86-SSSRESOLUTION NO. 86-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEAr/I, FLORIDA ADOPTING PAY PLANS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986/87 AND ADOPTING JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR ~ POSITIONS ~ITHIN THESE PAY PLANS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~{E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the municipal employees' Pay Plans attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby adopted, ratified smd approved for all City amployees effective October 2, 1986. Plan A is for non-exempt employees, Plan B for exempt employees and in beth of these plans there is an approximate 4½% increase for grades through 28 and an approximate 6½% increase for grades 30 and over. Plan C is for the Fire Department bargaining unit positions and indicates a 4½% increase for all grades. The non-classified plan indicates an approximate 4½% increase for all positions. The following positions are new positions in the pay plan and their job descriptions are attached and are hereby adopted, ratified and approved: Occupational License Administrator, Occupational License Field inspector, Operations Specialist, Custodian I and II, Cr~me Scene Technician, Director of Management Services, Assistant to the Director of Management Services, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, Assistant Building Maintenance Supervisor, Tennis Professional, Assistant Planner and Conmunications Manager. The following' j~o descriptions are amended and are attached and are made a part hereof: Prograr~ner, Crew Leader, Lifeguard I and II, Recreation Supervisor I, II, and Iii, Recreation Specialist, Planning Graphics Technician, Assistant to the City Engineer, Utility Engineer Utility Inspector, Director of Public Works and Recreation and park Director. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1986. CITY OF BOYI~fON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST ~ city~e~k' - Corp. Seal Vice Councilman (PE) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAY PLAN NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES 86/87 - A GENERAL CLERICAL: 0101 0110 0120 0121 0125 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0171 CLERK I ......................................... 16 CLERK II ........................................ 18 CLERK III ....................................... 20 CLERK STENOGRAPHER .............................. 21 SHIFT CLERK ..................................... 19 SWITCHBOARD INFORMATION CLERK ................... 16 SECRETARY I ..................................... 19 SECRETARY II .................................... 21 SECRETARY III ................................... 23 RECORDING SECRETARY ............................. 25 DATA SYSTEM/RECORDS CLERK ....................... 20 FINANCE 0301 0310 0315 0325 0360 0361 PAYROLL CLERK ................................... 21 ACCOUNTING CLERK I ............................... 18 ACCOUNTING CLERK II .......................... ...21 CASHIER II ....................... · ............... 18 ACCOUNTANT I .................................... 22 ACCOUNTANT II ................................... 26 DATA PROCESSING/UTILITY BILLING 0321 0322 0335 0340 0341 0370 COMPUTER OPERATOR ............................... 20 DATA ENTRY CLERK ................................ 17 CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK .......................... 22 CUSTOMER RELATIONS CLERK i ...................... 18 CUSTOMER RELATIONS CLERK II ..................... 19 PROGRAMMER ...................................... 24 INSPECTION - BUILDING AND ZONING 0501 0502 0505 0510 0515 0520 0525 0530 0535 0540 0541 0542 0585 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ADMINISTRATOR .............. 27 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FIELD INSPECTOR ............ 24 CODE & LICENSE INSPECTOR ........................ 24 BUILDING INSPECTOR I ............................ 26 BUILDING INSPECT©R II ........................... 28 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL INSPECTOR I ............... 26 PLUMBING & MECHANICAL INSPECTOR II .............. 28 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR I .......................... 26 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR II ......................... 28 PLAN CHECK INSPECTOR ............................ 28 PLAN REVIEW ANALYST I ........................... 22 PLAN REVIEW ANALYST II .......................... 25 CODE & REHABILITATION INSPECTOR ................. 25 1986/87 PAY PLAN -- NON EXEMPT EMPLOYEES "A" ENGINEERING 0601 0620 ENGINEERING AIDE I .............................. 25 ENGINEERING INSPECTOR ........................... 26 UTILITIES 0801 0805 0830 0831 0832 0901 0910 0920 0930 1105 1110 1120 1130 1140 1201 1210 1220 WATER METER READER .............................. 19 INVENTORY & RECORDS CLERK ....................... 20 UTILITY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I .................. 22 UTILITY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II ................. 24 UTILITY MAINTENANCE MECHANIC III ................ 26 WATER PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE .................... 20 WATER PLANT OPERATOR I .......................... 23 WATER PLANT OPERATOR II ......................... 25 WATER PLANT OPERATOR III ........................ 27 LAB TECHNICIAN TRAINEE .......................... 20 LAB TECHNICIAN I ................................ 23 LAB TECHNICIAN II ............................... 25 LAB TECHNICIAN III ............................... 27 OPERATIONS SPECIALIST ........................... 23 UTILITY MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN I., ............... 22 UTILITY MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN II ............... 24 UTILITY MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN FOREMAN III ...... 26 PUBLIC WORKS 1420 1425 1445 1450 1451 REFUSE COLLECTOR I .............................. 18 REFUSE COLLECTOR II ............................. 19 ANIMAL WARDEN I ................................. 19 ANIMAL WARDEN II ................................ 21 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPERVISOR ............ ~ .......... 23 SKILLED TRADES 1510 1515 1520 1525 1530 1535 1545 SIGN SHOP OPERATOR .............................. 20 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ............... 24 MECHANIC I ...................................... 20 MECHANIC II ..................................... 24 MECHANIC III .................................... 28 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC I ................. 20 BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II ................ 24 GENERAL LABOR EQUIPMENT OPERATION 1401 1402 1410 1415 1426 1427 CUSTODIAN I ..................................... 16 CUSTODIAN II .................................... 17 MAINTENANCE WORKER I ............................ 17 MAINTENANCE WORKER II ........................... 18 MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN .......................... 20 CREW LEADER ..................................... 20 1986/87 PAY PLAN -- NON EXEMPT EMPLOYEES '~A" 3. GENERAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT OPERATION, con't. 1601 1610 1620 1625 1625 1430 1432 1434 1435 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I ............................ 19 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II ........................... 21 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III .......................... 23 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR IV ........................... 24 ASSISTANT T.V. SPECIALIST ....................... 20 FOREMAN I ....................................... 22 FOREMAN II ...................................... 24 FOREMAN III ............... ~ ..................... 26 IRRIGATION SPECIALIST ........................... 21 LIBRARY 1701 1720 1730 1740 LIBRARIAN ....................................... 22 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I ............................. 18 LIBRARY ASSISTANT II ............................ 19 LIBRARY ASSISTANT III ........................... 20 RECREATION AND PARKS 1801 1805 1810 1820 1850 1855 LIFEGUARD I ..................................... 21 LIFEGUARD II .................................... 23 LIFEGUARD CAPTAIN ............................... 25 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I ......................... 22 RECREATION LEADER ............................... 15 RECREATION SPECIALIST ........................... 19 PLANNING 2292 PLANNING GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN .................... 25 POLICE 2010 2020 2040 2041 2042 2043 POLICE AIDE ..................................... 18 POLICE OFFICER .................................. 27 POLICE DETECTIVE ................................ 28 PHOTO LAB TECHNICIAN ............................ 22 I.D. TECHNICIAN ................................. 22 CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN .......................... 22 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1910 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 **FIREFIGHTER ................................... 24* **FIREFIGHTER DRIVER ............................ 26* **FIREFIGHTER I ................................. 26* **FIREFIGHTER II ................................ 28* **FIREFIGHTER III ............................... 30* **FIREFIGHTER DRIVER/FIREFIGHTER I .............. 27* **PARAMEDIC OFFICER I ........................... 32* **PARAMEDIC OFFICER II (ENCUMBERED) ............. 32* 1986/87 PAY PLAN -- NON EXEMPT EMPLOYEES "A" 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT, con't. 1930 1940 1950 1951 1952 1953 **FIRE LIEUTENANT ............................... 32* **FIRE CAPTAIN .................................. 34* FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I ..................... 30* FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II (NEW CONSTRUCTION) ............. 32* FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II (EXISTING CONSTRUCTION) ........ 32* FIRE INSPECTOR ................................ 26 GOLF COURSE 2303 2304 2305 2308 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE FOREMAN ................. 26 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ................ 24 GOLF CART MECHANIC .............................. 24 ASSISTANT GOLF PROFESSIONAL ..................... 15 * Use Pay Plan "C" **48 Hour Work Week. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAY PLAN FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES - "B" 1986/87 ADMINISTRATIVE/GENERAL 0260E 0270E 0275A 0280E 0290A 0480E 0481E 0482E 0271A 2400E ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ......................... 37 ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER .................. 34 DEPUTY CITY CLERK .............................. 28 CITY CLERK ..................................... 37 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ....................... 27 PURCHASING AGENT/PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ............ 37 DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES ................ 37 ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES ............. 30 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER...30 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ......................... 35 FINANCE 0350A 0355A 0362A 0380E CITY TREASURER ................................. 34 ASSISTANT CITY TREASURER ....................... 27 ACCOUNTANT III ................................. 28 FINANCE DIRECTOR ................ ~ ............... 39 DATA PROCESSING 0372E 0373A DIRECTOR OF DATA PROCESSING .................... 37 PROGRAMMER ANALYST ............................. 30 BUILDING 0545 0586A 0560A 0570E 0580E CHIEF PLAN CHECK INSPECTOR ..................... 30 CHIEF FIELD INSPECTOR ............... ~ .......... 30 CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR ....................... 31 DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL ....................... 35 BUILDING OFFICIAL .............................. 37 ENGINEERING 0630A 0638E ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ENGINEER ................. 34 CITY ENGINEER .................................. 37 UTILITIES 0802A 0880A 0885A 0950A 0980A 1280A ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF METER READERS .......... 27' UTILITY SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR ..................... 34 ASSISTANT UTILITY SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR ........... 27 ASSISTANT WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR .......... ..... 30 WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR ......................... 34 ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF UTILITY STATIONS ....... 32 PAY PLAN FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES "B" 1986/87 2. UTILITIESr con't. 1281A 1285A 1286E 1380E 0886A UTILITY ENGINEER (PE) .......................... 35 UTILITY INSPECTOR .............................. 33 ASSISTANT UTILITIES DIRECTOR ................... 37 UTILITIES DIRECTOR ............................. 39 ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF UTILITY MECHANICS ...... 30 PUBLIC WORKS 1460A 1470A 1480E 1485E 1570A SANITATION SUPERVISOR .......................... 30 STREET SUPERVISOR .............................. 30 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ............. 34 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ....................... 38 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP SUPERVISOR ..................... 30 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1560A 1561A BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ................ 33 ASSISTANT BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR ...... 30 LIBRARY 1710A 1715A 1780E LIBRARIAN II ................................... 24 LIBRARIAN III .................................. 30 LIBRARY DIRECTOR ............................... 37 RECREATION AND PARKS 1830A 1840A 1856P 1860A 1865P 1870E 1875E 1880E RECREATION SUPERVISOR II ....................... 24 RECREATION SUPERVISOR III ........... ~ .......... 30 TENNIS PROFESSIONAL ............................ 19 PARKS SUPERVISOR ............................... 30 FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST ........................ 28 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT ........................... 34 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT ...................... 34 RECREATION & PARK DIRECTOR ..................... 38 PLANNING 2280E 2290A 2291P 2293P DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ........................... 37 SENIOR PLANNER ................................. 33 PLANNER ........................................ 28- ASSISTANT PLANNER .............................. 30 PAY PLAN FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES "B" 1986/87 3. POLICE 2050A 2060A 2070E 2080E POLICE SERGEANT ................................ 31 POLICE LIEUTENANT .............................. 34 POLICE CAPTAIN ................................. 37 POLICE CHIEF ................................... 39 FIRE 1945P 1952P 1980E 1987E TRAININGOFFICER ............................... 33 E.M.S. COORDINATOR ............................. 33 FIRE CHIEF ..................................... 39 EXECUTIVE OFFICER .............................. 37 GOLF COURSE 2301E 2302A 2306P 2307P GOLF COURSE MANAGER ............................ 37 GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT ..................... 34 HEAD PROFESSIONAL (Co) ........................ 22 FIRST ASSISTANT PROFESSIONAL ................... 20 jobclass.pmp PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1986/87 BUDGET COMPENSATION FOR CLASS OF EMPLOYEES: Ail rates prescribed in the compensation schedule represent the standard rates of compensation for the classified (full-time employ- ees) and non-classified (part-time employes). Employees hired as part-time, temporary or seasonal will be paid the rate indicated for such job title, hour for hour, and are not eligible for any City benefits. Addition or deletion to the Pay Plan will not affect members of bargaining units unless ratified as an amendment to their current contract. Current contracts that specifically deviate from this Pay Plan will supersede that area noted. In no case can the union contract and the Pay Plan be used together for the same issue. Unless it is outlined in the contract, the Pay Plan is the final indicator in the administration of payroll matters. ENTRANCE AT THE MINIMUM RATE OF PAY IN THE CLASSIFIED AND NON-CLASSIFIED SERVICE: The minimum rate of pay for a classification shall be paid any person on their original appointment to a position except when the City Manager determines there has been demonstrated an inability to recruit at the minimum rate of pay or the new employee possesses exceptional qualifications warranting employment at a higher rate in the pay range. GRADUATED RATE OF PAY IN THE CLASSIFIED AND NON-CLASSIFIED SERVICE: Employees entering step one (1) through step five (5) will remain at each of these steps for one year. Employees entering step Longevity One (L-i) and step Longevity Two (L-2) will remain at the pay level for two years. Employees entering s~ep Longevity Three (L-3) and Longevity Four (L-4) will remain at that pay level for three (3) years. Employees entering step Longevity Five (L-5) will remain at that pay level for one (1) year. Employees who have completed a year in step L-5 will receive 5% of their base pay or $1,000 whichever is less. This is a lump sum payment issued to employees in good standing on their anniversary date. NON-CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES: Employees will spend a year each in the first two steps, then two years in the next step and final out in the fourth step. PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986/87 BUDGET PAGE 2 CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME, CALL BACK AND COMPENSA- TORY TIME: HOURS OF WORK: The City Manager shall establish hours of work which insofar as practicable shall be uniform within occupational groups which shall be determined in accordance with the needs of the service and which shall take into account the reasonable needs of the public who MAY be required to do business with various City depart- ments. For purposes of the Pay Play the City's work week starts at 12:01 A.M. Thursday and ends at 12:00 P.M. the following Wednesday for a total of seven consecutive days. OVERTIME - NON EXEMPT EMPLOYEES This section of the pay plan deals with overtime pay for non-exempt employees (see Pay Play A) as provided by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Employees in this category are eligible to be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2) for any hours worked over their regular work week of forty (40) hours. The overtime rate of pay is calculated by multiplying the employee's regular hourly rate by one and a half times. (See the Pay Plan' for hourly rates). The following exclusions are not included in determining the time and a half rate: 1. Discretionary bonuses paid in recognition of services performed during certain periods. 2. Payments made for fringe benefits. Employees cannot be in a work status more than seven minutes prior or seven minutes after regular work day unless they have their supervisor's approval. Each employee must be advised of the official start and ending time of their department work day. For purpose of overtime the City will follow the Department of Labor 7/8 minute rule. This rule means that an employee would not be eligible for ovgrtime until he has been on the job for for than seven minutes, i.e., at the start of the 8th minute they would then receive 15 minutes at the overtime rate as outlined above. Likewise if they work 23 minutes they would be paid at 30 minutes overtime or if they work 22 minutes they would be paid for 15 minutes at time and a half. This procedure will be followed if an employee reports to work late. PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986./87 BUDGET PAGE 3 Employees will be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2) for any hours worked over their regular work week schedule of forty (40) hours. If the employees work on a holiday they will be paid for the holiday if the City Manager approves and will be paid for the hours worked at the time and one half rate. In calculating hours actually worked for the purpose of overtime, paid leave benefits such as holiday, sick and vacation leave shall be counted as hours worked. However, sick leave with pay will not be granted on a holiday. Leave without pay shall not be counted as time worked and overtime hours worked during such a period would be authorized at straight time. Such overtime will be subject to the rate as outlined above unless such employee is covered under the provisions of a union contract. The sworn members of the Police and Fire Departments follow the provision specified above except they are covered under the FLSA 7K provision. The non-exempt Police will have a work period of seven consecutive days commencing at 12:01 A.M. Thursday , and ending at 12:00 P.M. the following Wednesday and continuing every seven days thereafter. The non-exempt Fire personnel will have a work period of 21 consecutive days commencing.at 12:01 A.M. Thursday, , and ending at 12:00 P.M. on the Wednesday ending 21 days later and contin- uing every 21 days thereafter. COMPENSATORY TIME Under the provision of the FLSA non-exempt employees are eligible for "comp time" under the following conditions: The "comp time" is used at the same rate the overtime rate would be paid (see overtime). The "comp time" MUST be used within the same pay period it was earned. Employees cannot carry forward a balance. The employee takes the time or is paid within the seven day period. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. As of the adoption of this Pay Play, the Department of Labor has not officially approved any legislation contrary to this. EXEMPT EMPLOYEES The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA allows for specific exemption from the overtime procedure. These exemptions are based on the nature of that employee's job. These include the managerial/supervisory employees (see Pay Plan "B"). These are staff members who meet the definition of a "bonafide" executive, administrative or professional employee, as well as certain recreational classifications. Along with the Department Heads the exemption includes those employees who perform administrative tasks and those with specific training in a specialized field. PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986/87 BUDGET PAGE 4 EXEMPT EMPLOYEES - con't. The recreational employees who are exempt from both the minimum wage ($3.35) and the FLSA overtime provision are those who "are employed by recreation that does not operate for more than seven months in a calendar year". CALL BACK Any employee eligible under the overtime section who has physi- cally left work (punched out) and is called back to work by his Department Head or the Department Head's designated representative for a non-scheduled or emergency department related assignment shall be compensated for one hour of call back pay plus the time worked in excess of the first fifteen minutes. Call back is only for non-scheduled overtime assignments. GENERAL CONDITIONS Employees are eligible for an approximate five percent (5%) increase with a promotion or whatever percentage (%) is required to attain the entrance range. If an employee does not fulfill his six month probationary period on a promotion he/she will be reinstated in the pay grade and step promoted from. This increase does not affect their regular anniversary date and increase. Employees demoted whether voluntarily or no~, will be placed in the step of the grade of the lower classification tha~ the employee would have normally attained for that position based on their number of years of service with the City. Employees that are promoted from a pay grade Of 28 or less to a pay grade of 30 or over will receive a minimum of 8% increase. Employees that are demoted would be reduced a minimum of 8% plus whatever other percentage is required to attain the new grade and step as outlined above. When at budget time a position's starting rate of pay is upgraded or downgraded, employees presently classified in this position will be advanced to the same step in the new grade that they were holding in the former grade. Members of the Police Department who are authorized and qualified by the Chief to operate the motorcycle will receive 5% hazardous duty pay. Part-time employees filling regularly established classified positions under this pay plan receive no benefits and accrue no seniority. They will be paid at the entrance step only. PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986/87 BUDGET PAGE 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS - con't. Part time employees filling regularly established classified positions under this Pay Plan receive no benefits and accrue no seniority. They will be paid at the entrance step only. Persons filling vacancies created by regular civil service employees on leave of absence are considered part time. Employees may be reclassified at the start of a new budget year only if such reclassification has been approved by the City Manager and City Council during the budget sessions for which the reclassifi- cation is scheduled. The only exceptions would be the sworn'Police and Fire personnel who must follow promotional standards outlined in the Civil Service Book. HOLIDAY PAY Employees shall be paid for legal holidays and those called to work shall also be paid for time worked as provided. Hourly rate employees must work their full regular work days immediately before and after the holiday or be in an authorized pay status on their full regular work day immediately before and after the holiday to receive pay for the holiday. Part-time, temporary and emergency appointed employees shall not be entitled to holidays with pay. Exempt employees that are required to work holidays are to be treated in one of two ways: 1. Be paid for the hours worked on the holiday at straight time, plus holiday pay. 2. Be paid for the holiday or be given the hours worked on that holiday as straight time comp time, to be taken as soon as that permits. VACATION PAY Employees may request advance vacation money in 40 hour incre- ments only (48 for Fire) if their vacation request has been made to the Department Head, approved and processed by the Personnel Depart~ ment at least two weeks prior to the requested vacation time. Employees will accrue but are not entitled to paid vacation time until they have been employed by the City of Boynton Beach for six months. Consult the Civil Service manual for vacation schedule. PAY PLAN - CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986./87 BUDGET PAGE 6 VACATION PAY FOR EMERGENCIES Employees faced with a sudden unforseen emergency that have in excess of 40 hours of vacation pay are eligible for this program. Suck employees may convert up to 80 hours over the 40 hour minimum reserve to cash. A request must be made in writing outlining the emergency and submitted to the Personnel Director. 'A committee comprised of the City Manager, Finance Director and Personnel Director will then review the request and approve the hours requested in total or modified as they see fit. This benefit can only be used once every five (5) years. APPRENTICE New appointments to a classified position may be designated as apprentice or trainee provided the position isn't classified such and shall be paid at a rate 5% below the starting rate for that classifi- cation for a period not to exceed 6 months. When the employee attains the proficiency or certification during the six months they can be advanced to the normal starting rate of pay~and will receive their next regular pay adjustment on their anniversary date. DISABILITY Employees who are on disability leave will have their positions held for a maximum of six months after disability claim is accepted and approved by the proper agency, after which they will have their name placed on a re-employment list as provided, under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations. In no case, however, will a position be held open longer than nine (9) months from date of incident. If the employee fails to comply with any provisions required by the agency handling the claim they will waive their rights for rein- statement in their openposition or any other position. WORKER'S COMPENSATION Whenever an employee is totally disabled from duty for a period of no more than seven (7) calendar days because of an injury deter- _ mined to be compensated under the provisions of the Worker's Compensa- tion Act, he shall be entitled to full regular pay. If the period of disability is greater than seven (7) calendar days, the employee will be eligible to receive a sum of money up to an amount equal to the difference between his Worker's Compensation check and his normal net take home pay. The Worker's Compensation insurance check will not necessarily be delivered-on the regular pay day. The injured employee will be eligible to receive the salary supplement for a period not to exceed three (3) months from date of injury. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - 1986/87 BUDGET PAGE 7 WORKER'S COMPENSATION - con't. At the end of the three months, or sooner, the City Manager, Department Head and Personnel Director will review the case for a determination of the employee's physical ability to perform his City employment after a report from the City physician and attending physician and considering all other relevant factors. In no case will the salary supplement be extended beyond six (6) months from date of injury. The injured employee may elect to receive accrued sick leave until that is exhausted and then vacation leave, in accordance with his regular hourly wage to the extent that this combined sick leave or vacation leave, City supplement (if less than the full amount author- ized) and the Worker's Compensation benefits equal his regular weekly net take home salary. The employee must contact the payroll clerk to qualify for the combined check. It is incumbent on the employee to make application for pension disability in accordance with the pension plan they are members of. Failure to do this automatically cancels the additional City benefits. If the appropriate disability pension board denies the claim the additional City salary supplement benefit will be cancelled. If the appropriate disability pension board accepts the claim, the salary supplement will be cancelled after issuance of the disability pension check or at the end of the time duration outlines above whichever comes first. If an employee who is receiving Worker's Compensation payment along with the City supplement, sick or vacation leave, is found to be working or receiving compensation for his services, during this period, they will be subject to reimbursing the City for all medical expenses and supplemented sick or vacation pay taken. MEDICAL AND LIFE INSURANCE Employees on a non-paid status for a payroll period will be personally liable for payment to the City for all insurances, i.e. medical, life, dental, etc. SICK LEAVE TRANSFER OF TIME Employees that suffer a long term illness and subsequently exhaust all their accumulated sick and vacation leave are eligible to participate in this benefit. Co-workers City wide may donate a minimum of 4 hours of their sick leave time to a specifically named employee.* This is a totally voluntary program and enables staff to freely give sick leave in 4 hour increments to persons they believe are worthy to receive it. *Provided they have a minimum balance of 120 sick hours. payplan.pmp 9/11/86 2101 2115 2116 2120 2130 2150 2151 2160 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH NON-CLASSIFIED PLAN CLASSIFICATION STARTING (1 yr.) CBE Clerks & Summer Youth Library Pages Relief Clerk/Library Beach Parking Attendant Playground Leader Recreation Attendant Kennel Maintenance Worker School Crossing Guards 4.62 4.62 5.11 5.34 5.11 4.87 5.77 5.53 _1 yr. 4.87 4.87 5.35 5.61 5.35 5.10 6.07 5.78 2 yr. #3 5.10 5.63 5.90 5.63 5.36 6.36 6.09 Final 5.36 5.91 6.20 5.91 5.63 6.70 6.40 CO m. ~ Z CO N CZ) CZ) 0 0 CZ) CD C~) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MANAGEMENT PACKAGE EXEMPT EMPLOYEES VACATION MANAGEMENT CATEGORY I Grades 30 thru 33 2 additional vacation days or option of ac- cepting 50% cash pay- ment. DEFERRED COMPENSATION City will defer $500 per fiscal year in either of the approv- ed plans ICMA/PEBSCO Or pay cash MANAGEMENT CATEGORY II Grades 34 thru 36 MANAGEMENT CATEGORY III Grades 37 thru 39 SPECIAL NON-MANAGEMENT CATEGORY IV Administrative & Executive positions do not subject to over- time and not in Cate- gory I, II or III above 3 additional vacation days or option of ac- epting cash payment of 50%. 4 additional vacation days or option of ac- cepting cash payment of 50% 2 additional vacation days or option of ac- cepting cash payment of 50% City will defer $675 per fiscal year in either of the approv- ed plans ICMA/PEBSCO Or pay past City will defer $1100 per fiscal year in either of the approv- ed plans ICMA/PEBSCO Or pay cash City will pay $350 per fiscal year in either of the approv- ed plans ICMA/PEBSCO Or pay cash VACATION Employees must make a decision as to whether they would like the additional vacation time credited to their vacation account or if they prefer to take the 50% cash allowance the first week of September each fiscal year. The additional time or money will be issued the last week of September. DEFERRED COMPENSATION Employees will be given two options as to how to have this money. issued: 1. They can have the lump sum of money credited to their deferred compensation plan the last week of September. 2. They can have a lump sum payment of cash issued the last week of September. This would be processed through payroll and all pertinent taxes would be deducted. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MANAGEMENT PACKAGE - PAGE 2 DEFERRED COMPENSATION CON'T. If an employee leaves the City prior to the end of September he will not be eligible for any of these benefits. The City Manager may however pro rate that portion of the Management Package the employee worked provided that the employee leaves in good standing. If an employee is hired during the year and eligible to partici- pate in this benefit, they will receive an amount equal to the number of days they worked in the fiscal year they started to work. payplan.pmp 9/11/86 OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ADMINISTRATOR NATURE OF WORK This is a responsible, administrative and supervisory position directing the operation and activities of t~e Occupa- tional License Division. Work involved day-to-day supervision of the routine activities of the licensing area, license issuance, violations, complaints, field inspections and enforcement. The incumbent operates under the general policy, guidance and supervision of the Building Official, or his designee, while exercising good independent judgement .in overseeing all aspects of the office and field. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classifiCation. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Work includes all responsibility for supervision and devel- opment of internal and external, operating procedures relative to operating this division. Reviews projects, assists employees and resolves problems pertaining to the Occupational License area. Attendance at, and/or organization of, meetings relating to licensing, subject to the approval of the Building Official. Supervise or participate in field znspections designed to main- tain a continuous check of all licensing activities in the City. Verifies the license application and insures inspections are made for conformity to codes. With direction from the Building Official, prepares and plans annual Occupational License Budget. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of the laws and regulations governing zoning, environmental requirements, licensing and certification and licensing of..contractors. Ability to enforce conformity with firmness, tact and impartiality and the ability to perform field and inspectional work. Ability to establish and maintain effective working re!a- ~ tionships with other employees and the general public. Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, and to prepare concise, accurate records and reports as required. Knowledge of City streets and local areas. con't. -~ OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ADMINISTRATOR - con't. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Must have a current valid Florida driver' license. High school diploma, GED or other certificate of competency supplemented by two years of practical work experience involving tactful public control or an equivalent combination of training and experience. occlicad.pmp 86- OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FIELD INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK Under the direct supervision of the Occupational License Administrator or his designee, employee works with occupational records and licenses; checks reported municipal license viola- tions. Employees in this position will perform general office work requiring knowledg~ of departmental policies, procedures and equipment. Work requires considerable understanding and tact in explaining and enforcing municipal regulations. Work is per- formed semi-independently. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does no~ exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Thorough knowledge of all aspects of occupational licenses. Maintains a continuous check of all licensing for business activities in the City. Patrols the City for possible license Violations and makes appropriate reports. Advises contractors, workers and the generai public of licensing regulations. Prepares and submits activity reports as requested. Handles complaints concerning license ordinances. Maintains specialized departmental files, records and licenses.. Ability to perform a wide range of clerical tasks as they relate to this department. Assists other employees on licensing ma~ers. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of Palm Beach County Construction Licensing Laws and Florida State Statutes as applicable to contractor certifica- tion and local Occupational License Codes. Knowledge of all municipal regulations pertaining to occupa- tional licensing. Ability to handle complaints in a tactful, courteous and efficient manner. Ability to explain and enforce municipal regulations with firmness and tact. Knowledge of City streets and local areas. con't. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FIELD INSPECTOR - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Ability to work independently, to make sound decisions based on well established procedure and municipal regulations. Ability to prepare and maintain records, activity files and reports as requested. Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with other employees and the general public. Knowledge of modern office practices and procedures. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school diploma, GED or other certificate of competency supplemented by two years of practical work experience involving tactful public contact or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Must have a current valid Florida driver's license. oclifiin.pmp 86- O~SS~TIo~S K ._ ~ operation °%o~km '~lvcO~pv~ his is _~P lant and atlon ~" ~,,=litY =~ .... the water--~bi~itY f~ +he ena P~ Health vital to the reSpOn=~_ ~o that ~' and local inde- functiOnS = state performed are functions application of requirements of the The involve the utilities DePartment' water purification proceSS and pendent judgement and initiative' -. TVS TASKS as illustrations of LusTRAT - __ ~ntended onlY_~==sificatioq. ~ .... ~les a~u ~*' = ~ this u~-_~, ~xcluae · -,~*e' These ~=~J~k performe~ ~JJe~es does ~ 2~ a logiCal the v~r~O~ ~X~cific sta%?~L~ ~s simiia~, ~- -:~lon wf spe :~ the wu~ - ~r~nent for ~ ~_~ =u~ervlsor- .~+~r samples __ ~ivisionai ~=~l test r~=~-__~ncieS. --~ prepa%u ~ ~rocesse% ~ regulatory ~9~nthlY ~ecoraS ~ ~- te and £ou=~_~ ~ itY anu "~-~na regu£a%u~ .... ~ with sta _~ ~rePaL~= .la -~ee 'anu acc°ra~LL records anu _5~=nce with plant oPe~ntains inven=~=~rders suppl=~f~ copieS ~nu j agencle~-~_~= inventory _ ~omooseS, .~pd state, Researcqes% ~ routine _~ records anu ~ni~ic gives variety _L- ce, ~oz~= ~ ~ts the pUD~ reads a_~ norre~ponde~ ~hedu£en, "'~-_..~e an~ ~ u~ .... =il, ap~. -~e tecn~ ~ __ Handles ~ requiring ~w]"~cedures- -~ and ~-= performS t ~:~nc, bo°~55 ~mnloyee PaP~i=~ and ~or state~.~y~ interdepar~ nationwide ~oor~ln~ _ ~ state ~ ~-~onS even~=. enCes, ? oordina? PU% /or ime oo., O erate C°n==~nd EEC II. :~o~4ate informau=u~' - . P~._~ 7-22 -- ~tain ll~= icS, supervisorS, etC. knowledge of the principleS, practiceS, considerable operation of a modern water ment, maintenance and o~ chemistry as related plant- considerable knowledge purification' OPERATIONS SPECIALIST - con't. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Ability to perform a variety of analyses on water samples. Maintains inventory of chemicals and equipment and reports to Supervisor. Considerable knowledge of the occupational hazards connected with Water Treatment plant operation and of necessary safety precautions in addition to thorough knowledge of departmental safety standards. Ability to plan and assign the basic work of Water Treatment Plant personnel. Ability to maintain specialized records and prepare techni- cal reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with state and local regulatory agencies and co-work- ers. Ability to learn computer operation. QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation supplemented with Water Plant Opera- tion courses in operations, maintenance, chemistry and safety. A minimum of four years clerical experience'. Possessions of a Class "C" Water Treatmen~ Certificate issued by the State of Florida. Muss possess a current valid Florida drivers license. operspec.pmp 86- CUSTODIAN II NATURE OF WORK This is routine work requiring custodial experience in City facilities. Employees are responsible for the proper performance of cleaning and custodial work, and required the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. The employee works under the general supervision of the Custodial Crew Leader and may involve the supervision of entry-level (Custodian I) personnel. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors. Washes walls, windows and woodwork. Dusts, polishes, arranges and moves furniture and equipment. Replaces light bulbs, cleans and polishes metals. Maintains a daily check of all res~room and lavatory instal- lations, checking for supplies, etc. making sure they are kept in a sanitary manner. Unstops lavatories when necessary. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGESt ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of building cleaning procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written in- structions. Ability to perform routine operations involved in custodial duties without immediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees. Neat, pleasant appearance. Thorough knowledge of how to mix and use chemicals needed on the job. Thorough knowledge of depar~men~ safe~y standards. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience in janitorial or related custodial work and three full years continuous and progressive experience in the division. Ability to read and write. Current Florida driver's license required. custodii.pmp 86- CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN NATURE OF WORK This is a highly specialized position and consists of multifaceted duties all being related in the areas of crime scene work, photography and evidence. It requires the use of consider- able discretion in the application of specialized knowledge and abilities in the investigation and the preserving of evidence of crime scenes. Although most of the work to be performed will be in accordance with established procedures, employee must exercise considerable independent judgment in application to specific cases. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKs Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Photograph scene and victim at scene and hospital; measure- ments and scale sketch of scene for court; collect evidence; latent processing; neutron acsivation; proCess all stolen vehi- cles recovered; on-call status; reports to be submitted for all crime scenes; make appointments for Public Defenders to view DWI tapes; make duplicate tapes a~ Public Defenders request; all narcotics to be tested by PBSO Lab upon request of State Attorney;s office, depositions; obtain evidence, photos and information for officers relating to their respective cases; test drugs for officers upon request; dust for laten~s on evidence upon officers request; video taping all confessions, city ordi- nance violations and make training films; photograph all auto accidents involving fatalities and/or possible fatalities. Evidence Custodian: Collect and maintain all evidence, stolen recovered property and found property. Complete paperwork and store all property in Evidence Room. Return stolen recovered property to owners. Testify in court chain of custody, submit evidence in court. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Employee must demonstrate that he possess skill in investi- gative techniques, photography and crime scene drawings and be familiar with all aspects of fingerprint procedures and the ability to properly collect and preserve evidence and must demonstrate that he can intelligently present his finding in court by use of written reports and oral testimony. CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN - con't. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING It is desirable for the applicant applying for this position to have graduated from a standard high school (or possess a GED certificate) preferably supplemented by advanced courses in Crime Scene and Photography or any equivalent combination of training and experience. Must have a current valid Florida Drivers License. crmsctec.pmp 86- DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible professional level administrative work directing the operations of various divisions with the Department of Management Services. This position is responsible for the planning, organizing and coordinating of the varied work operations of such divisions as: Communications, Facilities Management, Customer Service and others as may be necessarily established. This employee exercises considerable independent judgement in determining and developing procedures, establishing departmental objectives, and ensuring conformity to the City's established policies and standards under the general administra- tive direction of' the City Manager. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific s~atemen~s of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Exercises primary operational and administrative control over the departmen~ and all of its divisions. Prepares the annual budgets for the department and makes recommendations to the City Manager. Directs and coordinates the activities of the department with other City departments or public entities in response to work operations required, needs assessment and provisions of services. Initiates studies, research, or investigations to promote efficient work methods, standardization and cost-effective measures involving the varied operations of the department. Develops and implements departmental policy and guidelines. Performs related work as required. Performs the following executive type duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains production records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in status; handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AN SKILLS Extensive knowledge of the principles of management and their application to administrative and governmental affairs. Extensive knowledge of basic budgetary principles and practices. DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - con't. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Ability to determine, implement, and measure departmental goals, objectives, and policies. Ability to establish and maintain an effective working relationship with other departments, other public agencies, the media and the general public. Ability to communicate ideas clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from an accredited college or university with major coursework in Public Administration, Business Administra- tion or closely related discipline; Master's degree preferred. Minimum of five years progressively responsible administrative or managerial experience; local government experience preferred, or any equivalent combination of education, training and experience. dirmansv.pmp 86- ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible administrative, supervisory and professional level work. The employee is responsible for depart- mental operational and administrative details and works with considerable independence within the scope of established depart- mental policies and procedures. This employee may be responsible for the direct supervision of clerical and/or departmental division personnel and for related work as required. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Provides assistance to the head of a large, complex depart- ment; interprets administrative policy and decisions as explained and directed; relieves the department head of clerical deuaiis, routine operational administrative ma=ters; transmits orders and instructions within the auuhority of the position as delegated by the department head. Performs public relations function with the public, the media, City officials, department heads, personnel and visitors; schedules and coordinated meetings, conferences and appointments for the department head. Ensures the preparation and maintenance of divisional records, correspondence and reports; takes calls and answers specialized inquiries; oversees the collection and management of public accounts and records as dictated by departmental needs. Conducts research and analysis and implements policy and procedures as required. Performs the following executive type duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains production records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or o~her changes in status; handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. KNOWLEDGESt ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of modern office practices and procedures in planning, organizing, directing and controlling work ~o neet departmental goals and objectives. Ability to communicate effectively with the public, and to establish and maintain harmonious working relations with other employees. ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - con't. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't Ability to use analytical and statistical skills in the preparation of reports and analyses. Demonstrated understanding of the operation of a wide range of modern office automation and microprocessing equipment such as computer terminals, work processing, microfilm, mail processing, copying/printing and related equipment. Demonstrated ability to effectively supervise and direct the efforts of subordinate personnel. ~UALIFICATIONS Graduation from an accredited college or university with a major coursework in Public or Business Administration, Personnel or Financial Management, or related field; Masters Degree pre- ferred. Minimum of three years progressively responsible adminis- trative or managerial experience required; local government experience preferred, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training. asdimgsv.pmp 86- ASSISTANT BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR NATURE OF WORK This is supervisory and skilled work in the maintenance, repair and alternation of municipal facilities, buildings and grounds. Work involves assisting the Building Maintenance Supervisor in assigning and supervising building tradesmen and custodial personnel engaged in a variety of tasks. Work involves the application of skills in several standard building trades. The employee exercises considerable discretion in determining work methods. Work is performed under the general guidance of the Division Supervisor and is reviewed through inspections of completed work and reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Assists the Building Maintenance Supervisor and serves in that capacity in his absence. Supervises and performs carpennry work in tearing down and rebuilding partitions, repairing floors and ceilings,construction small structures, building cabinets and recreational items and repairing roofs. Supervises and participanes in repairing doors, locks, window frames, tables, chairs and other wooden equipment. Supervises and participates in painting, cement and masonry work relative to building maintenance. Supervises and participates in the mechanical repair of cooling equipment, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, dehumidifiers and in the repair of plumbing fixtures and systems. Supervises and participanes in electrical system repairs and installations. Instructs and trains personnel in trade's work, maintains records and inventory of tools and equipment; requisitions materials; prepares work estimates. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of me~hods, practices, tools and materials in several of the building trades. Ability to work from blueprints and to prepare rough pencil sketches of equipment and fixtures to be constructed or repaired. ASSISTANT BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - con't. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Ability to inspect a wide variety of electrical, mechanical and other equipment and fixtures to determine defects and needed repairs. Ability to effectively supervise both skilled and unskilled workers. Ability to maintain a make minor repairs to shop equipment and tools. Ability to keep records and prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with employees and departmental officials. Skill in the Use and care of hand tools and equipment in several building traces. Considerable knowledge of safety standards. Ability to teach safety rules and regulations to subordi- nates. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a snandard high school or voca~ionai school, Must have considerable experience in skilled building maintenance and repair work. Current Florida driver's license required. asbmsupr.pmp 86- TENNIS PROFESSIONAL NATURE OF WORK This position calls for the provision of a complete communi- ty tennis program including court control, regulation, manage- ment, instruction and competitive play. The Tennis Manager is directly responsible to the Recreation and Park Director or his designee for all duties relative to the tennis programs and facilities. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Assume the responsibility for the direction, regulation and management of the Municipal Racquet Center. Plan, organize and conduct a complete community tennis program including lessons, leagues and tournaments. Specifically, to develop a junior tennis program allowing youth of the community ample opportunity to enjoy and learn tennis within the contex~ of a lifetime spors. Recommend improvements and submit needs as related to maintenance, repair and care of the tennis center. Supervise court attendants and maintenance personnel respon- sible for court regulations; assignments to include preparing work schedules, submitting payroll and employee evaluations. Supervise and stand accountable for the financial operations of the center to include the collection of membership fees, daily court fees, light fees and other financial transactions. Submit and maintain records and forms as they relate to the tennis center operation to include financial reports, attendance reports, accident reports, membership records equipment requisi- tions, etc. Plan and direct a public relations program designed to promote tennis, &dvertise planned programs and develop a positive image with the community. Submit budget recommendations for each year's cperations of the center upon reques~ of the Recreation and Park Director. Hire, train and supervise all tennis center personnel. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the rules and regulations of the U.S.P.T.A. Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, equipment, materials and operating procedures to maintain Municipal Tennis complexes. con't. TENNIS PROFESSIONAL - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Ability to set up and run tennis clinics. Skilled at playing tennis. Ability to instruct and teach others to play tennis. Ability to supervise the work of others. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with co-workers and the general public. Thorough knowledge of safety practice and procedures used in the department. DESIRABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCEE The Tennis Manager shall have had at least two years of competitive tennis experience, as well as at least two years of tennis teaching and/or coaching experience. Preferably, the Tennis Manager shall have had a least two years of work in an administrative or supervisory capacity with a private and/or municipal tennis center operation and should be U.S.P.T.A. Certified. tennprof.pmp 86- ASSISTANT PLANNER NATURE OF WORK This is responsible, professional level work in the Planning Department involving technical skills and project coordination for assigned planning programs and projects. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Planning Director with specific supervision provided by the Departmental Senior Planner. Work is reviewed by reports submitted and by observation of results achieved. The employee in this class is also responsible for supervising the drafting and graphics personnel in the Planning Department. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Prepares exhibits; reports and land use studies. Reviews, collects and abstracts data for inclusion in studies. Assists the Planner in preparing for all types of grants which the City may be eligible to participate. Performs related work as required. Performs the following professional type duties: Advanced knowledge of the Planning Department obtained from prolonged specialized instruction and study, and must consistently exercise discretion and judgement. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Must be able to plan, organize and direct the activity of technical and clerical personnel engaged in the complication, analysis and interpretation of data concerning planning and zoning for the ~lanning Director. Ability to collect and analyze statistical and factual data necessary for comprehensive community planning. Working knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and proce- dures relating to planning and their current interpretation. Ability to conduct effective research. Ability to prepare exhibits, reports and land use studies. Ability to plan and coordinate projects and to effect£vely supervise the work of others. Knowledge of urban planning theories, principles and prac- tices. Ability to establish and maintain an effective working relationship with City officials, the general public and fellow employees. ASSISTANT PLANNER - con't. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a four (4) year college or university with a major in Planning or a related field. One (1) year's experience in urban planning or Master's degree in urban or regional plan- ning or a related field is desirable. asstplan.pmp 86- PROGRAMMER NATURE OF WORK This is a combination of two positions; Data Entry Clerk and Programmer trainee. Duties consist of all the responsibilities of Data Entry Clerk plus the additional responsibilities of maintaining existing programs and coding new programs. Work is performed under the supervision of the Director of Data Process- ing or his designee. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Analyzes problem and prepares exact and logical steps for it's solution. Prepares programs or modifies programs based on the nature of the problem and the equipment'used. Prepares instruction manuals for the computer operators to follow when running a program. The programmer is responsible for "de-Bugging" all programs used. Responsible for entering data into the computer via Data Terminals. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS ly. Thorough knowledge of the operation of the Data Terminal. Ability to operate these machines accurately, and efficient- Ability to code data. Ability to perform clerical work and maintain files. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with co-workers and the general public. Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, equipment, materials and operating procedures of computers. Knowledge of modern computer techniques and procedures as related to municipal government, i.e. accounting, etc. Ability to maintain records and prepare reports. Ability to prepare a soft-ware system. DESIRABLE TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE Graduation from a standard high school, supplemented with college courses in computer programming, i.e. data processing, accounting, or one year's previous experience as a programmer for a municipal government. programm.pmp 86- CREW LEADER NATURE OF WORK This is skilled manual work. Employee exercises limited supervision over a small crew, usually performing manual labor requiring some job-acquired skills. Work duties are normally routine and any unusual jobs are discussed with the Foreman or Supervisor. Work assignments are received from the Foreman or the Supervisor either orally or in written form and work is inspected while in progress or after completion. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Helps to load and unload any and all materials. Assists in setting grades, .setting forms for concrete work, tamps and levels concrete, asphalt and other materials. Pours concrete, fills pavemen~ cracks~, shovels and rakes asphalt paving mix in street repairs. Supervises and aids in the installation of all water and sewerlines, sprinkler systems, and appurtenances. Assists Supervisor in evaluating work to be done in the field. Supervises and aides in the maintenance of parks, athletic fields and beach area. Mows along right-of-way. Supervises and aids in the cleaning of buildings, floors, restrooms or other janitorial duties. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Good working knowledge of the use of janitorial chemicals. Good working knowledge of buffing machines, vacuum cleaners, and other cleaning equipment. Thorough knowledge of safety standards of the department assigned. Good working knowledge of tools, methods and materials used in general maintenance of parks and athletic field. Good knowledge of the fundamentals of pipe and sprinkler system layouts. Ability to lead a small crew of non-skilled and semi-skilled laborers in a variety of tasks. Ability to operate various types of automotive equipment. Ability to understand and follow both oral and written directions without close supervision. Ability to prune and spray ornamental vegetation and trees. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. con't. ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ENGINEER NATURE OF WORK This is a professional level position in the field of Civil Engineering. Employees in this class work directly for the City Engineer. Work is done using considerable independent judgment. Work is reviewed by the City Engineer for adherence to minimum standards. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Is in responsible charge of work relating to engineering functions of the City; assigns work to draftmen; supervises and assists in the drawing of construction, maintenance and improve- ment plans; supervises and assists in work of assembling plans and material for writing specifications; makes estimates of project costs; makes monthly es~lmases of amounts due contractors on the percentage of work done; keeps records of easement, established grades, contracts, e~c.~ makes required reports. Can work on all phases of street construction and maintenance, utility installation, storm and sanitary sewers, building land other structures. Performs related work as required. Ability ~o establish and maintain effective working relationship with other City officials and employees, contractors and the general public. Performs the following adminis~rasive type duties: regular- ly exercises discretion and independent judgment and has the authority to make important decisions; assists the department head or administrative employee; works under only general super- vision using specialized or technical knowledge required in the Engineering Department requiring special training experience or knowledge; ability to execute special assignments under general supervision. MINIMUM ~UALIFICATI©NS Completion of a college educasion in Civil Engineering and two years experience as a Civil Engineer on construction and maintenance work involving streets, sewer and sidewalks, or such combination of education and experience as may be accepted. Knowledge of the application of engineering principles to problems of streets, building and sanitary systems; knowledge of office procedures and methods of recording engineering data. assttoce.pmp 86- CUSTODIAN I NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial work. Employees are responsible for the proper performance of cleaning and custodial work. Work is performed without direct supervision, and requires the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. The employee works under general supervision, receiving specific instructions on unusual or new jobs. Routine assignments are checked by spot inspections or as a result of complaints. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors. Washes walls, windows and woodwork. Dusts, polishes, arranges and moves furniture and equipment. Replaces light bulbs, cleans and polishes metals. Maintains a daily check of all rest room and lavatory installations, checking for supplies, etc. Unstops lavatories when necessary. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of building cleaning procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written in- structions. Ability to perform routing operations involved in custodial duties without immediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees. Neat, pleasant appearance. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in janitorial or related custodial work; ability to read and write or any equivalent combination of experience and training. custodi.pmp 86- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS NATURE OF WORK This is responsible administrative and technical work in supervising and directing the operations of the Public Works Department. Work involves responsibility for the organization, direction and coordination of activities for the following divisions: Streets, Sanitation, Animal Control, Garage and Shop and includes the following activities: Street maintenance and repairs, garbage and trash collection, maintenance and painting of City vehicles and equipment. Work is performed under the general administrative direction of the City Manager, however, considerable independent judgment and discretion is required in carrying out the daily operations of the department and all of its divisions. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Plans and directs the activities of subordinates. Supervises the overall organization, direction and coordina- tion of the varied field operasions of the department. Checks and signs all payrolls. Prepares the annual budget and makes recommendations to the City Manager. Inspects all work being performed by all divisions of the department. Coordinates activities of the department with municipal programs and projects. Checks and adjusts complains made about any division of Public Works. Submits reports to the City Manager as required. Performs the following executive type duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains productions records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in status;handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Experience in supervising, planning and directing projects related to municipal work. Extensive knowledge of and ability to apply principles and practices of organization, managemen~ and personnel control in the cperation of a major municipal department. RECREATION & PARKS DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is responsln±~ administrative, technical ant superviso- ry work. Employee is directly responsible for the establishment and creative maintenance of a varied community Recreation and Parks program. Within the confines of established policy, emnloyee is responsible for designing and implementing and effective municipal Recreation and Parks program for all age groups and for administering such program. Employee is responsi- ble for staffing the program and .for in-service training of personnel as required. Work is performed under the general supervision of the City Manager. ILLUST~a'~IVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Prepares departmental budget; prepares and submits reports to the City Council, the Recreation Board an~ the Cemetery Board as required. Develops and maintains effective operating records. Plans additions to, or revisions of, park playgrounds and community recr==tion programs after careful res~=rc~. Authorized and prepares news releases covering departmental activities and available programs. Supervises performances and in-service training of person- nel; evaluates staff performances; assigns duties. Plan~ an~ supervises all phases of the Recreation and Parks program. Maintains close contact with Florida Recreation & Parks AssociatIon as a means of learning and adopting new deveiopment~ in the State z=creation program ~o =~,e City's use. Reviews and develops Recreational and Parks plans and programs suggested by staff, Recreation Board and the general public. Serves in an advisory capacity to the City Manager in all matters pertaining to Recreation and Parks. Appzoves the layout and development of park sites both new and existing to meet the needs of the City. con't. UTILITY INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is semi-professional Civil Engineering work. An employee in this class is responsible for determining compliance with regulations in construction contracts and agree- ments with the City. The employee must exercise considerable independent judgment and technical discretion in the performance of work. Work is reviewed through discussion and review of reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Checks construction methods as set forth in the specifica- tions and the application of these construction methods to a finished over-all job. Maintains daily records for the purpose_ of estimating costs and payments to the contractor. All construction wor~ of this nature required certification and field reports for partial payments and final acceptance of the job. Gives instruction and advice on City standards and other regulatory requirements; reviews field and office work and gives technical assistance and advice; parniclpases in the resolution of the more complex problems and in disputes relative to projects. Inspects curb lowerings over the entire City in order to insure proper installation of aprons and sidewalk.crossovers. Inspects sanitary sewer lines, s~orm sewers, wa~er lines and other utility related projects. Field checks complaints from property owners regarding problems and determines solution for correction of flooding conditions, grading of parkways and alleys, encroachments on City property and similar violations of City ordinances. Performs drafting of engineering drawings as directed by the Engineer. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of modern construction principles and practices. Proven knowledge of engineering mathematics. Considerable knowledge of engineering construction drawings. Ability of read and interpret construction drawings and specifications and sketches with field notes. con't. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible professional, technical and administrative work directing the operations of the City's Communications Division within the Department of Management Services. This employee is responsible for the planning, techni- cal direction and coordination of radio, dispatch, E91t, and voice/data telecommunications services required to support all City operating departments. Direct supervision is exercised over the Communications Division staff with work performed under the general supervision of the Director of Management Services. This employee exercises considerable independent judgement and initia- tive in the performance of the required duties. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Implements departmental policies and procedures. Supervises the operation of the City's Communications Center including consolidated public safety and non-public safety radio dispatch and emergency 911 telephone service. Supervises the operation of the City's digital PBX voice and data telecommunications network in cooperation with the Data Processing Department. Maintains effective liaison with other public agencies, City departments, technical consultants and manufacturers representa- tives, and also monitors and coordinates contractual arrangements involving communications systems and service providers. Coordinated the planning and operation of City emergency Communications networks and the Emergency Operations Center (E.O.C.) functions. Conducts training for all City communications system users in order to ensure standardization, operational efficiency and cost-effectivene'ss. Prepares divisional correspondence, reports, analyses, recommendations, budgetary proposals and related work as re- quired. Performs the following executive type duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains production records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in status; handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. UTILITY ENGINEER (PE) NATURE OF WORK This is professional engineering and administrative work performed in the field and office. An employee in this class is responsible for the application of professional engineering skills and knowledges to municipal utility projects; supervises and participates in varied engineering, location and topographic surveys. Work involves responsibility for formulating and carrying out all technical details and phases of utilities engineering projects. Exercises supervision over the employees assigned to the utilities engineering department engaged in technical and clerical duties, including inspection of on-going subdivision and City work. Work is performed under the technical dictates of the profession and is subject to review and guidance by the Utility Director of his Assistant. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Serves in an advisory capacity on various planning projects, including new water mains, sewer lines, extension and remodeling of City pump stations, water treatment plant facilities, etc. Also aids in the planning of any and all expansions of the City's boundaries. Reviews on site and off site utilities for conformance to City utilities standards and master water and sewer plan. Prepares drawings and specifications for various public utilities projects. Prepares schedules of projects and assigns work to the draftsmen. Assists and supervises in the preparation of drawings for construction, maintenance or other municipal utilities improve- ments. Prepares technical specifications for bids on various municipal utilities projects such as water and sewer line exten- sions and replacements. Prepares and makes cost estimates of engineering projects. Prepares cost estimates of amounts due contractors on a percentage of work done basis. Maintains up-to-date records of condemnations, vacations, easements, established grades, etc. especially as related to water and sewer utilities. Performs related work as required. (con't) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible administrative, supervisory and professional work. The employee is responsible for departmental operational and administrative details and works with consider- able independence within the scope of established departmental policies and procedures. Performs other work as requested. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Provides assistance to the City Manager; interprets adminis- trative policy and decisions as explained and directed; relieves the department head of clerical details, routine operational administrative matters; transmits orders and instructions within the authority of the City Manager. Performs public relations function with the public, other City department conferences and appointments ~for the department. Prepares and maintains records, correspondence, reports; takes calls and answers specialized inquires, oversees and/or collects public accounts and records as dictated by departmental needso May supervise and schedule other clerical and/or departmen- tal subordinate employees as assigned. Performs the following administrative type duties: Regular- ly exercises discretion and independent judgement and has the authority to make important decisions; assists the City Manager; works under only general supervision using specialized or techni- cal knowledge required in the department; ability to execute special assignments under general supervision. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge o~ modern office practices and procedures in planning, organizing, directing and con~rolling work to meet departmental goals and objectives. Ability to communicate effectively with the public, and to establish and maintain harmonious working relations with other employees. Ability to use analytical and statistical skills in ~he preparation of reports and analyses. con't ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ENGINEER NATURE OF WORK This is a professional level position in the field of Civil Engineering. Employees in this class work directly for the City Engineer. Work is done using considerable independent judgment. Work is reviewed by the City Engineer for adherence to minimum standards. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types' of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Is in responsible charge of work relating to engineering functions of the City; assigns work to draftmen; supervises and assists in the drawing of construction, maintenance and improve- ment plans; supervises and assists in work of assembling plans and material for writing specifications; makes estimates of project costs; makes monthly estimases of amounts due contractors on the percentage of work done; keeps records of easemens, established grades, contracts, etc.; makes required reports. Can work on all phases of s~reet construction and maintenance, utility installation, storm and sanitary sewers, building land other structures. Performs related work as required. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with other City officials and employees, consrac~ors and the general public. Performs the following adminisSrative type duties: regular- ly exercises discretion and independent judgment and has the authority to make important decisions; assists the department head or administrative employee; works under only general super- vision using specialized or technical knowledge required in the Engineering Department requiring special training experience or knowledge; ability to execute special assignments under general supervision. MINIMUM ~UALIFICATI©NS Completion of a college education in Civil Engineering and two years experience as a Civil Engineer on construction and maintenance work involving streets, sewer and sidewalks, or such combination of education and experience as may be accepted. Knowledge of the application of engzneering principles to problems of streets, building and sanitary systems; knowledge of office procedures and methods of recording engineering data. asst~oce.pmp 86- CUSTODIAN I NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial work. Employees are responsible for the proper performance of cleaning and custodial work. Work is performed without direct supervision, and requires the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. The employee works under general supervision, receiving specific instructions on unusual or new jobs. Routine assignments are checked by spot inspections or as a result of complaints. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors. Washes walls, windows and woodwork. Dusts, polishes, arranges and moves furniture and equipment. Replaces light bulbs, cleans and polishes metals. Maintains a daily check of all rest room and lavatory installations, checking for supplies, etc. Unstops lavatories when necessary. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of building cleaning procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written in- structions. Ability to perform routing operations involved in custodial duties without immediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees. Neat, pleasant appearance. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in janitorial or related custodial work; ability to read and write or any equivalent combination of experience and training. custodi.pmp 86- DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS NATURE OF WORK This is responsible administrative and technical work in supervising and directing the operations of the Public Works Department. Work involves responsibility for the organization, direction and coordination of activities for the following divisions: Streets, Sanitation, Animal Control, Garage and Shop and includes the following activities: Street maintenance and repairs, garbage and trash collection, maintenance and painting of City vehicles and equipment. Work is performed under the general administrative direction of the City Manager, however, considerable independent judgment and discretion is required in carrying out the daily operations of the department and all of its divisions. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific sta~emenus of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Plans and directs the activities of subordinates. Supervises the overall organization, direction and coordina- tion of the varied field operations of the department. Checks and signs all payrolls. Prepares the annual budgeu and makes recommendations to the City Manager. Inspects all work being performed by all divisions of the department. Coordinates activities of the department with municipal programs and projects. Checks and adjusts complains made about any division of Public Works. Submits reports to the City Manager as required. Performs the following executive uype duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains productions records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in status;handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Experience in supervising, planning and directing projects related to municipal work. Extensive knowledge of and ability to apply principles and practices of organization, management and personnel control in the operation of a major municipal department. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Extensive knowledge of materials, equipment and supplies used in Public Works activities. Thorough knowledge of the City's street network. Considerable ability in organization, direction and coordi- nation of a wide variety of public services activities to obtain maximum results. Ability to devise and develop lOng-range plans and programs and to make sound decisions on matters of operating policies and administrative problems. Ability to meet and deal tactfully with the general public and to express himself effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the other municipal depart- ments, and the general public. MINIMUM ~UALIFICATIONS Must possess a curren~ valid Florida driver's license. Graduation from an accredited college or university with major coursework in Administration and Management/Engineering, or 10 years experience in a related field with 5 years experience at a supervisory or management level directing and budgeting at least one of the divisions outlined above, with courses in municipal supervisory procedures. dirpubwk.pmp 86- RECREATION & PARKS DIRECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is responsln±~ administrative, technical an= superviso- ry work. Employee is directly responsible for the establishment and creative maintenance of a varied community Recreation and Parks program. Within the confines of established policy, emnloyee is responsible for designing and implementing and effective municipal Recreation and Parks program for all age groups and for administering such program. Employee is responsi- ble for staffing the program and .for in-service training of personnel as required. Work is performed under the general supervision of t.he City Manager. ILLUSTratIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Prepares departmental budget; prepares and submits reports to the City Council, the Recreation Board an~ the Cemetery Board as required. Develops and maintains effective operating records. Plans additions to, or revisions of, park playgrounds and community recr~=tion programs after careful research. Authorized and prepares news releases covering departmental activities and available programs. Supervises performances and in-service training of person- nel; evaluates staff performances; assigns duties. Plan~ an~ supervises all phases of the Recreation and Parks program. Maintains close contact with Florida Recreation & Parks Association as a means of learning and adopting new deveiopment~ in the State z=creation program to =,~e City's use. Reviews and develops Recreational and Parks plans and programs suggeSted by staff, Recreation Board and the general public. Serves in an advisory capacity to the City Manager in all matters pertaining to Recreation and Parks- Appzoves the layout and development of park sites both new and existing to meet the needs of the City. con't. RECREATION & PARKS DIRECTOR - con't. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIESr AND SKILLS Ability to plan and develop a Municipal Parks and Recrea- tional program geared to all age groups. Ability to tactfully supervise the work of others and to conduct effective in-service training classy=. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees, other recreational agencies and the general public. Knowledge of the best utilization of land areas for recrea- tional use. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a Bachelor's degree, preferable with a major in Recreation of Physical Education supplemented by graduate level courses in the organization and administration of public recrea- tion. recpkdir.pmp 86- UTILITY INSPECTOR NATURE OF WORK This is semi-professional Civil Engineering work. An employee in this class is responsible for determining compliance with regulations in construction contracts and agree- ments with the City. The employee must exercise considerable independent judgment and technical discretion in the performance of work. Work is reviewed through discussion and review of reports. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Checks construction methods as se~ forth in the specifica- tions and the application of these construction methods to a finished over-all job. Maintains daily records for the purposer of estimating costs and payments to the contractor. All construction work of this nature required certification and field reports for partial payments and final acceptance of the job. Gives instruction and advice on City standards and other regulatory requirements; reviews field and office work and gives technical assistance and advice; participates In the resolution of the more complex problems and in disputes relative to projects. Inspects curb lowerings over the entire City in order to insure proper installation of aprons and sidewalk crossovers. Inspects sanitary sewer lines, snorm sewers, wa%er lines and other utility related projects. Field checks complaints from proper~y owners regarding problems and determines solution for correction of flooding conditions, grading of parkways and alleys, encroachments on City property and similar violations of City ordinances. Performs drafting of engineering drawings as directed by the Engineer. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Considerable knowledge of modern construction principles and practices. Proven knowledge of engineering mathematics. Considerable knowledge of engineering construction drawings. Ability of read and interpret construction drawings and specifications and sketches with field notes. con't. UTILILTIES INSPECTOR - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Experience in the construction of concrete and asphalt streets, curbs and other paved areas. Ability to assist in coordination the work of a group of inspectors and to give technical instruction. Ability to enforce regulations .with firmness, tact and impartiality. Ability to prepare reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with associates, contractors and the public. Sufficient physical strength to climb, walk and perform other manual tasks incidental to field inspection work. Knowledge and ability to perform engineering drafting work for the Utilities Department. Ability to participane effectively in special studies and projects in the area of water and was~ewater treatment, transmis- sion and beneficial maintenance of these sysnems. Ability to interelate with available micro-processor as related to engineering and administrative systems. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a four (4) year college or university with a major in Civil or Sanitary Engineering, Biology, Environmental Science or in a related physical science area and experience in the engineering field. Valid, current Florida driver's license required. utilinsp.pmp 86- COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible professional, technical and administrative work directing the operations of the City's Communications Division within the Department of Management Services. This employee is responsible for the planning, techni- cal direction and coordination of radio, dispatch, E911, and voice/data telecommunications services required to support all City operating departments. Direct supervision is exercised over the Communications Division staff with work performed under the general supervision of the Director of' Management Services. This employee exercises considerable independent judgement and initia- tive in the performance of the required duties. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Implements departmental policies and procedures. Supervises the operation of the City's Communications Center including consolidated public safety and non-public safety radio dispatch and emergency 911 telephone service. Supervises the operation of the City's digital PBX voice and data telecommunications network in cooperation with the Data Processing Department. Maintains effective liaison witk other public agencies, City departments, technical consultants and manufacturers representa- tives, and also monitors and coordinates contractual arrangements involving communications systems and service providers. Coordinated the planning and operation of City emergency Communications networks and the Emergency Operations Center (E.O.C.) functions. Conducts training for all City communications system users in order to ensure standardization, operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Prepares divisional correspondence, reports, analyses, recommendations, budgetary proposals and related work as re- quired. Performs the following executive type duties: Interviews, selects and trains employees; directs work assignments; maintains production records for use in supervision of control; appraises productivity or efficiency for the purpose of recommending promotions or other changes in status; handles complaints and grievances, plans work and provides for safety of employees. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Extensive knowledge of the principles and application of all types of modern electronic communications systems. Ability to design and coordinate radio, E911 and voice/data systems and supervise their utilization. Ability to conduct effective research and training and to present ideas effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to plan, assign, supervise and evaluate the work of subordinates. QUALIFICATIONS Graduation from an accredited college or university with major coursework in Public or Business Administration, Communica- tions Management or Electrical Engineering; five years progres- sively responsible experience in public safety radio, dispatch, E911 and PBX telephone system supervision and operation; computer-aided diSpatch, microwave and UHF trunked radio system experience desired, or any equivalent combination of education, training and experience. commumgr.pmp 86- NATURE OF WORK UTILITY ENGINEER (PE) This is professional engineering and administranive work performed in the field and office. An employee in this class is responsible for the application of professional engineering skills and knowledges to municipal utility projects; supervises and participates in varied engineering, location and topographic surveys. Work involves responsibility for formulating and carrying out all technical details and phases of utilities engineering projects. Exercises supervision over the employees assigned to the utilities engineering departmen~ engaged in technical and clerical duties, including inspection of on-going subdivision and City work. Work is performed under the technical dictates of the profession and is subject to review and guidance by the Utility Director of his Assistant. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this c!assifica~ion. The omission of specific statements of duties does no~ exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Serves in an advisory capacity on various planning projects, including new water mains, sewer lines, extension and remodeling of City pump stations, water treatment plant facilities, enc. Also aids in the planning of any and all expansions of the City's boundaries. Reviews on site and off site utilities for conformance to City utilities standards and master water and sewer plan. Prepares drawings and specifications for various public utilities projects. Prepares schedules of projects and assigns work to the draftsmen. Assists and supervises in the preparation of drawings for construction, maintenance or other municipal utilities improve- ments. Prepares technical specifications for bids on various municipal utilities projects such as water and sewer line exten- sions and replacements. Prepares and makes cosn estimates of engineering projects. Prepares cost estimates of amounts due contractors on a percentage of work done basis. Maintains up-to-date records of condemnations, vacations, easements, established grades, etc. especially as rela~ed to water and sewer utilities. Performs related work as required. (con't) UTILITY ENGINEER (PE) - con't. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of the principals of modern municipal engineering and ability to apply knowledge to municipal projects of all types. Thorough knowledge of the City and it's geographical pecu- liarities. Ability to plan, draw specifications and supervise construc- tion of new or remodeling existing utilities buildings and facilities. Thorough knowledge in all conventional aspects of municipal utility matters. Thorough knowledge of pumps, motors, transmission lines and their proper use and installation. Ability to prepare written reports advising the Director and Assistant Director of Utilities of proposed or ongoing projects. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public. Thoroughly familiar with the governmental rules and regula- tions covering utility matters. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from an accredited college or university with a degree in Civil Engineering; plus extensive experience in respon- sible positions in sanitary and municipal utilities engineering; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Shall be licensed to practice engineering in the State of Florida in accordance with Florida Stature 471. Must possess a current valid Florida driver's license. utengpe.pmp 86- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER NATURE OF WORK This is highly responsible administrative, supervisory and professional work. The employee is responsible for departmental operational and administrative details and works with consider- able independence within the scope of established departmental policies and procedures. Performs other work as requested. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Provides assistance to the City Manager; interprets adminis- trative policy and decisions as explained and directed; relieves the department head of clerical details, routine operational administrative matters; transmits orders and instructions within the authority of the City Manager. Performs public relations function with the public, other City department conferences and appointments for the deparument. Prepares and maintains records, correspondence, reports; takes calls and answers specialized inquires, oversees and/or collects public accounts and records as dictated by deparumental needs° May supervise and schedule other clerical and/or departmen- tal subordinate employees as assigned. Performs the following administrative type duties: Regular- ly exercises discretion and independent judgement and has the authority to make important decisions; assists the City Manager; works under only general supervision using specialized or techni- cal knowledge required in the department; ability to execute special assignments under general supervision. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge o2 modern office practices and procedures in planning, organizing, directing and controlling work to meet departmental goals and objectives. Ability to communicate effectively with the public, and to establish and maintain harmonious working relations with other employees. Ability to use analytical and statistical skills in ~he preparation of reports and analyses. con't ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER con't. KNOWLEDGESr, ABILITIES AND SKILLS - con't. Demonstrated ability to operate a wide range of modern office automation and microprocessing equipment such as computer terminals, word processing, microfilm, mail processing, copy- ing/printing and related equipment. Demonstrated ability to effectively supervise and direct the efforts of subordinate personnel. Ability to maintain and establish effective working rela- tionships with the general public and fellow employees. REQUIREMENTS High school diploma, GED or equivalent combination of training and experience; supplemented with academic coursework, and/or specialized knowledge through responsible work experience in the specific area of departmental concentration. adastocm.pmp 86- ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ENGINEER NATURE OF WORK This is a professional level position in the field of Civil Engineering. Employees in this class work directly for the City Engineer. Work is done using considerable independent judgment. Work is reviewed by the City Engineer for adherence to minimum standards. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Is in responsible charge of work relating to engineering functions of the City; assigns work to draftmen; supervises and assists in the drawing of construction, maintenance and improve-' ment plans; supervises and assists in work of assembling plans and material for writing specifications; makes estimates of project costs; makes monthly estimases of amounts due contractors on the percentage of work done; keeps r~cords of easement, established grades, contracts, e~c.; makes required reports. Can work on all phases of street conssruc~ion and maintenance, utility installation, storm and sanisary sewers, building land other structures. Performs related work as required. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with other City officials and employees, consractors and the general public. Performs the following administrative type duties: regular- ly exercises discretion and independen5 judgment and has the authority to make important decisions; assists the department head or administrative employee; works under only general super- vision using specialized or technical knowledge required in the Engineering Department requiring special training experience or knowledge; ability to execute special assignments under general supervision. MINIMUM ~UALIFICATI©NS Completion of a college education in Civil Engineering and two years experience as a Civil Engineer on construction and maintenance work involving streets, sewer and sidewalks, or such combination of education and experience as may be accepted. Knowledge of the application of engineering principles to problems of streets, building and sanitary systems; knowledge of office procedures and methods of recording engineering data. assttoce.pmp 86- CUSTODIAN I NATURE OF WORK This is routine custodial work. Employees are responsible for the proper performance of cleaning and custodial work. Work is performed withou~ direct supervision, and requires the use of cleaning materials and related equipment. The employee works under general supervision, receiving specific instructions on unusual or new jobs. Routine assignments are checked by spot inspections or as a result of complaints. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Sweeps, mops, scrubs and polishes floors. Washes walls, windows and woodwork. Dusts, polishes, arranges and moves furniture and equipment. Replaces light bulbs, cleans and polishes meuals. Maintains a daily check of all rest room and lavatory installations, checking for supplies, etc. Unstops lavatories when necessary. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Working knowledge of building cleaning procedures, cleaning processes, supplies and equipment. Ability to understand and carry out oral and written in- structions. Ability to perform routing operations involved in custodial duties without immediate supervision. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees. Neat, pleasant appearance. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Some experience in janitorial or related custodial work; ability to read and write or any equivalent combinauion of experience and training. custodi.pmp 86- CREW LEADER - con't. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Considerable experience in performing heavy manual and semi-skilled tasks. Completion of the eighth grade, or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Must have a valid Florida driver's license. crewiead.pmp 86- LIFEGUARD I NATURE OF WORK This is responsible observational work on the municipal beach. Employees in this class are responsible for the safety of persons on the beach or in the water in the guarded area. Work consists of exercising actual life saving functions and preven- tive safety measures. The employee works under the supervision of the Beach Supervisor with some independence of action. Work is checked periodically by the Beach Supervisor. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Watches the waster and beach area vigilantly for lurking dangers, persons in trouble, undertow, swimmers who have ventured out too far, etc. Aids Beach Supervisor or Lifeguard II to regulate beach activity and safeguard public property. Repairs and paints buoys, towers, lines, and other equip- ment. Administers firs~ aid for minor cu~s and bruises. Makes report of same to Beach Supervisor or Lifeguard II. Obtains professional aid immediately in the case of serious injury or accident. Sees that beach is free of debris washed ashore by the tides. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of life saving procedures. Thorough knowledge of ocean currents and how to fight them. Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of artificial respiration. Ability to swim long distances in rough water; to handle frantic and hysterical persons in the water and to overcome any possible obstacles in rescue operations. Ability to remain calm and alert in emergencies and to react quickly and effectively; ability to instruct bathers in -the prevention of various dangers and to supervise their activities. Ability to perform rigorous exercises and keep in top physical condition. Ability to establish and maintain effective working rela- tionships with other employees and the general public and to maintain a neat appearance and pleasant manner at all times. Skill in the practices of first aid principles and tech- niques. LIFEGUARD I - CON'T. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Completion of an Oceanic Rescue Training Course and Cardiopulminary Resuscitation, possession of a current valid Red Cross Life Saving Certificate and sound knowledge of the princi- ples of life saving. Some experience as a lifeguard. Graduation from a standard high school. lifegrdi.pmp 86- LIFEGUARD II NATURE OF WORK This is responsible observational and supervisory work on the beach. An employee in this class is responsible for the safety of persons on the beach or in the water in the guarded area. Supervision of Lifeguard I personnel is required. Work consists of exercising actual life saving functions and preventa- tive safety measures and there is an element of personal danger involved when it becomes necessary. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statemenus of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Watches the water and beach area vigilantly for lurking dangers, persons in trouble, swimmers who have ventured out uoo far, undertows, rough play on beach, etc. Rescues persons from the water. Uses Artificial respiration until resuscitator arrives. Regulates beach activities, guards public properuy. Repairs and paints buoys, towers, lines and other equipment. Provides first aid for minor cuts and bruises. Obtains professional aid immediately in the evenu of serious injury. Sees that beach is kept free of debris washed ashore by the tides. Supervises all work of Lifeguard I and assumes responsibili- ty for all activities at the beach. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Thorough knowledge of life saving procedures. Thorough knowledge of ocean currents and how to fight them. Thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques of artificial respiration. Ability to swim long distances in rough water; to handle frantic and hysterical persons in the wauer and to overcome possible obstacles in rescue operations. Ability to remain calm and alert in emergencies and to react quickly and efficiently. Ability to assume direction of Lifeguard I employees and direct all activities at the beach during absence of the Beach Supervisor. Ability to perform rigorous exercises and keep in top physical condition; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with other employees and the general public and to maintain a neat appearance and pleasant manner at all times. LIFEGUARD II - con't. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Completion of an oceanic rescue training course and Carti°pulminary Resusciation, possession of a current valid Red Cross Life Saving Certificate and thorough knowledge of the principles of life saving. Not less than three years experience as Lifeguard I at a municipal beach. 'Ability to instruct bathers in the prevention of various dangers; graduation from a standard high school. lifegdii.pmp 86- RECREATION SUPERVISOR I NATURE OF WORK This position requires the planning, organizing, and direct- ing of special recreation programs and assisting in the supervi- sion of a recreation center. Work is performed under the general supervision of a Recreation Supervisor III or II and/or the Superintendent and/or Director. Supervision of recreation instructors and volunteers is required. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: TheSe examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Plan, organize and supervise summer day camp programs. Plan, organize and supervise special programs such as festival, community bands, drama clubs, and other cultural recreation activities and special events. Assist the Center Director in planning the over-all center program and assist in supervision of the center. Perform related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of recreation philosophy and leadership is re- quired. Knowledge and skills in cultural recreation programming desired. Ability to serve on a leadership and initiative basis required. Ability to maintain an effective working relationship with other employees and the general public. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a Bachelor's degree in Recreation Administra- tion/Leadership or related field; or graduation from a high. school supplemented by college-level courses in recreation, and at least one year successful paid experience in the field of recreation. State Recreation certification preferred. recrsupi.pmp 86- RECREATION SPECIALIST NATURE OF WORK Under the supervision of a Recreation Supervisor and/or Superintendent and/or Director, the specialist is responsible for the organization, development and leadership of one recreation activity, or several closer related activities. Specialists are skilled in one activity area such as tennis, arts and crafts, drama, music, swimming, etc. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Organizes, supervises and instructs a community tennis program. Serves as an ar~s and crafts specialist for summer day camps, playgrounds, and cenuers. Serves as leader of a Community Band program. Served as a Sports Clin!c Direcuor. Serves as a Day Camp Director for youth. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Specialists must possess expertise in their activity. Specialists must incorporate their speciality into an acceptable philosophy of recreation and interpret this to the participants. Specialists must establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees and the public. Must perform related work as required. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING High school graduation, speciality training through higher level education or certification and two or more years of suc- cessful, paid experience. recrspec.pmp 86- PLANNING GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN NATURE OF WORK This is technical level work in the Planning Department and it involves the preparation of graphics for reports, ordinances, and special projects. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Senior Planner, and is reviewed by observation of the graphics produced. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intendsd only as illustration~ of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Updates Zoning Map, official city map and future land use plan; prepares tables and diagrams for ordinances, and revises maps contained in the Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Strate- gy Area Study. Prepares maps and diagrams for reports to the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council; prepares exhibits for the public, including plans for City facilities and special events. Prepares maps for special projects, including Vacant Land Infill Study, Downtown Redevelopment Plans, and Annexation Area Study. Collects data necessary for map compilation; takes materials to outside graphics studios, where required. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGES~ ABILITIES AND SKILLS Understanding of principals of graphic design, particularly as they apply to 'mapmaking, Ability to translate data into easily comprehensible maps and diagrams and adapt design to a variety of audiences. Ability to collect and organize data to be used in maps and diagrams. Ability to understand ordinances and policies as they affect the quality of maps that are required. Skill and creativity in using graphics tools and materials to produce neat, professional quality graphics. Some understand- ing of problems involved in map reproduction is desirable. DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING College level coursework in drafting, design, geography, planning, architecture, landscaping architecture, or design-related field, including courseork in cartography or survey drafting; or at least six (6) months experience in draft- ing or design, including experience in mapmaking. plngrtec.pmp 86- RECREATION SUPERVISOR II NATURE OF WORK This position requires supervision and direction of an indoor and/or outdoor recreation center or facility to include organizing and planning a comprehensive program for such facili- ty. Work is performed under the supervision of Recreation Supervisor III and/or Superintendent and/or Director. Initia- tive and sound judgement is required, along with supervision of personnel assigned to the facility. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed in this classification. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Plans and directs a varied recreation program for all age groups using the facility. Directs a youth program which may be organized on a youth club basis. Serves on a leadership and instruction basis as required to fulfill program objectives. Prepares and maintains records and reports as required by the Recreation Superintendent and/or Director. Performs related work as required. KNOWLEDGESr ABILITIES AND SKILLS Knowledge of recreation philosophy and recreation center operation principles required. Ability to perform on a leadership basis as necessary. Ability to maintain an effective working relationship with other employees and the public. EXPERIENCE ANDTRAINING Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a Bachelor's Degree in Recreation Adminisnration or related field, and at least two years paid successful experi- ence in the field of recreation, preferably at a supervisory level. Sta~e certification preferred. recsupii.pmp 86- RECREATION SUPERVISOR III NATURE OF WORK This position required supervision of one or more major recreation facilities and/or programs. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Recreation Superinten- dent and/or Director. Duties are extensive and varied requiring considerable initiative, independent action, and sound judgment. Supervision of one or more employees is required. ILLUSTRATIVE TASKS Note: These examples are intended only as illustra- tions of the various types of work performed in this classi- fication. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related, or a logical assignment for this position. Plan, organize, and direct community-wide recreation programs such as athletics, the arts, outdoor recreation, etc. Supervise and provide administration for a recreation complex housing several facilities such as swimming pools, ballfields, recreation centers, playgrounds, etc. Assist the Superintendent and Director in preparation of a departmental budget. Recruit employees and volunteers; conduct in-service training programmings. Perform related work as required. KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Sound knowledge of philosophy and principles of recrea- tion administration and programming. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees and the general public. Expertise in one or more areas of recreation activity programming is desirable. Ability to assume responsibility for department opera- tions in the absence of the Recreation Superintendent and Director. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing with a Bachelor's degree in Recreation and/or Park Administration or related field. A minimum of two years successful work experience in the field of recreation at a supervisory level. State certification in Recreation preferred. recsuiii.pmp 86-