONTRACTS: GRIT HAULING DIGITAL CO~IPLFFER MAINTENANCE FLA. SERVICE ENGINEERS-METERS INTERIM LI,~.IE STABILIZATION SYSTEM 2,000.00 3,000.00 175,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 10,680.00 6,096.00 5,820.00 23,700.00 INSURANCE (General Llab AntZclpated Boller/MacI~imcr~ Package, ~d V~hic~ Insurance) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES: COMMODITIES,SUPPLIES ~ CHE,~,ICALS OFFICE SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES CHEM I CA LS TOTAL CO:~IMC~DITIES, SUPPLIES AND CHE.',IICA Iq 15,000.00 624,036.00 500.00 I0,000.00 170,710.00 181,210.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE, OPERATING EXPENSES AND COM,~.IODITIES,SUPPLIES & CHEMICALS BL~GET: ~I, 152,204.00 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREAT~,!ENT & DISPOSAL BOARD PLANT BI, GET (PROPOSED) 1982-1983 PERSONAL SERVICES: REGULAR [~;AG ES Based o~ 16 Employees ~lrst six months includin~ 7% October I, 1982 Cost of Living Increase and 3% Incen~ive/A~.:niver~! increases. Calculated 5 ~ddiSdonat. Em,~.~oyees~Aprdl I, 1983 due to operation of Siud?,¢ Stabilization and Conditioning Facdlit~es. Total of 21 employees second six mont!~. (Add: I Ope,~ator IV, 2 Operator I Trainees, 2 Laborers) OVERTIME CONTINGUENCY CalcuZated a S!~ft dlf~cre~td.a~ 3-11 P.M 5~ p6~ hr. - ' 11-7 k~! I0¢ per !~. CHRISTMAS BONUSES P~a~.vt Employee.~ ~e budaetcd in City of Delray Beach for $62.50 per ~ersc. n l~,ss taxez etc. EMPLOYERS F.I.C.A. EXPENSE Calculated .0670% o~t Regutar ~!~agz8 and Ovz~time $285,619. No Cha~.tae in So,al Securit~ noted unti~ 1984. RETIRE~ENT CONTRIBUTIONS Calcula.t~ o:.~ I.C.,~.I.A. Per,sion Plan through City of Bo~nton Beach w.~vtch we are. eligible for. Board expens~ per employee .0678% of wages. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATI ON State of Florida .0270-~ pat~able on first $7,000 of Wages in 1983. Estdmatcd $2,500 Board rate ls 0025% whd. ch' cou%_d c~e .tit~ item to be reddc~d to~0. ~av/ng8 $2,000 ~;ORKER'S COMPENSATION Basle quote recedved ~trot~ah J~n~./Havl~ a;~d Associates calcified on $~.45 pe~ $100 per ~p~oyee ~.~. Discounted over ~5,000 and possibte divOt, nd based on losses. HEALTH g LIFE INSURANCE C~y c,~ Boy~to~ Beach Bt~c Cro~s/Blue S~eld P~. $44.94 Per Emp~ot~ee. Life I~sa~a~ce ~09 p~r mop, th or $10,000 pc~ 7.30 pc,~ mc, nth per c'.m)olt-,y~t~ I~come o S. C.R.W.T.D.B. Explanatx'o~ '82-'83 Proposed Plcu~t Budget OPERATING EXPE,~qES.- ACCOUNTING A~ AUDITING Calculated additional cost ~or Auditdno moeo. du~es. Accoutering aecomp~h~d by p.~ Board' p~sonnel. MEDICAL SERVICES Ten me~c~ ex~ina~o~ budoeted ~ $30 each cost. ELECTRICAL CURRENT Pr~n~ .055~ per KWH cost. Projected for '82283 19,018 KWH D~y (570,540 KWH Monthly} C~c~ated 2% Incre. asz October I, 1'982-Decemb~ 31,1982. Calc~ted 9% Increase p,~ojec~ed for 3an~ I, 1983 ~ro~gh Setot~ber 30, 1983. (Ele~ica~ porti~n onf~) 6% of Mont/~y bif~ ~5 Franc~se ch.&~ge. Presen~y- fug~ potion of b~. has decre~ed from $9.00 to $4.50 aPl-x~o~elY p~ b~ell. C~cul~ed fuel cos~ the s~e for 1982-1983. No incre~e wrojected b(~ Flo~da Pow~ and Light. WATER AND GARBAGE SERVICE City of Delray Beach projectio,~ 59% increase in cost per gallon of watot. B~sic monthly meter fee $54.17 + non-reside~t~al fee $2.35 Note: Vacuum fdlters use 28 gallons of water pea md. nute t'~ith average rm~4ng time of 15 hrs. dally 5 days per week = 756,000 gaelons per month when vacuum process starts on ~ine. Additional wa~hdo~ water $125 mont.~lg estimated. Calculations mont/~y: First six mon~ 689,000 ~a~o~5 0 54( per aallon Second Six mo;~t/~ 689,000 + 756,000 ~ 54~ per gallon. One dumpsteA $19.92 monthlt~. TELEPHONE SERVICE Base mon~zly expense 272..-2091 103.50 732-4461 69.50 M46-0209 21.30 Caecugated additional wal~ phone 6.50 for Chemical area when Sgudge Cond{tioni~ and Stabd£~zation orocess goe.~ on tine. Avo~age mo~vthl~ lo~ distance 320 REPAIR ~ UPKEEP- BUILDINGS A~ttdcdpatcd pax'ntdno of Incd~¢,.~ator Bt~ilding tI~s ~!ear. Three additdona$ dobrs to be reto~aced. Securx'ty ba~,s dt~ventor~ sl~el-v~g for spa~e ~.t~ etc. o S.C.R.W.T.D.B. E×pla~t~,ons for 1982-1983 Proposed Plan~ Budget REPAIR AND UPKEEP- EQUIP,~IE~fT Air Compr~sso~ r~!xtir a~ti~pa~ed $1,400. Calculated minim~ $5,000 fo~ Vacuum fiLter(S) r~pa~s and upkeep. N~c~s~y increase. Not~.: Bodl~?.~ac~n~y Insu,~anc~ Policy (If approve~) w~ offset som~ expense in th~ ~ea. Add~o~ spar~ p~ts requited. REPAIR AND UPKEEP - OTHER Ind~ec.~ cost~ fo.~ repl~em~t ~/or m~enance for un~xpe~ emergencies. RENTAL EQUI PME~(F Possible Ai~ Compressor renta~ ~,~ile ours i~ repaG~ed. Sa~bla~ting ,~,lac/~.ne ren~ for p~n~ng and maintenance of busings. Rc~ of cra~e for d~ removal. UNIFORM LINEN SERVICE Suggest Boca Rato~ U~,~form Service 6 Shlr~i- 6 ~oa~,,!~ ~or emplo~ccs Cost $5.75 weekly 5,~~ ~2.87 wee~£~ p~r employee. Board expense ,~o , MEMBERSHIP AND SUBSCRIPTIONS FWPCOA Memb ~ hip dues a~.~nua~ly 15 employees ® $12.00 Note: Certlf~cat~,~ ($2'0) do~'t require renewal every calendar t,~ea~. They ar~ due agaln in '83-'84 Bud~ et year. Wa~er Pollution Co~:~.~rol Federation co~ied through Board offi~e. TRAVEL AND TRAINING Suggest Call,,fornia Self-Taught ~ourse $100 each for mrn~, of e~gh~ (8) ~mp~oy~es. Gainesville Ann~_ Short Sehoo.~ for ~o (2) employees ~ $400 each. Opera~ors School-eigh.~ (8) emp~oye~ ~ $35 each. Set of Ca~ifor~a ,~I~u~ab~ a~d one Texas M~ual($200) AUT0~IOTIVE EXPENSE One Pd. ckc~p ~u~fl, 790 O~c 3/4 To~ Pl~ku~ Truck 700 O~c D~ Truck 40 Wi~h Board op~',~a~on scv~,,~a~ ~ wc~k~ to C~y o~ Dc~rat~ Be, ach would decrease C~cut~ed 11L12 m(fe~ per gallo~ average~ Ga~o~e a~d repasts. S. C. R. W. T. D. Bo~d P,~oposed Ptan~ Budge~ 1982- 198 3 Ex p~a~o ns SLUDGE HAULING IDISPOSA£) Calculated o~: 20,000,000 gallo~ to be hauled annually. Calculated 185 loads per mo~t~ ~6,500 oallons ~e~ load. Six mo~hs wet hau~in~ and six mon~ ~y ha~Id, ng. Note: Suggest 6" va~ui~ pumj3 insta~Za~ion for faster loading. T~nal~O~d time for t~uck would be decreased f,~om 30 mi~:u~es to 5 min~es thereby de~easing hauling costs. Approximately $30 000 savings ann~,~.t. ' 3 ~:Ion~:~ ~ 22.00 per 1,000 gallons (Wet) 3 Mont~ ~ 20.00 p~ 1,000 gallons IWet) *Pl~ Dr~ hauling second six mon~s. NOTE:*Seco~ six month possible larqe amount of compostl~g possible ' ~ ~o..~ use of bo~' cities if approved. SLUDGE ANALYSES LIQUID ANALYSES If required. If required. CHEMICAL TESTIN~ Ci~y of Bo~nton Bea~ will have new lab avo~lable for a~.~! chemlcaZ tosting we might nee~. If required. SER VI CE CONTRACTS: INSL~ANCE Grit Hauldno Co~ract $10,680.00 Modesty Tra~ler rental 690.00 Calculated on~ lo~ff per moth average 200.00 Di~ Computer ~al~enance $6,096.00 In ~eas e ef f ~ ~ ye~ to~~nthty. FLA. SERVICE ENGINEERS- METER MAINTENANCE ~5,820.00 $360 ModiShly service charge Additional funds ~equcsted in ~e event o~ ex~a P,~ob¢~ for e~ ~y and rep,s, m~ng etc.~1,500 llI?~t~erlm Limo S%~il~zaSlon ~stom ~3,700.00 HES Mo:~ly co~aet for lea~e etc. $3,9s0 S. C.R.W.T.D. BOARD Proposed Plant Budget 1982-1983 Expla~,tio~s OFFICE SUPPLIES Possible aEditional expense ca~,eL~,atcd if p£~t goes Go Boa,~d opc.rat~o~ on form~ etc. needed. GENERAL SUPPLIES Alt re~airs a~.~d u,~kce? suppl~.e~ (~arts) calculated i~ Repair a~d Upkeep categor£e~ of Thi~ catego~ is for Lab, Gcne,.~a$_, Control Room and Ja~toria£ supplies. Previous average less than -~700 monthly. Calculated 33% in~ease for next yea~ ,~f needed. CHEMICALS Agai~, due to the magnitude of tl~s ~tem it has been made a separate account. It is b~oken dow~ in individual calcu~atx~on~ for Cl~.ori~e, Pol~mer, HTH and and has ~ken i~o consld?.r~n the new Interim ~me S~bi~z~ion system rece~,~.~ i~t~led ~ tl~e plant.